Long Stock vs Long Option | Swing Trading (Days to Weeks)

Long Stock vs Long Option | Swing Trading (Days to Weeks)

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[Music] well good afternoon everyone welcome to swing trading as you can see i am not mr john mcnichol but i have the pleasure of filling in for him this afternoon we are going to go out and look at what's going on in the market and see how we can take advantage of what's happening through the use of something that we call a swing trade um i'd like to just start by greeting everyone if i missed you this morning and getting started with options it's because my line speed was uh crawling along at turtle speed and i had a lovely young man out from comcast helping me fix that so now things are coming along blazing fast uh if you you were in my long options class yesterday you may have noticed that i was at a guest location sponsored by mr james boyd who is joining us in the chat so it really is a a team approach um to helping make all these webcasts come off seamlessly for all of you um so you know having said that i'd like to welcome vijay and saul and rebecca and juanita and larry and um wayne and the and the rest of the gang thank you all for being here um it makes it so much more fun to teach um to a live audience also want to thank james floyd for not only opening his home to be yesterday but for being here in the chat today he brings a wealth of experience with him and so if you've got questions please don't hesitate to ask okay i'm just bringing down so i can see the chat as um yeah so yeah yesterday james had a bit of a coaching summit because cameron may was there to start off the morning and then i came in for the second spot and then james anchored it down with uh getting started with fundamentals which is a great class if you haven't checked it out and he also teaches the um using options as a stock investor um on tuesdays at uh 11 o'clock eastern yeah yeah that's where we were we both had you know i think cameron had issues with his uh with his computer and or his pc and i had i had line issues so yeah but we're now we're now up and running so sometimes it just takes a village right so this is swing trading yeah so this is swing trading um days to weeks and so these tend to be shorter term trades and as luck would have it in almost every class i've taught this year our focus has been on shorter term trades and why has that been well because of what's been going on in the market so we're going to talk about that that more but this is kind of a really great topic for us to be covering okay so everything we do in this class for education and informational purposes only none of it to be construed as a recommendation on the part of td ameritrade or myself know that options are not suitable for all investors there are special risks inherent to options trading that may expose investors to potentially rapid and substantial losses and we need to be aware of what those are um so we discuss our potential gains and we discuss potential losses every time we place a trade if we do a long call or a long put and we have a class dedicated to that on mondays at high noon how much could we lose the entire price that we paid to enter the trade um you know so that the risk can be high short options they can be assigned at any time in our live account whether they're in the money or not right from the time you buy them up until expiration um that won't happen in a paper money account they would never be assigned early but can it happen in a live account yes have i seen it happen yes i have okay and know that all investing involves risk including the risk of loss okay so what's on our menu for today well i have a little bit of news and this is the last week we'll be uh sharing this with you um and then we're gonna do a quick market overview and because i don't normally teach this class we aren't going to manage current positions that we have on but rather what we will be looking at is how we might choose to manage positions the positions that we're putting on as we go forward okay so what is the news well fancy you should ask here it is um you know james talked about this in in his class earlier this morning also and i know that many others have as well but you can sign up for a complimentary sorry wrong screen a complimentary one-on-one walkthrough on thinkorswim and you know they'll it's just you and somebody who has a lot of expertise with thinkorswim you can write a list of questions if you want to focus on the monitor tab you can do that if you like the way my chart is set up or someone else's chart is set up you can take a screenshot and say here's how i want my chart to look they can help you with that or maybe you want to learn more about the analyze tab but they'll probably show you things you didn't know you didn't know of the one thing they won't do is you know help you fix your trade on tesla or give you guidance on what to invest in it's not strategy specific it's not you know stock recommendations that kind of thing um you know what it is is becoming more um fluent with the platform and i did post here right at the top of the chat a link i'll also put a link into the comments section down below but if you click on that link it will bring up and i'll just bring it over here it will bring up a page that looks like this that says hey you know this isn't recommendations right right um you'd like a demo of the thinkorswim platform yes i would and then it'll say well at what what time would be good for you and you can see like there are only six available today but it's later in the day but you've got like 40 time slots available tomorrow um starting every 15 minutes and and close to 40 you know right through the end of the month um so you know it's a free service um i'm thinking of taking advantage of it myself to be honest with you because i think you know there's a lot that i could still learn about this platform and it doesn't mean that i can't trade profitably on it i just think that school is never out for the pro so if you're interested in taking advantage of that um yeah you can click on that link and and book it and the best thing is it's free so how cool is that and i don't