Looking At Potential Base Pattern Breakouts | Active Trading Strategies

Looking At Potential Base Pattern Breakouts | Active Trading Strategies

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hey how do you make your entry or exit decisions lots of different sayings out there rising tide lifts off boats but when does their tide start to rise let's talk about that stick around [Music] [Music] welcome everyone this is active trading strategies i am pat maloney and i am joined in the chats by all of you by uh with barb armstrong she's going to be there to check out your chats now this is a little bit different today this one's being uh promoted or streamed through the td ameritrade platform so i want to welcome anybody and everybody that's uh new brand new watching this welcome welcome welcome it's still on youtube and again uh today's discussion is going to be about defining uh you know possible changes in trends before we get into any of that though let's jump into a couple of things first you can follow my myself on uh twitter at p malawi underscore tda you can follow barb uh at twitter uh or at on twitter at b armstrong underscore tda barb is another uh td ameritrade education coach let's get into this first we've got to get in some important information that's relevant to everybody that is this content is intended for educational informational purposes only not recommendations or investment advice any options are not options are not suitable for all investors there are risks that are inherent to options short options should you sell an option those can be assigned at any time up to expiration regardless of the in the money amount and the in the money option has a higher risk of being assigned early any paper money trading or virtual trading if you've never traded with real money and you're just practicing virtual money our paper money virtual trading application will not assign those short options early which can be very different from your real money trading account commissions zero commissions on u.s exchanges and stocks etfs and options but options do carry a 65 contract fee all investing involves risk including the risk of loss any trailing stop loss or stop order uh it will not guarantee an execution at the activation price your chosen price to get out is not guaranteed at that activation price once activated what happens those uh those trades compete uh those orders compete excuse me with other incoming orders past performance does not guarantee uh any security uh or or strategy of success in the future remember you're responsible for every decision that you make in yourself directed account let's get out there the agenda base breakouts is going to be the a portion of the topic today we're going to why because we're going to look at changes in trend possible changes in trend how we're going to look at price and exponential moving averages and keep it fairly simple the reason for that is if you can understand price and you can understand volume then a lot of the other things come into play uh all of the indicators the idea of sentiment those things start to come in to uh to play here so let's uh let's pop out there and get rolling here so we're going to start off first of all by welcoming everybody in the uh in the chats if you are new to youtube you'll notice that there is a chat panel where you're going to see a lot of a lot of people chatting in comments ideas thoughts a lot of very very uh smart regulars that i see in here wayne and and ephrain and and uh alan scott and christa and jason and uh uh let's see here gotta go back up the top here um grace i said that lou welcome welcome welcome to everybody as well as everybody listening on these recordings if you are new to this these types of webcams with team td ameritrade they are recorded i repeat they are recorded they are going to be found in the archives in the education in the education uh tab either under thinkorswim it's a terrible arrow pat think or swim and or under td ameritrade under webcast so education tab then go to webcast and then go to uh archives and then look for what you're looking for either by in either by uh education coach or topic all right so what are we going to talk about today we're going to talk about defining possible changes in trend now to start this off i'm going to pull up a trade that we put on a while back because it has it is oftentimes what we look at and how we make uh possible decisions now in this case today we're going to talk about really kind of breakouts based uh base breakouts uh and uh and then what may happen afterwards because that is that's tells the tale of the tape where does that tide rise remember we talked about a rising tide well let's talk about that so first we're going to define a possible change in trend how and this is uh you know a a something that people really do that the words that people don't use a lot i talked about this yesterday in technical analysis and options but the words supply and demand the supply and demand now when we're talking about stocks not options not futures or anything like that we're talking about stocks stocks are finite and so what we're looking for is there a willingness by the market participants to buy is there a willingness to sell if there's a willingness to buy that would create more demand in theory if there's a willingness to sell that would create more does more supply in theory so if we have more demand in theory what happens is price will start to rise why because people are not investors are not willing to sell at a lower price if they're not willing to sell at a lower price and somebody wants to buy that they have to buy uh you know as price ticks higher or just motor along slowly but surely buying every little bit of a downtick but if price can't move any lower then that's showing us that there is less willingness to sell at a lower price and if price can't move any lower that means somebody's buying if somebody's selling a stock remember these are finite if somebody's selling a stock somebody's buying a stock right and there's all different types of reasons why that might