leftist tiktoks about mutual aid

leftist tiktoks about mutual aid

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so you want to start doing  mutual aid here are some ideas   you know what you said to me make bags of tampons  to give directly to houseless folks in your   community if they want them you can also bring  people food and snacks we dumpster and clean ours   dumpster dive for purposefully slashed  clothes repair them and give them to someone   she said you can't fool me start a little free  pantry here's something that you can do right   now to reduce your participation in extractive  capitalism part two one of the most helpful   and empowering things that you can do is get  involved in local mutual aid i'll explain how   to get involved in a moment but first what's  so cool about mutual aid is that it provides   an alternative system for meeting people's  needs outside of the capitalist market economy   the idea is that people's needs can be met by  other people in their local community without ever   having to buy anything mutual aid happens at the  community level so the best way to get involved is   to search for mutual aid groups in your local area  if you're american you should also check out this   great website called mutualaidhub.org it provides  a map of local aid networks community fridges and   things like that in addition to helpful resources  and guides on how to start your own mutual aid   group if you don't find one in your local area  and if you're already involved in mutual aid and   you don't see your org listed there's a button  below the map that you can use to submit your   information and get it added to the map hopefully  that'll make it easier for people to find you   follow along for more tips on how to reduce  your participation and extractive capitalism here's a peek into my community garden and some  features i like and ones that can be improved upon   i really love how my garden is not gated  but open to the public to stroll through   and enjoy the cost of renting a garden plot  is low only 20 bucks for the entire season   many plots create excess produce instead of going  to waste food donation programs have been set up   while food production is the goal of most of  the plots you are free to grow whatever you want   some gardens only grow flowers the more  native the better and pollinators love it   we also have a great composting system run  by volunteers okay here are things i don't   like we can improve on harvesting and water  conservation we only have one raised bed   raised beds help people with accessibility  needs so it would be great if we added more   research also shows that community gardens  increase property value and we're seeing it   here with old homes being torn down in new belts  being put up in the area gentrification anyone it's not that i don't know what to  do it's i don't know what to do first   see i said that and then i went to the grocery  store which snapped me back into the reality of   who i am girl the answer is mutual aid yeah  you do as many things as you can but if you   only have the hope the time the energy of the  patients to do one mutual aid is the one mutual   aid is regular dealer people getting together to  meet each other's needs with the understanding   that the system we live in is not meeting  those needs and that's why we have to do it   yeah i can't just tell you to go google mutual  aid because most of the definitions you find   leave out that very important part anyway the  whole reason why i was at the store is because   i'm going to be keeping my cousins for a little  bit over the summer because their ac is out and   these companies really did just hike the prices  up thinking that we wouldn't notice whenever i'm   in front of a politician i don't ask them about  their policies that's on their website i asked   them how much is a gallon of milk and why should  i vote for you if you don't know one time i asked   the lady why she was supporting this anti-queer  restaurant she looked me did in the face and said   because i'm hungry regular regular people we just  trying to eat so mutual aid then we add on to that here's what i wish i knew when i  started the free art supply closet   i wish i knew how many people were looking for a  place to give away their gently used art supplies   i wish i knew that people were willing to  purchase art supplies to be given away for free   and mostly i just wish that i'd started sooner mutual aid tip if you want donations from  a business bring up the good samaritan act   it says that businesses can't be held  liable for good faith food donations   so they can give you any extra food and you can  cook or distribute it to anyone who needs it why is mutual aid better than charity you asked  or you didn't ask but i'm going to tell you anyway   for many reasons but one of them is that mutual  aid assumes that we all have something to give and   we can all use a little help while charity sets up  a power dynamic between the giver and the receiver as i was filling fridges this morning i  noticed some food left over from someone   who had filled it previously normally i clear  out some wilted potatoes or something but these   were three plates of saran wrapped chicken most  fridges ask you to not place things like this   because they aren't usually taken i know  it was placed with good intentions but if   you're not sure what to bring to the  fridges fresh produce is always great mutual aid is inherently sustainable when  you think of mutual aid or giving away to   others you might think of pb and jayathons and  giving away things like deodorant and soap and   toothbrushes but that's not just it mutual  aid is dumpster diving it's hosting clothing   swaps having buy nothing groups and meetups  and using what you already have to give to   others as opposed to buying new things mutual  aid is anti-consumerism it's community gardens   it's carpooling to work it's sharing what you  have with others and distributing resources   instead of buying a new toolkit you  could just borrow one from your neighbor   it's sharing a costco membership with someone so  that they could get their food in bulk for cheaper   making sure the needs of your community are being  met doesn't have to involve plastic or waste   it could even be harvesting medicinal plants in  your area