Learn Business English | Conversation | Vocabulary | 19 Lessons

Learn Business English | Conversation | Vocabulary | 19 Lessons

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These. Videos, are a great tool for you to improve your business English, skills all. Of the topics, are a little advanced. But, necessary, to know it's. Up to you to not only watch, the videos but. To also review, and self-study. If, you don't know a word check. It in the dictionary it's. Also important, to repeat, after the teacher, repeating. Will, help improve your intonation and, pronunciation. It, takes time and effort to improve your English so, it's important, to watch and review, our videos, as much as possible I know, you will enjoy the series let's. Start. Hello. Everyone, my name is Robin, and in this video I'm going to talk about titles. Titles. Are very formal, so, when we're talking to someone in the business world we should use a title, before, their name now. First I'm gonna talk about titles, for, people we know or, people we just met and later. I'm gonna talk about titles, for, strangers, let's. Take a look, okay. I have five titles here very common, titles, maybe. You've already heard about them or know them let's, take a look the first one M RS. M. RS, is pronounced, missus. Missus. And missus. Is used only for. Married. Women, okay. So, if her last, name is Smith, I would call her mrs., Smith. Okay she's a married woman. The. Next one is miss. Miss. And Miss, is used for, single. Women not married, okay, so mrs. Smith, oh I know she is married Miss. Smith. Oh she's. Single, okay, again, both of them are only used for women. Mrs.. And Miss, are, a little bit old style, okay, so we don't use those too much anymore while. We use nowadays is. This one ms. The. MS, is pronounced, ms. Ms. And, we, only use ms for. Women but. We, don't know if they're married or single okay, we're just using a title for, women so in the very formal, situation. And in business, this. Is what you should use ms. Ms. Smith, okay. Okay. So those are what we use for women, over. Here we have mr., and mr., of, course is used for all men, doesn't. Matter if they're married, single. Every. Man is mister. Okay, so, again if his last name is Smith. Mr. Smith. And. The last. One doctor, of course doctor, we use for doctors, doesn't. Matter if it's a woman or a man all. Doctors, we should call doctors. Before their name so, like dr., Smith, okay. So, those are the titles again, for. Business you only need, to know this one ms, and this, one mister. Any man is mr. and every. Woman should be ms, let's. Take a look at my name okay, of course I'm, a man so we should use mr., but. Mister. We should use it in a formal, way so, I wrote three styles. Here, one. Of them is wrong. Okay, very wrong let's. Take a look I. Have. Mr., Robin, Shaw mr.. Robin, mr. Shaw which. One is wrong. Well. It is this one mr., Robin, now, a lot. Of my students. Say. Mr.. Robin, mr. Robin, mr. Robin, this is wrong, okay, you got to be very careful, Robin. Is my, first, name okay. And in. A formal, situation, don't. Just use the first name with. Mr. okay so this is wrong you never want to say mr. Robin. Mr.. Rodman, Shaw okay, my first name is here, but, actually the mr. Shaw, okay, this is this is a good way very. Formal, mr. Robin, Shaw or. Mr.. Shaw okay, use, this style or this, style but. Never say this style all, right let's take a look at an example I. Invited. Six people, to my party I invited. Mr. and, mrs., Smith. Ms. Jane. Spark, miss. Kirkland. Mr.. Scott and dr.. Casting. I. Invited. Six people to my party I invited. Mr. and mrs. Smith, Ms. Jane, spark. Miss, Kirkland, mr.. Scott and dr.. Casting. Alright. Now I'm gonna talk about some. Titles. Or expressions, to use when. You're walking in public and you, don't know someone, okay you don't know their name but. You want to talk to them in, a polite, way, okay very formal, way and. If, you look here you might say excuse, me you want to get someone's, attention you, say excuse. Me, okay. There's four, main, ways this. Is for men this. Is for women so, let's start with the men so very simple, excuse. Me sir, okay, very polite, excuse. Me sir. Excuse. Me mister, excuse. Me mister, this. Is the best one but this one is also possible, okay when you don't know their name excuse, me sir, or. May. I help you sir okay. The. Other two are for women, now. You can say excuse, me ma'am. Excuse. Me ma'am this, is usually for older. Women excuse, me ma'am and excuse. Me miss is for. Younger women so, probably, under. Age, 20. Okay, under age 20, we would probably say miss so. Young women, and even children. Females. Women, excuse. Me ma'am, excuse. Me miss may. I help you ma'am, may. I help you miss okay, so, all of these very. Polite, and you should use them all. Right so that's titles, titles. For people we know titles. For people we don't know if. You want to speak in a polite way you, should you always use titles, it shows, a lot of respect okay, that's.

It For this video see, you next time. Hello. Everyone, I'm Robin, and in this video we're, gonna talk about being. Fired. Okay. There, are many, expressions. In English that. Express. Being. Fired, of course when you're fired, from, a job that's, a terrible thing because you lost your job and as, I said there, are lots, of expressions, to. Express, being. Fired, let's, take a look now I'm. Gonna use the sentence, he, was of course it could work for men he or women, she, he was she. Was he. Was fired. All, right that's the most common way to express, being. Fired he was fired but there are some other ones and this, is the first group there. Will be a second, group later, let's take a look he. Was fired. He, was laid. Off okay. Now fired is probably. Your. Fault the employee fault, but. If you're laid off that's, the company, fault the company has some, financial. Difficulties, so, they have to layoff many, workers. He. Was. Dismissed. Okay. He was dismissed, this. Is kind of a polite, way to say, he's, fired. He. Was let. Go okay. Fired, is a very. Terrible. Word he, was fired, he. Was let. Go means, the same thing but, it's not as powerful so, it's a little a little nicer, to say he was let go. He. Was released, he, was. Released, again. Kind. Of a more polite. Way to say he. Was fired and. Last. One he, was. Terminated. He. Was terminated. This, is actually very strong, terminated. Cut, he, was terminated, all right this is the first group but. There's more let's. Move on here's. The second, group of expressions. Remember. They all mean the same thing, to be fired or. Right so, there's lots of slang. And idioms to, look at the. First one dumped. He, was dumped. Again it. Just means fired he was sacked he. Was sacked. He, was canned. He. Was canned. He. Was axed. He. Was axed. Now, an axe is like an axe to, cut a tree so. He was axed, similar. He was cut. Now. The last two idioms, also. Very common he. Was given. The boot, the. Boot he was given the boot so he was kicked out of the company and. He. Was given, the pink, slip okay, now, a, long, time ago when someone was fired from, a company, they, were given, a form, to. Say you're fired and the, color of this form was. Usually, pink, okay. So, this expression, given, the pink slip. That means he's fired, these, days they don't use that form anymore but. They, still use the expression, or the idiom, here to. Mean that person is fired alright, so these are also all, very. Common and very good to use to. Talk about when someone is fired alright, so, again being. Fired is a terrible, thing but in English, we have a lot, of expressions that. Mean you. Are fired alright so I hope you learned a few more today that's. It and I'll see you next time. Hello. I'm bill, and in, this video we're, going to talk about how, you can, introduce, yourself and, your job. Because. When you're meeting new people knowing. What you do for a living is kind of important, and it, happens a lot so think. About what's important. About who, you are and what, you do for work now think. About the, three most important, things they. Are easy your. Name. Standard. When you introduce yourself and then. Also your title, now, your, title, is what, you do at your job. Maybe, you are an accountant. An engineer. Maybe. You do marketing. Or you're, a Salesman. Or a manager. Any of. These things okay, that, tells, a lot about, you as a person or, what. Your job title, is and, then. Also. Company. What. Company. Do, you work for because. Different. Companies. Do, different, things if, you work for a company like Samsung. You, probably know a lot about electronics. If you, work a lot of work for a company like Doosan, you, probably know more about heavy. Machinery, and industry. So, that explains, a lot about who you are as well so. If you're, introducing, yourself and your, job you. Want to focus, name. Title. Company. The, orders, not too important, we'll talk about that later but here. As an example I will introduce, myself, to. You so, you can see how, people, do it alright let's take a look at my example, okay. So this is my official. Introduction. I say. Hello. My. Name is Bill and I. Am an English professor at a university in. Suwon. So. One more time. This. Is how I say my introduction. Hello. My. Name is Bill, and I, am an English professor at, a university in. Suwon. As. You just saw I clearly, said my name my. Title and my, company, now. There. Are many universities, in Suwon that's why I didn't, say the exact, name because. Not, everyone, knows every. University, in Suwon but, that's okay not, very important.

