Marvel Universe 1990 Impel Trading Cards Box Break Opening and History Lesson

Marvel Universe 1990 Impel Trading Cards Box Break Opening and History Lesson

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hi friends this is paul at heroic goods and games and uh today we are going to open up a box of uh what's kind of the hottest thing in um i don't know the history of collecting that i've seen this is so wild and um i can't i really still can't believe how popular and how uh how out of nowhere the 1990 marvel universe trading cards have blown up um so while we we're going to open up a box and we're going to see how minty these cards are from inside this box we have here and it's just wild it's really exciting to me i have always loved non-sports trading cards since the store has been open we've always had a pretty healthy selection of non-sports trading cards in stock so it's just really kind of cool to see the thing that you and many people have liked for a long time now become like the hottest item around so that's what's kind of happened over the last year or so and especially just in the last two months since christmas so with that we're going to open this box we're going to talk it through while we do it now um for those who have shopped at the store a long time you know we um you know have a lot of oops have a lot of trading card packs um for sale individually so a lot of times we just try to find these booster boxes that we could open up so something like this you know you see the uh perforations already kind of broke on the box this is not what you call a pristine box that you'd want on your shelf uh for collecting so try to find these boxes we'd open them up sell the packs um one at a time so um at this point that's really not a financially uh financial option to do because of the value that skyrocketed we'll talk about why that value is skyrocketed but for now we're going to get this box open and start it off so again as of this recording these boxes are worth quite a bit of money now and that's kind of again silly and we did not buy this box recently um because we have uh been into the non-sports trading cards we've had a lot on hand uh just this kind of refills and things like that when we run out selling them pack at a time at two dollars a pack uh like i said that is not the case this box here as of yesterday these were selling um for about four thousand dollars apiece now not in this condition but the highest um ebay sales were four thousand dollars uh to put that in perspective at the end of december this box was selling for 400 tops in november they were 200 and a year ago you could always find a sealed box of 1990 marvel universe trading cards for a hundred dollars so um yeah if i knew how to make graphs i'd make one um but it's skyrocketing out of control the frenzy is here and the reason it is here is these cards um no one has been grading these cards and what grading is is it's a process where you um send the card into a company they look at it they give the card a numeric rating and they put it inside plastic forever there's a lot of people that are like oh grading silly i don't like that well everyone is allowed to like cards how they want and if you're not interested in grading one cool part about all these cards getting opened up is there going to be lots more um on the market that came out of packs and you'll be able to buy if that's your uh your thing too but anyway um it's a really great way it's used in comics and sports cards mainly and now i guess just cards is the better term for that um so you know when you have a a 9.8 cgc card or a cgc comic that lets you know it is mintier than all other copies so um honestly i think it's good for the hobby and it's funny to even call non-sports trading cards a hobby mainly it's just been kind of an underground thing that a lot of us are into but is not mainstream at all but a lot of people open these packs as kids had a fondness for them and because they were open as kids there's not as many pristine ones so anyway with that little intro we're going to start opening this box right now and i'll show you the contents all right i'll get that lid off oh yeah that box is already broken there so i do not feel too bad opening this one up especially because we've had it a long time so you'll see these were packed tight for delivery purposes um another thing i think that's happening is maybe as new people get into the grading they are not aware how grading works and i'll be honest i we have started sending things in for grading but i've never graded items before recently before kind of the end of 2020 so all right so there's our box no i don't know it's not really even that cool to put in view but so we'll leave it alone or let's put it over to the side all right so we are looking for nothing in particular we know what these boxes have they're all kind of the same um but the holograms are different so holograms are kind of fun to search for and the numbers of cards you'll get um are fun to search for too so let's just start we'll pull out one of every uh pack color all right looks like we got him all right i still find it so funny it hasn't clicked the value of these cards in my head yet um because to me i think of this is at the end we were you know there was a tiny price increase um uh in 2019 but you know we were selling these packs at like four dollars a pack max which is the same as a pack of pokemon cards or magic cards so it's just really funny that uh as of today i know people have easily sold these out of the box a single pack for sixty dollars so and uh we're opening 36 of them up uh we're using scissors super exciting and i'm still pretty new to videos of pack openings so i'll try to do as much as i can in front of the camera or at least talk and make this interesting while i do so all right so here's pack number one i'm just going to push those out all right we got a checklist put over we've got juggernaut spider-man vs