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to win on the stock market discover the new intelligent generation trading platform   equipped with one of the most powerful artificial intelligence algorithms I followed the   live training broadcasts 7 days a week 24 hours a day hosted by pros chat   with the genius community open the integrated graphics to the jane austen and follow the strategies   offered by the genus algorithm receive dozens of trading strategies every day   and use genius as the most powerful decision support tool to manage your   ticket operations and order books are already integrated in the jane austen finally activated the auto   trade and access August the so-called multi broker 100% automatic thynnus mobile sport waste disposal site Well there are four ways to win trading with gignoux station with the operation book trading in the order book program your operations on the graphs or let the jean huss algorithm do it   and its 100% automatic auto trade is good to have the choice especially to win king's speech in us pour mobiles to win on the stock market discover the new trading platform   intelligent generation equipped with one of the most powerful intelligence algorithms   artificial I followed the live trading broadcasts 7 days a week 24 hours   on 24 led by pros chat with the genius community open charts   integrated into the jenny station and follow the strategies proposed by the   genius was receiving dozens of trading strategies every day and using genius   as the most powerful decision-support tool, manage your ticket operations and   order books are already integrated in the janis tech finally activated the auto cred and access   to the 100% automatic multi broker credit which is just a site for mobile sport non there are four ways to win trading with jean station with the operation book trading in the order book program your operations on the graphs or let the jean huss algorithm do it   and its 100% automatic auto trade is good to have the choice especially to win jean huss d'haïti du sport mobile to win on the stock market discover the new jenny smart trading platform   stations equipped with one of the most powerful artificial intelligence algorithms I was following   24/7 live trading shows hosted by pros chat with   the genius community open the integrated graphics at the jenny station and follow the   strategies offered by the genius algorithm receive dozens of trading strategies   every day and use jenisch as the most powerful decision support tool manage your   ticket operations and order books are already integrated in the john huston finally activated the car   trade and access the 100% automatic multi broker credit which gently uses mobile sport Well go let's go good evening everyone thank you for being with me dancer letters luc monnet show a   show often you expect thank you to all who send me their warm messages in   anyway it's nice it's a show you like here today we are the 26th   October 2021 I am with my post the one who has a small stale wedge we will say in any case   jean station amy smart grid os is here i am a smart trader we go from naive trader to   smart raiders anyway that's what we want to give you tonight in particular any   Jenny's team was with me in formula 1 TV for one more than monnet show   in particular they all know in advance why because they are tempting you in any case where   he you they hear you also voluntarily or involuntarily they set traps for you and   they bluff, manipulate tells but in the end only they win if you are wondering about   know who it is I will tell you everything tonight hat for the plan the control very very beautiful   plans in any case bravo with the track behind these magnificent if you want it this poster you   can also claim it if you want a beautiful poster like that of genius elvis laura   since she lives this demand and he has them if you want to in any case do not hesitate to let us know   claim i have listed the most famous stuff they use for of course wanted for you   to give them but also to explain to you how to recognize that they do is obviously   cons there will of course be genius is in there there is always jenniss in there everything   is in the genius it's even sometimes free we go now let's go you are it   luc monnet choice will be together for an hour stay taped share the missions   in what happens I have a lot of things to tell you and who will please you, let's go m thing for youtube attention stop beating us at youtube stop listening to guys who   come who come say lay people and we immediately have just started 20 like because   people like it but there are still two charlots who have just distinguished maybe they are afraid   that we talk about them tonight it will make us laugh in any case before distinguishing rest zen relaxed   you take a cro to my dragonflies like the other stainless steel would say but you in an armchair all   anyone can say anything you can comment on exactly what you want, respecting the   decorum and politeness of course you are more and more numerous I count on you   to share to death the more you will be informed and the less they will dare to manipulate the markets you   know they go some eat and i would avoid too much argued over just one or the other   since all have eaten, they have all been amended some in a clean way and some   in a rather dirty way that's clear we will talk about it before anything you know   of genius or not you have heard about it jenny it is actually the big machine now   which is a trading platform driven by artificial intelligence, we will talk about it again   throughout this show too since jamie brings you solutions precisely to   counter some crappy operations from guys who want to take your money without having to   sprain so the first thing I'm going to tell you is that there is a flash offer during this   program is only during this program your genius subscription is doubled some   take advantage of it to be able to subscribe for the first time you subscribe a week   you have two 2 months one month sorry these two months one year these two in six months it's finally one   in short you know calculated like me again from genius it is the pushed trading platform   by the real artificial intelligence what we say bullshit on the internet   there's anything and everything, artificial intelligence is the neighbor's robot for its part   everywhere there are even it is very very interesting to analyze what everyone is saying   on the internet some trees show that they are the only ones to have artificial intelligence   artificial that they have intelligence they are far from it that makes us laugh in any case it is   a trading platform that sends you trading strategies automatically but   especially who offers to send them also instantaneously to your broker we call   This is the genius algorithm and the auto trade is the first advanced mobile trading platform   by artificial intelligence you will see there are huge novelties I wanted to show   a free version of the possible one called lie to one which offers you only to train   to trading without risk since you do not put any money the genius simulation broker   exists it is offered to you and all that for free so used there at my first tip tonight   use genus why not in free mode in paid mode it's up to you if you want   strategies it pays if you just want the platform it's free and we offer you everything   a lot of things in the free since you can go directly to the ios store so the app   store or the google store please to have the android version and we will offer you   lots of things so especially if you have kids teens guys kids guys guys   kids kids who are likely to be swayed by some basic asshole who put 1 and   red which waves its arms which takes itself for a rare bird and which takes your children on   unfamiliar markets