Love After Lockup Season 3 Episode 49 Life After Lockup: Devil on the Shoulder (Sep 24, 2021) FULL

Love After Lockup Season 3 Episode 49 Life After Lockup: Devil on the Shoulder (Sep 24, 2021) FULL

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previously on life after lockup how's that feel nice you gotta go i asked you if you flirted with her and you told me no will you marry me again i believe that john understands how bad he hurt me flirting with my sister of course he's cheated on every girl that he's been with is this puppy here uh no that's definitely a parole violation she give me an address but she don't answer who are you i have no clue who this guy is this guy could be selling drugs she told me to call you okay michelle she's trying to come back in my life maybe things are going bad with sammy she misses me i trust you but the people that you're dealing with how can i trust them i am working really hard to open up a sober living house with my business partners kanan and robert i can't find one robert has taken off with all of our money and we believe he is on drugs we put all the money into one bank account almost 80 grand money's gone marcelino this is the trust issue that i'm trying to build with you please don't leave no it's a junk call it says tina right here old friend of mine stan is lying through his teeth he's texting other women all the time either you don't call me anymore or when you call me you say hey lisa you want to set a wedding date oh i'm not settling for this someone i just quit my job and i'm moving to ohio i've been talking to another inmate you're an idiot i met sarah the same time that i've met destiny but sarah and i have a stronger bond you have a daughter you do she's been lying to me for over a year i just want you to drop me off here and i don't want you to follow me it almost feels like i'm being called again i mean i don't think i'll ever see her again like she acted like she was just done [Music] hey do you want a snack yeah okay i'm gonna cut you up an apple okay there you go thank you abby was only six months old when i got locked up so i have literally missed so much of her life so what's going on well um i invited stacy over to do my hair so awesome i mean i missed her first tooth the first time she crawled the first time she walked her first day of kindergarten i missed all of that and i can never get those things back she knows who our mom is i know you love mommy huh uh-huh i dismiss so much of her of her personality of everything and she watching your kid grow up through pictures it's like the worst thing in the world and i'm not gonna watch it grow up in pictures anymore i'm gonna be there for the rest of everything now wow [Music] i've been to ohio for a few months and since sarah's release i haven't seen her i live in this big house alone i really don't know anybody out here and i just wish sarah was here with me you know we talk and text all the time on the phone but every time we make plans to meet up something always happens where she can't or she's busy or you know just kind of has me all worried because it's like i gave up a lot to come out here i found a new job running an automotive repair shop and i found this good two-bedroom house i never really expected to really be alone like this like when i came out here i had you know high hopes that this is gonna work out this time for her not to even come over here and try to see me or anything it just kind of that's kind of crazy hey girl hi what's up how are you doing oh my god it's been forever i missed you i missed you too my friendship with sarah we met in clermont county jail i want to thank you something just clicked we just started hanging out and she became my best friend overnight it seemed like hi abby hi it wasn't for her i don't think i would have made it so do you have everything you need yeah i'm gonna go grab that [Music] hello hey hey what's going on nothing swash the dishes you washing dishes that's funny i'm extremely lonely i really don't know anybody out here and so i talked to kelly every day on the phone so what's going on with uh sarah well i haven't really i haven't really got to see her at all like that sounds a little don't it yeah but i've been locked up for six years you know just kind of maybe it's too much so i'm just trying to give her her space uh-huh so it did kind of upset me that the sean guys he got to pick you up i know and i'm i'm so sorry about that i just it's just how it happened like he was just a very good convincer and he just convinced me that that was the right thing to do just take your best friend to the curb that's fine he has put in so much dedication to me he sent me money even me not going and seeing him and stuff like wow i know i definitely don't feel like sean respects the fact that i want to take things slower my past relationships were just so toxic the drugs the lies the cheating you name it it's happened so i feel like i need to be able to trust sean and just need some time to sit and process my feelings it's just pretty overwhelming i'm just hoping she'll come around like i really do because i give up a lot to come here like i just kind of put all my faith in this you mean like you did with the whole thing with destiny and stuff threw everything in and now you're throwing everything in again like a dumbass but she texts me and she