Life Esteem guest Dred Scott and Nellie Banks

Life Esteem guest Dred Scott and Nellie Banks

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Welcome. To life esteem, a program. Committed, to delivering, information that's, important, to you and your community. Hello. And welcome again the life of Stan always great to have you as a viewer and thank, you so much for listening looking. In listening, into this program today we have a very special program we, have a very special guest with us mrs., Nellie Banks who, was. We're going to tell you her story in just a minute here and also we have with us the Reverend, dr. dread perky, Scott who's, one of the, architects. Of this project, we're going to talk about today along, with brother Michael. Bowles who will be joining us in the next part. Of this program brothers, us Dred Scott how are you man strong during, well, mrs.. Doctor. Parent so. You put together you and brother Michael got together and put together a fantastic. Project. So tell us all about this project and introduce our very special guest today I'd, be glad to do that first. And foremost the project, originated, in the mind of Michael Bowles the, retired executive, director, of the house for human relations commission and, a. Professional, photographer in. His retirement an excellent, photographer yes, we, were sitting around talking. In his house one. Day and, he, came up with the idea, of a centenarian. Calendar. He. Was a raw mule in his, house of President, Obama the 44th President, and. 2008. 2016. And he. Had been taking, pictures of. Friends. And other, people behind, in front of the mirror with the mural being behind it and so these. Were just pictures, that he took the people that he gave to people and. While. We were sitting talking Miss Nelly happens, to be a member of our church, Wesley Union AME Zion which is the oldest. African. American congregation in. Harrisburg. 202, years old today charge great Saturday yeah and. He. Asked did I know miss Nellie banks. He. Had just met her and I've. Known her all my life, and. So. He. Said well what, do you think about a centenarian. Calendar, for. These seniors. I. Said. Man it might be hard for us to find some centenarians. After, miss Daly mm-hmm. But, we. Kind of. Waive. That requirement. To. Be a hundred and. Just said in their, high 90s, or nine is moving in to a hundred and we were able to accomplish the task and our chief inspiration. And the. Inspiration for, I'm sure who everyone, was going to hear her is mrs. Nellie banks, yeah who still lives by her so I'll bet not say. But. She makes, cookies, and is a seamstress, assault. After seamstress. And, just. Remarkable. 104. Years. Old beautiful is Nellie yes, and. That. Is fantastic and, welcome to the show any. Cute yes indeed so tell us a little bit about yourself, tell. Us a little bit about yourself, well. Um. Oh my. Stealing that mom I. Was. Born in South Carolina, and way. I was raised up in South Carolina, and, then, I was, 19. I went to New York. My. Older, sister had passed and, her daughter came home and said to me you. Know man if she was leaving she said now like would you like to come to New York and. I said yes he said I'll get you a job and she, got me a job and, she. Sent. Me the letter and I got you know then. I went to New York on a ship they. Ship from long flight, line you know right, there in Charleston. South Carolina and. Event. In New York and, I stayed there for almost. Two. Years and I went back South, Carolina.

