McEnany defends Trump's comments on far-right extremist groups

McEnany defends Trump's comments on far-right extremist groups

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Court justice, antonin, scalia. In 2017. Judge barrett was confirmed in a bipartisan. Vote to serve on the 7th circuit court of appeals. In support of her 2017. Nomination, colleagues, described. Judge barrett as quote, a model, of the fair, and partial, and sympathetic. Judge. Judge barrett is not only a qualified, jurist but a woman of great character. Judge barrett is a devoted, working, mom of seven. Children, including, two adopted, from haiti. And one child born with special needs. Judge barrett is full of compassion, and empathy, and she understands, the needs of our nation's, most, vulnerable. Judge barrett would become the first ever, mother of school-age, children, to serve on the supreme, court of the united, states. If confirmed, judge barrett would be the only republican, appointed woman on the court and the fifth woman in the court's history. Her qualifications. Are many, her character, is unquestionable. Her devotion, to the constitution. And interpreting, the law as written. Is steadfast. Judge amy, coney barrett, is the right choice to serve on the supreme court and with that i will take questions. John. Kelly if i could start off um. I'd like to ask you for a definitive. And declarative, statement, without, ambiguity. Or deflection. As the person who speaks for the president. Does the president. Denounce. White supremacism. And groups that espouse, it in all their forms. This has been answered. Yesterday, by the president himself, the day before by the president himself, on the debate stage the president was asked this he said sure three times. Yesterday, he was point blank, blank, asked do you, uh denounce, white supremacy. And he said i've always denounced, any form of that i can go back. And read for you um in august 2019, and one voice our nation must condemn racism. Bigotry, and white supremacy, in august of 2017. Racism, is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals. And thugs including the kkk, neo-nazis. White supremacists, and other hate groups i have an entire list of these quotes that i can go through with you, he has condemned, white's privacy more than any president. In modern history, just to clear it up this morning, can you. Naming it, make a declarative, statement, that you deny that the president denounces. I just did uh the president has denounced, this, repeatedly. The president was asked this you're making, you're contriving, a storyline, and a narrative asking you to put it he said it to rest, i just did i read you all of the quotes and if you need to see them in writing, i will put them in an email paula so haley. Can you right now. Denounce. White supremacy. And the group that is found, the president. White supremacy.

The Kkk. And hate groups in all forms, he signed a resolution, to that effect, uh the president just last week perhaps, you all weren't covering it but just last week, expressed his desire to see the kkk. Prosecuted, as domestic, terrorist. This president. Uh had, advocated, for the death penalty for a white supremacist, the first federal execution. In 17, years, his record on this is unmistakable. And it's shameful that the media refuses to cover it yes, thank you the fbi. And the department of homeland, security. Say that racially. Motivated, violent extremism. Is one of the deadliest. Threats that we face in the u.s. Does this white house agree. With that assessment, and what is it doing to combat this threat, the president. Has done quite a bit to combat this threat first of all last week he also in addition to saying, he wants to prosecute, the kkk, as domestic, terrorists. He said uh that lynching should be a national, hate crime again, i think there's no stronger, signal that you can send, than advocating, for the execution, of a white supremacist. The first time there's been a federal execution. In 17, years he's been unmistakable, different, than actually. Doing it he's continually, condemned, it and it is really a record on this together, really is mixed, it has conducted. At times he said he didn't want to acknowledge it or address it his record is very mixed on this issue his record, is not mixed in the slightest, and when you go back in history. You can see that history right here when you go back in history you can see that jessica, jackson. Has praised the president as someone who served underserved, communities. This president with mar-a-lago. It was the first palm beach club open, to african americans, and jews, um and in fact, his records. On the issues. What has this white house does, she came back. Fbi. Says. All in this country we're not having a debate on a case. Right now saying that he condemns, it i have his record right here and you need to let me finish because the record is quite funny that the, media, goes haywire, about interrupting, and debates and then chooses to pursue. That very same tactic themselves, this is a white house briefing, you ask a question and you give me time to answer. Yes. The president, said at the debate that roe vs wade was not on the ballot and that judge amy coney barrett's, view was not known. She signed a newspaper, ad in 2006, which called for quote an end to the barbaric, legacy, of real versus wade. And the president has explicitly, promised to support judges that overturn, roe. Was he downplaying, her views on tuesday night and, what do you say to the american public about whether roe is on the ballot. The president, has been clear that he would never ask a judge to prejudge, a case. Judge amy coney barrett, has, on multiple, occasions, said, it is never appropriate, for a judge to impose, that judge's personal convictions. Whether they derive from faith or anywhere, else on the law. She said that she continues, to stand and vehemently, believe the core proposition, that if there is ever a conflict. Between a judge's personal conviction. And that judge's duty under the rule of law it is never, ever permissible. For that judge to follow their personal convictions, and the decision of the case, rather than what the law required doesn't expect her to overturn, roe he has said he would only appoint judges. President would never ask a judge to prejudge a case and what i would also say. Is we fully expect. That the ginsburg. Rule be followed throughout the course of these proceedings. I was then senator joe biden who set the ginsburg, rule. In saying that there are no questions, on how, ginsberg, will decide any specific cases that may come before her, um and justice ruth bader ginsburg, indeed.

