Learn how Microsoft does IT: The journey from Skype for Business to Teams - BRK3230

Learn how Microsoft does IT: The journey from Skype for Business to Teams - BRK3230

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Welcome. Everyone. Welcome. To ignite, day 3. Super. Excited, is everybody awake after lunch, okay. You guys got your caffeine. Anybody. No, ok, whyme. Per day Kaufmann I work for core services engineering, which, is the IT, internal. IT at Microsoft, my. Team is responsible for. The team's upgrade, at Microsoft, and so. Today we're gonna talk to you about our journey and walk. Through our, whole, upgrade, and, hopefully. We'll have some time at the end to, answer some questions and if we don't we'll definitely go to the side but, we have a lot of great information and, we. Have team awesome, here to talk. About the upgrade also so I'm gonna have them introduce themselves everyone. My name is Anna shake. I'm. Dan Benedict, I'm a senior program manager in. Core, services engineering. Hi. Everybody I'm Sarah Bush and on. The team I am responsible for the readiness for teams. So. Thank you okay. So, we're gonna get started we're gonna talk about our key, takeaways, so today our goal is to make sure you, guys understand, our objectives, that, you understand about our goals for upgrading to teams learn. About the team's only mode experience. I think you guys have been hearing, about that throughout, the conference this week, also. Explain, our approach, around. Adoption. Change management support. And get into the details I know we've done I think eight sessions, so, far but, in the theaters 20, minutes and a lot of feedback around we need more time we need more space so, we're really excited that we got this room so thank you for your feedback, but. We, want to make sure that we have some key takeaways also. So, that you can walk away and are able to define your internal, approach for, upgrading to teams as well as understanding your success criterias. Maybe a rollback criteria, if necessary, for. Your rollout to teams, also. Being. Able to customize, a simple. Strategy for support, we understand that's very critical, goal as. Well as change, management and adoption, very, very important part of this process so let's. Get started, okay.

Some, Of you may seen this we have our internal approach, we have three key, items, for, our internal approach technical. Readiness as I. Said very, very important, making, sure that when we transition. The. Product, to. Teams when we transition, our users they. Have met. Our minimal, Viable Product, which is MVP, and these, were features around calling meeting. Chat, and live, events these are features that exist in Skype, for business today and so what we're talking about is, moving. Our users from. Skype for business upgrading. Them to team's only mode which, means they're only going to be using teams for, all these features so very, very important part is the technical readiness the, second piece is adoption. Right we talk about adoption as far as ensuring. That we need to win the hearts and minds of our users I've been talking about that through the week we, really, we're, part of end-user services engineering. So, it's really important, for us to make. Sure our users, are comfortable, with this transition with, this upgrade and that, it's not something that they're, just kind of forced to use and with, all the products, that we have at Microsoft, it just becomes more and more important, for us to make this a really cool experience, something, that they're really thrilled. About and the, third thing sponsorship. Right getting, that stakeholder, sponsorship. Making. Sure that we personalize. This for them making, sure the org leaders, are communicating. To them about, why, this is important, right why, are we making this change having these global toolkits, available. For our or glitter z' so, that they, feel comfortable with, moving, forward to the team's upgrades. Next. Up so, we, have some upgrade goals I've, been talking about this some of you guys have been seeing this obviously. We need to make sure we have three items meeting, the needs of our users right. Making. Sure that we adapt, to this modern workplace having. The ability to have. Physical and digital workspaces. That feel inclusive. And open, and this is around teams right bringing everyone, together. A simplified, meeting, experience, right, bringing, that together in the hub for teamwork so that users, can go, to one place and be able to call chat. Work. Collaborate. And meet, so this is really a key part of our process and lastly. The most important which we'll dig into is, obviously. Providing better quality and reliability, we, at Microsoft have seen, significant. Improvement. In reliability as far as teams for, calling and meetings. And we, want to share that with all of you and we feel that it's so important, that that's why we're making the transition for.