Also, Just. Remember always, start. Name. First, then. Company. And title, you, can put them in a different order if you want to and in, the next examples, you, can see how, there's different ways to organize your. Introduction. Let's, take a look. Let's. Look at a few examples of how to introduce, you and your job my. Name is David, and I, am a director at SK. Again. My. Name is David. And I, am a director at. SK. There's. Another way to do it I'm. Paul, and I, currently work, in the human, resources, department, at. Doosan. Let's. Do it again I'm Paul. And I, currently, work, in the human, resources, department at. Doosan. Now. We'll take one more look yeah. My, name is Chris, and I, do marketing. For Samsung. Listen. Again my. Name is Chris, and I, do marketing. For Samsung. So. There you have it several, examples, that can help you remember how, to do this okay if, you, remember, them you should be more than ready and confident. To introduce, yourself, and your job. I hope, this was helpful and I'll see you next video. Hello. I'm bill and in this video I'm gonna tell you about two, questions, you need, to know for. Business, okay, now, they're really easy so. You should not have any stress, about this okay, what, we have here is this, question, what. Do you do now, if you say it really fast what. Do you do, gets. A little sounds. A little strange but just, don't worry go, natural, with it, what, do you do what. Do you do what. Do you do that's, what people want to know now. If this. Question we're longer, what, do you do on the, weekend. Well, now, it's. About your weekend, your hobbies your fun time but, if the, question is just what. Do you do it's. About. Work and that's, all it is so if you ask me what. Do you do I say. I'm. A teacher. That's. My job, that's my work now, of course you. May have to change a to. An if, you're I'm an. Engineer. Or I'm. A. Student. Just, the a ok, that's. What we have so think, job, title, for this one now, there's. Also here, I'm, in, charge. Of. Now. In charge. That means duty. What, are you responsible. For what, do, you need, to do for. Your, job if you're. A leader, of a, marketing, team you. May say I'm in. Charge, of a, marketing. Team you're. The leader that's, your duty take care of them or you. Ask me, I'm. In, charge, of. Helping. My students, that's. What I have to do so I'm in charge, of my, students, of course. A very. Easier, than that we have the simpl where. Do you work now you, can say the company, name, you. Can be very specific. And. Say, something, like I work, at worry, Bank or. You. Don't have to say the company name you, can just say I work. At a bank. That's. Fine too let's. Look at some example, dialogue where we put these two questions together, okay. All. Right here's our first examples, here the question, was what. Do you do well. The, easy answers, I'm a doctor. Or I'm. A banker. Or I'm. An, accountant. What's. Whatever you do the next question, where. Do you work well, I work. At a bank. I work. At a store, I work. At a school, just, the place, you work at put, that in there, all. Right just. Like those two phrases, I just, showed you there's another, question that's, very common. Especially. In, American, conversation. And it, goes like this what. Do you do, for. A living, now, for. A, living. You, know we all have. To live we. All have to pay, for it so, that's, our. Job right there so it's basically asking how, do you, pay, for your life what. Do you do for. A living now, just. Like the what. Do you do question, you, can simply, answer I'm. A teacher, I'm an. Engineer. I'm an, accountant. Or. You. Can go ahead and give a full, longer. Description. Of I, work. In the personnel, department at. SK. So. You can keep it short you, can keep it long that's. Okay, let's. Take a look at examples, of long and short answers. To this question, all right. Now. Here's the longer question what. Do you do for, a living now the, short answer would just be I'm. A, teacher. And that's. Fine but. You. Can also give a longer, answer, like. I work. In the legal department for. Lotte. So. Here you can go short answer or long, answer, both. Are okay, okay. So. There you have it three, simple questions you, can use when. You meet new people in, business, so what do you do which, is always about work, remember. That what do you do people. Want to know about your job than, me where, do you work just, what's, your company where, is it what do you do and then.

Of Course what. Do you do for a living that's, all about how, you earn, your money, so, you can live I hope. This was helpful for you and I'll see you next video. Hello. Everyone, I am Robin, and in this video we are gonna learn some very, useful expressions. To. Describe, a co-worker. Who. Is too. Nice to, your boss or, manager. Alright now, in every, company, there are some employees, your, coworker, who are too, nice, to. The boss ok and why. Are they too nice. Well maybe they want a promotion or, they want a higher salary, they. Want some sort of advantage, so, they are very nice to the boss and maybe. They, don't even like the boss but, they are still always nice, to the boss very. Friendly, to the boss always. Doing, what the boss asks. Them to do and, maybe. They even give gifts, to the boss there, are always nice, to the boss well. Of course we. Don't like those people we hate those people, and we, hate those coworkers. So. We're. Gonna use these expressions, now, these expressions. Can be used for both men, and women. And they. Are negative. Ok so we want to call these people very. Negative, names we don't like them the. First one a yes-man. Very, easy to understand, so, a yes-man if I said he's, a yes-man, that. Means he always says. Yes. To. The boss ok, whatever the boss asks. Him to do he, says yes he, never says no because. The boss might be angry or upset if. He says no so. He's a yes-man, he always says, yes the. Next one, very. Negative let's, use a girl, she's. A bootlicker. She's, a bootlicker. Ok, so, you have to imagine a boot and someone. Licking. Licking. The boot ok. Very negative, so, that, means if the, boss, asks. Lick. My boot she. Would say yes. Okay so that, just means whatever. The boss asks. She, will do so we would say she's a bootlicker okay, the. Next one sucking. Up okay. She's, always, sucking. Up okay, she's always sucking, up means, she's. Always too. Nice to, the boss okay. She's, sucking, up the. Last. Two my. Favorite, they're very, bad okay. Let's take a look the first one, ass, kisser. This, is your ass so. Someone, who is an ass kisser he's. An ass kisser the, boss has an ass and. He's. Kissing, the ass okay. That means he's -. Really. - nice - the boss we. Call him an ass kisser, he doesn't really kiss, the boss's, ass but. He's too, nice. And. The, last one, brown-noser. She's, a brown-noser. Okay, she's, again, too nice to the boss she's, a brown-noser. Now. Brown-noser. The nose is, brown. Why. Well. Similar, to ass kisser, the brown noser is kissing. The ass and. Then, get some. On their, nose because, they're always kissing, ass so. She's a brown noser or he's a brown noser very. Negative thing to call your.

