Learn Rule Based Options Trading Strategy & Backtesting

Learn Rule Based Options Trading Strategy & Backtesting

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hello friends this is vivek i hope all of you are  doing good and taking care of yourself friends as   you know in couple of previous videos of face to  face we have been talking about rule based trading foreign so thank you so much for accepting these contents  and spreading it with your friends and friends   rule-based trading is  extremely extremely important   if you want to stay in market for longer period  of time previous few videos were purely focused   on setting up the process for you explaining  how a rule-based trading can be applied and   this video is again going to be an extension of  previous two three videos except that previous   two three videos were on hindi and i gave you  an english transcript but this video is going   to be in english and this is definitely going  to be very very interesting video for people   who are interested in setting up the process of  rule-based trading for themselves so i thought   i should invite someone who has been there done  that who understands this process very well who   has product which he has developed for people also  to adopt that process so i'm very glad that today   face to face will be with a person who understand  things pretty well so let me invite you kiru   as part of today's interaction on rule-based  training hi hi how are you doing how are you   i'm good i'm good thank you all well all well  so i've taken the liberty to use a shorter form   of your name i hope it is fine with you not a  total problem it's really difficult to pronounce   even i prefer that's it thank you so much so  kiru uh i don't know how many how many videos   of facebook you have seen but if you see for  the last couple of videos i've been just focused   on rule based trading and you know i recorded a  video with vishal uh who happy to be good friend   of yours and vishal said that who better than kiru  to talk about rule-based trading and how to do it   so here we are recording this awesome content with  you that's great thanks for having me on this show   awakening yeah i've been watching you know face  to face for a couple of last couple of weeks and   the emphasize that you have given on rule-based  trading is really really important because 95   of the traders fail because only because they  specifically trade based on random strategies or   completely based on news based so the moment  people move from news based to rule based   everything gets changed so i really like that you  have been giving importance to rule based training   so and even this session will definitely cover  all the important aspects about rule-based trading   definitely people will find it useful i hope so  absolutely i'm hundred percent confident about it   so before we start the content discussions for  strategic discussion trends i'm going to tell   you that uh ketu has uh has agreed to share  some strategies also so in the later part of   the presentation you will see some strategies we  actually he is using and he's going to share with   us so hang on till the end this video can be an  extended video so I hope you will stay to the end   to take advantage of your strategies but before  we get into that here we want to know about you   your experience of life and why you are doing what  you are doing right now sure actually i started   trading in the year 2008 like when i was in the  final years of college and that is when i started   trading and back then 10 to 12 years before we  don't have that much of resources back then the   resources were very limited now we have so much  of the resources people get confused so back then   when i started trading like it all started in the  year 2008 when i started going like it was in the   final year of my college where i have to travel 30  minutes of my time to buzz like i have to take a   government bus basically i am from almost middle  class family where my father worked as a plug and   my mom worked as a tailor so it was really hard  during my early stage to give a proper education   so finally when i was able to you know get into  loyola college i graduated from loyola college   from statistics so that is when i actually started  getting into the markets so there was almost a 30   minutes of travel from my home to my college  so one day i started reading economic times   so that was the first start so i started reading  economic times and day one i did not understand   anything it was completely new to me i couldn't  understand any of the judgments mentioned there   then slowly you know this 30 minutes of travel  which i do every day from my home to college i   started reading more and more this economic times  and whichever i do not understand i go back home   at the end of the day and started reading about  it and that is how it started the complete reading   journey started and just like most of us back  10 years back we i opened an account with shaykh   and then i started trading there so most  of the people when they start opening in a   continuous before it was 99 percent it will be  a check now it will be with zero at that time   it will be with sharekhan so I started trading  then eventually I started i mean I was   accepted in campus interviewing infosys so i moved  to infosys and until then i was all 2008 i was   just starting trading and it was just two weeks  of time and the big crash happened the global   financial crisis that happened in 2008 started  just after i you know started trading two weeks   and i lost all my capital then i started  my journey after i joined infosys   so in infosys that is when i started giving  importance to automation like how it happened   was in a process it was a routine job you have to  log in every day and do the same work throughout   the day and i was supporting some american client  so i was working in the night and then i was known   tracking the markets in the morning so that is  how it started then what happened was i thought   okay if i could automate this routine task i'll  get more time reading the markets so i do not   know more about computer science and coding  because i'm from non-computer science background   since i'm from statistics i do not know any coding  so i started googling and learned myself all this   coding stuff i started automating the normal  routine tasks that i usually do so then it gave   me so much of time and started reading more about  markets then one day i started reading a book   called how i made two million dollars by nicolas  davos so that was the first book that i read which   was completely rule-based book so which now it was  all about a dancer who traveled all the way in the   all-around world and he was able to make millions  of dollars in 1970s 80s and that was a completely   you know an enlightenment for me like how a guy  who's who does not have any background for markets   if he could make money then definitely anyone  could make money following a role-based mechanism   so from 2000 even though i started trading  from 2008 only from 2014 i started getting into   a rule based reading from newsbeat  social so everything then changed slowly   so that is how my complete trading journey started  fantastic uh so right now obviously you are not   working with any other firm and now you are a  full-time trader and obviously an entrepreneur now   right right right i've put my job in 2017 so i'll  almost work for 10 12 years 90 then i quit my job   then started focusing on both the things okay  we will focus on algorithm because once you   do this alpha trading and you start thinking  okay if this is really