calls me on the phone does she text you and ask you for money and things like that yeah she asked me for money i sent her a little bit of money here and there like i don't know five six thousand dollars so it sounds like exactly destiny that this is worse i don't know did i tell you he moved here he did yes i didn't ask him to do that that was his choice that was his choice he has to understand i felt like you put a lot of pressure on me and a lot of expectations like you can't just expect me to just move in you i don't even know you she's probably i've got a bunch of other boyfriends too i don't think so yeah you didn't think that with destiny look how that worked out i hate to admit it but talking about this whole situation i mean it it just brings everything into perspective at least when i get money from you it's for our kids and stuff i need to give sarah the ultimatum see me in person or it's over i'm glad you're still hanging around with me samuel i never know which hand he is it's the trouble with being ampsidextrous [Music] hello dan wow you look very very very nice yeah where have you been uh well i stayed with my brother rick well i missed you last night i did some soul searching with my bible and i realized that um god doesn't give up on people so i feel like i shouldn't i want you to be here so that i can be with you i love you lisa okay stan was a different person when i was in prison you know i envisioned marriage and then some with him that's why i keep trying with this guy but if you know he's messaging her with other women then obviously we have problems we have issues we have to work out i'm just going to say right now that uh i do apologize what do you apologize for well um just everything i did what did you do said and done what did you say well you were you were upset that uh i texted tina solution is stop you know doing it well i have i'm not texting her anymore i mean i want to be do you want to be exclusive we were exclusive well i'm confused what do you i mean we've never really said we're exclusive that i know of i live in your house have we had to talk about being exclusive absolutely i wasn't with guys so to me you know that's that's being ex exclusive right can i i'm just gonna say this right now i'm looking at your fireplace and this is just disrespectful as hell it's disrespectful as hell what's wrong with it how many axes are up there um having pictures of his exes on his walls i think they're like trophies to him you know he likes to show them off they're not pictures of us hugging or kissing or anything like that they're just pictures to remind me of fun we had and that is it i don't even communicate with them i haven't talked to a man no i do not i haven't talked to brenda in eight years what about theresa teresa's one what about tina you talk to your exes no so i could go put some um pictures of my husband's up there in my house okay i got your point and i'll take them down it's not a big deal i shouldn't have had to ask you to do that though well nobody ever said anything i didn't think it was a big deal okay all right um let's just move past this one too so the reason i showed up today this morning is i think that we should maybe just talk to a pastor and and get his input well i'll go with you me and my wife never attended any couples counseling didn't need it didn't want it but god is god he's the ultimate the alpha romero so i'm hopeful that praying together we'll get our relationship back on track you gonna go like that well i can change or i can put another coat on it looks better well i wish you would change okay go upstairs and do just that all right all right i can't do the drama anymore i don't i don't want to i'm going to church to bear my soul and if stan doesn't own up to his wrongdoings and be sincere and honest it's over i called tara what if she's twacked out when she gets you what's i know kristiana wants her sister at the wedding we have to compromise but it's probably best that she just stay away hey yeah let's go get her open the door you're acting like a punk what are you because you're acting like i can control myself but i really need to control britney open the [Music] door welcome to hotel winnishak this is our opera house wow that's spiffy [Music] are you gonna do the reception here as well yes we can set up the tables any way you would like me and john are already married you may now kiss your beloved this time i want the white dress i want the veil and i want to have my mom walk me down the aisle you can have a bar back here definitely no alcohol she's on parole would we be able to supply our own non-alcoholic beverages yes so i need to get some paperwork started you guys can take a look around thank you thanks hey babe i'm gonna step out for a quick smoke all right okay yeah love you love you too i just keep thinking about my sister i tried to kiss him you're supposed to be my best friend what do you expect when you weren't there and i was i mean what [Music] i feel bad that you know tara had to move out of john's house because she has open charges and i cannot be around anybody that has open charges i'm worried that tara is back on drugs already me and my sister used to be very close we used to hang out all the time it doesn't matter if i'm upset with tara i still want her a part of my life your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system