and techniques they don't know ask your kids   who download for free from genius it costs nothing they go to the store here it is even on the   crypto currency we ask them nothing they will simply start to place orders on the   crypto and it will effectively allow them to test risk free trading for free and   to realize that the dream that we sell them influencers and sometimes clearly stories   sometimes it's bad stories I don't know they are really cool him guys when   even because they show their blaze on TV knowing that the legislation the regulation is   important in this level but above all they deal with suburban guys I don't know   you guys from the suburbs of the neighborhood masters you are more than you were or what well no they are   not afraid they take you from 2000 baldé a thousand balls they they pick up but you get lost I   will explain to you how they do you will understand everything it is a pity that you are not   not more many again either I know you will arrive as you go and I   know that many look at henry plein in the two heifers we win and we win and we   does everything for that eh sincerely when the market allows us of course and when the broker does not   allow it of course we win that it's clear why I say that because it happens sometimes   that brokers do not work or sometimes the markets do not work or   it sometimes happens that the platforms disconnect all the APIs and collections and so on   I don't blame anyone it's not a criticism the technicality is something sharp we have   indeed a lot it is complex to hold a series of olive technicality a roof   if you take bookstores to the right to the left computer or that you take things together   bullets it has no interest I was put camera number two right in front of the cat if you want   make an effort I read absolutely nothing and I could not answer the questions an effort   please thumb there and me this camera or down for that matter if you are around it me   push the camera I would not see anything if you leave it to me there the statistics we are going we will see my   screen please mariana can we see my screen we can't see it so we will see it but if we   see it why we can't see it it's no but it's okay that's okay that's it   no no no nothing there it's a shame that we can't film her it's our broadcast manager she   takes care of all the video part here it is very nice very expensive in fact the face a little but   yes but I admitted it I did not see how I am going to read the chat after answering   to the questions I can not it's obvious here you are more and more it makes me   pleasure in any case do not hesitate to ride jenny this world are very idiots will show our is   absolutely we will show our very good you saw in also in also the wind to the wind box is in   done the operations sent by jen us we start every day with ten thousand today my fault   to say that we still have markets for two days which are explosive you lose at low   with us we win two 401 mines you don't believe me ask them they are in the chat subscribers   genius if they are sure twitch on youtube and also in the embarrassment us for mobiles or the jenny   webb can we have my screen please mariana this is my perfect you have there   the stats everyone can access them do not hesitate at all the statistics are given   automatically no correction possible they are sent by subscribers who declare   their results if desired and are calculated automatically from the results reported   of genius it allows to compare with what we do in any case us if you treat in your corner that   actually allows you to compare with what you do why not have a little rivalry instead   nice it's obvious I wink at the young man apparently he sent me an email   by asking me to be present with me in a show since the oyster is sure to metatrader with   technical indicators and announces to me of one percent by open I have a doubt but as I opened   my TV to everyone I'm preparing a show with this boy here is apparently the rocket spe 6 to   next to him it's a soccer ball it's worth nothing so we'll see we'll see we'll put it on when   even as I check who knows what the censors so that's they deal at forex cfd and and 20%   per day with metatrader and with technical indicators the last one you told me that he told me   also since I was from the 16th he could make me fly of course I did not believe it is obvious then   the statistics here they are the statistics l122 operation today all markets combined   that is to say the crypto the actions very strong very strong the actions at the moment having it particular   is and saint lô you take an order of rtt it explodes how you did not know that tesla took a   hertz command there is for millions tens of millions was not aware but you   don't watch tv you don't watch genius tv ah no you follow the other ah bah that's like   you want but if you are going to have information you come to us it starts every day from leaving   from 8:30 am in balance all we do not talk about action do not talk about krypton we are talking about futures we are talking about   commodities do not have a ranch tank, we are not talking about all of them, that's it, it's not complicated   did 122 lawn operation she did all alone this afternoon I didn't even dare to touch the market   since we had a disconnection with our broker who is now stone x in any case in chicago   séguin but in its new version stone x the week so on the week we will see later if   you want it you have access to this statistics page you receive it every friday   tulard do not register you you actually go to jenny this hyphen station.com you   subscribe it's free you receive the newsletter every friday there are statistics in your   bullet letterbox a simply there were 24 minutes per operation which is not   badly 2h32 in total of trading it was in 25 doped with resignation plus the one that is in progress it is rather   nice all the people who declare that they have won there are 30 3% who declare that they   have made more than 30 points 30 points roughly it is between 5 and 25 euros more than 30 points it is between   5 euros the point and 25 euros you do the calculation at the bottom of the word it is between 150 200 balls and for the   stronger between 2000 even 3000 or even four thousand bullets he gave so much to christophe in   any case that with our regularly 16% say that they achieve more than ten points per day the   same quantity tell us more than 20 points - 10 points also and others tell us to be absent   that's how you all have here today we exploded on crypto currency why first   because the market was suitable but also because we have a break with the future this after   at noon we had a moment of our slump with the futures so we were torn with the   crypto and we caught 300 points as you want little point what you want on crypto years at   this account especially in dollars in the crypt you in any case there were 300 indeed tic de facto   the futures we made 65 in automatic loss sketches or net gain of losses one the clues   13.51 a little bit of com at 4 and a little pot of karachi 4 we didn't do any tf today   jenisch did not find any opportunities and on stocks went at almost 1% only today   0.8 is not a big score but since yesterday it has exploded that is clear in the detail of   operations the winners of these 68 the losers his 54 the invalids and 4 like that at least you're   aware and finally to justify all this little world is beaten to all the trait of krikor so   you can see the operations of plus or minus 5 points you can see all the operations on   all markets combined in short you understood all that it's clear thank you to marc ghana for posting   the statistics we will talk quickly remember the offer if you subscribe tonight   09 81 08 20 11 if you fancy the phone jen us trade unions station.com if you like the