green goblin famous battles card thing versus hulk see if we can get a focus better just well there we go looks like that's about my focus okay thing versus hulk oh thanos x-men versus avengers one of the funny joke cards wolverine submariner another joke card thor versus loki and she-hulk that's a great pack the other thing i think where the appeal of these will come is there are all kinds of characters it's not just like oh like for example sports cards and again i'm not a sports card person i don't know much about them but i do know how collecting works so um sports cards the value usually filters to a couple people in a box um i think with comment cards it's gonna be a lot flatter but certain people like this thanos card um like that's just a sweet card let alone um we actually got one that looks pretty darn centered so this is one we'll probably submit for grading the centering is really tough and also the um it's hard it's gonna be really hard to see on this video and we'll go through it later but the actual any pock marks on the card can hurt the value as far as getting in a perfect 10 and i think some people when sending things in including us as i start sending things in for the first time uh figuring out what is a perfect 10 and what's even an 8 because an 8 is still considered mint that's going to be really tough but this is really good um a good sign i guess is out of our first pack they are all centered really well so who knows maybe this was off the production line on a good day but now if you look at this neymar card that one's not quite as centered you see on the right side there's way less white than the left so that would be an uncentered card that even if this was um a more popular character personally i like namor he's awesome he's one of the first marvel characters around but um you know he's not as popular as uh wolverine or spider-man or even stan lee which we'll get to when we open one but that would be a card i would wait on sending or i wouldn't send it in at the more expensive i might send it in at the 10 rate but the company we send uh graded cards to is psa and um they are getting very behind on getting things created so let's see let's make a couple piles because we will be sorting these later to see what we have so let's just at least make a famous battles pile a joke pile a superhero pile and a super villain pile so at least that way we can kind of line these up as we open them and put the checklist there all right so that's pack one it was exciting so let's see what we've got here i don't know we'll see how long this goes colossus thor electro it's funny seeing these again out of the pack they are so awesome like this set just made so many changes and kind of became um the template for marvel cards i listened to a podcast um on a marvel card collectors podcast recently with bob boudianski he was in charge of a lot of these on the marvel end um and we got a black panther we'll look at that in a second then i'll go back to our story we'll show that off longer yeah that one's awesome so see how centered it is that is definitely one that again um even it's just fun getting into this grating we bought a centering tool recently that'll show us how centered a card is there's some apps on your phone that you can download too but that is one we'll definitely put in the grading pile so we'll put that right in the sleeve and keep it protected but oh what i was going to say about the uh there's a really good interview if you have not subscribed to the marvel collecting marvel collectors worldwide podcast enjoying the marvel collectors worldwide facebook group great resources for cards they do a lot on older cards they do a lot on newer cards they are just worth checking out that moon night card is so cool we've got dagger another joke card these jokes are ridiculous so let's just read one just to show you again this is something i love about non-sports cards at the time and especially the 80s it died out in the 90s but it was a whole bunch of just awful awful jokes that kids would think they're funny they would hope kids would think are funny were put on cards for no great reason all the time i tested these against my 4th grade daughter and newsflash they are not funny so we've got magneto why do you hate the x-men so much i don't know i just find myself strangely attracted to them in case the joke wasn't enough he even explains the joke on the card that's a little magnetic humor there because of magnets all right and uh how come your kids quicksilver and the scarlet witch turned out to be the good guys i'm a failure as a father i mean this is so ridiculous but i love it there again it's one of those things where how uh loki and again here's something even in the same box in the same pack printing errors or printing centering is not always great anyway we just love it these cards are fantastic the look the texture the fact that um another big thing this set is kind of becoming the popular one oh that's a really cool spider-man card and again not our first card to grade because of that centering issue but the card is sweet again centering on cards isn't always an issue always the most important part sometimes it's just cool that they're cool but it's most valuable comics they're awesome um oh man i just got lost in thought again while opening so so how and why are these getting so popular um over the last year quarantine i think has given people a lot of time to look back on nostalgia that they might not have before all right i'm gonna be honest sorting them all live on video is probably gonna be too slow so we'll not sort them online but anyway all right so why these cards are getting so popular i think people are just really into nostalgia right now that's great wolverine and with less to do out in the world right now um getting into things you used to like is a really popular thing right now to do so with that marvel cards were kind of poised to become popular again beginning of