LE TRADING EN TEMPS DE CRISE ? | #16 The Luc Money late show

LE TRADING EN TEMPS DE CRISE ? | #16 The Luc Money late show

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this is a serious show i ask you please keep calm while sitting   to provide a little water a little cheap this no I'm kidding it's a serious show but we   kidding welcome to a late coin show the fifteenth edition if I'm not mistaken.   today is january 19, 2021 go make it hot as embers and go hang the housewarming   tomorrow trump has just shit in the sheets and in the curtains in short to prepare like that in short all that   all is well in this world where we line up to be injected with a vaccine that if it kills you   not during the first injection will not kill you the second and if there are any left they would put a   third layer in any case if I speak a little hoarse it's because earlier to goods   to stick a stick in any case at the back of my throat by treating me as pcr it seems it is for   my good that here we will see this evening is the sixteenth 16th pardon edition of games let me   luc monnet show is in any case despite all the requests of super traders who would like to   priori to show that they are the best I still have not found any great traders capable of   come and express themselves in a show to edit live what they are capable of doing in any case   So I plan to do lives that have become accustomed to doing so on Sunday   around 7 p.m. when the markets are obviously closed so we will talk in this edition   of the actress who is synonymous with job loss of course many of you are asking   the question of whether trading is a solution to bounce back we will therefore answer   to sion but we will also talk about bitcoin bitcoin leaves if bitcoin is up to the task   bitcoin is cycling bitcoin goes 150 miles bitcoin goes down overwhelms it   bitcoin makes peaks in short bitcoin at all levels we will indeed wonder and   you and me to find out if bitcoin is a joke or is it genuinely you are going   be a billionaire tomorrow billionaire billionaire forgiveness in bitcoin I want to say laughing out loud   in any case we find ourselves immediately in a luc monnet dog lette let's go go let's go bitcoin anyway my living is already donf on that that's great julien you   have a beacon you bitcoin in the city bitcoin is cycling in short you have understood bitcoin   is your grandmother on the order in short let's talk about bitcoin reassure me right away I   am not against the bitcoin of one on the contrary I just want to put the ideas to their   let's have a laugh with the super bitcoin experts who make you psycho videos   maniac euros of everest in short you understood a lot of bullshit on that we are going to talk about it   we will also try to decipher all these people who unfortunately go bankrupt we are talking   a lot of theaters at the moment we also talk about restaurateurs we talk about cinemas he talks   local shops big oaks are worried small ready-to-wear stores   do it of course you understood it we laugh to say is that the government considers that   large surfaces anyway areas at risk short I am not going into this if not in there to   the evening all I want to say is that we will have to call back these people who are reconverting   traders rather hyper short-term investors the notion of difference is important when   even we will explain what you need then possible or not to bounce in the hyper   short term anyway we will talk about it we will answer this question together   in this show and you and I can say everything the show is free air thanks to   the one who makes noise the show I said and free antenna you have the right to say what you   want as part of the respect of a suri of propriety no fuck motherfucker will do you   finally rapt understood we remain zen zen obviously it is a primarily entertaining program we can   also obviously is the opposite of me there in the limit there the opposition makes the construction of   relatively interesting debates we will of course continue with pure bitcoin bitcoin and which   wants beacon there are on all floors once again the rich in chic tokyo music videos   end up flipping our ears over with their social status as multimillionaires billionaire   multimillionaire bah obviously facing the beacon at the latest so me who obviously am   every day but then every day it's not Mr. crypto currency on the markets with leo   who is with me by the way we will be able to talk about it we will explain to you why everything   that we obviously tell you to weigh in about the past and future performance of bitcoin that   are only stories for children who would need to fall asleep ah bah yes because   what is on the internet 1 of the bitcoin magnin what has that is obvious then you   look at the let luc monnet hot it's time and let's go we will first ask you it's   to be kind enough to share the link of the show obviously shared the site   important that everyone can benefit from it do not be selfish you have the right to   send it to your grandmother big hats and all the people who are interested in the tool   is worthy or lose in the short term of course and bitcoin traditionally begins with   jenny statistics these statistics are accessible to absolutely everyone even if   you don't want to pay, it's okay, we don't blame you for actually getting