Martha, Fix My Business: Watch a 1:1 in Progress (Episode 1)

Martha, Fix My Business: Watch a 1:1 in Progress (Episode 1)

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here's what we're doing today it is very new it is  brand spanking knew what we were gonna do before   as we were gonna do a podcast news flash we are  no longer doing a podcast instead we're doing a   playlist on the existing youtube channel it  just makes more sense for us okay you guys   don't everybody watch this and say i need to do a  playlist instead of a podcast it's just what works   best for us everybody needs to do what's best for  them in their own business okay always always true   so uh today what we're doing is we're going to  be talking to adele this is called this playlist   is called martha fix my business this is where i  have real life business owners come on i'm going   to have adele explain her business quickly and  then we're going to find out a pain point that she   has that she would like to get fixed we're going  to drill down on that and be able to uproot some   things shake some things loose and get something  fixed inside her business the entire uh the entire   goal of this is so you guys can watch other people  get one-on-ones and maybe it shakes something   loose for you in your business our entire like my  brand my business our our goal as a whole is for   you guys to be successful and sometimes that takes  you know sort of being a lurker on the outside   watching somebody else have a one-on-one and  then you'd be in like oh wait i think that also   okay that might be me right and so that's that's  what we're talking about here today okay you guys   all right adele let's get at it so tell these  fine folks about your business and what you do   awesome okay so i help those on a healing  journey from lyme disease and take born illness   find a holistic approach uh meaning whole person  approach to healing um because it's a journey   if you're not familiar with it that's mostly um  riddled with uh a lot of trauma and tragedy and um   misinformation about what healing really is so  i'm here to help with education and empowerment   coaching wherever someone's out on their journey  but i specialize in people that are ready   to um claim healing for themselves and  want to enjoy the process of getting there   all right and so claiming healing for  themselves is the healing from from lyme disease   right right lyme disease and usually subsequent  issues that it causes um not just physically   ah very nice okay so holistic approach  yeah whole body whole person got it got   it that's awesome first of all um very  cool very cool that you're doing that now   um what are you seeing as an issue right now what  is the blaring thing that like you're sitting   up at night thinking oh my gosh i need to get  this thing under control yeah um i think for me   if i'm honest it's actually just um getting  the income generating up and running   in a consistent and like sustainable fashion  um yeah and i have some thoughts about that for   myself but it's hard to sometimes it feels like  throwing spaghetti at the wall as martha would   say yeah it does it does that's fair that's  fair um so what what are you what are the um   what are you selling what are the ways  that peop that you can get income right now   um so the most off-topic thing um one of the first  things i designed because of ease of execution was   um actually kombucha making course so off topic  to a degree but it actually relates to the gut   healing and um a lot of the natural living that  people want to embrace when they're on a healing   journey um so that's a low price point um virtual  video course um and it's kind of diy you know do   it at your own pace uh your only slave to the  actual kombucha brewing on your countertop so   um and then what's the price point on that  real quick um that's uh 14.99 whoo girl okay   that's cheap all right go ahead yeah i'm  going yeah um okay and then i have a um planner system it's a it's a unique little beast  it's a planner journal and uh virtual uh kind   of mini coaching system i guess you could call it  that goes with it um for designed for um the line   healing journey with all the bits and pieces of  what i could not find out there in one place for   myself okay um so that is a new that's my newest  thing and it's an evolving thing it's fresh out   of beta testing um and i have a few more things  like front burner to add to that but that's also   low price point um so that and it's a quarterly  thing at this point um so but the goal   yeah it's a recurring thing um so the goal with  that is actually to roll that whole uh planner   system into my signature program which is in the  works not yet out but i have outlined and just   frankly need to create the time to just bust it  out and that's first quarter goal here for me   coming up i also do have coaching services consultation services um up and  running for one-on-one um seems to have   been the actually the most effective uh  compared to group i've toyed with both um so that those are the main current offerings cool  i imagine the one-on-ones with this for right now   in the beginning anyway and probably throughout  your career one-on-ones are going to be the most   valuable ones especially with this because people  have specific situations right and while in group   coaching it's um it you can deal with specific  situations and people can see it and learn from   it and things like that everybody in the back  of their head is thinking yeah but i'm different   and so that's where one-on-one really  is able to sort of have a sneak attack   um so my and i say sneak attack in the best way  you know what i mean you know what i know i know   exactly what you need let me help  you yeah in a sneak attack um so   so i i want to address something real quick  before we go into like the producing dollars   part you said the signature course is in the works  not yet done uh it is your first quarter goal i   want to know your date that you uh plan to have  that done by wink wink no last day last day of   march last day of march what day is that 30th okay  31st hang on 30 days let's get it right because   yeah you know what i'm saying like let's make  sure our goal is so legit