Learn About Investors and Loan Options for Your Small Business - Part 2

Learn About Investors and Loan Options for Your Small Business - Part 2

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Hi everyone, welcome to this live stream, learn about investors. And loan options for your small business, part two. Hosted by grow with google and primer. Grow with google helps people grow their skills, careers, and businesses. By offering free digital skills training and tools. Primer is a free app created by google, that you can download, directly to your phone. It has a series of short fun lessons, that are all less than five minutes each. They are all designed, to help you to sharpen your business and marketing, skills. I'll start today by introducing, myself, my name is anna grimes, i've spent most of my career, in sales and marketing. Mostly in financial, services, in fintech. And then a few years ago i started a coaching and consulting, business, for female entrepreneurs. Looking to grow their presence online. Now i'm an instructor, here i grew up with google, and i'm so excited that you're here with us. Today i'll be working with my co-instructor. Baseem, who will be answering some of the questions. At the end of the workshop. Whether you're starting a new business, or already managing, one, it's so important to understand, the different options, that you have, for finding the funding that you might need to grow your business. This is a two-part, presentation. In part two we are covering. How to look for investors. If you haven't yet had the opportunity, to participate. In part one of this workshop. You can view it on demand, at g, dot co. Slash grow, on air. We cover business loans and micro loans in part one. To register, for part one, just visit, g, dot co. Slash grow on air. We want this to be as helpful for you as possible so make sure to post your questions, directly, under this live stream video. We'll choose the top footed questions, so make sure to upvote your favorites, throughout today's session. If we don't get to answer all of the questions, that you posted. Don't worry our team will reply, and answer all questions. Directly, in the q a shortly, after the virtual event concludes. If you want if you'd like to access the additional resources, for this class, click on the resources, tab at the top of the screen. You will also be able to access, a replay, of this virtual event in the future, by clicking on demand, on the grow with google on-air home page. Also don't forget to share about this session with all of your friends and family, on social. Using the hashtag.

Grow With google. Finally, you also have the option to turn on youtube's, closed captioning, to follow along. To do so click the closed, captioning, button, directly, on the video player on your screen. Now let's go ahead and get started. Before we begin i want to be sure that everyone, understands, that this presentation. Does not offer, tax or legal advice. It introduces. General, concepts, and resources. I am by no means a tax professional, or lawyer, so be sure to, contact, your, your tax professional, or lawyer, to confirm, what's best for you and your business. Today's, workshop, has five, sections. In the first section we'll spend, that part the first part of the workshop, discussing, different funding, options. For your business. After that we'll talk about how to come up with a strategy, to get the funds that you need. Then we'll share ideas for searching for the right investors, for your business. And then, next we will address how to create a presentation. Or also sometimes called a pitch deck, to show, the potential, investors. Then we'll wrap up the workshop, and provide, some additional, resources, for you. Let's go ahead and dive in. First we'll address, what funding, your business. Needs. For a new or growing business, money can be. Central, to the success. So it's good to know, how much you're actually going to need. To either, create it, or to sustain, it, this starts by understanding. Your overall, business, costs. Or your expenses. Your costs, will help you to estimate, your profits. This is going to be. Your revenue, minus, expenses. Which equals your profits. And this will help you to understand how much money, you're going to need to either break even. Or, to start creating, profits in your business. Knowing your costs, and those estimated, profits. Are key to applying, for a loan or talking to investors. Having this information. May also help you when it comes to tax time, we're gonna dive into why it's really important to know how much potential, profit your business can make when talking to investors. Because, of, their incentive. For actually, investing, in you and your business. A key to estimating, costs, is really being organized, i can't stress, this enough as a business owner myself. Staying, organized. Is, critical. To, understanding. Where my money is going in my business, how much money i can spend on things like advertising. To know how much money that advertising, is going to bring in so that i'm balancing. My expenses, so that i know that i'm not eating into my profits. And. Keeping all of that organized, is also going to help you when it comes to the dreaded tax time. Going and looking back at all of your business expenses. As opposed to trying to, figure out what was a business expense, or personal expense, in the future, is going to make your life so much easier. So break out a spreadsheet, or a budgeting, software, if that's something that you prefer. And get ready to create a clear, picture, of your business, finances. Start by listing some items most businesses, need, in addition to office space, there are supplies, like desks, and pens. Maybe utilities, like electricity. And heating. Communications. Equipment, like phones. And any necessary. Licenses. Permits, or insurance. You're going to have, different types of expenses, if maybe you work from home, or, you're the only employee, in your business. But almost every business, is going to have some sort of expense, related, to operating. You'll also want to account for paying employees. If you have employees in your business. Maybe if you don't have employees, you have outside consultants. Like lawyers, accountants. Graphic designers. And also consider, yourself. A lot of times business owners forget to pay themselves. But that's an important, part of growing a healthy business. Plus, there's marketing and advertising. Including things like market research. Buying, ad space, or building your website. Note which of those expenses, will be one-time, costs. And which of those will be recurring, costs. The one, time costs are typically the initial, cost needed to start or grow your business. Whether it's buying a major piece of equipment that you need to run your business, designing, a logo, that you won't have to design, probably, again for several years. Or paying for a permit that lets you open your doors. The rest of your costs, are, repeating, or recurring. Expenses. These generally, help you to sustain, your business and include things like, salaries, for your employees. Rent for your office space, utility, bills for that space, or it could be things like software, that you need to use.