out a little money for   also win there is one who sent me the insult of death aliens who   told me you genus it is too expensive and I answered yes but what does it bring   necessarily quoted investors you understood that you had to pay to get something because our   girdles it also exists in the financial markets and it's a kind of guy that kind of   put the lyre paid 2000 balls to a goat in dubai to teach him what the   market in 2016 you it's exactly the same go stopper come on let's go statistics of the   guinea station first then disappears that it is that jean huss necessarily there of the nudes is the   the first stock market decision and prediction platform is by artificial intelligence   which henceforth is not soon to be ready to send all the drafts that you   want attention it's a cash machine but which has its limits an agreement it will be necessary to also moderate   the idea of ​​jenny park is necessarily to save you time on the basis of decision   knowing that the financial markets take with the training of mister durand who learned the   trading with mr albert that he resells him training on pdf you have understood all that is   a big shit trading cannot be learned at all by biting me cabbage training   trading is special, it is not much to know but above all a lot to respect in   is on the show you will have i will pull things out for you i know you're wrong eh because   you are with us on this show I will give you as usual little tips   you will understand them and digest the analyzes and that after you will apply them then you will   of course still send me messages saying it is pure struggle and I listen to broadcasts on   youtube on Tuesday evening and I learn much more than through the training of mister durand who   teaches me to thread pearls every day from 7 to 8 p.m. for 3000 euros per session.  

I mean it is that in the statistics of the channel us teychenne one calls today 29   operations I am very frank with you I started the day at -30 to bah it's not complicated   when we opened the counters this morning we had minus $ 30 two operations awaiting the shore   to the control room where the standard waits for someone to give us the wind bars compared to the wind   bars what we want to say is that this morning it started a little series of the buttocks you see what   I mean when the markets are gods there is still a day to wait because you   Understood the job and some boxes so I'm going to give you an image anyway, it's of the second   degree but which approximates the first roughly at the white house in washington today your   had one who finished the boxes and the other who sent the cleaning companies   of rat control and infections because it cleans like never before and never had   no president that she cleaned the white house as much as the other he wants to disinfect everything the aja   but tired at this hour, he doesn't want the imprint of thirty blows, that's why I   was saying that trump abéché in the curtains is what we say when the tenants happen   hand of the one who leaves disagrees with the owner or the message is followed anyway   on-time training training mobile is what to financial freedom you sit on a   bike you let yourself be the guide and yes obviously no I'm kidding of course it's a reality when   timeshare owners and in addition to rental properties who know full well that this is a source   in shit especially when you tell people that it brings billions but you   Speak to them especially not about taxation small parenthesis the statistics of the day   29 operations the average time per operation 1:01 it is precise obviously has the time very worthy   2h32 that means that on average people who are subscribed stay two hours to take 2 in front of the   console in front of the genus teschen software in front of their applications for mobile jen us for mobile   the duration of the emissions 7h25 it is normal it is program obviously there it is clear the results   of subscribers which quarterbacks claim to win at all that has not been like that all day   there were indeed moments a little bit of hesitation, however what I remember is   the top 40% achieves more than 30 points per day to help those who would actually like   can be rebounding on the hyper short term side 30 points on average the subscribers are between 5 and   25 point you do the calculation cvo a trading day what am I saying 2h32 exactly you see what   I mean it's pretty good 20% say they achieve more than 10 points and 13 33 - 10 points   what is still in europe we know that in there we had some people had to go back   the slope why because at one point we have in the bet that they win so much money just   a wink I love them you know I love them less subscribers I spend so much time with   him at the gc the family it's like in the facts like at home but don't forget that you are at my place   it is a Moroccan proverb that looks at Moroccans what I mean is that a 1 those who have   actually this source felt you grow wings at 2 p.m. they made 700 balls once and   half the gains that they should have achieved which means that it takes a position they have   torn, we stay the afternoon to get back to the ferry.It's done once most of the time, heading   little taken in any case it wins in the jungle and it is absolutely very good a diagnosis has well   worked on the