happen and that's what we're trying to figure it out when we're looking at this now when we look at for changes in trend well we've got to look for a trend what's a trend a trend is the path of least resistance that's at least that's the old that's the old definition we give why because if it trends then it has a tendency to just continue to float higher so we see floating higher floating higher until what until it doesn't anymore okay so the path of least resistance it sometimes runs into some uh an area where people are not what they're not willing to demand shares anymore they're not willing to buy anymore uh and um uh so they're not willing to buy at higher prices so if somebody wants to sell that that means price has to come back down and then again of course price moves in waves and that's what i was just kind of showing here with the trend this is an uptrend so price moves up it moves down moves up moves down moves up and then it it might move so i keep bumping into something over here so uh might move sideways excuse me while i move that it might move sideways and that is going to create what we're going to be talking about quite a bit today and that's going to be consolidations now we're going to look at two consolidations today there's the longer term consolidation which we call a basing pattern and then there's shorter term consolidate consolidations that we're going to call flags okay that if you're brand new to all of this this is technical analysis remember that technical analysis is just one form of uh of uh research or analysis there is fundamental analysis that may have different views uh so you might want to combine those two or just use one or the other it's up to you so consolidation so let's take a look at this so we're looking at trend consolidation patterns and uh which could be longer term or are what we call flags which would be shorter term shorter term flags mean just a relaxation in the movement so what's a trend path of least resistance in this case we've got a trend that was up the path of least resistance was up you've heard the term by the dip and uh that's typically uh been the case for a while doesn't always stay the case until they don't buy the dip anymore and then we go into a base pattern that's this pink box here that is a what people refer to as a basing pattern or a consolidation pattern or an accumulation distribution pattern the question is if it's accumulation if it's a base pattern or are stocks or are shares being accumulated or are they being distributed right because when somebody is in the middle of this base pattern well is it being accumulated or is it being distributed and those are things that over time um that we want to learn to help define look for those tracks in the sand that says this looks like demand this looks like supply uh is demand overcoming supply so on and so forth so how do we do that well we do that with what's known as support and resistance which is synonymous with supply and demand resistance comes in at a at a level where price is no longer able to push higher in other words selling comes in there or supply people start putting pushing shares of stock excuse me out onto the marketplace and then we have support which comes in along the the bottom this might be considered support here let me uh do something else here i'm going to show i'm going to come in here i'm going to right click on get a little uh a little channel line here and uh see if that will show up there we go uh and so we have this channel so this is actually an uptrending channel so we have this inside this base pattern a bit of an uptrending channel so that means that at the bottom of this channel we have some demand coming in until it doesn't anymore until it gets rejected and we have supply come on until it doesn't get rejected anymore and until and that's what we're looking for the if we're looking for a base pattern breakout or a channel pattern breakout we have to see what we have to see demand come back in and overcome supply how many you know what what's the big what's what are we hearing every day supply shock supply shock right that's what in in after a fashion what we look for in changes in trend where supply is uh not overtaking demand but but demand is coming in there's not enough supply if there's not enough supply then in theory price will move higher and that's the idea behind it is it 100 no it's not 100 percent so the purpose of all of this is areas of pop's possible entry or areas of possible exit to take profits what are we looking for in those areas signs of strength or signs of weakness signs of strength or signs of weakness so a lot of supply might mean sign of weakness a lot of demand overtaking the amount of supply that's coming on could be a sign of strength and this doesn't have to just be stocks it could be the russell 2000 as well so let's quickly pop over to that because that's been a big topic of late will the russell finally do anything let's pop that in there today and let's move this out say uh a year should look very familiar to uh the uh the chart we just looked at after a fashion except it was more uh there was a lot more supply coming on demand or demand coming in absorbing supply supply coming on overtaking demand so on and so forth and now the question becomes are we seeing a sign of strength in the small cap russell 2000 only time will tell there's no uh there are no crystal balls out there so uh you want to be we want to be very careful of that so with that let's take a look at this trade we put on and then what we're going to do is we're going to look at some sample some sample trades going forward today using the same idea now let me uh change that one of the things that if we think about what we were talking about here we're looking at base breakouts change in trend we're going to use price and exponential moving averages exponential moving averages so uh that's what we have on this screen so let me uh kind of show what we've got here that's this yellow line here if you are new to thinkorswim you can put on a moving average by going up into this beaker up here click