Go ahead and get started I think this is the last, session, of the ignite, conference so, thank. You all for coming to what will undoubtedly be, the best and most interesting, compelling. Session and we're gonna in this session we're gonna actually talk about Microsoft. App source our. Catalog. For applications, that you can go discover and deploy inside, of your organization. We're. From the Microsoft 365, organization, so we're gonna focus today on some. Of the new things that we have coming for helping you deploy applications, that integrate with Microsoft, 365, we, call these Microsoft, 365, apps so, hopefully, in today's session you'll come away with kind of this tour of the new, capabilities that we're rolling out to make it easier for everyone to go deploy applications if. You're an ISV you will also come away with maybe some ideas about how you can better prepare your applications, to get deployed in through, Microsoft, app source and get them into the hands of your users now, on my camera line I work on the Microsoft 365 marketing, team and. Along with me is his energy law yes so, thank, you everyone for coming, I am, Susanna drone also from Microsoft, 35 marking team thank you yeah, so, so today we're gonna cover the entire landscape, of Microsoft, 365 apps and how you can go deploy and discover, them but. First let me talk a little bit about Microsoft, 365, apps and and what those look like and what we think are gonna, be an emerging, class of applications, that will, empower productivity, throughout, your organization you've. Probably heard a lot about it through the past you know four or five days here, at Microsoft ignite, but, we'll just go through it super quickly just to kind of set the stage then. We're actually gonna talk about you know new ways that we have to actually certify, applications, a huge, part of putting applications. Into, your organization's, actually. Comes from you. Know making sure that they're secure that they have compliance, policies, put in place that, the application. Providers, that you're working with have, you know good plans for for example incident, management or they're compliant with gdpr and so, we'll talk about some new tools that we're putting together today, to, actually make that a lot more easy and accessible, for you we're.
Going To talk then, also a little bit about some new deployment tools that we have coming soon into. Your Microsoft 365, tendencies, that will make it possible to quickly put. The right applications, into, the right hands at the right time. For all of your users so end-to-end, will, cover, Microsoft, apps will cover how you can actually verify, them and help to kind of make, sure that they're gonna work in your environment and then finally we'll cover deployment, as well. Okay. So let's go drill down a little bit on where, we see Microsoft 365, apps you know about, ten years ago 15. Years ago when. You were looking at applications, in your environment typically, it would probably be, some form of a Windows application and, this, was an application that was designed probably, for one user sitting. On their one PC a desktop, PC probably. And. The, challenge for deploying that application, was okay you've got this package of bits how, do you actually get that package of bits onto ten-thousand, desktops in your company and yes, Windows applications, still are fairly popular we have some new tools for them but. You know there's there is that kind of a challenge that you have in sort of managing and deploying those applications, you. Know even office applications, you. Know they were also typically designed for one user at a time on one PC. And. Providing, just a really good experience for that one particular user, but. You know the world's changed quite a bit in the past ten, to fifteen years one. Of the things that we find for, example is that in the last five years people, are working in twice as many teams as they were before, and so, therefore, actually. What happens and what's interesting is making sure that when, you start with people at the center you, actually. Have to start to bring together all the different data facets, that they have inside, of their organizations, so, as people start working you, know they've got their tasks, they've got their teams they've got the groups that they're a part of it those are really key to any application, no matter what it's doing that it should know the kinds, of people.
That You're working with the kind of tasks that you're working on what your calendar looks like in the like and so. It becomes more important, for these application, experiences, to be aware of the broader world, around people so. That they can connect all that information, into one place now. We have one tool for that it's called Microsoft, graph it's basically an API that allows you to get at those key information facets, and pull them together and connect them up but. Then in addition to that the. Other you know major trend, is in addition to being into more teams and having more these data artifacts, kind of floating around there's. Also more devices, that, we'll have you know that they want to get their application, experiences, on - ranging. From iPhones, up through, PCs and laptops up, to surface hub twos you, know we've got a lot of cool new hardware, that's coming out from the surface team different form factors, people. Want a consistent experience, across all of those devices connected. To the information, that's relevant to them and so, we've started to build this into applications, like Word for example where when, you're inside of word you could very quickly add a task to it to kind of you, know let your team know that you have taken on this activity to, go improve the document, in some way you can app mention people in a Word document, you know those kinds of capabilities are just good examples, of being more, connected you, know and being, sort of just a new kind of application, and we, call these applications, Microsoft, 365, apps but. What it means is as you're going to go look to deploy these applications, it's also a lot more complicated in some regards you've got to think about what does it take to get that application experience across different devices what. Does it take to get that application experience connected, to data with, our right permissions, and, what does it make you know what does it take to make sure that people can find and, discover the applications, you, know it's an application, isn't very useful if nobody ever finds it and so a key, part of deploying application, successfully is also just making sure that it shows up seamlessly in, the application experiences, that people are putting together.