side that crypto currency ranches of course obviously we are only talking about that at the moment   so good the tone all alone then me I'll tell you something on Saturday Sunday I'm not going   sign you see you are in your finger taking into account jacuzzi with toes that are tapped butt   jenny I send you 40 points come thank you madam see you soon goodbye we will talk about it because   in fact you will understand in this show that you should not just say anything ah we will   get out of the fine bitcoin thing as if you were doing renault alcatel nour be precise and you will   understand what the beacon is and especially the urban chic trip hop and you will understand   why he can especially not do the same thing with shares as with the leading crypto but   nobody talks about it they are all on there is nobody who has their feet on the ground we are going   speaking the crypt thomas is not bad futures very well or if mr nasdaq symc on sol au   only a game facing the watch the leo go by is talking the waters to the graves poor in   points yeah but the waters still have 40 points and it's been [__] the afternoon   so at least it's some of the wolves like brahim who actually want embroiderers   do not hesitate if you have any questions you go to jenny this hyphen station.com slash   information you go to pierrot on the right you have heifers trait d'union station.com   charlotte will put the link in chat and you have at the top right receive the said free you   click on it and we see all their belongings what do you want at least it's settled we   going to talk about the starting capital of course and we are going to talk about all that you want me to admit it   but my glasses with taurine you drink too much red bull you are kim and kris years old and quentin   anything thank you counts in any case a priori my glasses are ultimately clean there the   spots have a lot to do with it, it shines a lot here is the little joke between jeans   or more details with 700 how much capital bravo laurent we will talk about all this in a few   moments absolutely the port is not terrible at the moment that's like it's funny strong export at 10   port operates for expressm shipton that benchikha good talk to you you see it's really damn   interesting detail of operations the winners actually 17 looks the day was not   easy invalidated 27 and the losers say roughly that sums up a day like that except that in the end the   jenny this crash she doesn't spit you like a hand in the face she trash she spits out orders   in fact when you consider that it is not almost certain to cancel them so in fact you are   always at - 1 - 2 are the losses put chip take over 40 on the big wins that's what   I personally taught jenny I explained to her how she had to be in the end   very positive compared to here everything I show you there of course is detailed in the trip hop   you can check everything in real time a question of what you say well listen to you me first   site is very interested first you can subscribe to james trait d'union station.com or then to 09  

81 08 20 years old then we will have to go around the owner and if you are a nice guy or a   nice chick we don't knock and don't even need to pay a euro today that's the lapse of   time is over I told you they could have a euro now it's settled we can do it   test 09 81 08 20 11 or genuis tradingsat.com maybe number before step number 2 you will   on jenny this hyphen station.com and at that moment you wait and you will see appear   everything is the tube of operations because of course we will not tend and the alerts we   send our crops and you will see that by staying on the site there are water notifications   and you will see how much indeed is capable of hindering and capable of generating and all that in fact   it must be explained that the subscribers wave the entry and exit of course or even the management   in and management needs not either fine and live in murray in the TV we explain to them   but you if you hesitate a little longer you stay on the genius this hyphen stephen walkom   you are patient you take a mojito without alcohol and then let's go we explain all that to you thank you   high for having left me this screen we go there in any case to no longer holds that important small   icing on the cake I know that many of you have waited for this option, it is there   this is the active / inactive option you can subscribe now to kingston, pause and resume   that when you are active in trading this is what is interesting in genius and the objective is   that you are profitable all the time, that is to say that even if you take a week, you have to   take from Monday to Friday you can take it Monday Tuesday you take a break and you resume   Thursday to the following Monday it is you who directs you have heard the genuis well, it is you who controls   no more check anything way i never check anything with maintenance and ok the keys me   I'm pushing the car that's how at least it's settled so we're going on this show one more time   the idea is still to talk to you about trading, I call it hyper short term because   that trading has a bad connotation that means everything and nothing to say near worthy has been negotiated   in very decent english you type trading on google because all the car dealers in the area   in nebraska you don't know