Our Organization. And moving them forward to teams only. Next. Up this, is my favorite slide. Our. Six guiding, principles. Right we, talk about teams, making, sure that. We have, the, telemetry, right, having. The ability to manage. That to ensure that everyone, has that available, to them ensure. No disruptions. Right word, I'm gonna walk you through the our organizational. Upgrades. And the, key thing for us is, having. The finance. Orgs. Not. Be disrupted, right we have quarter, ends I'm sure you guys all do field sellers out there we cannot, disrupt, the business this is a really, important, piece for us so as we're upgrading we, need to make this goes make sure this goes smooth smooth. Anchor. On productivity I talked, about this a little bit about our MVP features, again, making, sure we don't disrupt productivity. Making. Sure that all these features around calling chat, meetings. Everything's. Available and, functional, and g8 we. As Microsoft. Are the. Folks that actually test, everything we're the early dog food errs that, make sure all our customers, like you, have. The best product, and the best experience so it's really important, for us to test this before we get this out to you so we make sure that that's available to us also. In, this anchor on productivity, and I'll walk through just. Kind of our strategy we have a phased migration. Approach you'll see what, our plan is throughout, that. Manageability. Features, for IT admins. We've, been hearing this for our customers, right a lot, of people want the IT pro. Functionality. Having. Them to enable, features disabled, features through the tenant, themselves. So this is really important, to us we that telemetry. You. Need that telemetry to, be able to ensure that you can effect effectively, manage your tenant, environments, very very important to us, support. Globally, and locally from, ITM so I TMS our IT managers, as you can see Microsoft's. A huge, global company and as, we roll out teams to. 225,000. Users, we. Need to make sure around, the globe everybody, is ready to go and that includes. Getting support from our teams. From, our support teams from, our IT M's, as well as everyone in the globe so this, is a big piece for us ensuring. That there's change management in place ensuring. That we communicate effectively, that. Our conference. Rooms are ready and everybody, knows what's, happening with the team's upgrade so, that when we start rolling out there's. No surprises. Lastly. Establishing. User confidence, right, being. Transparent. Authentic. About the user experience, we. Know everything. May not go perfect, we, may miss, something you know there's gonna be change. Right, I mean everybody, has been accustomed to using Skype for business you may also, endure, this and see that you, may have some resistance so you, know we want to make this an experience. That they feel confident, in right so, then it's important, for us that they, they, know what to do and that they trust us when we're doing this upgrade, so, if. Something, goes wrong we, can roll back or we can provide the feedback that's, needed during the upgrade. Okay. Our story. Two teams so. You guys couldn't see this we, have. Three. Criterias, and what is our MVP criteria. For upgrading two teams already mentioned this once calling. Live events, meetings, messaging. He features, in Skype for business today, right, so, we need to make sure the experience is, fabulous. And on, with that we, needed to have a strategy, to upgraded teams so, the approach that we've taken is, three different work streams we, have a work stream that focuses, on the team's Outlook add-in are, you guys anybody, using the team's outlook at him today able, to oh okay. Cool you, guys like the experience are. Using it side by side or. Yeah. You. Have the skype and teams yeah so. We do two we have both but. This is a strategy that we've had to hold off a little bit and you may say hey, you guys have 87,000. Users only deploy well, the reality is we have, 14,000. Conference, rooms at Microsoft, and you, can only imagine how many devices, as far as service hubs trio's Rydell's, so, everything. That we need to upgrade so. We need to make sure that. All these devices are upgraded, and.