Ok. So. Microsoft. 365, apps behind, the scenes there's a lot of technology, that we talked about at ignite that you can use to pull these experiences, together across. Windows across websites through, browsers like Microsoft, edge we, have a lot of new client, technologies, to make it easier to build you, know applications, and websites that they're at the core of a Microsoft 365, app we. Have Microsoft. Graph and Microsoft identity these are back-end services, that allow you to connect and build these, connected, experiences, you, know inside of applications, if you want to access, some, of these tasks, or calendars, you can do it with Microsoft graph if you want to make sure that you have a seamless identity. Experience, you know it supports. Password, lists authentication it supports two-factor, authentication you. Can leverage the Microsoft, identity, platform and then. Finally we also really believe in the, ability to extend, and connect into Microsoft, 365, apps so, applications, can deliver extensions. That also go into apps like teens or SharePoint or Word or Excel to. You, know make themselves, available where, work is getting done inside, of those key applications. So. That's the landscape, of Microsoft 365, apps a little bit of the tech stack there's. A number of sessions this week where. You can find out all about these different technologies and how you can better leverage them you, know if you're building your own applications, inside of your company if you're an ISV, building your applications. For a broad audience there's. A whole set of technologies, you can leverage to build these better connected, Microsoft, 365, apps, but. We've, also improved, the ways that people can go access, those applications. It starts. From an understanding that you, know different types of customers or choir applications. In a number of different ways so for, example small businesses, or you know maybe teams inside of a larger company typically. What they do is they acquire applications, through a direct motion so. What they do is they go to a store, they, go to you, know the web sites they go to a search engine and they look for hey you know what our team needs you a particular application for managing our tasks, and so. Through, a number of different mechanisms they'll go find an application they, may go purchase it they may use their business credit card to go buy it but, there's a healthy, number of customers, that actually go, purchase their application, through a direct motion and, for that we have something called Microsoft, app source which is our integrated, catalog, it spans across, dynamics. And office in a number of other Microsoft properties it has SAS, applications. That standalone, as well um, it becomes a great source for actually finding applications, that you can go, purchase and acquire and deploy inside of your organization without. You. Know needing sort, of a bigger infrastructure. To go make that purchase happen, it doesn't require like a custom contract, for example. But. We know that you. Know a number of our customers require, software not. Just through direct means but also through resellers, so, Microsoft for example has a network of over 70,000. Resellers, who resell. Microsoft, software but they're, also the first line of contact that many companies have when they're looking for broader solutions, in their environment, and so. There's a reseller channel that's another, way that people go acquire applications. And then, finally, for, larger organizations, typically you know Microsoft sells software to them and we have salespeople, and we have field sellers who connect with major corporations and sell them you know Microsoft software things, like Azure and the like and the. Really great thing that we're actually introducing. For the is fees and. For customers, is that across all three of these channels we're. Making third-party, applications, you know things like Adobe, sign for example or think like well, you'll see the list of applications we're, working to make sure that these applications are available across these channels in different forms, so.
No, Matter how you actually acquire applications, no matter how you actually purchase applications this. Broader marketplace of Microsoft, 365, apps can, be made, available to you in a very streamlined fashion through one of these channels, now. If you'll take another look what, we think about how's Microsoft, 365, applications. We're, also changing our sort of fundamental, architecture, for how we describe them, when, I was on the SharePoint program management team I used to be a program manager we worked on building extensions. To SharePoint our. First you. Know implementation, was we had this concept of an office store and the, office store was great you could go find different extensions for SharePoint you could find different add-ins for office and, typically, we also had a way that you could go acquire them and pay for them so. You could go pay for an add-in to SharePoint, it might cost you you know a thousand, dollars or you know you, know ten dollars per user per month are those kinds of things a lot of flexibility, but. What we found is so. Many of the applications that are in our marketplace people. Don't want to charge for the add-ins, what. They want to do is they want to make it easy to godiscover the add-ins but, pay for a broader application, suite so, in other words you, don't go by the Adobe sign for word add-in, you just by Adobe sign and then you want to go deploy those add-ins into your organization, so what. We're doing is we're actually a does adjusting, our approach to how we sort of market these different applications to focus on a concept, of SAS. Applications. Software-as-a-service applications, so. At the core inside of our marketplace and across those three channels, that I just mentioned we're, gonna have, these kind of core offerings, things like priority, matrix we'll see a good list things like right make them available to users as a core application, and then, all of the add-ins that go.
