Leveraging Capital with Futures | Ken Rose MBA, CMT | 2-4-21 | Trading Unbalanced Butterfly Futures

Leveraging Capital with Futures | Ken Rose MBA, CMT | 2-4-21 | Trading Unbalanced Butterfly Futures

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hello investors and welcome to our session here today so once again the market's up at those all-time highs banging up against him looks like the russell's actually breaking through the s p 500 is up there banging him against it what kind of a strategy can we use with possibly a sweet spot up at these resistance levels [Music] so the investors want to welcome here to leveraging capital with futures just a little reminder you can follow me on twitter my twitter handle is at krosc underscore tda and i post things on twitter related to futures the stock market other areas of investing love to see over there on twitter i want to thank michael fairborne for being over there in the chat winner i also encourage you to follow michael as well as the other coaches here at td ameritrade i'm sure mike will be more happy to chat in his twitter handle to you over there in the chat window in wave disclosures here today just reminded that in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we need to use actual symbols however td ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine the suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your software account is solely responsibility you also want to keep in mind that futures and futures options trading is speculative and is not suitable for all investors please read the risk disclosure for futures and options and options that is available to you via td ameritrade we also use actual symbols in here they are for educational purposes only and you want you want to keep in mind with regards to the paper trading account that we use any level success we may have in that paper trading account isn't necessarily indicative of the success you have in your actual live trading account as market conditions do change continuously here's a picture of the greeks we'll actually look at some option trades here today and as we look at those option trades we'll review the greeks that go along with those here's a picture myself i specialize in blending both fundamental analysis with technical analysis i'm a contributor on the td ameritrade network i'm also a charter market technician and i work with think scripting building indicators triggers and strategies and the like so with regards to our agenda here today just jump right in and we'll look at a strategy called an unbalanced butterfly actually did this strategy a little bit earlier in a session earlier this week i had several comments over in the chat window about whether or not we could do this strategy with futures i think part of the reason those questions were generated is because we use the futures as kind of an overview of the market then we actually looked at some individual stocks i also received some questions on twitter in relationship to that so i thought that would be a good subject here for today is to look at unbalanced butterfly on a future in the future we'll be looking at here today was four slash es following an analysis of that we'll also review our open positions as well as positions we exited during the week and then given time we'll look to add some additional paper trades let's just jump right into it then i'm going to pull up the chart here from thinkorswim just a little bit of a heads up a little bit of reminder this this session of leveraging capital futures this is an advanced session it is assumed that you have an understanding of the thinkorswim platform also that you have a basic understanding of futures as well as options if you lack an understanding in those areas you're more than welcome to continue to join us here i do try to craft the conversation a way that will be beneficial to everyone however if you do feel a bit overwhelmed i'll show you some resources following our discussion here that may be beneficial to you so looking at the s p 500 i'm just going to bring a line across the top here so we can see what's going on we have this resistance level right here that we have visited several times here over the last two or three weeks and you can see that as we've hit it we have been pulling away from it we came up here we came very close here then we moved down over here we hit it over a period of one two three four five six days then we pulled down now we're back up in that area again and we're banging up against it now we could very well break through it or we could possibly hit it and break back down below it for our discussion here today with regards to looking at unbalanced butterflies we'll look at it from the standpoint that we're an investor that is anticipating the stock to continue to bang up and stay in this area for the next eight to nine trading days and then possibly if it's going to move in one direction or another and play the part of the investor that's anticipating it to have a little bit more of a probability of moving to the downside as it has in the past rather than breaking to the upside we do want to keep in mind that when we're looking at index futures that economic news can carry a lot in relationship to this we have had some positive news some of the jobless claims numbers that came out here today were rather positive there are some other positive positive indications i think the market has discounted a lot of positivity going forward though in relationship to the covet vaccine and so that could be part of the problem we're having as far as breaking above here investors could be looking at a confirmation of the discounting of more beneficial and more positive economic information coming out but again we will play the part of the investor that's looking at things continuing to bang up in this area and possibly moving to the downside so what is a strategy then that could give us a a potentially let's just say a potential 100 percent return on our risk if we're sitting up in this area here going out eight to nine days and also give us a decent return if we move to the downside and regardless of how far we move to the downside you can see if we if we have a nice if we have a nice spike here with regards to return on risk then we also have a return on risk moving the downside where is our risk well in this scenario our risk is going to be up here to the upside and the strategy that we'll be looking at as i mentioned the beginning will be will be an unbalanced butterfly let's go ahead and just jump