Live Business Talk show with Bee Lee from USA - Jan 2022

Live Business Talk show with Bee Lee from USA - Jan 2022

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okay we are live uh good morning vietnam and good evening all the people from the usa i'm so happy and very excited today to invite this belief all the way from usa to be my special guest speaker in my page hello billy how are you today hello hi i'm doing good thank you for inviting me yeah thank you so much for accepting my invitation to my page today and i hope that we have a great talk show today and we'll talk about the journey how a mom of four and become a successful digital entrepreneur so if you have any question you can raise um in the comments if you are tuning uh tuning in right now or you can message me or necessarily to know more about this business opportunity okay so first of all say hello to believe and can you please introduce some um information about yourself who you are what did you do before you join this opportunity thank you billy hi everyone i hope you guys are having a great monday in california it's monday but i think we're in vietnam it's tuesday right yeah it's tuesday so i'm i'm honored and i'm really happy that sister kong invited me to share my journey with you guys on her page um just a little bit about me my name is b and my nationality is mong so i was born in thailand and i came to the s um when i was about four years old so um right now i'm a stay-at-home mom i have four kids i have two boys and two girls um my oldest is poor my oldest is 14 yeah oh yeah and but before becoming an online business owner i was a dental assistant i worked with a dentist in his dental office so i worked there for 13 years and a couple years ago my health was suffering so i decided to take some time off a work to you know just focus on my health and to take care of myself and so when i was um off that whole year um that's when i came upon this online business um but during that whole year that i was home um i had a lot of time to take care of myself focus on my health and my health was and you know getting better but and then i decided that you know i didn't want to go back to my dental job full time because you know it when you work for somebody you um they control your time and you don't they um it's their business so it's really hard um to you know whenever it's time to take a break sometimes when you're a dental assistant you have to help the doctor until done with the procedure right so you can't go and take your break at the the time that you wish and you you rush yourself eating um you don't have a good meal and so i think um looking back and you know in in my life i think that my job was very um i love what i did you know i worked in the dental field for 13 years i love helping patients and making them feel good about their teeth right so yeah but then you know i look back with you know what i was doing and i think that caused me to you know not have time to take care of myself so i decided that i didn't want to go back to that kind of environment so that's when i um stumble on upon this online business um i wasn't looking for a business but you know i was home doing nothing and just being taking care of my kids you know which you know i love doing and taking care of my kids but you know in the u.s it's very expensive i'm pretty sure everywhere is expensive and so i started worrying about none of the finances the bills you know i wanted to find something that like would allow me to still give me time to take care of myself and to be there for my family and so i you know when i found this business i was like you know i'm not you know i had never done business before but i was like you know i'm gonna you know i i really wanted that change in my life so i just gave it a try and now i'm an online business owner and i've been doing it for a year now so i just hit my one year anniversary and i couldn't be happier congratulations you already wanted in the business uh and you know i always admire the lady who have a lot a lot of kids like you running here because i have two and already had i should be two right but you have four so i wonder how can you still running your business successfully with four kids and also work part-time for the dental rate so how can you manage your time yeah so i mean with four kids it is hard but um you know when i started this business you know i told myself you know i never done it before and how am i going to do this i was scared but then you know yeah of course i have to take care of my kids first and doing this online business um it's actually perfect for me because you know it's online and we do it on you know our own time you know we're provided with the training and the training is there and so uh what's great about this online business is the training we do it on our own time so we do a business around our family so with four kids yes i have to you know get them ready in the morning make them breakfast and take them to school and then um i still have my four-year-old that's at home with me so um i would take them to school of course take care of them and then when i come back i would just work on my business in the beginning of course i had to spend more time setting up my business so i would do it usually at night after they go to bed and my husband works tooth and so he's a manager at a restaurant so he doesn't get home until late too like at 11 so usually i put my kids to sleep and i would spend like about in the beginning i did spend more time but now that my business is all set up and like i said i would spend one to two hour here and there's sometimes like i said i work my business around my kids so that's why i love this business because you know i do it on my own time and um you know i i hear people in this business that have six kids and they're able to do it so that's really good right yeah yeah yeah so you can see that uh thanks to the online the flexibility that we can work here and then right like me also i have my full full-time job i have two kids but still i can run this business it's thanks to the flexibility right the online you can work anywhere anytime we want right so and i know that i believe i have never done anything online before the visit right you don't have the rt background right so uh did you find all these things challenges for you when you first started this business yeah when i first started this business you know i never done anything online and you know when you hear things online you always get scared or you always think it's a scam right so i um like i said i did and had that thought in my mind but you know i like i said when you're at a point at your at a point in your life where you really ready for that change then of course i looked into the business i did my own research and like i said i never imagined myself being a business owner because um growing up our parents my parents brought us to the u.s and all they taught us was go to school get a good education get a good job and you know that's all i knew so i had never imagined oh my gosh you know like i never thought about being a business owner because you know and owning my own business and especially online where i had no tech skill i knew like the basic computer stuff you know because you learned in school but you know that you know that didn't stop me i knew that you know with this um online program that you know i found i know that you know there's going to be the training there to help me and you know they offer a coach and a mentor to help me so um i just went into it with you know you know having that confident that you know if all these people could do it i can do it too so i whenever i had problems like in the beginning or even now i could just reach out to my coach anytime and we have a big community of mentors that are from all over the world and you know i could reach out to them whenever i i get stuck on something or need some advice they're always there to help me so yeah i mean there's always challenges and anything new that you do but you know with this um community like i love the the help and the knowledge that they share with all of us yeah yeah i see yeah so i'm the same like you i am i don't have i.t background and i've never done

