leftist tiktoks that hate terfs

leftist tiktoks that hate terfs

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things people ask lgbtq first parents how did  that happen do you ask straight couples this   please don't please don't ask anyone no one wants  to tell you about their sex life or their trip to   the clinic or how much money they did or did not  spend making a baby side note they also don't want   to tell you the potentially traumatic backstories  of their adopted or fostered children no one owes   you their history and fyi it's not a joke if  it's only funny to you it's just boring sweetie when i go dumpster with someone for the first  time i try to pay attention to the look on their   face when i first hand them something like a pizza  everyone reacts a bit differently like it's pretty   cool that you can find a cantaloupe and three bags  of oranges in the trash but it's also pretty gross   you get out of the dumpster and the ride home  stinks of trash and then you have to touch   those pizzas all over again and they make the most  interesting sounds and the faces people make when   they eat the pizza make all the grossness worth  it we get to play with our food like i wonder   what we could do with 15 pounds of fruit and some  whipping cream i guess we've got no choice but to   whip it it's kind of messy but what else could we  possibly do with those strawberries eating fruit   with people who helped you harvest it from the  trash and then clean it and then performatively   eat it in front of a camera for likes is a  particular kind of experience the food is special   and we treat it that way it came from our  shared effort and when we eat it it's nourishing white supremacy benefits from maladaptive cluster  b traits because white supremacy needs people   to have damaged empathy so that it can continue  to have a hierarchical system if your empathy is   fully intact you don't look at a hierarchical  system and go yeah that's just that's fair   you don't look at the value of people and  human beings and see that as something that is   um measurable or that it could be degraded  because of something about that person   because if your empathy is intact then you can  feel that humans have inherent value most of us   don't have intact empathy so we need to think  our ways into seeing humans with inherent value get up [ __ ] it's all over listen we had  a rough couple of months [ __ ] katrina's from what i've gathered from the comments and  my personal research both adhd and autistic   people tend to gravitate more towards anecdotal  communication which i've done a video on whereas   holistic and non-adhd people tend to gravitate  more towards question-based communication when   you're speaking to someone who isn't autistic  or doesn't have adhd or who comes from a culture   where anecdotal communication isn't very common  the act of interjecting your own story after they   share a story can be seen as an interruption for  example with the frank ocean concert if someone   were to say i went to a frank ocean concert  last night it was amazing by me responding   oh shoot i saw frank ocean last year he was  incredible live someone who doesn't gravitate   towards anecdotal conversation would see that as  me interrupting their story and cutting them off   and saying i'm not interested in hearing any  more of what you have to say instead of taking   that as me saying oh my goodness i am also really  interested in this topic and i am really excited   by what you have to say they would see it as oh  cool let's talk about me now because i don't care   about your story the pause is them looking for  engagement looking to see if you're interested in   the story looking to see if they should continue  on if you are someone who communicates anecdotally   after i share my bit about how i saw him last  year then the other person would jump on and be   like oh that's so cool that you saw him last year  at my show he was super engaging with the crowd he   was so engaging with the crowd at my show as well  and he did this encore performance that was crazy   yeah he did the encore too did he play this song  for the encore no the show that i saw was from   his previous album when he goes on tour next we  should totally go together it'd be so much fun   that is kind of like an anecdotal conversation  what non-adhd and holistic people tend to prefer   is i went to frank ocean last night his concert  was amazing oh my gosh that's so cool what was   your favorite song he performed my favorite  song was this this and this and that and that   tell me more did anything interesting happen at  the concert inviting them to share more about   their story because they want to gauge if you're  actually interested in hearing them talk about   this i'm thinking about all the conversations that  have ended abruptly after i've shared a personal   story and how good of a conversation we could  have had if instead of the person assuming that   i was trying to monopolize or center myself in the  conversation they just continued to share whatever   story they wanted to share i'm usually not  trying to center myself or monopolize and i want   everybody to be equally engaged in the discussion  i'm just excited and sharing my thoughts sometimes i feel like for  white liberals black people   are more of a theoretical concept