That's Why we're, taking the approach to, make sure we roll out the outlook plugin first get. Everyone, at custom, and comfortable, with using the team's adding, in creating. Meetings, with experience, and. Then moving to teams only right, so, they're gonna get an experience, here we're gonna give them a choice to use teams, and Skype. For business but. We're, hoping that they're gonna continue to use teams to. Build a new meetings so that's that's our hope with, that said, we, also have a track as you guys can see for. The team's upgrades, right so this is the team's only mode which Anastas, gonna go into detail and tell you about this, is gonna be where. Our, users, are gonna be just using teams, and right now we have about 24,000. Users our, hope is that we, are gonna upgrade everyone. Our goal is to upgrade everyone, in the org that's eligible, by. The end of the year and you can imagine we have all these different organizations, we're, waiting for certain, features to get delivered and we're, rolling them out by org and the reason we're rolling them out by org is because. We, need to make sure that. The collaboration, experience. Is consistent. Right so, as, we're moving people, we don't want to, the collaboration, we, want them to work in the same environment, so. That's why we decided that instead of, rolling out by region, that, makes more sense to pick these organizations. And roll them out that way and so. As you can see as I said we have a pretty big. Task to ever move everyone by the end of the year but that is what we are doing moving, forward. So. We talked about some of our success criteria, right we. Have seven. Success criterias, here, we. Talk about support, making, sure that there's support, in place, for, our users, we. Talked about having. Temporary. Opt out which the, team will talk to you about calling. Quality health, and call index meeting, quality and healthy meeting index this goes back to one of our goals right that I showed you around, reliability very. Very important, we, monitor, this daily, we, check to make sure that the reliability is what, we needed to be we've set targets, for ourselves and, we, manage this so that we can make sure that we're meeting those targets as we're, rolling out phase by phase, last. Item, is user sentiment, making, sure that our users are happy right we're an end-user services engineering. We, have to constantly, get that feedback to, understand. Hey how are we doing, what are we doing are our, users happy, and we have different methods of doing this through, global satisfaction. Surveys, through, some ad hoc surveys. Through pulse so, that's what we really want to do. And. Now I'm gonna hand this off to an ass who's gonna talk to you about, the team's home thank, you hey everyone so as, penny. Mentioned, one. Of the requirement. Or the job that we are doing this team is, to, move every. User in our company, from Skype for business to. Teams when. We say that what do we mean when you, are upgraded. To teams, teams. Is your, primary and your only, client, for. Chat, callings. And meetings.

You. Do not have the ability to use, Skype. For business for. Chat calling. Or schedule, meetings, you can use that client, only. To join Skype, for business meetings. When. A user who's upgraded, to teams and is supposed to use teams for everything, what happens, if they sign into their, Skype for business client, this. Is how, the client, would look like if they do that as you, can see a user, does not have the ability to use, this client, for anything but this client, is perfectly. Capable of joining, Skype. For business meetings. If you. Happen to have one that you have to join. Now. When. We talk about upgrade. The. Team's can, give you a lot of features at Live View it gives you the ability to share files and SharePoint, it gives you the ability to have a great video experience, in your meetings, it, also gives you the ability to share your, emotions. Using the perfect emoji or gif ease the ones that you like but. What. We're doing is we. Are telling. Our users, that you won't be able to use Skype for business anymore. What. Is it that a typical Skype, for business user, does. With their Skype for business client, today all those, features that teams is offering, you are great, but let's put them aside for one minute, with. Skype for business today, the. Basic three things that a user does is PSTN. Calling. Chat. Peer-to-peer. Calling. And meetings. If we. Were to upgrade our users from Skype for business to teams the. Primary, question, that we have to answer is will. They be able to do these three things in teams or not yes they can do all those, great things but how, does that matter if they can't do this right so. Our first goal was to find out how. Would how, would a user be able to do all these things in, teams, so. Let's talk about them individually, let's talk about PSTN. Calling first, what. Are the options that you have for. PSTN. Calling, if you, want to use teams, option. Number one is you. Could use cloud. PBX, or phone system, with calling plants you, could actually purchase numbers. Directly from Microsoft, or you can port your existing numbers. To office 365. This. Is available only, in about 8 to, 10 or I believe 12 countries today, we. Are an organization. That is present, in way, more countries, than this so what do we do for users who are in countries where this option, is not available, the. Option that we can use there is direct, routing. Director. Outing allows you to keep your existing telephone, numbers keep, your existing telephone, contracts, you. Can then configure a session, border controller, on-premise. At your location. And, you can configure, that as BC to, send calls directly. To office 365, to, the teams calling service. Between. These two options we. Can cover, majority. Of our user base, there. Is still however a section, of our community our users, who. Would, not be able to use teams, even. With these two options and those, are users primarily in, countries, where government, regulations, prevent. The use of enterprise. Voice in, office 365 a, perfect, example is, India. Which requires location. Based routing. Today. All our users, in India use, enterprise. Voice because, we have Skype for business on, Prem which, allows us to use location, based routing until. That's available in, teams we, have the set of users, for, whom we. Cannot, take the Skype for business client away because if we do that they, would lose the ability to make PSTN, calls from, teams, that's. The first limitation that we have that we have to plan for what's. The solution, for that our engineering team is actually working to, ensure location-based. Routing, is supported, with teams as well we, have that on our product roadmap to, be delivered by the end of this year. The. Next thing the, next big thing was meetings you, use. Meetings, in Skype for business today, well, every, user who you upgrade, be able to use meetings, and teams as well or not is the, question that we had to answer when. It comes to creating, meetings. Any user can create meetings, and teams but, you, also need dial-in, conferencing, numbers, in, your meeting so that people can actually join your meeting by dialing, in if you.

