leftist tiktoks because there are pronouns in the constitution

leftist tiktoks because there are pronouns in the constitution

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time to play everyone's favorite game read  the constitution until there is a pronoun we are you a white person who feels frustrated  when you talk to your racist family members   about systemic racism and anti-racism do you  feel like you're talking to a wall because   you're just not getting through and they're  denying they're deflecting their gaslighting   and then you just get so frustrated that you feel  like it's hopeless like there's no point why am   i even talking to them about it they don't get  it nothing is changing it's not working do you   feel like that sometimes if you do i want to tell  you two things today number one is remember that   everyone has the capacity to change everyone has  the capacity to change so do not rule them out   you may just be planting a seed you  just may be planting a seed with them   give that seed a chance to grow okay number two is  give them the same grace that we have given to you   you didn't know everything that you know  today two years ago three years ago five   years ago ten years ago you're just now coming  into this knowledge about systemic racism and   anti-racism yet we have given you grace so give  that same grace to your racist family members okay she's really good okay everybody has been blowing my phone up about  this so let's talk about it apparently there's a   big youtuber named like pewdie whatever i don't  know his name but he made like a reaction video   to one of my tick tocks making fun of like my  nails making fun of my signs with his dog and   then like i guess at one point mocking my voice  so how do i feel i feel like it was very weird   and very unnecessary but at the same time i wasn't  surprised i'm used to it been a big issue in the   deaf community i've been trying to like normalize  and put it out that using nails while signing   is normal like it's okay but then a big creator  comes on here and puts us like a million steps   back so it's very frustrating i feel like if any  other hearing person was telling this story but   they had long nails on but they didn't need a sign  to get their pointer call he would have listened   to the full story and maybe even had a laugh  but because i had to sign to communicate and i   had long nails on he like stopped the video after  like two seconds didn't even listen to the story   and then after that proceeded to like make fun  of me signing with his doll maybe he didn't know   i was doing sign language maybe he just didn't  like my long nails that's okay a lot of people   don't like them that's fine they're not for you  if that was the case you should just be like oh   i do not like her nails and just skip the video  but instead he chose to watch the video stop it   and was like oh her nails are too much and then  he proceeded to like mock me doing sign language   which showed he knew i was doing sign we also  knew he knew because as soon as people was   calling him out after he posted it he went back  and removed my clip he didn't remove it but he   put like a sound over it so you couldn't see what  he was saying about me which i feel like made the   situation worse you really could have just like  addressing be like my bad i didn't know she was   signing i just didn't like the nails and we really  would have been fine but no you decided to like go   back edit it out and sweep it under the rug like  nothing happened baby it don't work like that over   here if you made a mistake admit the mistake you  don't just get to like mock deaf people who have   already been struggling for years with people  like you and then like go about your day like   nothing happened and then to top it off since  my video was so cringy so weird you couldn't   even watch it for more than two seconds you went  ahead and put in your thumbnail i really try to   give him like the benefit of the doubt too like  maybe he really just doesn't know maybe he's like   really unaware even though it's 2022 and  like there's deaf people in sign language   all over the media but the mapping of like  the sign and the voice and then going back   and editing it out and then putting me on a  thumbnail i was like oh he definitely has to   know but i mean we all live and learn if he  did not know before he definitely knows now i'm a finesser a slick  talker and a [ __ ] snatcher   after i smoke this wood you finna hit this blade welcome back to raiding anti-communism and us  media we're going to be looking at this kid's   show gomez one episode in particular it's  called girl meets communism not communism   communism i assume communism breaks the haze code  somehow a lot of this shows that there are these   three kids and that they're friends that's pretty  much it and their teacher is the middle one's dad   these kids decide to work together on a test and  they get a perfect score and the teacher her dad   is like no you've got that as a communist sect  that is not the great you're getting the exact   quote is an a divided by three is a c what in what  in what world he then uses this as a jumping off   point to go into a poorly written tirade about  individualism i actually had the displeasure   of seeing this episode with my cousin when it  first came out i was like what is happening this   episode was actually nominated for an award by  the writers guild of america they read the word   communism they were like [ __ ] that's good i  want to talk about this episode in particular   because a very clear example of pushing  capitalist ideology onto children and   people in my comments were saying that  doesn't happen in terms of reading this   this is like a two out of ten this is like  an awful like it's just bad only i'd be like   did the government pay for this dude