Um Applied that rule throughout the course of her hearing on the first amendment religion. Will the president, commit to participating. In the next debate before the commission, changes, the rules. Um first with regard to the commission rule changes the president. Made clear his view on that yesterday that he thinks the only way there's a fair debate is change in the moderator, and a change in the democrat. Nominee, he wants to debate, he plans on being at the debate but he wants the rules, to be fair and wants a fair exchange, and doesn't want rules that cover for certain candidates, and ability to perform well. Thank you haley can you explain why it's appropriate for the president, to be, holding rallies, this weekend, in two. Areas that this white house has declared, to be red zones in wisconsin. Yeah so um the president, believes, that, people have a first amendment right to political, speech. He is having a rally people can choose whether or not to come, the governor has, begged the white house to please, not continue, having events like this your own pronoun virus task force says this is an area, that, people need to be really careful, and double down on social distancing, so why is it right for the president to be coming in there and holding another rally. We employ, measures um to protect, rally-goers. Um we encourage. Rallies, and people are shoved together there are thousands, of people standing close to each other. Rally yesterday, there was no social distancing, there so i assume you guys expressed, the same. Line of questioning, uh to the democrats. But what i would say is this is there really seems to be two standards, of health in this country one for trump supporters, and one for everyone else, you had 1300, health experts, literally, sign a letter that said, we do not condemn, these gatherings, speaking of the protests, that we all saw play out we do not condemn these gatherings, as risky. For coven 19, transmission, we support them as vital, to the national public health so it's vital if you're protesting. But somehow, political speech is no longer vital when it comes to a trump supporter, caitlyn, so, the proud, boys are people who consider, them to be members, of this group. Give voice to these misogynistic. Islamophobic. Anti-semitic. Anti-immigrant. Views, they're a despicable. Group by pretty much anyone's. Standards, so when the president was asked about them and you say he denounced, them that's what you're insisting that he did on the debate stage the other night, if that's the case then why are they celebrating. What the president, said, on the debate stage in front of millions of people, well i don't speak for that group so i'm not sure why you're asking me why they're saying a certain thing someone denounced you you probably wouldn't put it on a t-shirt and make badges, of it right the president did denounce them he was asked will you tell them to stand down he said sure, he went on to stand, which seems like an instruction. And then just yesterday, when he was asked he said specifically. Stand, down, um a synonym, would stand, back and the president said sure when asked by the moderator, whether they should stand down so again, another, it's it's really interesting, too to see that the media seems to be the only one putting the names of these groups. Into headlines. Into media reporting. Uh he didn't know who the proud boys were the first time i heard of them was in the debate, but the media. Continues, to put these names into circulation, and give them a lot of public attention. 12, hours, more than that since from the debate, when he was asked to clarify, yesterday, and he didn't come out and clarify, yesterday, instead, he did what you did when john asked you to unambiguously. Denounce, these groups, you just pointed to past things that you've said you can't i just don't understand why you knew you were going to get these questions and you don't have a statement ready to just say, we do unambiguously. Denounce, these groups. Do you know why people have lost trust in the media there was a reporter from your network yesterday, your network and in a tweet said, quote. I'm asking you a question what, you know what you're gonna bring up but that was nothing. Here when you lobbed your partisan, attack question, so you will allow me to give an answer, the president, and someone from your network said yesterday in a tweet, the president dodged, a question about white supremacy, that was a tweet from a cnn, reporter.