know that james will go up and he'll repost that again um you know before we wrap things up okay so what's going on with the current market well starbucks is doing well today so you know that was obviously one that was on the menu and actually um [Music] let's do our review and then i can tell you about my frustration in trying to prepare for this class yeah so you know kevin has typed into the chat that um you know he did a walk through and you know and found it very useful yeah and and rebecca did the same thing she said they reached out to her on time they helped her with the mobile app so you know they can help you with whatever it is they that you want to look at so you know if we look at this i mean though the longer term trend if we come out and we look at a one year you know we're still down trending right but we're coming back around the mountain and if we add on because there was talk on this i was covering the the chat for pat maloli in the previous class if we come back to edit studies and if we wanted to add just another simple moving average and say hey some people will go to cash um and this isn't a recommendation but some people will say you know what i'm going to step out of the market if it goes below the 200 day moving average if the s p goes under the 200 day some might say if it goes under the 100 day but if we look at this 200 day moving average and let's make that baby black you know make it a little thicker we're kissing it you know we're coming up and we're about to give it a big smooch and so the question is will it break through so it's come up it's kissed it um and now it's back and we're down slightly on the day um but you know sometimes it may kiss and tell a couple of times so would we be surprised to see it kiss that 200-day moving average which is a pretty big deal because we were a long way below it when we were down here right but and then maybe come back and retest and even if it doesn't break through so because we had a support level here and then bounce up and maybe have another run at it and it might take a couple of runs and you know what it might you know just start coming back down like who knows but you know a technician might not be surprised to see you know it not make it through its first crack at it since what um you know april yeah so that's the s p 500. we're still down about 10 year-to-date but we're up about 16 if you know i posted this the other day and and i i do a post at the end of each trading day on just kind of what's happening with the s p and the nasdaq on twitter one of the reasons you might want to follow james and i on twitter um my twitter handle at b armstrong underscore tda james is at j boyd underscore tda um you're missing lots of great content if you don't um so we're up 18 you know since this bottom in june but you know if we come out and show price as a percentage and then i look at year-to-date you know we're still down almost 10 percent year-to-date so we still have a wa a ways to go to be you know back in the land of sunshine and rainbows and unicorns again and and the nasdaq down 17 and again it's not quite as close to the 200-day moving average but you know it's been heading in that direction uh how about the russell well the russell came you know kissed it the next day broke through and today it's sitting like a bird on the wire uh and you know will it hold we'll see and it's not unusual um or surprising from a technical perspective to see that the russell is leading the charge here and so where might we ex look for it to break through next is this next level around this 2046 ish you know there's an ish on these ranges right around that level but it you know it's still down 10 year-to-date but you know has rallied like the others pretty dramatically when we come and look at the dow it's kind of more of the same although you know every there it technical analysis is a bit like a rorschach test right like everybody can see something a little different in it and when i look at the dow i've seen this long-term downtrending channel and on friday it broke above that it kind of busted a move and it's still breaking above that and today it's also the dow is breaking above that 200-day moving average so you know there's probably dancing in the streets for the bulls in the crowd and and now this index is only down seven percent year to day year-to-date um so it's made quite a comeback but it's still down seven percent year-to-date i mean the first half of the year was one of the worst first halfs of the year in market history yeah so we can see it's giving a little bit of of that back um and then we have our friendly fear index the vix and it you know for the last several days has you know been hanging just around the 20 mark and and significantly just below the 20 mark well we haven't been back in that range since what like at the beginning of april you know so we're kind of in in interesting territory and what is that telling us it's telling us that there's you know more confidence kind of coming back in the market and you know will it stay who knows i mean look at how quickly it rose here could it do that again at you know absolutely but for now it's sitting below this 20 level and you know that takes us back to the beginning of april okay and if we come out to the td ameritrade platform and we come to research and ideas and look at sectors and industries we can see that most sectors are up today real estate and healthcare underwater a little bit but when we come to our market monitor tab oh communications is slipping now too the land of facebook consumer staples and these are kind of strange bedfellows you know we don't often see them butting right up against um snuggled right up against one another but consumer staples leading today at 1.47 and consumer discretionary not far behind followed by materials and financials but really if we kind of come and change our time frame and we say well who's been leading the charge for the last month consumer discretionary industrials technology and materials have been leading the pack but everything even the weakest sector which has been health care is up three percent in the last month and consumer discretionary up 20 industrial is up 15.

