Markets Rally, Interest Rally, Which Stocks Rally? | Active Trading Strategies

Markets Rally, Interest Rally, Which Stocks Rally? | Active Trading Strategies

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So our yields. What's going to benefit from this? Where can be resistance possibly be? Let's talk about all those things stick around. Listen. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good morning, wherever you are on this big blue marble My name is Pamela Ali, and this is active trading strategies. I am joined in the chats by all of you, as well as Connie Hill, who's there as another tdameritrade education coach to answer your questions. You all

know Connie. I'm sure a lot of you if you are new. Uh can you and I have known each other for 18 17 18 years, so she's another chartered market technician as myself so she can answer lots of questions. You

can follow Both Kanye and I on Twitter at Pima Lolly underscore T D A. That's how you follow me. You can follow Connie at Connie or at Sea Hill. Underscore TEDA and I

just noticed there is also a survey right off the bat in the. In the chat. So if you could please copy and paste that or open it up and leave it in the background. Don't answer it until we're done today, but only a couple questions and we do, uh, want to, uh, hear your comments so we can try to continue to build better, uh, content, educational content for you. We really rely on that. And you guys are a great help. Hello Wing Charles, Sarah

Remmy, Sebastian Tony. Garnish should be. Excuse me. John Jenkins VJ. Whoops Um Mary Bill. And everybody in the.

Recording Welcome. Welcome Welcome. Let's uh let's get out there. By the way. This is on

YouTube. Uh obviously, but one of the things we like to, you know, have, uh, you to consider is To, um. Uh I'm gonna That's wrong place. What I want to consider you consider is, um, subscribing subscribers subscribers YouTube so you can find all of the great content. Uh Chinese content or fundamental analysis content. All the different things that we do on YouTube. So please

subscribe to YouTube. Give us a like and share it with somebody as well active trading strategies before we jump into anything today, this contents intended for educational purposes only not for recommendations. Short options can be assigned at any time. Regardless of the expiration date in the money options have a higher risk of being assigned. PaperMoney virtual

trading application will not assign short options early, which which is very different from real. Money trading. Remember that this Webcast is going to discuss technical analysis? Other approaches, including Fundamental out US analysis may assert different views. All investing involves risk, including the risk of loss past performance. Many

security or strategy does not guarantee future results or success. You. Are responsible for any investment decision that you're making yourself directed account, which is solely your responsibility as well as any stop loss. Orders that we do talk about are not guaranteed to fill up the activation price because they will be subject to competition with other orders coming in at the market. All right. Today's agenda market and sector review We're going to look at the yields quickly, and we're gonna look at several sample trades in the financials. And maybe you know if we can get to, it may be something else and everyone to look at the financials and there's a reason we're doing that today, So let's get out there. Take a look at what we've got going So first and foremost, here's a picture of the S and P 500.

We're gonna jump into that in a second. Let's look at the sidebar over here. The left hand side bar. And let's see what we've got What we've got. The 10 year. Note the 10 year yield Excuse me, not note. The

10 Year yield. Is that 1.5 to 2. It says 15.222 role that Desmond Place one to the left. S and P 500 up. 1.5% NASDAQ up almost 2. Getting back the majority of what it gave up yesterday, the Dow Jones up 1.36% the Russell 2000 lagging

today, but up today as well, and that is what we're looking at. Here is kind of what we've not seen We've seen the NASDAQ up. With. The yields up. So uh, is this just the question that we're looking to answer and only time is going to answer it with what happens to price? Uh is this just a reflex bounces? It's just a typical bounce. In a, uh. Maybe a possibly, uh, short term oversold position in the S and P and the NASDAQ again. Only time will tell. But let's look at this. From a

technical standpoint, obviously been in a long term uptrend. Which is now in question were coming down. We've broken through the 50 day, moving average, Weird at the 100 day moving average still above. The 200 days, so we're sitting trying to read capture the 100 Day moving average. What I want what I want everybody to notice in the far as the technicals.

Go as when you zoom in here. Look at a couple different things here. This uh, purple dotted. Line is the 20 period.

