Loki Episode 4 Marvel TOP 10 Breakdown Easter Eggs and Ending Explained

Loki Episode 4 Marvel TOP 10 Breakdown Easter Eggs and Ending Explained

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After all your struggle, at last. You've arrived before us. I've lost track of the number of times  i've been killed so go ahead do your worst   welcome back everyone this is going to be my  full loki episode 4 video holy crap there were   so many big reveals so many moments and  so many easter eggs we have to talk about so   we'll break it all down if you're brand new to the  channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos   we're doing a giveaway for disney plus memberships  all you have to do to enter is be a subscriber and   just leave all your favorite moments your favorite  twists from the episode in the comments careful   for spoilers if you have not seen the episode yet  because we'll be talking about everything and i   hope that you stayed after the credits because  this was the first loki episode with a genuine   post-credit scene technically it was a mid-credit  scene but we'll talk about all that there were so   many big reveals but obviously it's only episode  four there are six episodes total so this is just   the beginning i'll start at the beginning of the  episode we'll work our way through shot by shot   talking about easter eggs wtf moments and i'll  number these as we go along just to stay organized   starting with the title of the episode the nexus  event it's a reference to a couple of things   mainly to the nexus event that loki and silvi  caused on lamentus 1 that they kept referencing   throughout the episode the nexus event that would  be big enough to take down the entire tva as moby   has teased it's also meant to be a reference  to the nexus event that young sylvie apparently   caused that turned her into a variant which  we don't completely get the answers to in this   episode but i'll talk about that as we get to that  part but the opening scene is of silvi's backstory   in her version of asgard in the past we get a  sweeping shot of asgard from behind it's actually   a different view of asgard than we've seen before  i think because we visited asgard so much in the   marvel movies already the thor movies they wanted  to show you like a fresh shot of the asgard city   itself but inside the palace young sylvie is just  playing a game telling a story about a dragon   attacking asgard in a valkyrie flying in defeating  it to save the city there's a little wooden viking   ship here technically it's an asgardian ship  you may have also noticed the small toy of the   wolf here that's meant to be a representation of  fenris wolf which we saw during thor ragnarok that   was the wolf that was serving hela but in norse  mythology fenris wolf is actually the child of   loki so it's sort of like the wolf here is the  child of sylvie so to speak sort of a metaphor   for that then all of a sudden gugoon bottom raw's  red slayer character who's a hunter at this time   in history walks in to arrest her through a time  portal her designation is a 23 because she debuted   for the first time in the comics in avengers  23 which was a king the conqueror storyline   as princess renslayer she debuted as  princess friend slayer not ravonna renslayer   so i don't know if this version of renslayer was  also a princess where she originally came from   you could actually see the helmet itself inside  her trophy case with all the other trophies from   their cases so the idea is that a long time ago  about a thousand years ago or so because silvie's   about the same age as our version of loki and  he's just a little over a thousand years old   she was just a normal hunter a little bit lower on  the chain and she's worked her way up to the level   of judge at this point in history it seems like  next week in episode 5 is when we get the full   reveal on her backstory ren slayer's backstory  then they haul her to the tva and use a time reset   device to wipe the area wipe her timeline erasing  it from existence so even if silvia wanted to in   present day she couldn't go back to where she  came from but they haul young sylvie through to   the processing area that we saw in episode one  there's a different female desk worker meaning   the casey probably hasn't started working here  yet or he hasn't been promoted to that position   the person that she sees them manhandle who's  crying out for help here with that giant mustache   you may have recognized was the same tva agent  who was monitoring the desk station here when   sylvie set off all those time reset device bombs  creating all those different branch timelines   so if he seemed familiar that's why it's meant to  be the same person so which is meant to reinforce   the idea that all these tva agents are variants  themselves like they stole him from somewhere   in history and then like he still has this big  mustache but he has a vastly different haircut   it seems like they've altered his personality  just a little bit and he's sitting here   monitoring this desk here watching this station  then she goes through the same processing system   that loki went through during episode one she  sees the exact same processing clerk who asked   loki to sign his name to everything he'd ever  said she goes through the booth to verify that   she's not a robot or an android as some form  of artificial life then when ren slayer tries   to haul her before a judge for sentencing she  stomps on her foot steals her time pad device   opens a portal to escape sort of confirming my  theory that at some point she would have escaped   as a child and this is how she did it so she had  a time pad in the way that adult sylvie explains   it later to loki when they're still on