it's  too bad there's no way anyone paid for this i came here to make one thing [ __ ] clear tell me somebody's colorist without saying they're  colorist because this one's gonna be a doozy so i   was in a really racist pwi a few years ago and  i had this friend and we're gonna call her lala   and before you ask lala was puerto rican and she  was like very light complexion like kind of like   zendaya's skin color so me and lala were pretty  cool with each other and we did sports together   too so one time we were at a relay track meet  so for those of you that are not familiar with   track that means that we're versing like multiple  teams not just one or two so there was this team   i'm pretty sure they were from philly and they had  like a lot of cute chocolate men femi so my friend   wanted to go up to them and talk to them and get  some of their numbers and at the time i was like   i'll be your moral support but i'm not going to  be talking to them because i was so insecure that   i knew me as a dark-skinned girl and a pwi was  always going to get rejected feel me so we go   over there and turns out those guys were actually  giving me more attention than her so one of them   gave me one of their snapchats and invited me to  some party that they were having later that week   but like they didn't really pay my other friend  no mind or invite her anywhere anything like that   so we leave and for the rest of the day my friend  did not talk to me and then a few days went past   and she was not talking to me so i thought she  might have felt some type of way if she thought i   was gonna go to a party without her so i told her  like even though they invited me i'm not gonna go   if it makes you feel some type of way you know  what i mean so she responded and she was like   nah i just don't like your energy because you're  acting like you're all that just because some ugly   guys from philly were interested in you so i was  like never did i act like i was all that so she   was like yes you are you never get attention and  now that one or two guys weren't interested in you   you want to act brand new so i was like girl what  what was i doing to act brand new and she would   not answer that simple question i kept asking her  that and she would not have an answer because i   wasn't acting brand new so me and her going back  and forth through text and then she says some   really really crazy [ __ ] she was like oh you  need to humble yourself because if me and you were   to ask all the guys in the school who they would  pick they would definitely pick me over you so i   was like what makes you think that and she was  like because i'm pretty sure they would pick me   over a girl who looks like a burnt banana so after  she said that i was like oh nah and then me and   her stop being friends and then she recruited a  bunch of people to hate me with her yeah so crazy how far would you be willing to go as an entire  racist ally hi my name is zai and i'm anti-racist   media coach and i recommend black films and  black books i'm not about to tell you to do   some crazy stuff when someone wants to lose weight  they invest in a fitness coach or gym membership   when you would like to improve your mental  health you invest in a therapist so are you   taking your entire racist ally journey as  seriously do you think you still need to   improve your antares ally journey you probably  still need to improve your knowledge in entire   racism if you ask yourself questions like what  can i do to fight against racism if you do not   know how to daily implement entire racism in  your life if you don't know what showing up as   an antaresis allah authentically means then you  should definitely invest in an anti-racist coach   i just created a safe space a community for  everyone to be able to talk about black books   and black films where you can ask my advice and  opinions directly we also have monthly black   book club and black film club q a's with black  actors and black filmmakers and black authors   and free in person and online events  as well as premieres of black films   all of this just for 9.5 a month this is valid  until the 8th of august so don't miss out   one unfortunate thing when i came out  as non-binary is that my uterus didn't   now whenever i get my period it just feels like  when you keep getting texts from the same wrong   number you know like dude i promise i'm not the  guy you're looking for i just feel like all the   language around periods is so gendered it's  hard to come up with a completely genderless   way to conceptualize it you know like at least  if i were a dude i think maybe i could get kind   of macho about it i could be like time to blast  out another would-be person not this time pal but totally genderless i mean the closest  i've come is like these little leggy's got   a skedaddle you know just assume the form  of the most genderless being of all time   a middle school math teacher with fun ties i'm not using the name elliott page why not  that ain't what they mama named them i'm   going by what they mama call them what's on  the birth certificate that's what i'm using   so you have a problem with people being referred  to by a name that was not given at birth   yes i do but you call jesus jesus what is  his name that's not the name his mother gave   him how do you know to start there's no letter  in the hebrew alphabet that makes the j sound his birth name is yeshua which means to rescue or  deliverer well we speak english that's why we call   him jesus sure about that the english equivalent  of yeshua would be joshua i'm still calling him   jesus you don't have a problem with name changes  you just have a problem with trans people why have i never seen an ai that's  a man why is siri and alexa and my   so much of our technology is gendered  our voice assistants in our customer   service chatbots