Coworker, Who. Is too nice to the boss all. Right let's, take a look at a few examples sentences. To help us understand, these, expressions. All. Right let's take a look at the first example. He. Is a yes man he. Agrees with all the boss's ideas. Even. The stupid, ideas. He. Is a yes man he. Agrees with all the boss's ideas. Even. The stupid ideas, and, the. Next one. He. Always, sucks up to the boss. He. Always, sucks up to the boss. In. The. Next one. She, is such a bootlicker. She. Actually hates, the boss but. Acts friendly. To him. She. Is such a bootlicker, she. Actually hates, the boss but. Acts friendly, to him. All. Right let's look at the next one. Steve. Is a big ass kisser. He. Even washes, the CEOs, car, on Sunday. Steve. Is a big ass kisser. He. Even washes the CEOs, car on Sunday, and. The. Last one I, hate. Brown nosers, they. Always get more perks, I. Hate. Brown nosers, they. Always get more perks. Are. You an ass kisser, are, you a brown-noser, okay. Well from. My experience of. Course I worked at many companies, and schools. Sometimes. I do suck. Up to the boss you, know happy. Boss is, certainly, better than an angry boss, but. Generally. I'm not always a brown-noser. Just sometimes. Be. Very careful. If you call, someone a brown-noser, or, ass-kisser, it's. Very negative, okay so you can talk to your coworkers. He's, a brown-noser, but, if you say you are brown noser very. Negative, that, person's, going to be angry all. Right so. I hope, you understand, these expressions. And I hope you use them correctly that's. It and I'll see you next time. Hello. I'm Robin and in this video we're going to talk about some, business expressions. Asking. About price and, also answering. About, price all right now, first we're, gonna look at the questions, on how to ask about, price, and here. They are now. We're gonna begin with how much first, so, of course the most basic. Question, to, ask about price, is, how. Much is it how. Much is it so if you want to know the price or. The cost of something that's. The easiest, most, common, way how, much is it all right now here are some more you might hear they're all common, how. Much does it run how, much does it run or, sometimes, people say how, much does it run for, okay. Don't be confused by run, this is just talking about the cost. How. Much does it run how. Much does. It cost okay. Again very basic how, much does it cost you want to know how much it costs, the price. How. Much does it sell, for how. Much does it sell for how. Much will, it cost me, how much will it cost me, okay. And the, last one how. Much are you asking how. Much are you asking now. All of these questions are, the same they're, asking, for the price, or, the cost of, something so, the answer, to all these question. Questions. Where ever you're talking to would, be the same answer all right now. Instead, of how much some. People will, say what, and, you see this blue line you never say what, is it it's always, how much is it but, for these ones, people. Can use what, so, you can say what. Does it run, what. Does it cost, what. Does it sell for what. Will it cost me. What. Are you asking, what, is possible. - okay. I prefer. You to use how much but. You can also use what. Certainly, you have to know both ways. In case. Someone says, what. Or how much all. Right let's move on to how to answer. Someone. Asks, you how. Much is something and you have to answer, these, are the best ways and the, most common, ways to answer, all, right now, I'm gonna use $100 for every answer so, you can understand, they, all mean the same thing, so. The most common way is it's.

$100. How, much is it how, much does, it sell for, it's. $100. Okay. Now if it's not exactly. $100. We're. Gonna use about, or. Around. Okay. So how much is it it's. About. $100. It's. Around. $100. Okay. And here are three more not, so common, as the top two you're, still gonna hear them, it. Sells, for. $100. It, sells, for. $100. It goes, for. $100. It's. Priced. At. $100. Okay. So all of these are the same thing, answering. How, much something, costs. Okay so, the top two two. Ways that's, the most common but. These, ones are a little bit common you will hear them so you should know them it sells, for $100. It goes for $100. It's, priced, at $100, okay, let's. Look at some example. Sentences. Okay. Let's look at the first example dialogue. How. Much is it, it's. About two dollars. How. Much is it, it's. About two dollars and, the. Next one excuse. Me what. Does this car sell for. This. One sells for, $9,000. Excuse. Me what, does this car sell for, this. One sells for 9000. And. The. Next one. Do. You want to buy a membership to the fitness center, how. Much does it run. It's. About $100, a month. No. Thanks. Do. You want to buy a membership to the fitness center how. Much does it run, it's. About $100, a month, no. Thanks. The, next one honey. We should take a trip to Europe how. Much will it cost us. Tickets. Go for, $8,000. Okay. Let's go in June. Honey. We should take a trip to Europe how. Much will it cost us. Tickets. Go for, $8,000. Okay. Let's go in June and. The. Last example. What. Are you asking, for this ring. This. One is priced, at $500. Oh that's. A little too expensive for me. What. Are you asking, for this ring. This. One is priced at $500. Oh that's. A little too expensive for, me so, these are the most common, ways and, best, ways to. Ask about price and answer. About price okay, so you should study these expressions. They're very useful very helpful. You must, know them that's. It for this video and I'll see you next time. Hi. I'm bill and in, this video we're, gonna talk about some business small, talk now, we, remember small. Talk is just. Conversations. That, are not important. Okay they're, not about giving, a lot of details, it's, just easy. Conversation. Usually. When. You don't know what else to talk about now. These. Questions. Are about business, and you. Can use them at, work, with a co-worker you can, use it when you meet friends or just, when you're having conversations. With new people it, can also be a get, to know you kind, of question and well, the. First one here would, be house business, or, like house work, kind. Of like that just how is your job going, now. Remember, you, don't care. About details. It's just how's, business, so. A positive. Answer, would, just be business. Is great thank. You for asking or I'm. Having, a very good month at my job, no. Stress, but. Then there's also the negative side how's, business oh, it's. Not good right now my company is losing money or oh, I. Have too much work to do I'm so busy it. Happens, okay, but, now this, is the short one how's business you, can also go with the what. Has business, been like, it's. Kind of this. Week or last month. Very, close how. Has, business been same. Meaning, just, a different way of asking, the question same. Thing what, has business, been like, now, here, the answer would probably be, something, like business. Has been good business. Has been, not. So good, let's. Take a look at some written examples, really quick all right. All. Right here's some first examples, okay, question. Is how's, business, well.