what about the last three months yes you could put a hundred day moving average so somebody's saying can you assume that the price crosses the hundred before the 200 sma typically yes and and you could add that to your chart if you want to see that so last three months doesn't seem to want to switch there we go consumer discretionary and technology once again leading the pack and these are often sectors that start showing strength early when you know we've had a downturn and we start coming you know into a recovery and in the last three months only materials and energy um getting hit and in fact energy every single stock down you know from marathon which is you know pretty neutral not even down one percent to you know baker hughes down almost 29 almost 30. okay so that gives us an idea of kind of where we are even sector-wise in the market so now what about new trades and my friends this is where there was a bit of frustration so let me draw out for you what i kind of think of as a swing trade and then i had such a hard time finding candidates um that would kind of fit into that category but if we have a three-day pullback you know by friday that the land could be full of them so you know it just depends on on the day and so let me draw for you what i consider to be a swing trade and you could come and look at disney so with disney disney started well that's not there's not really a good example i i'm just going to draw it on the chart disney's continuing to march up that hill so often we'll see stocks they'll come up they'll pull back for a few days and then they continue on up and then they pull back for a few days and then as soon as we have this often uh you know or at least on occasion a trader will look if they're bullish for a close above the high of the low day okay and then they'll say okay i'm just going to trade it back up to the previous high just until it swings up to the previous high and then i'm going to get out now others might say well if i bought say 200 shares i'm gonna sell 100 shares when it gets to the swing target or if i bought a couple of long calls maybe i'll sell i bought 10 long calls i'm going to sell five when it hits the swing target and the others i'll do the flag target and so if this is like a 10-point move and this is a three-point move they might get out of half at the three-point move and then the rest they'll hang in until it goes up another seven and they'll get out at the flag target does this make sense now this year what we've done a lot of is um one atr trades and and what does that mean and sometimes the one atr is almost the equivalent of a swing target but because there's been all this uncertainty in the market and we've seen a couple of rallies even within the indexes and within an individual's stocks also um yes you can use this either bullishly or bearishly you can do a swing target to the downside or the upside so you know and that would just look the opposite right so when this was coming down here and rallying we'd look for the opposite so we call this a close a kablood a close below the low of the high day when something you know it's trying to rally it's trying to rally and then no falls again and a swing trade would have your target here or here where the flag target would say okay if this moved eight eight points eight bucks i'm going to put my target at eight dollars lower so this is a little more conservative are you gonna make as much no but are the odds of hitting it higher perhaps yeah yeah so chris the um issue isn't that of uptrending versus downtrending it's just the way the market has been moving because what we have been seeing is a lot of patterns like that i've been posting on on twitter like yesterday i posted one and i probably posted half a dozen of these on twitter or more in the last week um if you come to twitter okay i just posted this i this one made me laugh um can anyone relate to this does anyone know someone like this they're goldfish but they think they're a shark uh yeah okay so if we look at pepsi you know so here's one that you know this inverted head and shoulders and we've been doing lots of yeah so somebody's saying we've got a lot of poles and and no flags yet so you know when we look at pepsi yesterday and i don't know what happened today that's exactly chris has nailed it yeah because what we have is you know a lot of flags and we're waiting for this pullback but it hasn't happened yet no it hasn't happened yet on well on pepsi i don't think let's go look but if you go back a few days there have been you know a ton of these i also if you guys are new to technical analysis guys i posted reposted this on friday august 12th it's just cheat sheets on candlesticks candlestick formations i used to have these hanging up in my office in plastic sheets i use them all the time and when i first joined td ameritrade as a coach i had them at my desk i'm still not great at the names i recognize the patterns but i just want to call everything that looks like that you know an inverted head and shoulders or sorry an inverted hammer where if it's at a resistance level um we call that a shooting star so if you want to make sure you're getting the names right you may want to print these off but it's just understanding the the important part is to understand the the pattern recognition so when we come if we look at chewy we have the same thing so we could come and look at pepsi and chewy but what we've seen is a lot of stocks have had this tremendous downturn and now we're seeing a lot of cup and handle patterns a lot of inverted head and shoulder patterns yeah so with a swing trade when we're bullish we're typically looking for that close above the high of the low day and then we're looking for another target and so one of the ones that i i did see um and so let's come back to the platform and it's not ideal but you know it's it's in the hood um if you so somebody's asking how they can find those sheets i posted them on twitter and so they were posted on twitter