Life Business Review

Life Business Review

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Hey guys this is rob robson, and i am so excited to share with you today. Specifics. About the life, business, opportunity. And by now you should have already taken a look at the life super app platform, and seen all of the incredible. Benefits, that we're offering the world it is an absolute. No-brainer. Uh to be able to be a, customer, of this incredible. Platform, and it's getting better, every single day, but right now what we want to talk about is the opportunity. For you to partner with us to be able to create, a, part-time. Or or you know in your spare time income or maybe a significant. What i call freedom. Level income, that can allow you to really, change some things in your life and that's really the the motto. Of our company is helping you live, the life you've always wanted, and one of the things that really helped me understand. The advantages. Of, this business, over anything else you could invest your time in was this diagram. By a guy named robert kiyosaki. And you may have heard of his book rich dad poor dad what the rich teach their kids about money that the poor in the middle class don't it's an amazing one but this book the cash flow quadrant talks about how there's four ways, you and i can choose to make our income you can be employed, e, uh or s for self-employed. B for business, system owner, and i for investor, and the point of the book when you really dive into it is that there's really just two sides, there's the left side, and the right side, employee. And self-employed. That's, 95. Of our population. And all of those people put together, kiyosaki, says only account for five percent of the money, so you have 95. Of the people, making five percent of the money and that's almost everybody right employees, and self-employed. What do they have in common, he calls it bucket, carrying, income, where you trade your time for money, and, obviously, that makes, you limited. And so what we're talking about today is, leveraged, income or what he calls, pipeline. Income. Uh, passive, income freedom, income, and that's. How you know the way you develop that first of all that's five percent of the people making 95. Of the money, and it's a totally different lifestyle. Right if you can create. Your, lifestyle. Income. Based on investments. That just kick off every month wow that's a difference, or what if you could develop, a business. System. That truly, can operate. Without you having to show up to work every day that that create has an ongoing, residual. Income that kicks off to you month after month after month and that's, why, the life, business, opportunity. Is so exciting. Is it is your opportunity, to create pipeline, freedom incoming, and what's the alternative, well if you look at the 95, percent. Uh the left side the the trading time for money as an employer, self-employed.

The U.s bureau of labor statistics, says, that this graph, this is the 95. That the first 10 years we get good raises, then you basically flatline, for another, 35, years and at 45, years you try to retire, on half or a third. Of what you weren't excited about living on before. And that's where most people are at right now but not you, we want to we want to flip that, and, what you're looking for is a, timely. Opportunity. That can, get you off this graph without you having to quit your job, without you having to, take a risk, without you having to fill your garage, full of inventory. What if you could build a business. That could truly. Create freedom, and and something that is at the hottest, trends, that's already, exploding. Through. Your phone, right an app that you can text people, the key is i'm going to show you some details, right now of just the basic overview, it's so dang simple. What it what what you need to focus on is that, you want, 2021. To be different. Than the years before, that you want your life to change and and we want that for you and the key, you know when i got started in this i was in real estate investing. My wife and i had built, a big business with some great partners, and we made hundreds of thousands a year. But, i didn't have my dream. Time i didn't have time i worked 60 70 80 hours a week and it was only going to get worse as my business got bigger. Debt-free, well we were personally, debt-free, but we had millions of dollars. Of uh, of business debt, wouldn't it be great to have your time freedom and debt freedom, you know being able to travel, uh you saw all the travel benefits, absolutely amazing what if you had the time to do that, uh security, to know that you know, it doesn't matter, what happens at your job, that you've got a separate income. That you own, your income, and that that, means that your family is secure maybe it's been able to help you know your parents or your kids, grandparents. Whatever, maybe it's to, donate to church or charity or some cause you believe in but the key is. You gotta think big, right you're gonna think anyway you might as well think big, and that's what this year 2021. And being part of this, life, community. This, incredible. Uh, launch this i mean there's only one time that you get to be part of a pre-launch, that'll never happen again that you get to be part at the ground floor, of a revolutionary. Technology. That, every we're going to have millions and millions of users on, very very quickly, and you get to be at the start of that so so dream big, right so let's talk a little bit more, about, the business model itself. When you when you look at business. Um, it all charles schwab says, that success, all comes down, to customer, demand, build something you would want to use yourself. And recommend to your mom, well who wouldn't recommend, the super app right when you look at the, the baseline. Foundation. Have fun, make money make a difference have fun the mo you pay 30, you get 30 trip credits, you get, you it's like as if you own, uh, what you would normally, spend, tens of thousands of dollars on when it comes to a timeshare, membership.

