Live trading forex indices using IM Academy Web Analyzer | Part 2

Live trading forex indices using IM Academy Web Analyzer | Part 2

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shout out to you ms tasha mdyer the creator of our byob cash out strategy we are continuing business as usual and if you've been trading already this morning you already know that we have been cashing out so ladies and gentlemen this is our byob am profit call these calls take place every monday through thursday at 5 00 a.m and 9 00 a.m eastern time at 5 00 a.m miss tasha m dyer our trade whisperer the creator of our byob cash house strategy walks you through those forex analysis of our currency pairs i know we've been doing a lot of cryptos as well lately and you know you get that higher time frame breakdown analysis and your setups to carry you throughout the day if they have not already started playing out and then at 9 00 a.m on this call we focus on the indices so that is what we're going to be talking about on today but you all already know how we flow here and if you're new you are more than welcome to join us by dropping in the chat where you're calling in from i want to see those affirmations and let us know we're calling in from on this international cash out wednesday morning drop it in the chat drop it in the chat all right all right all right now let's see who we have on the line we've got minnesota welcome welcome good morning orlando and let's not forget our affirmations i am a byob master trader i am the signal all of my trades end in profit i am 777. and let's not forget of course i'm not anointed for wealth we got to put that in the atmosphere right we've got to make sure we're operating on the right frequency plane to set our day ups and our intentions up our profitable trading day i know that some of you have already been profitable and of course we have been focusing on 100 days in this month of power and i've seen so many of you already you know whether it's just pulling the trigger um having your first hundred dollar days and being consistent with them because this is a wealth vehicle right so again go ahead and drop it in the chat where are you chiming in from and drop those affirmations as well great morning chicago great morning cleveland i'm loving these affirmations i i'm loving myself i'm a big bank i am a billionaire brownlee okay ms brownlee great morning jacksonville great morning california yes happy birthday miss dyer happy international cash out day great morning milwaukee great morning to varys we've got london byob worldwide great morning to you as well great morning miramar okay beaumont texas minnesota on the line milwaukee welcome welcome welcome bahamas columbia south carolina cleveland tennessee welcome welcome i am living my testimony i love that one all right yes wealthy woman we see you welcome welcome cleveland on the line again great morning mr jones yes great day to be in profit i love it and we've got frisco texas welcome yes happy birthday to our trade whisperer you know our trade whisperer means a lot to us this woman has been so committed to being on these calls you know we've just been released and promoted as educators and she's been pouring so much into us welcome to leta ohio welcome jacksonville and today is her special day so i'm happy that we're able to just show our appreciation by showing her that you know what we're taking everything that she's been teaching us is taking root and we're taking it to the next level and now if this is your first time on the call what i need for you to do is drop a one one one in the chat drop a one one one and if you're continuously learning how to cash out and perfecting your skill set drop a two two two in the chat but if it's your first time again drop a one one one if you're continuously learning how to cash out drop a 2-2-2 so let's go ahead and get into the news this morning now if you have been looking at the indices you know that we have had a lot of movement uh movement that has happened um starting in the early morning hours but before we get into that the first thing we of course want to analyze is our news so what we're doing is we are checking fr economic calendar via fx street i always recommend refreshing the calendar and setting the time going to automatic that's what normally pops up here but i'm not sure why that's not here but let's not mess with that but what we're checking for is red folders uh-oh one second let me refresh let's refresh and see if we can get a better look at our calendar okay so we are looking for red folders and the red folders is just to identify where we will have that high impact in the market um you know we don't want to ever try to predict the news we just want to let the news do what it's going to do so we can ride the wave of it right because that's what we do as master traders now we had some cad news this morning at 8 30 a.m we know that cad of course impacts your cad pairs as well as oils so those are some trades that you could have potentially cashed out out on had you already been trading in the market this morning uh we have our our minutes coming out which is going to talk about what's already been happening in the market now i know we see that the indices have been dropping so the indices have been dropping due to the news and due to that report that's getting ready to come out because the because of the uh the increase in inflation so obviously the investors are not happy about that and remember investors are people people move these markets so if you hear about inflation and you're not happy about it of course it's going to react in the negative but the beautiful thing about trading this because we are not you know because you're not depending on buying and holding and hoping that it rises you're able to capitalize on the movement no matter which way it goes just look for the clear direction and ride the wave of it all so now also we are here looking at our forex factory calendar now forex factory is our other news source that we check we check them both fx street tends to be a little bit more detailed but on forex factory at least uh you'll be able to confirm and see uh both news showing the same thing but sometimes one will have something that the other one doesn't have so that's the reason for checking both of these calendars just to make sure we don't miss anything and you know we do have some new showing later on today for your auds around 9 30 p.m so if you are trading