right in here i'm going to pull up the analyze tab here i want to note the price that we're looking at here with regards to resistance it looks like that's at 38.63 3863-3864 that's that's going to be a key area here that we'll be looking at as far as that area that would like to be in to capture a return a potential return of about 100 percent coming over here to the analyze tab then usually over here in the analyze tab it's always a good idea to reset things because if you use this on a regular basis it does have sort of a tendency to hold on to old information and give you what may not be as accurate an idea of what's going on as what could be the case so once over here we'll come up here under the on demand we'll click on this and we'll choose reset to reset this page and then we'll come down here to a secondary menu here we'll choose reset slices these are key price points with regards to our analysis then we'll come over here and we'll just choose delete simulated trades in the event there could be some simulated trades in here that are already in here we want those we don't want those to interfere with our analysis we also want to come over here where it says single symbol right here i'm going to click on this and we'll go ahead and stay with single symbol over here though where it says show all rather than show all right here we want to remember when we're doing an analysis of a simulated trade we want to change this show all to hide positions so we're only looking at our simulated trade now to get an understanding of an unbalanced butterfly and the impact and of the unbalanced butterfly it's a good idea to start out with a regular butterfly and we'll do that looking at the returns and looking at the metrics with regards to a regular butterfly trade so to do that here on the analyze page i'm going to come up here where it says add simulated trades right here and we're going to click on this and let's collapse what we have here collapse what we have here and so here are the different futures contracts we're going to come down here though where we have our options we have some different possibilities here we have an option we have an option chain here that's going to expire looks like in one day four days six days we'll go out to about eight days click on eight days and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a call butterfly and i'll go a little bit more detail of why we're choosing a call butterfly as we continue on with our discussion we're currently trading at 38.52 we'll move just a little bit higher than that because right up there at the resistance level at this 38.55 right here so to bring up the butterfly trade again we're in ad simulated trades right here i'm going to come over here a butterfly trade involves selling options and also buying options it involves a long vertical and a short vertical and we'll go into that a little bit more detail here momentarily i'm going to right click right here we're going to choose analyze now if i want to bring up a butterfly trade should i use analyze buy trade or should i use analyze sale trade think about that for a second on the thinkorswim platform if we're looking at a butterfly which one of these should we choose in order for the order to come up appropriately well because a butterfly is a debit trade meaning that most of the time it results in a debit to our account we use the analyze by trade that's an important thing to keep in mind on the thinkorswim platform when you're choosing to either bring up a buy trade or bring up a sale trade ask yourself typically does this particular strategy usually result in a debit or does it usually result in a credit it usually results in a debit buy trade if it usually results in a credit sale trade so we'll come down here to analyze buy trade we'll come over here and let's just choose butterfly right here and now we have our butterfly down here and we want to look at it graphically this one looks a little bit ski wampus let me delete that and let's try that again i think that was actually a previous let's delete our simulated trades and let's do that one more time because what came up down here was not a even butterfly meaning that the side the distance between the two sides was equal and also meaning that the number of contracts was equal so let's try it one more time we'll come down here and we'll choose analyze by trade we just want to do butterfly right here that looks correct now let's look at the risk profile on our butterfly this is a nice functionality on the thinkorswim platform we'll come up we're on the analyze page again right here and we're going to come over here and we're going to bring up the risk profile right here so here's our butterfly trade notice characteristic of the butterfly trade is we have this narrow peak right here i say narrow because in order to make the maximum gain here you have to basically be exactly on one strike price and this is the strike price here that's a strike price we sold at 38.50 because we have this narrow area profitability the risk to reward ratio on this is quite extraordinary if that's all you're looking at let's talk about our risk to reward here for just a second and what happens if we close right at the 38.55 right here if we close at the 38.55 let me just

throw this out to you to all of you okay we have a long vertical that terminates at 38.55 we're buying the 3850 and we're selling the 3855 we have a short vertical with a termination point at 3855 where we're selling the 3855 when we're buying the 3860. so what exactly is occurring here where we have our maximum gain right there what exactly is occurring at that particular point well at that point we've made our maximum gain on this long vertical right here that 38.50 to 38.55 so we've made

five points here on the s p 500 futures how much is each point worth if you think about that for a second think about all the futures we do we you know we've done corn we've done platinum we've done other futures if we're talking about forward slash es how much is each one of those points worth we can catch that right here each one of those points is worth 50 bucks so we have a five point level of profitability at this point right here right there how much profitability do we have on our short verticals right here where we're selling the 3855 and we're buying the 3860. well if you remember on a short vertical our profitability if the if the options expire worthless and that's what we're looking to happen to to occur on a short vertical typically on a short vertical we are left with the credit that we incurred on the trade well what's our credit on this trade unfortunately it's a debit so while we make five points right here on our short vertical trades right here we actually look at this debit right here so we're incurring a debit right there so we take our five points right here and we'll subtract from that 0.25 i didn't make a very good 5 there did i so what does that leave us with that leaves us with four point seven five correct up a calculator here then if we've got 4.75