helpful for one trader   definitely it could help all other traders  so i started quitting the job and you know   focused on this square off spoiler of  doubting is my website which you know   is completely focused on algo trading so me and  one more my partner who know me both started like i was starting up this company and i was  running it on my own but this guy was from   banking background all of a sudden he quit his  job and he was nobody to join me so a guy who i   do not know about anyone all of them will quit his  job and started joining with me and now we started   together that is how square of talking started  and that's the your story is like a boy next door   uh with a lot of aspirations and doing the right  thing at the right time fantastic so let me just   share make you the presenter now and you can start  that knowledge sharing with the self software   sure that'll start fine so as i you know gave  an explanation i think the most of the thing   i have introduction like we've covered it so  we'll start with the agenda of this session so   what we are specifically going to cover in this  session is how to create a trading strategy and   how to backtest it and finally how to automate it  and then the list of mistakes that as a trader we   should avoid so these are the complete things we  are going to you know focus one by one on a slide   to slide basis in case if you have any specific  questions you can no stop me i'll try to explain   that part if in case i'm going fast but i'm quite  infamous to do that fine so the first thing is we   i can definitely say data is the new oil so even  uh no reliance mr mukesh ambani he even would   acknowledge that because that is why he moved  from petroleum to reliance so most of the things   that now currently we are doing and what we were  doing earlier is completely different now because   when i started trading warren buffett was the only  person like most of us whoever started trading   at the beginning stage most of us would know  definitely everybody knows where in buffer but the   main thing with warren buffett was he'll always  emphasize on reading about the balance sheets   looking into the company's business like only  investment in the company if you understood it   definitely is a successful investor but it's  completely all about fundamentals so 10 to   20 years before people were discussing all  about balance sheets fundamental analysis   but when i started trading in 2014 now jim simons  is one no completely changed my thought process   jim simons is also a famous you know a trader come  investor who runs an h1 but with reward is what   differentiate jim simons from warren buffett is  jim simons is the only person 30 years before who   started giving importance to quant based trading  or investing so he was a piece basically a phd in   mathematics who was working with the national  security agency in u.s like he was actually   worked with intelligence and then he quit his  job and started focusing on markets in 1980s   so since 1980s he is the only no h1 guy  so h1 called renaissance technologies   so this one completely focused only on data  driven so when he started this h point he was   able to collect under 200 years of dow jones and  no american historical data and they were able to   repeatedly search for a patterns which can appear  you know over a longer period of time so they   research no basically looking for certain repeated  patterns which can happen in large data sets and   finally they were able to create strategies out  of it so that is how jim simon started his h5 and   renaissance technology is h1n the medallion  fund is one of the most performing top edge   funds in the world because they were able  to give consistent positive returns year   on year for the last 20-30 years and with very  least drawdown and their trading duration no   changes from few minutes few seconds to just  maximum two or three days so warren buffer   who is basically a long-term investor here jim  simons who is a short term and trader so this guy gave a belief that okay even trading money and  making money and trading is also possible trading   money in investing is also possible we just have  to follow the right rules so that no it's not like   only trading is good or only investing is good  both are good if you follow the right approach so   then that is when all these data analysis no data  analytics and all the importance of giving to data   started so then i remember in 2018 i guess yeah  in 2018 i could remember s bank and dhfl both of   this stock crashed more than 40 in one single day  i remember it was i was actually trading that day   and i could see in both all the news in all in  channels it was only dhf and a stock like dhfl   and s bank crashing more than 40 in one single  day is a huge thing because until then it was   called as a fundamentally you know strong stock  but when it crashes more than 30 or 40 percent in   one single day like people started panicking  and more and more people and since it was   not a part of you know i mean since it's a part  of effeno stock there was no circuit filter so it   started going down rapidly by the end of the  day it almost flashed 40 percent and closed   so that day what i did was instead of know looking  for reasons why it has fallen down or why you know   this kind of crash happened i immediately look  out the past historical database so what i did   was i checked what are the list of stocks which  has passed more than 40 percent in one single day   and what happened to those stocks eventually  three years or five years down the line so if   i could get this specific data analysis then i'll  have an idea what could happen to dhfl and spec so   that was the idea so when i started searching for  it then eight to ten stops came in my list stocks   like certain computers financial technologies core  education so these are the 10 some 10 to 12 stocks   which came up in list which crashed more than  40 in one single day then i looked into a chart   what has happened to these stocks eventually so  after the crash if you could see after the crash   all these stocks started going down only it  couldn't go back to its previous higher talk   for financial technical education gtl so all  these stocks which crashed more than 40 percent   eventually started trading as a penny stock so i  i i was actually i'm very active in quora where   i have no keep writing multiple articles and share  multiple articles related to trading and investing   so i posted this content on the same day stating  that this specific data analysis states that   dhfl could also fall into the same trap it can  eventually get into a penny stock so people know   i who know all these followers who are following  me on quora i told them it's better to avoid this   stock because it's like catching a calling  knife so better to stay away from that stock but   obviously people add this belief or fundamental  thing in their mind because it has a good loan   book and all this fundamental part was there  but when big institutions and huge fund houses   they see some corporate governments  issue they'll immediately come out of it   as soon as they see a smoke they'll come out of  it they don't really wait for the fire but we   retail invest is always no wait for the news and  then we validate it and then we try to come out   of it but by the time we realize that it is not  bad the damage would have been already too bad   so that is what actually happened with the dhf  so eventually both the dhfl and nest bank is   completely not down to a penny stock now so this  is one simple data analysis where i did not know   take much time no coding nothing is needed all