any of those be aware of that and you know this week is actually been a pretty light week for usd news um we have had some movement but not a lot so even though we had the the red folder we have the inflation increase happening you know i know we probably wanted the market to push a little bit more but the week has still been very profitable now that we have the news we have the reaction the market has moved and if you have pulled up your pivots at all you'll see that the pivots have opened up which shows you that there is more liquidity aka money in the market so let's talk about these indices really quick indices of course you know as i always like to start by letting you know the four vehicles that we are focused on and i like to say pick your vehicle and ride these are the faster moving pairs it's not it's nothing for you to be intimidated by we use the same byob cash out strategy and of course our byob cash strategy that was created by ms dyer has a 92 percent accuracy rate we're gonna go over the strategy shortly but going back to the indices really quick the us 30 is your fastest moving of all the indices that's your race car or if there's anything faster than a race car i don't know i'm not a car person but that's your us starting and the us 30 is your dow jones your top 30 us companies uh they're expected to perform or they will be replaced so that's the fastest moving one and then you have the nas 100 and our nas is our top 100 us tech companies not as fast as us 30 however it will give you some great movement as well and when i'm saying fast i'm referring to the amount of movement that it actually gives you um from point a to point b when you compare the two and then we have our german 30. german 30 is your top 30 german companies and with our german 30 it's not as fast as naz not as fast as us 30 obviously great place if you just want to uh not jump into those vehicles as of yet and then we have the s p 500 the s p 500 is the slowest moving of all the industry pairs if you are new this is a great place for you to start if you have never traded indices before please start in your demo account i repeat please start in your demo account there will be plenty of opportunities for you to trade there's plenty of opportunities for you to treat this live get some good practice get some good perfect practice practice get familiar before you hop into these vehicles and also we're gonna encourage you to make sure that you are using you are putting these in a separate trade account from your forex pairs we like to call our indices our bonus check now of course you know we've been focusing on 100 days with our forex trades and you all have been doing an amazing job at doing that but we know that indices could be a hundred dollar trade depending on how you trade them and that's great but we want to be wise with our risk right and you also have to be aware of what your risk tolerance is so with these again put them in a separate account and once again if you're nervous well i'm not going to say if you're nervous we're not going to give that energy to it once again if you are new to this and just getting familiar start with the s p 500 you're gonna get that same point movement and i just use the word point right so what are points we measure indices and points instead of pips these are the actual price of these so if you wanted a share of us 30 right now we're looking at 33 000 wow right the average person cannot invest that so the beautiful thing about this is we get to leverage this movement and make that you know make that type of money let's go ahead and put that in the atmosphere i receive it but we could we could potentially make that type of money you know without having to invest this into the market so let's go ahead and go over our byob cash house strategy really quick we got our bell coming at 9 30 a.m so uh the byob cash out strategy actually uses three simple indicators we always start by looking at the big picture now the big we look at the big picture analysis to know where we are in the market and then we drop down to analyze on the lower time frame so we can catch all the movement as i was stating before the us 30 does trade the most aggressive there's a lot of liquidity a lot of money in these uh in these movements in these trends in these runs whatever you want to call it but because of course we don't know the size of everyone's account and we're not going to tell you not to trade it because our strategy has a 92 percent accuracy rate right it works on everything so we're just going to drop down to the five minute chart to make sure that you know you're able to see that movement and execute that trade and the beautiful thing about is if you decide to hold it you've got a nice tight entry on the five minute because the five minute uh in comparison to indices we normally drop down to for that tighter entry so we're looking at the big picture of the market and i think it's pretty obvious what the market has been doing right doing all morning um it is at a strong area of a strong area of value right now so for that reason you know uh it's selling it's selling it's