Along With that application whether, it's an iOS application, whether it's, you. Know like an add-in for word or teams like, those add-ins would come for free and just be very seamlessly. And quickly deployed, so, we expect that the marketplace. Is going to center, around this concept of a SAS application. So. Let's take a look at this so. One example is Adobe sign so as I mentioned Adobe sign is a great, signature, product, it, integrates, really well across Microsoft, 365. It's, used, by all kinds of companies and organizations in. This case the Iowa State Alumni Foundation to. Replace paper-based, processes, and. So as you can imagine it's, a really great complement, to for example documents. Inside of SharePoint, and. So yes you can go to Adobe sign you. Know signed out Adobe comm and go use the application, and. Go submit, documents, to go have, an e-signature process, on top of them but, they actually work a lot better when you use them inside of Microsoft 365, products, like SharePoint in teams and so. When we take a look at this diagram that I showed you earlier you, know when you look at something like Adobe's sign it actually. Is an application, that comes with a number of different additives and extensions, yes. They have extensions, for SharePoint and for Outlook and for word and. For. Excel. As well I believe in for PowerPoint I believe but. They, also have an iOS application, in an Android application and you, know once you pay for Adobe sign as a customer, you get access to all of these great add-ins, and so, the goal that we're gonna see a little bit later today in this session is is how do we make it possible and. How do we streamline, the process of getting all these different extensions. That. You would, want to deploy once you've purchased Adobe, sign into. The hands of customers and, so. This is really you know our, marketplace, view, of Microsoft, 365, applications. You, know taking this universe, of extensions, centered. On the concept of SAS applications. And trying, to streamline wherever possible and make them available, as. I mentioned the SAS service really lies at the core that's the thing that people are looking to kind of manage and deploy, you. Know we have, a growing, number of ways to integrate across Microsoft. 365, you, know you've probably heard a little bit this week about teams and the. The ecosystem, that it has a set of applications, we. Have you, know things that we've tea, talked about in terms of you know new technologies, down the road like. Fluid framework there's just a growing number of different ways that people can go extend, experiences. Across Microsoft, 365. So. Just some other examples really quickly you know in addition to Adobe sign like applications, like smartsheet, you know it's an application that we had here at ignite and won an award for, you. Know great integrations, into Microsoft 365, you, know Reich is a task management application, and you. Know tasks, is just another one of those workloads where you, want to access your tasks from Outlook to convert you know emails into tasks you want to access your tasks and teams to kind of make sure that your team can go focus on them it's a great example of a Microsoft 365, application. You. Know other ones like Survey Monkey serving monkeys doing a great number of new, and improved integrations, with Outlook and with teens so. They're doing a lot of great work there too. So. The, first stop, that people usually have when they want to go deploy a Microsoft, 365, application. Is to, start to think about and consider the security and compliance.
Ramifications. Of applications, you, know a lot of times you have both end users and IT administrators. In an organization, you want to make sure that the end users if they're gonna be allowed to go deploy applications, they, can deploy applications that are safe. And compliance, and sort of compatible, with the policies, that your organization, has put in place and. If you're an IT administrator and. You're deploying an application throughout, your organization that's. Also gonna be your first stop is to go validate, and look, at all the different standards and compliance, capabilities that. The applications, have inside, of your environment, so. The thing that we've actually introduced, about six months ago that we're expanding is a concept, called publisher, attestation, so. What, this means is as the, different application, vendors supply, new applications, into the marketplace we're asking them to provide, more details, about the, kinds of applications that they're submitting, so. For example you, can see from over 40 different types of standards and and validation. Criteria how. That application has you, know fared. And what its compatible, with this. Comes, at the time of submission so as they're submitting their application, in a partner center they're asked to fill out all these properties so it should be there we're. Going back and actually retrofitting. This to a number that Apple kitchens that are already in the store so you know we're working with a number of vendors to add their information to, their existing, entries so, it's a little bit of a process we haven't you know completed, it yet but. We've have you, know I think it's over now 80 applications, that now have some form of publisher, attestation in the store. This. Is all powered by Microsoft, cloud app security so, what Microsoft cloud app security is, our you know separate product that actually provides insights, into over 1600, different applications, you know that that we've gleaned you know from the broader marketplace so, you know we're, reinforced. If you will by the set of information and standards that come from Microsoft, cloud app security now. We started this with Microsoft, teams application six months ago we're, now expanding it to all Microsoft, 365, applications. So it becomes available to those as well, so let, me just show you a little bit of what this looks like so I'm, just going to go to a kms. You. Know. Sorry about that IKS. PA. Team's apps like, this and. So. This is our catalog that you can see here right here and, you can see a number of different applications that are in the marketplace that have different you, know bits.