i do really miss her and i just want my best friend back so we're gonna do 500 on that one we're gonna do [Music] 300 on that one and then we will do 200 on that one all right i will get this back to you in a few minutes all right thank you thank you hey hey baby what's up you're looking all some kind of way i called tara oh yeah [Music] i want her to be a part of my wedding i don't know if i'm okay with that what if she's twacked out when she gets you what's i mean what's that gonna do we have to compromise here i know kristiana wants her sister at the wedding and i know she's hurting but i do believe tara may be using she's a bad influence it's probably best that she just stay away [Music] it's not exactly comfortable to have her in my airspace [Music] all right are you okay my husband took off i thought he was gonna blow off some steam and come right back home it's been hours it's been hours and i've been anxiously waiting for him to come home and now that he's here i don't know i feel like my heart's gonna beat out of my chest i do i have another choice except but to be okay i'm the last one in the circle to be figuring out what's going on it's not like that marcelino this isn't something you could just sweep on sweep under the rug like i put my face into the wrong people and i'm sorry i apologize i should have done more to protect our family and listen maybe i should have told you sooner and i'm sorry about that i didn't mean to upset you and i didn't mean to like withhold anything from you and i really hope that you know that what do you want to do about this you know i was thinking that it would probably you know be beneficial for us to go to the house where he's at and ask him where's the money i don't know why that wasn't kanan and cassandra's first thought was to go to the house like i thought it and and they told me that they don't really think it's a good idea i don't think i don't think you should be taking any type of instruction from canaan at this point you gotta take control i'm down to go over there tomorrow with you and if he's there at least confront him about the money cause maybe he still has the money caitlyn's gonna have to come she's on the lease she's the we we can't be there unless she's there but if she's there then no one's allowed to tell us to leave legally if robert has fallen off if he's it you know it it scares them out of me to think about if what if it is true drug addicts are so unpredictable and i've never seen robert high so i don't know what kind of guy this is you know under the influence i have no idea what i'm up against i have no idea what's gonna happen and what i'm dealing with okay let's go get our yeah [Music] i'm gonna be honest because you know we're in the house of the lord so we met each other on one of those sites where they pay you for sex i don't think that's the case because i have the messages i wish sometimes i was back in my prison cell we're getting damn tired of counting on you put the pipe down it's just a vicious cycle that damn devil with the pipe bang bang bang surprised that you called yeah i just i don't know i guess i was being ridiculous yesterday you just it's not cool to just roll up on me but i mean i'm sorry that i just rolled up on you i i was just worried it's been a long time since i've seen amber i haven't seen her since she dumped me that day i love you no this is this thing i love you i can't deal with it really me and amber's known each other for about five years which the majority of them years were we were incarcerated so that's like dog years so we've known each other for forever it's like they become your family and that's the same thing for me and amber or at least i thought so now i don't know who she is you really hurt my feelings with the you know me you know give me the ultimatum about my being together or not you know because i i want more than anything to have my together you know i might go about it the wrong way or i might it may seem like i'm not going about it but it can't it's not going to go on your time and i get that but it's not like i didn't try to be there for you you know i didn't try to help you but like it didn't matter what i said it was like you didn't want to hear it but maybe that's what i needed you know yay food pancakes she got the pancakes i got omelette oh that looks good thank you so when i went to see your mom to get your address or whatever she was just looking rough she's still not doing great she's yeah she's had some surgeries and uh she goes to the doctor a lot don't make her worry about you she's not worried that's not what she don't mean oh she told you she's worried about it because you did cause she don't talk to you all the time so you're still living at mom's at your pearl address right girl your p.o can pop up on you i know so who's that guy he didn't look very happy to see me um that's eric i guess he's my boyfriend yeah i thought you dated women what happened to that i dated you and not women that didn't turn out so well for me okay well are you happy he's angry like aggressively angry at all times ready to chump anybody off that calls me kind of keeps me on tight lease just be careful with you know a man that trying to keep you on too much of a leash i don't know i want puppy to be happy but there's obviously something else going on with this eric guy i