we multiply that by our 50 right here and we're looking at about 237 dollars some somewhere in that particular area right there well so this is a this is our butterfly right here what is what is the probability of success on our butterfly right here we can assess that by coming over here and clicking on this menu here and saying set slices to our breakeven point on the expiration date now we have this break even area right here these options are going to expire next friday so with that expiration if we come down here on our analyze page here's today's date and right up here we want to put in next friday's date i'm just going to go to saturday because that's how the system works now this area of profitability right here is so narrow we can't we can't fit numbers in here but we can look at these two numbers we can look at 49 over here and we can look at 44 over here so the probability of not being in that area is what it's like let's just look at 49 and 44. we'll grab our calculator here 49 plus 44. so there's a 93 93 probability that we will not be successful which means we have a seven percent probability of possibly breaking even this this is typical when you have a a very favorable reward to risk situation so if we wanted to increase our probability of success we'd want to widen out our butterfly right here and to do that we can widen out the distance between our strike prices so let's change this from being five dollars wide to 20 dollars wide so on our long butterfly right here rather than 3850 3855 which is what we're currently at we'll drop this down to 38 35 on that side and then we'll go 55 on our short as well now you can see we've widened them out a little bit i'm not talking about a huge amount but we still widen them out a little bit now when widening those out that gives us a greater probability of success let's see if we can get this so we can see a little bit cleaner there we go this gives us a greater probability of success which means what typically what that means is that our reward to risk ratio the sweet spot is going to be lower it's not going to be quite as high so now if i change our breakeven points right here i can come over here and click on this menu right here and choose set slices to break even now you can see that we we've gone from about six point five percent to about ten and a quarter percent so we have increased our probability of success we could continue to do this if we wanted to but let's see what this looks like on our chart for forward slash es let's first of all come over to our chart here notice that we have this line here that represents our resistance level i'm going to change that to a different color if i can edit properties i just want this to look a little bit different than what we're going to be bringing over and we'll make it like this and i'm going to make it rather small okay so there's our there's our resistance level we'll come back over here to the analyze tab and we're going to bring our breakeven points up there to the chart so that we can see them you can see that our breakeven point encompasses our resistance level actually comes down a little bit below it if we wanted it to move a little bit above it then we may want to push out our strike prices a little bit further right now though let's go ahead and open this up again based on our assumption that we'd like to have our sweet spot you know we have we have our sweet spot you know somewhere about halfway in there if we're basically sitting about where we are today we're probably going to be close to one of those high returns we're also playing the part of the investor that's looking at this occurring again we don't know that it will we could very well break above that looking for that to occur though and if we start to move down here would also like to have some profitability down in this area right here so come back over here to the analyze tab and this is where this is where we're going to change this from a butterfly to an unbalanced butterfly when we say unbalanced we're basically going to say that we're going to have a greater number of short verticals over here then we have long verticals what that's going to do is that's going to to result here in a credit rather than a debit this number right here okay it's currently a debit we want to switch that over to a credit we're going to attempt to do that by increasing the number of our credit spreads as part of this butterfly so to do that i'm going to start here and i'm going to change where it says butterfly here i'm going to change this to custom then in order to add the additional credit spread i'm going to sell an additional 38.55 so this is

going to go to a minus 3. then we're going to want to bring up the additional purchase here there and there is our now now we have an unbalanced butterfly rather than a regular butterfly we now have an unbalanced butterfly and notice now instead of a debit we have a credit and our credit is eight points so if the price comes all the way down here and starts moving down in this direction right here is our zero this is our breakeven point right here okay and notice to the downside we have profitability right here how much is that profitability well it's going to be our eight points times 50 bucks it's going to be about 400 you can see over here that we're just a little bit under 500 right here over here here's our breakeven point here at our zero again or on this side right here if we come all the way out here then what has occurred well we have our long vertical spread that's giving us 20 points right because if we're all the way out here that long vertical spread we've captured our max gain on that so we have our long vertical spread here but now we have two verticals that were 20 wide so we've got on those verticals we're losing 40. so we gained 20 points here on the verticals we lose 40. what does that leave us with that leaves us with a minus 20. but we get to add our eight down here plus eight and what does that leave us with that leaves us with about 12 doesn't it 20 minus 8.