And. From. Then, and. I got married I. Work. Hard. Real. Hard and. I. Said, up until I. Retire. I haven't, got five hours an hour, but. You, know I, had. The Lord on my side he's. Good. My. Father died when he was very when. I was young I was a Moche. Or four years old when he died okay. And. I decided. I'm. Going to make it yes, ma'am I'm going to make it and, God. Has been good. To me real, good mm-hmm, I. Do. Everything for myself I, keep. Running my, goals I traveled. I've. Been so, many places, and. Then. I decided. Well I've, been everybody's, but I didn't be I didn't go to school okay. Then I said oh I. Wanted. The school to school I don't know why when I go to school and I had no to do everything like what. Is to done you know to be done I said but. I want, to know what it's all about the. Skin hmm. So. I decided, after. I retire, I said. I'm, going to school. When. I went to school so. When I went to school the. Teacher. He's. Supposed to be teaching, sitting. Behind a desk reading books, and, everything, I. Said. I said well. When. Did you cheat you're going to teach me yeah. How. Were you then how were you in winter school oh I, was. 63. And. 66. Yeah, and I said. When. Is she coming, all we sitting around the table and she. Said to me then. She said Oh, you help them with really, be. Left. To. Learn. So. Then she never to come back you know and say check to see how. They do they work for anything I said I thought that's what you cheat you suppose. My. Thumb and, then. I talked, to the head, person. I've, been in the office and. I said. Who's. Supposed to be the teacher here, then she tell me and I said was I suppose you'd never come around the table to check you. Know the people who around the table, so. Then she said then she talks with Australian. She. Finally start coming around the table and check, she said now. Only I. Said. Gosh. Say you know everything so don't. What. Else can reduce it in this side of the world they. Will be give me some cash. Because. I had been there everywhere, you know travel. I travel a lot. I. Want. You to go to the police. Station. And. Get. Some information about, driving, and. Whatnot. I said sure no problem I went. And. I'm back and it's a I want, you to measure, you robbing, the house. What. Does that the news-miner kitchen. So. I donate, everything that kept me to do what then, the next thing I know there's a well alone we can have graduation. And no. Got. To the flume I got to hang it up on the wall I should, know what did I learn, yeah I didn't know before. Because. Um coming, up as a child. I, went. To school. When. I was 6 years old and, I had some friends and, they, was the peachy teacher peck you know GG got themselves on, the her death you know and, they, separated in front of me now I'm on the front seat and I'm giggle, all the time. And they, under making fun and I. Started laughing, so, when school. Love the teacher said, now. They you see in school, you stay in I. Said. What. Then. You stand in my lady. When. I leave home go to school, I have. Wrote from my head to my fault. I said. If that's where the caustic education. I don't want it just right. And. I. Nice, dog taking. Up papers, and books, and read and, mission. And. I, listen. And. No. Further. My mother, was a real. Good Seamster, and, I love this soul and I. Would go play with her but I wouldn't play with her I would watch see how my mother, lay the material. Oven I cut it and hold it together oh I. Can't do that well you, don't, know if. It's something you could want to do you. Can do it if you want, but. If you don't want to do you, never learn now. I crochet, i Nick I make, a base where I lay in the bed and make, a base for it Wow I make. Dishcloth, I got box and box and buy a a dish clothes I make one of my friend come home with the house and she said Oh miss. Nellie said the, dish claw is so beautiful so can we take some and sell it for you I said, sure you sell it for me not give you something wonderful help. You with your organization. They have the kids in. School they're so glad to go into graduation. You know they helps them and, they. Say. Taking, a box from last week and, I. Still I, wake. Up this morning. Didn't. Get from him. And. I said no if. I gave up because, I was supposed to go to black history last week and. I got up and got dressed and, waited, and waited and waited for class and the girl number this show up to pick me up because. I said well I didn't want to go anyway, because my friend had this died I. Still. Were crying so I but. And I hope and I hope she didn't come so she.

And. I stayed there and, I, said okay. Now. He's supposed to call me not. Just, more than mm-hmm, but he was called before the call made before I could so, I said well I'll get up and get dressed anyhow. I. Said about the Lord he's good, amen. Calendars. What you can see yeah yeah you made it this is a project. And brother Scott if you tell us boys I'm gonna hold this up well no one can see you know see yeah let's go there okay yeah all in the calendar, and you, start. Moving it over to you which more you want me to show it here cuz. I want to bring it in a little bit if they can see but this picture is of Miss Nelly, banks yeah and, it's a wonderful backdrop. There, and. When, it's tell us about that brother Scott Scott yes this. Is the backdrop, that we use for 12 individuals. For, the. Obama. Centenarian. Calendar. Mm-hmm, and Miss. Nelly as we have already stated, was. The genesis, of this idea for. Us she. Inspired. Michael. Who be on shortly, I'm sure and, then. We did, video. Interviews. In, which we. Asked, several. Questions the. The bleeding, question, was did. And during, Black History Month I think this is important. Did. They, ever think. Because. They've, been through the. Depression. Miss. Nelly knows about slavery she picked cotton. Did. They ever think they would see an african-american. President, and. Mrs.. Nellie's response, was was beautiful, all of their responses, were very poignant, and not all the same yes, and not all the same and so it, was very significant. And we went to her home mm-hmm. Because I wanted some cookies. Well. You know it's really interesting in, that. 104. I'm still looking at you just can't really thank, you hey that is okay, she's looking really just wonderful and also but. There, was a study that's done called, the Blue Zone if you heard of the Blue Zone which. Went all around the, world, and finding. Places where people live, long, lives, and, there were five places that, we noted, that people lived to centaurians, I mean centaurians over. A hundred years of age one. Of them was in this country in California and, one. Was in Greece woman's in Italy and there were two. Others I can't remember the other two countries but. Now because put Harrisburg on the map go here because, we have based on this calendar okay, similarly, yeah, I'm seeing okay, the number of individuals. We have just in our community, and you top the list okay. Of those folks yeah you got to ask the questions so what is the secret to longevity. Okay, I don't, know I. Something. I like that involved with God ever since I was. Long. As I can remember and. I want. To be I wanted. To be a missionary, for. God and he. Showed me that he. Showed me my road going. Up to the altar going up to the pole with but. I didn't get up to the pool but I I, turn. And talk with somebody and they mean. That you know sitting, in the seat and then. I said I, I. Said I don't think he, want me in the group in the food okay, he but he want me to bring. You know tell the news. Believe, me I tell it you tell about. One. Night I went to a Bible. Study and. We. Create natural, I was only wait, was an ending group, you know and, we. Shouldn't run with 17, about sitting around the. Table and. I. Sit. There and this, listen, with. Everybody, chocolate, in this. Minister. Who. Taught, the Bible study. Of, a, Lord's, Prayer, and.