The Hosting, for your business, website, or email. Calculate, how much each of these will cost you over one month, one year, and five years. Add up your total expenses, to see how much money that you're going to need, and when you're actually going to need it, make separate calculations. For monthly, costs, annual expenses. And a five-year, budget, this is really going to help you, when you're going into, either pitching to an investor. Or seeking out a loan because, you have a really good handle on exactly, what it is that you need. Once you know how much money you need you can start to evaluate, the different ways to find funding. Different businesses, need different types of funding, choosing the right funding, source may help you to avoid problems like having too much debt not being able to pay it or signing, contracts, that are totally wrong for your business. There are a variety. Of funding options available, so you just need to decide, what is the best option for you and your business. If you have personal resources. You may be able to fund your business yourself. In that case, you can continue, to own 100. Of your business. This might be, saving, up, and being able to pay all of those business expenses. And, capital that you need for growth, all on your own or maybe you have a friend or family member, who's willing to offer you a loan. A small business, loan, is like other types of bank loans that you might get. Such as a student loan or a mortgage. After you get the loan you will need to make regular, payments. Plus, interest. Until you paid the entire loan back. Now in the last session we also, talked about micro loans, they, are just like they sound, they're usually smaller than a business loan from a traditional, bank. And they usually have shorter, terms. Meaning you have to pay them back more quickly. This might be something that's helpful, for, purchasing, inventory, for the holiday season in october, or november. And then knowing you're going to be able to pay back that micro loan, come the new year once, you have sold all of that inventory. As i mentioned, earlier, you can learn about small business loans and micro loans, in part one of this presentation. You can sign up for that at g dot co. Slash, grow, on air. Now if your business has a really compelling, story. You may also be able to use what's called crowd funding to get a lot of people to contribute, small amounts of money to your business. This often. Comes to light in the product space, so you come up with a great product idea, that solves a big problem, for a big audience, you tap into that large audience. And they may, pre-purchase. This product that you haven't even created, yet, because they know that they're going to want it once it's created. Then you can use, that, funding, to actually, create the product. As you'll know that you'll be able to sell it once it's. Created. During this presentation. We are going to dive deeper, into, another, type of funding. Working with investors. If you find, investors. Most likely they will want a percent of your business in exchange, for giving you funding. So you will no longer, own 100. Of your business. This is the advantage, to becoming, an investor, this is the incentive, that they need, to give you money, because there is also risk, with loaning out money to small businesses.