You Can say business. Is good or. You could say work. Is good, then. Kind. Of bad right now because, it's not always good sometimes work is not good and. Then the other question, what's. Business, been like you. Can say it's, been all right, you. Could say it's. Been stressful. Or. It's. Been a good month so far. All. Right now let's, say you're, in a situation you're. Not at work you're, out to dinner you're, meeting new people and, someone. Asks you how's. Business, well. Maybe. You don't want to talk about your job you. Want to talk about something else, well, there are easy, ways to, move, on from the question, polite. Ways and easy, ways so, if someone asks you how's, business, you. Can just quickly say, it's. The, same old same. Old, fast. Answer, no, details, and. It. Answers, their question, but, also hints. To, them, let's. Talk about something, else you. Can also just do the business. Is business. Just. My. Business is my, business that's. What it is so, let's take a look at some written examples, of using, these to. Avoid the question. Now. For when you want to avoid the question, the question is how's. Business. You. Can quickly, end the, conversation by, saying it's. The same old same old, or. You could say business. Is business. Here's, a very simple dialogue. That you might see so, bill says hey. Bob how's. Business. Bob. Says Oh, business. Is business. Bill. Says I see. Bob. How's. Your, work bill. It's the, same old same old. Okay. I hope you found this helpful, and if you can remember to start, the conversation. How's business. What. Has business been like, but. Then of course if you want to avoid, the conversation and, not, talk about business, you can just do the it's. The same old same old, or. Businesses. Business, because. It always is, alright. I hope you learned something, see you next video. Hello. Everyone I'm bill and today, we're gonna talk about some. Easy questions, you. Can ask or maybe, you. Get asked when. You meet a foreign, visitor for. The first time okay. Because, we got to remember maybe. You meet them at the airport when, they come in, maybe, you meet them at your, office, when, they visit, or, maybe at a business dinner you get introduced. To someone you. Say your name's shake. Hands, this. Is a good thing to say okay, now. We. All know to get to Korea people, have to travel very. Far. Usually. So. It's. Always nice to ask, how. Was the flight cuz. Sometimes it's a long airplane. Ride, a long, flight, so, if you ask how. Was the flight maybe. It. Was fine or I. Slept. The whole way if they're, lucky I can't, sleep on airplane so I'm jealous then.

You, Also have was, your journey okay. Same. Thing, just a different way of saying it'd be yes. It was long but. It was comfortable, that's, alright but. Now also maybe, you are in, a different country and you meet someone and they ask you. Was. Your flight okay, was. It okay coming here and again. You can just say it. Was good thank you or. Mmm. Not, too comfortable or. This. Service was not very good, so. Really you, can get different answers, for all of these questions people. Can talk about how. Long the flight was how. Comfortable. They were the. Service, they received, so, a lot of different, ways to answer these so. Let's take a look at some sample dialogues. That show how these are used. All. Right here's, dialogue, one you, say how, was your flight, the. Visitor, it, was. Comfortable, but, I still had a hard time sleeping. So. You should say I'm, sorry. To hear that, and. Visitor. That's. Okay I can rest, at the hotel. Dialogue. -, you. Can ask, was. Yourjourney okay. Visitor. It. Was fine thank. You for asking. So. Here you just respond. It. Was my pleasure. Dialogue. 3. Now. If you, travel, maybe. The, foreigner, says to you, was. The flight okay, and, maybe. You, answer, it, was, alright but, the service, was, slow. So. The foreigner, says maybe. You. Should try another, airline company. Next. Time and you. Can say I think. I, will. Alright. Now, you have three easy questions. You can ask a foreign visitor when. You meet them for the first time just, uh how, was your flight was. The journey ok was. The flight ok so. If you're when you're introduced, to a foreign, visitor don't. Be nervous, because this is a very simple, thing you can ask them when, you're shaking their hand alright, I hope you can remember this and I'll see you next time. Hello. I'm bill, now, maybe, you saw in another video, we, talked about asking, a foreign visitor about. Their, flight, over well, that's, good now, to, continue, from that though, a good, thing to ask them about would, be how, is the hotel, they're. Staying, in because, some people they, don't like sleeping, in hotels so, nice, hotel is always good now the, question, you can ask very easy would be how, is the hotel, again. This, shows that you care and you worry about them well, there's, different things they can talk about when. They answer, your question, they. Could talk about the, service, at the, hotel now the, service, would be are the, workers, friendly, do, they have good, food at, the hotel if, there's. A problem do. They fix it quickly, all, right now, also the. Comfort, of the hotel, okay, is it, clean. Very. Important. Is it, clean is the, bed nice do, they have soft pillows. Alright. That's important. Because they want to feel comfortable, when, they're in a foreign. Country, and then, another thing that they could talk about would. Be, location. Of the, hotel is the. Location, a very noisy, place, okay. That makes it hard for them to sleep at night or is. The. Location good, in that, is the, location close, to things. That the visitor wants, to see and do, is it, a interesting. Location. Or is, it a boring. Location. But. Still asking. The visitor how is the hotel is a good way to, make them feel more comfortable, with, you so. Let's take a look at sentences. In how, this is used and answered. Ok, so, the question is how.

Is The hotel, well. Possible. Answers can be I have. Everything, I need. The. Service, is friendly. The. Location. Is close to where I need, to be. It's. Very, comfortable. All. Are very possible, answers. Okay. Now, I want to tell you another, way to, ask this question about how is the hotel now a common. Question that, people ask would, be this it is is the. Hotel, -, you're, suiting. Now, this, is underlined, here for because -, you're suiting, just, means the, same as is the, hotel. Something. You like is it. Likeable. Do you like it so because, it starts with is this. Quick, answer would just be yes. It is or, no. It isn't but. You could get longer, because this is a long question so. Let's, give a good answer so we ask is the, hotel, -, you're suiting, common. Answer it suits. Me just fine. Or, it. Suits. Me well. Enough, but. You can also just say things like I think, it's, good or I, am, comfortable, they're just, very basic, answers. About the hotel, let's. See some written examples, on how this is used. The. Question, is is the. Hotel, -, you're suiting, and your. Possible, answers can be yes. It is Thanks. It. Suits. Me just fine. Or, I. Am. Happy, there all, are, possible, and fine answers. So. There you have ways. To ask a foreign visitor how. Is the hotel, because, it's important, for them to be comfortable while they're visiting your company, so, just remember how. Is the hotel and is, the, hotel, -. You're suiting, both. Mean the same thing, but, just. Different ways of saying it keeps, it more interesting for when you're talking, so, I hope that helps you and I hope you remember it see, you next time. What's. The worst, hotel used, to that worst. Hotel I've ever stayed at it's, a. Dingy. Little villa, Hotel, in New Orleans one time for, Mardi, Gras, they. Said, it was great because it was really close to downtown, but. It was more. Of like, closets. That, they. Made. Into a small, hotel room just to make money off tourists. Now. The, blankets. In the bed were clean but now, the rest of it wasn't at all it was the, floor was pretty dirty the bathroom was dirty and, it. Was way too expensive because, they were taking advantage of the holiday. No. I don't, it was about nine. Years ago. Probably. Just, the one in Bohr young because, the mud festival, was happening, just because there is everywhere, every place in Boreum during the mud festival is dirty because people walk around covered, in mud so. No matter where you go everywhere. There's mud inside, outside. There. Is no clean place and again. Thursday, night we got there the hotel was only thirty thousand, long but.