definitely want to have puppies back and i mean i don't know i don't know this area guy so i don't know if he does or not she said something about him having her on a tight leash it makes me think she's hanging out with the wrong people something to keep an eye on what made you go back with sami he's just grown now like all the things that i needed him to be before he seems to like have evolved into that now oh so it's everything you ever wanted i think it's crazy that amber broke up with me because i was drinking too much her boyfriend has a drinking problem so you love him love him yeah i think so i know that in the past sammy was you know a little uptight and angry and he took it out on amber he's not he's not good for her wouldn't it be fun if we went we had a double date oh god okay uh we've never been on a double date with your ex-girlfriend yeah no he knows who you are he knows all about you i don't even know who's gonna go i asked puppy to go on this date because i want her to have a chance to get to know seeing me better but i also want to check this eric guy out eric might not like me but i mean i don't really give poor friends okay he don't think you're my friend [Music] so this is a new church i might want to start going to someone just told me about it and um i called and feel like it's going to be a good deal oh okay but it oh we come home oh damn this is nice yeah say some prayers yeah you need to i've never been religious and i only found god this last time when i was in prison stan was he was a part of that i absolutely thought that standing my relationship was different because um of the spiritual connection between him and i so what church do you used to go to uh i'm saint joseph you're catholic stan had a marriage for um 30 plus years and i thought that he knew how to be a good husband but i don't know anymore i'm not going to put up with stan engaging with other women who have issues we have to work out and you can't do that um begging it to make it hi are you stan i am okay i am lisa lisa so nice to meet you guys yeah you too i'll just sit right here and talk to you a little bit okay yeah well i'm here today really because we have problems so maybe your advice will help okay so how long have you all known each other so i i've been uh in prison several times so we met each other um before prison and uh we met for ungodly reasons so i'm i'm i'm sitting here and i'm gonna be honest because you know we're in the house of the lord and he already knows i met him on on an app one of those sites where you hook up and they pay you for sex i don't think that's the case because i have the messages well wow well there's a lot of things that come to mind i think i would want to start with is we got a foundation issue there right and then we're trying to build on that but what are we building with every time i turn around at something so i recently found out that he had went behind my back and messaging back and forth with an ex you know uh an old girlfriend like from four or five years ago texted me and i texted her back to say hi how you doing you know let's not blow this whole thing out of proportion um you know i gave him an ultimatum and i should i said it out of anger maybe but i wanted some kind of uh commitment something's got to give stan what do you think is what's the basis to continue in the relationship um sex we haven't had sex in a long time so you can't say you're right because so you can't say that that's all it is no because i still enjoy being with you whether we do or not i love her and yes i do want to be passionate with her i'm not going to say i don't want to be passionate with her i love being with her she's a great person she's a happy she was a happy person you make me miserable [Music] i make you miserable yeah why the way you are who you are wow okay the stand that i met in prison was kind uh caring sweet um spiritual and so my expectation level was it was up there and now i wish sometimes i i was back in my prison cell um now i feel like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders again and i've got that cloak of burdens i'm carrying around and it just it sucks i feel like you deceived me for eight eight months deceived you how you talked to we talked about god for eight months on the phone before i got out of prison and when i got out it changed listen our history is our history our past is our past i don't doubt that you provided some support and some things that really helped her and i think she would acknowledge that but the question is again where's the foundation what's underneath it is just rotten to the core i don't want to give up hope yet the good things outweigh the bad things i love her i think if she would give me a chance we could really have something good i i i don't know where to go with it it sounds like you kind of already know what you need to do [Music] sarah is mama bear where are you i'm just thinking you know i think she's using all right i'm gonna be sending somebody at your door bang bang bang why didn't you tell me before you went and done this i don't lie to you i just want to be clear on what's really going on living with eric is violating my parole i'm just scared that eric is not rational if we're gonna do a dance here we should probably move the tables maybe off of the wooden floor like at least these three in the front i need