So We will talk about that a little bit later. Let's use an example, meet bibiana. We are going to use her as, our example, business throughout today's workshop. Bibiana. Has a business, that makes, bike baskets, that convert, into, shopping, carts. She sold a. Good amount of baskets, but she needs funding to expand, her business. She decided, to look for investors. To help her grow it. Now, before. Bibiana, starts looking for investors, beyond, it is going to need a strategy, so let's talk about developing. A funding strategy. Investors. Will want to know how much money you need and how you're planning on spending it this goes back to us just talking about expenses. That's a good place to start, but we also want to look at, other ways in which you're going to be spending money in your business. Investors. Know that there is always a risk in investing. So, think about, what concerns, potential investors, might have, with your particular, business, where are the risks, or the holes that they might ask about. That way you can come prepared. If they start asking questions about those, risks and they almost always, will. Define, what makes your business unique. Write down your strongest, selling points. This is going to help investors, see that maybe you're new, in the market. And. Nothing like your business exists. This will help them to see the growth potential. And. Showing them what makes your business. Unique, will help you to demonstrate. To potential, investors, why they should consider, investing. By taking these points and more into consideration. You can create a funding strategy, that will help set up your business for success. Potential, investors, will want to know how you plan on spending, their money this is no surprise. As i mentioned, earlier, you'll want to use a spreadsheet, to document, all of your past expenses. That you might be using some of that funding, for. You'll also want to record, estimates, of future expenses. Those might include hiring employees.

Marketing, Research. Development, of products, as well as producing. Products. Right now let's say if you have an existing, business, you might not be looking to get funding just for your expenses, maybe you have that covered. With the revenue that you have coming into your business already. Maybe you're looking to make a big growth, choice, like, creating. Or opening up a new location, for your business, or, hiring a new team of employees. That's going to help you to grow faster. This is the these are the types of expenses, that the investors, will want to know about and how. Exactly, those investments. Will, help you to, exceed, your. Growth. Google sheets has a financial. Statements, template, you can find that at. Sheets.google.com. Now i'm going to give you a few minutes to explore, this now so that you can see what information. You will need to gather to add to this file. For more information. Reference, the handout, that accompanies, this presentation. By going up to resources. At the top of the screen. Also, remember, if you aren't signed into your google account go ahead and sign in to your account so that you can access google sheets, at, sheets.google.com. If you don't have a google account you can always sign up for one for free by going to google.com. All right i'll give you a few minutes. Good. Luck. All right how was that activity. Now as i mentioned before. Investing. In any business. Has risks. So it's important to document, potential, risks, of investing, in your business. While you might be reluctant, to call these out, investors. Will ask you about them so it's best to be prepared. There are a variety, of risks that potential, investors, may want to consider. Things like do you have the right team in place, is your team knowledgeable. And trustworthy. Are they going to know what it's going to take for you to hit your growth goals. Also, questions, like do enough people actually want your product. If the market is too small, or maybe too saturated. Which means there are too many businesses, doing exactly what it is that you're doing. Potential, investors, might worry that they can't make enough money from investing in your business, they want to see that unique, value ad how are you tapping into a market, that isn't being served yet. Execution, and distribution. Are also big risks for small businesses. That have big growth plans. Be sure that you're able to handle significant, business growth. When you think about presenting, your business to, potential, investors, think about how to sell your ideas, and your strengths, to them. Some things to put in your strategy. Include. How much revenue you generate, now. And how much more you could generate if you had more funding. Also sometimes it helps to show the revenue that you've generated, now, versus. The revenue that you've generated. Over past years let's say that you've been in business for five years. And you've grown, by a hundred percent, every year. That shows. Continued. Consistent. Growth. And it's going to help those investors, feel more confident. That you are able to grow a business and maybe you just need this extra funding to take it to the next level. Also, you may want to include how much it costs to get each new customer. This is called your cost of acquisition. So when you consider, things like advertising. Costs or cost of production, of a product. How much does it really, cost to get every single customer, in the door. And, how much revenue, are you typically, making off of each one of those customers. That revenue. Needs to outweigh the cost of acquisition. If you have a service, or a subscription. Business, you want to highlight the number of users, that you have. Also document, how often these people come back or engage with your business. In different ways you might even be able to figure out, the cost, on average, per customer.