on that beaker that's the edit studies this is where a lot of technical all the technical studies are going to be found uh unless you have some kind of script or something that you've made yourself and it'll still show up in there but what we're going to do in here in this case exponential moving average is this one here there are simple moving averages there are exponential moving averages now we're not going to get into the because this is an intermediate style uh class or webcast we're not going to get into the differences but if you do want to learn about technical analysis getting started with technical analysis with cameron may on mondays at 11 o'clock i'll put a uh link in so you can come back and re-watch this and click on that link and get to getting started with technical analysis and we just highlight that and we'll add that over here and that will put it over here and that's it once it's on the right side then you can manipulate it to any look back period you want so 20 day 50 day whatever you want to do we are using a 20 period exponential moving average now that's a a short term moving average getting closer to the longer end of the short term so when we look at this moving average well we look at price bouncing up off of it are bouncing through that moving average and that gives us uh in when once something's in a trend gives us a possible entry depending on how you want to do things a possible entry so when we look at this uptrend path of least resistance and we see pullbacks we see pullbacks to that exponential moving average as well as we're going to look at price support as well but this could be an area where people look to buy now that's once the trend is in force once that trend is uh contin is continuing let's move this out to a two year chart and you can see something should be fairly similar after the after the uh oh don't want to do that let me get rid of that everything will be all messed up after the covered uh coven move here let me uh as a matter of fact let me do it this way i'm going to draw some lines going to come down here to where it says t that just means text note i'm going to come up here to where this is it says trendline because i'm just going to draw a couple of extra thoughts in here this is a coil this is a symmetrical triangle and what all that's denoting is nobody's willing to buy too much nobody's willing to sell too much meaning we have higher lows and lower lower highs so it's coiling up tension is building up and you can see the whole idea of support and resistance demand comes in supply comes on demand comes in demand overtakes supply on the gap and now the trend has changed as that trend changes what do we see we talk about flags right we talk about flags what are flags flags are just simply like a flagpole you draw a flagpole here and price runs up and then it relaxes it drifts lower and then what do we expect it to do we exp what some people what can be expected is price takes off in the other direction so that's what we're looking for we're looking for a flag flag pole flag and then price moving off in the other direction i guess i should give us some more room in there and that's the way trends work up down and sideways they just flow right they have to let they don't have to do anything but they let some of that upside pressure off and that can be an expectation that you may look for to define where you might want to enter in to a trend so we put this trade on we bought 400 shares of uh bank of america back on in the beginning of october and then what do we see we see it try to break out from the base pattern just price only breaking out volume starting to increase and then what did it do it reached back down into that 20-period moving average it's first time it checked into that moving average and then gapped up off of that the next day after earnings and has then since moved higher since it's moved higher though over the last four days it's drifting sideways that's still a flag flags are going to come in various forms it's going to be straight sideways it could be three or four days preferably three or four days or or a few more it could be it could be a few weeks as a matter of fact and the point is what we're looking for is relaxation and then some rebuilding of the energy because what a lot of people might look at is this whole base pattern in here is a is a gen is an energy generator you know as long as there's demand coming in energy generator pushing when price finally breaks out giving you the ability to move to the upside now this was a short-term trade we had a target sitting up here at uh 49 which is uh which we are a buck away from so this is an area where somebody might look at this and say you know what uh it could fall as easily as it could run right now it's uh it's made it's garnered a uh the majority less a dollar of the of the upside potential they may decide to close this trade out don't get greedy right that's just that's just a side note okay don't get greedy it doesn't all because the way things work if you're short this is a short-term trade we're talking about intermediate term trades today so with an intermediate with a short term trade it gets close to your target you might want to take some off the table okay but if it's an intermediate term trade what do you have to do if it's an intermediate term trade looking for a trend trade the path of least resistance and what you're going to do is you're going to look for price to continue to slide and move higher giving back some gaining it back giving back some gaining it back and have an area where you're going to make a decision and say the idea is no longer valid and the trade needs to be closed that's going to be up to you there's no hard fast exact rule on that there are methods out there but you have to understand i think the most important thing you can do is understand price and how price uh how price can work out there omar says excited to be here thank you very much uh omar uh for sure everybody else as well remember these are going to be um uh recorded there's another some more uh i'm just looking at the