selling i mean everything lines up beautifully for it to keep doing that right but as always what we want to do is we want to wait until the bell until we get that actual liquidity push so as we're going over the byob cash out strategy let's find let's find some activity right so we're gonna of course look at a cell because we've got plenty of those that are visible so now cabrillo when we're analyzing for our strategy we want to of course look at our three indicators our first indicator is our stochastic your casting is the are these lines that are moving right here now this is actually a leading indicator it measures the momentum of the market now we're looking for a cell right so we're going to start right here blue line cross over the red in a downward momentum so we normally start around the 80. so blue line carves over the red in a downward momentum starting at the 80. once you've

identified that the next thing that you want to take a look at is your candle so what we want to see is a red candle with a flat top which we do have right here so that's one and that's two and the third step follow all the rules ladies and gentlemen is that piece our flip to the top meaning these p stars are actually the dots every dot every candle has a dot every candle has a p star once that goes to the top you've got your blue line cross over the red in a downward momentum starting at the 80. candle flat top piece our flip to the top now everything looks good and a line to sell but before we actually take that cell we want to check for time frame confluence so what i'm doing for all you one one ones that have never been with us before is i'm dropping an arrow because we're going to pretend that nothing to the right has happened yet right this is real time in the market pretending so once we drop our arrow there we just want to keep an eye on where we're analyzing from what we want to do next now is we want to check for time frame confluence now the time frame confluence because you're looking at the five minute chart you can check the 30 minute for that so the 30 minute chart we want to make sure it's also showing us a good cell there we go let me adjust these arrows okay the 30 minute chart we do have that red candle which is awesome the red candle does not have to have the flat top and piece are clipped to the top but the fact that it has the piece our flip is even better um now you do see your stochastic moving down but i do want to bring your attention to the fact that it is oversold so when it's all the way down here that's what it's doing now is if it's old or so is there a chance that it will keep selling yes but you want to make sure that you at least understand your support and resistance lines and market structure before you confidently get into a trade like this especially if you are new to trading so now we want to go up to our five excuse me ready look at five minutes we look at our one minute chart now the one minute chart i'm going to stress to you is to confirm i repeat the one minute chart is to confirm not to trade from the one minute shows you literally every minute to minute movement with the indices and if you've ever traded indices you know that in a matter of just a moment things can go a different direction on you which is why we stress following the strategy having all clear signs and properly executing that trade so we look at that one minute chart right let me make these candles bigger for you but it is clear as day that we are still selling how is it clear again you've got that red candle and this one actually has a flat top piece our flip to the top but you've got that they're actually well you don't see anything to the right you got a red candle and what you would see at this point if we weren't looking to the right is the red candle and you would see your stochastic going downward and the reason i'm pointing to that stochastic is when you are looking at your um looking at your time frame confluence it is very important that you pay attention to the stochastic as well so ladies and gentlemen let me go ahead and all right 777 matter of fact if you've been cashing out on these nfcs already drop a 777 in the chat it's international cash out day we're not going to be stingy with our 777s today we want to see them everywhere so drop them in the chat who's been cashing on indie scenes i know y'all have me cashed it out on indices there we go 777 they coming through they're coming through okay okay okay i love it i love it i love it and if you did not get up and take any of them as of yet we got a bell in 30 excuse me in 12 minutes so you got plenty and i do mean plenty of opportunities will be presented to you for to for you to train so now we just did our us 30 uh by cell set up so you for you to identify a cell and that is the same thing that you're going to do on the five-minute chart of all of the of the indices pairs because again they all have that liquidity movement now when you're going for your take profit on these trays i personally like to take them part of me computer paws in i personally like to take them to the next support or resistance line on the five minute chart now if you are a swing trader and you are you know able to swing trade the indices which you can because it's the same strategy and it works in all time frames just the same you know you may go for a longer support and resistance line but all we would do here is if we decide to execute that trade is we would look to our left and of course looking left if you're unable to just see your supported resistance lines you're looking for a lost my train of thought you're looking for a uh aerial supporter resistance so now this one will probably be kind of hard to find because we have not been this low in a while there we go so we executed here yeah we have not