Let's Be Change Makers | The Home Business Academy

Let's Be Change Makers | The Home Business Academy

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all right guys now this may be the most  important message that you'll see from me because   you know i want to help people and i truly want  to serve people in a very very positive way   and so recently you know our company  launched a all-in-one complete business and i mean i am super excited about it i'm super  excited about it because i've never seen this   done before i've never seen it be as affordable as  it is and making it accessible to so many people but it's true it is so i wanna you know  just share my little heartfelt message here   because our goal within our community is to  create a community or continue to build a   community because we already have a community in  place but we want to continue to build a community   of heart-centered and principle-centered  and highly skilled entrepreneurs   who is ready to make an impact on the world  now you know that may seem like far-fetched   to you but it's something that our community  truly believes in i believe in it you know   back in 2017 when i first started my journey i  didn't have the assistance i didn't have the help   i didn't have the mentorship  nor did i have you know   anybody to really point me in the right direction  and what i would do was i would jump to one shiny   object to the to another because i felt like you  know this is not working for me but i realized   that reason why it wasn't working for me was  because i didn't exactly know what i was doing   you know i didn't know how to market my  business properly i didn't know how to   get people in and you know but i had to understand  something i had to understand that when you are   sharing when you are sharing an opportunity with  someone an opportunity that can change their life sometimes we when you're sharing this opportunity  that can change their life sometimes people are   skeptical and sometimes they like they're like  this is just too good to be true and i get it   i get it because when i first  started my journey again   you know i always thought this was too good  to be true you know you know i would jump like   i said i would jump from one shiny object to  the next but i didn't have anybody to show me   the ropes and i and i get why a lot of people are  skeptical because there's a lot of gurus out here   that will you know sell you a product  sell your program or sell you on a program   you know maybe you spent you know seven bucks  or something you know to learn how to uh   to you know build a business or they say  that you can you know make all this money   by you know having this product but then they  fail to tell you that you know there's an   upsell that you know in order to really get the  mentorship that you need or in order to you know   make this very very profitable for you you have to  buy something else i went through all of this and   then they want to charge you you know a thousand  dollars or 2500 or you know thousands of dollars   just for you to get mentorship just for you to  you know just for somebody to take you by the hand   and show you the ropes to show you how everything  is done i didn't have that i didn't have that and   you know and i couldn't afford what  the gurus was trying to sell me   you know and i couldn't afford that mentorship  that 2500 uh mentorship i couldn't afford it   i mean let's let's let's be real here let's be  honest because i've told you you know if you've   if you've been following me for a while then you  know that i'm an honest person and you know that   i'm i'm not going to [ __ ] you into anything  because i'm i'm transparent about what i do   and a lot of marketers a lot of people out there  aren't you know they're they they they're willing   to take your money but they're not willing to  take you by the hand and show you the ropes that's   what's different about our community that's what's  different about myself that's the reason why   i love you know the community that i'm in and i  love what we're what we're doing for our community   because we're we are changing people's lives  on a daily basis just by sharing this amazing   opportunity with people now you know again you  may think this this is just too good to be true   once you click that link down in the description  and check it out for yourself you may think it's   too good to be true but i'm telling you it's  not you don't have to believe me i'm asking you to take a leap of faith i'm asking you  to let your guard down i'm asking you   to just have a little trust i already know that  there's a lot of people out here trying to sell   you [ __ ] already know that it's happened to me  plenty of times but i want to let you know that if   you decide to take this leap of faith take this  leap of faith with me take this sleep of faith   alongside with our other freedom  crusaders and our community we will help you to reach the desired  success that you want to reach that desire   that your desire freedom that you want  because freedom looks different for everybody   you know my freedom may look different from yours  yours made to look different from somebody else's but here's the thing we want to give you all  the training all the tools all the resources   all the live mentorship all the support we  want to put a complete business in your hand   we want to put you on a path to six figures that  is the whole goal here and bring you inside of   our community this is the this is the catch a  lot of people think this is too good to be true   but this is the catch and i'ma tell you what  the catch is we just want to we just want   other entrepreneurs like-minded entrepreneurs  inside our community we want to create   leaders in our community we want to show you how  you can do the exact same thing that we're doing so that you can be on the path that  you want to be in the world is changing   the world is changing so we've got to be up up with the world we have to  catch up people are losing their jobs   people are quitting all because of what's going  on in the world right now some people can't work some people have lost all of their income we've got to make a change we've been we've been built and we've  been trained we've been conditioned   that we have to work for someone else we've  been conditioned that in order for us to   to live that we have to live paycheck to paycheck   living paycheck to paycheck is no way to live we  spend all our money on bills we work to pay bills we're not living anymore let's change that let's change that i'm getting a little emotional right now  because i'm so passionate about what i do   and i'm so passionate about helping people and i'm  and i'm passionate about you know showing people a   different way i'm passionate about helping people  unleash their creativity helping people get out   of that box that they've closed themselves  up in because they feel like they don't have   that help out there they feel like they can't  make a difference in the world they feel like   they're not good enough they feel like they can't  do something well i'm telling you right now that   you can i'm telling you right now that you can  make a difference that you