20 minus eight we got 12 and we'll multiply that by 50 for each point that puts our loss down there at about the 600 level and we can see right here we're sitting right here here's 500 we're just a little bit below that 500 at 600 right there it's beneficial again i just want to repeat this it's beneficial to have an understanding of exactly what's happening and happening as we're going along this risk reward graph because that helps us have a good understanding of the event perhaps we want to add an additional one to this side just to know that okay if we add an additional one to this side then that's going to be what another 80 points we're going to have some more credit here we can subtract that taking into consideration the maximum gain on our long vertical right here why don't we go ahead and enter this trade and then and before i do this before i before i step forward here folks i just i just want to pause for a second and ask how you're doing with regards to your understanding of this are you feeling comfortable with this if you're not feeling comfortable with it then do feel free to send in chats i'm sure mike can clear up some things i'll also glance over in the chat window so if i can pick up any questions that you have as well as we're going along through this now again this involves advanced concepts we're ready to send this order in at this particular point in time but before we do while we're on this subject i do want to point to some additional resources that you have available to you in case you're just feeling somewhat overwhelmed and to do that we're going to come over here to the td ameritrade website and the first thing i want to point you to is actually a futures course that can help you just get going on starts with the basic of futures just help you get a good understanding of the basic of futures so from the td ameritrade grid site you can come up here to education tab by the way there's also an education tab on the thinkorswim platform that can give you access to these same areas but i'm coming up here to education and we'll come over here to education under education center we're going to click on futures right here and right here is the fundamental futures trading course it suggested that this would take you approximately two hours if you have a good understanding of futures it's probably going to take you less than two hours if you have no understanding of futures it may take you a little bit longer than two hours do keep in mind that when you're trading futures options are available so the course itself assumes that you do have an understanding with regards to options so to get a complete understanding of futures if you don't have an understanding of options you may actually want to come over here and click on options again education and then come over here and click on options and in here you in here we have options courses are available here we have here options for volatility we also have some videos here that can give you a nice basic understanding of options and then you can come down here and look at some of the additional offerings that are available to you here in relationship to options a secondary area of resources here if we come up here to education we come over here and click on webcast and when you click on webcast this window here will come up and on this webcast window you can come up here and sign up for upcoming webcast an archived webcast what we're doing right now is actually a webcast you can also come in here and look at the webcast calendar i would suggest that you start here with the webcast calendar to see what's available to you in here notice that on monday we have active trader with futures this is another futures area this also assumes that you do have a basic understanding of futures but john does a great job in going a little bit a little bit deeper in into the fundamentals and also with regards to options over here we have getting started with options with barb armstrong and barb does a great job in there as well and of course on thursdays that's the session we're in right now right here active trader leveraging capital futures you can look at all the other resources here and decide which one of these that you may want to either sign up for if you want to sign up for when you come up here to upcoming webcast or if you want to look at some archives you can look at the archive webcast the session we're doing here today will most likely be available tomorrow sometimes they get held up for one reason or another but it will most likely be available tomorrow well coming back over here then we did want to take a look at let's go ahead and add this as a paper trade what's our max loss on it our max loss on it is 625 bucks i'm just going to jot that down what's our probability of success now how how has our probability of success changed on this contract opening up our contract like this we can come over here and choose set slices once again to break even and now we can see our probability of success has changed significantly because we've opened up this site over here now here's the expiration date right here about eight days away here we are here today now our probability of success is greater than 50 percent if we move this up a little bit further we typically see this this guy here come down okay but we could we could actually increase our probability of success as we increase the probability of success our reward to risk ratio is going to deteriorate somewhat so we have a 56 probability of success on this trade that goes out about eight days what is our return on risk again our risk is 625 bucks right our peak right here right here this area is is about 1291. so if we look at our peak and rather than go right with the peak let's come down here let's be a little bit more conservative because we're not going to hit the peak let's come down here and say we hit in this area where we have a profitability level of