How Much or the revenue. For. The average, revenue per customer that you have, for a particular, subscription. Uh or service based business let's say, they spend a particular, amount of money on average, every year with you, that helps for an investor, to see the health of your business. Especially. If the investor is looking to help you acquire, new customers. How much revenue you might be. You might have coming in in the future. Finding the right investors, for your business, isn't, always, easy. In this next section i'm going to offer some strategies, to help you to actually look for investors. As a business owner you want to find investors. Who can help your business grow. Investors, want to find the businesses, that will help make the money. So you both have the same goals in mind right you want to make money, the investors, want to make money. Investors, don't actually, loan you money, they give you money in exchange for equity, in your business. This means they become a part owner. If you make a profit, they get part of that profit. This is the benefit to the investor. For an investor, they're giving this money. With the idea that they're going to get more money back. With the equity, stake that they have in your business. Now if your business doesn't make any money the investors, might get nothing. And this is a big risk to the investor. This is why they're going to be. Probably, drilling you with questions, on, how it is that you're going to use that money to grow the business, so they can see that roi, that return, on investment. For that initial, investment they're going to make in you, your idea, and your business. Potential, investors, want to be sure that the business is worth the risk. That's why they'll want to see a lot of detailed information, about your business before they actually make their final decision. They want to know that you have a good business vision, and a detailed, business plan. That will help them to know if the business has a solid foundation. They'll want to see audited, financial, statements, of your past and current finances. They'll also probably want to see financial, projections. For say the next five years. This will help them to decide if your business has growth potential. That is worth that risk to them. They might also be investing, in you personally. This is why it's, helpful to story tell, who are you what do you bring to the business. Why is this a business, a different, and important, to you how is it going to impact your potential, customers.

They Are buying, into your vision. Now if you aren't sure how to create things like financial statements that are going to help you with your pitch. Watch, our training, called boost your money management, skills, for your small business, and, as a reminder, you can find that at g, dot co, slash, grow, on. Air. You'll likely need to talk to a lot of people to find the right investors, for your business, it's like finding, a good friendship, or relationship. You need, to. Get to know a lot of people to understand, who is really going to be the right fit, for what it is that you're trying to do for your business. Do your research, try contacting. Chambers of commerce, and other groups that help small businesses. Contact, economic, development, agencies, in your city state or maybe even national, ones. Reach out to business and trade organizations. Ask people at all those groups the same question. Who do you know, who can help me connect with potential. Investors. It's a really simple question, you might be surprised. By who actually responds. And has someone in mind that can potentially, help you in your business. Typically if you ask enough people that question. Someone, will connect you with the right person. Or the right resource. Even if your friends family or your local community, don't have a lot of money and or can't invest in you, someone may know a friend of a friend who can introduce, you to a potential, investor, group. The internet is a great place to start for investor, groups in your area. Make sure that you fully investigate, any resources, that you find on or offline. True investors, won't ask for any money from you. Remember, to use your best judgment. Never give out banking information. Passwords. Sensitive, information. And be sure to consult, your accountant, for advice, your accountant, might also be really helpful. In actually. Helping you to prepare, some of these documents. Also, don't give up, this is so true across the board when it comes to being, an. Entrepreneur, or business owner. It is going to get hard sometimes. Investors, don't always like to broadcast. The fact that they have money to invest, sometimes, they're really particular. With what they invest, in, but if you are persistent. And your, business model is sound, and if you have the drive behind, that. Chances, are good that you'll find the right people to talk to. When you do connect with a potential, investor, he or she may ask. To see what's called your pitch deck, i mentioned this a little bit earlier, in today's workshop. That's a slide presentation. That tells the story, of your. Business. A potential, investor, may want to see your presentation. Even before they actually meet with you, or they may have an assistant, who will evaluate, your presentation. And decide, if it's good enough to be shown to. An investor, or team of investors. In either case people will evaluate. Your business idea by what they see in your presentation. A key point of the presentation. Is to capture, an investor's. Attention. Remember, always ask yourself, what makes me and my business, different. How do i offer something new, unique, or that solves a big problem. For an audience of people, that aren't currently, being served. To start include information, about the founders of your business, share their work history, what other relevant projects they have worked on and tell why, why they are experts, in their field. That really helps the investor to feel comfortable, that the right, team is behind, this business. And can help it grow no matter, what. Hopefully, after seeing your presentation. An investor, will want to get to know you and your business a little bit better. It can be the framework, for future meetings with them, going through the process, of creating your presentation. Can also help you to organize your thoughts. And let you make sure that you have all the information, you need to answer any questions, potential, investors. Might have about your business. Something, i find really helpful, in creating a pitch deck, is pitching, friends and family, who don't know a lot about your business, you may have someone that you can fight in all the time about what's going on with your business your ideas.