that they  can intellectualize than actual people whenever   white liberals say things like xyz thing  disproportionately affects black people   does a mental image of a black person or a black  family pop up in their head or are we more of   an abstract concept to them do they perceive  black people as comprehensive human beings   with hobbies and personalities and interests  or are we nothing more than our oppression i think all the minecraft comments i  got on my clay series are really cute   people saying oh it's just like minecraft you get  the clay from the ground that's it's just like   minecraft i think minecraft's a really wonderful  game and even though a lot of its fantasy i think   the bits that are realistic are really well  done and it really is just like minecraft i   did get this clay out of the ground cleaned it  up myself and now i'm crafting things out of it   now i don't know if you could tell but i thought  the best thing to start with was something in   the game that's actually made with clay so i'm  doing my best to make a little flower pot i'm a   little bit worried about when i fire it because  even when i made a box like this for school and   used like a real kiln it still cracked uh and  it might just explode too let's hope it doesn't   because i think this would be a really cute  flower pot to use someday i also did my best to   make it as square as possible like when it was  mostly dried out i'd just scrape off the sides   and that's probably also going to contribute to  its structural weakness but it is pretty square europe was never more advanced than indigenous  pops european inhumanity came as quite the big   shock europeans in america preferred indigenous  life and americans in europe didn't see the hype   the indigenous critique of european existence  was bad for eurocentric colonizer evangelists   they needed some way to make europe not look  like schnitzel made up material economic progress   they imagined every society must be more or less  advanced based on the way that they uh gathered   food all societies ranked along this linear path  because the europeans had made europe look good   so instead of other societies being contemporaries  with varied ideas about dignified human life   europeans pretended other people were hardly human  at all to legitimize colonization and genocide let's critically analyze this video in  its comment section skin bleaching is   the cosmetic procedure that lightens dark  areas of the skin to be generally paler   practices of this have been traced back to  ancient greece and egypt where many people   at these time periods would use different oil  mixtures to protect their skin from the sun   and to keep it a consistent color skin bleaching  isn't inherently bad your melanocytes are   constantly producing new cells so if and when you  do choose to stop bleaching the formation of new   pigment will occur many people use skin bleach  to treat things like hyperpigmentation melisma   and other skin disorders so why are people  reacting negatively in the comment section   due to colonialism paler skin throughout the whole  western world became the standard for desirability   it became the symbol of wealth and high status  many white women in high class during the 19th   century would invest in arsenic pills because  if ingested they were believed to keep the pale   look of the skin in the face during colonization  the white man pushed for the belief that he was   superior because he was white and others weren't  this led to the disparity of light and dark people   within racial minorities ultimately creating  colorism in conclusion the person in this video   along with the sound is perpetuating the same  ideal or an adjacent one that lighter is better oh so you're apexual i'm not even sure sometimes  i think it's more like an autism thing like   overstimulation well are you attracted to people  sometimes i guess you seem unsure when i see my   wife i just think about her sitting on me  no no no i i get what you're saying like   there are also times you look at your wife and  you don't think about sure i mean last week weird   funeral we have moods and there's certainly  times that i'm distracted by things like   the odors oh don't be one of those no no no i  i love a good sit for me it's uh it's breath   it's always breath yeah i'm incredibly aware  of my breath and when i get close to other   people i smell theirs oh come on just choose me  down man gum covers your breath but sometimes   you know leave saliva behind and usually i'm  fine but sometimes it's really distracting   and then i feel bad good god just go to the  dentist i have it's not a bad breath thing yeah   i am really sensitive to smells like you've got a  weird odor coming from your air conditioning what   yeah so you two don't have packs uh i love packs  but i also understand the overstimulation thing   like if i've had a rough day or i'm at someone  else's place i don't know sometimes it feels like   i'm just trying to get through it and then i feel  really guilty for feeling that in the moment and   just makes it worse yep so like all the time  for me um actually yeah it's kind of like   when you give your partner a back rub like  i love making my partner feel good but   it's more of a task for me i don't like being  touched and hair in my face and the temperature   