that we know no no   because quarter one is very easy to be like fluffy  quarter one and then all of a sudden it's august   right yes right i actually do have it written  down okay yes cool can we call that why can we   call it lime brain if i'm healed from that we can  we can and we will we'll do that right now we'll   do that right now um so you have the the kombucha  making course fantastic your positioning in the   market is that you help people with um with their  lyme disease journey in a holistic approach to it   kombucha obviously makes sense there the only  thing i would look at is the pricing the 14.99   feels a little like as seen on tv that's what  the 99s always do for me anyway um and that's   why i would i would make it a solid number without  the sense it's just a it's people pricing is so   weird and people are like but why do you choose  this instead of this and quite frankly it's this   um it's just what's working right now right  because people and culture will accept things   and then we'll also spit them out of their mouth  and so you have to notice as they're spitting   them out of their mouth and the dot 99 has been  spat out um years ago i would say and so like   the whole numbers will be easier for you just  from a conversion standpoint that's just like   a that's just a thing right um uh but okay so the  planner system you said the beta is done what kind   of feedback did you get for that planner system it  sounds great thanks um it was great feedback those   who gave it um so thankfully thankfully i was  able to touch base pretty much with everyone um   so bits and pieces of feedback were received  from everybody and it was great um i think um i think i really need that uh signature  program to manifest so i see better how the   planner system fits into what i'm doing in general  so um the planner system as a whole i think it's   great the way it is it's usable like it's totally  usable and even customizable to a large degree um   so it's not like worthless of course um it got  like i said it got really great feedback uh the   problem is i can't make people use it i made it  as uh user-friendly as possible and i think that's   it's still the age-old issue of like people um  understanding the value for themselves and giving   it a fair chance uh to fully utilize at least most  of it i understand not every single piece of it   might be for everyone that's actually the point of  it that you can customize how you use it but um it   hasn't even been around for a full quarter yet for  people to see the full effects so like i said baby   stages but so far so far so good yeah well as long  as we're getting some good feedback that's great   um yeah the age-old problem with every coach ever  in life is i can't get people to do the things   it's the it is the you'll when you've been a coach  for 20 years you'll get around other coaches that   have been coaches for 20 years and you'll sit  around and you'll laugh and you'll laugh at uh   just you'll with each other about like we can't  get the people to do the things right like there's   only so much that if they do the things it'll  work but they won't do the things and it's kind   of you know so just understand that that's not  it's not just a you thing and i also want for   everybody to hear this it's nobody's like thing  now are we always trying to create new ways of   doing things so they you know so people actually  implement you know that's kind of an edtech thing   um but but understand like don't i i i don't think  that you are beating yourself up over it but just   for anybody else watching too don't beat yourself  up over people not doing the things that is it's   really less about you and it's more about their  own conviction and their own you know whether   they choose to do the things or not right um the  onus is on us to always be trying to find new ways   uh but we don't have a hundred percent onus  on us you know um okay so i want to talk about   the coaching and consultation that you're  doing where are you offering that right now and   how often are you offering that because that's  your that's your ace in the hole for income so   far since the signature program isn't created and  all of that coaching and consulting is is not only   is it your r d your research and development  but it's also your your you know your your   income generating stream right now the biggest  one and so where are you sharing that and when   um i primarily am sharing it in my  uh limey and crunchy lead group um   and occasionally in maybe like stories or  something like that through a call to action   or just like in relationship to my own life  stuff that i'm sharing about because it's tied in   i it's it's a service i wish i had had myself on  my own journey um and it is my favorite thing to   do i love coaching i love it so um yeah so i've  been trying to be better about how i market that   uh in this year because i choose to do it better  and more consistently um i hear a lot of feedback   that people that have done it have loved it  i've had repeat clients um which is awesome   that's the goal is to actually coach them out of  obviously coach them out of needing my coaching   get them on track for themselves um but  for everyone that says they want to do it they're not always jumping in or following up even  if as i follow up about it with with individuals   so yeah sometimes it feels like there's a bit of  a disconnect i feel like they're understanding   the value of it at least to a degree um i felt  good about my price points but i don't know   uh what's not clicking if it's assuming my  marketing or something you know i don't know   let's talk it out let's talk it out here so  what's the what's the price point on it um   so i had been doing this actually been working  really well for me so um just i have heard some   of your thoughts on this over time but  i have been doing a free like 15 minute   um initial consult is pretty  much just what i call it um   i am actually even open to bundling that into a  longer period so if they want an hour i'll give   them the first 15 free on their first console  or whatever like i'm flexible with that but   um that is the first piece that i offer i offer a  30 minute package that's um 50 and an hour for 95.  