Of Publisher information that have been submitted into them in this, case I'm going to start with adobe sign and, adobe sign is now certified, we'll talk about that in just a minute but, what you could also see is that there's, a lot of key information about adobe sign and typically as an administrator, you know they would need to go collect this information themselves, they'd have to go to adobe.com they'd, have to go find the right page that maybe had some facets of this information but. Here you can see here's, all the key information about there, are privacy policies, their terms their contacts. Their phone numbers all that, kind of information but more importantly, we also have you, know key facets, of compliance that are listed here we, have the set of permissions that are required from a Microsoft graph perspective, in order to use an application, and, in, addition. We. Have a lot of the compliance, standards, listed, here and how they sort of fare against it so you. Can see a little bit more information about the questions that we ask and those kinds of things you can see for example that Adobe sign complies with ISO 27001. Which, is a very comprehensive, standard, for example for you, know managing the you. Know different facets, of managing, and deploying and application through its lifecycle you, can see that there are compatible with Sauk - you. Know of course there's a lot of standards in the industry so. Adobe sign for example has really, great compliance, you know Adobe is of course a very well-known, industry player so, you know the fact that they've got compatibility, with Sauk - and ISO 27001. Is a huge, huge, you. Know indicator, that that really you know should give you assurance, of, course because, there's so many different industry standards you know they're not going to be compatible with everything. And. You can see that there's also information about their GDP. Our compliance, and, more information there so. This, is just an example you. Know and you, can also see their csa star information, and different, sort of facets of that this is kind of a cloud, security alliance that's an independent organization, that also puts together information about, applications.
And If, I actually go to app, source. So. You can actually access app source through app source Microsoft, comm like so and. So. If I just go into look. For Adobe, sign like this. And. I, go here what. You should see is. You. Know if I actually go to their card what you can see is you, know that that publisher attestation. Is linked straight from their app detail, page so, as an, administrator, if you're evaluating the overall compliance, levels of an application, you know you should look for this link that says Microsoft Research 5 certification, it, will take you to those detailed, pages that I just showed you earlier and you can evaluate these applications, for you know conformance. To your company's standards. So. That's a little bit about the publisher attestation, side now keep in mind publisher, attestation comes from the publisher you. Know we work with a lot of great partners and there's a lot of great industry players and you know certainly companies like Adobe are gonna do a really great job of that it is attested. By the publisher, so there's no you, know sort of specific, you know further you. Know confirmation, that you know this one criteria, over here, you, know is, actually, legitimately, you know sort of adhere to from the company. So. The, next stage in this is this concept of Microsoft, 365, certified, applications, which is you, know Microsoft as an organization, doing some of the work to kind of validate, conformance. To the different types of standards and to a level of you, know overall compliance, that we think is really good. So. You. Saw that a little bit with Adobe's sign as I demoed it just earlier but it kind of consists, of this this logo and this badge that we have on these applications inside of app source that, says that an application, is Microsoft, 365, certified. So. The benefit for this is that you. Know this is kind of in some ways helps, give you more confidence in deploying the application, because. We validated, different facets, that yes they said they're ISO 27001. Certified we. Have validated and seen the the, reporting, that says they are you know ISO 27001. Compliant, it makes. It easier for IT decision makers and IT administrators, to make you, know more informed decisions more quickly we, are hoping that you know for whatever processes, you have for evaluating, an application, you're still very mindful of them but this hopefully, provides a shortcut to, get the key information more quickly to make a the deployment, decision, we're. Also hoping this is great for business users as well so that you. Know you can allow, for a more permissive environment. Where you, know maybe the business users can use an application in your environment, if it adheres, to certain criteria one, of them might be Microsoft, 365, certified, so, that you can empower users more quickly to, deploy the applications, for their team's that they need and. Then. Finally for is, vs you. Know whether you're in the audience whether you're watching online if you're an impotent. Software vendor who's actually producing, new applications, for the marketplace we, hope that this is a great way and a great way. To show, your customers that. You, know here's all the different compliance, standards we adhere. To to, make it easier for your application, to get adopted by customers, so, across, the board we think that certification will you, know lower the friction and make it easier to go deploy, different. Facets, of, applications. Now. The specific, things that we look through in certification, are across, five different criteria, now first among these is application, security, essentially. Doing, we. What we do is we actually work with the independent software vendor, we make sure that they've had some form of security pen tests from a reputable vendor, so, making sure that they're paying attention to the. Security facets, that they've had some auditing, on their, security posture, we also take in a lot of the operational, diagrams, things, like data flow diagrams, to make sure that they've considered different security threats and that they're deploying, with, an architecture, consistent, with security, we.