we  have to do is find out what happened in the past   and compare it with you know the current scenario  and there is a higher probability there is not   a hundred percent show but there is a higher  probability that the similar thing could happen so   this is why data is really really important when  you come with no rule based reading so with a past   historical data analysis can now help the retail  investors to take a wise decision so whether you   were a new investor or an existing investor if  someone did this analysis if he was not holding   a s bank or the hml plan i mean dhf you would have  been out by 50 loss but now it is 90 percent loss   so that is why it is not necessary to wait for  the news instead we can go and do all this data   analysis and come up to our conclusion okay yep  and the next thing is with regards to trading   why 95 of the traders don't know i mean failed  or no not able to make money in the markets is   because most of them don't follow trading steps  even i was like that when i started trading so   when a guy who moves from news base to rule-based  trading that is the first part like if even if we   ask all these traders who follow trading strategy  are they making profits no we can't say everyone   is making profit because even though you have a  trading strategy you should have a discipline to   stick to the steady states so that recipient comes  not based on what you're doing inside the market   trading hours what you do outside the market us  so most people know i would say a guy who is a   fitness pig or a guy who's going regularly going  to a gym or not guy who's going for a jogging or   recycling if that guy is a regular fitness perk he  has a higher probability to become no profitable   in a trading journey because he's so disciplined  outside his life at that same discipline will   come to the market also so you can't not be  disciplined in market and after the market hours   if you don't follow a no strict discipline  guidance definitely it will not help   so what we are outside the market ask is what  going to determine what you can be whether it be   successful or not in during the marketplace so why  trading discipline is so hard so those things will   also cover in the coming slides and finally the  position side so trading strategy discipline and   question says these three are the most important  part with respect to a rule-based trading   so i'll explain all this position sizing rules  also because in portions even though you have a   trading tendency even though you have a  right discipline to follow the strategy   if you do not follow proper positions like if you  are risking too much you are going to blow out if   you are risking very low you are not going to make  any you know reasonable returns so we should know   how much is too much and accordingly we should  push in size our roots so i'll explain those so so this one winning accuracy so if  i ask you vivek so what would you say   so do you think winning accuracy  is really important in trading now that i've spent so many years  in market i have realized that   uh actually winning accuracy  is not such an important thing   even with a 30-40 percent accuracy you can  still make money very very good general number of users after i started the square off  and most of the first question most of them ask   is what is the winning accuracy and the second  thing they ask is how i can make nobody ask how   much i can lose everyone asks how much i can gain  so the thing with the trading strategy is it's   not whether you're right or wrong that is  important but how much you make when you're right   and how much you lose when you're wrong that  determines your overall profitability so that   is what george soros also said so when you  specifically focus on winning accuracy i will   explain with an example why winning accuracy is  now least important part so as you could see in   this slide we have three different trading systems  a system one with 90 percent accuracy system with   accuracy and system three with fifty percent  winning accuracy okay i'll show you why   now this ninety percent accuracy is not really  matters see with ninety percent accuracy when you   are right you are making thousand rupees profit  you are 90 of the time you are making thousand   rupees profit and you are happy with it but the 10  percent of the time you are losing 10 000 rupees   consider that happens very rarely and most of  the people know like say suppose if someone   is selling an otm options during the expiry  day who is shorting five rupees or 10 rupees   negate opm options that is what affected the  outcome like you'll be seeing okay market   i'm making able to make thousand rupees profit on  expiry to expiry basis and ninety percent of the   time i'm able to make it but the remaining  one percent of the time say suppose it is   a brexit day or a demonstration day or any  other black swan even could wipe out all his accuracy even though is able to make profits  ninety percent of the time after 100 degrees   if you check the no the complete outcome after  100 trades is net negative so even though with   90 percent accuracy system you cannot make profits  if your average profit is much lesser than your   average loss yeah that is not on the longer run so  we can forget about the winning accuracy even with   ten percent winning accuracy this is the ten  percent winning accuracy system where after   hundred trades you are right only ten percent of  the time remaining ninety trades you're going to   lose but if you check the average profit per trade  when you're right you're making 10 000 rupees   profit and when you're lost i mean when you're  making loans you're losing only thousand so after   100 trades it is still a profitable trades only  drawback with this kind of least meaning accuracy obviously after three or four so even though  statistically the system two is profitable   psychologically it is difficult to trade the  first like example would be the system three   which is only fifty percent accuracy where average  profit when you're making profit it is 2000 rupees   profit and average loss you are only thousand  rupees so after 100 trades if you check the   total trading outcome this 50 percent accuracy has  given a positive outcome because you are able to   make 50 000 rupees profit at the end of 100 trips  so 90 percent accuracy at 10 percent accuracy and   the 50 percent accuracy but when you can find  the total trading outcome after under trades   system 3 is the better one because you are making  higher profits when you are right and you are   making minimal loss when you are wrong so that is  what really not the actual winning accuracy yeah   so we'll come up and i'll explain the  trading strategy part so it is very nice i   said earlier as i'm a working professional back  then most of my thought focus would be like   what a working professional can not trade like  our working professional can trade you know   managing his day job as well as so most of the  trading strategies that i create will be based on   their mentality so even this specific energy is  an option selling strategy a positional strategy   which doesn't need this concert you don't need to  look into the markets you don't need to know scan   for the prices you don't need to look for oa gamma  breaks nothing is here it's completely price based   all you need to do is spend 10 minutes of  your time and no analyze it that is what   i'll this the step by steps along with what the  back test results in products and everything   so this is an option selling strategy and first  thing is you really don't need to monitor any   of the charts it is purely price based and  