Need That ability, office. 365, should allow you telephone. Numbers in your country your, city so. That when you create that meeting, anyone locally, in that region can dial we. Do. Not have the ability to provide those numbers, in certain, cities within certain countries, we. Have users, in those cities and countries, internally, as well I have, listed some of the cities, and countries that we have users, in who. Unfortunately don't, have dialing, conferencing, numbers in their teams meeting because we don't have those numbers available, in office 365. The. Link here gives. You a link to a website, where, you can go and find out what other countries, do we not have dialing numbers for or do we have the island numbers for so this is something that you have to also look into when. You have to plan your upgrade what, are we doing about it we're working on geniusly with the engineering, team to increase support for countries. And regions where, we don't have numbers from we're, working on an even better solution which, is to allow users. Or customers like. Ice to. Use, direct routing and use, an on-premise, telephone, number as a service. Number with office 365 because, once you can do that then, you no longer have to depend on us providing, you a number for conference, because if you have one you, you, just use that number as a service. Number we have that ability available. Today for user, numbers, we, don't have it today for service numbers but if we can do that then. We. Don't get, restricted, by anything, what. Are we going to do today about it when we have greater users we're, going to leave them on Skype for business because, we'd. Have none of the above solutions, available today. So. Is that is that all that you have to plan first so the first one was PSTN. Calling that we talked about meetings. What, about chat which is the most important, one, when. It comes to chat, there. Is nothing that restricts, a user from using teams, for. Chat we. Know that the two restrictions that we talked about a. Huge. Portion, of our company, is not restricted. By those there, is a subsection, of users in our company who will not be able to upgrade the team so how are we handling it we're, going to upgrade everyone. Who. Can be upgraded straight. To teams they, won't have a Skype for business client, anymore. The. Users who cannot, be upgraded to teams will, have both clients, they'll have Skype for business as. Well as teams that. Way the, guidance, that we're giving to our users is, everyone. In the company can use teams, for chat calling. Each other and for, meetings, as well however. If you happen to reside in, let's, say India, you, can use your Skype for business client. If you want to make a PSTN, call it otherwise. You, can use teams, for everything, else. That. Is how we are approaching, our, migration. Or upgrade is, that only those are those the only things that you have to care for there, are a couple of other things that you may have to plan for one you need to make sure that if you're using Skype, for business and, if you want to upgrade your, users, are formed in Skype for business online, it's, the only way to make Interop work if.