so you could turn it into medicine and   give it to people that need them like these  gongori leaves hope you learned something bye   we used to give out blue tarps to help  people stay warm and dry during the winter   but after our participants showed us this trick  we never bought a blue tarp again if you buy a   32 foot by 100 foot roll of black agricultural  sheeting from home depot you can make 20 16 by 10   tarps that are higher quality than the blue ones  for a quarter of the price just roll 10 feet out   of the tarp and cut that off then find the halfway  seam at about 16 feet and cut down that the rolls   are sometimes folded differently so you might have  to take a minute to find what the halfway seam is   this will produce two 16 by 10 tarps roll up each  one and secure it with a rubber band so it's ready   to distribute we go through a lot of these so  we buy the biggest rolls possible but there are   also smaller rolls if that's what works better  for your budget and community needs then just   repeat this process until the role is finished  so if you're looking for outreach ideas for the   winter or the holidays this is a great one our  community loves these and we hope yours does too all the neighbors have an unspoken agreement  to give away stuff we don't want on this leg   free art supply mutual aid project can also be  that easy you just need space and creativity and   to share with your community wherever that may be  to trade art supplies in that spot welcome back to   mutual aid 101 one of the biggest lessons that  history continues to show us for people trying   to do mutual aid is do not register your [ __ ]  stories come out all the time of 501c3 non-profits   being shut down by local governments most recently  milwaukee foodist free milwaukee was servicing   a hundred families at the time of it shutting down  but it was ordered to shut down over contamination   charges that many people are skeptical about  their legitimacy read they probably didn't   happen but the problem is it's a non-profit  when you register mutual aid under a non-profit   it's going to be regulated like a non-profit and  guess who the people who write the 501c3 laws   are capitalists every crumb of food  that you get from mutual aid is one   you did not buy at walmart if you want  to learn more you'll find this right here let's talk about mutual aid by dean's space the  full title of the book is mutual aid building   solidarity during this crisis and next dean  spade is a super super rad organizer in seattle   and a professor at seattle university school  of law the book is split into two parts the   first part being what is mutual aid in the  second part on working together on purpose   like the title suggests the first part is really  looking at how mutual aid networks have sprung up   during covid um the history of them and how we  can maintain them and grow them going forward   the first part is like super informative on global  context of mutual aid networks what they are and   what they aren't and like really digs into the  non-profit industrial complex second part is a lot   more practical and looks at charity versus mutual  aid and gives you help and like guides on stuff   like group culture how to handle money um conflict  collective decision making things like that it's   really good it has like flow charts and all of  this stuff just to like really lay it out like   how do you start a mutual aid network or maintain  one dean spade also created a like reading guide   to go along with it which i found really helpful  as i was reading it and it's really really short   um it's only 148 pages and again it has like  very like tangible guides in it i have found   it super helpful just like in my own organizing  and would literally recommend this book to anyone how to mutual aid find out what your community  needs most and start small for us it was toiletry   bags we started asking folks for toiletry  donations we would then make as many bags as we   could and pass them out at houseless hubs weekly  once we perfected this we moved on to another easy   donation item clothing as we got more comfortable  we added food educational materials books and   other projects we also created a social media  presence we post daily and it has allowed us to   gain many donations volunteers and collaborators  mutual aid is about what you can do to make your   community better even if it seems small there is  no right or wrong way to practice to follow us on   our mutual aid journey and to learn more follow  us at es mutual aid on twitter and instagram anarchist cooking tip eggplants add texture  and bulk to a light dish be sure to salt and   press your eggplants before cooking keep in  mind that the skins may cause discoloration   skin them first to avoid this voila you are always catching up you are always  reporting on your life and asking other   people questions to hear their reports or  you're celebrating because that's often when   we get together which is fine but reporting  and celebrating are only like two types of   ways to be with people i think because of this  i find that we manufacture social situations   in which we're doing things together like taking  a road trip or playing a board game so we like   invent stuff to do together but we don't actually  help each other with like living another thing   that's really unfair about all this is that  it's really unfair to people who are single   it's worth watching the rest of that video the  creator is amazing and it is deeply unfair for   single people to have to rely on this sort of  leisure activity definition of friendship that we   currently have because the way capitalism and our  matter normative culture is structured friendships   are seen as secondary or tertiary to your primary  romantic partner and your job and all of the other   things you have to fulfill to become be a good  citizen so friendship is at the bottom of the   list it's something that you're only supposed to  engage in in your off time your free time your   leisure time so of course there's pressure on  friendships to be fun and exciting and leisurely   you're not supposed to rely on your friends for  any substantive care or aid because that's up to   the primary romantic partner to fulfill all  of your care financial and emotional needs   so it feels like too much