internet   doubled if you want the version with automatic trading strategies launched by jean   huss algorithms you can actually receive them this is a real algorithms this is   not a metatrader trading robot or stuff like that absolutely not 1 and there is no   of darling cut at stochastic part of your still on that mash it's crazy as you   have a hard head we will show you destroyed in this show we will talk to you fast   I want to show you something I wanted to show you I wanted to show you   haters today I will even tell you about a third one and but I will send you there   things i will show you things i will send you on my twitter twitter   your name is luc your teeth you can follow me on twitter from tomorrow i will show you the messages   that I received from a kind of moron who came to look for work at my place more than ten years ago   years ago that to copy my business in France which lives in full autarky protected by Sherpa who then   that they should be afraid the boy because there are still procedures going on he is looking for   people who want to file a complaint against me he found a kind of asshole who is in the rsa and   who says he's going to make sorrel on my face he was threatening me absolutely out of the blue, I can tell you   will say more tomorrow on twitter in the torches oh there are a few first you have to   remember that for a while it calmed down a bit because today we still have knees   teschen you still have to remind you for a while some did not dare to join us   no it is not us who was talking about udc vaud dance it was tnt it could jump to him   face because on the internet they have read negative opinions here and there to scare you away I will   show that they present this kind of bullshit do we have the pictures that I sent you on   on messenger please mariana can we see them on the screen you want we take show   first please look at the beautiful winner's face look at this guy's face oh no   not wise crowd no no no you manage to put on one side and the stuff on the other ah bah   no no no you do not put stern size no that does not interest me in fact I am from a   knowledge a message that says look at the guy is smashing you on the web is in   actually they use the same technique as the other asshole I'm going to tell you about on twitter tomorrow   he uses the same techniques the same messages in fact he makes you think I'm a scammer   that I put training are shit that I know nothing about except that this boy who knows   not is that the world of trading is very small, absolutely very small and everything is known and in addition   if you are looking for traders who are live every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. it's me if you are looking  

a guy who will show you these operations it's me if you are looking for a guy who actually   evolve the system by providing tools for you retail trader to fight against idiots   it's me like that me it's settled then the master who there you know what training   that you quoted that interests me said indeed guy contacted me and the ass answers I have everything   do me I'm afraid you release you explode as much as you want and he tells her but you think what the look   voters then the other gets loose I think this is the peak of everything [__] you will learn that nothing   interesting in these trainings you saw you have everything on the internet it's free knowing that   I am still the author of some books that exist nowhere else than in amazon   and that on my site there are now some who claim the excess of   the quasi-certainty people on a big one there in a few months there is one which will be called   trading the code this one will sting because even the guys who sting but my contents to the edt   morons that I will tell you all about on twitter they won't understand ah bah because they have a   euro nisand no of that it's clear the shame me I claim nothing I just ask   that to people who use as some do my content of methods which are   quite unique the excesses it does not exist anywhere else type quasi-certainty never anyone   such explain except me I just ask you to say that it comes from me to say I use   the wrestling manual and there I close my mouth everyone has the right to live beyond no problem but   no it's them like the late and I will talk to you tomorrow on twitter the master said it's   me who opened the first trading room and your mother opened the first kitchen   to bake a cake it's possible we can see the second message so you know how I   I'm a little bit naughty skates that I jostle a little I call out and I tell him listen you are   a big boy we can see a picture or not sure I show you what he has what activates apa   mariana at if there are 2 6 there are two marie anna there are two tokens sent a second if   if I am sure otherwise I send her back to you who is looking I will be in front of your eyes look then   I'll send it to you right away you will please us, here you are, you will put it in fullscreen marianne here you are going to put her next to me for all that a pardon there you are   I send it to you and you amélie you will read in any case an easy thing an easy thing that   it's clear so the show is not going to be based solely on these two morons have   shortly before the credits during this time there is what we can have our credits of   and hours I did not have a generic word of 8 hours we can see a generic of 8 hours   or not mariana go go ahead generic launch of transmitters I love this one i'm here i love them i'm here i love them because that's exactly that is what   that we can have the image so with my answer and you will understand that they screwed up   of you for years they did not want you even to approach why because I   their pay teller business immediately that's clear can we see the picture come on let's go   go see the picture then unless of course I come back to him I tell him would seem a loan   polite a knock knock hello I ring and I have my feet I say hello it seems that   we knew each other and you did my training so you are going to explain to me who you are   what training you did and really what book you read at my house the very evasive guy at no   I don't remember I must have had one I don't remember looking at everything being there it's all going   is noted like I do not remember I have a g your trading manual which these weights it has   received some bad luck signals I don't see any I spoke to a few students in fact a big idiot   who tries to work for someone else who sells the training and you keep people down   to come to me because you know what I'm going to say is going to be problematic because you have   girl and patati here it is settled thank you mariana here are crooks in any case you are here like   I'm going to show you a big third will make him happy tonight tirana night he's the same   I'm going to show you him he came to my house I train them and listen to ice cream who said about me teaching quality all the necessary tools to succeed and that frankly forward here is his name stone he will recognize himself I did not whip him it is useful for her will wish   all alone the master clearly said luc his training is essential when you go to   him you learn everything that is important and and lo and behold you just haven't seen his   face we did not put it on the screen his head there we did not see it on the screen mariana not enough   it's perfect the guy went to work at egis and his jean claude van damme grape varieties are   just if you don't know him on bfm tv the other the pen i'm the worst crook now   that is to say that in fact the same date said that he tells everywhere in France that's it that's what   it's the world of trading anyway the guy I'm going to talk to you about tomorrow you are going to your hair   and says he opens he opened the first trading room for retail he forgets