it primarily works based on theta decay so   the basic assumption between i mean based on  in this strategy is we know options expire   worthless and it expires faster or the premium  leak is faster the closer it is to the expiry so   we are going to initiate this trade just two days  before the expiry and on the weekly expiry so the   rules of the system is we are going to initiate  the trade on tuesday and close it on thursday   and no trade on any other days and it is a pure  positional system and the rules is by tuesday   9 30 a.m find out what is the bank nifty's  atm i mean what is the bank it is price at   9 30 and then see what is the atm say suppose  by 9 30 tuesday bank nifty is trading at 30 000   then we are going to short 30 000 call auction  and 30 000 put option atms travels based on the   spot price whatever the price that you shot keep  that and based on that you are going to keep a   100 stop loss say suppose you have shorted  100 rupees then your stop loss is 200 rupees   if you you're shorted at 200 your stop loss is  400. so based on your entry your stop loss is   going to vary and that is going to be 100 percent  because we are going to keep a wider movement   for the markets to move if you keep 10 and 15  percent those stop hit on a dunk basis itself   so we keep a wide margin so that even if there  is a slight gap up of slight gap down it will   not affect us so we will keep 100 percent stop  loss based on entry price and then if the stock   loss is not hit we are going to exit by the end of  expiry if the stop loss is hit in any of the leg   say suppose call option stop loss is hit we will  close only the call option not the put option we   will continue to run the put option then finally  we close the put option by the end of expiry   so the rules are straightforward you initiate your  trade on tuesday 9 30 am atm strikes of c e and p   based on the time empty spot price and as soon  as you shorted it plays an hundred percent stop   loss and then you will exit it by the end  of expiry so when you so this is a live or   not trade example for the last week experience if  you could see we have shorter thirty one thousand   p e and thirty one thousand ce so that was the  strike price we have chosen and the 31 000 pe   where the 500 options expired worthless it  almost went to zero so we made a profit there   the ce however it's a stop loss so we shot it  at 510 but it closed at 1000 rupees so obviously   we ended up in loss but the other two one like  the other two expiries we shot it at 450 rupees   the 32 800 b 32 800 c which we initiated on  t or not tuesday and we closed it on thursday   and both the auctions decade it could be because  magnitude did not move much during that week   so decade and it made a profit similarly the prior  week also the same thing the p completely decayed   see leak into an extent we shot it at 490 and  we did it up on 156 still it was overall profits this strategy take how much capital   this strategy would take approximately  around 2 lakhs to 2.5 lakhs capital   uh when you are selling one lot of call and one  lot of put together capital there is no margin because because you're not going to hedge  it right so the straight away straddle   would cost you around 1.7 lakh so if you're  edging it with far away otm options then you can   control the the margin could be greatly reduced  considering even with two point lags or three   lakhs i mean two to two point five lakhs capital  this would definitely give a higher returns   if you add the hedging part definitely the returns  would be much more but i am explaining with   only the stop loss part and the most important  part that needs to be covered with this one is   what if in case of there is a huge gap so we are  shorting and keeping hundred percent clause that   is fine but what is in case goes down a lot or  goes up a lot and that is what happened in this   example if you could see last year on  may we started you know both c and b   but the put option entered almost x y to zero but  the call option which we shorted at three rupees   was closed at thousand three hundred  and fifty two rupees so it almost   three hundred rupees of loss so even these  scenarios is also considered in the back test   so it is not that no there is a bias  towards this data so even a data like   so with 300 rupees you are shorting it we  are not considering it as closing at 600   instead we are checking at what price the market  open so we did not even consider 9 15 price we   consider 960 because the first minute will be used  or huge move so obviously you can't capture it so   even considering a worst case scenario still no  these kind of losses are considered and overall   if you check it ends up in overall profits i'll  explain what is the overall year by year profits   yeah monthly why is profit source this is what i  so i have backed us with it for four or five years   but i have taken on data of 13 years and checked  how much percentage the market has gapped   so we are we are always no use to black friday  and black monday but we hardly know listen to   uh i mean get used to black tuesday or black hole  so most of these huge gaps happens at the end of   friday or at the start of monday during this week  we initiate a trade tuesday wednesday thursday   these are the tickets it could be you know a  little silent so when i check the last 13 years of   data i could see market did not know gap very huge  it stayed between minus six to plus six percent   and those e now most of the years where there was  a huge gap up and gave them was in the year 2020   so that is obviously covered in  our bad test so we still need is and second most important point is we have  considered in this position a month not a   monthly experience a weekly experience because if  you have considered a monthly experience you're   going to make only one trade a month so it's just  12 trades a year but with weekly expiry you're   just making four trades in one month so obviously  your profit takes increase with weekly experience   is also much faster than expert so when we tested  it with you know the complete data rates of last   from 2017 to till date it has generated almost  around 5.7 lakhs profit with you know a maximum  

loss for a trade is around 23 or 28 000 is the  maximum no profit and maximum loss is 23 000   and the consistent winning streak is almost  nine expects so nine experience back to back   you are able to make profit and there are four  only four experience you have lost consistency   and the overall winning accuracy is  almost 63 percent of the strategy   and if we check the drawdown so problem is nothing  but what is the percentage of loss that happens   over a period of time not just in one trade or  two trade it just happens over a period of time   so the drawdown is just around 20 or 22 000 so  that is the maximum drawdown you have faced during   the complete and testing phases so considering  all these uh the black family rooms all these   coronal gaffers and downtown still your maximum  boost did not exceed more than 25 000 for a lot   so this is a yearly distribution chart of the no  overall panel look like ops for this strategy so   we shorted only one lot one lots e and one lot  p so back then like in 2017 16 all these years   even with 40 000 or 50 000 capital one  can trade the strategy but now because of   sebi's no increase in rule margin so the capital  minimum capital required or the margin required to   trade the strategy is almost 1.7 lakhs as of today  based on bank nifty i mean based on magnetic price   so most people what they think is okay i have  two lacks of capital and the required margin is   only 1.7 so let me trade