You, Have response groups part of your on-prem solution, with Skype you have to make sure you transition, them over to call queues and you have to make sure that the call queue solution, delivers, for you what RGS is delivering, today. And. Then the two restrictions we already talked about there are also a set of users who opt out of the upgrade because they feel that they need a little more time we, leave those users out as well. This. Is my last slide there. Is a lot of there's. A lot of learning that happens, when we actually start, deploying, this early, we have about 20,000, users who, are already in, the team's only mode so they don't have the ability to use Skype the reason we do that is to find out what, are the different problems that we have and once we know that it. Gives us the ability to tell our engineering, team that we're not going ahead until. You fix these problems which. Is helpful but just not just for us but also for customers, because you would eventually find these problems as well a few of, them that we found that I was to talk to you about is Outlook presents integration, today if you use Kai for business you have the ability to open outlook see, presence, of your contacts, and outlook itself click. On anyone's. Contact. Information, and outlook send, them and I am right there itself, using. Skype for business what. Happens if you move two teams and you don't have Skype anymore, that, should work, using teams, what. We found is it, does work using, teams but, in order for that to turn on the, user had to go ahead and check a box in the team's client, you. Don't want two, hundred and twenty five thousand users in a company, to, go ahead and check a box because there's no way you can make them do that by training you. Have to find a better way so what we did was we work with the engineering team and said when. We already know, that the user has been upgraded, to teams and they don't have Skype for business anymore, what's, the point of asking the, user to, go ahead and check the box it should just happen automatically, so. Code. Change was done we do have the ability internally. Now that when we upgrade someone, on team for teams that checkbox, gets checked automatically, you may not see that right now unless you are in tap but, it should come to your clients as well pretty soon federated. Contacts, the ability, to federate, with someone, irrespective. Whether they escaped on Prem online hybrid home, Don Prem home the online everything. Should work seamlessly, this, is still being worked on there are still some gaps but, unless. This is done. Microsoft. Will not migrate the teams so when you take your journey if we, have done it already that should, give you some confidence that yes it's working and that's why we did it because we have a lot of users who need Federation. Heavily. Interop, calling is another the ability to call from teams to escape for business, user it's, working, for us internally the ability, to have teams. Registered, as a sip protocol, teams. Registered as an app for sip and tell protocol, is also important, so you can go on any web page today, click, on any telephone, number today, it's your Skype for business client, that launches, what happens if you don't have Skype you want the team's client, to launch at that point so for that teams.

Has To be registered as a deep all program, for SEP and tell protocol, which is also available today, that. Is it, for me I'll invite Sarah or Dan who will talk to you about the. Furman. Program I. See. Lots of worried faces I. Don't. Know if some of you skipped lunch there. Is nothing we can do about that. But. Here to my right is half of the team that manages, the upgraded Microsoft. So. Basically, we're a team of less than ten people that we, architected all these migration. So if we can do it I'm pretty, sure everybody here can do it so. Don't. Worry. So. The deferment policy, we, knew that for, a company the size of Microsoft, almost a quarter, million people. If. You count the vendors and the services, we're. Gonna have some groups of people that need to be deferred, with they did, it to be opted out because of business, reasons or some other reasons they. Weren't ready so, we came up with three criteria. Three. Action items basically. One. Of them we, had to give them an actual option to, opt out in. The form of a survey. Then. The survey would. Actually. Trigger. An automatic, deferment. And then. The policy within 15 minutes would. Opt them out and, make. Them happy and. Then. Once, the policy changed, we, need everything to be fed, into a report, in a power bi report, that we can look at and then. Investigate. And do research to see why these people, wanted to opt out and then. We'll take a decision if we keep them in that mode or we, put them back into a team's only mode, pretty. Simple policy. Take. A picture this is very important, it's quite straightforward. Support. And escalation very. Important, for any company. While. We did this transition, we. Came up with three pillars, one. Was, the project management and this, was a team of technical. Program. Managers, that were dealing with this basically. They were overseeing, the entire migration. They. Would monitor, take. Questions, answers. Training. And, also. They had access to the big red button where we can bring. Everybody back into the previous mode this. Is very important. Service. Management, again. All, here. Is. An IT professional, service. Management, is at its core when, you manage a company like this they. Would monitor the telemetry they. Will track any kind of major incidents. They. Will have mitigation. Plans and all that and between. These two teams the project, management and the service engineer it, needs to be a complete, transparency, so, they can work together and, again.