Your Strategy, but try to find someone, in your inner circle, who doesn't know a lot, about the nuts and bolts of your business. Try, pitching to them and ask them to ask questions, as if they were an investor. They might, unlock. Something that you didn't, think about. Or. That you weren't prepared, to answer and it's going to help you to really prepare. For all the multitude, of questions that you're going to potentially, get from an investor. Now if an investor, sees your presentation. And decides. Not to meet with you, always ask for feedback. You might get really good advice to make your presentation, better for the next potential, investor. Some of these investors, are investors, because they love small businesses, they're really excited. About people, growing, something new, so they'll want you to be successful, as well and they may be really open to giving you advice. Also sometimes an investor might think that your presentation, is great, but the business just isn't a fit for them personally. In that case ask them if they can share it with other investors. Maybe in a different industry, that they know. In every case your presentation, requires. Or your presentation, represents, your business, so keep it clean, short and memorable. Here are the elements, that make a presentation. Great. Make sure that your final pitch deck has a solid, storyline. This will keep readers, interested. This storyline, might be related to you personally, your own story and growing your business. Or. A, potential. Hole that you saw in a big market, that you wanted to solve a problem for. Also your presentation, should have strong, visual, appeal. That means it has to look professional. In a few minutes i'll show you how you can use google slides to create a great looking presentation. Your final file should have absolutely, no errors. Ask several friends or associates, to proofread, your presentation. Before you use it, aim for 12 to 15 minutes in length, keeping it short, invites the investors, to ask questions. Which you should always have the answers, to. In our activity, coming up i'll walk you through what kinds of content you'll want to include. In your investor, presentation. Once you've added everything you need to your deck rehearse. Other, rehearse your presentation, again and again and again sometimes sitting in front of the mirror, and saying it over and over again to yourself is really helpful, and as i mentioned before, trying to get some people in your inner circle who you know will drill you with good questions, can be really helpful.