with one lot or if i fire  four lacks of capital i can trade two lots because   the margin required is no 1.7 so i can trade  two loads but that is not at all the right way   to calculate know the required capital so the  first and foremost thing what you have to check is   what is the maximum drawdown of the strategy  so as per this strategy we saw that the maximum   drawdown is 25000 so what we have to do is  consider three times of the maximum product   if your drawdown is twenty thousand consider  sixty thousand as you draw if your drawdown   is ten thousand consider thirty thousand stored  so we are going to have adequate buffer capital   to handle the maximum growth because we have to  always remember maximum rhoden happens in the   future not in the past so if you see 10 000 that  is not the maximum road definitely it could be   12 definitely it would be 15 down the line so  we are prepared with 3x of maxed roto so that   is how i calculated the you know capital record  to trade the strategy so the margin is 1.7 lakhs   and the maximum broaderness 25 000 so we are  now prepared to have a 75 000 of toronto so all   together 2.4 to 2.5 lakhs is that required capital  to trade the strategy so even if we considering   a 2.5 lakhs of you know total uh capital it  has given a decent returns of 29 percent 34  

58 and 75 on an average it has given 45 percent  yearly returns and that is really really good   with consideration of just one trade a week and  spending just 10 minutes of your time no needs   of chart so with very least minimal interventions  definitely we are able to make a no a good returns   and second thing is even if someone is having  a stock holding is in their account they can   simply pledge their long term holdings and  just have only this drawdown capital as cash   and trade the strategy regularly because you don't  need to know even bring in additional capital   so uh you know you have explained this strategy  it's a very simple strategy but what's the risk   it can't be so simple money  making can't be so simple   say that simple things do wonder in markets  but most of the people don't look into the   simple things they always want complicated  stuff they always want no more number of   chance and more number of steps but simple  things really do on this but most people don't   even test it so even if you test it with you  know the right data sets or even if you try to   do it with the larger data sets over the long  run definitely it is going to be a profitable one   so whatever the strategies like i don't tell you  at the end of the slide like how the no people who   are using the trading boards made profits only  following a simple simplified strategies but   most of them they tend to ignore it so because  when we you know try to explain about a simple   strategy the first thing that comes in our mind  is this is so simple how could people make money   with the strategy so that is the first thing that  you know i'm going to do in mind so the best thing   is you have to be prepared for the drawdown which  would be two or three times and then accordingly   you know do your capital and then trade it and i  have so this strategy even though i have explained   it my blog in my videos i have no got so many  messages from guys who have been actually using   this strategy and bringing me okay in the last  weeks i've made this profit and this week it is   a break even so it's not a no a new strategy it's  a known strategy but known to only you know a few   set of people who have been using it regularly so  the main thing is no as you said even though it   is a simplified strategy i remember once richard  dennis said tomorrow i can explain whatever no   i'm trading in a know a plain newspaper but i bet  nobody will know follow that strategy so that is   what richard dennis said long back because that is  what actually happens so once people see you know   three or four streaks of losses they'll think  this strategy has stopped working and they'll not   continue to do that so that is why i said even  i can reveal all the strategy in my rules but   there will always be certain percentage of people  who are not used to the losses they'll quit and   move on to another strategy so that you know it is  simplified i'm sure this is going to make money if   it is completely followed the rules are  followed no diligently yep yeah yeah i agree so though so one thing is portion strategy and the  other one is intraday strategy i wanted to cover   both why i started with position strategy is the  margin required for intraday and positional it's   going to be same from september 2021 onwards so  there is no big difference so i wanted to cover   both positional as well as intraday so intraday  it's it's even more simplified than positional so   positionally we have only one trade a week so with  intraday it is a similar concept of short straddle   where we shot at the money call option and  put option at 9 20 am so we don't need to   do anything just log into your trading portal  and check what is the actual price bank nifty   spot price trading at 920 and then choose what is  the ce and what is the pe place the trade with 25   stop loss based on your executed price so if your  executed price is 100 your stop loss will be 125.   so you place both call option and put option  place the trade wait for the stop loss to hit   if the stop loss is not hit close the positions  by 3 20 in the evening otherwise if any of the   stop losses hit in one leg similar to what we did  in the positional part here also we'll close only   that leg and continue to run the other one because  once the stop loss is set market is going to move   in your one sided direction so the longer you hold  the put option if the market is moving up the put   option will keep decaying and going down and down  so obviously you'll make money from that but if   you are closing both the positions then you will  not make money over the longer period so during   the back testing slide i will explain all these  scenarios so what would be your overall returns   would look like if you close one positions if you  close two positions altogether or if you vary the   stop loss so all these things i will explain in  back test part so but the rules are simple but   in iron 20 will initiate a trade and close it by  eod with both call option and put option with 25   stop loss and only weekly expiry we are not going  to trade monthly expense in this one also okay   so this is the example where now you take the bank  nifty chart at 9 15 no value and find out what is   the close price rounded off so it was trading  at around 31 495 so the strike price is 31 500   so if you round it off to the nearest hundred it  is thirty one five hundred so we will short both   thirty one thousand five hundred ce and thirty  one thousand five hundred p this is today's trade   so this is how we shot both the known call  option and put option and we place a stop   loss which is 25 percent from this entry price  whatever the entry price we have shorted it   from the 25 to the stop loss whenever the  stop loss is set we are going to exit by eod   so this strategy actually we deployed it as a bot  one and which has been running live almost for   eight months and it has almost generated a good  eighty to nine hundred percent returns overall   but as you said when the strategy is simple what  is known the drawback here right i'll show you   what is a drawback so this is the drawback  where still people have faced i have faced   huge loss following this specific strategy i've  lost 15 percent so i'm getting a streaks of   losses already lost 30 percent of capital should  i continue like i'm facing no