Uh You get the. The medical benefits. Call on doc and prescription, discounts more to come there you get to get cash back everywhere you go discounts, everywhere, zoom. All the different things that we have and we're adding more every day and most importantly you get the incredible. Personal development, and leadership, education, that can transform, your family's, life, well because, these benefits. Are so exciting. Here's what this opportunity, for you as a business owner. Means, is that you have, the this this platform for 30 bucks a month everybody wants it but now we have something called a marketplace. And the marketplace. Of products and services, what we do. Is, imagine, amazon, prime, what why is amazon the biggest company in the world well one of the things that gave them hockey stick growth, was, what they call amazon. Prime, right which is a membership. And, when you become, amazon prime, member you got all their videos, you got free shipping, people love that. But, they got. So a customer, for life that shops, there, all the time, well that's what this member benefits, program is instead of selling. A product. A a lotion, potion. You know whatever. We sell a platform. Like amazon, sells a platform, they sell you amazon prime what do they make money on everything. Even things that haven't been invented yet they can make money on well that's we're not trying to compete head to head with amazon we have a totally, different benefits package. And so, we have amazon prime at our family but we love, this benefits package and we can what we do. Is we're looking. For, unique, products that normally, whole direct sale companies. Would would focus on, we can find those find the manufacturers. Bring those on the app we don't have to be married to that brand. But we can make money, off of everything. So if this is you sell a 30 a month membership, you don't make commission. Just off the 30 a month you make a great commission there but you can make commission, literally, on. Everything, and any country, we go to we can launch any product line, this is key, don't ever look at the direct sales industry they're all product, centered, and they all get commoditized. Those products, are great today, and passe, tomorrow, right that somebody copies them and they're half price on on uh, you know on ebay, well what we've done, is. We're not married to any one product so when things are unique and exciting, and we vetted man that's great we bring it on to the platform you and i can make millions, billions or quadzillions. On it and then when it's no longer the cool thing on the block, we erase it and bring on what is so that you, and i have a business that can last forever. And and has the broad, scope. Of selling everything. With the narrow, focus. Of only selling. One thing that's a no-brainer, for everybody. So let's talk about how the money's made there's only two things we do here right number one. Is you share. The platform. Uh, that and and that is uh. And, the sharing the platform, so simple because you've got it on your phone, so everything. That you do every place i buy something people go how'd you do that you bought a gift card in the exact amount you owe and oh yeah let me show you you don't have the life super app, what like are you living in a cave, right it's so it's so simple, to, share the platform. And then build a sales team, now we have this incredible. System. Where. Look at that all you do, is use this uh we call it atm. Which is simply, you. A is for add, you add a a. Guest, to this facebook, group page you you tag them with the videos that you watched, and then you send them a message, we'll walk you through it but it's so dang, simple. To because this is an app this is a subscription. That everybody, sees value and it pays, them to have it, they can't say oh i don't have enough money it's like are you kidding me you're you're wasting, money by not having this so. It's so dang simple of a message it's so inexpensive.