what we are being told rather hyper short term investors why   not because an investor often has the aspect of thinking while one of the traders is often   the question go quickly answered finally you followed me these grounds we were talking about it like it makes laugh by   diana it's rare when we allow bonnet but there atangana what I do not consider a shot and we hear   withdraw or not that's great mariana that's maria madame arena laughing now it makes me   pleasure because it is rather discreet miles in any case that of the luart voice we go there then hyper   short-term trading a real reconversion or a big scam in Norman speaks first   I have a request to make to you and what you but I have a request to make we are except error   in january 2021 tesla is about to do business the flying car what else do we have   phones soon with watches 1 there will see apple who will release his 1/4 them if you   please I have a request social networks we know you are hungry social networks youtube google   and whatever we want but why you publish ads from the 90s you don't have it at all   which emerges at the moment I'm not going to quote no it's no use knowing them better than   me you know the training pubs in any case to the very worthy in which you have the freedom   financial is a billionaire student 1 that of technical analysis which is the ultimate method   to finally win how far will go kisses them obviously touches if they weren't there   low we would not like because if we earn money it is because we have some who   believe does not have what it is as logical as it goes yes obviously on the internet like elsewhere   the next resignation we will almost confuse glass and then banal will float then   it's basically mc is if there are any who know a little bit about broadcast i will do serge when   levitation of that and I'll explain that I found the ultimate method with the chakras   in order to be able to fly in short there took the internet it's big nonsense nobody anymore   does not want the social networks of your bullshit anymore nobody who re in dubai sincerely buy   a pdf charlot copied into a book with so-called line trading videos dating from 2016   sincerely goes up of course obviously the pubs are easy to recognize first the master is   indestructible pay no he marked funnel cf before his ad that's clear is he what we call   a sales funnel most of the time it's easy late at the beginning before which at the end what   you become in three days 4 hours and 5 minutes and of course you have a lot of testimonials   and at -90% which task is within two hours and to finish of course everything is free and is   absolutely free we will never ask for anything you understood that being said the warning   obviously being said I was told about the good news first first good news to do   hyper short-term investment does not require you to have bac +5 1 that's the first thing   nor the training of best of traders of the world of the cosmos which is worth 15 miles of the army for   you are 50 balls because that's the idea in fact is to smell fifteen minutes start and   cultural that you gave me 3:15 pm ball here at least it is settled to make   hyper-short-term investment first of all there must be availability with regard to   little availability we count at least two hours a day is not when you want   when I mark as long as the market offers things then you will have to understand a   trick also when we heat water converted in hyper short-term mode first because there is no   miracle method that's obvious but also disposes it is not stupid you you want that the boss his   markets it's not you that's how much to understand because there are guys who tell me that they have   between 2:48 p.m. and 3:17 p.m. I have nothing to do with [__] mans is not his company basically   the market decides when it wants to give money and when it does not want to give so much at least it has   settled then this is the first good news you need availability, even remember any   way that even if the tools have evolved that is no longer necessary to do long training   and expensive in any case you will have to arm yourself with patience to obviously succeed in general   we become daily winners necessarily profitable at 50 animals but daily winners   i.e. come out a winner regardless of the amount every day from three weeks   a month in the jenny you know the reds for an example of claude-alain for example or nathalie   it is people who immediately exposed and who advance extremely life therefore the hyper investment   short term in shifts to necessarily adapt and adapt is not a quality common to all   the world I put first we will do an easy and simple calculation it's obvious first thing   I used to earn with my little kebab 5,000 euros per month at sea, something the state shovels me now   ten thousand euros per month since I closed because I'm still going to show obvious   is clearly higher so the trading must bring in at least fifteen thousand euros that is   the calculation of mister everyone who wants to sense now the pockets by saying to himself I   I'm going to enjoy the game a little bit of course it's kinda funny seriously it's completely   something else to live from the trainings is to a lot of capital and does not need to stay   for a long time in position you will necessarily take less