more drawdown and   my capital is almost lost and also i'm doubling up  my capital so whenever there is a drawdown instead   of trading two lots i trade four lots so all these  scenarios will definitely come up in people's mind   so whenever people say algo trading is something  which will automatically decide the trend   or no completely remove human emotions definitely  it will not remove even you know human emotions   emotions will always be there so we will tend to  override the system even jim simons once said no   in 2007 when there was no big volatility even  they were able to they did overwrite the system   and even he said till date is regretting for that  decision because if he is not overrated in the   system definitely you know their drawdown would  be much lesser they would have recovered fast   but nowhere people like even jim simons is  overrating the system obviously people like   also will do it right but the problem here is so  why a same strategy which is given higher returns   for some they are not able to handle it for some  they are able to handle it because of the position   sizing that i explained in the first slide so as  you could see this is how now the premium would   look like on a day-to-day basis so monday tuesday  wednesday and thursday and friday so friday being   the start of a new expiry it will be usually 400  or 500 rupees then one day it will be 400 rupees   that at the money premium and it will be 300  200 by the near to expiry it will be 150.   so we keep a 25 percent stop loss so if you are  shorting at 400 rupees 100 rupees is a stop loss   so if my stop loss is hit i am going to lose  2500 rupees consider a worst case scenario where   both your call option also at the stop cross put  option also at the stop loss if that is also done   then you are going to lose 5000 rupees so now if  a guy who is trading now few months before when   there was no mod no peak margin is introduced  even with fifty thousand you can trade it right   so if a guy traded with fifty thousand if two side  of stop losses it is going to lose five thousand   rupees but that is ten percent of its capital  whereas if the same strategy is no deployed with   the two lakhs of capital yes lost only three  percent so strategy is same rules are same but   based on your capital your percentage of losses  differs so that is why we should know i always   have a capital which is position size accordingly  so that even if the stop loss is hit on both the   sides you are not going to lose much so that  is why you could see the losses are minimal   nearer to the expiry because the premium is  lesser so days like tuesdays wednesdays and   thursdays you're losing just one percent of your  capital so even if both the site stop loss is dead   we are losing just one percent so that is how  capital should be decided so if you decide your   capital based on the broker's margin obviously it  is going to affect but if you decide the capital   based on the actual strategies back test results  and draw down it is much easier to sail through   the drawdown phase because rotten faces where most  of the people will lose faith in the system either   they will quit or they will jump they look for  some other strategy and the same cycle will repeat   but if you have no chosen the right capital then  handling these losses is very very minimal so   hitting both the side stop loss is not a big task  for you so even if you consider the back test   almost 198 days the stop loss is hit on both the  sides but 768 days stop losses hit on only one sec   so the eating a stop loss on both the sides is  very no rare scenarios i mean minimal scenario   but still over a long run this particular strategy  is almost given you know 7 lakhs of gross profit   with the maximum drawdown of 34 000 and winning  accuracy is also on a higher scale it is almost   given now 67 winning accuracy with 13 days of  maximum winning streaks and only four days of   continuous losing streaks so here also we are  following a same capital requirement strategy   so on a year-on-year basis if you check this  is almost written positive returns every year   almost every month but if you consider a  transaction charges obviously there are months   like january and february it can end up in  losses considering the transaction charges   so even with this strategy if you see the  maximum drawdown is 35 000 for one lot so   we'll calculate the capital with the same  scenarios so 1.7 lakhs so i am not considering the   intraday margin now so intraday margin our record  is just one point two lakhs or one lakh only for   two short no short straddle what i am considering  a september margin now so considering a september   margin of 1.7 plus drawdown of 35 000 no three  times of drawdown it would be around 2.7 lakhs   so even with 2.7 lakhs this strategy has given  a higher average returns than the positional one   so this one has given almost 55 percent returns  the other one was given 45 percent i guess   so both the strategies are really good with  respect to no returns to risk ratio so your   risks are completely minimal and even with  the capital of 2.75 we are still able to  

manage the risk because drawdown is 35 and we  are having three times of the drawdown capital   so it is much easier to you know sail through the  jordan faces so strategy wise both are simple only   in this strategy if you said 25 is stop-loss so  if either of these two stop losses hit then you   square up the other other trade also no when the  stop loss is said whichever the stop loss is it   we are closing only that positions we are not  going to close the position of the other one so   the other one will leave it we will wait until the  stop loss is hit or we close by eod so just like   the first track right right exactly the same path  this is known as infrared and that one is position   and uh so what if in the first strategy on tuesday  we sold both and one of the stop loss get hit on   tuesday itself do we carry that position for when  yes yes we'll carry it because the other position   is also having a stop loss right so when that stop  process it we are going to exit it so in the back   test all these scenarios are considered where  if both the stop losses hit on tuesday one stop   process it on wednesday other stop losses rate  if both the stop losses right we are going to   lose both the sides considering all these things  still it ends up in profits on the longer run so   that is why we shouldn't consider on a trade  to trade basis over the law of large numbers   it obviously you know gives a positive returns  you know please explain us how did you do that   that is what i'm going to explain right now so i  usually you know use a platform called stock mark   where most of all these simplified strategies can  be back tested very easily so just like how we   used to know backtest um i mean just like how  we used to create a website long back five years   ten years down the line using complete code now  it's completely changed to know drag and drop   we don't need to really code to come up with the  conclusions so this specific stock platform is not   i'm not associated with it but you know it's just  a platform which i regularly use so i just go here   so here on the left hand side you have all  these strategies listed here you could see   yeah yes triangle so which is a ready-made  kind of a strategy you can just click   say suppose we are going to test the strategy that  i told you right now the intraday strategy so i   have clicked on short schedule here it shows me  one lot i can choose whatever the lot size one lot   or two lots so i'm going to short one lot which  is sell if i click here it will