lamentis  one is that it took her a while like jumping   around a lot before she figured out the trick  of hiding in apocalypse events and even though   they've been kind of vague about what it takes to  create nexus events like what is it about sylvie   that creates nexus event she said that whatever  she was whatever was different about her was so   strong that everywhere she went every time she  interacted with someone it created a new nexus   event i think we'll learn more about that during  episode five and episode six like what is it about   her that's so different because even at the end of  the episode renslayer refuses to tell her what the   nexus event was that turned her into a variant but  then we jumped to renslayer in present day who's   sort of remembering the events like it's implied  that she's remembering sylvie's past because she   does tell her later in the episode oh i remember  you she goes into the room where the timekeepers   are we see their silhouettes she seems really  pensive like she's afraid about what's going   to happen when she talks to them the podium that  they're on seems very similar to the version of   the comic book podium that they sit on like they  are trying to make them look at least like the   comic book versions even if the mcu versions are  meant to be fake like they're robots in the comics   they're actually real the time keepers are actual  physical organic beings but here's the thing with   the big reveal about them during the episode at  least at this moment it's not really clear what   ren slayer knows and what she doesn't know because  the way they play her during the episode they   want you to think that she's been complicit this  whole time like she's actually known the secret   and she's been lying to everyone getting rid of  people right and left when they start to get close   to uncovering the secret but because of the twist  of what happens with loki in the post-credits   scene revealed that he wasn't really killed by  her it kind of throws into question how evil she   really might be like is this all a misdirect and  she's actually still a good character it's just   that for most of the episode the way they play  her they want you to think that she's really bad   but that also feels like it could be another  misdirect so it's not totally clear whether   or not she understands that the time keepers  themselves are robots and fake i think this   also gets into the idea that she kind of wanted  sylvie to kill her at the end of the episode   right now though it just seems like she's afraid  to face them and they obviously don't tell you   what it is that they told her there's just a time  jump to where she comes out and starts talking to   mobius and he starts grilling her on what's  going on and obviously a lot of this was all   misdirect like she kept trying to avoid answering  any of mobis's questions directly giving away any   real information about the time keepers making  it seem like she was hiding things on purpose   then back on lament one we check back in with loki  and sylvie who are kind of resigned to their fate   in the apocalypse like sylvie actually genuinely  feels like she's going to die like i live during   apocalypses and i'm gonna die during an apocalypse  all the special effects for this part of the   episode are actually pretty fantastic even though  it goes by pretty quickly just the wide long   shot of the planets colliding and while that's  happening they start playing a really sad sounding   version of the loki theme song sort of like a  lamentation their own lamentous one silly explains   that the universe wants to break free manifesting  chaos like her being born the goddess of mischief   instead of being born a man even though it's still  not clear what it is about her that created the   nexus event but the whole idea of the universe  wanting to break free is a big metaphor for the   sacred timeline and whoever's controlling the time  keepers the tva in general breaking free from this   system that is mobius has them turn up the dials  on other detection equipment in the tva to sort of   find the needle in the nexus haystack loki and  sylvie have this genuine moment and i love how   the idea of them just having this tender moment  together is so abnormal for loki's that it creates   an atomic level nexus event that they sort of  continue to reference throughout the rest of the   episode like the way mobius talks about it later  they're in love like they have some relationship   that's slowly kind of building between the two of  them like they might be falling in love with each   other and that's such a weird thing that it's  going to completely tear down the entire tva   it's certainly a spicy one i mean it wouldn't  be loki if it weren't something really crazy   like this silvie references something during  their conversation that mobius said in episode   1 when he claimed loki always seemed destined  to lose like are you destined to lose loki says   even though they do lose painfully sometimes they  don't die they survive that's a reference to all   the times he faked his own death in the mcu which  he himself references later in the episode but the   statement is also meant to foreshadow the events  of the post-credits scene where loki wakes up to   find the multiple other loki variants telling  him that he's got to come with them or he will   die soon like there are also a bunch of other loki  variants like sylvie who escaped then because of   that giant nexus event that they caused by sort  of coming together mobius hauls them in i love   loki complaining that they're demeaning him by not  treating him like a greater threat because sylvie   has way more guards on her but mobius takes him  to a time theater throws them through a