Take A look at the operational, security of the organization, so are they doing things like making sure that the patches on their servers are well maintained, and up-to-date you know the the key hygiene. Practices, if you will that are consistent, with a secure, environment you, know all the things that you might know, of in terms of you, know isolating, for example the networks and this the, resources, that an application, uses, to. Deploy, separate. From the actual runtime, environment, of the users and their business applications, to the developers, we. Talked about secure deployment, making, sure that they've got, deployment. Practices, that are consistent with security, best practices, making, sure for example that you, know the process for actually deploying an application doesn't. Require that every developer have a key on their mieze PC, those. Kinds of things we. Talked a bit about data hailing security and privacy so making sure that you. Know that. If they have data in their organization, that the access. To that data is carefully controlled and managed that, no you know in you know developer for example in the organization can go access that information by themselves, there's, a process, for you. Know limiting, access to data making. Sure that they have things like a incident, response policy so, that if an incident happens they've got a way to go respond to it making, sure that they've got good logging in place so that they can detect issues, before. They become bigger, issues inside of their organization, and, then finally we, also you, know take a look at their compliance with industry standards, so things like ISO 27001. Or, sock 2 or PCI DSS these. Are all industry, standards with reporting. Bodies that can do auditing, and make, sure that you conform, to these different policies we, make sure that we check to see that they actually have the reporting that they say they do that. Confirms, that an independent, agency has you, know certified, their compliance with a broader industry, standard so.
A Lot of different facets we think that you know again this is hopefully it will be a great shortcut for. Your, organization's, more comprehensive. You know process for, validating, and. Connecting, with different applications. Now. If you're an ISP. The process for actually submitting your application, we're sort of rolling this out slowly across Microsoft, 365 applications. The. First step is that as you submit your application we. Have that publisher, attestation infrastructure. Into place from Microsoft 365, applications. So, we're asking that you consider. All the different facets, those you know that page of different security standards that I showed you earlier we're. Gonna ask all the vendors to make sure that they attest for their application, if. They want to be certified then they can mark themselves as you know being, willing willing to be certified, through Microsoft 365 we. Have a small. Intake right now as we're sort of working through and. Adding more vendors but. Once we sort of select you to get through certified, and through the process what will happen is you'll. Submit your architecture, and documentation, you'll work with our consulting, teams to, kind of go drill down and help them understand, your organization's, environments, you, know if you've already adhered, to standards, like ISO 27001. You, know with all its you know very many compliance, controls we'll take that information in we, have a number of different differences, from. Additional. Things that we look for in addition to ISO 27001. For example and, then finally we'll do a number of different interviews and reviews of the application, vendors environment and consultation. If. There are issues we'll ask the vendor to go remediate, them and. Once they've gotten through this process and they've you know satisfied, all the different criteria they get a certification that's good for one year so, this, is the, process for actually sort of connecting with, Microsoft. 365 certification. We're, working through teams applications, now we're sort of starting small. And adding more applications, over time so you know expect us, to add applications. Over the next six months and. We're, also like I said sort of taking in publisher attestation information, for a broader audience with applications, as well, now. The result, of all this is that now we actually have compliance, across we. Have three applications, that are Microsoft 365 certified, we have adobe sign. We have dynamic signal which is an application for communicating, to all the people in your organization for. Sending out broadcast, news and updates and information and we, have rike which provides task management. You. Know services, so you. Know it has a great set of tools and, infrastructure, for managing tasks, for putting them in roadmaps and timelines, and then managing them across teams inside of your organization and, in, addition we have a number of publisher attested applications, across the board you, know this is just a small subset but we're you know adding more publisher and tested applications, every day so, that when you go to app source when you see that link you.
Can Actually go. You. Know follow that link and find out more information about, the, fundamental, details of you. Know the compliance, facets, of that application and you can take a look at all the other applications, in our gallery here in our catalog of different compliance. Levels that we have for applications. So. That's a little bit about some of the tools we're putting in place for certification and, for security I in compliance, and, we hope that these will sort of streamline, some. Of the deployments that you're looking to make but, we're also adding new tools for to help with deployment, and so to cover those Susanna if you want to take. That on over. Thanks. Mike so as, Mike mentioned I will continue and then to cover unified, deployment, so, before. I started just get some context, on what exactly is, unified appointment, so, we first introduced microsoft's 3-5 apps and we want to bring a better experience and to the customers and also to the IT organizations, that you can better discover and acquire and purchase manage those applications, more easily and also, from one single location so, that's what we refer to as unified appointment, so. There are specific features. And functionality, scenarios, that we're building up so, these are the five major ones that we, are delivering so. Particularly. There are discover, purchase, acquire test. Deploy, and manage so, I'm going to quickly talk through each of them and then we'll show a live demo to show how these ones works, so. For discover as. Mike mentioned for. Business, in customers, you can purchase applications, from app stores so really is discover is we bring the discover experience from, officers to the Microsoft 35 immune center so for IT and then they can't just discover this in the same location, rather you you know open up another web had a web page and then you search everything yourself and then, the second scenario is acquired, in the purchase so, because, we're bringing the app store together with admin center so that will bring you the easier. Convenience, that you can so complete the purchase and then, into end through the you, know through the abscess that built in the, third ones test which is very important, that we know for IT, and the customer that you want to test those applications. And make sure that this works in the meteor customer requirements, in your organization, requirements, before you actually deploy them to all of your entire organization so, we provide the capabilities, for you to test it and before, you deploy the.