been this low we have not been this low since uh may 13th okay so i did not act so we would be looking around here to take our team profit but you can also use your higher time frame because your higher time frame does give you those uh major areas of support and resistance and remember those are areas that price respects so you can also use your hour time frame look to the left we're sitting on something give me a second and i'm using the lion chart again because you know we're looking for touches all we need at this point in time is is uh two touches maybe three and you'll see that price reacts to that zone all across the board so we'll i'm just dropping a couple lines of potential areas that we could have looked at for take profits and i'm not going to keep these lines on because when our bell rings we do want to make sure we do want to make sure that we're able to actually watch the movement of it all so yes i went to the left again to see what my areas of support and resistance are let's go back to our five minute chart a little trick for you if you ever find yourself way to the left and you just want to get back to where you were really quick you can always click the hikinashi candle and click and re-click the line chart if you need to go back just to see because it'll bring it all the way to the right so now yep that's the line that we dropped and that would have definitely taken profit for us now if we were looking to take a bye ladies and gentlemen we'll be doing the same thing just the reverse right so for a buy let me see if i can find one now we have a couple minutes to the bell so let me try to move through this one a lot quicker so we can make sure we're set up and ready to go for all the excitement that will be happening on international happening on international cash out day so let's see if we can find a buy now those of us that already are familiar with these charts we already know that we probably gotta go way left for a buy because we have been selling for a while i mean you literally can see it on the higher time frame what's been happening in the market and for those of you that are just learning i'm gonna make it as simple as i possibly can for you red means sell green means buy and we literally started selling um we're looking at our four-hour chart which is a with which which identifies the trend of the market we have been overall in a sale for quite some time now that is may 10th so a little bit over a week now we started seeing some nice selling momentum even though the trend tried to change we're back selling and again that's because of the news of what's happening with inflation so for me to even look for a buy right now just for the sake of doing a quick run through i'm going to do what's considered a top-down analysis so what i would do is i would look for my confluence to happen already on the higher time frame chart and i'm actually going to do it with the hour if i can find one and if not no worries because again we can always come back to this after the bell so yeah so i'm gonna do my analysis from here i'm basically doing the same thing that i did before but i'm going to do it backwards matter of fact let's do it on the 30 minute let's just keep it true to the five minute analysis of the chart right let's do it on the 30 minutes see if you can find a good little by happening in here and the reason why i'm not doing i'm doing going a little further back versus going to this one is because up here when you're over up here this high you're in overbought territory and when the market is overbought you know just keep in mind the market is always going to give some kind of correction if it was meant to keep buying which it did not keep doing here so this is not something i highly recommend that you get into especially with the us 30 that we know moves the way that it does so let's go here and try to run all right five minutes to the bell five minutes till the bell let's see if we can get this done really quickly all right so we start at the 30 right which is where we normally look at our time frame confluence and we are looking for okay well we what we would be looking for is blue line crossover the red in upward momentum but right here where i actually identify that that's not even something i would recommend that we take as of yet so you know what let's come back to this bye because we're just a couple minutes off from the bell and i want to go ahead and make sure that we're actually ready to see all this movement as it takes place because on international cash it cash out day and every other day we're here to cash out right so normally what i do is getting this close to the bell is making sure that i have my pivots on and we are right in the pivot zone as you can see which we want to be very mindful of because that is a high frequency area that we know that price will respect again we are anticipating the market to sell it has been selling overall but we want to wait for that movement we want to wait for the direction you want for that clear green light to go and actually enter the train so we're going to wait until 9 30 when we get the liquidity push and all time frames are confluent but we do have our pivots on and i'm looking at the lower time frame we're at s2 on the lower time frame and on the higher time frame we are below the pivot heading towards the s1 that is for your us 30. let's go ahead and get our other vehicle set up really quick here is our nas for our nas of course we want to make sure we have our pivots on oh let's put our countdown on as well we got two and a half minutes before the bell i'm gonna drop a line here on our nas because we want to be aware of where we are currently movement wise so we can keep an eye on that movement the lower time frame for that is actually below the knight