Then Friday because it's the weekend, they told us next night is a hundred thousand won and, no. Matter what I did there, was mud and sand everywhere. Even in. The bed even in the bathroom, just can't. Stop it. Hello. Everyone I'm Robin and in this video we, are gonna talk about six. Vocabulary. To use when you're leaving. Your job okay, some. Are common some, are not, so common but they're. All useful, let's. Take a look at the first two quit. And give. Notice. Okay, now, quit, is. The most common, word, or expression we, want to use when, leaving a job you, can say I quit. Now. Usually I quit, means. Suddenly. Like today but, it can be used to talk about the future like I will, quit. Next. Month I will quit. Next. Year and remember. If you use it in past, tense. Don't. Say quitted, you have to say I quit. My, job last, month, okay. Just, use quit for, past tense all, right let's take a look at her example, this. Job is terrible. I quit. Okay this job is terrible I quit, this, person, is not happy with their job he. Says I quit. Maybe. He, says that to his boss so. In this sense, he's probably quitting. Today he's at his job he says I quit he, probably goes home okay, he no longer does, his job, the. Second, one give notice. Okay, give notice. When. You give notice this is more formal. More. Professional. And the. Polite, way to, quit. So. In our sentence, today. I gave my. Boss, two. Weeks notice. Okay, so, how long is the how long do you want to continue, working at your job two, weeks notice, some. Jobs you probably want to give one. Month notice, but anyway he gives, to his boss. Sometimes. It's a paper, sometimes. It's just verbally, speaking, but, you should give, notice, that's, the best way. Most polite way the. Professional. Way to, quit to, give notice, all. Right let's, take a look at the next two the, first. Two vocabulary. Were about you. Wanting. To leave a job the, next two maybe. You don't want to leave your job but. You have to the. Words are fired. And. Laid. Off let's. Take a look at fired, first, now, fired, a very negative a very bad, thing to hear, if, your boss tells you you're fired, okay now, if you're fired, you're probably doing something wrong. You're a bad worker or something, and again. Fired is, quick. It's, very quick if your boss says you're fired, probably. You should leave that, job today. So go clean off your desk and go, home get, out, so. Your boss might say this you're, a terrible, worker, you're, a terrible, worker, you're. Fired, you're, fired again. Go. Home get out the. Next one laid, off now, laid, off is. Not your fault, this is probably your fault but, laid off is probably, the company, fault okay the company has some. Financial. Problem, money problem, or, there's. Not enough work, for all the employees okay. So, when the company has a problem they might have to lay. Off some employees. Let's. Take a look at the example, company, sales are down company. Sales are down I was. Laid off okay. So probably, this. Company, has some money, problems, and of. Course large, companies, when they lay off workers they. Lay, off thousands. Of workers so you can see that in the newspaper, they, will lay off like 3,000, workers or, 5,000. Workers because. The company has a lot of problems all. Right in some, cases you. Might be rehired, when. The company has better conditions. Okay, so, the company, sales, are down you're. Laid off sales. Start to go again they, will rehire, some. Workers, but. Usually. They don't, rehire. The, old workers they. Just hire new. Younger. And, cheaper. Workers anyway. Both. Are bad if you're fired or laid off you probably don't want that alright, let's look at the next two examples here. Are the last two vocabulary. Resign. And retire. Let's. Look at resign, resign. Be. Careful, with the pronunciation it's. Resign. Resign. It's. A verb to, redesign, alright. Now, we already learned you can leave the company by quitting or, give, notice, and the, last one here is to resign, now to resign, is usually, used with. Upper, management. Executives. CEOs. Even. Politicians, they, resign. From, a company now, resign, can be positive. Or negative so.

Resign. If I'm a CEO and I want to resign, from a company, alright, so probably, I have, another job at another company or I'm, planning, to retire so. I officially. Quit. The company I resigned. It, can also be negative. Especially. For, politicians. They. Have some public. Scandal. Or something, and they have to, resign, they have to quit ok. Let's. Take a look at my example he. Had to resign, because. Of a scandal, ok so, he's. A very important. Person and, he, has to quit his, job but. We don't say quit for. The very important, person, we say resign. Ok and he had some scandal, he, had to resign. The. Last one, retire. Ok, so you worked, hard and it's. Time to stop, working forever. You, have to retire, so my example. After. 35. Years of, work. Long. Time. It's, time, to retire, okay, so I'm, gonna retire, from, my company. Of course this, is a good thing this is a positive thing, there. Can be early, retirement. Okay, some companies have early, retirement, they might give you some extra money to retire. Early. In. Some, cases it's, voluntary. Means, you you want to early retire and in, other cases they, make, you early, retire, okay, but, usually, just retiring, that's, a good thing you worked hard time. To retire all, right let's look at some example, sentences. All. Right let's look at the examples, number, one I, quit. My job today, my. Boss was terrible, I. Quit. My job today, my. Boss was terrible. Okay. Let's look at the next one I will. Move to another city I will. Give two weeks notice to, my company, I, will. Move to another city, I will. Give two weeks notice to my company. Next. Example. He. Got fired from his job because he was stealing money. He. Got fired from his job because. He was stealing money. The. Next example. The. Company had to layoff 1,000. Employees, because. Of low sales. The. Company had to layoff, 1,000. Employees, because. Of low sales. All. Right the next example. He. Resigned, from the CEO position, due. To low sales. He. Resigned, from the CEO position. Due. To low sales. And. The. Last example I. Will. Retire, at age 65, I. Will. Retire at age 65. Okay. I hope those examples, helped, you let's, do a quick review of the six vocabulary. The. First one quit, I quit, okay. You don't like your job anymore, and you're gonna quit, probably. Very quickly, like today I quit, the. Next one give. Notice, a little. More professional. And nice you, tell your boss or, you write your letter, to your boss and you, give it to him I'm gonna give notice, that, I'm quitting. One, month later all, right you're. Fired, very bad you're a bad worker Mamie, and your boss says you're fired, okay so get out now get out today. Laid. Off company. Problems, not, your fault sorry. But, we have to lay you off okay. You're fired. But it's not your fault. Resign. Again. For kind of upper. Management and, very, important, workers, they, don't, say I quit they, say I resigned, and, the. Last one retire of course you, work many, many years and you don't, want to work anymore you. Retire, all, right so, I hope you have a very good understanding of. These six vocabularies. And, that's. It see you next time. Hello. I'm Robin and in this video we. Are going to talk about your income, and your. Outgoings. Now. Let's start with income. First, now, your income, is the, money coming, in how you make, money the money you make that, is your income. All right and these. Are the different ways, you. Can get an income, so, let's see how they're expressed, in English, now. The first, way is a salary. If, you have a job a full-time. Job you. Get a salary now. Salary. Is usually, calculated, per. Month. Or. Per year. Okay, so when you talk about your salary for. Example, I make. $2,000. A month or I make. $40,000. A year that's, how we would express salary. The. Next one is wage. Now. A wage, is, usually, for a part-time. Job okay.