Moving average SimpleMovingAvg-- this gold One is the 50 day moving average. I want you to notice that we draw a downtrend line this dotted line here that that 20 period moving average and that downtrend line are converging on each other as price starts to make an upward upward push. As well. So we've got some some resistance coming in there if we were to draw a horizontal. Resistance across at the top.

Excuse me the bottom of that gap down day back on the 28th. That would have been last Tuesday. So a week ago today we gapped down Ran. We followed through a little bit now we're rallying back up. So that's coming into play as well. So

this whole area here the 50 the 20. Day moving averages the horizontal resistance price resistance and the downside price resistance. Let me get rid of those, uh, lines that we've got drawn in there. And let's do one other thing. We're going to do a short term Fibonacci in the direction of the new of the lower lows and lower highs. We say lower lows and lower highs because that is the definition of a downtrend.

Has so lower law lower, high, lower low and right now, the still the lower high. We don't have anything that says that anything's changed in the short. Terms so let's draw a Fibonacci from these highs in here. And we're just going to come down here. Get our Fibonacci tool. The reason I'm showing that so why would I be showing this? What the heck does this have to do with looking at financials and the other things we have written in there? What does this have to do with that? While the markets can have a reflex rally, or just a normal reaction back in the other direction, and sometimes, uh, we'll see the market rally and well, might we may see selling into that rally so by the by the dip and then sell on the rip they like to say So, um will the Dip buying That's been so. Prevalent for such a long

time. Will it overtake any selling that may come into those areas? So we're going to put on a Fibonacci? So we come down here to our, uh. Quick drawing tool here. We're just gonna look at the percentage. That percentage is shows the Fibonacci ratios. Percentage move, so I'm just going to draw from Lota are from high to low and then we're going to look at these numbers over in here. And

we're going to focus on right now. Focus on that 50% fib. Which comes into play with all those other lines that we drew the 20 period, exponential moving average. The. Bottom of the gap last Tuesday, the downtrend line. All of those things are coming into play along with the Fibonacci is which makes this an important area doesn't mean that that is any kind of, uh, guarantee whatsoever. That price will just fall down from there. It just makes it important area that if it does move above there. If somebody decides they

want to sell into a salad that area or sells short at that area. By puts it that area they might be able to make a gauge that if it breaks the price gets above. The 61% 61.8% fib that maybe things are changing, and maybe we'll see price move back and retest these old highs and maybe even go higher. We are in October volatility historically is part of Uh, October. Up and down this a lot of up and down this and going nowhere for the first.

Sometimes two weeks. Sometimes maybe a little bit longer, sometimes little bit shorter, but oftentimes, October ends back to the upside, Uh, from a breath standpoint. We've got 65% of the stocks on a 1.5%

update. Uh 65% of the stocks. Uh trading. Uh, on an uptick. That means. Somebody bought somebody sold and it happened on an uptick We're getting, uh, advances over the decliners. The net advances over the decliners, trying to get our is actually above the 0% line.

Again, so. And he pushed back above that 50 period. Moving average may see maybe some further buying. Only time will tell. Now Here's the interesting thing that we've seen, Uh, come into play. We're going to come over here to the TNX. The TNX is the 10 Year

Treasury yield that says index over in here, but that's the yield index for those that are new to this. It says 1.5 here So this is the 10 year interest rate. It's not 15% This isn't this isn't 19. 1980 This is

2021. So you're gonna roll that? Decimal point, once, one place to the left, and so it really reads 1.5 to, uh percent yield or interest rates. So the

but the story here. Is what we saw last year and we're gonna we're in why we might be considering financials today, at least on an active trading basis. So last year In, um. September October, We saw yields really run to the upside, topping out in March and then falling to the downside. So we've got that in there. Let me get rid of some of these lines in here as well. Clear that drawing set We're gonna hate that. I did that because I've

got some things in there like to see. But in any event, let's do something else here. I'm going to put on comparison line. And I'm gonna I'm gonna click right here on the beaker and on that beaker. We're going to come over here to the to the edit studies window that pops up going to the left pane of the window and we're going to type in C O M P. And that