the s2 and the higher time frame is at an s1 but we're gonna keep an eye on that five minutes to see the actual movement same thing for german 30. let's make sure we have our countdown on each chart bell will be in a couple of minutes let's turn those pivots on uh-oh all right and open them up so we can actually see them there we go all right german 30 let's see what pivot german 30 is at german 30 is at the s3 on the lower time frame i'm going to move this line up here it's the same area of support remember supported resistance it is a zone not a line so your line may be a couple of points off from mines and then the s p 500 which we don't want to forget about and remember s p 500 and us 30 do follow each other a lot more closely you literally look at one when one pulls back they all look pulled back nine times out of ten we want to drop down to the five minute again so we can see the movement everything is looking the same pretty much set up to sell but we want to wait until the bell before we actually enter any of these trays your five minute time frame is at the s2 your hours time frame is going towards the s1 so yeah we're pretty oversold as a whole which is another reason why you want to make sure that you are paying attention to this to see the actual movement before you enter the trade because oversold meaning that the market can actually re uh could actually correct before it continues to sell so we've got less than one minute literally eight seconds until our bell alright back here let me make this bigger now we're looking at our five minute right and remember the strategy blue line cross over the red downward momentum we don't even have a cross down yet so it is not time to enter now you can check your one minute to see the movement same thing with the nas now nas has been going a separate direction lately but this inflation did uh impact everything but again we want to wait just to make sure before we take any trades and if you are trading these indices please make sure you have your computers up as well i don't know what vehicle everybody is writing in but i can't write all four at the same time so have your charts up okay nas started to push upward us 30 started to push downward german 30 is deciding which is okay we're going to like we're going to let germany decide but in the meantime we're going to head on over to s p and see what s p is doing s p is following us 30 for the time being we definitely want to make sure that we clear a zone before we actually enter especially considering how oversold we are we want to make sure that our rules line up which is starting to beautiful now we do have people that have been trading this for a very long time that's why mr jones already got a 777 and that is okay because he knows how to get in and out of this because they've been trading with us for a while so if you don't get in right away that is perfectly fine but i promise you there's going to be more opportunities i just say let's wait a little bit until we get clear through the zone and we get a little bit more down word momentum with that stochastic before you enter that us-30 pay attention to your nas because nas is looking like it wants to buy now let's see when that blue line cross over the right upward momentum we need that flat candle though let's get that black candle so let's wait for the next candle in a couple of minutes even though it's pushing up and remember you have a pivot right there so pay attention to that pivot that pivot because price does respect that germany is still deciding okay so we're gonna let germany figure it out and we're gonna go check out s p okay oh yeah smp did a little push down and a little pull back you can see the pullback on the one minute let's see if us30 did the same thing it's a little pause right now okay you know sometimes we do have to wait those first five minutes before we get that clear direction i know the us-30 snipers well the embassy snipers they're on the job so don't be surprised again if you see some more 777s coming through pay attention to your nas now let's see am i going to say enter that as of yet i want you to pay attention to this fit pivot i'm just going to drop a line here because i would like nas to break through the pivot and also some of this congestion first now please be aware that if you are taking this trade you are scalping well your scalping in general going on the five-minute time frame which is okay allows you to be very profitable sorry my screen and paused on us trying to refresh my us 30 screen there we go us 30 pull back it has pulled back and again remember where we're in this may not even be a pullback this just may be it reacting to the zone that is in currently because everything is pretty much hanging around a pivot that's why we want to wait to enter these trades yeah they're all basically doing the same thing right now you see on the german 30 now germany has decided that it's going to follow us which it does majority of the time us 30 that is the one minute remember we're just confirming we do not have confluence on the us 30 as of yet now the five minute is looking a little different but the 30 minute is not confluent pay attention to naz naz might actually uh move out and buy for us pay attention to german 30 as well german 30 i want german 30 to clear clear this pivot and some of this congestion before we try to buy this we got to keep in mind that we have all different levels of traders on this call all right us 30 is doing a new thing it's pulling back again which means s p 500 more than likely is pulling back again we got some movement we just want to give it some time for clear direction i would be paying attention to nas personally and if you do have any questions comments or testimonies please feel free to drop them in the tech in the