my twitter handle at the armstrong underscore tda it's free and just go out to twitter and um go to friday and then you can just click on those pages i would just take a screenshot i actually took photographs of these i don't have the pdf or i would be happy to share them with you um a student back when i was a client with td mirror tried trying to figure this out shared them with me gave me a copy so now i'm sharing them with you so that's how you can find them they're on twitter okay so let's have a look at amgen yeah jan now if you're not familiar with this company if you come to the analyze tab we can see that it's in the care space and you know their sales per share you know went up five percent last year they've been moving up they got hit on earnings though so their earnings were down from 12 31 to 10 28 but if we look at this it's been kind of in a range and you know it's been kind of consolidating here but we are seeing oh let me we are seeing it moving to the upside within this range and you know today well it kind of broke out and it's pulled back but could we do a swing trade up back up to this resistance level yeah and by the way on on twitter guys if you see things and hit like it helps james out it helps me out it helps all the coaches out if you click on the images all of that lets us know that you find this content valuable so you'd be doing us a a favor if you did that so but if we look at this and say okay you know it gapped up on the open it it's pulled back a little in the la you know throughout the day but we've you know could we do a trade on this um just back up to this 257 and how might we do that so we can do it either by buying the stock and what's the advantage of buying the stock well the advantage of buying the stock is if at the end of 30 or 40 or 50 days this has just kind of waffled here i call it lollygagged and it's still in the same range you still have about you know 25 000 worth of stock if you're expecting this to go up and it doesn't and you buy a call the value of that call will diminish and ultimately expire worthless but if it goes up in the kind of time frame we're looking for that could work out quite nicely and in an average day how much does amgen move well if i hover over today you know it moves about four dollars and six cents in a day and and why do i care about that well it's like okay if i'm just expecting this to go back up to 250 750 ish and right now it's at 252 that's about a five dollar move and on average it moves about four dollars and some over the last 14 days it's moved on average about four dollars and six cents a day so if i had two up days we could be there you know so if we said well you know what that looks like not a bad idea and i don't know if i'm feeling super bullish and from a long-term perspective on this market so you know maybe i'd be willing to just do that swing trade now if i want to try and manage the potential damage to the downside i might say well i'm going to use this diagonal line as a resistance line now if you really want to stay in the trade you might use this previous support level we know it's come down here twice before um but if we said okay here's this kind of two our low on this day was 2 46 30. so i'm going to go three percent below that so 246 30 times 0.97 if it gets to 238 91 i want out and then so how much are we risking well we're risking about 14 a share to the downside and then we're going to say and when it hits 257 we want out and so some might look at that and say well i'm risking more than i'm potentially gaining and and might choose not to take the trade um but if we said you know what we're going to give this a shot um and i'm going to put this in the ira account that has about 250 000 we can do about a 16 000 position so how many shares could we buy so if we say okay we can do a 16 thousand dollar position we're going to divide that by 253 we could buy 63 shares and if we're risking about 14 a share um times 14 we're risking about 885 dollars so if in this account we're willing to risk up to 1250 is that an acceptable level of risk it would be so i'm going to divide that by 13.50 again how many shares was it that's 65.

so we're going to buy 65 shares and as a return is that a big return no but if it's a you know maybe a two percent return and we're only in this trade for a week would we be okay with that you know and and if your answer is yes then you'd say okay well i'm going to go ahead and place this trade so i'm going to do what i'm buying with an ocl bracket because i want to have a target and where was our target our target was at 250 750 and how many shares are we doing we're doing 65 shares so i'm going to change that to 65. we're going to turn our little firecracker into a paperclip so that those match and say when it gets to 257.50 we want out 257 now does this guarantee we're going to get out at exactly that no it could hit 250 750 and then pull back and it will have triggered a market order or if tomorrow this were to gap up and open at 265 it would trigger an order and we could get filled higher and the same thing with our stop if our stop is triggered at 238.91 is it a guarantee that we'll get out at exactly that price it is not and so we're going to make that good till cancelled confirm and send if you have a swing trade group so what's the price of this position sixteen hundred sixteen thousand four hundred and forty two dollars there's no commission to either enter or exit this position and we're saying we wanna get out if it goes up four dollars and sixty cents or if it goes down almost 14. yeah on this one it is a fairly negative steve and that is something that that often an investor will want to take into an account into account but we're not looking we're not marrying this one this is a dating strategy you know this is a dating strategy we're thinking would we be surprised if we're out of this trade by friday this is a days to weeks um and so we would not so short term now if we look at the trade tab and