risks than the m when you have a little bit   and who will crack like a patient all day long to really succeed in functioning either   really you don't have a lot of capital and you're going to try to get everything that moves   because as soon as it's funny because we are on a buying structure you will buy yourself we   was on a long stock lease and then the market how can it turn around when we   all share he says mono ideas the raccoons calm down he went up from 50 yesterday down 5o and breathe   What do you see what I'm going to say that is also a fairly human effect that when the market   breathe a little whether it's up or down guys are power 45 their marks   and woippy covers of a ca outside only reached 2 points he lowered the thing   So we settle down so you know what I mean so the guys who are everywhere he inquired about   all the way inevitably once you win six times you lose and your bitch that the time he   won lately they get torn at least it's settled so a step necessarily you increase   your share of risk that's clear trading against popular thought that's important too it's   gain a little passionately or not at all in any case it's not you who decides how much   it is the market that will tell you what it is capable of giving you trading it is true lets   win for us it's obvious there is necessarily the idea of ​​not winning all the time it's up to   to say that we cannot earn the same amount all the time it does not exist, that is to say that   guys who sell you 10 years training there today you will win 150 tomorrow you win 150   the day after tomorrow you win 150 it's not true it's absolutely not true the market does what it wants   there are days with and days without by the month of guys who usually earn billions of   dollars last week they both had saliva hanging from the tip of their tongue   not the tex avery why there because last week all the stools were put on both feet   on the brake at ten years wait for me I have an album he is doing it is complete shit in washington   they are all working I defend it is a bit of a bayonet it almost feels like a war   from secession I don't want to touch the markets I wait for another to arrive with his walker   in short in fact here it is the rack of mende so I hope that until then we are between bands   of friends 1/2 circles allowed of course it was allowed from the middle dies to the right or to the left   and I movida mans we are obviously going to talk and we will talk about trading in this case   posies of devs ideas first in summary you should learn not the miracle method   but found the biggest opportunities of the day and in fact I read that's it that's the way   to go very quickly where it's interesting otherwise you review then there are screener things of   of thing screener thing of the screen screener r you have three pages to read before understanding   that in fact it is too late to buy wholesale crossroads that's it so in summary a   clearly an emperor heap 5 7 10 big says big everyday opportunity has no more black it is   settled at least there it is good to pass a job learn to place an order reduce a position   reinforced a position get out of your position and start over and all day in fact it's fine   to be absolutely that it is a put will move away from the brokers cfd there is still one the last one that I have   had on the phone I think he had seventy thousand euros with a three-letter broker   me when I hear that you see I have or there you can make me tests with ptr ratp sncf there you can there   go to sink the study in the mmy I am there and I am positive not from where besides even   with mention to that it is clear all will expose a little you know what I mean but well it is   to say neither too little nor too loudly too loud you are going to stress yourself and you are going to conspire your wife is going   laugh because you won't feel your feet if you ever expose yourself too little and you won't   money and your wife this bar also because you could already see yourself behind the wheel of the ferrari convertible   well, too bad for you, you have to know how to arbitrate on your positions you will take what the market does   do not give more of course you will take what the market does not give so cash continues to earn   my story but the most serious and reasonable of subscribers than genus since we   we see them you understood that there was a declarative system that allowed people who win and   like those who lose moreover to declare that watsu schwab to ideas that an anti win who wins   by final every day if you are in the chat you are in the jenny stephen hood   in youtube i would ask you please for subscribers because i know you are there   you love it we are all greek are honestly i'm more than my scalded years but i would like   that you can confirm or deny what I am telling you clearly we gain a reasonable   the markets regardless of the trend on average when we are cautious between 0 5 502 our capital we   is good and we are good then some could tell me ah get out you stink out as a stake more   pledges to the witness 0 5% you bring that back to the monthly over twenty working days loulou you bring that back after   annually for me would only be a bank capable of actually promising you the case of   what you can win no one argues see what I mean oh no it just eats away all