um and that's all i've had so far because that  had been working and no one had been asking for   anything differently so i just stuck with that  for now but i'm of course i'm open to yeah so   uh do you have uh written testimonials though like  uh written or video testimonials you said you've   heard good feedback have they documented that  feedback for you yes i have um some testimonials   up and out there uh not video written so  far yeah where are you sharing those um not as far and wide as probably i should be  like no here it is here it is i don't hear it   so i have them like on the ins like information  page about the coaching um i do share them   occasionally on social media i feel like i need  to get some more i don't i don't feel like i've   had enough clients to have it doesn't feel to me  like a great variety so sometimes i feel like a   broken record um sharing the same just the same  ones over and over again um so that's where i've   got i'm stuck in my own head i know real life  and this is for everybody watching too because   that's why this experience is so good is because  everybody else can also be like oh yeah that's   what i was thinking too right that very few people  are actually going to realize that especially if   you just use the first name of the person or if  you block out you know like where it just says   the first name then very few people will actually  realize that that's the same testimonial that that   came three weeks prior if you share one a week  and maybe you have like how many do you have three   oh yeah three three or four at least  maybe actually i might have five now   because i just got some more from my um  for my planner that i can cross utilize   perfect yeah you're good and also here's  another thing and i would i would suggest   this to anybody else watching like i'm loving  doing this by the way who all is loving this   right now like i'm so excited to be doing this  every week um i just like i love this stuff but uh   when you said you love coaching i'm like girl i  know i get it i get it um so uh another thing that   i would do is i would ask your friends which i  know you have many um i would ask your friends for   character testimonials because your testimonials  don't just have to be from people that have taken   your courses or done your things really what  somebody is looking for in a testimonial is   they're looking for um can i trust this person  is this person legit right or is she just   another dude bro on the front of a ferrari  you know like so to speak uh and that's uh   that's really what they're looking for and so  to have character testimonials then you'll have   you know a bunch of them and then you just  do one or two a week and start cycling them   okay and in those testimonials at the end you do  the call to action if you want to grab you know   if you want to grab if you want to do the free 15  minutes and do the free 15 minutes or you know and   then link it into other ones what you were about  to ask a question though i'm sorry i cut you off   no no no i wanted to hear what you had to  say too that was kind of my question what's   a good way it still feels a little awkward to post  testimonials um i'm still figuring out my like my   voice in doing that i guess so can you give me  an example of like what a post might look like   yeah um well you can look at when i i share  testimonials too but it really it's just like   man i'm so dang happy for this person i'm so glad  that um that they're moving forward you know so   with lyme disease if they if they had a specific  thing that they were helped with like now they no   longer have this specific symptom i'm so glad that  they now don't even have this symptom anymore like   this is ridiculously awesome i love working with  you guys and then here's the link if you want to   set up an appointment if not no big deal right we  always want the out we want the graceful out but   um yeah but but yeah just here's the link if you  want to sign up it's just so it's so oh by the way   that it's not it doesn't even when you're typing  it it doesn't feel weird because i know what   it's like to type things that feel weird and  you're like oh i don't even want to push post   i'm going to barf right um but this doesn't even  it doesn't even feel weird because it's just like   by the way if you want one here if not no  big deal so whatever you know perfect um   something and i i want everybody to hear this too  something that we all think is that everybody sees   everything you know we post everything that  we're posting of course and then we're like   i'm saying this so many times like this is  getting embarrassing i'm saying this so much right   but the the truth is is that people don't see it  um they see very little of what we actually post   and so or they may see it but they don't process  it you know what i'm saying so they might just   be scrolling and they see it kind of but they  don't really see it and uh and so posting often   is not actually a bad thing it's it's how  we get people to actually see our message   um did you have questions about that  before i dug in just a little bit further no that's really helpful and okay very doable it's  so doable isn't that the coolest part when you're   just like okay yeah that's like i could do that  um the coaching consulting part is very very easy   if you guys just want to build your business  first income stream being coaching consulting   around something that you have done in your life  that you've actually done you know um it's the   simplest thing to do my question my next question  was going to be just from a technical standpoint i   want to make sure that we're that we're doing  this well in the free 15-minute consult what   is your goal of the 15-minute console and what  is next step like how how do you approach that   so i typically um i usually get a very  little bit of information ahead of time   and i've usually already been working on a  relationship with that person so i might do   a little bit of r d on what they might communicate  or is