this uh pandemic and quarantine time oh here we go we got stanley we'll come back to that in a second i think a lot of people um just started naturally going oh i used to love those cards i should see what a box is and when a box was 100 bucks in april it was just really fun to open up all right now this is one of the most popular cards of the set it's such a cool painting of mr marvel again this one's not centered great but at this point we're kind of sending all of them into grade even if they aren't perfect tens a lot of people are wanting this card this card is selling for thousands of dollars and as a 10 um it hit a new record for a psa 9 at 650 and um i don't know if that's the ceiling yet so anyway at this level i think everyone is going to want to own this card that gets back into cards and whether it's a beat up one from a childhood collection or a psa seven or eight which is probably what this could end up with the centering again we're not experts yet but we're getting there um but right now our plan is just to send all these cards in all the stan lee cards because they're great and even the wolverine people love wolverine so we'll probably be sending that one in too so yeah i think it was kind of a natural some people have said oh people are manipulating the market this is going to go down um i don't think that's true oh we've got the aunt may card let's come back to her here this one's funny um did a really good job on the stats in the back so we've got real name may parker group affiliation grey panthers pies baked 984 meals served 11 743 wrinkles on fate on wrinkles on face too many to count life-threatening illnesses recovered from 23. so uh did you know despite all the years aunt may has known peter parker she isn't aware that he's spider-man and is in fact terrified of the web slinging superhero anime the characters kind of got retconned lately but um i think that card's just funny it's uh you could tell they in a good way didn't take themselves too seriously with all this oh an actual rookie card from nomad rookie is kind of a funny term here we've got what the 1989 avengers looked like i love it not you know 100 the team you're gonna be excited about if you're coming from movies but it's a good team i like that lineup of that time um so yeah so some people have said oh people are manipulating the market this is a fad i don't think it's quite that now i'm sure there are people that were buying this stuff up and sensed it ahead of time oh we got one of the spiderman cards we already got a black suit which one this is the earliest number 29. so black suit comes at the front of the pack and then uh the spider-man and cosmic spider-man come in the middle of the numbering at least oh and an awesome hulk and the art on these is just really sweet cloak and dagger got a team picture black cat storm so yeah i don't really think a ton of people are manipulating the market or at least to the extreme that some people believe like it's like others have said this someone else who's been kind of getting into this from the sports side on his youtube channel kind of explaining it uh northeast ne ohio sports cards he made a really good point of just the natural progression of people discovering these again and then for a lot of people that are used to the sports card market it's just kind of a math problem so meaning if there's a card in a box and you have a chance at pulling another checklist if you have a chance of pulling a stan lee card that's gonna sell for over a thousand dollars then buying that box and if you're gonna get three of those cards you know buying that box for two thousand dollars doesn't sound silly especially because you're getting other cards now with marvel cards in an entire box you have a chance of getting a whole bunch of awesome characters so this isn't like you know and again i'm sorry that i don't know a lot about sports stuff so i'm not even going to try to name uh exam exact examples that i haven't researched but if you are going to get people uh sorry if you're going to get a box of sports cards and you know this one rookie card could be worth this and there's this many in there and there's a chance but the next card you know the two thousand dollar card is in there but the next card is only worth 150 you're gonna do that math when you're figuring this out now with marvel cards and the uh dropped our x-force card and the way these are going there's a really good chance that almost every card in the set is going to be wanted by someone and i do not think again i'm not an expert in sports but i'm pretty sure not every single sports card ever printed is something that will have a home and find a home where someone is excited to get that card at a good price but again with this new wave of marvel cards like there is a chance that almost every card in here will be wanted by someone so thankfully for someone like me oh that's good timing uh we got atlantis attacks like i loved that comic that was a cool crossover when they did through the annuals and it was through all the avengers and west coast avengers comics like i really like the west coast avengers i know they are not the most popular team even though most of the members are now on disney plus but how many people want that psa 10 atlantis text card like i do maybe some others but um not as many people oh gosh this is like a paul pack like who else is going for a new warriors 10. i might be the only one that's submitting new warriors cards um and a whole bunch of them in hopes that a 10 exists so what's cool about these is as more collectors get into the cards and really see what they look like after they're graded i think the chance for a lot of these cards to be wanted is pretty good so with a lot of these characters are going to be someone's favorite character and that kind of helps the box price um go where if someone's gonna grade i was to open up this whole box and send every card in i don't think that would be smart