change to buy   i'm going to click and i can choose other money  options or otm options like if i want to do   no short 200 points or 300 points away i can  choose that and then i have to mention whether   it is a call option output option clicking  it will change to call output so our rules is   shorting no atm options and our stop loss is 25  percent so we keep a 25 percent stop loss here then our rules is enter at 920 then our exit is  15 20 by what we are going to exit on the same day   and we have selected bank nifty so that is  where bank nifty and weekly so we you can   have we can test both monthly as well as  weekly so you're testing only weekly okay   and then you just have to give the from date  and to rate so here they have a data from 2017   to till date so since the day the weekly  option is introduced they have this data   since it is intraday i am selected intraday  that's all i just have to run start backtest   so that would keep scanning all these data  and find out what are the list of days that   this conditions are met and the total metrics  and everything it would scan for you and then   it would give you the results in it will display  the results at the bottom of the page so you can   modify any of the things so there is no coding  required here there is no even with anyone who   doesn't have any technical background can  run the strategy so exactly that is what so you yeah so you get it so you get the overall  profits you get all the metrics draw down here   and you have you know the ear wise whatever things  that know the one that we saw you have a month   on month the profitable chart so if you click  here since inception it would tell you okay if   you could see the rates so it means on a monthly  wise obviously the profits are very very you know   the more profits are there and you could see the  drawdowns also here if you click on drawdown that   will tell you what does the drawdown looks like  nice so only this march last two months it was   really bad for the strategy because the drawdown  so that that is why i said see if you could test   it till only 2020 by this this particular period  the drawdown was only 20 000 correct yeah but   2021 the drawdown has came down to 37 000. so if  someone tested the strategy in 2020 and thinking   only 20 000 is the maximum product it could be  in a surprise because the drawdown has crossed   its previous maximum product so that is why we  are always prepared for three times of proto you can buy credits i think so based on the number  of you know the backers that you run they charge   it i don't think the charges is at a very high  cost it's very minimal only i think right so   it's kind of four credits so it means that if i'm  running for one complete year i'm going to spend   one rupee if i'm going to not run it for 10 years  i'm going to just not spend 10 rupees so it's very   very minimal this is very interesting i'm going  to see this website myself very interesting   definitely definitely it'll help so this is where  the conditions you can change the conditions to   whatever conditions so i am going to give you a  first strategy into this back test first strategy   yes first strategy so this is what the first  there now you can save the strategy also   so my strategy is i'm selling both  the call options and the put option   and my stop was 100 and i've selected  bank nifty and bank nifty weekly weekly   here i have selected positional so last time i  selected intraday right now i selected position   and i can give the entry date where two days  before expiry oh and going to exit on the day   of expiry as i said in the no 9 30 is my entry  time we are leaving it for the expiry till 15 29   so all these conditions whatever we said  and run a back test same period 2017 to 2021   for bank nifty so people can customize it as per  their need say suppose we have given a strategy   if someone finds it okay instead of using this  stop loss or i can use this targets so they can   completely change it and test it this is it so  you get the results so it's 5.7 lakhs profits   the maximum profit and all this data matrix  you get it so this is completely similar   to what we saw in the intraday thing so  the drawdown things the overall profits and you also get to see the entry time exit time   at what is the overall profit to profit basis on  and on expiry to expiry what is the total profits   so everything you can get to know the complete  data will be available on a click of a button   so this is how backtest is done interesting  and this is a bad testing stock mark is only   for options by practicing or it's for no it's only  for practice it's only for back test interesting cool so you can so i'll explain the  execution part so how do you execute   that's also important because that is that is  working that's what we are going to see now   and can we automate automate the execution  process yes so i'll explain how we are going   to execute this specific strategy now so all  i have to do is i should go to square of ports what exactly is square off what do we do   so whatever the strategy that i explained to you  right so my job is to create strategy so i sit   and create strategies so much so at one point  beyond certain stage of time no they say good   trading is boring right so my trading is done so  i don't keep no doing any of the stuff but i keep   developing multiple strategies and then i deploy  it in my own account and test it whether it is   really good or not and once i see a satisfactory  results then i go ahead and try to run it   so so that is what so we will come know we'll get  started with this execution part so execution is   like now with square of boards it's simplified  no trading strategies whatever strategies i   develop i try to automate it and provide it  to the users so all their users have to do is   just log into this box and specify their capital  or lot size to them so based on the you know   prerequisite strategies that i explained  the execution happens in their own account so you just have to log in with your facebook or  google and then it would ask you your alice blue   user radio password since i've already logged into  alice blue is ready password it did not ask me   one that's all you just have to log in with  your broker credential and authenticate it then   you will see all the list of bots equity boards  futures boards and everything so you just have to   go so the bank nifty straddlebot so that is what  it was running so today i opened and gave an input   so just have to click the lot size whatever the  lot size we just enter the lot size whatever   the lot and click on mod mine trade it so once you  enter the lot size and run it it will keep running   and you could see it in the orders window whatever  the orders that are placed by the bot you can see   it in case if you are trading on your own you can  segregate between the bots orders and your orders   there is no specific no requirement as it so we  been doing it since the last one year and we post   only the live performance so you could see the  live performance of all the bots so we have a very   limited uses and with this limited uses we were  able to make almost 1.7 crores of total profit for   all the bot users so we display everything  in here so the bots details the bot's profits   everything they would be able to see it here  they just have to select the respective bots   so this is the bank nifty straddle  board that i explained right so this is   where the returns are so as you said it was still  very good till february mid and then it started   sliding down this is where people will lose  their conviction and stop trading but eventually   people who were