we look at the options on this could we also do this as an option trade because we're tying up sixteen thousand dollars so could we do this as an option strategy and if we said we're willing to risk you know up to twelve hundred dollars you know we could do three of these and then you know how much are we investing we're investing you know a thousand dollars how much could we lose we could lose the whole thousand um but and you know if we want to compare and contrast we could do that as a strategy also and then put in the same target and exit and if you're saying well like how might that work out well if we come here to theo price and mark and we say okay let's just say by thursday so the first thing we're going to do actually sorry i didn't mean to hit that the first thing we do is hit reset and so we're going to say it's the 16th today what if by friday it goes up and it hits our target so it goes up by 450 and it hits our target i'm gonna hit enter so that's 257.58

what might this option be worth well 375 is what we would pay to get in or thereabouts it could be worth 579 so let's just call it 580 [Applause] and i am going to bring this up and say okay so if i could make get out at 580 well now it's 583 so 583 and i'm going to subtract what we'd pay to get in so 377 so we'd be up maybe 200 dollars and if i take 200 divided by 377 or whatever that number was that's about a 54 return as opposed to like a a two percent return because to buy the stock if we buy the stock for 253 and let's say we make um 450 on it so just let's use round numbers 450 divided by a 250 investment we're not making quite two percent i will draw out what a kaholt is there's a question in the chat about kaholt close above the high of the low day so i'll go and show you an example of that so here if we want to do this as an example so we've got a 35 cent spread so for those of you who are familiar with trading options which is you know less than 10 percent so we're going to right click anywhere on that line and we want to buy and we're going to buy a single in fact we're going to buy two singles and we're going to put in the same exits that we did as if we were buying the stock because that's the fairest way to be able to compare them and we are going to create an opposite order and then we're going to make it a market order that's good till cancelled and then we're going to hit our sprocket and say okay now we wanted to get out when amgen hit 250 750 check so i'm going to put that in here that's our target 250 750 or i want to get out if it goes below 238.91 not going in the right direction okay save confirm and send so how much could we lose we could lose almost 800 dollars here now we said we could risk up to 1200 right so we might say okay well we're gonna do three of these so now we're risking eleven hundred and seventy dollars it's saying our max profit potentially is infinite but we're saying you know what this is a a short-term dating strategy if this goes up and hits 750 we would like to take our profit thank you very much okay and if it goes below 238.91 not going in the right direction so so we'd want to end we'd want to you know terminate that that relationship and we're going to compare this to buying the stock with the same targets okay okay so fire in the hole on that one now the one thing that i didn't do was go over well what happens if the stock goes down 14 bucks by the same date so instead of going up 450 what if it goes down 14. so let's have a look at that now i'm not taking volatility or anything into account we'd want to get out around 238.91 so we're close this thing would be worth about 36 cents we'd be down 90 percent that's why we have position size saying like hey we could lose the entire amount and if it goes down and hits that stop so are we gonna wait for it to come down and hit the stop if it pulls back tomorrow we might just say you know what i'm going to um if it breaks this diagonal resistance line here we might just choose to enter the trade and get out with hopefully more than a you know less than a 90 loss so zachary i just answered that now somebody asked me what a a kahold meant and so let's just kind of zoom in here up close and personal so here we have something it's going up we have a one day pullback and we're looking for a close above the high of the low day now some might consider this the low day because this day actually went lower but if we're looking for it to move up above the high of the low day if we're using this candle here we would say we want it to be above when when we hover over this candle that's 249.85 did the next day go above that yes it closed at 250 108. so it closed above

the high of the previous low day and that allowed us to enter or if we come back another one that i was looking at and it's not as much a swing trade but if we look at mondelez and again i i posted this pattern on twitter kind of eye spy with my little eye and inverted head and shoulders and i tend to draw the eyes in you know we've got this type of pattern here and then it came back and retested which is not uncommon and now it's breaking out so today could be considered an entry but where are you going to swing up to i mean a technician looking at this would say well if it moved from you know 58 to 63 you know we're looking for you know a move maybe up to 68. so this is say a 5.50 move and so if we added 550 to 63 let's call it 63.50 we'd be looking for a move up to maybe 69 and that would be our target now it's not a a swing target although we could say well hey the previous highway over here was 69.50