The President specifically. Verbatim. Was asked yesterday. White supremacy. Do you denounce, them, to which he responded. I have always, denounced, any form of that. Those are the facts. In cnn, i know that truth is of no moment to your network, but those are the facts. Republicans. Are calling on the president to be more forceful. Um. I have a question about unemployment, but i first wanted to clean up something from your opening you said judge barrett was a rhodes scholar. I'm not sure that that's true. Um, i, that's what i have right here, at rhodes college. College so. Very different thing all right um. Anyway. Within the last week, around 50 000 workers. Disney, united american airlines have all. Lost their jobs there's negotiations, going up on capitol hill but there seems to be. A. Division, between. Treasury. Secretary mnuchin, who. Has expressed some willingness, and, ability to work with speaker pelosi, and, chief of staff meadows, who. Is widely reported to be against, uh sort of moving forward with this deal, was up on the hill speaking with senator mcconnell, yesterday but not involved in the actual talks. At this point, isn't it time for the president especially, considering the tight calendar before the election, to step in himself and have these conversations. And, you know this came up with. The debate the other night. If not now. When, for, for, uh the president, as well. Yeah so you know first i would say nancy pelosi, is not being serious if she becomes serious, then we can have a discussion, here but. We've raised our offer but when you lower your offer 2.2, trillion, and you ask for direct payments to illegal immigrants and you ask for. Certain deportation. Uh forgivenesses. And your offer, it's not a serious offer, what we are talking about here, is relief, for the american, people for american, citizens, not direct payments to illegal immigrants, we raised our offer to 1.6, trillion. Among, that was 250. Billion for state and local the 250, billion for state and local is the estimated. Loss because of covid. And also there's 150, billion for schools 50, billion above what nancy pelosi, asked for it is a good proposal, but it's one that she is not interested, in, and, you have one more question i was just going to follow up on whenever. Yeah no go ahead. If immigration, is a stumbling block and this deal steel's not going to not going to get done because that. You know, chief meadows in the past had. Said that you guys were looking at unilateral. Executive, actions on airline age specifically. We're seeing massive layoffs, in that sector right now. It also said that there might be other things available, for. The millions of other americans who are facing joblessness, right now but are any of those things going to happen. Yeah it's a great question um and it's very sad to see what's happening in the airline industry i met a few of the airline workers on a flight who. Would lose their job and their, their, job loss 19 000 people facing layoffs. Is because of nancy pelosi the white house right now you talk about, unilateral. Action we are willing to look at, a, plan, a legislation, that is just clean legislation, to protect those airline workers. Nancy pelosi. Rather than, playing election, partisan, politics. Should come to the negotiating, table, let's consolidate, around things we agree on and i think something we can agree on is 19, 000, workers should not lose their job, in the airlines so it's incumbent upon nancy pelosi to engage with secretary, mnuchin, and the chief of staff. On making that a reality. Yes, thank you kelly. As you know the president, has criticized. The mail-in, voting process, quite a bit over the last few weeks. The other day he said. They found, a lot of ballots, in a river. Who is they. Um so the what the president was referring, to are. Something that we've seen just in the last seven days where, in wisconsin. Uh there were trails of may ending up in a ditch, that's i believe the specific, he was referring to, um and that included, absentee, ballots. Where we're specifically. In this particular, statement, though. Who is they, that found, those ballots, and where is this river, anywhere, in this country, the local authorities, it was a ditch in wisconsin, that they were found and i can get the article to your unboxing. And beyond that if human spoke that's fine. And you're really you're missing the force for the trees here the point is. I cover the news and i like to report accurately in the news and when the president, says they found a lot of ballots in a river, i simply want to know where the river is no you simply want to ignore, the fact, of the matter, again, i gotta ask so many questions about this. Where is this right, i think there's, accurate. This is what is happening, here you are ignoring, the problem here which is last week.