chat today is a great day to cash out i know that our other currency pairs have been moving i know you all have seen this crypto drop that's been taking place ever since china has banned the use of it with all financial institutions that's a great way for you to ride as well if you already haven't been nas is giving us a little pull back that's why we want to pay attention to that pivot we don't want to take this us 30 while it's sitting right on that pivot though because look what it's doing remember one minute is your two-year-old running left right center everywhere and still deciding which way it's going that does not change what i'm anticipating but we need to give it time because you don't want to get into that fullback it's not fun now naz seems to be pulling back that i can tell that by looking at the one minute german 30 is acting just like the us indices beautiful so that means when one moves they're all going to move and snp is following big sister us 30. us 30 looks like she might be ready to do something [Music] let's wait for all three confirmations on our five minute chart good job snipers we're waiting and being patient because great no patience is what puts you into profit in the markets i and i'm sure you all see that i'm doing all this flipping just to watch the movement of it this 30 setting up good we've got another candle in about a minute and 18 seconds let's wait for that five minute candle not sure about nas just yet german 30 setting up good let's wait for that next candle smp s p pay attention to that stochastic i wouldn't touch that one just yet same thing with german 30. so that's why we want to wait until those can until we get those next five minute candles to see that everything is confluent just to see that everything is confluent and going in the same direction naz has pulled back and if we don't get the direction right now on the call no worries we will wait but we know those opportunities are coming we may get it in the next five minutes but if not we might get it around we'll get around 10 a.m just keep your eye on

these indices because i guarantee you they are going to move okay us 30. look at weird look at where that psar is that's funny all right naz is pulling back down doesn't look like anything will take it but pay attention to it german 30 setting up nicely this might actually be one that's ready to go any second now and the psar has flipped on the us 30. all right us30 looks good get into any of these trays remember secure your profit secure your profits secure your profit means stop loss in profit see where we are here put the us 30.

okay i'm looking at that as a take profit if you go beyond that again make sure your profit is secured nas has not quite made up his mind yet german 30 it's starting to break through s p 500 is pushing down let's see where we're looking at i s p 500 now i am a little modest with my take profits you know some of you may want to take them further but again secure your profit because you want to be mindful of everyone that's trading this okay s p 500 let's do that again all right i hope you all have your charts up this is the reason for it because i know everyone is not an s p trader however we want to make sure we give everybody a little attention here so if your vehicle is something else ride with your vehicle but pay attention to that smp make sure we get everything confluent blue line crosses the red downward momentum p star flip to the top red candle flat bottom before you take that tray now let's see what the naz is doing 777 all right us 30 nas is giving us some more upward momentum let's see our 30 minute if we've got if we're starting to get confluence we are starting to get confluence again pay attention to that stochastic as well not only do you want to pay attention to that cassette because stochastic you want to clear this pivot zone i know it looks rather wide here but remember this is a five minute chart that we're looking at and there is uh some liquidity in here but just know that you're taking a risk if you take these trades before they clear their zones we haven't really cleared anything as of yet we may have to wait and that we may have to wait yeah because our time frames are not confluent right now like we may have some pullback on everything and we don't want to force any trades oh look at what s p just did new five minute candle which i'm anticipating that us 30 did the same thing oh okay we were in oversold territory so this is very much a possibility nas is starting to break through naz may be making this decision before everyone else seven 777 seven y'all are cashing out awesome german 30 not confluence s p 500 definitely not ready to go pay attention to that nas we're going to give the us 30 the smp and the german 30 a little bit more time for that clear direction because it's not very clear right now but that's what happens and this is why we want to make sure we're aware of where we are in the market and we're checking our news folders you don't have to catch the movement of the bell when you do analyze it from a top-down perspective you're able to see what the market is doing over that overall and if like right now the nas looks like it's setting up to buy be aware of the fact that you are counter-trench counter-trend trading but that's why we want to make sure it clears that zone because even look here remember that pivot is where uh price respects look here it's already pulling back you can see that it wicks up and that body is pulling back so it has not showed us clearly that it's going that direction 777 in the chat we've got some movement though so once everything settles out especially with the inflation news and remember the fomc minutes are dropping at 2 p.m eastern time where did that go here wait no that's not it oh i'm looking