Live Option Trading: Option Trade Alerts [Watch & Learn!]

Live Option Trading: Option Trade Alerts [Watch & Learn!]

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Option trade signals. We're  going to start from march 8th   these are the trade alerts these are sent  to my students you can take the seven day   trial of the trade alerts it only costs $19 you  can enroll at   that's  memberships let's get started so may   uh rather march 8th s p is about even volatility  is up around six percent amazon's up tesla's down   so here i give my thoughts looks like we're  going through a relatively volatile market so i make a closing trade on facebook sold it for  a dollar bought it back for 60 cents decent profit   but given how volatile the market's been it's  good to take profits then volatility was down   about an hour after the market opened  it's a good sign i rolled tesla to june   so i picked up an incremental 240 dollars i  reduce the risk by rolling it down by 15 dollars   once tesla stabilizes i'll be able to roll it back  in and reduce the duration so here i roll tesla from june to july and then i reduced the uh the strike by  20 and i financed it by selling a march 12   430 put and i collected 51 cents ideally speaking  i would definitely want to reduce the strike price   by more than 20 in order to roll it out by  month but i figured that in this situation   uh picking up the incremental 20 as a safety  net was more important even if it cost me   an additional month of having to hold on to  the position and plus i figured that once   tesla stabilizes i can easily roll that  position back in from july to june to may   et cetera so it's not really a big deal even  though it's probably not a great trade the s p   fell twenty dollars fix up five percent VVIX is  down tech down again tesla was down six percent   significant intraday volatility with  amazon up around 60 only to close down 50.   the best course of action is  to be patient and do nothing   so here during very volatile periods you want  to wait until later in the day to make sure   that there's not going to be a sell-off so here  you can see that the market opened up very strong over four thousand dollars per contract almost  a 100 safety net between the current market   price and strike price look how much buying  power they want so it would have used up   almost a hundred thousand dollars  of buying power i mean that's crazy   ninety two thousand dollars for one contract  that's ten times more than it should be   i've seen brokerages increase buying power  requirements during crashes on leveraged etfs   especially the volatility etfs but i don't think  i've ever seen an increase by this magnitude   maybe in february 2018 with svxy i remember  that the volatility increase essentially   broke the product in any case the take away  learning lesson here is the real enemy's   volatility not necessarily your strike price  our tesla positions can be a hundred dollars   out of money but it'll show us an unrealized  loss because people are scared that's why you   always need to leave substantial buying  power so that you maintain flexibility facebook closing trade bought it back for 64 cents   and sold it for a dollar thirty  so about a fifty percent profit so once i get confirmation of the  stabilization then we'll roll in the tesla puts new opening trade on paypal b plus grade and i figure that in the worst case scenario  i can always roll it down below 170.  