In Pennsylvania. You had ballots found in a ditch that is a fact, in wisconsin. Seven military, ballots, all marked for trump, were found, cast aside, there are problems with mass mail and, voting, i under i actually don't understand, the lack of journalistic, curiosity, and reporting on this there used to be, there used to be curiosity. Washington, post before president, trump. Highlighted, the problems with mail in voting they said the result was an unexpected. Stress, test of mail balloting, systems, when this was tried. Many of which were designed to handle only a small portion of the vote and are not ready to scale up in response to the pandemic so the media once said. Male 1 voting is not ready to scale up in the middle of a pandemic, now there's no journalistic, curiosity, when we're fighting. You about it cast aside, there's no journalistic, curiosity. I'm asking you where the river. Is. Misspoke, of the debate, on white supremacy, did. He misspeak. And. Uh has he spoken. When the president denounced, white supremacy, and said sure no he did not misspeak, has he spoken to senator, scott yes has he spoken to senator scott yes. Kaylee, um the 1.6. Trillion, that the administration, has put into, signal pelosi, that's the highest, top line, that the administration, is going to go and the speaker policy also just said that she's expecting, a counteroffer. From the administration. Is the white house and secretary minister preparing one right now, yeah um right now we have the 1.6, trillion number and i'll let you know if that number goes up. Thanks kaley, how does the white house interpret the pope's refusal, to meet with secretary of state pompeo. Um i have not spoken to the president about that so i'd have to get back to you on that, yes. Kayla i want to ask you about the statement from the president, vladimir, putin and emmanuel, mount hall about the conflict. In. Uh. Karabakh. How worried, is this white house that this conflict, is going to escalate. Beyond, a regional, dispute. Yeah um, sorry back up one second what was the top of your question there was about the what we just signed. Yeah there's a statement, i understand that was put out, by vladimir, putin emmanuel, macron, and also, donald trump. That calls for peaceful negotiations. Right. Yeah so president trump along with president, putin as you noted, and president macron. Representing, the co-chair, countries. Of the osce. Minx group. Released a statement condemning, in the strongest. Terms the recent escalation, of the violence. Along. The line of contact. In the conflict, zone and we call for an immediate cessation. Of hostilities. Between the relevant military, forces. And we also call on the leaders of armenia, and azerbaijan. To commit without delay to resuming, substantive, negotiations. In good faith and without preconditions. Under the auspices, of the osce. Uh means, group uh co-chairs. Is there they're just quickly developed, is there a concern, about. Sort of. Regional. Powers, major regional powers being drawn, into this is that something that the white house is, sort of actively trying to combat, um that's all i have to say on that matter at this time yes. One about, the list of former. Trump administration. Officials. Who are coming out. Against, president trump and supporting, joe biden, is growing. Is the president, concerned about these dissidents. And what they are talking about. No we're not concerned. The people who come out are people who. Don't have personal, interactions, with the president, and they're, peddling. Things that are falsehoods, um to advance their careers, i have a question about the latin, vote um, what is president trump's strategy, to convince the latino, voters.