any on online business before and you know before joining this business even i have something like i'm tv online as well i said that's my mindset before you're in the business so what people often say that you cannot get rich of the challenges if you don't face it so first we don't have i.t background we don't have online business um i experienced before but because we joined this business and every day we work with this so now it is not our children's right anymore yeah and we always have mental coaches and the community from all over the world they are supportive and they are willing to have any time we want right so to be in this business so uh billy uh you are a successful business owner so uh what do you define the success in your life and as a business owner in our community well like if someone wants to you know ask me that you know when before i became a business owner like of course being successful like i said is our parent just you know told us to go to school have a good paying job and you know you know be able to support your family and you know like me my husband um we worked really hard all our life and you know we thought we had a a good life right we have a you know nice car we have a home for our family and so we thought that you know that's what my definition of success so you know it was like but then you know so when you get it to a point in your life you know of course through the experiences that you have in your life your mindset change and so i think that you know successful is you know being happy you know and having good health and you know so that's when i found this business this business has taught me like so much um about mindset and just helping me you know and to enjoy the the process of you know becoming successful right you know when you you know you have to and i learned a lot of new skills so this business has uh has benefited my life so much i have learned a lot of new skills and it has helped me a lot with like a personal development so yeah i you know this business has taught me so much and i think that's what success is you know you have to be um like i said you do have to have a good health you know so this has allowed me the flexibility to allow me to take care of myself so having good health is already successful to me yeah right yes you have all the money and you're you know you're not healthy then you know what yeah that that doesn't feel successful and like my husband since i started this business my husband see me so much happier now like you know yeah he sees that i'm such a a diff like a different not like a different person but you know i just enjoy life more and um i guess you know before you know when when you have like one or two kids it's not that stressful but now that your life changed you get older you have more kids um and if you go to work like long hours you come home and you're you're really stressful right yes that's yeah yeah so this business has allowed me to you know be there for my family to take care of myself so um my i feel like i'm such a happier person now and that's that's you know that has made me like i feel like i'm already successful even though you know we you know this business has um helped me a lot in in a lot of financial ways too and so but the best part is like i'm just um more happier and more healthier now because of the flexibility yeah it's amazing to know that and i see that our community members also they they see that people seem to be more happier uh they're more active more energy when each other business right and most of us when we first start the business normally we are like seeking for one or two thousand more added to our monthly expand or income right but after joining the business many people they can get big success in the business and even um many members they can get a big amount of income right from the business after three or six months or one year and i say wow how can you do that right so yeah like me when i join the business i'm looking for the plan b the financial plan b for the family yeah yeah of course many of us we are thinking of the the money and the income when you first try right but after some time in the community we see that oh we can learn a lot from this business not only from e-commerce right like we can help many people we can learn a lot to develop ourselves we become more active more energetic right and we are more happy that's what i see from the people from the community even that they are in the business for two three months six months a few years right and that's the beauty of the visit all right it's also about the people and people relationship we can create a relationship with many business partners all over the world right and it's so beautiful and i think that wow later on when the copies is over we can travel downward then in each every country we go we can see our business partners right yeah i wanna i wanna visit vietnam one day too you're always welcome and you can see that we as um this is parliament in vietnam there's many many people now right and every provinces you know you can meet other people and it's a visit right and you know that when we talk about our online business we often talk about the automation system right and like you you have four kids you are already busy or like me or many other members in the community they can have five six kids like you say right and even some people they are working two or three job at the same time but still we can run this business because uh thanks to the automation system it's so great and beautiful that we can work anywhere anytime we want and the system is still there running automatically 24 7 and have to build up our online business right so many people use our system and they become very successful in the business but there's been some people they are not successful in the business so can you share with us about why some people are successful and why some other not successful yeah well like you said the automate automated system is great you know the audi main decision system is there to help us like when i started this business i was like what is automation you know i didn't know that there was such a business out there where you could um have a system that runs in the background and once everything's set up and you know you have that flexibility to um go do the things that matters to you in life right and so the automation is as great in this business and the automation will it's there when you you know you join this program they will teach you how to set up your business so you don't have to always be on your phone or computer because you know it's online so we mainly use our computer or phone right so the automation allows us to not always be stuck on our phone or a laptop our business is always running in the background for us so i of course you know