to  ask our friends to engage in any   substantive activities with us any activities  of daily living any chores errands things that   are mundane boring humdrum even though these  are the things that we actually need help with   and you can still bond with someone  while you're engaging in these activities   it's especially important that we don't  engage in our friends to the detriment   of our primary romantic partnership we can  only hang out with our friends once we've   already fulfilled all the duties and obligations  of the primary romantic partnership because that's   the serious business of life right friendships  aren't serious they're just fun but this view   that friendships are just fun and leisure cheats  so many people out of the substantive possibility   that you could use friendships in order  to achieve community care aid important   things that are life-sustaining that you don't  have to rely on a primary romantic partner for   so yes it's deeply unfair for those  people in the solo and single communities   who don't have a primary romantic partner  to rely on and choose not to have one so   let's rethink our definition of  friendship as not just leisurely and fun taking my fans and i got a few biters up under  my belt oh [ __ ] i'm a big gangster i turn   around with this foreign love coke i ain't a  slang let's go clean some fridges in brooklyn   their first stop is never the marcy   this fridge is located in williamsburg and had  a bunch of green vegetables in it so we took the   yellow leaves off those greens and brought some  of them to our second stop penny's pantry the   micro greens were already there when we got  there so we put those back and then added more   of the vegetables that we found at nevada the  marcy i believe that is bok choy let me know in   the comments if you know what kind of vegetable  that is it was so popular at our third stop   which was the bushwick grind fridge called the two  fish five loaves fridge it was so fun to go around   clean the fridges we went back to the resource  hub and found watermelon in our own fridge which   was a nice treat if this looks like fun to you  come to our next meeting and join the squad this weekend i spent some time in my local  park to put in a tiny little community garden   and this like little amphitheater  thing right now it's pretty barren   and there's just dirt everywhere so i decided to  clean it up and maybe put some plants in there   so i had to break up some of the grass and the  dirt that was kind of stuck onto the edge of   like the circular form of the concrete and get  it all up then my camera flipped over man this   is a real workout like ripping up all this sod was  a real pain in the ass but i eventually got it all   so then i hand tilled some of the dirt  just to break it up because it was like   really compacted and it came out in these huge  chunks so plants won't really grow very well   in this i wanted to be sure that i maintain the  soil composition as best as possible and not like   disturb the topsoil as much as possible but i had  to break it up and just get it all nice and loose   so i took all the compact soil that i'm gonna  use for another project in the park um later on   and i took that out so that way i can make room  for good soil then i added my own soil mixture   nice and fluffy and i added those to the  beds and then i just had to put the plants   in here's pretty much the final product i added  in some lettuce some pepper plants some flowers   cucumbers zucchini all that in these beds  looks a lot better than what it did before   i've got some more plants to add and i'm going  to add some solar powered string lights into   this area too and then some tiny libraries  in between those spots where people can sit mutually tip try reaching out to bakeries  for donations they often have a lot of   good food left over at the end of the  day that would otherwise be thrown out   if you're a socialist or a communist please  stitch this with your best suggestions   for organizing to fight talk to people it's  something that seems really obvious but i   wish it was something that was more imparted  on me earlier you talk to the people at your   job and a group of like-minded people become a  union you talk to the people in your building   and a group of like-minded people become a  tenant organization you talk to the people   in your neighborhood and a group of like-minded  people become a mutual aid network like before   you organize that march before you start that  signal group chat before you set up that table   and start handing out dishes of dumpster dive  vegan whatever talk to people get to know people   what are our needs what kind of support systems  are we lacking what can we teach each other   that's self-sufficiency and that's anti-capitalist  work capitalism and all the oppression that comes   with us relies on dividing us and separating  us from being self-sufficient it might just   be tinny all if you all are getting together and  supporting each other that's anti-capitalist work thanks for making me stronger i can live with it is competition just human nature famous  dictum survival of the fittest to human   societies huxley and his peers had concluded  that existing social hierarchies were the   result of natural selection or  competition between sovereign   individuals and were thus an important  and inevitable factor in human evolution attacked this conventional wisdom when in  1902 he published a book called mutual aid   a factor in evolution in which he proved  that there was something beyond blind   individual competition at work and evolution krapotkin demonstrated that species that  were able to work together or who formed   symbiotic arrangements with other species based  on mutual benefit were able to better adapt to   their environment and were granted a competitive  edge over those species who didn't or couldn't   in today's metropolitan societies people are  socialized to see themselves as independent   self-sufficient individuals equipped with  our own condos bank accounts smartphones and   facebook profiles however this notion of human  independence is a myth promoted by corporations   and states seeking to mold us into atomized and  easily controlled consumers concerned primarily   with our own short-term well-being from the great  pyramids