about a thousand dollars well that's one thousand dollars divided by 625 so if we if we're if we're fortunate to be in this sweet spot right here we're looking at a return of 160 if we move down here though okay then we're looking at 362 dollar credit and so in that event what have we got well we've got 362 right here divided by is that like 650 somewhere in that area it's looking to return here about 55 percent so we're if we're okay with the probability of success of 56 and a return somewhere in the neighborhood of 55 to about 110 right in that area then would be okay with this trade if we're not okay with it then of course would pass on the trade there wouldn't be anything inherently wrong with that with position sizing let's say we're going to play the party investor that's okay with say oh two thousand dollars of risk we're risking about 600 bucks that would be that would be three of these i'm going to go ahead and create a duplicate order so create duplicate order right here now we have order to go in now in creating three of these we just multiply all these all these by three right in the interest of time i'm not going to do that okay we'll just go ahead and play the part of the investor that's okay with the original risk of about of about 625 but do keep in mind you could go ahead and increase these notice that our mid price here is a credit of 725 our natural is 5.75 this is basically saying if we went into the natural here of 650 we should be filled rather to relatively quickly if we come in here at the minute it may take a little while to get filled in an effort to have this trade go in um i'm going to i'm going to stay with this this 725 is kind of bouncing from the mid to closer up here to the natural because it's bouncing from the mid up towards the natural i'm going to go ahead and leave it in here and we'll look to get filled if we don't get filled as we're going in the closet i may come in here and make an adjustment just so that we can review this trade going forward in future sessions so we'll do a confirm and send and this is not going to go into short verticals this is going to leveraging capital futures and we'll go ahead and send that all right so again investors looking at that trade this this was our main area of focus we do want to review our positions from last week as well but if you look at that you've kind of if you have questions related to this do feel free to send them over there in the chat window i'll glance over there here in a minute or two after we look at our positions and look to address some of those questions as well so let's go ahead and come back here then and we'll come over here to the monitor page and we want to change into our account leveraging capital futures look at our activity and positions you can see right here that this order here is in it doesn't well did we get filled it looks like we got filled didn't we yeah we got filled on that one great now we did an order here on corn a little while ago we actually put this order in last week we're looking for a bounce and a completion of that it looks like we were filled on the order i don't think we were filled during our session i think it actually occurred later on in the day or possibly the next day but we were filled we're currently running a little a level profitability this has been rather volatile though looks like we kicked in a loss here dave about 162 but we're currently profitable this is basically a trend trade so if we want to look at the chart we do we have managed our risk here with a sell order that's a stop loss order let's take a look at the chart here and see what this is looking like here's our chart and you can see right here we'll make this one bigger we entered the trade based on a break of resistance we broke of resistance we've continued to move to the upside we're doing a little bit better today but we are pulling down here somewhat as long as this breakout's holding we'll continue to trade this as a trend trade our stop-loss is set in the event we come down here and we break down below that old resistance level which is now the current support level if what we'd like to have happen here is to move up here ideally move up get a pullback and a bounce so that we can move our stop loss up from somewhere down below this level to somewhere up above this next higher level support that's our goal on the trade right here now another trade that we were in last week was platinum some of you may remember this trade we did we did some research on platinum we looked at some different resources that you can use to identify what's going on with platinum and we took a trade on platinum we actually originally entered the trade right here we actually entered this trade right here the very next day this thing just collapsed on us um i saw what was going on in today it's not unusual for something like this to get to get a a rebound and a bounce so on this same day when we came down here i was looking at it when it started to move up i went ahead and came back in here with a long position and then we started to go sideways in this sideways channel some of you remember last week what we opted to do was to set was to put a one cancels other order in there one was to take us out of the trade if we drop down here but the other one was take us out of the trade if we came up here and we hit this resistance level again you can see that we hit our resistance level here and we opted to that point because we're moving the sideways challenges to go ahead and take our profits if we had an opportunity to do so and then look for this to break out and when it breaks out then possibly look for potential re-entry so to see what that looks like then on our monitor tab and on our account statement and let's put in forward slash pl for forward slash platinum and there's our trade history that's where we sold it it looks like we've been in this puppy for a while let's go back 60 days