so it sounds more like an autism thing than being  apexual but i don't even really do it on my own   that's where you and i would differ okay well like  when you see someone naked like what do you feel   um i don't know that one i'm a little confused  on so corn like i i don't really look that often   but when i do i think it might be more of a  curiosity thing oh i mean then i understand   i kind of want to see everyone naked everyone  adults but yeah i mean the human body is   fascinating do you ever like think someone is  like aesthetically attractive but not sexually   yeah maybe that's what it is with corn so you  might be apex but what if it's pavlovian like   i've just associated over stimulation with  anything factual maybe it's just open-ended   i mean understanding your past is a great way to  figure yourself out and it sounds like you have a   lower than average pex drive which may be inherent  or conditioned and all that's fine if you're happy   but maybe you should be figuring out where you're  unsatisfied sexually and exploring that with   genuine curiosity i like that but how do  i know if it's something that i want that   i'm not getting or if it's something that i  want because i know my partner's unsatisfied   this would have ended so much more beautifully  if we just shut the camera off when he got done why cbt does not work for autistic people the  formulation of autistic people's experience of   mental health abiding by the cognitive model  is likely to be a poor approximation of our   experiences a core feature of autism is that we  think differently applying a non-autistic model   of thinking is a recipe for gaslighting and  confusion i have personally had many models   that i have had applied to me or applied on myself  and i have a lot of confusion about my own mental   health due to this the thought challenging  aspect of cbt is likely to be experienced as   gaslighting as well considering the challenges  that autistic people face are often a realistic   interpretation of what is going on autistic people  experience discrimination in most aspects of life   and the world is not designed for us furthermore  there are significant trauma as part of the   autistic experience to challenge the thoughts  that are coming from the trauma is inappropriate   then you get to the behavioral component many if  not most autistic individuals seeking care are in   autistic burnout to suggest to do more activities  and to try to work up to activities or expose   themselves to things that are distressing  is harmful and likely to increase burnout   and decrease hope autistic people need validation  for the behavioral challenges that they are having   and supports put in place for being able to meet  needs that they can't do themselves when they're   burnt out finally the emotional component of  cbt many autistic people experience alexa thymia   this may be expressed as having trouble putting  words to emotions i myself find that i often just   choose words that seem right at the time and it's  not entirely helpful furthermore considering the   very high rate of trauma in autistic people it is  likely that many emotional reactions are emotional   flashbacks or very intense emotional states that  need soothing the way in which autistic people   are taught to regulate their emotions can suppress  their natural inclination such as the need to stim   this means for many of us we haven't developed  the capacity to self-soothe so when we are asked   to do this and find it difficult then that can  also create a situation where we feel like we're   being gaslighted and feel quite hopeless so what  is the answer to supporting the mental health of   autistic people i'd like us to consider for  a moment that mental health trepid might be   iatrogenic this means that illness can be caused  by the treatment for example the evidence that   aba therapy increases ptsd symptoms in autistic  people what if adjusting our models slightly to   appeal to autistic people is not enough what  if we need vastly different models of how we   work with autistic people within society what if  we need to redefine wellness and disconnect it   from our ability to work disconnect it from our  ability to do and define it as our ability to be hi i don't post a lot of crying content on here  because why would i uh but my name is lolo and i   sell bonnets and last year i had the pleasure the  honor of having lizzo support my small business   and the past couple of ooh why am i starting  past couple of weeks i've seen two videos of   her wearing my product and i know that i  heard like it's not that big a deal jesus it's not that big a deal to her you  know but it's a really big deal to   me because like y'all i spent hours on  that sewing machine sewing for so long okay hold on i'm just here like posting my product  all the time it just makes me so grateful and to   get messages from you guys telling me how  much you love it like literally it makes my   day because i worked so hard and like i've been  really excited and really nervous because i am   launching a new collection within the next week  or so and i just like there's so many new products   and stuff so it's like you know i have to market  more and abuse different audiences and it's very   nerve-wracking even though i love the marketing  aspect of everything um but it's