at thursday so yes at 2 p.m eastern time we've got our minutes dropping so that will impact the market as well so pay attention very closely to see what direction we take we haven't quite set on a direction as of yet that's okay though because it's still international cash out day you've got so many things that you can cash out in the market you've got so many different alerts already coming through matter of fact while the market is deciding let's go ahead and check out some of our alerts pay attention to these these uh indices though pay attention to these indices if they do continue to sell it could have just been a balance off of a support yeah we're not trying to get into that right now so let's see what our vibrato is calling for us matter of fact let's see what i've if the vibrato has called anything on the indices let's see if it called any of the indices that we actually trade it did call us 30 18 minutes ago for a cell and that's just to confirm that let's put a line on the charts and what we're going to do is we're going to look at the price it was called at that price was three three seven one point three three seven one one point something i think it was like 0.42

0.42 is yeah okay it wasn't accurate by uh alert this is a high frequency area which makes sense why it's been wicking back and forth because it does have to uh break through or react to this price zone before it gives you clear direction but because price is hitting on here that's why it actually called here but everything has overall been selling that is what we're anticipating we just want to make sure that we enter at the right time and look for that direction so let's look at our uh forex alerts okay doge and go awesome while everyone is probably trying to sell those we're trading those and making profits from it can't complain about that right so this just called four minutes ago for gdp aud so of course we want to drop a line to identify the price that it was called at seven five zero eight two seven five zero man i'm good and we want to follow our byb cash out strategy as always when we're analyzing our pairs and now with the forex pairs because we did go over how to trade this on the five-minute chart with the indices our foundation of our strategy is at the 15-minute chart with the 15 minute chart we make it very simple for you to 10 pips and cash out so now we're looking at this and before we would take this because this is a potential trade idea it is not a signal it does let you know that you can analyze from this place and potentially take the trade so the first thing of course is your stochastic blue line cross over the red in a downward momentum because now that we're starting at the 80 and going downward we're looking for a cell right red candle flat top now we would want this to actually push through and give us a piece our flip to the top and then when you get that pcr flip to the top we don't have to drop an arrow because this is real time you confirm with your one hour chart that it is selling which it is not and the we're confirming with the one hour chart that it is selling for time frame confluence purposes it's not selling because as you can see right here we've got a straight line of candles we've got wicks on each side we've got green here it seems like it's deciding this right here is a sign of consolidation these are our candles so this has been consolidated for the last five or six hours these are gbps they have a lot of liquidity to them however because you have a wig it is deciding because it's overbought because we have your stochastic it has cross but it has not pushed down this is something that you could potentially put on your watch list you just want to make sure you have that higher time frame confluence because remember your four hour is your trend and your one hour is your swing now if you do decide to take this for a cell when it plays out some people wouldn't take this until the four hours actually selling that's a personal preference because if you do take it just based on the hour you are counter trend trading gdps have a lot of liquidity that does not that is not a bad thing you can counter trend trade but if that's one of your trading rules and you would rather not to then don't do it until it's something that you're confident that you're getting into because you want to be confident about every trait that you're entering right so we looked at the 15 minute even though the peace are getting ready to flip as of right now we have no one hour confluence and then to be honest with you for myself personally not only do i want to see a red candle i want to see some movement i would have to wait to the next hour and see that i'm getting some kind of downward momentum with the stochastic some kind of red candle you know it doesn't have to be a flat top uh p-star flip to the top but just to let me know that that swing is changing to the cell and then of course starting at your 15-minute chart you drop to your five-hour excuse me five-minute time frame for confluence as well now the confluence is on the five minute that stochastic is giving us a little point down we've got that red candle but again look at what's happening right here we are literally sitting on this line that price has been reacting to so it's not something you want to trade just yet but if you want to you know keep it on your screen and uh hope keep an eye on it watch it check it every 15 minutes or what have you to see when it's good end to enter or especially at the top of the next hour which is in you know less than 10 minutes you can go ahead and check that to see if this actually looks like something he would take we're going to go ahead and black plants back over to the indices really quick to see if we got some clear movement as of yet no not yet we're