Students, Work for, a wage for. Example, if they work at a fast-food. Restaurant, maybe. They get a small, wage, this. Is calculated, per. Hour or. Per day. So, for example, I make. $6, per hour. The. Next one is a commission, so if you work especially. In, sales, maybe. You get a commission, if. You're working at a car dealership you. Sell a car and you. Would get a percentage, of the, the cost of that car that's, called the commission so, the more cars, you sell the. More Commission. You, get. Bonus. At, the company, you work one. Year at the company, and some. Company is not all companies will. Give a bonus, okay, so that's extra, money if, the company is doing well. Fees. Lawyers. Doctors. They. Might charge fees. If. You're using their service, you, have to effie okay, so for example a lawyer might, have a hourly. Fee of like. $400. Or $500. Okay you pay them a fee and that's how they make their money from fees. Social. Security. All right this is money, from, the. Government it can be called also welfare, so, if you lost. Your job or you're handicapped. And you, need some money from the government. This, is Social Security that is also income. Pension. That is your retirement, money so after you, retire, you, can collect, a pension. That's an income, and the. Last one. Investments. So if you are investing, in property, or stock. And you, make money that is also an income, all right so, this is the different, ways you can get an income, let's. Take a look at some example. Sentences. Okay. Let's look at the first example. His. Yearly, salary is. $30,000. His. Yearly, salary is. $30,000. In. The next example, her. Wage is, $6. An hour at the fast-food restaurant. Her. Wage is, $6. An hour at. The fast-food, restaurant, and the next one, for. Every camera I sell, I get. 10%, commission. For. Every camera I sell I get. 10%, commission. And. The. Next one. My. Company, usually gives a year-end bonus, last. Year I received. $5,000. My. Company, usually gives, a year-end bonus. Last. Year I received. $5,000. And. The. Next one, I'm. A lawyer my. Hourly, fee is, $500. I'm. A lawyer, my. Hourly, fee is $500. And the, next one our. Family, lives off of social security the. Government gives us about $900, a month. Our. Family, lives off of Social Security the. Government, gives us about $900. A month and. The. Last example, when. I retire, from my company, I can, collect a pension of about, $2,000. A month. When. I retire, from my company, I can, collect a pension of about, $2,000. A month. Okay. So we talked about the different types of income, the money coming, in now, we're gonna talk about outgoings. Outgoings. The money going out how you spend. The money let's.

Take A look at the first, one, living. Expenses, now, living expenses. Means the things you, have to spend. Or what, you need to buy every. Day to. Survive this, is talking about food. Or clothing. Or, even. Transportation. Things, like that things you need to get every day those, are living, expenses. The. Next one bills, okay. So every, month we have to pay bills, we. Have to pay the electricity, bill, the. Water bill things. Like that those are bills. Rent. If, you're living in a house the. House is not yours. You're. Renting, okay you have to rent the house so. You have to spend money to rent, the house every, month. Mortgage. Now. If you want, to buy a house but. You don't have enough money you go to the bank you ask for a loan and, they, give you a loan and you can buy a house that. Loan is called, a mortgage all right so rent, you, don't own the house you're, just spending every, month rent. Mortgage. You. Own the house but. Still every month you, have to pay the bank for. The loan so the mortgage is the, bank loan to buy the house, insurance. Car. Insurance health. Insurance. Every. Kind of insurance, every month you have to buy insurance and. Of. Course. We. Have to pay tax, on all, our income we. Have to pay tax so, these are good examples of the outgoings, let's. Look at some more example, sentences. Okay. Let's look at the examples. My. Monthly, living expenses are. Around $800. My. Monthly, living expenses are. Around $800. And, the. Next one. All. My monthly, bills add up to, about $1,200. All. My, monthly, bills add up to about, $1,200. And. The. Next one I pay. Five hundred dollars, in rent next. Month my, rent will go up one, hundred dollars I, pay. Five hundred dollars, in rent, next. Month my. Rent will go up one hundred dollars and. The. Next one each, month, I have to make a thousand, dollar mortgage payment, in 15. Years my. House will be paid off. Each. Month I have to make a thousand, dollar mortgage payment, in 15. Years my. House will be paid off and, the. Next one I pay. About $400, a month in health insurance to cover my family, I. Pay. About $400. A month in health insurance, to cover my family. And. The last one my. Taxes, are about thirty percent of my income. My. Taxes, are about thirty percent of my income, now. You know, different, types of income, and you, know different types of outgoings. Okay. I did not teach all the. Different types of income and outgoings I just. Taught the main ones okay the ones you must, know, these, are great, financial. Terms you. Should study, them you, should know them and you, should use them, anyway. That's it for this video see. You next time. I'm. Bill. And what we have right here is, a small talk video, usually. Good, for when you're meeting a foreign visitor who's. In Korea, on business. And maybe. You. Can't think about what, to talk about well how. About the weather easy.

Topic, So. There's, three. Different questions I want us to talk about about. The weather and how to ask a foreign visitor so, here's, the first one here it, goes how, is the, weather over, there. Now here over, there, that. Means. Their. Country, the foreign, visitors, country, how is the weather over. There, in your. Country, now of, course, their answer is going to start with it's. The. It is. Meaning. The weather is so. Now maybe, they could say it's, hotter. Than, in. Korea, or, maybe. They say it's. Colder. Than in. Korea, or. Even. Maybe, more of an answer they could say it's. Raining. A lot, right, now, over. There. Remember. That okay. Let's, look at the next question. Okay. Here we are with the next question now the next question you can ask the foreign visitor would be this is the weather good in your, country, this time, of year, now we, say time, of year that means right. Now so. There's. A lot of different, ways for, someone to answer this question because. It, starts, with is the. Easy answer, would, just be yes. It is or. No. It isn't. But. Giving, boring, answers, isn't. Good, so, you, got to think there's lots, of ways to do this you, could say ah the, weather is wonderful right, now or, if, the, weather is very bad, maybe. They could joke and say, I'm, happy, to travel because, the weather in my country is not, fun now. There's no real, common. Answer, so, it takes a lot of practicing. But, there, are some easy answers, along, the lines of it's, very good right now or no. It's too cold in my country, things. Like that are fine okay, let's look at the last question, okay. We're onto the last question, the last question. It's a comparative. Okay we, have to think about that and it goes like this is the. Weather different, from. Here, that, just means is the, weather different in, your, country from. Korea so, we, have to use the. ER here, and I'll explain don't worry so, we think it is, hotter. Than. Here. Or it, is. Colder. Than, here, now, there's, other ways of doing it too we, could just say it is, raining. More. Than, here. Okay. Or it, is more. Windy, than. Here, these are all fine as well now, let's think about all three questions and look, at examples, of them, okay. Let's now review the questions, question. One how, is the weather over there. Sample. Answers, it's. Not as hot as Korea, or. Usually. Very. Cold, or. Nothing. Special hot. In the summer and cold in. The winter. Question. Two is. The. Weather good, in your, country, this time of year, can. Say yes. It is very enjoyable.