like it's nervous   i'm nervous because i've never really launched  all like different products before and i think   seeing that you come across my 48 page was just  like a sign of you know god the universe telling   me that you know it's going to go well and people  are going to love it and receive it and love it   as much as i do but yeah i just like celebrities  that support small businesses y'all y'all don't   know how much it it really helps it means to  us you know like she probably just putting her   phone on to protect her hair as she should as you  should but it means the world it really does so   you won't see another crime video from me soon  but yeah i would like to talk more about my new   collection when i am not crying um but yeah  so lizzo if you see this thank you so much   um i'd love to see you doing your thing your  albums out your clothing line is out you're   just doing everything and i'm supporting all of it  just like you supported me i love you and have a   great day all to you and to all of my customers  i love you guys more than you could ever know   um you literally this business has saved my life  and this business will be nothing without y'all so   thank you okay so in this conversation um this  is where i learned about something called lesbian   land and basically i said something about  going to europe and she was like oh this   is how i'm supposed to be like oh i'm going  to be at lesbian land in the u.s i'm saying   i'm like i'm thinking like oh she's joking like  lesbian land the [ __ ] is that like hahahaha   she goes no there's like a ton of communities  where like just women can be a like women it's   mostly lesbian it's super fun and i was like oh  that sounds super nice like obviously because   i'm like oh i want to be around lesbians the  [ __ ] so she went on to tell me more about   it and i kept seeing her her white women like  with a y instead of an e and i thought for a   while like it was a typo but then after like  after a while i asked her like why she like   typed like that she was like oh they just typed  like that let's just like what they like do   right and i was like oh that's like cool that's  cute like women like adorbs right mind you the   description of the event had this description  i think i'm not gonna read it all out but like   i'll read this one section you can pause the read  if you want it goes we welcome women and girls who   are accepting respectful for specifically female  spaces we will not argue with that come have a   good time and connect with us on the land i'm  thinking to myself that sounds really cool like   i want to go you know i mean i'm not seeing the  dog whistle of females only i'm not seeing that   i'm not something i was reading that description  i was like why did she mean like argue i'm not   going to argue about that i was like oh like you  don't want to like you don't need men around there   girl they weren't talking about men that's what  i was gonna that's all i'm gonna say she tells   me like at the festival she met her girlfriend  okay and um basically i was like oh good for you   like i want to meet a girlfriend the [ __ ] like  i'm sitting here i'm jealous of the conversation   i'm like bro i'm jealous so she sends me a  picture of this person and i'm just not going to   share the picture i'm not going to share a picture  because even when she sent it to me she like   blacked out the eyes because she was like they're  very private i don't want them you know i don't   want them you to like you know i don't want them  feeling comfortable i was like no big deal but in   the picture they're like shirtless right and then  with the shirley's picture they have like scars   like they had um top surgery right so after seeing  that i was like assuming that they were non-binary   and asked her about excuse me and i was like oh  so she's like non-binary and she was like no no no   she's a full woman she's full woman um this  is my little butch leslie um she is actually   currently de-transitioning i was like oh  you know congrats to her i suppose and um   you know i'm saying to myself i was like and i  told her i was like oh i didn't know that was   that really occurred like commonly or even at all  because i've only seen like maybe one case and it   was like literally a buzzfeed video of someone  detransitioning and she was like it's actually   such a conservative talking point actually a lot  of people would detransition so here's actual   conversational thread i'm sorry i'm gonna move  my head a little bit but she's like i was like oh   wait that's crazy like what i've never heard she  goes yeah i mean anytime anyone mentions um dude   transitioning people are like that doesn't happen  and conservation is invented as a fear-mongering   tool but it actually does occur and i was like  oh and i was like i'm like [ __ ] i'm telling you   guys i'm illiterate so i was like oh is it like  did they go on t and like didn't like the feeling   or something like i'm i'm stupid okay and she was  like oh not exactly more like she lived as a man   for four years than discovered lesbian feminism  i was saying i was like okay sounds normal to me   i'm [ __ ] stupid i don't have much more  time but like like for the next part first we'll start off um with an easy  question do you have a disability   no okay well you're about to