allows us to do a comparison line with the S and P. 500 is the default. We're not going to go with the default. We're going to go with financials. Uh and financials are. Got to be

careful. Which one I throw up here. Uh let's see if I x him will work. We had some issues

with this as far as the price goes. Nope. Not going to work. All right, that's uh Get rid of that. I say it's not going to work because there's some bad prints in there and so let me pop over here and look at our sectors. Strongest sector for the day is financials. That's

why we're looking at that. It's just the day it's just one day. Today That does not necessarily mean that trend. But this has the This is the symbol we're going to type in their dollar sign SP 500. Or hashtag. What everyone to call it these days.

Hashtag fifties s and P 500 hashtag 50. We'll come over here, Right? Click hit, Edit Study Come in here and type in dollar sign. S P 500. Uh, Hashtag 50. It apply in boom. So what do we see? Last year? When that when yields started to rise. Financials started to

rise. Now, financials kept going and then but until recently when they finally dropped and started pulling back in this, uh In this. Longer term kind of a what we might call it an ABC flag.

Longer term type flag as it's pulling back and now starting to turn back to the upside. With with the with the, uh Yields now that being said. What typically doesn't follow.

That is, uh, the information technology, which is 45. So let's change that number two. 45 right here instead of 50 so we can see The difference. So

this would be I t information tech. So semiconductors, hard computer hardware, so on and so forth. And we can see. Let's back out of this. That when this really starts to take off, Well, that really kind of, uh, put a crimp in those high growth names, the apples, the Googles, the Facebooks, so on and so forth, and is this started to fall at recaptured their upside. Until recently is it started to rise again? So now? The one thing I want everybody understand this is not The perfect scenario. Perfect correlation. You're

going to find plenty of times where. Growth STOCKS, computer stocks, Uh, information technology stocks are going to rise along with interest rates, so it's not a totally perfect correlation, so that's going to be really, really hard to find about. The only thing is really close to perfect is going to be yields versus bonds When yields go up, Bonds go down. That means people are selling bonds and that makes the yields go up when people buy bonds that makes the yields go down, so that's the subject of today's action price action that The sectors that we're looking at our Um. Financial Why? Because we have a market that's been in a pull back and we have yields that are going higher. So maybe

the we'll see a little bit. Of buying coming into the financials. No guarantees on how long that may last. So

let's move forward here. Take a look at. Uh some financial stocks s ivy be, so what we're going to do here is going to Put on some trades More more along the, uh. Uh shorter term

Perhaps, maybe some longer term, um and, uh. See what? See what transpires when we look at S I B financial. For the longest time. It's really been drifting sideways So one of the technique we're going to use really is more of a momentum technique. We're really going

to be watching price and price momentum. Where is price compared to where it was in the past words price compared. To its, uh, intermediate term and longer term. Excuse me. Longer term, uh, moving averages, Which are we have here the 200 Day in the 50 day. We've been focusing on those of late because there's been a lot of negative downside crosses recently of the 50 Day below the 200 Day. And this is one that just it's drifted sideways long enough that we're starting to see these. Uh we started to

see this pinch if you will. This pinch if you will between the 200 Day and the 50 day 200 Day didn't quite catch up all the way before it broke back to the upside, That's okay. But that's what we look forward moving averages. We look for them to Get too far out away from each other. And look for

them to start to calm down. And then look for them to come very close to each other. And then if it's going to be bullish, look for some kind of a bounce to the upside, and that's what we're seeing. And experiencing

right now, with US VB Financial. So we've got price that's moving to the upside. It's above its 50 day moving average, Let's look at it from a breakout standpoint. And so if we look at you know what? Let me in this case here. Let's uh. Remove this SimpleMovingAvg-- from that screen and let's draw some channel in here. Right We know that it's above the 50 day.

We know the 50 days pointing up and we know that 200 days pointing up. How close are we to the breakout? And why is that important? It's important. Because. If it's too extended too far away, then you know we're taking on. We have less. Uh. Reward possibly less reward to the upside than we do have risk of the downside, so they risk reward scenario may not necessarily be all that great.