The Big red button has to be there in. Case something bad goes there and, executive, management this is a separate pillar because obviously. If. Your CEO has problems, to this then. Will trickle down down to you so. We needed a process, there and we have an actual team that deals only with the executive. Management escalations. And then. They'll report to us to, this team. Plus another four people and then. We'll defer them any executive, level people that we needed to these. Are the two slides, keep on smiling it's, gonna be okay. Thank. You. Thanks. Dan, if. You'll indulge me how many of you are using teams, for. Your daily work on a daily basis. Okay. I've been wondering this entire time I'm like who am I talking to, or my users out there so. I run, the readiness program, for our internal users, and I. Want, to talk to you first about exactly. What we're talking about today how. Do you, know when somebody is ready to. Remove their communications. Platform, and replace it, I'll, tell you it's it's a difficult thing to. Come to come to so. When we asked ourselves this we said okay, we. Need to figure out where everybody is so I'm gonna talk you through this a little bit the. Top line. That you'll see, there is the, darkus line on the chart is the top one on each of these and each of these represents, an organization, that. Is the total number of people that are in that organization. The. Line directly below it which is green, you'll. See that that is slightly smaller and, that, represents. The, total number of people that are ready for, the, team's upgrade, we've been talking to you about the fact that there are a few people that that aren't in that category. Today. Underneath. That there's a dark purple, line this. Line represents. Any. Action. In teams. There, are over 800, panel. Actions, in teams so, I might look at this line and say. We're. Using teams we're good to go that's. Any panel, action in the last 90 days the. One directly below that any. Panel, action in the last 30 days and, the. One at the bottom possibly. Most, important one for what we're talking about today, that. Is what we call a parity, function. That, is you. You. Initiated, a chat you. Participated. In a meeting or you participated. In a call so. Now that I've talked to you through that I want you to look at the green line and the. Bottom line and now. I can answer the question, for that organization. Are they ready for me to take Skype away I think. We might have some confused, folks if they don't understand, and they have never used, chat. Meeting, or calling so I highly you. Know recommend, that that you get to this kind of a definition for, yourselves too, so, that you have a real clear understanding. Of what's, going on for. Adoption, I'm, gonna walk you through some, success factor slides to. Deal with what I just showed you and to bring people along and, to get them up and using, teams, we. Have, several success. Pillars. That we go through one of them is to train them, we've. Developed, something called the art of teamwork tour and, I've. Talked about this training in, a couple of sessions I'm gonna take you into, what what it is and means it's. Two different levels a level 100 session. That, is a one-hour webinar we, deliver, these several times a week in three different time zones and this, webinar takes. Me through what it is like to be a user in teams how.