commissioned by the pharaohs of ancient   egypt to today's global spanning production  and supply chains the primary function of the   ruling class has always been to organize human  activity and everywhere that they have done so   they have relied on coercion under capitalism  this activity is organized through either direct   violence or the internalized threat of starvation  created by a system based on private ownership of   wealth and property capitalism can inspire people  to do amazing things as long as there is a profit   to be made but in the absence of a profit motive  there are many important tasks that it will not   and cannot ever accomplish from eradicating global  poverty and preventable diseases to removing toxic   plastics from the oceans these monumental tasks  require a change in the ethos that would connect   us to one another and to the world that sustains  us a shift away from capitalism towards mutual aid   it can be seen in neighbors coming together to  organize a daycare collective and in the aftermath   of disasters such as hurricanes katrina and sandy  when in the absence of state institutions perfect   strangers rush to one another's aid it can be  seen in the bravery of the white helmets of   aleppo who risk their lives to pull children  from the collapsed ruins of buildings hit by   assad's barrel bombs imagine a world in which  human activity was not organized on the basis   of ceaseless competition over artificially scarce  resources but the pursuit of the satisfaction of   human needs and you will understand a vision  of the world that anarchists seek to create charity versus mutual aid what is the difference  charity is based in the idea of superiority   and white saviorism which is the idea that it  people aren't in a position to have a duty to   save other people we can see this from the  first colonizers to arrive in the americas   and i'm sure before that too if someone has more  info please share in the comments as stitches it   people came here to bring civilization to the  barbarians but who were the real barbarians   the people living generally in peace and  respecting the earth are the people who committed   atrocities against indigenous populations charity  comes from a place of power or superiority   it says i have something you don't and if  you behave in the way i believe you should   or if you ask nicely enough i will give you  some of what i have it ignores the underlying   structures that put the giver in a position  to withhold the necessity in the first place   mutual aid addresses those underlying  structures through activism assistance   and reciprocity mutual aid is intersectional  and seeks to fill the gaps left by structural   inequalities without causing people in need  to be ashamed of their position within society   mutual aid is how we build community and  undermine the oppression of capitalism it's really easy to look at a mutual aid group and  see all of the ways they are not left enough or   practicing correctly when building  community we have to understand that we   likely won't see our idealistic results  right away nor are our idealistic results   always what's best for a community each one  is different and should be treated as such   mutual aid often mirrors charity when it first  begins due to an individualistic capitalist and   colonized culture we must and learn instead  of criticizing contribute to the change hello um welcome um i'm gonna go do some mutual  light on skid row so come with me so first thing   i'm gonna do is go to world harvest that's this  really cool food bank store you can buy stuff in   the front and in the back there's these carts and  you can fill them up for forty dollars and you can   fill them up with as much as you can so you can  see me squeezing in some limes we kind of get   whatever they have and then we fill up our cars i  know my car's disgusting i also teach surf lessons   out of the back i know um but we get whatever we  can find and then we make whatever we can with   what we have a lot of us store food in our own  homes and so today you'll see that i used some   potatoes and those were frozen from last week but  here's me carrying it all into my little apartment   yay and then i go buy the other stuff that  i need i'm gonna make scalloped potatoes   guacamole and some other stuff that i guess i'll  talk about when we get there um i was gonna make   this cute and aesthetic but unfortunately i  listened to podcasts or other things 24 7.   so in addition to like cute little chopping sounds  there's also like other noise so it couldn't do   that but inside i'll talk to you because i'm  annoying so all of the food you can see me   making in this video is um for this org called  city hall sessions or chs in los angeles which   is committed to kind of fighting for the unhoused  people of la and so one of our big things is on   friday we serve food free of cost um with kind of  no stipulations uh in skid row on sixth and san   pedro and if you're in la i would love to have  you come down and join us it's something really   kind of rewarding in a lot of ways and it's a  really cool community building activity that i do   but also la has taken this really aggressive  attitude against houseless people um which   involves a lot of sweeps and clearing people out  of places that they have lived for a very long   time and well obviously we don't want people  living on the street if you're just displacing   them for no reason that's absolutely horrific and  so we also fight against that and work a lot of   other community orgs to kind of spread awareness  about issues and protest so you can see us setting   up on our corner we also got a bunch of donations  of packaged food so we'll hand that all out today   as well and then my other favorite part of this  activity after we hand out food here or during   it depending on the day we also fill up these  carts and cards are super cool because it allows   us to reach a population that doesn't usually get  served by org so you can see us taking food down   and this is actually one of my favorite corners  in sierra it's an open mic night and i'll let you   guys enjoy that for the rest of this video thank  you guys so much and feel free to donate to chs is good old days you

2022-08-12 00:03

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