this was the best day of the year uh smp was up 54  but around 24 points off its really low amazon and   tesla we're both up 110 dollars  that's a lot volatility was down so i wanted to see how it  digests the gains tomorrow   good opening let's be patient but  don't break seems like all is well okay so then we open up a new trade on  apple i usually don't trade apple that   often primarily because there's just simply  not a lot of premium available so even on   that b plus grade but i only picked up 56  dollars i mean it's pretty much nothing i roll tesla so i rolled it in um from the april 16th to the april 1st i kept the  same strike and then i financed it to roll it in   by two weeks by selling the march 19 455 put and i  got a small credit of seven cents yeah that's what   i said here reduce the expiration by two weeks and  finance it by selling a 455 put that expires next   week so the s p was up 23 fix was down again close  to six percent and then amazon tesla are both down   around five which is great considering  that previously they were up around 110   good day for us march 11th so s p is up 27 so  this would be the third straight day of gains if the market's able to hold it once the vix falls below 20 we'll start  selling spreads again it's been a great week closing trade fill for five cents original is here okay so this was the roll that we did  previously just a few days ago when i   used the credit from the 430 to help finance  the role and provide additional safety net   by reducing the strike by twenty dollars  we'll continue to be aggressively manage the   positions and reduce the expirations on elongated  options we'll do this in a disciplined manner so here i roll tesla i brought it in i bought  back to may sold the april and then financed   it by selling a march 12 875 call option and i  got a total credit of a cent so moved it in by   about a month and i increased the strike price  by sixty dollars and i also sold the call option so here's the original picked  up close to 800 on that and then i just wanted to get rid of it earlier  so i i thought it was important to reduce the   expiration by month picked up almost 800 per  contract closing trade on paypal the original   was there so sold for a dollar 20 less than  two days ago bought back for 55 profit see this   is what happens when volatility contracts  you can literally get like 50 to 60 gains   in your positions in like two  days shopify new opening trade four hundred dollars let me give the spread option so third  day in a row that the market is up   s p up 40 vicks down again  for the third straight day so that's three straight days new opening  trade low b plus s p is down around 20. new opening trade for Facebook world three to two while also bringing  in the expiration by two weeks   so pretty much here what i did was um i closed  out three and then i sold two and i brought   in the expiration by two weeks and then i  financed it by increasing the strike price   by around a hundred dollars so the prior strike  was 400. and on the two contracts that i bought   back and then there was one solitary contract  which had a strike of 420 and i was able to   collect a credit of 15 cents while also reducing  the expiration from april 16 to april 1st   and the reason i was able to reduce the number  of contracts and also reduce the expiration   was because i significantly increased the  strike price from 400 to 510 so that's a   pretty big increase the 510 strike is higher than  i like but i got to reduce it from three to two   while also reducing expiration let me reduce the  strike below 510 in the future s p up four so   it looks like that the s p was up four out of  five days this week amazon down 24 tesla down   six the week started out poorly branded extremely  well also we'll likely start trading spreads   protect against volatility expansion two opening  trades march 15th new opening trade on amazon picked up around nineteen hundred  dollars it's pretty good trade   it's a lot of premium probably  should trade that larger tesla i decreased the expiration from april 23rd  to april 9th so i decreased the expiration by two   weeks and i increased the strike price by twenty  dollars and in order to finance that i sold a near   dated put option on tesla with a strike of 480 and  i picked up 73 cents or 73 dollars of incremental   premium royal tesla to a closer expiration picked  up a credit reduced the strike by two weeks on the   april 23rd strike the market's down two vix is up  four percent i like to see the vix decrease a bit   let's see how things are trading later  on the day so here's a new opening trade for paypal b plus grade   picked up around 278 dollars good day for us  we got some great trades earlier early in today especially the amazon trade that's really good  really good fix down three and a half percent   pvix down one i'm relatively confident this is the  first closing print of vix under 20 in over a year   regarding tesla usually after a large cap  stock is oversold there's at least 30 days   to come so i'm trying to shorten the durations  on as many of the tesla contracts as possible   but at the same time i don't want to expand my  position or rest so i'm doing it in a disciplined   way once all the expirations from early may are  closed out i'll then attack the few remaining   from may and july very good day for us all right  march 16th closing trade close so there's the   opening trade sold for 81 cents bought it  back four days later for around 60 profit apple closed closed two positions in apple   here the originals 56 and 60  cents is what i sold it for original original so i closed out two apple  positions for a profit close for around 50 gains   i have a lot of positions open i don't like  that because it's hard to manage it and it   gets overwhelming so even though i have a lot of  available buying power i prefer to not have so   many individual positions open because it becomes  more difficult to focus and concentrate that's   why i close out the trays to reduce my number of  open positions if you prefer to leave them open   then you're welcome to do so fixes under  20 as i mentioned yesterday it's the first   time in over a year that it's under 20.  i'm tempted to roll in one of the mate   contracts for tesla but i'll wait because  i want some of the near dated positions to   expire or be closed out before addressing the  may expirations so amazon picked up 207 for   rolling an existing position rolling existing  position and picked up an incremental 200 bucks   not a considerable amount of movement amazon  up tesla down volatility indicators are mixed   made a bunch of adjustments earlier today after  opening some new trays yesterday morning it's   weird how um my keyboard doesn't automatically fix  the typos like look at the adjustments adjustment   mints i would think that that'd be cleaned  up but in any case um the amazons by trade   from yesterday's already showing a 700 profit  i'll continue to monitor for good opportunities that's a high b plus grade but i didn't want to  make it probably because i already have a large   position on tesla yeah i'm not making because  i want my existing trades to expire yeah i mean   that's that's a good trade but if you don't have  a large position the best available opening trade   that i would make if my tesla position wasn't  already full. S&P down 6. VIX about even with   VVIX up three percent. Google and facebook  up tesla down four percent decent day for us s&p is down paypal and that's  why the best opportunities it's a lot of premium for 190 put on paypal yeah so i made the trade later on but um  i collected 20 cents less a premium then i   should have market show sizes strength over the  past 20 minutes i didn't want to miss the trade   low b plus grade previously it was a solid b  plus you opening trade b plus grade in apple turnaround day for tesla okay march 18 s p down 20  vix up 5 vvix up slightly rolled up in existing amazon position picked up  an incremental 375 dollars rolled it in by week   so here what i did for amazon was i bought back  the 2400 then i sold the 2530 and um i guess it   was in equilibrium with the increase in the strike  price relative to the expiration and it sold it   it filled that zero i don't think i've ever  had something uh fill it zero before that's   interesting so adjusted one of the tesla positions  picked up a credit for 23 cents where i rolled in   to may to april and then i financed it by selling  the april 9th 520 put and i picked up 23 dollars   picks up ten percent we made some decent  adjustments today was a bit early but nothing   major we were wise not to open any new positions  this morning it seems okay to me though vix up ten   percent vvix up six point five percent i think  it's important to watch as the market closes if   sp closes weak down 65 with the vix up 15 then  it's a major clause at the moment it's just the   typical down day s p down 58 fix up 11 vvix up  seven amazon down 108 tesla down seven percent   i don't really see this pullback leading too  much when i got feelings that it's just a typical   sell-off but let's be conservative and watch them  watch how we made a few adjustments earlier today   they were decent but i'm very curious to see how  the market behaves tomorrow markets about even best action is no action all right so no  trades that day the s p was pretty much   unchanged sp was down three but volatility is also  down three three and a half percent amazon was up   tesla up slightly all right march 22nd good  stable opening tesla was up five percent so we wanted to wait until later  in the day bought back paypal picked up around 60 profit bought back apple  this happens quite a lot so ignore the date to   the left that's when i submitted it if a trade  fails and then i submit a buy to close order   the date on when it filled will actually  be when i entered the buy to close order   and not on when it actually filled so you see  here that it shows three nine which is when i   entered it but it actually filled on march 22nd  each race should probably fix that but whatever   so collected around 60 of the  premium and close it out early all right the vix is the lowest it's been  in over a year so that's a decent trade it's a pass because of the buying power usage close out some paypal close out shop let some  tesla contracts expire i want to take advantage   of the volatility contraction to consolidate my  positions and take winners that way i'll have   significant buying power and a clean slate  to plunge into the next great opportunity   without nibbling all right march  23rd mix is up three percent closing trade health for about a week slightly  more so here this is the trade that picked up   about nineteen hundred dollars and then we closed  it out for about five hundred and fifty five so yeah so i sold it for 1900 and bought it back  for 550. nice profit low stress it's pretty good