When I've had to create, uh presentations. That was my father, he i knew he was always gonna drill me with the hard questions. So find someone in your life that can do that. Sometimes. You'll be emailing. This pitch deck to people other times you're going to, present, it to them in person. Rehearsing, will really help you to, anticipate, some of the questions, investors, might have and make adjustments. To your deck as. Needed. Now you can try google slides, to learn, how to start your presentation. You can find, that at. Slides.google.com. Visit the template gallery to choose a template. There is even a template, called pitch, that is a good place to start. For more information, on this reference, the handout, that accompanies, this presentation. Under, resources. For the next five minutes start working on one of the pages in your presentation. As i mentioned, you'll go to google slides, make sure that you're signed into your google account. Or you won't be able to access google slides. And, make sure that if you don't yet have a google account that you sign up for one for free by going to google.com. Now here are some ideas, to get you started. Number one. Introduction. This should capture, the attention of strangers, who are reading your presentation. This is your time to get them curious about why your business is great, and how they can make money by investing, in it. Next you're gonna going to want to include, team biographies. Address, education. Professional, backgrounds. If the founders, have an interesting, personal background. Find a way to make that relevant, to the business. For example, if, the. Business owner. Worked in an industry, on a similar type of product but saw. Lots of holes, in that product or service, and wanted to make it better. Then. Make sure that you're including that because that showcases. The experience. That you have in that particular, industry. But also the own, personal, story that you have for why, you created, this product or service. Also, talk about the explanation. Of your challenges. All businesses, have challenges, you're not going to be free from them and investors, won't expect, that, so be upfront, about the challenges, investors, want to know that you're clear about the obstacles, that you may face. It actually might be a red flag, if you say that there are no obstacles, because they know that that's not true in business, and they want to know that you have a realistic, view of what you're up against. Also talk about proposed, solutions. This is where you can let potential, investors, know, how you can solve the challenges, that you just addressed. So is just as important, as mentioning that there are challenges. Is figuring, out a way that you can solve them before, those challenges, have even come up. Also talk about financing, information. When you're asking people for money you need to be clear about exactly, how it's going to be used, give people the confidence, that their money will be well spent to grow the business and make profit. Let's say that right now your expenses. Are higher than your revenue, and you're just looking. To, use, a an investment, from an investor. For, those expenses. That's not going to be a good investment for an investor, because they don't see how just, maintaining. Status, quo, where you've been. And. Frankly, not been profitable. To. How that is going to result, in. Um, in revenue for them, uh in their investment, that return on investment, they want to see, that that investment, is going to be used for something that's going to be really specific. To being able to take the business to the next level which results, in, money for them. Also include a conclusion. Round out the presentation, and lay out the next steps for the investors. Let them know how they can connect with you to get more information, or schedule a meeting, and what the next few steps might look like ideally. All right i'm going to give you about five, minutes, to, start, working, on. Your, own pitch deck, go to, google, slides. And. You can reach that by signing into your google account. Clicking, on, the, top, right hand corner, that the icon that looks like a waffle. Then selecting. Drive. And, opening up, google slides by clicking new, at the top left hand corner. You can use, a template, if you'd like to you can use the pitch template, specifically. But just start by laying out a few, of, these different sections, that you might include in your pitch deck, i'm going to go ahead and give you five minutes, good. Luck. All right now that you've gotten a good, head start on your pitch deck, let's do a quick recap, of today's workshop, and some resources, that can help you to get a little bit more information.

Today's, Presentation, was about investors, but that's just one option for getting funding for your business. You'll also want to explore, other options. As a reminder, if you're interested, in a business loan or micro loan let's say that you want to retain 100. Ownership of your business. Check out part one of this presentation. At g, dot co. Slash, grow, on air. Before you you approach investors. You're going to need to have a clear strategy. Then when you look for potential, investors, you'll have a clear vision to share with them it's so important that they know exactly. How their dollars are being spent, and how that will result, in growth for them and for you. That vision, should be a document, and a presentation, that you can either email, or deliver, in person to potential, investors. If you want to sharpen, your business and marketing, skills, check out primer. This is a free app that you can download to your phone, this has a series of short fun lessons that are all less than five minutes each. And, an example, of. A, potential, class that might be really helpful for you within primer is to manage your money to stay in control, of your business. Another great resource, is our quick help videos, get answers and learn how to make the most of google tools in just a few minutes. You'll learn things like how to get, your business listed on google search and maps, how to create a youtube channel for your business, and how to start a google meet conference, maybe even for a pitch to investors. Check out the playlist. On g dot co. Slash, grow, slash, quick help. If you're interested in attending part one of this presentation. Visit g, dot co. Slash, grow, on air. If you want to learn and explore, more digital skills, visit google.com. Grow. This wraps up the presentation, portion of today's workshop. Now give us just a few moments to pass things off dubaism. We will answer some of the questions that you submitted, throughout the. Workshop. Thanks anna, hey everyone, i'm bossing. And i'm excited to be answering some of the questions you've asked throughout, this session. And we've received quite a few of them i'll remember. If we don't get your questions we'll be going back and answering, all the questions.