It's Money-back, guarantee. All you have to do is get them to try it and the way you do that, is simply, and you know, one of the tools that we have is this. Facebook group model where you just add them to the group, tag them message them you don't do it in a spammy way we teach you to do it in a way that is so. Comfortable, for you and most importantly, comfortable, for them, to be able to just take a look and you know what most people, say. Yes, right it's it's that simple so this allows you you want to make a side hustle income awesome, you want to invest an hour a week or you know get a few referrals, because you have a couple hundred bucks a month coming in wonderful. But if you want to make something life changing. You can kind of walk a mile see a mile and as this starts to grow for you put in more and more time and effort and it can explode. So let me walk you through the compensation. Just real quick, uh and basically. Again you don't have an inventory, of anything, uh it's all, an app on your phone, so simply. What you want to do is use the app everywhere you can whether it's getting cash back, uh at you know at every restaurant, or retail store that you use, uh, as your customers, are getting cash back you get paid they get a dollar back from taco bell you got commission, from taco bell, because you referred them i mean it's that simple, and then you really want to dig in to some of our marketplace, products and services and replace some of the things that you're buying for your household, anyway, and so that's the first step, is simply, changing where you buy the stuff you already buy just use the app you'll love it and then. Uh, all we want you to do the first step, is we're gonna help you just get six, customers. To just try this out take a 30-day, trial. Takes, six customers, doing what i'll show you here in a second called the top customer, package, uh, and and by doing just six within a month, you're going to make between 350. And 500. Dollars, as what we call a sales achiever, and it's just it's a great front-end bonus, that helps people, make a few hundred or even a lot more, just by sharing. This with customers. And one of the unique things about our business, we're not, if you're checking this out today and you're not a customer, yet we're, we're not looking to recruit you this is information, only because you can't join the business. Until, you've been a customer. For at least three days. That's about integrity, about making sure we're not just a recruiting, business, we're about really making sure you see massive. Value, here, right. That's that's pretty unique, uh and then after, you know this that initial. Setup. Of, of just referring, sharing the platform. Now we're gonna start team building right and as we team build what's going to happen, we have a process, that's so unique, yeah i'm sure, you might be looking at this rob is this one of those things is this yes this is direct sales. This is network marketing it's just done in a way, like no one's ever done it before. First of all uh one way of team approach. Is that. This business. Is owned and operated by the field, it was set up by oran woodward and chris brady, with a field profit only, model or compensated. Community, model, where. All of the profits are getting paid out to the field and you know my wife and i kenyon we didn't start as one of the founders. Uh we we started, uh without bringing a team over we started brand new like you, but then, we built a team and anybody, can achieve. The life coach level. And, they give you some cool jewelry this is a this is a magical, ring it does magical things but they give you some cool things and then they you become, one of the owners, of the company where you actually, help make decisions. And get 100, profit sharing so that's that's part of the team approach model is no one's ever done that before, but then how we build if you're new to this industry, and it's never worked for me we get it. But guess what it's working really well for us, and when we, here's how we can work together. To make sure it does work for you it's called team approach. So whoever, invited you to this, they're referring. A lot of people you know the average 14, year old has about 450. Friends, on, facebook or social media, of some kind, and all we're doing, is leveraging. Those relationships.