but the chances of someone buying the cards if we did it on the slow grade is pretty possible like someone wanting every card um i don't know if fool killer is anyone's favorite character he really wasn't around too much longer after he made it in the set but that's something else i love about these sets is they kind of guessed on new characters on who would be cool and who would be uh worthy of putting in a set so as these got more popular marvel would try really hard to put in to push some of those new characters almost like marketing so you'd see you know all right generation x is coming out we've got to put them in the cards 2099 is going to be so hot and it was but then 2099 i would say is over represented in the once you get to 1993 oh there's another good thanos card and you'll see again that one's pretty centered just on eyeballing it it's a little off but that might be good so we'll put it in our great pile for now all right check and recap pile um i haven't even looked at how many packs you gotta do a quick uh trash out of the way let's do a count let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 okay so i thought we were a lot farther than we were but we're only we've only opened one uh fourth of the packs so 36 so maybe we should speed this along i don't know how long um the viewership is to one of these but there hasn't been a recent box opening um on youtube oh and there we go we got run right off the top of the pack um so here we go this is exciting all right i'm gonna grab a sleeve really quick because these holograms are awesome and kind of rare so we're gonna not touch it with human hands here and go uh right into the sleeve as quickly as possible all right so i guess we'll talk holograms right now i'm gonna pull it out of the sleeve a little so we can see it okay so the big thing with these holograms they are amazing they are so cool looking we've got cosmic spider-man who is uh on the cover of the box and kind of starting to be known as the iconic card in the set other than stand um what's going to be really hard to see here is all across let's see if we can see it on camera oh there if i hold it this way you can kind of see it see all those horizontal lines across the middle um to my eye i can see them really well so out the gate this card is considered you know not damaged but would not be a pristine card not a perfect tent there is no chance of this getting a perfect 10. with that though what we don't know about the holograms is how lenient they are in the other parts there are so little amount of holograms that have been sent in so far and a really small percent of tens will come back because if these people kind of submit them they don't know so even though we have those lines this could be still a seven or an eight it could be a nine that being said the eight's already like what two weeks ago the eights were selling for three or four hundred dollars a piece just because there is such a rarity for ten um a ten just sold for a couple thousand on its own i wanna say the magneto 10 sold for five thousand dollars so anyway holograms are going to get about two to three per box but there's a good chance they're damaged they come on the top of the pack so they're rubbed against there they don't have protection on cards and um yeah they are awesome but they're not a great uh shape item sweet you got venom there's the awesome venom card and again you know centering is not perfect but that one's pretty sweet we will probably grade the venom card eventually now um we are still like i said new to grading we've sent a couple um things off the psa we sent some pokemon cards to cgc that we're getting back as well oh there's a sweet spiderman versus random card that one's awesome i'm gonna put that aside too oh what i was gonna say about grading is the grading companies have been so overwhelmed that um it is really slow to get cards back so right now there's a couple ways to send in your cards the main way and the way we're doing it with our cards we think we'll have the highest return is we're sending them um at the expedited shipping so what that means is we're paying more money paying 50 to get the card graded and have the card come back faster that can take still about two months i know that sounds silly but in the end if that stan lee card comes back and is worth a whole bunch of money and we paid 50 or 75 for it then hey cool we've got it back it's going to sell way more than 50 especially considering we did not pay the premium for these boxes that we're opening um because again we just had them sitting around forever captain america is awesome too it's another one that's obviously sweet quiz r2 love the new mutants card too right at the changeover is where this set was so you've got um you know rob lifeless just joined uh drawing the new mutants a lot of history we won't go into here with it but this card is awesome i think because it's that good transition period you don't have a classic new mutants card in existence and after this year switches to x-force so anyway so yeah with this grading the big mystery on how these prices will go is do we send things in now for a little more money or do we wait and hope this market does stick around even though i do think the market is sticking around so um i've kind of decided i'm going to send some things in to kind of test the waters and some of these cards we're going to keep on the side we've got a good spider-man and again a little off-center but like that maybe we're not going to send in at the highest rate that wolverine is very off-center so that one we probably will wait to send in so yeah a lot of these places that a lot of people that are more used to grading um a lot of the things you'll send on the bulk rate and the bulk rate again it's ten dollars a card so it's not so still not free but you cannot just sign up for an account and send one card at ten dollars you have to send minimum 50 cards at once those cards um before