Whole Authorization. The first one is deployment, so. For. The deployments we have the flexibility, that you can, choose to who to deploy when, to deploy and what to deploy so, that really is bringing the flexibility, and also. The different options to you the, manage is also, a very good one there, are those. Applications. That they keep doing more of the integration, points with Microsoft 35 so, any moment, that they are doing more and then you will get automatically, reminder and then you will be able to see there are more applications, for deployment that you can take actions and then of course if you need to remove and then you can also do that as well so, I'm. Going to switch to another window. So I can do the live demo. Okay. So. So. Pretending, myself as IT admins. So now I'm already locked into the admin, Center so, I will, show the five scenarios that I just mentioned so, the first one is discovered, so, when you are inside, the admin Center and then you can click on add up, again. Apps when, you click on the apps and then there will be a pop-up window that will pull the view of app source so whatever the applications. That's published, and available in, the app source and then, you will be able to see them all from here a pop-up window at this time that you don't have to jump on another website so. On this of course you can search all the applications, here that, is available and then on the left hand side you can also search by the products, or by the categories, or by the industries, so, it depends on how. You. Like to uh prefer, you're searching spheres and look, through and then, you can also directly type the application. Name or IV name and then, to search for that in particular so, today I'm going to use the. Ice V appellants, and their application, is party so, it depends on how you go so, I'm just going to type the application. Name, priority. Matrix, yes. So you, haven't finished but there they load up all the applications, information points that, associate, with appleís. And priority. Matrix for the application, so, this is how you discover, the. Applications, either you can look through yourself, or if you know the application already and then you can just search the name easily, and. Next. We're going to look at the purchase and acquire so, this, is kind of a very good example of Microsoft. Through the 503, say five apps so, they have web apps and they have unlock integrations, on. Locate add-ins and they also have teams apps so, as earlier mentioned by Mike in the session and then, the concept is the SAS applications, being purchasable. From the app source so, you can click get it out and, then. There will be a pop-up window to. Ask for your information about before, you know you can make the purchase so I'm just going to type my name here I won't make the real purchase but then we're going to complete this step, so you can see like what's gonna happen next so. I'm. Just using my my. Name and also my work email. Then going to put some numbers. Okay. And then. There. Are, specific. Terms. And conditions and also the statements, that we asked for your permission so, in that case you, can have the kind of opportunity, to read through everything before, you move on for the next step. So. Once I moved to the purchase and then I opened up a new window. So. And then on this page you'll be able to provide. Your credit, card information and then, finish the transaction so, if the application, provides monthly. Purchase and then you will see that option if they also have annual purchase you can do that as well so in. This one is a user based or seed based purchase, so, you can you know type any numbers that you want to buy and you can see the right-hand side or they show the order summary and so. Far we provide the credit card purchase options that you can use company credit card to purchase and then, of course if I put all the information in the purchase will be go life will, be real so I will stop here and then but I'll tell you like what's, happened next so once you complete a purchase step. And then, there will be a new, link that's directly, to the unified. Appointment, so, I'm going to close this window and then, show that I'm landing, on this page so basically, it's when you finish you get a link that point you to the deployment, page so. Now the third scenario starts, which, is the deployment. So. When. We add the deployment, and then you can see that today the, are three that. You can deploy the team saps outlook add-ins in the O's of the web apps so, this is kind.