to specify   that he came to my house to look for work that I drove them and when we were at the time a   avenue de l'Opéra those who knew me at the avenue de l'Opéra you remember in everything   case and at least it is settled here do not be ashamed in any case if you have been trained by   torches do not hesitate to file a complaint to be reimbursed to claim damages   and interests posy elec that is guys from the south of spain from the north of france do not hesitate in   line and wanted to get stoned and that's settled there are a bunch of tall pipe influencers   and which falls besides at this moment justice works slowly but it works it is necessary   let the cheating stop but this is low level cheating you saw the master who made himself   stop a certain marc and I don't know what we stop masters we stop them touching   there are some who are stashed next to my house they will fall to the guy who lost three hundred   a thousand bullets to a guy and hull reimbursed pass for fear of being condemned one you come to me eh ah   yes obviously I do that for people who know I will tell you in any case about the real cheating   on the financial markets so I'm going to tell you about the ones I know about this one   up close to whom I fight and see game or even I use it, that is to say that I am not   cheaters but as I spotted them I actually try to work against them in a way   to collect what they will leave me for a piece of the pie in the market how I work emma   you will in any case understand all that is my goal tonight is that you know what   is happening on the market so everything I'm going to tell you of course is reprehensible it's obvious   the financial markets are not open to all charlots that exist on the mmf l'esma a7   local authorities and of course now the famous pnf in any case which goes everywhere on the internet   to try to go on a witch hunt but that at the same time we can not blame them   it is indeed necessary to do the housework so we will talk quickly, first remember one thing   in illegal market techniques, you have to understand something essential if you   have not understood you will not be able to work seriously in the markets because you are going   really make you strip first there is a text or I think it is a test one   religious text which says I do not know it is the bible quran the torah or others it has in a text in   a religious book it is said that the one who is the nicest the nicest the most beautiful is   the worst of your enemies and that's kind of what happens in the financial markets listen carefully   listen carefully first of all you have to know that for you to win on the markets there must be   a guy who loses that it's fundamental if you haven't understood the equation, let it go, let it go   fall it's useless that's the first thing you have to really understand that basically   if you lose they don't win and vice versa if you win they lose not understand why   now I had called broker killer shows I am the first to have put it in   full size gmi red white writing broker killer my business is not just the   broker are surely not getting rich, it's because you get rich, it's after the broker we'll see if he   remain mine because today it is not at all that today it is the broker who   get richer you could only have your eyes to cry and it's getting worse and worse ah bah obviously but   when you understand that when you understand that you understood that all is good there is not only in the   ham there is really everything and my, that is to say that we can make you believe that to kids that we   14 years old and who say they have 25 years of reading which are to follow since you know that it is the   great mode of copy trading the fff denounced 99% of losing accounts but that's okay we'll go to you   put a puppet 1 in the middle we will say that he is the best then the broker will arrange   so that they have better results you have understood an influencer who has an excellent   against trading it's still better than a guy who gets wiped because he knows nothing or   not what puts stops loss and because next to it uses stochastic and stories you see from who   I want to talk about the master turning it's a wind vane racing real wind turbines the guy   that is to say, he started with copying trading after he told you I don't know what but I do a   in short a burn-out I stop after meals and there he tells us that he is building   a trading model for automatic traders I don't know I don't know what it is but   that allow you to avoid copying trading its it's the thing with the very definition   with wikipedia a google translator all you want i understood nothing the same time smoke that is   clear then winning is above all to find in any case me smart that you listen to the   definition in the lightning on the financial markets won has found a guy - melun than you who him   inevitably will buy something expensive that you will have to buy cheap we are talking about the side   lease that the operations we are not going to talk about salt because otherwise we will not get out of it a bit   points 20 a little olive a little now we are talking about the ball I buy the market in fact put it   where you are going to sell at the top is still to be less smart than you to be nice   polite and that's it for the day madam goodbye madam ciao bye at least it's settled you have understood you   buy the market lower than the guy who will buy you higher after if he market continues   to stand up, it's you the guard because the guy he will continue to have fun is   always a story of that of counterpart then we go there the principle of these guys there it is   find a counterpart who lose without making too much effort it is not necessary too no because   in the morning I get up at noon I go to bed around 2 p.m.   too forced about which we are going to talk to you finally I will talk to you about what I know first it   You should know that this famous counterpart can be found first in the media, you have understood it   there are of course influencers there are a whole lot of things this is called the   rumor the rumor is organized in the chat in the room in on twitter we will talk about it again the pilot   she is naive who wait to buy or sell that one actually explains to them that he   flaw in buying in order to sell what is enormous is that these people ultimately therefore have only one criterion   selection versus who helps them thumbs up or influences them   it's to find someone nice friends it reminds you of something ah friends up front   from behind no that I will not do it but what I mean is that the nicer you are and   the more you can nab people that's why we call me stupid but that's okay me I'm   maybe an idiot but I will win over the people who trust me the problem has been solved   vascular I would rather be a tale than there is something you want but the guy who comes   drink I know my responsibility I'm not going to take him already I will teach him how to do   and then actually I will show you what I do because he knows what to do   in space that is settled did you not know it for everyone especially the guy there listen carefully to this because   that I am sure that you are in the braille tale was it good we do not manage that is to say   that we do not touch the money unlike you a sharp demos you take the return   the real accounts of your customers and you trade in demo it has nothing to do with us we are touching   not to clients' money we do not touch clients manage their money they even have   breaker circuits and specific to jen us i.e. they can drive from genius completely in   putting the maximum number of lots they want to enter so he never decides to be in a car   trade and the capital pact limit per day which hessel seal has like that is set as   finally clumeq and but where what how he left bah yes the