that   more daring they earn up to three times their capital in an hour and most of the time   of course they lose in one day all they gained in 25 seconds 1 it's guys   who are a little I spin so it can be learned offered full market it requires a lot of experience   and all that we explained to you here is a little nod to the mf trading of course   is not given to everyone and people who don't have a lot of money really owe   be careful so me i really like what stop a man just said flex video placement   and and rome is the future and it will go up so you know that since the start of the crisis i   do shows like how and since I did the little house as a show in   the meadow no that's not me a calf better than two you'll have it it's not me become a billionaire   by scratching for luck in the draw don't know me either no me i did don't be afraid don't be   not afraid that I did is not afraid besides there are comics which take again will make the day this   what i say is actually the problem is that kate cried the crisis when it was time to buy   and as they saw that the market took back 40% and are remaking another video wish you should buy   because the udc said it three months ago and i understood that it was going up except that when it   must say what is the market doing and breaking its mouth so it's funny because now   everyone says it's going up but anyway it hasn't changed for years since god   created the world since boxing existed the stock market is only going up I shout it out to him   in all my videos to really try to stop leaking crosses from the dear ones they   be in dubai in the cantal or even in spain in spain a big pig goes to and know of   What am I talking about this one I'm going to make a balanche hashtag has two traders about also at   me what I mean is that it is out of the question to believe that you buy and a bar   because we are going to talk about it of course and in particular in bitcoin is in particular   in bacon it is not to invest than to buy at the highest let yourself breathe at the lowest   and after going to lourdes go to pray holy rita or viage i don't know here to see saint jacques de   compostela there are no traders there are some still a no we are not   not there of course we when we sleep we go to sleep when we are the weekend we are in the   weekend at jean huss is doing the job that is not at least it is settled so yes I reassure you it   there is no need to go look for noon to 2 p.m. we can actually say that the market  

go up it's true but we can't say Monday I buy I forget hen at vacation I forget everything   nothing more to do at all a thong sandals and you will bathe and you come back to me after you   is a billionaire there are on the web in a hurry to make you believe that his method brings back 3000%   in fact the guy had done the reverse of all luck of the beginner he offered himself at 1000% end of   two and a half months in basel otis he sold as his 2016 video miracle method 400 pages of   pdf and people who do not read 10th he is very anxious to myths montcuq dummies it is a can   same scene we know very well besides I learned not very long ago that the money that   took you he bought apartments with ex companion he actually pulls him aspe rental   in taxation of course but that's another story what I mean is that he   is not a question of saying I trust the market because the fall can be important and   the ascent can take months roughly that's it and we're going to lose much faster than to gain   that's the financial markets, maybe I'm saying the obvious but I also like to say   sometimes the obvious as the pallice said in any case of course one of the   information is fundamental it feels good to bring them back on everything they send me   messages saying listen I don't know what to do with my private jet I don't know where they are coming from I have   need a little zealous form month not know how to give yourself a solid foundation   to actually start to succeed and help you on a daily basis to give you the nuggets and   wanted to save I am there neither of an airlock and that the aquila full of mourning to omit that I heard   also tell him that he is always upside down or he has a vitamin problem in the morning and look at the   emissions three hours later actually on the account it's time it's time it's over   the hour is their choice really he does not know how to do we get out that they are now using a   software from the 80s and these software from the 80s lawyers châu I give you a credit because   that I love you very much all on May 16 but it annoys me to hear bullshit like   on the other hand we sting our dogs a little so we will obviously talk about the greedy too   kigali and no longer understand anything and then it is everyone's fault absolutely   everyone it's all responsible I won fourteen thousand balls a day with you him   all of a sudden i get fucked 30 medal t the worst of the worst ah no it's not me the worst of the worst   the worst of the worst is the market if it works well yes that's the word obviously it's the boss if you   believe that you can win everything that the pro market offers if the market already has few indications that you take   already two dilutes immersive and setting him tell him wont now social distancing   you nudge or nudge them in any case that will make it more