chats if you are new you can join us all the time live and join in with the group and uh joining with the group and uh you know meet the people meet other people that have similar uh passions and like as you likes as you so it's a great community in the chat that we have with a lot of smart people okay so that's that so this is what we entered we entered in now a short-term trade uh looking to possibly take some profits but a longer-term trade what are we looking for we're looking for price to intermediate when i say longer term intermediate term what do we mean by intermediate term there's long term uh trends intermediate term trends short term trends that's the way it trend that's what a trend is made up of so we have the long term view we have the intermediate term view so long term view the intermediate term view and the short term view note with that we can make other decisions but if you're looking for something to trend based off of some good fundamental analysis some good economic analysis by the way tomorrow on wednesdays i do a market and sector analysis where we go deep we go deep and look at breadth we look at momentum we look at all of the sectors and the markets and make decisions about what uh what the uh the uh sectors are telling us about possible changes in in the uh in economics and uh out there so please join me with on that same time 12 or excuse me two o'clock eastern time all right let's move on got to move on to some trades here so let's look at chenier energy so my question to you is what's the long-term trend what is the long-term trend well that's easy from lower left to upper right it's up what's the intermediate term trend well the intermediate means weeks weeks to months well that is up what's the short term trend of chaneer that is down that is down now just when we have this a lot of people will look at this and say well if the long term trends up the intermediate term trends up in the short term trends down then we're going to look for some kind of a bounce uh and continuation of the trend now that does not mean it has to happen uh i want you to in you can go to the archives and watch my technical analysis with options but when things break and move they can go sideways and then run and go sideways so let's let's uh let's put this into for some perspective here and i'm going to grab a channel line using the uh using the drawing set down here and these two lines here it'll say channel click on that and there's lots of different ways to do things i'm just going to quickly do this and bam so we have what uptrend basing pattern spacing pattern sideways so we'll just put a b under here facing pattern and then we have a facing pattern breakout i'll put a br there brk basin basing pattern breakout this is shanier energy lng it is a one year one day chart so each one of these price bars you see here if you're not used to seeing these they're called candlesticks uh they're just uh open high low and close today's action each one of these is one day's worth of action or so far today just uh two-thirds of the day's action or so somewhere in there so somebody may make a decision they may have made a decision on the uh on the break here to get into uh chenir volume rallied up into here and now it's pulling and now it's pulling back so the question is is there an opportunity to uh get long shanier energy shinier energy lng liquid natural gas very very clever they had earnings earnings i think they had earnings oh they may not have had earnings so i may have made a mistake here no earnings are not out yet so that might be something that somebody says i want to wait until earnings are out but you get the idea we're looking for supply and demand and we look at that how is that working in the basing pattern so demand came back in not any kind of raucous way because supply came in and then demand came back in supply are selling at resistance support held demand coming in and then here and here a marked change price unable to make it back down to these lows showing uh that there might be higher highs and higher lows some sneaky demand coming in and then it it uh took off very strongly of course with all of the news we're we will uh we are going to forego putting on a trade here this close to earnings unless you have some really good fundamental uh uh reason that you might want to might want to do that let's move on to another one and let's take a look at esi now esi element solutions this does have earnings and we're seeing this gap in earnings this is going to have a little bit of a different look a little bit of a different look why well there's a few things that i won't go into today uh uh if you want please join me uh in in the archives uh or on the recordings because this is something we talk about a lot we talk about those sneaky those sneaky uh sellers those sneaky people coming in selling and then watching people come back in and buying and creating a demand so what's occurred here is we have this basing pattern we have this spacing pattern and price has gapped up in the spacing pattern as this started to rally back up now this is when i talk about this this is not necessarily as something that if you're new that you may you may not really understand what's going on here but we have a flagpole we have a few weeks worth of action sideways unable to break below support demand keeps coming in and we watch as it drifted sideways volumes start to slow but over the last week volume starting to increase so over the last week going into today now this is no guarantee that price is going to pop up on earnings but going into today there was a seemed to be a lot of uh shares trading hands and a lot of those shares uh on you know on up days a lot of those shares it looks like some possible up volume uh today down here with the volume this purple line let me zoom up in here this purple line is the 50-day moving average of volume that's a pretty long uh pretty long measure of average volume so you get above the 50-day that's saying something to a lot of people so somebody may enter uh on somebody may want to enter on this what's the