To Orient to teams how I set, my notifications. Favorite, and following, how, many know the difference between favoriting, and following. Right. Important. It's an important thing to know. Pinning. Of saving. All kinds, of things and des lighters that you can do in teams that people may not yet know about that will help them really. Get up over, the adoption, hump and become very productive quickly. We, found that that is the case you can see some of my metrics, here, on the. Bottom, left there is, what's. Happening, month. Over month with, art, of teamwork attendees, but. I like you to know what's happening, next to them in their, orcs so. We found in the numbers for every, one person that we trained in the art of teamwork, six. People. In their organization have. Teams go up because teams is social, it's collaborative, by nature the. Level 200, course is, what. While that first one is how do I orient in teams level 200, is how, do I create, and manage, a team how. Is this gonna be productive, for me and the work that that, I do across, teams how do I make. Channels, that are appropriate, a, best practice, for how you set things up to onboard new people so you don't have to you know they. Can get in there and get up to speed really quickly so. Again, we, find that delivering. These trainings, really has, a significant. Impact you. Can look at the truck right, and it shows a little bit about the. Users that haven't, taken this. Training I, compared, it to the users that have and you'll see that these parody functions, by, and large are going up, and. That is again, without, the. Outlook. Plug-in for everybody for meetings so that means they're scheduling. Meetings from the app itself, and. Without full calling functionality, so we expect to see this go up and then, one of the very interesting things. Here at the bottom is. Average emails received it's, going up for those not taking or untouched, by training and going, down for those who take the training and those, that they work with so. We have some you know theories around productivity, there. Another. Work stream so different, people like to learn in ways I just talked about you know live demo live Q&A and, interaction. Sometimes. I just want you to tell me how to do this one thing and then go away so I can do my work so, we came up with the art of teamwork a couple videos and, that means it's a video that's 5 minutes or less it's scenario, based and and. You know I can go in and land it how do I have it have a private, man just. Show me very quickly thank you or the. Navigating, within a teams meeting this highlights, which you can do with teams for. During. And after, the meeting, to. Be able to. Have. Continuance. Right we build the agenda together we have a chat in the meeting then we have all the notes after the meeting teams is incredible, with us, we've, got for. Us we've, got the team's only mode you see at the bottom there and then we also have the top 5 things some of the things that I mentioned earlier so. These are really being. Extraordinarily, well, received will we'll keep putting different, ones out scenario-based. This. Cannot, be underestimated, success. Factors. Communication. Communication. Is key, and. Your users that you're doing this there's going to be a problem. If they don't understand, what teams is or means or that it's going to be a replacement, for, their existing, experience, there's a problem so we. Across. Many, different avenues. One. Several. Intranets, and Yammer groups and we do what, I kind of a amount. To PSA, announcements about, teams and about what's going on with teams, the. Videos, and the, art of teamwork that I've told you about those, are promoted, on Yammer and our intranets, we, have building. Digital, and. Physical signage. We. Have a Champions program which I will talk, to you about more, deeply, and. We, have a bunch of information on meeting like I think you heard earlier we have thousands, of meeting rooms so what's. Been upgraded, what's ready where you can go try and have the team's experience and keeping that up to date and. Then finally, we, have some success stories from. Our different orgs and groups who have pulled. This together and they're really finding, you. Know productivity, gains we have videos of them and what they're doing so others. Can try it too. Okay. Champions, community totally. My favorite work stream we. Wanted. To foster a community of, evangelists. To. Help us because as you've heard we're we're a small team and, again. Sometimes, people, like like, me I like, to have you show me how to do something or like to try it right there with you or ask questions and, so, we said how are we going to do this and. We, had noticed that there were some real evangelists. As you know you guys probably are, are four teams in your organizations. That, just love teams and were really participating, in the team's Yammer group when people would come and ask questions.

They, Jump in and they'd bring in resources and they were really active. On on that Yammer, group so that kind of inspired us, and we thought well, we will reach out to some recruiting pools and we'll get those people that are really, interested. In teams and that was the first one that we did we pulled. About 20, people from that Yammer feed then. We said we're going to go ahead and reach out to the, field to our IT managers. And, Eric. Capability, leads and other people who work in the field. We. Reached, out to our elite members which are the early experienced. Users. Or some. People may have heard the term dogfooding. Users, and. Also, different. People. Who brought others in and the art of teamwork attendees, that i explained. Earlier what. We, landed. With these people and and try, to give them as. Fundamentals. For the program was to make. It global, have. The. Champions, identifiable. By end-users so I would know who, the champion is that's near me that I can ask questions, about. Have, the asks, of the champions that they would land and then also you know make it worth their while what's the value proposition, for them so. I detail, the gives and gets here, they landed the art of teamwork training or they duel and the art of teamwork training I just explained. To you we, give them an entire package we, teach them we have train-the-trainer sessions, we, give them the deck we, give them outline for the demo we, give them digital signage and how to use it in their areas and we give them a follow-up email with all the resources, so all they have to do is send it to whoever came. To to their training. We. Have them listed in our. Share. In internal, share points so, that anybody can look them up and reach out to a champion, they, also continue, to participate and, help us in the Yammer feed answering questions, and they. Promote new readiness, like those snackable, videos that I talked about there, gets this is the fun part we. Developed, a digital badge, and you can see that on Eileen's, profile, here so, you as, a champion, can. Enable this badge on your profile, and it goes across all 365. Properties. So. The. Great thing about this is we did do a marketing campaign around what that digital, badge meant but mostly, people are like what is that thing on your face and that, opened, up a conversation, about teams well let me tell you right this is what I'm doing in and you can come to me and I'd like to help you so. That that, had really great traction, that's been a win, we.