so we're kind of trading up to you know a year to date high but the idea of kaholt and again let me just give you a you know another clearer example even if we hone in on this you know we had it pull back so it broke out pulled back came up pulled back so here's our low day right here and if you're new to technical analysis you may want to join cameron may on mondays at 11 o'clock eastern he does a class on getting started with technical analysis if you're closer to ninja status you may want to um join um pat malali on fridays at two o'clock eastern and so we're looking for it to close above the high of this day when do we get that we got that yesterday and now today what's happening well today it's breaking above this previous high so a technician could say well today would be considered an entry also and you know where is it currently trading 66 if we said okay if we bought a call and exited when it came up and hit 69 yes that script on my breakout signal is on twitter but actually it's very easy to add it just when you go to studies if you go to edit studies and let's say i pick the simple moving average on the 200 if you come to this sprocket and say show breakout signals it will then show your arrow when it closes above or below so that's another way you can do that yeah yeah james has all kinds of incredible scripts and things you can use you should check out his page and the tweet that he has pinned to the very top if you attend his classes i'm sure you're already familiar you know with that he has a lot of great stuff there so anyway let's place this trade because i like to get at least two trades in and then we're going to have to wrap so with mondelez i'm going to come you know we're going to come back to the standard and and here if we look at it's currently trading at almost 66 dollars and this is not considered a very volatile stock so the options are relatively inexpensive and so this one we actually could put in our trading a smaller account account which only has thirty thousand dollars in it well which is pretty cool because we started the year at twenty so you know it's done it's done nicely if we're saying we could risk up to 500 we could do two now do we have lots of volume yeah over 8 000 contracts almost 700 place today so are we the only ones to think that mondelez you know might be worthy of call attention um apparently not so again we're going to right click and we know where we're going we want to hit this 69 and have a 69 target where might we choose to exit and so we could say well hey you know we've got this support level here around 63.50 if it goes 2 below that we want out or we could just say here's this recent low here of 63.79 so if it goes 2 below that we want it times 0.98 that would be 6251. hormone delays exit and our target is going to be 69. so we're going to come to our trade tab right click we want to buy a single and and again we could just buy the stock yeah and so we're going to do two of these single order first trigger sequence right click create an opposite order limit uh we want to make that a market good till cancelled and we want to accept when mondelez either hit 69 which is our technical target and a previous just happens to coincide with the previous high which is awfully handy or if it goes down to 6251 now how would you manage this in the interim because what if it lollygags about and doesn't hit either one well if it gets close to either one of these you may go in and manually choose to exit and that's always legitimate so we can see our numbers here greater than 69 yep lower than 62 51.

yep that's when we want out um but if it gets up close maybe it gets up to 68.50 and then we we've got a candle pattern that indicates it may be turning around we may just say hey we've got a really nice return on this and and we're going to exit the position and again you could go to theo price to figure out you know just what it might be in it and this one might take a little longer so this is a long call and this has a one atr target and if you wanted to compare and contrast these or sorry it doesn't have a it has a technical target based on the inverted head and shoulders pattern there we go so these are not set it and forget it so you're going to want to manage it if it doesn't go half the distance in half the time you may want to exit the trade yeah i do believe that there is a survey so i do have to wrap so here's here's you know where i get bossy if um you saw the survey and yeah i believe it's right here so i'll repost that so if you could do me a favor and fill out that survey um here's my promise if you promise to fill it out i promise to read it um oh sorry i thought i was copying that and i didn't there we go uh if you promised to fill it out they made it even easier it's three big big whole questions like reigning from one which was absolutely awful i'm never getting that 45 minutes back to i loved it and i don't want to miss another one um and everything in between and then there's a comment section so if there's stuff you'd like to see in upcoming classes let me know i can pass that on to uh john when he is back and then hit like if you like this content it lets us know you found it valuable it lets others know that you found it valuable as well if you haven't subscribed to this channel what are you waiting for you're going to want to link cards with us lots of great content happening on a daily basis you won't want to miss it and that's it so we've done what we set out to do um you may want to book this walk through i think that they're the bomb.com so if you want to take advantage of that the price is certainly right and you can just click on that link and again know that everything we do in this class is for education and informational purposes only none of it to be controlled as a recommendation on the part of td ameritrade or myself know that all investing involves risk including the risk of loss know that when we put in a stop or an asset sometimes the market can go a little nuts and td ameritrade will do their best to get you out um but there are no guarantees that you'll get out anywhere close to the price that you have requested it's a request not a guarantee and that's a wrap for today so thanks for joining me enjoy the rest of your day i'll see you in a webcast coming up soon take care everyone bye for now thanks

2022-08-18 21:32

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