are a change maker become one of our leaders let us show you  how i want to invite you into our community because once you're inside  of our community and you   and you feel that excitement  and you see what's going on you're not going to want to leave  i'm telling you i'm telling you   this is the exact same process that i went  through when i went in to build my business   when i you know began building my business   i was able i was able to create you know a  four-figure business within a couple of months i'm not where i want to be i'm not going  to lie to you i'm not where i want to be   but i'm heading in that direction  because i i have the blueprint   i have the path and this is the  same path that i want to show you now i can't say your results are going to  be the same as mine because i have no idea   but the key here is we want to help  you develop the skills that you need   in order to create unlimited wealth for yourself because it's the skills  that's going to pay the bills   it's not going to be going out  here every day working for someone you'll never be rich like that you'll  always be living paycheck to paycheck it's my belief that these companies  out here don't give a damn about you   they don't give a damn about me we will be  replaced just like that we will be replaced but you know what if you start building your  own if you start building your own business   if you start building your own economy  if you start making money for yourself everything changes everything changes but we're stuck in this loop  we're stuck in this loop that we've been trained to work for someone they don't teach us in school to  you know teach us about finances   in school they teach us to go out there and get a  job they don't teach us how to create a business   but that's what we're that's what  our community want to help you with   that's what our community want to want  wants for you is to create your own business   create the business that you love create  a business around it based on your passion see a lot of people have this misconception that  all of these opportunities out here are are scams and that's okay you know there's  no change in nobody's mind   but only the real people only the people who  keep an open mind who are willing and ready   and serious about changing their life is  going to take this opportunity seriously we want to work with you we want  to work with you it's not like   getting into a program and being left out to  on your own to figure things out on your own   it's not like that at all what we're trying to do is have a community of thought leaders  a community of skilled entrepreneurs   ready to change the world are you one of  them i know you are i know you are listen this opportunity opportunities  like this don't come around often and so i want to give you that opportunity  i want to invite you into our community   check it out for the next  three days and if you feel that the value that you're getting is not worth it  to you then that's okay maybe you're not ready but if you feel that you're ready to change your life  that this opportunity is truly amazing   i want you to let me know i want you to let me know put it down in the  comments send me an email send me a text message and let me know you ready to change your life and let's get busy let's put  you on the same path that i'm on   let's put you on the same path that all our other  freedom crusaders are on that path to freedom   that path to freedom it's time for  us to be free i truly believe that and if you look for the hashtag it's  our time to be free you'll find me because that's what i believe it's time to free ourselves from  our mental construct constraints it's time to free ourselves because  and know that we can make [ __ ] happen   we are creators we were born to create we were born to create our own don't be afraid don't allow fear to  step in your way i allow fear so long to   to step in my way and and block my path that i just shied away and when you let  fear step in the way nothing happens   nothing changes because you be you  become stuck i don't want you to be stuck i want to clear that path for you along with  our community we want to clear that path for you   we want to take all the  roadblocks and minimize them we want to take you by the hand and show you  how to create a profitable online business the   right way not no guru [ __ ] either because in our  community the community are the gurus our leaders   is because everybody in our community is  a leader plain and simple we are the gurus   not no big shot out here that want to  charge you 2 500 for personal mentorship that amazes me every time because  i spent that thousands of dollars   wasted it and still didn't learn half as much as  i learned being with the home business academy so guys all right i'm going  to go ahead and wrap this up let me tell you and this is truly from my heart because i want to help and our community want  to help you reach your goals we want to help you   get to the place where you can find freedom   where you can find the freedom to have  the time to do what you want the freedom to just live your life the way that you want we want to help you build a business  that you can create one time and it'll pay you over and  over and over and over again now if you can just trust if you can just lay down your guard  if you can just have an open mind and accept the help that we're offering then you can make a change in your  life too you can make a difference so with all that being said i want  to invite you to our community   all right i want to work with you  our community wants to work with you so down in the description there's a  link check it out okay check it out you'll come to uh i'm gonna show you you you just  go ahead and check the link out get your free gift listen to the message i have on the next page  and then check out this complete business and if you decide this is for you   get in contact with me like i said comment  down below send me a text message send me an   email contact me on facebook whatever you need  to do get with me on tick-tock i don't care   get with me because if you truly want  to change your life then we want to help that's it that's it and for 82 cents a day that's astounding i haven't seen anybody   who was able to build a profitable online  business for 82 cents a day until now and let that be you all right just hold a little trust here  because we want to see your success   we thrive on seeing other people's success so anyway click that link and check it out  man check it out because this is a once in   a lifetime opportunity and i want you to be  part of it so once you sign up get with me   and let's get you on your path to six figures  all right you and i gonna be working together i'm gonna plug you into the community and i'm  gonna plug you into everything that you need to do   the only thing that you have to do  just follow instructions do the work showing you everything we're showing you  everything we're giving you everything   to be successful no upsells nothing like that just show a little trust and watch your life change again it's our  time to be free i'll highlight y'all later

2021-12-11 22:56

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