this all uh the not just the the comic craze is happening now but this last year sports cards have got the more exciting pokemon grading has become a thing before that that's a really good cosmic spiderman a little off-center but still probably great so in the past at the 10 rate for cards it would take very off-center but again we love it anyway so in the past for cards it would take six months to get your cards back at that bulk rate what a lot of card dealers do is they just send things off every week and once you start getting stuff back you're in that process oh we got another hologram it's a wolverine see the same thing we'll hold it on the side here that one's not as centered as well but i'm kind of looking myself it looks really clean i don't see any surface dots i'm kind of just using a light reflection and i see on camera it already looks not great so this one actually looks really sharp it's not perfectly centered it's a little higher but that one feels good so it's exciting again half of this is for fun right now half of this is a scene where this new collectible market goes all right and it's sleeve now so so yeah a lot of cards like you know silver surface versus thanos that's a sweet card i'm probably not going to pay 50 to get it graded right away but i may pay 10 to get some graded um for later brotherhood of evil mutants card the family photo that's funny hologram packs always have such a random mix like this black panther card that is pretty centered it's more centered than others so that might be one we choose to send in uh quicker because again we don't know how many people are going to like this we've never stopped liking cards um here at heroic goods and games but i don't know if the rest of the world is gonna stick around and if they don't that's okay this is fun as it's happening it's just uh to me really funny that the thing um we know a lot about here at the store and have had for sale on the shelf since day one is now like the most talked about thing i kind of giggled we got our first um cold call last week where someone just called the store asking if we had um any 90s marvel cards hiding in the back room like um and as a store owner you get a lot of those calls where people are like hey do you have any um someone called about pokemon and asked hi i'm wondering if you have any old pokemon boxes to dig through i'm less concerned about the condition but more concerned about the age and that no one else has looked through them um and i just kind of giggled when someone called and asked that question because like the answer is no like that's literally my job to know the value of items so anyway i do know people who've had success going to comic shops um in the last couple of weeks hunting around oh yeah that one's super centered i love it they've been hunting around and seeing um what might have been in boxes for ages and comic shops that have been around a long time when the boom happened they sold a lot of this stuff but when the comet crash happened in the mid 90s they had tons of this on hand stores had cases of these boxes as other stores went out of business and could get bought up so again for a long time these were not popular people would buy them to kind of get get the cards they want even the trading card um kind of community that's been around the 1990 set has never been the most popular set and the main reason is because everyone has it already oh that venom's a little off-centered but still great so yeah the funny part with it is the set's very easy to collect it was super cheap to collect so at any point you could just buy a box you know you would get a complete set usually um in the boxes i've opened you're gonna get two of every cards usually two to four so and centering wasn't something we were looking at when we'd collect these later so it's just kind of funny to me still how popular they've got i like it's amazing to me the value on these cards that's coming out so but i think it's really exciting and i said i've loved these cards i thought they were going to kind of make a comeback once disney bought marvel but they didn't um so oh a double wolverine look at that all right let's literally look at it now so again this one does not have any of those lines the spiderman had looks really sharp not perfectly centered but this is probably one of the most centered holograms i've seen so this one will definitely get sent off and submitted in that first batch we do that one looks fantastic so i'm really excited for this one so some tiny little like one pock mark i could see which would be too hard to show on camera but again if the prices hold today and there's not many of these in existence yet um if you go to the website for psa

pop p-o-p it'll show you the population reports there just aren't many of these graded so the mystery is how many people want these in their collections graded and i think the number is bigger than people realize and then how many exist to make the price uh that will be in that perfect condition how many exist for everyone and i think the number is smaller than people realize so that one will get graded fast that's the last thing i wanted to touch on oh yeah again i love a hologram pack they're all turned around so i was trying to do some research on michael jordan rookie cards let's see if i have this memorized well that one's great too be careful with that cme card yep that one's fantastic that one's really centered um again it's hard to show on here but because it came from the middle of pack there's no dents on it or anything so that one will also go into grading right away i'll put that aside for now okay so what i wanted to say before we're done we're not quite done let's look one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven packs so we're getting close so 1986 fleer basketball again i'm not a sports expert i'm so sorry if i get any of this wrong but i've been trying to ask about the population counts of those boxes and