parts you will see me more he passed   this way he will come back that way you won't see him ah no there are not two rooms with us there are ashes   on the contrary when you make a lease stop you lie you have one by one your limits with us we know how to do that   we know how to do you know what I mean a lease stop to that stop a lease limit to its limits we   knows how to do the sl if you want it he's been through here he will come back you can't hit me don't shoot me   looking there it's too easy it's too much I'm going to explain to you in fact the idea is to come back on   the cat is due to tell a beautiful blouse pushed of course by a community which 1 1 1 ah yes to the   thirsty hunger but in the end the community at the end because the guy passed in a contest in   the contest was the best he marked on his winner's friends t-shirt and and you as a   stupid because the other alt said you have to pay with the brush number 12 from chanel   you are going [__] but the world has really turned against sincerely so they need   all the same as an alibi, that is to say that it is not raining, just tell you Brest, your teeth with palmolive   because otherwise you will not cobra so so that you can swallow in fact he will talk to you about something   very easy first he will talk to you about social today we are no longer allowed to be hungry   neither did you understand the system or not and from which we each other a jesus returns jesus returns   jesus come back among the elite we love each other we kiss my ass so I will explain one to you   thing you will understand the social that's it that's we love each other and we will defend the underdog   a defense of the oppressed and the fight against the bad polluter it's easy it's kind of   super easy thing that the latest one who really hit the headlines but he   there are some who have not read the whole story so I remembered the story you remember to re   said hun sen easier to remember robin wood that's the broker is said it's the forum and gamestop   it's libya you have your story one morning it's enough to make it weigh antithesis   thesis and so on you know the principle intrigue him the suspense is finally truly   the culprit it happened what happened people said foodstuffs said that it was indeed necessary   bought range stop to fight apparently singers from guys who sell to   discovered quickly then the master that said it is not stupid he bought obviously can't stop   at the lowest since he had just been screwed by a company which sells short one of the   fund exactly aid funds I think they were selling gamestop discovered and the ona that came   put to buy and life will so let's help name and water we must help it let's not leave range   stop - who is a 5 pole and who wants to buy games online please defend   johnston is then a week 400% that is to say that the really you will put 100 balls you   get out 400% well get carried away 4000 are well worth comfortable at least it's settled 400% that's clearly a   listen carefully the movement made 1600 25% it is huge it is in the end 1600 your sector is   huge absolutely and not of course just after all it's fucked up a group of amateur traders   on wall street band the beats pardon aimed to bid on stocks strongly short is sure   in any case of mills creating massive compressions reduced have tripled to reach 5 6   5 million in a week are the members of the reding forum who are all effectively   put together 6 5 million anyway dance is just huge obviously right after that   has turned against them since the market has necessarily collapsed behind the company gamestop has   needed to recreate some paper to find a clearinghouse and we didn't have enough   so much he had bought it is clearly officially it is a defense operation   of the gamestop society orchestrated by the people it's scary ah bah yes it's especially scary to   some people at the time we could hear talk just behind it was this little operation of   musk abbaoui 30 possible trump the specialist of the tweet in any case really we can talk about it   twitter but what at the time we also talked about chamakh pallia pitaya we will also talk   obviously the moral of the moral of this story is that the little ones are united against the   big they won you understand these I had my flütsch always a little game with a little air of   banjo we are going to talk about twitter twitter hiding a specialist he fell again on the chiva   and to say I love you a vote understood he also made a rabbit mode I believe a few days ago   30 possible who was nevertheless the instigator and the inventor we can recognize him from the tweet   a the trade tweet I get up I want to take a little oak thousand balls I send I like   tesla the world thing you pick up your ticket finished it's over all that's actually called   the rumor don't forget that in the markets we buy the rumor we sell the info aillerie pic on   buy the rumor we sell the info that's important that's clear then the legislator is watching it is necessary   know that the gentleman was called to order on several occasions and he swore his hand over the   bible that it would seem that he will never see any more tweet without first going through his   lawyers specializing of course in the protection of financial markets blah blah blah blah you understood it   to the fault and the hot water which twitters finished it takes 1 billion per week it is settled it in   has the same but he does not care you talk to him for millions m he has nothing more to [__] in the same   time they spend wedding party because it must be admitted that he spends quite a lot in any case there   they come to sign a contract with the renter hertz and his title has exploded that is clear they   scare they scare because in fact it can make you as rich as someone   poor, that is to say that clearly with billions on the markets and exploding elsewhere   you can see that at the moment if you deal in markets every day there is something wrong   there is a ball in the soup has one that has been badly cooked or I don't know there is something that   not going there are smaller ones going down there is nothing more going down and when it starts to   to go down has redeemed everything that lies on the market has redeemed itself at the bac you take your   that in time trillion dollars his title unscrews even went from 15 $ 52 he bought back tools to   the moon ah bah he is the first buyer abba would take two shots you know very well that guys   on the markets on all those who issue shares tokens what you want the first who   are going to buy cjc them so obviously as soon as it goes bad you cancel billions on an account you will   speak it's your title unscrew and push the question all you have to do is do   attention to the breathing have you not know what it is stay with me I will explain to you then a   of course not obvious then there is worse there is what is called insider trading the offense is a crime   marketable and reprehensible, it is mainly used sensitive information to enrich oneself on   markets were seated listen carefully to the last legion coffee we keep repeating it there for a long time   some time because it does not pass it is there and it does not pass it does not happen it does not happen   I liked it but now I'm starting a little bit back I took 20 centimeters   moreover compared to the screen when I hear him speak well yes it is the guy of the funds mcc jérôme   powell he sold $ 5 million in stock from his personal account at the time of the   crisis that empties i.e. before the crisis that life says the chain like that at least it is settled then   he was still in the orders he made the financial disclosure form a sale   anyway before the dow jones industrial braid collapsed at the time remember when he   the whole point is that he had sold everything there is not one thing that shocks