issue here though what's the issue where has rejection been previously this is where we want to make those decisions because remember some of those decisions we talked about uh uh earlier are where what you when do you want to enter when you want to exit should you enter into a place where people have sold before you can you can you can do with a little bit if you want but something may occur here that gives us perhaps a little bit of a possibility of an advantage perhaps going forward and that's if this 20-period exponential moving average you can see how it bounced right up off of that two days in a row actually broke through and bounced up off of it but this 20 period exponential moving average may move higher what might price do at resistance well it might continue to float higher it may drift backwards and then it may break to the upside again those are the things we'll look for we'll look for a break to the upside or a pullback some people will look for a pullback into that 20-period exponential moving average to make a decision based on that but the idea is how the the the learning outcome of this is how is this base pattern forming what's going on there are we seeing any changes if we look at this volume down in here and we were to draw a horizontal line across highs whoops that didn't work these highs over in here and we look at all of these little this this area underneath that 50 period moving average seem to be more trade more back and forth more buying and selling together more turnover than what we've seen in the past so seeing some marks that there might be some demand coming in and uh only time we'll tell we'll see what happens selling here so let's move on so that's a base pattern oh what i wanted to say is before we jump any further in here again this can be a very important a very very important uh consideration what we call a shakeout a fake out a uh undercut and rally i'll from time to time i show these on on twitter uh let's see here adobe uh this was on twitter months ago back last spring undercut and rally and you can see it continued to trend higher let's see here around the same day uh nike had um an undercut and rally that's three of them before it finally had that huge earnings so those are things that could happen along the way so those are things i want you to come to my webcast go to the archives watch those archives active trading strategies i do technical analysis and options on mondays at 12 o'clock and on fridays advanced charting techniques and we encompass all of these types of things because it's really all about price all right let's look at fang oil has been in the news do we see anything similar well the previous trend was what now a lot of people are going to think well the previous trend was down because oil for the longest time was getting beat up right but it came off of those lows pandemic low rallied uh sold off into october of last year and then rallied and then we have this basing pattern so in the long term weekly view we've had a pretty strong basing pattern two things occurred here tried to break out this is a note that i want you to consider tried to break out here oftentimes when we see breakouts fail there's a a kind of like physics an equal and an equal move in the opposite direction once it breaks below support so sometimes you'll see a breakout and then a and then a fake out on the uh on the support as it breaks below and this is that undercut and rally that fake out shakeout whatever you want to call it uh pop this down in here so what do we want to do with this what do we want to do with this do we have a basing pattern yes do we have do we have indications of demand yes that would be this fake out shakeout shook a lot of people out demand came back in it rallied didn't stop at resistance and kept going that was telling us uh so somebody might look at that and say that isn't a strong indication of demand and then relaxing sideways going into earnings now we're going to put a trade on this right now it's 114 dollar stock and it's going to be a trend trade so we're not going to we're not going to put any kind of a uh uh stop well let's put a stop loss on it but let's use something that makes sense if we're looking for something in the longer term uh and remember stop losses if you put those in your act the price that you put into exit on that will not uh is not guaranteed to activate at that price so what i'm going to do here is we've got 114 dollar stock and let's look at an obvious place of uh of past support and that might be where people bought and sold before which will be below this 20 period moving average okay below this high here where we had some ease of selling in here right so the signifier here was sign of weakness signifier over here sign of strength is is we saw volume increase and we saw price break out hold flag right there's a flag let me put that in here that little area right there a flag and now we have sideways moving action nobody willing to sell volume down here below very low and then we got an increase in volume yesterday and today all right so we'll look at this area we'll look below 100 to be uh to say this is uh the idea is no longer valid so that means you're going to take about 14 worth of risk right so 114 stock will get out at 99 so that's 15 worth of risk if we had a thousand dollars that we were willing to give up lose risk on any one trade we would take that 14 of trade risk that's letting price drop letting price drop below the 20 period moving average we're just using the 20 period moving average for entry we're using price support for exit because it's a longer term um and uh anything below that line there we want out so that says that in a trend trade a full position would be 71 shares a full position you can cut that in half that's oftentimes a method that is used by many so i'm just going to right click on the screen the great thing about thinkorswim and the active trading platform here is that you can right click on the screen i'm going to go over here to buy custom down to and over to with stop i'm going to click this little lock here and that's