different   red colored portal that he calls a time cell like  it's their version of throwing a prisoner in an   isolation cell which is basically like a time loop  for something really terrible to happen to them so   it really is a effective form of torture they said  that the whole twist with loki revealing the truth   to him the tva has been lying to you as they haul  him in setting up the big payoff at the end of the   episode that loki was right this whole time mobius  even acknowledges it even since the beginning of   episode 1 when he first called him in saying the  timekeepers the tva just completely ridiculous a   complete farce and turns out he was right but  the way they explained this it is actually an   event from the regular 616 sloki's past before r  loki became a variant so it's before the events   of the previous marvel movies at some point like  some point in his history when he was much younger   jamie alexander comes back as sif and i believe  she's also supposed to come back during thor   love and thunder or at least it seemed like she  was coming back the way she was posting on her   instagram but basically the situation here is that  at some point in their history loki played a trick   on her and cut her hair and she just got really  pissed off at him so she knees him in the balls   but because it's a time loop she needs him in the  balls continuously over and over again the whole   thing with her telling him you're always going to  be alone you're going to die alone it just meant   to set up the twist at the end of the episode when  it kind of seemed like he was almost ready to kiss   sylvie he also kind of admits later when he's in  the loop trying to break the loop to sif saying   okay i do this because i'm a narcissist i'm afraid  of being alone i crave attention mobius asks   later do you really want to die alone telling him  you can be anybody you want to be you can even be   a good person which is another reference to the  616 loki fully redeeming himself like you can   eventually become a hero character so this is them  highlighting his redemption arc on the series here   then the way they play all these mobius renslayer  scenes early on i think the reason why she doesn't   want him interrogating her is because she knows  about silvie's enchantment powers and doesn't   want him to learn about all the variants the  secret that everyone at the tva is a variant   so i think by this point of the episode it's  pretty clear that she does know about that secret   they also set up hunter b15 storyline helping  sylvie out because as she explains later when   sylvie enchanted her she also saw a memory from  wherever it was she came from we didn't see what   the memory was but she saw one bringing her around  fully to team loki or team sylvie however you want   to think about it but the cool easter egg here too  is that when she's talking to mobius he says they   process variants of cree titans who are people  from thanos's home planet the people of titan who   themselves are eternals who we're gonna see during  the eternals movie later this year it's just that   people from titan are different branch of eternals  but he also says that they've hauled in vampires   which is huge because it's meant to foreshadow and  sort of tease the blade movie with mahershala ali   so vampires are now canon in the mcu if you didn't  think they were before it's just that as far as we   know we haven't seen any vampires on screen it'll  be funny to see how they sort of work that in the   background like we've been amongst you this whole  time you just didn't realize till now like the   way they explained that the eternals characters  have been on planet earth for thousands of years   but we didn't know about them till present day  he also references loki and sylvie's demigods   providing some more context for the asgardian  gods like thor odin hela who also gets a bit   of a name drop at the end of the episode when  loki's like am i in hel the h-e-l version of   hell the asgardian hel sort of where they fit in  the cosmic pantheon of gods of the mcu not capital   g gods lowercase g gods kind of like ego of the  living planet called himself a god with a little g   that'll be really important for the gore the  godbutcher storyline in thor love and thunder   but gore will be going around killing all the  gods of the marvel universe during that movie   the way they paced out the episode though  hunter b-15 and mobius both kind of figure   out the secret or come to the realization of all  the variants inside the tva about the same time   mobius seems like he's a little more skeptical  at first though hunter b15 seems like she's   dead set like she immediately goes to talk to  sylvie like you come with me we're going to   go to that apocalypse event so you can reveal  what's going on and show me that memory again   they sort of tease out more of the loki's  sylvie arc when mobius lies to him saying   that sylvie was erased and it almost seems  like loki's heart bursts inside his chest   like he almost has a similar reaction to when  he learned about what happened with his mother   his whole lie about sylvie that he tried to give  mobis was also kind of funny too oh she came to me   a long time ago on asgard and i've been pulling  the strings this whole time although he does   talk about them hatching a plan a long time ago  even though it's a lie he talks about it coming   to fruition something really big happening really  soon that is also meant to foreshadow the big wtf   ending of the episode even though in this moment  he's actually lying about something else it's kind   of fun to watch him and mobius try to outlie each  other like they're playing four-dimensional chess   with the lies trying to get each other to