you in the statement   mayor president of the fed sold all his titles before it all fell apart after you think   you want me I'm not here to judge what I mean is that he obviously had there   had not marked his blaze by putting jérôme skin she just sold 5 bah no he went through the   vanguardia equity fund total stock market in expand it was october 1, 2020 dow jones   industrials had already fallen by 6% during the month of October 2001, you remember marking the   largest monthly drop since the early days of the pandemic to when the virus of course at   paralyzed the American economy so the feb did not immediately respond because it is not   passed unnoticed everyone yelling but from the east or neck or trace and by western union   powell managed we don't touch him like that otherwise it stings that it's clear then it's fox business   fit the thing well at the time a spokesperson said in any case where wall street journal that the   powell's financial transactions complied with the US central bank rule on   don't care there is no morality but you can be you can make your own rule to you the one that   is fine but who is obviously imbalance he the thing our children me I do not know after   everyone does as he wants it should be known that his colleagues and have resigned to they said we in   pissed off we just took something there it's good here we can go to there was an ad   at the time of the lottery which was goodbye boss i have goodbye president goodbye goodbye will you please   don't know you watch the auto president on youtube you'll have fun lemay goodbye gold   well yes the guy who might not stay has just taken five bars and we have nothing left for football   at least it's settled there are two who have already left two colleagues of skin her name is   robert kaplan i was chairman of the federal reserve bank of dallas and eric rosengren   chairman of the federal reserve bank of boston who bought and sold stocks and   real estate assets linked in any case both and which are crossed out before the big fall so much   we are better served than by ourselves at least it is settled people and of course worried   they resigned at the same time I learned about the el mago package we are at the end we will go home   in technique I just ask you to be attentive you will see it is not difficult   to understand just to stay focused if you want to share the link of the missions with   your contacts what I'm going to tell you there are rare who have explained to me only the pros know   this principle the pros where the guys who are on the market every day a step the one who will make you   cross a stochastic to rsi to find a different a bullish or bearish divergence   and try to pompey what the udc is doing while saying that it is he who created him a sage or   not the flute it more blurry that you play the more your tomorrow stop your bullshit not worth   forget the 5th music lessons 11 left at the bottom right hand at the top a piglet and organic mini fatou   not come anyway be logical come on let's go listen well yes early retirement goodbye   goodbye president who we are going there even if we are going to have a good time ah yes if I want to put it on   how do you not want if I want to put it a big deal this one wants to say goodbye president   no goodbye president you don't know her that i make her listen to go too funny this one and   after we are going to talk about spoofing you will see that you will like it goodbye president lotto and we will   start playing again we put on music from time to time or announcement puts on music from   from time to time here to go there you are going to have fun go we are going for the sound this guys took five bars goodbye goodbye shareholders attacks took 1 her   is not bad this one you know it or not this ad there it is fantastic   that's clear goodbye goodbye president like that at least it's settled come on let's go i   will tell you about what is happening now in the tome in the dif of market or the notebook   of orders many speak little actually know the sand used I will show you   crazy stuff and you'll love it because I'm not just going to tell you about these   scams but I will show you how to counter them first we will talk about the Sufi sp ong en   big me i work i just say it's the transvestite side in fact it's the   transvestite a stay in the film is to cross dress or the guy who hides that it is clear it is to fill   especially the order book what is it luc an order book to embody gold for 1   on jenny station is called a dom the dif of market i will show it to you here if i can   access it fairly quickly, here I know we have a small break in the flow in the device that   perret and I am not link and for the moment I will show you this very quickly because   the time I speak I'll show you this in two seconds I'll show you the time   of our lineage and then I can show that spoofing is filling the order book   so as not to forget that the order book is not the tool that simply allows you to see what is happening   happening but above all to understand what is happening, that is to say that it is a tool of anticipation   which allows to see the intentions of those who want to buy and those who want to sell it is   exactly that so when you have that in mind you just say to yourself that it is a magic tool that   will allow you to go before the others well yes before the others the problem of this notebook   this dif of market or those of men is that we can put everything in there then almost everything   all of course almost all it is true that when we use the nasdaq notebook by   example we use the 'tender' haysbert when we want to try to be honest is protected well   sure those who are above we will not do anything and everything in the tens of seconds we   on the contrary will actually do things correctly in order to hide the lumps   masters simply the little ones but there are some that are absolutely unapologetic in   in fact it is from the order book is to push the market in one direction or the other we are working   do not forget in advance if you work in advance landre that you have just sent   that you put on the dogma it is your attention choice of purchase choice of sale in principle you   can therefore either modify it before it is even executed or even delete it altogether like that   at least it's settled you stop giving up there are some who understood that there was a little   clever game to play in the story roughly it would mean that you can make believe   in your market there are a lot of people who want to buy and then when we get to the price you get off   it's called spoofing so obviously it's not an order that will pass at that moment it's   many orders that will pass at that time and his orders are enough to try well   sure to make believe either a movement of euphoria or a movement of panic so if you ever   creates euphoria who benefits from the crime because can we see my screen quickly I   will show you what it is for a man there we have some that's what you have between the   graphics that actually allow you to see the volumes quickly side to what I explain everything to you   that when you are with us we have us on genius absolutely brilliant doms on which we can   read everything and we have higher I think he is there elvis the dom specialist with us we   can do absolutely anything with the dom here it is my camera which launches very well you   must see my screens is what we see but my screens mariana at we cannot see the screens I   will check it yet I am connected mariana I am raising I am raising do not panic I am raising here are his raises and you will tell me when we see them I will show you what it looks like   a man quite simply here I am connected it just said it is good it is very slow   that's what you said oh yes but it's still there we can't see so wait   don't move I'm going