Beyond The cubans, and. Catholics. To vote for him. What is the importance, of the latino, vote for him. Yeah the president, um believes that he has a lot of accomplishments, for the latino, community. In particular. Historic, low unemployment. A thriving, economy. Historic, high homeownership. For latino men and women in this country those are things that president trump made possible. Um and we'll bring back in this economic, recovery. That we're seeing this v-shaped, recovery. And i'm also i'm glad you asked that point specifically, because there was some new data. That came out that said, uh as we're recovering, in this super v shaped recovery, we've regained, nearly, for the hispanic, community, nearly six and ten jobs, lost among hispanic, americans. Were regained, and it took obama, biden an entire, year, to recover, that many jobs so the v shaped recovery, is indeed a v-shaped recovery, um for hispanic men and women this in this country especially. Against. Do you think this could. Um hurt president believes. That the latino population. Very much, wants a lawful, immigration, system, and also we believe his law and order message, is resonating, and very important. As voters want to, be secure in their homes and secure in their streets yes. The president recently, unveiled his platinum, plan which is geared toward the black community. Promises to create 3 million new jobs, at 500, billion dollars, in access to capital. It's a lot of money, and nobody really seems to be talking about that can you tell us how, this assistance, will be administered. And how the white house will follow up to track the success, of the plan, yeah this is a very important plan, um for the black community it's also i bears mentioning, that in the pandemic, as we've regained, jobs roughly. Four in 10 jobs, lost among black americans, have been gained and it took obama biden two years to do that so we're indeed, outpacing. Um and job growth for the black community, and, the latino, community. And the president, has. Promised, this community that he's looking to create 3 million jobs, in the next term. He wants to create, 500, 000 new black owned businesses. Increase, access to capital, and black communities. Almost 500 billion he's done that with opportunity, zones and it's estimated, that about a million people. Will be lifted out of poverty, and given opportunity, because of this among another. Among another. Number of items i should say in the plan, where he wants to prosecute, the kkk. As domestic, terrorists and make, lynching. A federal crime again. All of that lost upon the media as, they misreport. Take out of context, ignore, the verbatim, words of this president. When he denounced, white supremacy, yesterday when he denounced it at the debate when he's denounced, it, more than any other president. On modern history. And in fact something else lost upon the media, is the absolute. Turning of a blind eye to antifa. Carrying the water for democrats, the media. It apparently, agrees with jerry nadler that antifa, violence is a myth, in august senate hearings democrats, refuse to condemn antifa. Again no journalistic, curiosity. Here despite the fact that, andy najo. Who was a victim of antifa, said democrats, have mastered, democrats, he should add the media to, have mastered, the art of making its violence, appear. Innocuous. Their violence isn't innocuous, antifa, is not an idea. Um andy nojo can tell you that because he was beaten by a group of protesters. Antifa, protesters. Suffering, brain bleed, another man can tell you this who in 2019. The victim his name was adam kelly suffered from, a concussion, and got 25, staples, in his head but still silence from democrats, ignoring this group, from democrats. I mean in fact, as we just saw recently. There was a trump supporter, who was killed, by a 100, percent, antifa, man that is how he described, himself. And again, no reporting, here but i guess i did the job of the media by getting this information, myself. This man who was 100. Antifa. This man, in fact had been arrested, before. At 2 a.m on july 5th in a public protest, carrying an illegal weapon, he resisted, arrest. He was taken to jail where he was merely given a citation. Put back on the streets, in the very next month this 100, percent antifa, man, was lying in weight before he killed an innocent trump supporter. Ideas, do not target police officers, ideas, do not burn down buildings, ideas do not kill, innocent, americans, organizations. Do, and democrats, should condemn the shameful, group in the same manner president trump continues, to condemn, white. Supremacy. He's not condemning, white. Supremacy. You.

2020-10-06 06:48

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