new opening trade b plus grade so here's a  trade that brings in over a thousand dollars s p down 28 vicks up 10 even so  good day for us i'm looking at tesla   and mass harbor i think i can get a better  entry by waiting closing trade the original   was here held for less than a week and picked up  40 and i thought it was going to close earlier   today because i set the open limit over 25  cents it fell to 25.5 and i just got tired   of looking at it and decided to close it out  for a small winter no stress turning trade smp down 30 fix up 89 percent  of vvix up three percent all right shopify closing trade closed for a  nice profit so sold it for 400 bought it back   for a dollar forty manage roll the tesla position  so you can see that i decreased the expiration   from may to april and then i financed it by  selling in april 5 50 and i picked up a credit so close out the tesla's the tesla trade that   expires this friday closed it for  nine cents closing trade on tesla 43 cents so i sold it for 580 and  i bought it back for 43 dollars so here here's the roll of the original so basically  i sold it for 587 and bought it back for   43 so so it looks like um so this is the  roll of the original so here it looks like um   so april 16 4 40 and then i brought back  okay so here's the original the very original   was the april 16 440. then i rolled the original  april 16 440 to april 1st 4 40 and then i financed   it by selling the march 19th and then i picked  up seven seven extra dollars for that and then i   closed that out so the total credit received was  587 because you have the 580 from the original   plus seven dollars on the roll and then i bought  it back for 43 cents so yeah so this is correct   new opening trade b plus grade  new opening trade b plus grade for fiverr new opening trade b plus grade yeah here i actually made a mistake i said  that those two fiverr trades are separate   but yeah i mean obviously they would close  themselves out so yeah it'll close it out   automatically i did in my account let me send an  updated trade so on in that basis you'll be short   um the 160. so um here's the five retreat  okay so i sold one more and bought two of the   140 so it's now two short spreads so pretty  much it'll be short two of the 160 by 140s best opportunities are with amazon tesla  apple and paypal will be patient and weight   for the best entries s p down 21 takes  up four percent dva x down one percent   tomorrow will be very conservative s p is down 15. new open trade b plus picked up 526 dollars s p up 20 s p up 16 the following  day high b plus grade shop is oversold picked up 324 dollars because i sold two contracts b plus grade for amazon so i was early on shop amazon's down 40. tesla is down close to 35. okay very strange day s p up 65 amazon  close up after almost falling below 3  