reveal  the truth but eventually mobius does goad loki   into snapping and telling him the truth you're all  variants the time keepers have been lying to you   they didn't create you they stole you from where  you came from you were kidnapped owen wilson also   has a really great performance during this scene  too because you can tell that he's kind of shook   by what loki tells him he kind of believes  it but he doesn't completely give it away   like he's kind of thinking about this lost 90s jet  ski pass that he might have buried deep inside him   which he then does reference later in the episode  you know where i go if i could go anywhere   i would go back to where you took me from maybe i  even had a jet ski then then while this is going   on you see that scene play out between sylvie  and hunter b-15 the whole idea with it raining   here on them is that it's sort of a metaphor for  it washing away the lies of the tva as she comes   back into her memory still be sort of unlocks  them again for her the funny connection here is   because jonathan majors who's playing kane the  conqueror in the mcu was in lovecraft country   but wumi masaku was also in lovecraft country as  a different character so just a funny coincidental   connection between her b-15 and king the conqueror  in a completely different project so post all the   jokes about this actually being the events of  her life before the tva took her mobius has   another big conversation with ravona renslayer  and i think at this point she's such a bad liar   it's so obvious the lies that she's telling him  that mobius is just kind of nodding his head just   thinking oh my god this is all bullcrap as she  sort of hangs silvie's sword on her trophy case   he swipes her time pad with the footage of c20  later as he's watching it he sees the footage of   her debrief where she's basically explaining what  she meant when she said it's real it's real as   he was asking earlier in the episode what was she  talking about she was just referencing the events   of her memories like it was real i really did live  on earth and it actually lists her birth date on   the time pad here she was born in 1979 the date  here march 15th 2015 is supposed to be the day   that episode 3 took place the events of her death  although because of what happened with loki being   sent to this other post-apocalyptic world you do  kind of wonder when people get melted are they   really getting melted are they just getting sent  somewhere else but he does see that rent slayer   is the person who stopped the debrief before c20  could continue explaining what sylvie showed her   about the truth of them all being variants like  i said it was pretty clear earlier in the episode   that renslayer knew about the secret of all  the tva agents and the people that worked there   being variants mobius finally goes full team loki  then brings him back but finds that renslayer is   waiting for him with a team of hunters they pay  off that jet ski reference as she seemingly has   him erased like i said still big question  about what's really happening here if loki   survived the events of this but the whole thing  with mobius is i feel like they kill him off so   quickly and so nonchalantly that we will see him  again as loki said earlier in the episode during   their conversation he told him you're on a loop  just like everyone else and his name mobius is   a scientific reference to this idea of a single  sighted surface that just loops around on itself   like the name mobius implies time loop as in we'll  see mobius again sometime before the end of the   series because it's a time travel series there's  so many ways that you can bring that character   back so this is probably not the last time we'll  see this character also i think the loki twist   in the post-credits scene sort of helps support  that idea like if we're seeing loki again after   he got disintegrated then clearly we're probably  also going to see mobius again at some point too   but then renslayer takes them up in the elevator  to see the timekeepers arguably to have them   killed erased in front of the time keepers in the  way they played this scene between renslayer and   sylvie like tell me what was the nexus event  why was the reason that you erased my timeline   what was so terrible that i did when she says i  don't remember and has that evil smile on her face   they want to make it feel like she has zero  compassion for her like she doesn't care about   her at all like it's another version of the thanos  meme you took everything from me but in actuality   she did just say that i do remember you she's  just saying that she didn't remember what the   nexus event was that could also be a lie as well  the architecture where the timekeepers are the   special room where their robots exist seems  kind of like this crazy m.c escher painting   but then is there about to be a raise hunter b-15  rushes in to save them takes their callers off and   reveals that she even went back to renslayer's  office to steal sylvie's sword back for her   they knock her out during the fight so she's still  alive she'll be back during episode 5 but for   the rest of the episode she's out for the count  the middle time keeper goes full doctor strange   sylvie we've come to bargain as she then cuts its  head off promptly revealing the lie that they're   robots and the even stranger thing about this  too is that the other two timekeeper robots start   laughing uncontrollably like whoever's behind this  is laughing uncontrollably just in general i'm   getting this really strong miss minutes vibe here  too like obviously there's a lot of theories that   there's another version of loki that's controlling  all this like post all your agatha harkness memes   it was