So we watched this bang around, up and down, up and down, up and down until. The middle of August. We're really started to make some, uh make inroads into the upside and then recently back on the 23rd Thursday Thursday, the 23rd. Of last month, It broke to the upside and a sense really, just. Drifted straight sideways, So we've got some. Dylan There is, uh, in my, um in my advanced charting class, or maybe.

Connie If she knows where it is, can directly the error of my advanced charting technical analysis class. Well maybe we'll look at that someday. Uh look at those differences. There's a couple different ways that can be done. Alright to answer that question. So, uh,

Let's uh let's walk through this. So what do we call this? What do we call this? From a technical standpoint? What do we call this little pattern right here? Now it's a breakout. And it is a goal flag. Uh as well so both flag really coming, uh, drifting straight sideways when we look at the amount of selling, Yeah, some pretty good selling that came along. A few days and in here, but it's not really been able to push to the downside. Momentum by measured by the, uh.

R s. I mean, this is kind of the important areas might be something somebody uses. And we've been. We've been talking

about this. Recently Uh, I talked about it a lot because you have to understand R C is just not overbought oversold his somebody. That's new. It's done a little bit of studying on rse might say, Well, wait a minute. This is overbought We don't want to get into that now. This was overbought. That overbought idea could mean that there is more upside to go. You

can see over over here. It got really overbought and price continued to move higher. Now Price drifted sideways for the longest time, and now it's rallying again with an overbought situation. You may find the same thing happening with the stochastic. Whatever you. Feel as that you grasp

onto best is what you probably should be thinking about using. Not something that somebody ACH uses or says. You have to use. That's just their opinion. But this is what this is telling us. So how did technicians look at this? Technicians Look at this as a uh, measure. Of bullish bias. So if we go up

here and find the 80 number, I'm just going to draw color in here. Make a In this Area here. This is considered. The bullish regime, meaning the RC stays above 40. Every time it gets to 40 price, find some kind of support every time it gets to 40 price, find some kind of support. And then finally, it breaks out again. On on a break of the resistance, so this is a fairly bullish bias, along with the fact that we have some, you know, economic. Uh yield issues

where we got yields moving. Higher banks will benefit from those for a while, so we're going to look at, uh, possibly trade making trades on these. Not not a recommendation by any stretch of the imagination. That's your job to make your own self wrecking. Uh. Excuse

me, uh, recommendations. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna enter on a buy. Stop Why are by stop? Well, prices still just languishing sideways. So for momentum, traders, a couple of things that you might think of doing is looking to buy a on a break. To the upside. If price moves to the upside, That's what this is now.

There's no guarantee you're going to get filled on that at 6 72 50 y because it's a buy, stop a stop order to buy something at or above, quote unquote at or above 6 72 50. It could be 6 73. It could be much more than that. And then or it could just drop and you just never get filled right? So But that is not a guarantee at that activation price because large gap can occur. Same thing goes on the downside, and we talk about. Talk about exiting out

of this. We're gonna exit $87 Lower 87 points lower at 5 85 again No guarantee of a Philip that activation price because again, it turns into a market order which has to compete with those orders out there, so we have trade risk of $87. And we have a portfolio risk of 1000 meeting. Somebody might have a portfolio of, uh, whips lost total control their portfolio. Uh that has $100,000 and they're only willing to risk Um, 1% of that. Was which is $1000. You take $87 divided

into the 1000 and says You can buy 11 chairs of this only if it's at or above 6 72. 50 So what we're gonna do here is we're gonna right click here when you're right. You can do this from the screen here. Or

you can do it straight from the trade tab. We're doing it from the screen. If you do it from the screen. Excuse me speaking here, you gotta unlock this lock. So it gives you you know, close to where the price is Trading right now. 16 or 6? 63 26 Now it's a 600, You know $63 stock. It doesn't look like a

lot, so it's going to have to move $10 basically for that entry. Stop to trigger and then we'll see if we get filled. We're not going to buy 100 shares, though we're going to buy. 11 shares. We're going to have an $87 stop. So what we're coming cannot do is come over here and put in 11. We're going to click this little firecracker looking thing, and that's going to connect those two traits. So by 11 cell 11 s