Send Them physical. Packets. Each one of them everybody who signs up for this this is important, to us and we value them so we send them a thank-you, and a welcome letter we send them a cling that many, people put up in their offices, or at different places that identify, them as a champion. Stickers, and some swag that says, hey we we mean this we appreciate, you we want you to identify yourself, so, people can come and ask you questions. And. Of. Course we have our monthly calls, where the. Champions come on we engage with a product group it gives and gets what's, coming what's, new what's coming down the pike make me the the person in the know and. They get that both on the upgrade and from the team's PG and then they give a lot of feedback you, know about what they're hearing and what they actual experience, out in the field is so. That's. Been. Really helpful so does it work it. Works yes. We, had, started this whole thing we thought well we'll, reach out to those evangelists, maybe we'll get 50 75 people I don't know see, if they can help us out, it's, just been a few, months now and we have over 650. Champions, in more than 45. Countries and. At, last check it was actually 99, buildings, so. It's. Been an awesome and viral program, you, can see here that I've listed our parody functions, because right now that's, obviously, our focus we, need to get that that. Light purple line up to the green line so that they're ready for the Skype, for, business to be deprecated, and, you, can see that they've made a complete pivot on chat they're chatting more in teams than, they are in Skype for business, again. This is when they still have the option to use whatever they want to so the champions are working. So. With that I will turn it back to. Pinay. Okay. I'm just gonna take just a couple just one minute actually we're gonna shorten this a little bit so we can allow. Some time for questions so with. Everything. That's going on in our success factors, that Sarah mentioned obviously, there was an internal. Adoption, program that needed to be in place so. We had these four key pillars we. Needed to elevate. Awareness, we. Needed, to bring, attention, and ensure, that there's ongoing. Engagement. Throughout our organizations. To support the change as we're, as well as you, know the management, sorry. The measurement, first, to, analyze, and adjust which you saw through the metrics that have been developed, and, then. Finally, you know the management, right making, sure that we continually, improve. The experience. As we're. Going through the rollout we're, constantly, listening. We're getting the feedback and improving. The experience, not only for ourselves for. Customers, this is what's gonna happen so this, was kind of our strategy, for internal adoption, program. I'm not gonna go in too much more details. The. Big thing I want to get across here, for you is truly. Our, organizational. Adoption, team model one, of the things that we did across our group which helped, us tremendously we. Talked about having a small scale group and you know a really, large implementation. Like this we, had to reach out globally right. We. Had to reach out globally to our IT, ms1. We need to make sure we talk we had stakeholder, sponsorship. We, had to have change agents. In our organizations. We have our local teamwork, champions, but, most importantly, we had this landing, adoption. Team right this, included, RIT MS this, is around, this whole process where we keep talking, about having, people engaged. With us keeping, them informed about, what's happening, we have this global deployment team that gets, information, so, that we can constantly, keep them informed about the conference, rooms the next steps this, was what created, us and allowed us to become have, this global rollout.

So This is really key with. That. Last. Item is just resources. Available, for you today if, you haven't checked out make, sure you go to the team's booth, check. Out these resources, we. Have teamwork toolkits. For you in office 365, with. All these downloadable. Digital assets. We, work really hard to make sure that you, know everything, we do we. Can provide for our customers, so that you can have access to this they. Can also instruct you in the team's booth more, more to get information if you need about the Skype - team's journey, as well, as these resources, available, to you. Very, very important, I know you guys have seen lots of sessions Skype to teams this week so, you, know please join, them you know talk to everyone. Around on, the floor we're here to help you I think, that's really our mission at Microsoft, is to empower everyone. In this, planet to do more and so, you know come here we're learn, and. Join our sessions and with, that. We're gonna talk. To you about we have the public, office, champions, program if you, guys don't know about that that was based on our internal, champions program again, that's available to, you please. Make sure if, you're interested, join that program, we. Have a lot of great assets and then. Just more sessions, around teams so. With that I think we just have like no. Minutes but one minute maybe. Three. We have a few minutes we can ask questions. Anybody. Have, any key questions, or you, can come up and ask us afterwards.

2018-10-05 08:28

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