To Just. Add. Add them to our group, uh tag them to a couple of videos. Share, these, these vid you know or message them a little bit to, to have a conversation, with them, and and see if they're looking. It's incredible. How fast this can grow person to person, when you make it easy, and it's a simple message, and it's inexpensive. And it's money-back, guarantee, there's it's a no-brainer. To try it so now here's you. And and, you we we're going to show you, how to launch, we're going to teach you a way that's comfortable, for the people you know comfortable, for you something that you can do in your spare time part-time. Uh. If you're a busy mom, you got kids running around, you can do it you know it's all easy, it's simple on your phone to to do what to do what we're teaching to share this, uh and and it's not spammy, don't you dare spam, we'll show you exactly how to do it in a way that's comfortable, and professional. And then simply. A bunch of those people are going to say yes most of them but, they're going to say yes to being a customer, but then after three days if they love this and they want to join the business they can upgrade, well guess what the person who invited you is doing the same thing, and so as they enroll. This guy's bobby right so bobby you don't even know bobby but bobby gets placed on your team, and then you enroll, john and tanya cousin john, and john and tanya go on the team and then. Someone above you, brings in gin, and what happens, is this is team approach. Because you held a spot on the team you're trying it out you're learning. Then we start bringing, our people in, in a team. So that you get. Paid you get commission. Off of not just your referrals. But all of the referrals. From your support team as they're helping you and and and customers, bringing in customers, members bringing in members, it's truly. A team approach all right let's talk about just a little bit of the money, and just show you how quickly this can be. Really, exciting, like life-changing. Uh for families. So. Here's here's here's the first goal we talked about find six customers, right within within your first, month with any given month, but find six customers. And you're gonna get an extra bonus it'll be 350, to 500 bucks on average, awesome. Now what, well we start working team approach some of those six people decide to join the business, your your support team brings some people in what if we could just get two, people. To to do what you did help them, bring in six customers, that try it out well they're gonna make 350, to 500, but now, you're going to make between, eight and twelve hundred, dollars. Right away, and and that's that now that's a residual. Monthly, income, for helping them do what you just did and then what happens is you want to make more day, between eight and 1200. Just help more people do the same thing, it gets, really big, really fast guys we're bringing in, thousands. Upon thousands. Of customers. Every, single, month. And and, you know what's awesome is this is customer, centered it's not just about recruiting, and, and, making money off each other this is bringing real value. Life-changing. Travel, life-changing. Deals. Cash back, life-changing. Education. Medical benefits, that that changes, people's lives for 30 bucks we're bringing life-changing, results, to a customer, and then some of those people, are hungry, and want to make a difference and right now i've never seen, that, the percentages. So many people are getting started, in the business, and whether they do or not 95. 95. Retention. Uh stay on say on the subscription. So here's what we want to do today, uh step one is just become a customer, and so, at least, thirty dollars, like that's the minimum, try it out money back guarantee you've got nothing to lose, okay, but what we what we're gonna really recommend you do, is be what we call a top customer, and a top customer, instead instead of investing, 30, right now you're going to invest 120. Right now and that's going to be, 30 for the super app.

And, 90. For what we call the life, accelerator. And the life accelerator. Is a one-time, purchase it's not a it's not a membership, or a subscription, it's a one-time purchase. Of a library. Of some of the most incredible, courses, taught by orrin woodward and chris brady. Uh because we want you to know. That. Our, yes this app is sexy, and cool, and saving, you tons of money and all these fun things but our purpose. Is to help you and your family escape the financial matrix, to help you become a great leader, help you, become who you're supposed to be and we do that through our education, and so you're going to get some great education through the super app but these courses, on the life accelerator, you'll own them forever, like a encyclopedia. Set right you'll own them forever. And, they. It'll be one of the it'll be the most valuable 90, purchase you've ever made i absolutely, know that, so. All, both the super app and the life accelerator, money back guarantee, but by investing, the 120, right now, remember when i showed you if you get six top customers, you make the 350, to 500, now that'll duplicate, we teach other people to do that and then if they if they don't join the business. Then we know at least they have this whole library, of courses. That, even if they get off the super app they'll never have to uh, they'll always have, uh this incredible. Um, library, of courses so that's the the top customer that's what we recommend, and then three days later, when you see this, and you go you know what i want to make money with this let's make this happen, you can join as a member, for all of 25. Bucks, 24.95. That's it and and then now there's a system, and and what we're going to recommend you do is. Is follow, our system we're going to walk you through this and make sure you do it in a way, that that goes fast, that is comfortable, for the people you're sharing this with comfortable, for you, and that gets results. Right and that's what we're all about, is getting results so, take the next step, right uh engage. Engage, on this facebook, group like go through in some of these other videos and look at some of the testimonials. Meet some of the leaders. Uh and and see. What what's happening for people, that you know we've got young people old people fat skinny, fat skinny people, uh we've got couples we got singles we got males females, everybody, is winning. So engage. Learn more and in addition to this facebook group the person who brought you here should text you a link, to, the uh, what we call the first night pack some audios that will really really help you, and then get to one of our next live events either a virtual live event or an in-person, live event any better we'd love to, meet you and get to know you we really hope, that you go ahead and take this next step and decide. It and all you're doing again, is you're just saying let me try a 30-day. Money-back, guarantee. Customer experience. And what we recommend is the top customer for 120., if you're not ready for that no problem. Invest 30 download the app today and at least try it out, go use it get some cash back check out the travel, check out the education. Just go go through and try it out and see the vision we know, you're going to love it can't wait to work with you can't wait to meet you in person. Thanks.

2020-12-11 20:52

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