to leave the big men I'm going to take a little man like that less   a dogma we are in rouiba there are two minors I will show you version by version here I will   do what i can i will show you in genius ap mobile huawei good luc abbaoui good   in time ga banon banon of course beta version is not allowed to show it I would like   make an effort anyway we can have we really can not see the dom sincerely   you don't see me my screen you don't see it yes there i doubt so you will take it off for two minutes but   as long as I actually reopen what I wanted to show and then we see it in a few seconds   OK, we'll come back later I'll show you what's important for you to understand   is that you can send a lot of orders site send a lot of orders upwards it costs 0 for   have a little penny because it will take some margin ah bah yes walking is what it is   the money needed in your account to be able to take the transaction but this margin to block them   a bit like you make a prepayment in a rental company or what you actually want is blocked   but you can delete disorder imagine on this notebook you can make the markets believe that it   there are a lot of trees which are placed very high above the price inevitably what are you going   make the same profile that gamestop does that we buy we buy we buy we buy we buy   the match has placed his men very high during this time he sells you he sells you he sells you   he sells you when we actually reach the climax he gives off offers what does he do   the market is going back what is the guy who you sold doing they are buying they are buying   buy but it's that bullshit like that is that stuff like that is basically   the calculated purchase and sale you understand this is the best way to go and type the sl 1 is the   best way to go actually I was typing the sl so you can play the notebook   this way it is being displayed little by little no it is not from genius kelland   this is the software that I use to project my screen on your screen that's it you start   to tackle golden or absolutely not it's just the software I use which films which eats   a lot of resources can we see my screen now here is a little patience i   will show you the dom american side and you will understand do we see it it's very long so wait I'll do something else maybe that will make the task easier so is it good not marianne at what we call not spending the night still not   we are going to try to reduce in quality it is still very surprising that we cannot pass it is   still very very surprising still not so wait we are going to do something voila voila and voila   you're going to tell me if it's better there it's better there we'll be cost of his load that's it, a man   look at the master full size there you have it on the dow jones for example you see that that's what we   call the depth of the market I did what I can with what I have it's true that I had   not prepared this thing there wholesale buyers you have sellers but all that unfortunately is not sure   the market again it is simply to the forecasts to be executed we are in the anticipation phase   market in principle here you can place is in order very high you can place very low I have   reading the ten best lines bitkom koteas side but imagine now imagine now   you have a square meter and they pass like a bastard and send you entries to the point   and try to do what you say nice it's euphoria I buy during this time the guy   has loaded the dice because the depth is rather salesy you see that slab and you go there like   a patient is actually called to eat the market suffers and the notebook make believe that   operations pass while they will not pass and they will be eliminated before that is   the first thing now a second thing now a second thing I'm going to watch   immediately after of course the chat to answer you a second thing what I will you   0:59:59.610,0:00:03.750 explain these facts sometimes extremely quickly and violently barely you have time to  

see this is called the manipulations of high frequency trading it is strictly   forbidden imagine yourself imagine because most of the offers on the markets we agree are   programmed orders have you program dough and gold stay with me I will explain to you what is going   happen to you the others are scheduled most of the time the honest guys were part of it   these people there we place our genres on the dogma we actually right click my room you   know the story to pass on the dom we send okay except that you are zor you were not   not fast enough beaten she fights not been executed it goes back to protection advice   finished ciao bye bye have fun doing that but have fun doing that nano seconds I think   that I mean the market that we see with a lot actually lower of all that we call to   a scene we call its protection note mounts performers and executed finished so you   have lost your order these are stops hunter he sends thanks to machines a lot of order   so effectively catch all the sl lying around and so on that's what we call   multi-level high-frequency trading credit which allows to rig the books in   simulating buying and selling intentions obviously just behind canceled before being   executed you understood it or even why not being executed on a lot does not apply when you   can get 10 in the counterpart in fact it's easy to see things and you will see   that I will explain to you how to do it you don't even need to do ten years of study even   return to the ena no problem I will talk to you now about what is called the daily nk desk where   the no dealing desk in fact the delinda school aux d link desk is above all the action of intercepting a   order before finding the counterparty this is called the dealing desk, okay the no.   dealing desk that some cfd forex brokers tell you we are no dealing desk except that   scams you understood it because it is the best way to find the counterpart at   you from a guy who for example who wants to sell while the market goes up well what are you having fun   you you ride you send it up or down in addition to putting most   time is a complete asshole he sends you an order to enter and see his text take advantage and send   the sl of course it's marked roughly you will have to put hessel so you don't put a single one you're going to make yourself   get high it's especially when you are going to put the salt that you are going to make yourself French are you not going to   feel but there at least him and this is where you want to go out with one and with loss so he will   make you go up a little make you go down a lot we'll explain how it works it's the action   to intercept all traders' orders before finding the counterparty the brokers therefore play   the role of market maker and manipulates your offers so that you lose the win some simple   who are controlled whose orders we see their orders we beg your pardon not theirs yours he   sends them through a third-party shell company which is supposed to play the role of counterpart but   often it is another company of the broker or with which he has had agreements that is obvious here   this is still a beautiful manipulation of the market that we meet exclusively on brokers   Most of the time that arrives in Europe through Cyprus, Malta or Panama, it is good to   go there because you are in europe without having the constraint in fact of regulation or   pain since you went to a country where you have no extradition or no one will come to do   shit of course if you know it so much the better otherwise it's not for me to denounce that   is that we are going to talk about blockages in countries then followed us have undergone full phase since the   system today if you have looked at the top right of the genus screen and it is verifiable   live since you can come tomorrow at 8:30 am you will control everything I'm telling you   we start