get one are you  excited okay give you a disability in fact   i'm gonna give you three okay so you have autism  okay you have a hard time when people change plans   you've got a lot of repetitive behavior um you're  not super social you have a hard time expressing   yourself okay so enjoy some autism there you go  unfortunately for you you can't you can't just   have one you gotta have the combo set so got some  dyslexia hard to read math welcome to this calcula   you can't add can't subtract you can't count  by twos threes fours also can't remember any   of the math you learned you have to  carry these with you in your hands oh   oh you can't do that you can't do that okay  you gotta keep on a scale of one to ten   one being very easy ten being extremely  difficult you're gonna cry how would you   rate making a sandwich i'm gonna go with a number  one a number one making a sandwich is pretty easy   you're actually going to make a sandwich you're  going to show me how you can make a sandwich where are you going don't leave me here that took  a really long time i'm digging these into my hands   easy task is made more difficult by  having disabilities and accommodations   might take some of your difficulties away  maybe we can give you a cheat sheet maybe   we can give you some therapy maybe  we can give you some medications   yeah i love that but it can lighten the load it  can lighten the loading some areas of additional   support or even substitution or exception in  our life rather than just accommodation because   sometimes it isn't enough and it would still  make this task incredibly difficult especially   if this were your job or it were timed  mm-hmm that's great kailyn i really like that this man had misogynistic views and behaviors  because he did he said so i think that he says   so because malcolm x does not believe himself to  be unworthy of critique he wants to be critiqued   he's warning you against seeing leaders as so  big so great so invaluable that you're willing   to apologize for him because he almost apologized  for this man that would later help orchestrate   his death he started to apologize and say well  don't we think of the ark when we think of noah   instead of him being a drunkard you know who  thought of him being a drunkard in church a kid   that has descended from lots of family members  particularly male ones that drank a lot i never   forget that noah was a drunkard it is the first  thing that i think about him those of us that are   harmed by misogyny don't ever have the luxury of  the rose-colored glasses that everybody else not   everybody else that black men in particular  get to see about the civil rights leaders   they were doing things that had you in mind they  were doing things that harmed me no i don't forget some people if you made it to the end thank god please send  us as many people as possible i swear to god like   you guys are saints thank you so much because i  promise you we all could have been me you know   what i'm saying or what i could have been here's  the last part of the story and here's the end of   the timeline i was still talking to this person  for a while as you can probably gather from those   messages we talked for probably a year two years  or something like that and messages just like this   often okay but it wasn't until i graduated  that a non-binary classmate of mine exposed   this person the girl for having a literally  turfy tumbler like i mean i'm talking bad like   exposer they go on their story on instagram  they're like yeah like i found out this person's   a turf they like spell out everything that they've  been saying those dms but like they're literally   like this is this is you know bad like this is you  you know the word i don't even want to show you   guys the tumblr because it was everything she said  to me it was obviously 10 times more disgusting   and ruthless and disrespectful and honestly full  of hatred that i'm not gonna lie guys i started   crying like i i know that sounds like so lame bro  like oh god this isn't even about me it was just   like i read i went on that tumblr page guys and  it was full of the most like sickening stuff i   feel like i felt like i felt sick reading it i was  reading everything every post everything and i was   i was i almost was like this can't be true you  know what i'm saying i was like this is my friend   she wouldn't say these things she's smart you know  what i'm saying it's that non-binary person at my   college hadn't exposed her there's no way  that i would have made it out this pipeline   she was spoon-feeding me these concepts and i was  just eating and doubling i i just i was i didn't   understand what i was i didn't understand what i  was even agreeing to does that make sense until   again it was too late when i tell you guys it  is not enough that to say that you are anti-turf   you have to know the rhetoric they spew  you have to know how they're spoon feeding   this information you have to know the dog whistle  terms i'm again i'm going to go over this tomorrow   but you have to put the work in  it cannot be just a loose and fast   i'm just i'm against this like i  said in the beginning of this video   it's there's a reason why they're called terps  and not this and it's because they're snakes

2022-08-24 05:29

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