Of All the options of, these particular. Microsoft, you find app that you can deploy so, you click on next and. Here. Is what we mentioned about briefly, about the past vs. deploy so, of course the recommendation, is always you, test it first before, you deploy and I think most people are doing that too so, today we're using the full deployment so you can see the entire flow there. Okay. So, when. You move on to every single step and then there are certain applications, or, a certain web that web, apps that require permission. So we do want to make sure that you carefully read the description, on what this app does and then what kind of permission we ask for so, for this particular you can see that the next button is great so, you will have to accept the permission, before, this came up on this also to protect like your companies you know compliance, is all of, that requirements, so, it bring all the information to you so, I'm. Just going to provide my consent, so I can complete the rest and then as I mentioned like you will be able to see like what this means after accept, the. Terms and then to the deployment so, I'm gonna click on next, and. Now. You can see that permission accepted, so, and then you can move on to the next step. Okay. So, here's, kind of a quick review window on what. You are going, to deploy so, to be deployed is teams apps outlook in the web apps for priority matrix and also, its assigned users is entire, organization. So. As I mentioned is at the time that's we go life and then you will have the choice, to choose. Like who you want to deploy like, intern organizations, or you want to choose like specific users so. I'm, gonna click this and then finish the whole deployment, and, once. You finish the hold appointment you will have a summary page to show like what has been deployed and then, and, then you can go back to the admin center page you will also see that that, app will show up there on the list as a full deployment. So. Just take a few seconds. Yep. So, here, shows like the full deployment initiates successfully, and you can see like all of them finished and these, are the three that's way targeted for deployment, so I'm looking close this is. Done and then, on this page back. To the admin Center you'll see priority matrix are here and the, status okay in this full deployment and you can also see like what our have been deployed is the web applications, outlook aliens and teams apps. So. This, is the this, is at the point and then, next I'm going to quickly show the manage, so. For showing the manage I'm going to use this one Zoho, CRM to, show the manage so, earlier I mentioned like for. Many application, the good thing is if, the. Application, or ISP has done more integration. With Microsoft, 35 and then you will see the notice here it says more application, available and then, that's basically saying like you can choose more to, do that. So. If I click on this one and. Then. It's similar flow and then, but. This will give you kind of a quick step there saying, like this, has are being deployed which one has sorta been deployed and then which one is going to be deployed so you can see that deployed, apps so those are the web app that has been deployed and then, there are more applications, that can be deployed. So. Unless, you can see two more ones one is the outlook add-ins and the other one is teams apps and those, are ready for your deployment, and then, so you can click on the buttons and, then.
This, Provide you a description, on what these two does and then, before you move on to the next step of the point. Yep, so, now we finish, this and then you can see a similar summary here on this, page and then I'm. Gonna close this one and then, you can also see that now the now. That Zoho CRM also changed as three. Products. That are being that. Have already been deployed. So. This is a kind. Of five scenario, that we have showed, so far and then, I'm going to move switch back. Yes. So, quickly talk through this a little bit so after the IT department, and the customers have already deployed in the bring the applications. To the organization, and then we also want to invest in the capabilities that bring the users that weighs the holistic view that they can not only see the m35, services, and apps first-party, but also see all these you, know SAS apps that enable 480 then to bring to all of them and then on the same location so, and then of course we, also want to bring, the convenience that they can search your applications, through, different kind of categories and then they can find applications, for their use for, the convenience. So. Now is to summarize now you have seen kind of the concept of the unified appointment, and also, a quick, live demo of what, this is in how this works for the IT so, just quickly summarize the values that we see and we definitely. Hope that you see those similar values as well so. Really. Is those not only for the IDS and then we also see this bring might provide, some values, to the different audience of the, business users and also to dice views as well so, first we'll start with the IT so. Really is we have heard a lot of kind of comments, and also recommendations, is it's, kind of complicated for the IT team that to go different places different, locations, and then try to find all these informations, and try to do all the activities different things to deploy that application so, what we want to do is we're bring all these activities into, one location which, is Microsoft, 35 admin Center that's, the IT use and then in the daily so, that's kind of saying we want to bring that from, one single location and then, of course by, doing this as m35, apps, and we also want to bring the kind of full value of an applications. That can bring to your customer, and your stakeholders. At your support every day because. All these applications you know you're all Microsoft customers and then, you have the n35 already and all these applications when, they build integration points with the m35 and then, they, can launch those services from any of their you know any of the workloads and then really convenient for them to use as well and also fully being created with the keyword clothes from mc5 and then, of course also you, know just touch base quickly on the simplify process, we, want to make sure like the process we provide or the steps we provide are as simple as possible so in that case is, easy to use for IT and then, it's also easy to understand. And consume, the kind, of the steps there and then, the last one is also, kind. Of we want to shorten the time that from applications, that to the users for, fractions. So, in them by bring kind of the end to end in a quick flow over there so, that's kind of a quick, summary. Of what we see this could bring to the IT team and then, now it's mentioned quickly a little. Bit about the business users and positions. Because, most of you as, an IT organization or, IT team that, you support, the stakeholders, or you're closely, with the stakeholders, and Brett bring all these applications, that business users might need so, bring all of that and then also help the business users that it can get this applications. In a consistent way and also very quickly, so. And then the. Other one is also because, as, our recommendation, is we definitely recommend you do the full deployment and also, is all applications. Because that bring the full value of the, apps to your user so, that they can get the full value of them to five apps and then, for ice fees. Because. All these experience. Of unified appointment, and then if. All, of this has been happening and then this really also helps size piece and then helps ice fees can bring their applications. Quicker to the customers, and also, demonstrate the better on their values the customer as well from, using the applications, so. So. Now we have, some kind of recommendation some, recommendations, on you, know how you can take advantage of this or how we can get ready for this so, really. Get ready there are two kind, of two, kinds of audience here.