I V B. We're going to buy it. Not on unlimited. We're going to buy it on a stop. So when

you put in a buy stop by stop above the market at 6 72 50. And then we're going to exit if it drops down to 5 85 We'll look at that here in a second. Why 5 85. Somebody might ask, so I'll look at that in a second. We're going to make both these good to cancel and sometimes you just don't get filled that drops. You just never get filled. And that's

okay because it doesn't meet your Meet your parameters. So let's uh hit. Confirm and send double check everything by make sure buying on a stop higher. Good to cancel. Uh And, uh, I

stop or sell stop at 5 85. No guarantees boom, So that's just going to sit there until price moves. So let's zoom in on this. Not that way. I know what

I gotta do. And zoom in on this. And take a look at why. Exiting out at 5 85. Well we don't want to you can if you want, you can exit out as soon as it drops below this flag, But oftentimes. What you might

see is priced. Checking back now. This is kind of, uh, Moving sideways, which often times is considered by many technicians as a as a pullback, But we might see this actually checked back into this area and then look for it to bounce off of that. Okay? And so we'll see what we'll see what occurs But if it goes any lower than that. And starts dropping down below.

This gap support over in here. That might mean some give us some negative negative bias will be losing momentum as well. If that if that occurs, so there's that trade. We'll see what happens and see how far it can run. We're going to leave. This is sort of a trend

trade. Let's move on to Bank of America and this one's interesting We're going to go ahead and buy this on a limit. In this trade, but we're not going to do it until we understand what we're doing. So let's let's uh. Review or or do our due diligence. What's going on with price? What's going on with price here? What's going on with the momentum and price doesn't make sense. We got a

couple of things going here. We've got this up channel that it's been in the sub channel has been drifting. Um. Has been, you know, drifting up. And some pretty pretty strong waves. And now, uh, difference.

Maybe a little bit of a difference. We've seen bounces back up into the to the supply line. The selling line the Resistance area, but today seems to be trying to make a break above that. And again. Here is your Um, kind of your bullish flag. Runs up, pulls back and it's rallying That's one thing to look at trying to break above the top of this, uh.

Intermediate term Channel up Trending channel was some other things here. That hasn't happened in a while, and that's worth things topped in June. We draw a line across these highs over in here. Prices breaking above. These highs in here, so

we've got momentum building on the RC will look at that in a minute. We have price breaking above and, uh, the upside of a channel, The upper. Channel line, which is where rejection or which is we're selling. Our supply comes on. And what's

happening here is prices not having that happen? For now, Anything can happen, But right now it's looking a little more bullish. It's doing something and hasn't done in a while. It's rejecting. The selling the

supply. In other words, the supply here on this flag is being absorbed, and that's how flag trades happen. Price demand comes in here and, uh, it rallies makes the flagpole it pulls back. Making the, uh. Uh flag itself in that flag itself. Uh shows a show some

strength here to the to the upside, meaning that it rejected any more selling in the absorbed. Any of the absorbed the buying going into that, uh, going into this pullback here, so it's breaking out so we may want to do a trade their volume, really not breaking any land speed records, So that's uh. A bit of a new sense, but it's been in this uptrend. We'll see what occurs going on now. Now

momentum again. We need to review momentum because it. It has been kind of in that bearish regime, and they say bearish regime. What we mean is. The inability. Really over in here since last April. For the, uh, for the R C. To get above

the city keeps getting above 65. So there's still some pretty strong momentum, but we saw some excursions into the over sold 30 area. And now it's trying to break back to the upside, showing some strength and price showing some strength in this R s. I would like to see the RC again break to the upside. And for anybody. That's

new to this just because we go over overbought. It depends on where it's going over. Bought overbought, uh, on a On a breakout. Can often times mean more upside to come. Okay, so just again. It's not 100% You can see some pretty strong Pullbacks. We'll see what

occurs but we're going to enter on a buy limit. Uh right now we're just going to buy it on a limit Order exit at a 2.5 point. Loss of it drops 2.5 points from where we're buying. We want to get out at $42. Now again. It's a stop loss no

guarantee of act being activated at 42 because of the. Thought of that nature of stop loss is we have an upside target. This one's going to have a target of 49. So if we get in at 44 a half. And it can run 2.40.9. That's going to be about $4.5, and we'll have a

