LGBTQ PRIDE Tik Tok Compilation

LGBTQ PRIDE Tik Tok Compilation

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guys i did this after my breakup the next   day we got back together it really  works and we are happier than my straighter bisexual friends will send  me a picture of the ugliest man i've ever   seen in my life and be like thoughts and  prayers girl i don't know what you want   bisexual flag inspired  candle cause use asked for it are you planning on not being bruce  anytime soon uh that's quite possible yeah well that's something that we all need to know  i don't think you could just say that's quite   like you have children you don't need our  permission but you know i've already talked   to all my kids and told you what i was going  through i thought it was pretty much understood   did you understand that i didn't know that  you didn't make that definitely with yeah   so when is bruce gonna be gone do you  have a time frame probably in the spring this spring so bruce is gonna be gone within  the next like four or five months yeah i don't care that you want to do it i support you  i've always supported you but i don't think it's   fair that you don't tell us how close this  is in the near future we're still your kids no god or mine's gonna come out to  me gay get your stuff and go now don't come back in this house first of all guys that scene was horrible  disgusting and hard for me to do a lot of y'all   have asked my advice on this here's what i say  if you have verbally abusive parents physically   aggressive parents i highly recommend do not come  out to them if you do have a backup plan or wait   until you're 18 years old test the waters first  you'll get an idea of how they are but hey i just   want to let you know your dad loves you guys your  dad supports you and i'm here for y'all bring it   in guess who's straight extreme edition stupid  horse i just fell out of the porch my voice goes you think you're so [ __ ] cool breathing in the smoke and clearing up my mind what do you mean i'm never getting back with you what the [ __ ] do you mean i'm never getting  back with you and now you're crawling back shut the [ __ ] up are you ready to meet your parents are you oh baby oh is tell me that you're gay without telling  me that you're gay i'll go first no we identify as men and we dress up however  you want to call this mess basically what you're   trying to say is we're drag queens yes so drag is  an art form a hobby that someone can do trans is   who someone is so every day we wake up and decide  to get up into this geese and look this is crazy   but when you're trans that's not a choice a  drag for us it's a character it's an alter   ego we could take this wig off at them tonight  but trans people it's not for fun this isn't   hannah montana for them like this is who  they are and once we start accepting that   and educating ourselves and not  judging and not discriminating   the world will be a better place so basically  what you're trying to say is gay rights sure you are racial no bisexual is this a joke no does it look  like she's joking oh good for you we love you no matter what they tell me keep it simple i tell them do you feel me take a look  inside my brain the people always my religion says that being gay by trans lesbian  is a sin your religion also says that having sex   during your period is a sin how can you ignore  that your religion also says that eating bacon   is a sin how come you ignore that your religion  also says eating lobster is a sin cutting the   sides of your hair is a sin wearing clothes made  out of mixed fabrics is a sin getting a tattoo   is a sin a man trimming the edges of his beard is  a sin it says a woman is not to hold any position   of authority and is to be quiet that if a woman  is not a virgin on a wedding night she used to be   stoned to death and that planting two different  kinds of seeds in the same field is a sin   but that's too hard for you so you've decided  that god didn't mean any of that he only meant the   being gay part listen if you're going to spread  hatred towards others by quoting the bible at them   make sure that you first follow the  entire thing or shut the entire [ __ ] up don't be shy and you can't nothing new to me i'm trying i'm falling down congratulations on the baby thanks i might  actually be meeting this little guy's parents   today the what oh yeah that sounded  weird um i'm giving him up for adoption   and i'm about to meet a couple i think might be  perfect oh well good luck i'm sure you'll find a   great mom and dad oh actually michaela michaela  so happy to meet you in person oh me too hi seriously you're gonna give your baby to  a couple of gay guys very excited to be   here i'm excited too and we hardly slept and  not to make you feel guilty i'm nervous too   we're so happy we found you we feel like it's  right but to tracy a gay couple adopting feels   all wrong i'm sorry i just wanted are these the  guys that you're going to be giving your baby   to or i'm sorry do you have other parents you're  meeting like a man and a wife or just i love when   straight men hit on or check out my girlfriend  because imagine you're a handsome six foot gym   bro you see a pretty woman you go to hit on her  and then you see that this is who you lost to a 4 foot 11 lesbian that looks  like a little twink that's better in right whole milk it's easy baby oh no what's going to happen i'm just gluing  like a whole paycheck i'm scared i'm worth it what's going on i'm scared look at this music hey oh she's getting a [ __ ]  she's gonna get in a fight let's paint the sky in your eyes in your eyes hi i'm gabriel well i used to be gabriel now  i'm gabriel and my life is well unbelievable rihanna is following you really oh you're   kidding oh my god so much really she's  she's the queen she's one of me such a thank you why would such a beautiful  talented woman of rihanna be watching us   because we're entertaining aren't we rihanna or  maybe it's because she thinks of us look at him and do you all know her nickname  no no no no no no ruby what ri all right say thanks for following us  ryrie hey thank you for following us   and i keep up with you too sister woman   let's go to the island someday i  know where you're from let's go there is sweetheart we're meeting your girlfriend at a  restaurant in 20 minutes take your lactate and   get in the prius i know you guys are a lesbian  couple so don't be disappointed we're not getting   dinner at a trader joe's chen did you hear that  some lesbian tick-tock humor i can't decide what   to hear option number one i can wear a shirt  that says pride is everything and i agree with   that all right i could wear these shirts they're  a little casual bit athleisure's in right now   has everyone in a cup of water before we go  i figure we'll get a picture of sangria at   the restaurant but that is not enough hydration  kendall i am nervous yeah very nervous this is my   third time meeting your girlfriend and third  impressions are debatably the most important baby that one was like a warm [ __ ]  that was adorable summer get your   snake ass over here i need to give you a hug okay i like that one too oh honeybee can hug okay that's freaking cute what is your name oh your astrid i love that name  mood perk harvest ore can i hug you   that's adorable today cause baby you were born

2021-09-26 18:08

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