On The growth of google on our page below the virtual event shortly, after it concludes. All right let's check out our questions. Our first question here is from, flynn, r and, his question is, what if i don't know how much revenue. I'm going, to generate. Uh and so good question flynn when we talk about that uh you want to have a good idea. Of where your business is headed before seeking investors this is important. Uh this is because those investors. Want to minimize, their risk. Uh, you know investing in ideas that have already been validated. By an audience. So when when launching a business if possible. Um you know the you, maybe want to start with your own money right invest in your own money, uh and, really. Uh help that business grow or maybe even look into something like micro loans, right and then once that idea has been fully validated. And you need more money to take that business to the next step, uh then you can seek out investors, it'll be much easier, uh to sell them on your ideas. Um if it's already been proven. Uh and, actually proving to be profitable. All right next question here is from, michael. Michael wants to know what if i'm trying to put together. My anticipated. Business expenses. But i'm not sure how much, i'm going to need. Um, so, michael. Uh you start, with your expected, business, um, expenses. Based on what you're already expending on your business right so this is what i'm ready to spend uh spending. Uh and then, you can build on that by laying out your anticipated, expenses. Uh from a range of perspectives. And then when you're presenting that information, to your investors. Uh just make sure, that your range is on the, higher end right, of your prediction, just keep it a higher end, simply because we often wind up spending more money. Than, than that's actually anticipated. So it's best to error on the higher side. So that you don't surprise, those investors, later on, and you know the worst case scenario, is you actually end up, with more profit due to actual lower expenses than expected so that's a win-win on that on that, part. All right so the next question here is from, lucas. And lucas wants to know what if i'm, not good at building out presentations. How can i better create. A pitch deck. So. Your pitch deck, it's important right it needs to be created in a way that it, can either be emailed, or even you can present it yourself, uh so when we talk about that you need to put your best foot forward, uh if you're not skilled, in design, or presentation, creating. Uh you may just want to seek someone maybe your friend, or maybe one of your team members. That is good at this stuff. Or you can even hire a freelancer. Who specializes. In this particular, area, to really help make your design stand out uh. Well you mean you may be tempted to say i don't have the money or anything you may be tempted to kind of bootstrap just or do this on your own, if you're not good at it um. This is, this is your only like your first chance right you get one chance when it comes to investors to really make that first impression. Uh so it's worth that extra time and effort, to make sure it's done um accurately, and really to reflect. Your branding and business the way that you really envision it. All right uh, the last question here is from, garfield. P. Uh it's. Not a question. It's a statement i don't want to give someone part, of my business. For. For money okay well that and i get that right, so you need money. To help grow your business but you don't want to lose. Uh control, over your business. And then in that sense, uh it may not. Searching for an investor may not be the right move for you right so we'll talk about that um, you may want to check out part one. Of this series. We do a deeper, dive into your other options. Like you know different types of loans or even crowdfunding. Um that are available for you so definitely check that out uh and you know just understand, that when you're doing loans and stuff although you're not getting part of business. You, are going to have to do other things like pay interest. And. Not have access to the funds of an investor. Right so, the option's up to you, um. Just definitely check out all your options and definitely check out part one. All right so. That's it that wraps up our q a for today, uh thank you all for joining us today on, learn about, investors, and loan options for your small business parts too, i really hope that everyone learns something new today. You can find out, um all of our follow-up resources, on the same page that you're actually watching in the resources, tab, above the video player, um you can also access a recording. Of today's session as well as all of our other sessions, by clicking on demand, on g dot co, slash, grow on air, uh we'll also be sending a follow-up, email, right with a survey for you to fill out regarding your experience. In today's virtual workshop, um it's really important, that you, get to that, and get that feedback to us as soon as you can so we can quickly improve, these sessions.

And Offer content that is most helpful, to our other users. Alright so thank you again for joining growth google today. Don't forget that you can sign up for our upcoming, workshops. On growth google on your home page, we will see you next. Time. You.

2020-12-07 03:59

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