going to say we're going to buy it right now on a limit okay we're not going to buy 100 shares though we're going to buy 71. now let's turn it into 35. let's just make it a half half position and then add to that position as things move higher so we've got two things that are occurring down here we've got a buy a buy order 35 shares f-a-n-g buying it on a limit at 114 dollars we're exiting 35 shares should it go against us at a certain price that price is not 113. that price is 99. so we're going to move that we're going to change that to 99.00 oops not o zero and then we're gonna make that good till cancel why because if we don't make this stop order stop loss order good till cancel then it'll go away at the end of the day now remember this is a stop loss stop losses are not guaranteed that once this uh once the price is triggered that that activation price of 99 that's not going to guarantee you're going to get out there because if price opens up down here at 86 that's going to be uh more than likely where you're going to have a have an exit stop loss order so we confirm and send that we click confirm and send double check everything half a position looking to add to that position should it give us give us some more detail about uh demand coming in but what have we done here i'm going to send that off what have we done we're looking for we're looking for a change in trend is the is the tide rising do we have a lower risk idea so let's look at this broke out base pattern now we have an uptrend we have a flag we have price bouncing up off the 20 period exponential moving average something that has happened often many times before it's not always going to be the case it's going to dip below sometimes but that's going to give us an idea that there is ensuing strength present in in the stock all right let's move on to goldman sachs so this is similar but different we have kind of two basing patterns if you will here this one and this one today it looks to be breaking out of the higher basing pattern okay it what is the trend though what is the trend let's come over here click on this click on the channel just want to double check this and we are what if we look at this up channel it's made up of this is something this is something you i want you to consider up channels does not just because it's up trending doesn't mean there aren't bass patterns in here so we've got three base patterns in here uh each each pattern has had a tendency to make it to the top of the channel before we saw rejection so what do we have we have a supply line just like a horizontal base pattern a diagonal based pattern supply line selling came in demand line support buying came in rejection supply rejection supply demand demand support and resistance and now we have a long range day coming up off of the uh support the uptrending support diagonal support flagpole flag and breaking out above the middle of this channel i want you to notice that the middle of this channel for many times has been an area of resistance and or support it's breaking above this good volume today with some time left in the day the volume looks like it will exceed the 50 period moving average we're going to do it's a 425 dollar stock here we're going to do similar things with this we'll put a stop loss down here at 390 and we're going to buy a certain amount of shares so if we're at 425 right now in the essence of time i'm going to hurry on this here and see i might not be able to get it all in here 425 if we get out at uh 390 that gives us uh gives us 35 dollars worth of risk if we have a thousand dollars worth of trade risk divided by 35 we can buy 28 shares of this and we will start with 14 shares we'll cut this in half trend trades sometimes need to be partial into limped into portion positions we're going to get in now we're going to get out at oh you know what did i do that wrong no that's right um i'm going to get out of 390 and then we're going to change this to good till cancel again you can re-watch these now double check everything remember stop losses not guaranteed to trigger at the activation price or to activate at that given price it could be lower a lot uh so here we are we're going to send that off boom that one's filled the other one hadn't filled yet all right so we're in onto trades we're out of time we've gone through the examples we wanted to look at we'll see what we'll see only time will tell now so what do we know we know that stocks trend we know that stock at some point they stop trending when they stop trending uh then that might be opportunity for some for some relaxation those base patterns that can give us an opportunity uh to define whether or not it's uh if it's distribution or if it's accumulation if it's accumulation then price should break out chain the trend should change back into the upward direction and it should happen uh with uh with some good volume and some good price action it may take a few weeks after it breaks out for it to get going but then we have those exponential moving averages to to look at to get in on those first turns one of the things you want you to consider is trends change really just turn once in other words downtrends change to uptrends only once they don't change the uptrend several times they're going to bounce around and we did some sample trades i want to thank everybody for being here if there is a survey please give us a thumbs up in youtube please come back to youtube you can you can join the trader talks channel and subscribe to the trader talks channel on uh youtube uh with td for td ameritrade and capture all the great educational webcasts that we have so please subscribe subscribe subscribe and share this with somebody you think can benefit from this you're responsible for your decisions you make in your self-directed directed account and uh if uh i was gonna say oh this is for educational purposes only and if there was a survey please fill it out give us your comments we really appreciate everybody have a great day and we'll talk to you soon [Music] you

2021-11-03 19:14

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