tend to be coded as female  it's not an accident that our technologies   that function effectively as caregivers or  secretaries are designed to have female voices   design and software have historically  served existing power structures   our voice technologies embodied a gendered  fantasy of women occupying subservient roles   what does it mean to imagine alternative  feminist interface feminism here does not   mean for women it means from a feminist  framework this should include a range of   justice centered approaches to interaction design  including feminist human computer interaction   hci postcolonial computing intersectional  design gender hci and design justice i think that america is the  bad place every day that who was the worst white ally in american history  when we think of white americans that see   themselves as allies of the black community the  examples of those who do more harm than good or   endless and this is because a lot of them are not  willing to learn and put in the work to actually   advance the cause of racial justice but others  just simply have ulterior motives but whatever   the reason none are worse than this man jim jones  jones was a preacher who started his own racially   integrated church in the 1950s his church actually  attracted black people more than black led   churches because of his unmatched level of social  and political activism he was actively involved in   racial justice organizing he ran social programs  for incarcerated youth and he and his wife were   the first white family in indiana to adopt a black  baby his congregation called the people's temple   was about 80 percent black and most of this group  were black women specifically but in the 70s he   moved his congregation to guyana in pursuit  of a beautifully racially inclusive society   and this is where things start to get dark jones  congregation started looking more like a cult as   people were forced to stay in the compound even  as resources dwindled and the living experience   declined severely and after being found out jones  coerced almost a thousand of his followers most of   which were black to drink poison flavor aid one of  the largest murder suicide events in world history   the common phrase don't drink the  kool-aid is in reference to this event   jones was easily the worst white ally of  all time and has a warning of the dangers   of charismatic narcissistic leaders who pray in  the hope of marginalized people to serve their   own sinister interests share with anyone who  might learn something new and follow for more all me to you right me this entire year i've been  seeing an influx of people of color just really   finding their footing in ireland especially black  women i'm one of those people of course i don't   know how to properly explain my love for ireland  when i am there i am exactly who i want to be i   am the best version of myself i am not stressed  i'm never angry i feel such peace and contentment   and i think it's because it's the only country  i've ever traveled to where i feel like i don't   have to worry about things i'm not scared of the  police there i'm not fearful of a mass shooting   i personally have not experienced racism there  and that's not to say that other people haven't   but that's my own personal experience the people  are so nice i feel like i've known everyone my   entire life my first time there i had just  a life conversation with the woman who was   cleaning the bathroom stalls at the airport i  want every black person to know what it's like   to just be able to simply exist because  in ireland i can live without fear so the u.s state department and corporate  media consistently tell us that venezuela   is a dictatorship with rigged elections and that's  the reason we need to constantly destabilize their   government and hold them under a sanction regime  that the un has called devastating to human rights   however just last year documents obtained via  a freedom of information act found that the u.s  

has been directly meddling in venezuela's  electoral process since at least 2013.   usaid and the ned arms of the u.s state  department have funneled at least 300 000   to various ngos in venezuela that money  has then been used to launch social media   campaigns in favor of the right-wing venezuelan  opposition as well as help them strategize   their electoral campaigns a review of the  program boasted at how successful it was   in helping the opposition to win a majority  in the national assembly election in 2015   because even though maduro's rigging the elections  the opposition is still allowed to win i guess and   that's why the u.s needs to sanction them and rig  their elections imperialism makes a lot of sense uh what is one thing you can tell a white person  that'll make them glitch that until you admit   that you're inherently racist if for no other  reason than the system that you're born into   was set up and upheld to advance you while holding  others back you're not truly ready to become   an active anti-racist you have to acknowledge  what you're against in order to deconstruct it have you ever heard about the black non-binary  episcopal saint who refused to sit in the back   of the bus 20 years before rosa parks described  intersectionality decades before it was coined   and whose book was called the bible of the early  civil rights movement that's right i'm talking   about pauly murray first the note on paulie  there's much debate on which pronouns to use   but they used all of them so i will as well  paulie was assigned female at birth and tried   to obtain testosterone in the early 1940s and  50s but was routinely denied he was arrested   for not sitting in the back of the bus in 1940  and coined the term jane crow to describe the   intersectional nature of oppression among black  women they then became a lawyer and argued many   prominent