$2.5 loss. If we have $2.5 trade loss. That's the stop area. It drops $2.5 again looking to exit out at that point, it could be more. Only

time will tell when a divide 1000 of our portfolio risk by 2.5 says. We can buy 500 shares, so we're going to do the same thing here. As we did the last time except we're going to leave it as a buy limit. And we'll just manipulate the. The. Trade and we're going to use a bracket. We're going to right

click on the chart and we're going to use a bracket. Why a bracket? Because we're we have A exit. And to the downside and an exit the profit taking exit to the upside, and when we do this bracket, it's going to set it up the proper way because one needs to be a stop loss. One needs to be a stop. A buy. Stop limit, Okay. I mean, yeah. By limited or a sell limit order Sorry. I'll get this

right in the second. So we came over here by with OC eo bracket, One cancels other and the purpose of that is if one if the stop loss get filled, gets filled. It cancels the upside target. If this if the upside target gets filled. It cancels the stop loss and it says 400 shares when it come over here and change this to 400. And it

because we have this Lincoln here checked, it makes it makes both of those exit points upside. Exit. Foreign shares Downside except for 100 chairs. And of course we need to uncheck this. We're going to get in on a limits. We're not gonna manipulate this one here, but we need to manipulate our target price That's going to be the limit. The target price is

going to be the Sell. Limit. The exit price is going to be the whips cell. Stop again. No guarantee. So let's put those

numbers in here. We're gonna upside target of $49. Making that good to cancel. You Don't

want that to go away If you don't make it good to cancel at the end of the day it disappears. Everything goes away in a downside exit of 42. 42 will change that day. Order too good to cancel, so we should have a order to get in right now at where the price is trading exit on a profit limit Order sell limit. And a sell. Stop order. Good to cancel on both of those at. And we'll

double check everything 400, or foreign and shares so on and so forth, and we'll go ahead and send this. Off boat now were filled and we have our orders sitting up here to take a profit and our exit order down below that trying to gain more than we lose no guarantees there, but that's the idea. Uh losing less than you make. Over time. Alright, PNC. There's another one another financial.

I know that. Let me let me back up a little bit, because this is not necessarily. Diversification at its finest right. We're just going through showing examples. That's why

these are not recommendations showing examples of different style. Uh similar trades in similar categories, and some people actually may do this. They may buy one or two, uh different stocks in the same different companies in the same category in the same industry and sector and then which everyone works starts really working better. They may sell the other one and buy more of the previous or buy more of the other one as well. So that's something to consider. Now, this one here we've got a, uh by stop. This is well. It's

before we jump in there. It's going to be similar to the first one. We did accept. We uh, are not accept because we have an upside target. Uh we got to buy Stop, but we also have an upside targets were waiting for it to move higher and we're going to have a target to the upside so kind of the last two trades. We did. In differences. And those two were one was by stop above the market, and the other was buy it right now. And uh, with, uh, the first one would know upside target. So on

and so forth. You get you get. I mean, all right. So we've got this doing similar things really just consolidating sideways. After a really nice strong run to the upside, Uh, A bull flag is it breaks out to the upside That bull flag here is X amount of dollars high. That's see what that is. That's

about, uh, $18 to the upside. You can look at this. Ascending triangle that's in here as well. That ascending triangle has an upside target. I'm going to right click on that dash line that I drew in there, and we're going to duplicate that drawing and I'm going to drag that over. Here. Well all this down, and there's an upside target of 2 13 so about another $13 to the upside. This is not the

greatest risk reward trade, so you need to make those decisions on whether or not you want to do this, But the technical setup is what you might consider, but from a risk reward. Standpoint. If there's only if there's $13 to the upside. Let me make sure I got that right here. 18 there if I