their biggest pain point if i haven't done   that ahead of time that's where we hop in like  where are they on their spectrum of healing and   their current biggest pain point um and then  typically i'll dive right into that with them   on the spot give them an action step or two  or whatever um is appropriate it's hard to   say specifically because obviously it's a spectrum  of healing i'm looking at but wherever they are on   their journey we work from that point i give  them as much as i can in 15 minutes and then   every consult 15 minute or not i always follow up  with a written um this is actually also partly due   to the lyme disease thing and like i mentioned  lime brain and just um people need this when   they're healing i always follow up with a written  summary of what we discussed so i know that we're   on the same page and so i know they have  the information in writing too um and then   i end my written summary with uh recommendations  for like what we discussed verbally for their   action steps and then my recommendations for us in  communication so i'm if they had a lot to discuss   still and i knew that i might recommend you know i  recommend an hour consult next time so that we can   cover our bases and then that we could you know do  this going forward or do that going forward and um   i just make sure they have the link to schedule  yeah and i leave it at that let me know your   thoughts kind of a thing yeah yeah what what i  would do to even be able to satisfy those with   the personality that need a system uh there's two  big so there's four different personalities right   two of the personalities require data and a system  um and uh so for those personalities what i would   even do is i would say okay well here's here's how  i usually do this and so you know i there's this   timeline of where people are in their in their  journey and there's these steps of it and so i'm   going to gauge with this next 15 minutes so you  can set the expectation that there's a goal and   it's not kind of just abstract um where you can  say like okay so i'm going to judge where you're   at on this timeline and then based on where you're  at on the timeline that's going to determine   you know how much time we should probably spend  together in order to get you to the finish line   or what i perceive to be the finish line for you  and then we can reassess re-judge you know at that   point but then they know that you're working  a system at that point so 50 of the people out   there need to know you're working a system 50  of the people out there may not even get on a   call if they don't know you're working a system  so that's it's an important thing to talk about   this is why it's very important that we know  the personalities of our people um but yeah so uh whenever you're whenever you're even talking  about getting on the call with them just say like   hey i'm gonna run through to make sure to see  where you're at on your journey and then we'll   see you know what it's going to take for you to  get to the end and then we'll be able to work   these steps in order to get there and so 50 need  that and everybody else is still comforted by it   you know what i'm saying like knowing that there's  steps knowing that there's a you know sort of like   a documented procedure people are comforted by  even though some people don't necessarily need   to hear that it still feels better to them to  know that so um that's just a good thing to   go over in your call as well and then you've got  actual things to you know pull from when when you   say okay well we should probably meet two times a  month for the next two months because you're right   here we want to get right here in order to get  there the quickest way possible two times a month   in the next two months is probably going to get us  there so that's it gives you you know good reason   for why they would have those next appointments um  well i mean i feel like we've got you in a place   where you can just run right now and be able to to  free up some more cash so our goal was to be able   to create more income and without like the program  and stuff like that the creating the income is   going to come from the coaching consulting and  then while you're in coaching and consulting and   people are asking questions about it whether  they join it or not you can always still say   you know while you're in conversation with them  hey by the way here's this planner if you didn't   want to do the coaching or consulting or whatever  um here's the planner that might help you out as   you're talking here's the kombucha thing you  know if you haven't done that here's this so   you're able to weave those in to the coaching  and consulting side of it but really just it's   speaking to it more it's talking more about it you  need to be thinking about it every day and what i   would do is i would think of a number of people  that i want to have sign up for my coaching or   consulting every week so think of a number and  then allow your brain to start working on that   but you need to think of it every single day and  so you need to be creating content that sort of   envelops and wraps itself around the need for the  coaching and consulting and then have it as a cta   and also in emails yes cool awesome  do you have any other questions   no that's perfect i can go start working on this  today yes i hope everybody else loved this this   is awesome well cool adele you have the best day  i told you it was going to be shy of 30 minutes   and we're literally at 26 minutes right now we're  bosses is what i'm saying here you and i adele are   crushing things so thanks for coming on everybody  thanks for chatting and um give adele some love   some whoop whoop it takes courage to come out  here and say like hey i've got this issue um   but i mean you can see on the other side of it  we get to get solutions and stuff like that so   love you guys thanks for being here thank you  adele you all have a good day thank you bye

2022-02-18 18:13

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