from zero and genius actually made money and there in this case and 2400 euros with   ten thousand balls in full auto we agree so sometimes she wins, sometimes she loses everything   way and does what she wants she has only one role is to mark the top right that she   has succeeded in realizing she loses very little she gains a lot I think that for a few months we have had her   seen losing once a day being honest it was a week or ten days ago where the   markets do not move forward and we knew they were going to fold it's not complicated it was the week   last we knew they were going to bend but couldn't bend in what she expected   failed and a day ago we were turned upside down but it doesn't matter very little since   l trash the orders to fight you can't do it because the time you get back to you don't know the   time that you return your breuker it will put you some edge script and the spread it is not a mark of   rouergue that's really what it's called I'll tell you about the daily nk of ascq and noéline   of the six rocker tombs the practice you will quickly see tpt at all the stops tpt at all   the stops on Wednesday we are the aude lnd is what helped the bins and flac yes of course   but the company for which you are looking for your collateral, the wing and desk lines therefore carpet   and agreed with you at least you try to make believe that it is transparent but it does not   not everything is opaque I am going to tell you about the blockages of a country that I had started there   above you should know that in fact when we deal for example with crypto at the moment the crypto on   is almost sure 90% of a country that hang around automatically at no it's impossible we try   to spend on the bitcoin usd / t when there is volatility you return a thousand bucks more   far it is not able to fit so the API works and in particular that of jenny so   masters like bein ans have sent us emails in ten years guys you are very nice   you collect too much money we will put you at a handicap, a bit as if you had actually burned   a starting line we tell you here is handicap 1 or a little in alpine skiing when you do a super g where you   have passed a door not as it was necessary handicap but how do you say handicap hat what me I   don't give a damn about you if I want to stop my appetite, no we'll give you a second then   imagine what it is like a bitcoin that evolves in a second when there is a movement that goes from   60 thousand ha 50001 imagine so in these moments you never win absolutely then you already in a dream   which will not happen but then in addition to the other side the algae where they pass over the trees   surely the one of hand which is not ours we will not pass I tell you so we prefer   deactivated by saying well too bad we let the excess pass we actually recover the return but   he cuts his 1000th API but they say so they do what they want with their exchange a   do what they want so you the dreamer on cuban crypto shale who believe first   this trading on krypton frenchies we must stop I did a show on it they made a   very good thing they released a tf and even a future contract the problem of the future contract is   that we have 50 miles of margin the tfc very intelligent very very intelligent because the responsibility   no longer comes from a market account of which nothing is known but it does indeed come from an issuer   who will hold him responsible for the movement of his net on the edf not the traitors and tf1   automatic we will not have problems of a country whereas when you pass on an exchange   the exchange him nothing to [__] I can show you by a plus b you even put yourself on the platform   of al exchange you pass your first row taalé of dollars of spread you go back to the same order   upside down you have a $ 20 spread because he thinks there are not enough people in   the bath in the Sahel which Capcom does not have enough people in the sense of nîmes gard has not enough no   who takes your money you have also seen some things that are practiced in your notebooks you   loop the operation and the operation continues to balance you turn your head in 10 seconds   you just went from 900 euros in earnings to 9 euros not understood anything well that's part   indeed with all its movements we are going to talk about platforms that cut during strong   volatilities houde this to obs apps the more of a country there are more we can no longer place an order   we can higher or pts how oops oh I've been waiting for a week for the thing to pick up   2000 tick and you are explaining to me about carpet dax we learned you would not give a fuck   a bit of my mouth sincerely bah yes but indeed the api broker not strong couple   because brokers no longer want to give access to their platform to effectively avoid   find themselves in collateral in collateral in direct consideration with their customers they   should obviously pay the customers who win but especially bear the armpits the   women are there and do not want to put up with them, you understood it, that's why when you go to   United States that you hang out in the United States I can say that this stuff is doomed 1 you are   perhaps reminders but in the united states robots are prohibited cfd are prohibited forex is   framed we do not do anything 1 Mongolian taste species currently so instagram   it is the court of miracles instagram laguiole 1 who did a research of 500,000   euros and there he said I'm looking for 100,000 euros very line copy he was already at -12% of   loss of capital in the space of two or three days this is called illegal exercise of management   it's reprehensible if you lose a cent the guy you file a complaint who goes to jail you it's like   the other there, in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré, which went to the defense if we fell because I   I receive anonymous calls telling me he lost me so much he wastes my time I would like him   there is one who is cojones and who has explained to the national financial prosecutor or where you want that   the guy touched your account and he clicked on lease to concealment alas and illegal exercise of the   money management and in this case you fall we do not do this kind of practices abbas on   my weight so there surely not so we are going to talk now about things a little funny we are going to talk   from the variable spread come trade and the euro-dollar at 0.03 iep type of spread you say [__] the   guys good to good really good except when you come in at 0.05 but when you came out at 20   spread the variable spread the nice bullshit of course brokers most of the time when   once cfd or forex we will talk a little serious because you are still in a week   a serious show anyway we are going to talk about asymmetric price slippage repeat slippage   from asymmetric prices the slippage of award-winning pieces to slips from asymmetric   It's the underpants, roughly, it's the underpants I'm not breaking your head, roughly, it's when you pass   your orders markets we already have you died a complicated spa when you pass your ashes markets see   the broker lucie they spend 16 years that's clear he is against you when you go messy market   you get screwed that's why at home we teach people who follow us of course   to place their orders on the dogma or even to program them in the graphic or even the paseo   bracket or entrusted the entry why not to their hosts other help in order to follow well   obviously their operations and why not go out in case of emergency panels that is possible but   at the entrance impossible that is downright impossible the slip is at the difference of   expected price between the expected price that his kalt clicked and that at the real price at which you   get out your broker this is the jerk it's the max je

2021-10-30 12:26

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