stuff some people think there were a million boxes made some people say 2 million no one knows the exact number but if we estimate that there was one million michael jordan boxes made that means i think it was one point because there's 36 bucks 36 packs 11 cards in a pack and 132 cards in the set and that set doesn't have holograms or anything from 1986. like really good black panther oops sorry about that all right so with michael jordan the estimate would be there were 1.5 million michael jordan rookie cards from that flear 86 set produced that is a lot of cards subtle is 1.5 million and i'm sorry i did not check beckett's grading and other grading companies i just checked psa out of the 1.5 million only a little off-center but still sweet um only a 4 000 have been graded 4 400 and only 44 of those cards became a ps810 and uh like 2000 became a ps89 so this set kind of follows the reason i'm using that set as an example is when the set came out it was popular it was cool people liked basketball cards but they went into the hands of kids so now just a couple years later 1989 tops you know it was like a huge um sports cards boom they printed way too many of them everyone has 1989 tops baseball cards i've got a binder myself somewhere so but 1986 the cards are still being bought mostly by kids so people weren't buying those they weren't encasing them in acid free plastic you know stuff like that so a lot of those cards got wrecked even by 1990 you know when uh if you think about 1990 all the comics from the silver age were only 25 30 years old max these cards are now 30 years old there's not much of them in existence and that are perfect so just like that 1986 flear and even for a couple years after um they were everywhere you could buy them you could buy a case of them a sealed case now of 1986 flear just sold for i don't remember it was a couple it was over a million dollars i remember because it has a chance of having some of those many of those um michael jordan rookies inside that are still crisp so will a case of marvel sell for that much i don't think so but um i don't know if you've noticed but in pop culture marvel is pretty popular right now it is it is pop culture and again that sounds so weird to say but the fact that marvel characters are so popular now especially compared to when they were in 1990 um it's hard to believe i've told my kids not too many times because it sounds annoying old man stuff but like this stuff just wasn't around everywhere oh and i guess we'll pause our discussion because we got four holograms in one box that's fantastic all right grabbing a sleeve quick all right now right away on this one again i don't know how easy it'll be to show in there let's try to push it out of the sleeve just a little bit there we go so right above the sleeve indentation there let's see i'm getting on camera there you can kind of see it we've got one of those again it's a horizontal line but through this card it's a vertical line so we have a very visible line right out of the pack so again i don't know if i'm going to send this one in expedited but i still might we don't know what a psa 6 hologram is sold for yet or if that would even count as a six because they don't exist so i may just roll the dice and send that one for the speedier cost because the card is still cool like that is just a sweet card i think as people realize how many of these don't get graded at that even an eight i think they'll stick the price will stick because again they are rare you're there's five holograms you're getting four total actually i've never seen four usually it's three but you so we'll just say three you're getting three holograms in an entire box so it's pretty darn rare the chances of getting a perfect 10 are smaller and there's less cards so i think it's still worth grading every hologram out of a pack personally we'll find out if i'm wrong on that later i guess so yeah so my michael jordan comparison is people laughed and said those cards were mass-produced and will never be expensive and again i'm not knocking michael jordan but ask any five-year-old who spider-man is versus michael jordan and i have a feeling most of the five-year-olds or even 10 year olds will know spider-man a lot more than michael jordan which is a shame but that is just how life is so with that i do think um this trend on these cards has staying power just like basketball cards i don't think every set that had you know if we continue that example i don't think every marvel set will continue to be um skyrocket to the moon on price oh another cosmic spider-man looks good i think there's room to grow considering all these boxes for years were so cheap to get it's just really an expensive hobby to buy a box and have fun and open it up and relive that and i'm not even saying relive i never owned a box of cards as a kid like it was you know you you built your uh collection as you had extra money so by the time we got in this set wasn't always in stores all the time like by the time we were heavily buying it was popular you know series 2 seemed to have a way higher print run to me again no one knows the print run numbers they have not been found in research or the people that know aren't speaking about it a black panther's in really good shape too so yeah i think there is less of this product out there in box than people realize who knows in five years would be like how could we open that box on a youtube video that was such a waste it's worth ten thousand dollars now i don't think that's quite the case but again this is our chance to have fun with it we did not spend that much money on this box and we were kind of ahead by having it ahead of time i don't know people that sold their boxes when they were at a thousand dollars like two weeks ago and now are like how could i have sold it i should have held out and i'm like well in the end not to say it's just money but it is these are collectibles no one's forcing you to sell things and