loki all along but if you think about the  idea that miss minutes is a digital ai and they   were sort of joking about how she had a physical  form like she could jump around and walk around   in three-dimensional space she wasn't bound to the  screens as a character she seems so saccharine so   overly sweet that it seems like it's hiding  something sinister behind her so still just   a couple theories out there about who's really  behind this i know people are also wondering if   king the conqueror is connected to this because  ravona renslayer is so connected to him in the   comics early guesses that by the end of episode  5 we'll have enough clues and evidence to really   narrow down the list of suspects for who the  actual main villain of the series is so everybody   let me know in the comments who you think is  actually behind the robot timekeepers like who is   actually behind all this but just as it seems as  loki is about to kiss sylvie and explain their   epic level nexus event that mobius was talking  about earlier that could bring down the tba ren   slayer seemingly erases him with her wand and i  don't think they planned it this way but it looks   a lot like the scene that vision went out on hex  vision went out on at the end of the Wandavision   finale where he's basically saying goodbye my love  but we will meet again someday they play it like   it's a huge wtf twist like wait a minute did they  just kill loki isn't he supposed to be the main   character of the show did they go full ned stark  game of thrones on us but clearly that's not true   because in the post-credits scene we see that  he wakes up on that apocalyptic version of earth   silvie doesn't know this though but then demands  that renslayer tell her the whole truth so it   does sound like we'll find out all of renslayer's  backstory how she's connected to all this during   episode 5 next week so you wanted to wait that  long to get all these answers the new song that   plays over the credits is if you love me by patti  labelle and i think the song is mostly meant to be   a metaphor for loki and sylvie's relationship then  in the actual post-credits scene loki wakes up on   the apocalypse version of earth but he asks  if it's hel like the asgardian hel am i dead   that's the place where odin trapped hela in  the mcu in that prison for thousands of years   and in the comics it's the place where she rules  over it's one of the realms where asgardians go   after they die if they don't go to valhalla like  in norse mythology it's kind of like their version   of the christian hell in afterlife of sorts odin  for instance right now who just died during thor   ragnarok ascended to valhalla which is kind of  like another dimension another state of existence   hel is kind of the same for asgardians you could  travel there as a person like even if you're alive   you can still travel there and then come back from  death so to speak like you would come back from   another dimension but then we hear richard grant's  voice who's unmistakable even if you didn't know   who he was playing you probably recognized his  voice instantly answering loki saying that no   you're not dead but you will be dead soon if you  don't come with us and reveals that he's playing   classic loki like we all thought that he was last  year he's wearing the og loki comic book costume   which kind of looks like the cosplay version  of loki from his first appearance in journey   into mystery number 85 jack kirby thor and loki  stories there's a version of kid loki played by   jack veal which we also heard about last year that  was rumored for a long time his costume is comic   book accurate he originally debuted in thor 6-1-7  there's another version of loki wielding a version   of mjolnir that's what this hammer's supposed  to be i believe the credits only list him as   the boastful or the prideful version of loki he's  played by diobia opare i'm probably mispronouncing   his name but then this is so awesome there is  a crocodile version of loki crocodile loki or   alligator loki however you want to think about  him with a little loki crown of horns on his head   i couldn't find any specific comic book references  to alligator loki but i think this is meant to be   like their version of the spider pig twist  from spider-man into the spider-verse like   gimme spider-pig but make it loki if you look  in the background you can clearly see the runes   of the avengers tower and what seems like the  new york city skyline but this is just this   post-apocalyptic place it seems like it's planet  earth but they're not really clear about that yet   this also might be where all the president  loki scenes happen because there's this   distinct post-apocalyptic vibe around his little  throne room and his minions here in the trailers   so it just seems like there are a lot of loki  variant refugees living out in this place   but if you spotted any big easter eggs during the  episode that i didn't talk about during the video   just write them below in the comments i feel like  i'm gonna have to watch the episode a couple more   times to catch everything probably my favorite  episode so far i feel like this episode blows   all the other episodes out of the water i've got  a couple bonus videos planned obviously i'll talk   more about that post credit scene the timekeepers  reveal and i'll do a loki episode 4 trailer video   so make sure you have alerts enabled for  my channel so you don't miss any of those   everyone click here for all my other loki episode  videos and click here for my non-spoilery black   widow movie review thank you so much for watching  everyone stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!

2021-07-04 21:16

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