When He finished he. Said true. He. Said there was something bothering. Him he couldn't get brother and I, could I figure the way home not sure I feel a hand on my shoulder. Cinelli. You didn't you to talk to that man oh. Why. Did you say that to me honey, I went off like a steady alarm, clock and, I, talk and I talk and when I finish talking he, come he leave his race and they come around the table to me says can, I have a hug I said, yeah you can have a big hug, yeah and. From. Then on. By. Everybody. In, the group you know me they coming, to me asking me. They. Didn't know I talk because. I am very quiet I little egg delicious, man, so that's where I learned is listen and, I. Said. Now. They want to know, what. My secret, what. Do I do, what, kind of cream I used on my face you know. So. Far yes. And. I said I. I. Different. From anybody else I, said. But I, believe. In God I, had. One night I was in bed sleep. Like that this went to bed and believe, him o'clock I. Feel. This pain in my toe and, was. Coming up, my. Leg then they get to my eye coming up and then, they get to my uncle, it was so bad that I said I said, well Lord I said this is my time wasn't please taking because obtain this it's, true so where I can't handle, it I mean. That was but. The year ago, and. The. Pain then stop, the. Pain keep coming, so, I lay there I said well. And. I talked to him again I said lord I said if you're not ready for me ready. For me I said please just, ease the pain and. All of a sudden I hear something, like that here like that and that pain went on back down bring her to my coat and I got up I put, one leg foot on the floor the couldn't even I couldn't, move my right leg lead in my left leg her feeling, like I'm. Moving I put. My foot on the floor and. I. Had her Oh. Jacket. To shorten, sleeve for a friend of mine to. Wait to hook try graduation. And, I, said I. Got. Up, when. I got the jacket. Went. Back to my bedroom the other needle, and throw it so. I didn't, him, that I can put in the bag put. It on the she and unlock, the dope and, called my friend and. I said. Come. And get your jacket I said, cuz. When you come on my daughter here, might be going no, no. Then. I went back to bed about 4:30 of. 3:00 to 4:30 5, o'clock went back to bed but you're here now when. I wake up again she was standing over the Bay of what's, wrong with you what I saw, I had one of those, norm. In my leg last night then. When I went there to talk down to the doctor looked at me said he. Shaking hey he was on his knee.

Say. And you shaking, his head, and. I, said what's, wrong with doctor baby usually, look, the same way when I seen him before, I didn't have my leg shake and. He look up at me he said Natalie say you are one lucky woman, said. If that. Ball had keep on moving. That, you growing so I laugh. This is if I laugh I said well doctor that's why it, what difference does it make, because, I'm ready you know I mean I try try to prepare. Myself for, that day whenever. He called me cuz my friend just, got a job to do, courthouse. And. She, she went to work on Tuesday and, Thursday, she was going and. I still are still crying. She's. The kid I mean she younger than my younger daughter, was. About your daughters oh no, because you have a don't you have a wonderful picture here and of. Your, oldest daughter yes it was how old, she's. 83. 83. She's. Following mom's footsteps with longevity. She's. Gonna be able to do the same and in the picture she also has and there who else is out with her your. Daughter in the picture here. We. Are granddaughter. Like my, granddaughter, on my great-granddaughter. Okay, a great granddaughter and there this is my good granddaughter, on the end okay, okay mm-hmm, she's the one that's adenosine. Ultimate. Fan. Awesome. Wonderful looking family as well now, the, calendars, how can people get hold these calendars, well. The calendars, that can, be obtained. Through. And, I believe you're going to bring Michael back is coming so Mike, Mike, will, tell you and we'll leave the number of. The contact, information both, our emails. And telephone, numbers. Oh good you. Ready switch down I, don't know and they are but whenever you read to me and. Dr.. Gaston, and and. Mrs.. Gaston. She. Didn't tell you what the secret of her longevity, is mr.. Cookies. Brother. Back with bones come on over and they'll be making a switch doctor. Dred Scott but, this is a fascinating. Conversation so, glad and so you, understand. Joint was the. African. Amethyst aside sir well I joined, Wesley, in. 46. 46. And, I, was, in wish me up until. 97. Then I moved to Philadelphia. Oh and I, stayed, in full liver for three years and, I said no I'm going back the Harrisburg for the Belfort not for me okay so then I come back here then. I didn't go back to, Wesley. Because. I didn't, drive anymore on the Conn my eyes and, all I said well then, I taught my son home James Morrison, yeah me did Morrison, son the, youngest one is my godson, you. Know and his. Two kids of my my. God children and it were also his brother, it's, my godson and I, I told, them, and worried, I wasn't for this and I come over I would, call him and to, go to church yes I said, you, go, to you, work, Monday. Morning and. Work until Science, Friday right. I said get. The kids into the church that's right a man today and I and and, they so I would come over Boston. As I can and then, I come over so they go to Wesley, I will, go with. Them Detroit I says man I said take me to church because, the church own. Paxton. Methodist. Oh I, used, to go there when, I couldn't, drive and his child and the floors. You know bad the road is bad and, I'll, call the day that work for, picked. Me up and I'll, go to church with her so I was. Immediately, the choice you know and everything, so I said well dogs I got. Them in the church so he said to me one time he said well miss. Nellie I'm sure you satisfied now we in the church or. In the giant the church after. All right now, he. Got to pick me up every Monday, morning. And. I, like. It you, can get better no, forgot. To introduce this gentleman here mr. Michael Bo's, photographer. Extraordinaire a long, time. You, know director, of the Harrisburg Human Relations Commission and, great. Community activist welcome to show Mike thank you yes ma'am, so I understand this was your brainchild just a calendar it was an, idea to came out of here well your mom of course you would know that ever.