civil rights cases she then founded  the national organization for women with ruth   bader ginsburg and was ordained the first black  woman episcopalian priest and granted sainthood   shortly after her death he wrote prolifically  about being a male trapped in a woman's body   they never really decided on pronouns and  decided to switch things up often she was   just trying to be herself in a time where that  was hard to do i think we could all learn from that can anyone explain to me how the hey mama  stereotype is anything other than white women   doing a gross caricature of black lesbian  masculinity and then calling it toxic   quickly quickly if you're blue and you don't know where to go why  don't you go where fashion sits putting other it's   different types who wear a deco pants with straps  and cut away coat perfect fits putting on the ritz no i don't this is the closest you're gonna get  because i am not indigenous i'm white and both of   these designs are donation designs with every sale  i make a monetary donation towards scholarships   for indigenous students as well as indigenous  led environmental advocacy if you want actual   indigenous designs support indigenous creators  if you have a favorite creator leave a comment i'm gonna take a quick break from writing my  column to quickly state here that these cool   perks of working at a tech company are you being  exploited i'm going to quote here from a book   called work work work labor class alienation by a  scholar named michael yates yates points out that   modern industry is organized by the relentless  drive for productivity and in the tech industry   uh this is hidden by things that make it appear  that where you work is your home free catered   meals gyms massage tables they make work enjoyable  but they also keep you there for long hours don't put your hands on people who  are having an autistic meltdown   even if it's self-injurious don't put your  [ __ ] hands on autistic or neurodivergent   people who are having a meltdown even if  they're harming themselves don't [ __ ] do it   don't restrain them don't hold them  down don't put your [ __ ] hands on us don't hi so i'm going to say the quiet  part out loud do you remember how   the war on drugs disproportionately affected the  black community and how black men were jailed   for a really long time for like minor offenses what people don't understand is that  roe v wade yes it'll impact white women   but they are going to  disproportionately jail black women bipoc women will be affected but  disproportionately i can telling you   black women will be affected white women might  have to face fines you might even go to jail   but you're gonna have shorter sentences they  might put us in jail for life because they   don't want us to keep having babies they might  overreach and say a miscarriage is an abortion   they will do anything and everything  to ensure that black women get punished yo can we stop like making people famous for  having the worst opinions known to mankind   can we start making people famous that have good  opinions for once can can we do that why do we   keep making these people they're like women are  bad like famous stop stop let's stop doing that   i'm going [ __ ] mental you can in fact give homeless people money  it is okay to give them literal money   uh your leftover mcdonald's or the protein  bar at the gas station is very kind but   um they are human beings and they do need  money they do need autonomy to make choices   with what they purchase they need to pay for  the gym membership where they are able to shower   maybe they are saving up to get a hotel night stay  maybe they need to buy something so that they can   get identification they need bus fare it's okay  to give them money they need it they need money   money is good um if you're really really against  money you could give them things like a trial   travel sized um personal care goods um you could  give them money uh i don't know money i don't   money it's okay you can give them money  so yeah and even if they do buy blank or   blank they still need enough money to buy  blank and blank and then still buy food i should not have to say this but when people  post videos of like their dogs and their cats   and they put text over the video to pretend that  that's what their dog or their cat is saying   and they use aave in that text that you are  appropriating a language that doesn't belong   to if you are not black and that that is violent  like i've seen videos of dogs like doing something   and then the text over the video is like i'm  gonna go [ __ ] some [ __ ] up like pretending   like that's what the dog is saying okay i don't  understand this i don't understand why y'all don't   get it like you just can't use certain words you  just can't use certain language it just does not   belong to you like why is it hard why are people  going through loopholes and jumping over oceans to   try and use language that just is not yours and  what's so frustrating about it is like recently   i wrote my framing paper in aave a good chunk  of my favorite paper was written in aave that   was difficult that was really [ __ ] difficult  to integrate that language into an academic   space where i have been told subconsciously and  directly that it is silly to talk like that it is   unprofessional to talk like that it is unnecessary  to talk like that why why why why is it so   difficult for me to use language that belongs to  me but other people get to put it on and take it   off and put it on and take it off is it it's not  that hard to understand it's about care it's about   concern it's about checking in with yourself and  what are you participating in and i'm just over it   it's it's the lack of critical thought  it's just the lack of critical thought

2022-08-11 08:11

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