You Can take different actions, to get ready for this so, one is from the ISD perspective, from, ISP perspective as we introduced, the concept of Microsoft through five apps and then, you have a course application, SAS services, and then with key workload. Integration with Microsoft, certified so, we would highly recommend the ICS, that build the SAS applications, or SAS services, and then, with integrations, of m35, so that's definitely the first recommendation and then the second one is of course for, this to be launched, and then, we would also need ice fees to link their web applications, with their integration. Points so in that case this can bring the full kind, of the whole, portfolio, and whole set of Microsoft 3-5 apps into. The bin center so that's more from the ISP perspective, from. The IT, and, group. Perspective, there, are several things that we want to mention so the cable that were just demoed this will go on public preview early, 2020, so, we would definitely like you to kind of try and experience, this and then provide for their feedback to us and then to help us to make sure like all the capabilities, and experience, we're building that means IT requirements, and also, address your priorities and your knees there so. Another. Thing we're also highly, recommended, is we, are doing surveys. We're also doing we're actually doing service here in, the did the survey earlier at the beginning of the ignite and then minutes, of ignite work and. Then we, are also adding more of the focus groups post ignite it will be online so, if you are interested, in learning more we're actually inviting, our engineer. Groups and then to join the focus groups and then to talk more about saying how see review on this experience and then what, are the right experience, that you're looking for and are, we, providing the necessary capabilities. Or, are there anything missing that we should be considering so, in that it really helped us to address the capabilities, and also help us adjust our roadmap to make sure whatever, we deliver and then really meets the customer needs. So. So. Here's the link then, welcome. Everyone to sign up for. Yep. And this, is just a quick recap and also. Go to actions, so. If, your eye space as already mentioned, definitely. Highly, recommend you build your SAS applications, and also, make integration, points with my thirty-five and then, also. During. The session you have learned the, Microsoft. Through five certified apps and really is important, that you also participate. On that so that bring the confidence. In that also brings kind of the security compliance information. To the customer that will help the customer, to bring your application to the organization, is much easier and, for, the IT and, for. The IT and then, stay. Engaged on the unified deployment. And then join, our focus group and then also, try out the public preview. So. Looks like we're, finishing up this early yeah well so with that we'd, like to thank everyone for you, know coming to our session especially, you know in this late slot but thank, you more broadly on behalf of the Microsoft ignite team thank.
You For coming, to ignite and it's seeing all of our sessions we. Really appreciate it so with that thank you and if you have questions be happy to take them there. Was a lot, of good information. Can. I test. An app without paying for it, looks. Like in the flow I had to pay and then I could test, deploy, but. What if the app doesn't work out and now, I paid you know so. That's. A good question so the. There. Is some kind of a cancellation, policy for the apps so the the monthly I believe the monthly is within. And. Once you say is there's, hours slot for, a four monthly payment and also, there's also a time. Risk time, requirements, for the annual so not saying like let's. Say one o'clock and make the purchase 101. And then I'm locked so you have a time that you can cancel that and trials, right in the trial to try. Some. Of the applications, provide free trial so, if they provide free trial the free trial is by default first months it's all free so you can try that and then also, I, only showed the purchase but actually there's also experience, for acquire similar. Experience, that you don't have to buy and then you acquire this and then by consent, it bring you to the deployed unified, appointment, and then you can do the rest of tests all of that yeah just, a we probably didn't make this clear we. We have a lot of great ways for people, to go buy apps through the app source marketplace but there's a lot of companies, out there that you, know basically have their listing as you know free so to speak inside the marketplace of course they have their own mechanisms. For. How you pay for it you know they have their own trial infrastructure, for example and so, they offer a you know quote unquote for free we call it bring your own license and, make that available and so you can still use a lot of the unified deployment, tools. That Suzanna showed to, deploy those applications, as well and the, trial experience. Is really up to the ISP. As they so choose yeah. And one, other question absolutely. Support. Multiple. Hosts. Right outlook, teams. Yeah. As an admin can I select that I only want this to integrate without looking, I don't want it to nakum's yes. So you can choose which one that you want to deploy into. Who okay. Yes great. Thank. You very much. And. If you have a server if you have still, time to take a survey to, give us a performance. Evaluation that, would be great as well Thanks, thank you.
2020-01-20 14:36