Since Shirley. Chisholm first. Attempt. To run for president some, years, ago, that's, always been a question in the african-american community will, we ever see, an african-american president Chuck and it's Jessie and others and then. It. Happened, yeah you, know it happened and I. Got this mural that I bought it I was excited and I hung it up in my house and and. And I, set. Out to give. All the potent, phrase that I know especially, my. Senior friends who, definitely, I know didn't think that would happen in their lifetime I put them in front of the picture with Obama yeah and. It wasn't till I met Miss Nelly, that. The question, really, came to me I. Three. I met, her she, had her letter in the picture that's her letter from President, Obama, okay okay acknowledging. Her 103rd, birthday and. Hundred. Plus I said wonder how those folks felt, about it and, got. Miss Nelly we. Just met at church, she. Was. Posed. Here the, the concept, tutor she, was willing and eager who. Came to my house walk two miles didn't, even know me it's. Coming to a house with strange man. And and. Was just so full of life yeah, and, and talked and, we. Didn't interview at that time as perk said early we got to really perk and I didn't connect at that time so we interviewed her later but. The the, mate one of the things that, I just got from the whole project of all these other individuals, that we identified, that to realize there aren't a lot of hundred-year-old folks walking, around like Miss Nelly about that that. We, we just said they, were all so full of life so willing, to participate, and, tell, their story without, any weeks. Preparation. No. Prior notice you know I'm dragging, folks from where everybody. 90, over come on let me get this picture and, we, were able to round, up, twelve. Folks let, me just say this one story about a gentleman I had a 98 year old guy mr. John Tucker, okay walked in my house we took the picture and once, again we didn't connect with the interview so we I had been calling mr., Tucker trying to get him with perks we can interview, every. Time I talk to John Tucker told me he was waked, at. Ninety eight years old and I was like wow so, we weren't able to get him ever and then I created, a posthumous page. When. I put, miss Ileana, Robinson, I was a participant, in the, military. Salute, that in, the african-american community mm-hm, and I used her cuz I knew her daughter and.

So, We put her put, her in the calendar I want to say this very good, so. I wanna say this real quickly you have other persons in the kalman such as mr. David Adams yes I remember mr. Adams from Department of Education, right hearing you, also have David, waters and his wife mirror yeah right you, also have our roles, Burnett. Yes yeah raise the raise, mom Rayburn its mother okay, movie, Palmer yes, okay, and missus. New department, also arms. Is no we anymore, live in Stuart okay. Okay. You also have Reverend a Addison, cash and his wife Ruth yes I used to work with dr. cash and, he's looking great I also had an ester yes, it's all unless yes indeed okay. Mr.. Alfred, white. Yes all right okay, also. Uh you, see the summer. Forward okay. And then. Also of course, Robert. Guests mrs. Billy banks and. Also, the owner Ron, Bonham Robinson, yes you did two posthumous yes, okay, my, mother's, maiden name was Robinson, I just wonder, okay and then and net Smith. Yes yes. And. I and like I said I didn't know any of these folks mm-hmm, but they were willing to, participate but. We're gonna have to wrap up and now I'm mrs. a nutty thank you so much for coming on thank. You spot, and, well thank you all for watching this program which we had more time but this was a great interview and hope that she will get out there and get yourself a calendar okay and by the way will. If, you want to get. The counter to give me a call two three three seven six one one I'm sorry six or eight two. Three one, two six, zero eight two three one two area, codes seven one seven we'll get you in touch with the right people okay god, bless you and see you next time here on life esteem alright. Yeah.

2018-03-08 09:55

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