got that, right? 19 I don't. Uh oh, yeah, I do, because it's already trading at 200. So only about $13 from where you might get in to the upside. So this might be one you would pass on because it's not at least a 2 to 1. Reward. No guarantees just because it's 2 to 1 reward that you're always going to get $2. And you only always going to lose $1 so just always remember that, but you want to try to set yourself up for that proper scenario, but from a technical standpoint, This looks. Uh, looks. Similar to

what you might you might be looking at, so somebody may look at this as a more of a trend trade. Put your stop further away and C C work and go from there. From a Volume standpoint. We saw volume increase. As price rallied. Exactly what you want to see, and we saw volume decrease as price drifted sideways and came back in. So this check back Not that way. Didn't. This checked

back into that breakout and has since bounced on that break out. Um. So I'm going to skip this one. And I'll tell you why. Because, uh, the. Nine point risk that it's going to be taken on here with a $13 upside, you would your probability of being right would have to be fairly large for that to make sense over time, so we'll skip that one there. And let's move on to a this is, uh. This is a AHH.

Saying that jewelers so this is this isn't banks. This is discretionary. And now this one looked like something that we might consider, even though it's out of the out of the realm of financials, But Christmas is coming. And maybe. People Maybe there are some maybe the supply of rings and diamonds and gold and things out there at jewelers is still there. Who knows for sure, But

it's still making that kind of. Price action that somebody might be looking for. Let's put this one on a weekly chart. To get a kind of an idea of what's been going on a really strong move to the upside, a buying climax going into June of, uh, excuse me June of this year. And then relaxing, drifting sideways building what some people might call a cup and handle in here, Let me get a drawing tool. So here's the Cup. A bit of a handle and now

trying to break to the upside, So we're just gonna make this trend. Trade real quick turn trade due to time. We're going to buy on a again this one is going to be on a enter on a limit order. Oh, this is not a

weekly church. That's why You don't want to limit order. And try to find my text now. You know, not a limit order. Exit 13 points lower at 73 a half on a stop. You know by 76 shares dividing $1000. A portfolio

risk by $13 worth of trade risk, So we're just going to come down here to buy custom with stop. Click there. Click the Odilio right there because we're gonna buy it. Click the That's not unduly. Oh, that's a lock. That's technical term. Do Leo and we're going to buy Um. 76 shares. Of singing jewelers.

At 85 72 with a stop. $13 lower at 73 50. It's not exactly because I set these up before time changing the stop loss not guaranteed, Remember to a good to cancel order 76 shares. Here's your last. Area to make sure that you've done things the way you want them buying on a limit right now. Is trying to break to the upside 76 years exiting in 73 50 good to cancel on a stop loss and we'll send that off. Boom and there we

are, and those are trades so. Let's take it quick, look back and see what's occurring. ATNX still moving higher. The S and P 500 still up 1.5% near the highs for the day. Uh and, uh. The uh, markets maybe just in for a reef reflex rally to the upside. We'll see if the

rotation continues. Join me tomorrow for market and sector analysis. We'll talk more about rotation. Talk more about breath and other things we see. Remember there is a survey so please fill out that survey. And give us your comments. We

really appreciate all you guys do and all your passionate when you're here, and we love your comments. They help us quite a bit. Everybody reads them from the top down. So we do

appreciate that. And if you like, what you saw today gave us the thumbs up. And thank Connie for being here as well. In the hall of her help. If you

think somebody can benefit from this, please share this with them on the YouTube link with them, and, uh, if you have not subscribed, subscribe subscribe Xdrive make it a lot easier for you to find things so We've got. Markets making a little bit of a rally today some possible changes, but the sector's still are more leaning towards those cyclical names that might benefit from increases in, uh, yields. So that's why we looked at those sample trades and financials. Everyone have a great day. Remember this is for

educational purposes only not for recommendations. You're responsible. For the decisions you make in your self directed account. Everybody take care Join me tomorrow, uh, and joined Connie as well and we'll talk to you soon.

2021-10-07 12:03

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