000. market was extremely strong  during the last hour trading all right the market is down  slightly but volatility is up in any case i don't like how volatility  is spiking so let's wait until later today   to see how the market is trading  new opening trade low b plus grade high b plus trade for tesla   the amazon trade is already showing a 20 gain s p  down three but the vix was up ten percent and vvix   up around three percent amazon up 24 tesla  down seven thirtieth doesn't pee down 15. you open trade v plus grade you open trade b plus grade and not much activity on march 30th  s p down 12. fixed down 5.5 percent  

march 31st tesla's recovering all right open up a new position in amazon so it looks like i sold the put spread and a call  which is pretty rare because usually i don't do   that but what must have happened was i thought  that amazon was probably going up too quickly   while also thinking that amazon  is underpriced so i sold a call   and a put spread and the call didn't use  up any additional buying power because   i had a lot of um i had a lot of i had a  position okay so i sold the call to offset   a lot of the puts then also open a new spread  picked up around 550 dollars be post grade s p up um 14 but it was a week heading into  the close vix volatility down one and   a half percent excellent day for us tesla five  percent all of our positions were profitable okay april first futures market is up so close out shopify close out paypal closer nice profits here are the originals okay original shopify all trades closed for  more than 50 profit none of them were challenged started rolling in the july tesla trades so i  reduced the expiration by 30 days and i financed   it by selling the april 30th 510 put picked up 28  cents so roll from july to june reduced duration   by one month finance it by increasing this rate  by 2 by 10 and also selling april 30th 5 10.   picked up a small credit consolidated  the tesla positions to expire on the 23rd   with a 550 strike picked up a 44 credit i would  close out the 107 100 but i don't want to because   some people will get upset since i submitted  it 12 minutes prior to or i submitted it   two minutes um before closing but if i was trading  on my own i probably closed it out now instead of   like it'll likely trigger on monday remember  that tomorrow the market is closed holiday   so the s p up 47 volatility down about ten  and a half percent so i probably meant there   vix is down ten and a half percent vvix  down three percent um that's probably a typo   amazon up 67 tesla town six after being up  25 earlier very good week for us we are well   situated well position a profit in the current  market all right so this is also like a 30 minute video so i'm going to end it at april 5th   and then i'll do the remaining from april 5th up  to the present day sometime over the next few days

2021-05-15 22:33

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