if you bought a box of these you know in 1998 for 30 bucks and you just made a thousand dollars on it that's pretty cool that's good someone else sold it and made two thousand dollars on it that's cool to them too i guess so like i said all those all these boxes behind us in the video are we gonna open all of them for grading i still don't know like i said i don't know how deep this is going to um go but every box has become expensive so the other ones have all gone up in price um within a matter of what we're in the middle of february right now as we film this so in a month in six weeks time now there is zero boxes of marble cards the same marvel on them under 100 that is wild i would have never guessed oh and this is last pack so all right so we've got our final pack of cards again what's fun about just opening these is it's not like oh we have to find this card they're all awesome every one of these cards being the first set with custom artwork in marvel cards is just sweet hey we end it with an iron man all right we're gonna take a moment to pause um show our best cards off and we will be right back and we're back i uh pulled out some of the cards that seem to be the ones that have been the most popular so far on the front end of grading and now we're gonna show them off so here's our we have three captain americas now again not the most perfect centered but that's okay this one's pretty close again the decision now is which cards do we send off for the fast grading and which ones do we send for normal and which ones do we just uh sell for a couple bucks and in the middle of um adding single cards to our website which is kind of funny like six months ago i'm gonna put every one of our cards on our website it'll be easy oh there's black panthers and there's the rest of them and uh it's been a long struggle or not i don't honestly struggle it's very tedious uh because there's no databases for non-sports trading card singles so i've been kind of making it this black panther is great but even i hadn't been paying attention and i had been paying attention the last spike i forgot we'd probably be showing up in google on these cards someone bought out a lot of our cards um a lot we didn't have but again those are ones that are collections um all these black panther cards look great like uh they're very centered and again very clean so we'll probably be sending those into grading sometimes sooner than later got three thanos to end our avengers that are at least the most popular for grading next is our x-men um i think storm's awesome and i think storm will be a card people want and the art on these first storm cards is just sweet now i must have missed because again every time i've never seen less than one per pack or less than two per heck so there must be another of uh mohawk storm in there but it's just a cool card now we're onto our wolverines now there are three wolverines in the set but um one is him in his uh like the patch outfit so it's not quite as popular but having both outfits i think these all don't have grading potential but you can see the cards are awesome you can see why they have so much popularity all right now for again the headliner on the box let's kind of turn it into the main card of the set or the headline card of the set the cosmic spider-man we got two of them spidey in this classic outfit we got what four no just also two and then black suit spider-man we got three it looks like so we've got black suit black suit black suit i'm going off the black suit next we've got venom and the last of the more popular normal cards is the spider-man vs venom and again these aren't the only cards i'll be grading from the set these are kind of like some of the more popular ones so far out the gate that already have the most graded and people are kind of already looking forward to grabbing their collections quick now the mr marvel card we only got two um but that's okay they're both pretty darn close on centering they aren't perfect but they're in great shape and really it's just an awesome looking card like that's something again a video shows but in person again seeing these and seeing how bright these uh cards are out of the packs i totally understand the appeal they are so cool they're so awesome and again that artwork on that stand card is just sweet all right now for the holograms we did get cosmic spider-man again you can see it if we move it enough with those lines we got spider-man versus green goblin also with a line through the middle if you can hold it right and wolverine we got two of including one that's just really centered actually they're both really centered um again these holograms were you know they make the hologram put it on the cardboard the machine was not precise at this time in life this was the first set they tried these holograms with so they are rough they got better much better with aligning the holograms later but when they're visibly off um it's really fascinating how uh different they can be anyway so we got two great ones uh great wolverines these two will definitely be submitted on our faster track to see what happens with them so um thank you so much if you're still watching that was a really fun box opening we will be doing a couple more at least opening probably one box of each of these sets just um so we can talk about them get some history out on youtube with them um and we'll see what happens next so thanks again if you have a moment to uh subscribe to our channel check out the website we really appreciate that um these won't be on sale on the website as soon as this launches because we're going to do some prep work first with them but we will update you as we grade them and uh show them off when they come back etc so this is the spot to watch for that stuff um and yeah thanks again this was really fun openings such a good nostalgia wave and it was super fun thanks again everybody

2021-02-14 01:12

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