Or. It's. A lot like, Korea, or. No. It's, not good, this time of year. Question. Three is, the. Weather different, from. Here, can. Say it's, colder, than here. It's. More. Wyndi than here or. It's. Snowing. More, than, here. Alright, so those are three small talk questions. You can ask a foreign visitor about. The weather in their, home country, and maybe. You'll, be surprised, how they answer, I know, for me Korea. In the summer is much, hotter than, where, I'm from in America. Ok, I'm from, Michigan where it rains, a lot it, gets hot in the summer but, not as hot as Korea, so in the summertime while, I live here in Korea, I'm very, uncomfortable. Sometimes. Just, because of the, heat that's. Just my feeling so. Ask other foreign visitors about, the weather in their countries, and enjoy, the small talk have. A good time. Hello. I'm bill and what. I have for you here is small. Talk, conversation. Okay, now, this is a great, way to start. A conversation, with. Small, talk because, it's, really it's all about current. Events, and things. That are happening right, now, so. If, you're having trouble starting. A conversation you. Can use these to. Get things going, okay, now, the phrases, are we'll, start with this one I hear. That now, you, can say I hear. That or I. Heard. That, you can use present, tense or past, tense both, are fine, okay but, now you. Would use I hear. That something. I hear. That the, election. Will, start, soon now, you. Say I hear. That when. You're. Listening, to, other people. Or maybe, the, radio, in your car or. A. Podcast. On your, smartphone, that's. When it when you're listening to something and you get news, when. You listen, that's, when you say I hear. That the. Election. Will start soon because. My, podcast. Told, me that that's, a good way now. The other one would, be here I, read. That. The. Economy. Is getting, better now. I read. That because, I, was, on the internet, reading. News, on, the, internet, or maybe. A. Newspaper. If, you read that but, anyway, mostly internet, or an, email. From someone who's, talking, about something, going on that's, fine so, it's just I read, that the, economy. Is getting, better you. Read about it now, you want to talk about it with someone that's, fine then. We, have I saw. That, now, you. Use this when, you're, watching TV. And you, see something on TV tells. You news of what's, happening, now good, example, here I saw. That my. Favorite. Actor, has, a new movie coming ok. So that's good news right there and maybe, you want to talk about your, co-worker or friend. About. That news so, again look, at one more time I hear. That, the, election. Will start soon so can. We talk about the election, or. I, read. That, the. Economy. Is getting better, let's. Talk about the economy, now or. I, saw. That my, favorite, actor, is making. A new movie is he. Your favorite do, you like the new movie small. Talk let's. Look at some sample dialogues. Of these things being used. Dialogue. 1 I hear. That there is a music, festival this, weekend. Yes. I'm thinking about going. Who. Are you going with. Dialogue. - I read. That Samsung, stock will go down soon. Really. Where, did you read that I, read. It on my internet, newsfeed. Dialog. 3 I, saw. That. Height Jinro, is coming, out with a new beer. Where. Did you see that on, the news, last night. Ok. So that's some great ways to start a small talk. Conversation. Ok, it's all about current, events and what. Did you hear about what, did, you read about and what, did you see, and take. That information and, go start, a conversation, I. Hope. It works out for you and you should try it very, soon all right good, luck see, you next video. Hi. I'm Robin and in this video we're gonna talk about the difference, between branch. Chain. And, franchise. Okay. So, for some of my students, this is a little bit confusing, so I hope to clear up all the confusion, now. The first word we're gonna talk about is, branch. Okay, you can call it a branch or. A branch. Office, alright, so, a company, will have a headquarters. The. Central. Company, and a, branch office is, just an office, okay now, a good, example of branch office, are, banks. Okay banks, have a lot of branches, alright. They'll, have the main bank the central, bank and then, they'll have different branches in the, same city or another, city alright, now, let's take a look at, my, example sentence, we. Set up a new branch, or. Branch, office, in. Hong, Kong we set up a new branch in Hong Kong so, maybe our business. Is in America, and we, set up a branch office, in Hong. Kong so, that branch office, is just an office, to, help us do business in. Hong Kong it helps the headquarters. Alright. That's branch. Let's. Move on to chain. Okay. So a chain, is. A store, that has, one. Owner, okay, so. There, might be the parent, company, or the headquarters.

And They, have other stores, around, the world okay. Those are chains, but. The parent company the the headquarters. Owns. All, the, chains okay a chain. Does, not have a private, owner or. A private, investor, okay all the stores are owned, by the, same company one, company let's. Take a look at Walmart, now, Walmart is, the biggest, retail. Store, in the world. They. Tried. To come, to Korea a. Few, years ago but they failed, so, they're gone, now but, there's still the largest in, the world let's. Take a look at the example, sentence. Walmart. Is the largest. Chain. In the. World okay, so we see chain, which. Means the. Walmart, headquarters they. Own all. The. Thousands. Of Walmart's, in the world all right those, Walmart's. Do not have a private. Investor. Or a private person buying. And, operating. A Walmart, just, as one owner let's. Move on to franchise. All. Right the last word we're gonna look at is franchise. Now, you can, contact. The corporation. And give, them money and you can open up one, of their stores okay that's a franchise, again. It's different than a chain for. Example Starbucks. There's. Thousands. Of Starbucks, around the world but, they're all owned, by the corporation. But. On the other hand McDonald's. There's thousands, of McDonald's, around the world but, these a lot, of these McDonald's, have, private, investors, all right they, contacted. The corporation. And they, had a lot of money to invest and, they, opened, up their, own McDonald's. That's their, franchise. All, right now I want to talk about Subway. Not, the underground. Transportation, system. That's a different, subway this. Subway, is, Subway. Restaurants, okay they make, Subway. Sandwiches. And they're very popular around, the world but. Not. So popular in, Korea, although there, are some Subway's, in Korea, all. Right subway. Is the largest. Franchise. In, the world okay, subway, is the largest franchise, in the world there's over. 37,000. Franchises. Of Subway. All right so, a lot of people they invest, and open. Up their own Subway. Franchise. Okay. So that's the difference between a, branch. A chain, and a, franchise, all right I hope you learned a lot in this video, see. Next time. Hi. I'm Robin, and in this video I'm going to teach you some verbs, to. Describe. Upward. Movement. Okay upward, movement, what, does that mean well that means things, are going up for, example your, sales your. Profits. Or, your stock, maybe, they're going up and you, want to express that in English I want.