lots of room to twerk oh my goodness oh my gosh he does not know how to twerk i can i can get down a little bit he goes like this she loves it when i twerk he's not really good at it though what you told me that my dance moves were superb i was just kidding oh oh boy can you just have fun [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i'm hurting myself again i am still on parole for about 15 more years i was living at my mom's but me and my boyfriend decided to move in with each other living with eric is violating my parole but it's better that i move in with him just because i would go crazy at my mom's eric what's up what are you doing smelling a cigarette what are you doing i just got back from having breakfast with amber who the chick that was here yeah i came here the other day banging on the door breakfast okay why didn't you tell me before you went and done this that you were going to have breakfast with your ex i don't know what y'all are but why didn't you say something she's my friend come on now ain't nobody friends with no exes ever i don't think that x's can really be friends um i know i'm not friends with my ex couldn't tell you when the last time i talked to her is amber may be trying to swoop in to take my position i don't lie to you i'm here choosing you and i still standing by that choice because this is good right here right yeah and y'all like for her to be a part of my life a part of your life you sure that can happen why can't it happen i mean i ain't saying it can't but i ain't never seen it so you don't want to go on a date with her and her boyfriend do you know him i don't know him but i know of him so is it a talk or is it closure or what y'all looking for no we just miss each other and we like to have each other in each other's life so we were catching up you kind of said a key word there y'all missing each other so she's my friend right now since when i just want to be clear on what's really going on i hate hitting agendas you know it's just a date we're gonna do it together amber can be kind of outspoken and i do not want him to be getting angry with her i'm just scared that eric is not rational if this date don't go well i don't want them to get ugly see how it goes okay are you going to cook me some rabbits baby i guess [Music] [Applause] oh i'm so happy for this day mom i know i am too [Music] look at all the beautiful brussels yeah all the glimmer and shine hi there hi welcome thank you yeah i'm here for my final photo you guys want to come on in okay got your dress right here i'll take it on back my wedding is in a week and i'm super excited but i'm nervous at the same time the last time we got married in the back of the truck john did have a dress for me but unfortunately it did not fit so i had to wear his coat and your prison shorts and bare feet yes oh that's beautiful yeah so what colors are you doing purple and white very pretty christiana i thought you said tara was supposed to be coming yeah i don't know why she's not here yet i made the first move to call tara and invite her to be my maid of honor in my wedding tara finally texted me back and she said she was gonna come but there's no sign of her i'm just thinking you know i think she's using well should i give her a call your call yeah been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system tara it's mama bear calling uh you were supposed to be here to meet up with us uh for christiana's fitting where are you don't worry tara she's back into the into the drug scene again all over again and it's just a vicious cycle my children i just want to grasp them onto them and just pull them in you know just keep them and i just can't seem to do it they just want to keep pushing away from me that damn demon you know we're getting damn tired trying counting on you where are you put the pipe down and answer your phone now all right i'm gonna be sending somebody at your door bang bang bang you got jesus on one shoulder and then the double on the other and who's stronger that damn devil with the pipe are we ready oh my god you look so amazing but i've never seen a more gorgeous dress isn't that pretty you look like a gem absolutely stunning [Music] oh man thanks i love you mom i love you too i'm just really disappointed that my sister's not here this is a really big day for me i mean she promised me but there's always broken promises and if you ain't got your word you ain't got hey no thank you just stop please just stop hello [Music] hey how are you i'm okay how are you huh i'm doing all right i guess you guess moved to ohio to start a new life with sarah but sarah won't even let me see her in person it's cold outside i'm alone it's starting to feel like i'm repeating myself like i'm with destiny i'm in a new place i have nobody here are you trying to tell me something well it just kind of sucks because i you know i did come here for you and to not be able to see you just kind of it's just crazy i know but i didn't ask you to do that she chose to do that knowing that we didn't know what was gonna happen like what you had in your head and even what i had in my head then is just not what happened now yeah but i thought things would have been a lot different by now i figured we would at least be able to see each other a little bit or something you know at least make one day for me you know and i feel like