holding on to it were able to  make profit and eventually know it moved up   so that is why i said even simplified strategies  make money but nobody knows is able to stick to it   there are some people able to stick to it but  some people know don't be able to stick to it   and the next one is the option x platform  which you know we just started it's almost   ready it should be you know ready by this week  to most of the users there is no specific charges   for this so it will be completely free of  cost because people can just come and log in   and this copy paste whatever the respective  link that's all so it's i'll just show you   so we use the stock mark app right so in  stock mark we are able to create a strategy and click on copy and we come here and paste it  submit it so this will automatically generate   the list of orders that is necessary so if it  is your zeroth account you click and place it   similarly if it is angel account you click and  place it so this is not at open rate but this will   definitely help a lot of users who are working  professionals who cannot know check their atms   or whatever the other money options everything  can be done here on a click of a button you just   have to copy paste your strategy first you have to  backtest it copy the link paste it here click and   execute no specific no code is required even if  someone is working professional who cannot come   and click at that specific time they can also  automate the complete strategy so they just   have to go and automate it and specify the time  so you click on automate and enter whatever the   strategy you wish from the drop down whatever  the quantity that you want and enter the time   at which time you wanted to execute this specific  strategy that's it click and it will automatically   execute the orders in your account so there  is no specific conditions that is required   interesting this is quite interesting i think  technology is going to a next level for sure   yes yes but the only handful of brokers are  basically allowing this automatic feeding right   yeah very no the thing is most of the brokers  are giving api right now but only a handful of   brokers are giving free api so brokers like fires  allies blue these guys are giving free api so when   it is free api the cost is drastically reduced  because in 2014 when i started it was i almost   spent 100 flags to automate the strategy alone so  now it's completely free and more and more people   are started know focusing on this automation  stuff because once people start focusing on rule   based and follow it differently definitely that  is when no most of the people will not go bust   so as a broker they can acquire the users but as a  platform providers like us can help them to retain   the users because acquiring is easier task but the  retaining is where the actual cash flow comes in   for the from for them as well as it helps the  retail traders like so obviously you know when   people get used to it on the longer run no they  can okay these are the things they first need   to get educated okay these are the things that is  required in order to know what works what doesn't   work second we have to make it much simplified so  now as i said now the back test is more simplified   part where you don't need to do anything click  click enter the details you get the results once   you get the results copy paste it here and you  run it the other thing is more people find out so   that was where they go know the trend is  going to be so definitely people would love it   but the problem with this is finally that  holding on to your nerve when the going is   tough especially the initial time right right  right right right you have to believe your model   once you've done the back testing and you know  that it is a workable model then you have to   believe it and run it for a longer period of time  definitely so the thing is no even before when i   started i almost quit trading in 2016. so even i  had all this trading systems everything automated   on its own but i almost quit trading because i  was trading on a borrowed money so it was like   when your capital is i mean when your salary  is 50 000 you will be trading with 5 lakhs   so obviously the position sizing all this empty  fluctuations you will always relate to it it will   be like okay i have lost 50 000 i've lost 1 lakh  okay this is my five month salary this is my one   month salary so you always get used to that no  comparison like people can easily find it and the   one guy who can easily find out whether you are  in drawdown or not is your wife so you can know   easily find out whether this guy is making profit  today or making a loss seeing your face so but   eventually you know it will get stopped so  whether you know they always say a good trader   after making a no good profit he feels good but a  great trader after making a great trade he feels   nothing so that is where the emotion states will  come so eventually at one point of time you will   not feel anything whether it is a profit or  a loss you will treat it wisely but the good   thing is as you said one take one strategy trade  it for 100 days don't increase your capital or   decrease your capital have enough capital trade  for 100 days only one strategy and whenever   after the trade is done mark it in your exit  if you follow the strategy give one mark   if you have not followed the strategy  give minus one mark after 100 side of the market which is i think very very  critical will get developed otherwise uh how would   you develop discipline it's naturally you're not  a disruptive problem very true where it was that   is why the discipline has to be you know developed  after the market was not before the markets so the   more the moment you know start so if you are not  a disciplined trader if you're not a successful   trader go for a walk or go to a gym or not start  cycling regularly that will automatically bring in   you know the discipline to your life start having  a screen time or start waking up in the morning by   six going to bed at 10 o'clock even if you  follow that those disciplines will automatically   come into trading life actually i definitely  agree to this point and i have to test myself   and the change which has happened to me because  of this i'm very happy uh that you are sharing   the same wisdom so uh fantastic i just loved it  very very simple but very effective and as you   also said that simple things work wonderful  in market just that you have to believe it   definitely definitely thank you so much awake for  giving me this opportunity i'm sure people would   love it in case they have any specific questions  if they do not understand it let them post it in   the comments i'll come and respond to them that  will be so nice of you because i'm sure you will   get a lot of comments good as well as that and  i will be expecting you to reply to all of them   and friends uh you know where to where to  connect with him but his speaker handles   his blog his telegram camera is right here  connect with him feel free to talk to him   figure out if this is a product which you  want to have it i have no commission interest   i just believe that he's doing good thing and  if you feel it will help you in long-term video   creation go and grab the opportunity and connect  the film thank you for this beautiful content   i'm sure that will go a long way  and become part of the fantastic thank you thanks for giving your time to  me and supporting me and my team and uh   we have more people lined up for this theory of  rule-based trading so stay tuned and keep sharing

2021-04-24 21:46

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