To Use these verbs, to. Describe the. Upward, movement alright, so. The first one go. Up if you said sales. Are, going up of course that's, a good thing increase. Profits. Are increasing. Good, thing gain. Our. Stock, has some. Gain good. Climb. Our, sales, are, climbing. Climb. Climbing. You could also use that as an upward, movement and, the, last one here strengthen. Our stocks are. Strengthening. Our sales, are, strengthening. That, means getting better all, right let's, move on to some more the. First group of verbs describing. Upward, movement, we're, great but. These ones are better why. Are these ones better because, they're showing a higher, and quicker. Upward, movement. There. You go you're going up faster, and higher, really. Quick so. The first to jump, and leap, they, mean the same thing so if you say my, stock, jumped, or, my, stock leapt, yet. Your stock went up very quick, very, high. Soar. Soar. Is a verb, we use to. Describe the bird the, bird flying, high, in, the sky the bird source, so. If your profits. Soar yeah. They're going up high. To the sky that's, a good thing search. Very. Fast going up a search so. Our sales surged. During. The Christmas, time okay. Rocket. Like a rocket, going, straight, up very, fast our, profits. Rocketed. This year. Skyrocket. Same as rocket, going, up very fast, to the sky our, profits. Skyrocketed. This year and the. Last one take off, sales. Are, really starting, to take, off okay, jump. Right, up go up alright so these are good verbs to describe a, very quick, and fast upward, movement, let's. Take a look at some examples. Alright. Let's look at the first example our. Sales, are going up our. Sales. Are going up and. The. Next one. Our. Profits. Increased, by 200%, this, quarter our. Profits. Increased, by 200%, this, quarter and the next, one, my. Stock is gaining a lot. My. Stock is gaining a lot and. The. Next one. Our. Profits. Continue, to climb with, no end in sight. Our. Profits. Continue, to climb with, no end in sight. Alright, the next one, this. Company, is really starting to strengthen. Its profits. This. Company, is really starting, to strengthen. Its profits, and the. Next one. Sales. Jumped, a lot since, last year. Sales. Jumped, a lot since, last year. The. Next one. Our. Company, stock leaped twelve percent today. Our. Company, stock leaped twelve, percent today. And. The. Next one the, stock is soaring, after, the quarter results were, released. The. Stock is soaring, after, the quarter results were released and. The. Next one. We. Always see a surge, in sales, over, the Christmas, holidays. We. Always see a surge, in, sails over, the Christmas, holidays. The. Next one. Since. We released our new product. Our profits. Have skyrocketed. Since. We released our new product, our, profits. Have skyrocketed. And. The last one.

When. The advertising. Started, the, sales took off. When. The advertising. Started, the, sales took off you. Just saw some good examples and. In my examples, I used. Stocks. Profits. And sales, a lot now. These verbs don't have to be only used, with profits. And stocks and sales they, can be used with, many other things to describe. Upward. Movement, so, for, example, another example would be attendance. So, if you have an exhibition, the. Attendance. At this exhibition. Skyrocketed. Okay it went up very fast, or another. Example, is just a restaurant, oK, we've, seen a lot of gain in customers. At our restaurant, this year, all, right so it can be used to describe money, situations. But it, can also be used to describe other situations. - alright. That's, it for this video see. You next time. Hi. Everyone I'm Robin, and in this video I'm gonna teach you verbs to. Describe. Downward. Movement. Okay now, downward, movement, is scary, when you're talking, about stock. Or, profit. Or sales. Okay. Let's take a look these. Are the verbs you want to use for downward, movement, the, first one go, down so, if I say my profits, in my company, are, going down that's, not good, the, next one decrease. Our profits. Are, decreasing. Remember. The opposite. Word increase. Going, up, decrease. Increase. Decrease. Sales. Are, starting. To slide, sales. Are starting to slide this is a common, one now, slide, means sales. Were okay but, they're starting, to go, down downward. Movement, they're starting, to slide. Fall. Sales. Are, falling. My stock, is falling. Our. Profits. Are falling. Not, good to hear lose. Ground. Our, sales, are, losing. Ground okay. Now this one's a little difficult, lose. Ground, means a it's, not stable. Something, wrong. So if our sales are losing, ground okay. There's a problem with the sales going, down. Losing. Ground and weaken. My stock, is, weakening. Remember. Your stock could be strengthening. Going up but, in this case downward. Movement, my, stock, is weakening, going, down alright let's. Move on the. Next three, verbs also, describe, a downward, movement but, these verbs, are scarier. Because they describe, a very, quick, and big. Drop, alright something you don't want to hear when. Talking about stock. Profit. Or, sales, okay, here. Are the verbs again, a very quick and big sudden. Drop. The. First one crash. Okay. If you say our sales, crashed. That's. Terrible. Because your sales. Write. Down very, quick. Collapsed. Our, profits. Collapsed. This year, there's, no, money or profits collapsed, went, right down and the. Last one plummet. Plummet. Very common, to say plummet, my, stock.

Plummeted. My. Stock plummeted. Okay, that's a very terrible, thing if your stock plummeted. Because the value, of your stock dropped. Right. Down all right so. These ones we would use for a very big, and sudden, drop, let's. Take a look at some example, sentences. All, right let's look at the first example. Profits. Decreased, by four percent, this, quarter. Profits. Decreased, by four percent, this, quarter and, the next, example. Profits. Will slide if we do not improve, the quality. Profits. Will slide if we do not improve the quality and. The, next example. My. Company stock has started to fall since. The CEO, died. My. Company, stock has started to fall since, the CEO, died, and, the. Next example. We. Lost ground, on profits, since, our rival came out with a new product. We. Lost ground, on profits. Since our rival, came out with a new product and the. Next one, our. Stock, has weakened. Over the last few days. Our. Stock, has weakened. Over the last few days and, the. Next example. Our. Stock, crashed, after the CEO was, arrested. Our. Stock. Crashed, after the CEO was. Arrested, and the. Next one, sales. Have collapsed, because, our product, has too many defects. Sales. Have collapsed, because our product, has too many defects. And. The, last one our. Profits, will plummet if we don't introduce a new product soon. Our. Profits, will plummet if we don't introduce, a new product soon. Okay. We saw how we can use these verbs to describe downward. Movement, now, this video focused. On these verbs in a negative, way we're, always talking about money and of, course any time money, is going down that's bad that's negative. But. These verbs can also be used in a positive way too for. Example if I said can

2018-06-26 14:38

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Shaw English Online thanks sir w'll do it

Videos like that are very helpful for students of English, thank you, teachers.

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Thanks for your video! I have always confused with Miss and Madam, and you made it very clear woman under 20 is miss . Thanks again!

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Thanks for this great lesson

Nyce Video sir

Its helpfull

I'm having problem with my life and the topic starting from 7:22 almost got me heart attack.


Thanks, it's very helpful, easy daily conversations

Thank you fanny Bill And Robin shaw I was enjoy good English

24:00 What kind of expression is that man?!! :D :D

very helpful thank you very luch

Thank you! What a wonderful Idea!

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thanks for the educative video, hopefully you will post more business videos , sort of advanced level content .

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