and there it is right there so here's our buy order right here so we came in here at 177 and we sold it to 138. so how many points did we gather on that we sold at one one three eight one one three eight we entered it at 1077. looks like we garnered 61 points now on platinum does anyone remember how much each point in platinum is worth well if you don't remember it one of the things you can do is come up here to the trade page and right here when you pull this down just go over here and click on futures that tells us that each tick is a dime and each tick value is five bucks okay so there's 10 ticks in a point so it is 50 bucks right basically the same as forward slash yes the difference with regards forward yes is the tick value and how many remember what the tick value is for forward slash es we don't have it here but the tick value on on four slash cs is 1250 wait a minute the tick value on four slash es is a quarter of a tick and each one of those ticks is worth 12.50 if you're looking the same thing four ticks for a point 1250 25 50 bucks as well so with that in mind then how did we do on the trade we've got 61 points times 50 bucks and we had we had a profitability level on that one of just a little bit over three thousand dollars i want to come over here to the chat window then folks and just take a look on any questions there may be over here looks like looks like mike's been doing a good job of addressing questions i'm not seeing anything over here that's kind of like jumping out at me can i get the link for the falling knife list um yeah you can this over here no we don't have it over here so yeah on that one what you could do in fact i'll tell you what let me we got we got a couple extra minutes here let me see if i can just pop that over to you and just want to check for any additional questions on there looks like some nice comments here on that okay well great well you know we do have we do have a couple minutes here so i'll go ahead and address the questions on the falling knives so um you can get these via twitter if you want to if you want to contact me on twitter i'm more than happy to send them out to you the nice thing about twitter if you contact me on twitter as i'll send you the link plus a video that shows you how to load the link that video is basically just a a broadcast of one of the think or swim sessions that i do on friday but it's a specific one about loading up but let me just get that out to you because i'm okay we've got a minute or two here knives right here i'm gonna click right there so we get our link share this link and i should have that to share we'll say okay there it is right there i cancel this what i just did is i copied the link for this into the computer's memory now i'm going to send this over to the chat but i do want to underline something folks and that is that this is not guaranteed with regards to accuracy or time it's also not a recommendation i'm not recommending its use if you want to load it up and place it a little bit if you feel it's beneficial fine if you feel like it's not beneficial then that's then that's fine as well but there is the link for the falling knives for those of you catching this via the recording thanks for joining us greatly appreciate that let me also post that link here just so you have this again this is primarily used in the short verticals session that i teach on wednesday the development though is is covered in the thick scripting session that i teach on friday so if you like stuff like this by all means join us for short verticals and also join us for thing scripting and let me just activate that drawing there it is right there okay so those are those of you that are catching this via archived there is your link you really only need the last seven digits and those digits are uppercase f uppercase d lowercase w uppercase g uppercase e lowercase j lowercase p with that then so we are pretty much out of time here looks like we have about five or six minutes now i could try to squeeze this one in but notice i did say given time we'll do this we didn't quite have the time for that but that's okay because this is something that we could possibly look at doing next time we did do our own we did do an unbalanced butterfly on forward slash es we also reviewed our previous positions our primary focus here was on this unbalanced butterfly in the strategy and how it applies perhaps next time we'll see how energy stocks are doing i did see some strength in energy stocks here today i was actually actually looking at playing the other part on the energy stock doing the same strategy but using puts okay to do an unbalanced put butterfly and perhaps we can follow up next week's next week perhaps we can follow up next week with a discussion related to those all right everybody so thanks again for joining us here hey just a reminder love to see over there on twitter at krosc underscore tda thanks to michael fairborn again i'd encourage you to follow mike on twitter again i'm sure he'd be happy to send over his twitter handle as well as the other coaches here at invest tools a lot of we put a lot of nice information over there on twitter and just a reminder that in order to demonstrate the functionality of the platform we do need to use actual symbols however td ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine the suitability of any security or strategy of individual traders any investment decision you make in your software account is solely responsibility thanks again everybody for joining us here today i hope you have a fantastic afternoon and a wonderful rest of your week best of success you're investing and just a reminder let's be careful out there you know the vaccines coming out let's get on the other side of the whole culver thing as happy and healthy investors bye everybody hope to see you next time thanks again you

2021-02-09 00:14

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