on pause which is not a problem we're on pause naz is definitely uh setting us up but it is pulling back right now we don't have confluence and then the german 30 let's see what it's doing we do not have confluence the s p 500 we don't want to be in the midst of that all right ladies and gentlemen so just remember that you know we want to make sure that we're being patient in order to profit an educated trader is a profitable trader you all know how to execute these trades i do again anticipate some movement we just want to give it time to play out so we can ride the wave of this market and also remember that we have our hfx call with our ancient thick sniper the trading beaver herself miss bonita brantley tonight at 9 00 pm eastern time so you know you want to get in and learn the byob hfx simplified join this call bring a guest to this call we'll be here live in the market tomorrow again 5am with our trade whisperer and again everyone if you haven't already let's let's show miss dyer some love let's let's blow her up today with love let's make her cry because you know she's she's one of those teachers mr doctor bike would have said she's kind of mean because she gives us all that homework but let's show the teacher some love because this this byob cash out strategy has been truly life-changing to all of us i mean some of us never even knew how to get into this uh this market before uh having a strategy so simple and you can't beat a 92 percent accuracy rate we appreciate you ms dyer we love you happy birthday and i'm going to uh if any of uh our mastermind team want to say anything i can pass the call to you if not we'll have ms brownlee close us out in prayer yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you guys so very much i appreciate all the love thank you for everything that is coming back to me now today is international byob cash out day the market is moving so it's cooperating you see what happens we declared and agreed and we spoke it into existence and so now the market has been moving and so you all have had an opportunity to cash out and so what that means is i'm looking for you all to make sure you push the button i'm looking for you all to just be consistent i'm looking for you all to make a decision and remember we're eliminating any excuse no excuses right no excuses so there is no such thing as but excuses does not exist so today you're taking control today you're taking charge today is your day because next year next may you want to be celebrating a bank a bursary and who knows maybe we'll be on location somewhere trading right together maybe we'll be on some location somewhere on the island you know just doing what we do because we're anointed for wealth that is what we are and so i want you all to set a goal you listen to the broadcast things that we talked about yesterday go back and listen to it if you haven't if you missed it but i want to make sure that you all have goals you're focused will you understand and flood the chat all i want to see is a 777 yes pips and trips exactly all i want to see is a 777 777 and a chat that's what i want to see and if you are new to us let me officially welcome you if you were invited out that means your 777 is your god enrolled you're getting enrolled today it's your day one if you're new what that means is that you are literally taking you are taking that and you are finishing a module you're doing something to accelerate your growth and for those of you all who have been consistent let's get let's let's just get paid seven seven seven seven seven there it is she put it in there 777 in the chat we want profit and we want you wealthy an educated trader is a power is a profitable trader and this is the largest economic empowerment movement in the history of mankind thank you so much for the love thank you for what you all are doing i love my educators i love everybody that's a part of this movement and as we close out let me get pastor thomas martin can you close us out in prayer today we definitely um love love each and every last one of you all but if pastor morrison can close us out would be greatly appreciated are you on the line so i don't have them not miss dyer i'm on i'm on elder brown here awesome awesome love you let's close up all right father god you are an on-time god and we praise you you're a mighty god you're our everlasting father the king of kings and the lord of lords you're the great i am who dwells in each and every one of us we can decree and declare each and every one of us that i am who you say i am and we boldly walk in that declaration declaration we come this morning confident that we can sing one song we're singing one song a song of praise the song of thanksgiving oh god a song of appreciation a song of gratitude for this wonderful team that you put together god the team that is so willing to pour their lives into us that we can be patient and profit god i ask that as a psalmist ask who are we that you are so mindful of us that you would give us this phenomenal dream team dr bythwood mr rogers and miss dyer and even before she was formed in her mother's womb you ordained this year this month this day that she would desire that we prosper to celebrate her on this great birthday god we are so grateful that you are such a mighty god and that you've chosen us for such a time as this now we're going down from here rejoicing god in the name of jesus touch her god from the very crown of her head to the tips of her toes and everything she touches shall turn to gold and we thank you for it in jesus name amen and thank god and this officially ends this prophet called and we'll see you tomorrow morning at 5 00 a.m no tonight i'm sorry tonight at 9 00 pm and we thank you god bless you

2021-08-06 19:45

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