when we went online this is what we're looking for right so um i think the automation is there to help us grow our business but i think that the number one thing that some people um have a hard time is sometimes they depend on the automation too much and they don't um you still have with any business you still got to put hard work in there and you got to have the determination to you know help your business grow so i think um i mean a lot of people um in this business um they're very successful because of the the automation system that we have but the people that don't um grow their business is i think it's the determination and they're the you know just like for example if you have a nice car right and you know that's there for you but you know if you don't you want to get to a destination and it's just they're a nice car just sitting there you don't drive it you're not going to get to that destination so yeah like i said you know it it does all depend on your you know your determination and your hard work but like i said with this business we have the community is awesome and whenever you need that determination or that help they're always there to um help you with that and we have like our training we have masterminds twice a week that we have people come and share their knowledge and you know help us you know and with anything we always have you know time where you know we have that self-doubt or we don't believe in ourselves but you know like i i found this business i love this business because of the community and the the support that we get and whenever i i feel that way you know i always go to the community and it helps me you know it helps bring me my confidence back and that's why you know i love yeah yes yeah yeah i see and also uh people often talk about the mindset as well so why people successful because they have the right mindset when they start the visit right and the most important thing for our community for the successful member is that they dare to take action right do you agree that right because if you don't actually then nothing happens nothing nothing changes right yeah so if you have the right mindset from the beginning then it can help um us to be successful in the business thank you so much for your information that you're sharing today and before letting you go so uh would you like to share something more about the business about this opportunity for the people especially for the one who has been skeptical they don't know this is a real business or not it can bring them success or not or this scam or something would you like to share something with them yeah i mean like you know if it's not a real business we wouldn't be here sharing with you guys you know and you know we're not like scammers or anything but um it's totally normal to be skeptical when you find something new or when you are faced with a challenge or especially online you you know you do get scared and skeptical but it's uh totally normal and i think that you know with anything in life you know you just have to give when you you're needing like a change or looking for a change you just have to you know take that first step and take action and go learn about it you know give yourself to a chance to go learn about it educate yourself about it and you know if it's something that you know you would like to do then at least you you know you found the opportunity because you got to learn about if you don't take the chance you would never you know what know what the opportunity has to offer or what it can help you with you know like just taking that like you said taking action is that first step you know because if you don't do it you don't know what's going to happen on the other side yeah that's true and i still remember from some talk show with um one of my business partner in the community raza if you know him he's very successful and oh yeah this is all in our community right you also talk about the skeptical um and you say that the skeptical health uh no when i say i forget the word but it means that you should keep the skeptical um in the good side i mean for anything in our life if we are skeptical it's good because it is protect ourselves right to be safe in the society something and something like that but if you let the skeptical uh stop all the opportunity for you close on the door in front of you right that's also that's not good for you so you just get going it's okay right it's good no problem if you're skeptical but this business is something we say um no risk this business right no risky when people join our community they have 30 days to to to to make a resource and miss our community members and see how the system run and how the system can harvard to to build our own online business and with all the flexibility all the things that we can get from the business is so so amazing so if people don't uh dare to take action to check it out then nothing happened nothing changed for their life right and yeah and that means you will lose opportunity in this space right yeah so thank you so much billy so for anyone who want to check it out check this business just very simple just leave your name and email at my website message me or message believe to know more about this business and if you're ready you want to join our community then you can um you can pay 149 us dollar the member fees and it is refundable within 30 days in you buy invite and within first day you are added to our community of more than 107 thousand 107 000 members already wow from all over the world yeah right so yeah you can make research you can meet our people you can talk with us and you can see that we are real people that's why we put our name our real name here right in our facebook right so you can check it out and if this this is not for you just simple you should ask for refund and the system will pay you back right away right but it is for you you will thank you for what you have taken action right right yeah okay so once again thank you so much billy for coming to my page today and sharing a lot of useful information and i hope that you guys won't get and some more info about this business and if you want to know more just simple comment here message me message billy we are always here to support you and help you and guide you right see you all in the inside and thank you so much philip again would like to wish you have a nice day and wish you more successful in your life and your in your pieces you want to say something with our audience before we say bye bye no just uh thank you for you know hanging out and i was you know fun hanging out with you today and one day i will come visit you yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you so much billy okay thank you and bye everyone now bye

2022-01-21 03:57

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