every time we make up any kind of plans or anything like that you just kind of like blow me off or forget who i am it's not that i don't want to see you i just have so much going on like do you have somebody else out here i mean is that kind of what it is i mean ah no you're being so ridiculous right now well i mean look at it from my shoes you know what i mean the one little time for the half a day we spent magically just left in some random car i just want you to drop me off here and i don't want you to follow me okay stay in here hey there you that was shadiest i know it looked that way but i just freaked out and that was my mom who picked me up it has nothing to do with another guy i don't know why you're so fixated on that no there's not any other guy i'm being a mom i'm trying to focus on my daughter i think that if shawn would not press me so much i think things would go a lot smoother and i just really wish he would slow down you know with with everything that he has planned in his head and i didn't say that she doesn't deserve your time but i feel like i deserve some of your time too like just talking over the phone and texting this kind of for the birds like anybody can do that how do i know they're really you i saw the jail side of you but i don't know you as a person [Music] wow another level well like i've been there for you i feel like i've done a lot for you i've i've helped you out when you were in prison and i feel like i'm still doing the same yeah and i've appreciated all of it money doesn't buy love sean i'm not insane see me or meet up somewhere you always have some excuse to go i don't know i feel like we either got to meet up or we just go our separate ways wow [Music] thanks for coming over yeah of course what are you guys doing today crazy day so i'm gonna leave you my wallet in case you have to bail me out oh hey [Music] all of the money that we that yeah that we fund raised gone what like 80 grand spent it on what like nothing to show for it nothing we have the suspicions robert is on d-r-u-g-s me being a drug addict and you having a history of drugs and you know substance abuse is so important for me to be able to say that i've been in that hole and i know the way out yeah it's important to be relatable to the people that you're trying to help yeah marston's pissed so what are you guys gonna do like you're watching over there back or at least try the non-profit bought every piece of furniture in that house kitchen appliances dishes tvs computers security systems that's a lot of money all that stuff dining table i literally refurnished the entire house if he sits like there and says like no you guys can't take anything back or like it depends if there's no officers there i'm gonna be like back up because yes i am what are you gonna do to stop me and if the officers are there i'm just gonna try to get what i can peacefully my sister's here to watch the kids marcelino and i are about to get in the car kanan and brandon are picking up a truck we're all gonna meet at the house okay i love you guys i love you all right love you bye the point of getting our furniture out of this house is so that we don't lose even more than what we've already lost not just gonna leave my flop house no thank you my adrenaline's pumping right now yeah i'm gonna fall short of doing robert a pity party though because i feel like that's what ken and kanan's been like he's been a little bit soft for him because for whatever reason i don't know well her first thought is like let me try to help him get to rehab or let me try to figure out like what's going on and you know what i'm saying it's interrogation time i need some answers yeah big time right here right here yeah here you go [Music] got that bill money baby hi all right so what's the game plan um he's gonna go and pull the truck around pull it right up to the front of the house i just gotta move the car and follow him i'm just gonna go walk up to the house and hopefully yeah i'm gonna walk with you yeah don't take no for an answer well i mean it's our stuff so really what's he gonna do today wrong and i got the lease with me i got all my receipts and everything so really what can they say i mean it's our it's our you know like all right all right i'm with it i don't know what to expect um but i'm just really hopeful that we're able to just get in there get our stuff and get home robert yes so i didn't get the stuff what stop she's on the lease you can't lock the door robert come outside come outside yeah you're never doing it it's never a good time for you open the door but we're actually being evicted so so we have to get this stuff out because you're being evicted i'm not doing this don't be don't be lame dude open the door robert just let us get the furniture and we'll leave you alone all this stuff comes back on us i'm right here open the door just open the door what are you scared what are you doing because you're acting like open the door you're coward you and everybody else that house why don't they all come out open the door bro i'm actually gonna try to keep brittany from going back to prison open the door i can control myself but i really need to control britney she might just end up throwing a punch and laying this dude out we were talking all that big at your meetings

2021-09-26 09:18

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