serious   because in the jenny this gene us trade union station as we are every day live on   the markets subscriber scores show the potential of the strategies that are served to you on   a plateau and I are just that she colossal everything is in the Russian grid pedagogy performance is   of course sustainability or even longevity is the objective we have alongside dhien   all operations are detailed in real time all operations are now done   thanks to artificial intelligence nod to those who wanted wanted by so at the foot of   genius where this same kissavos now saying i do the same as your names anyway   in three months I will be leaving the bouzin which will fly at 200km not you will see darling that is actually going up   a platform with an artificial intelligence algorithm x another feature of multi broker   multi products and multi assets I promise you that we will have to learn how to build advanced lego   still not the end of the thing I remind you that I had these autos trade with the forex futures and   the ockrent cheese crypt which arrives quickly ah bah yes it's doing very quickly beta test now   this is to finish in any case to finish in any case if you want to trade know that your   boss again if the market is the goal is not to take billions the goal   is to take all you can take and what the market offers just forget   not once again that the financial markets yes sorry are above all market matches   at zero sum it's a game called zero sum you take the money of those who lose point bar   there is nobody who puts money and still when I do that I think of powell and saddened no but   because it is time for the dough that's clear a while ago they will have to ask themselves   good questions if not in taking them to do training on the internet on the question   quickly answered here becomes a billionaire did not have you do not buy 4 4 buildings you do 18   apartments and then you cry worried we are fine real estate we talk a lot about it right now   with stéphane stéphane is stéphane des blocs seven asset managers for investors   and traders and it is true that Stéphane told us about a show that kills anyway   who tears his race like that at least it is said he spoke of the funds of the funds managed simply   and it is true that what I said if I pass it is there stéphane in any case what he showed with   because he detailed I remember stéphane as last was with me for the show zone is   luc monnet show in the long term version it's scammed there we explained why he dug   because as I prick them a little bit I like and well he dug he found why   larnack of course and he saw absolutely all that we spoke of course then in the   jenny are not very short term and we sometimes talk about a little longer of course   we talk about action we talk that one actions we have to make special ones because we are going   work with a pack in dacca which is an american listed stock broker with good reactions   sure not actions to death hot fashion and other features of a pack table on hot hot red hot hot hot   hot hot raid that doesn't mean you go to bed you come home billionaires self deals that means   that like today so listen well because that also for you the entry I know that you have   were very numerous to react last week but I would like to tell you some   thing I know I did in survey you are still 70% to place your orders with lens l index   right if you are right handed left index finger if you are left handed stop me your bullshit if you   please there is nothing that will allow you to win if you click to create click to exit   it's not true it's going so fast in the hyper short term it's impossible to sell emmanuel   site is a hen practitioner c is a theorist you sell your shit to ignorant people who will believe   what you tell them by explaining to them that they can click on a button that's just not   possible it's absolutely impossible nod to all those who still use indicators   techniques to find discrepancies of course have fun with the discrepancies I   makes an appointment with the one who will make money and his serious that Thursday with   discrepancies my ass so he comes here but these discrepancies in software or not he knows   do nakiele will see for himself he will understand that indeed he was wrong when he is   in real with us all this actually train me I'm open you saw opens and each open   if you ever have the stuffy method that works, you will say the last one that I invited on the set   it's a guy who screams scandal on the internet saying that scalping is impossible to   win and him in front of training sessions on the dif of market dogma of course I invited them   because he yells so I said but yell well because here we yell here and here the microphones 1 2   1 2 are made to yell so the master I tell him you know your reforms he tells me no   people a professional who does not know such is formal it's a little weird about the master   professionals wall street the city singapore dubai marrakech perpignan finally in short there   arrive all the big trading cities that's clear with big structures you but   on the other hand they did not know the tv for money I explain to myself that they have some and I tell him me I   call me the calf in more news it's over then the master nothing more so if we   look tonight at what I think he understood who we were 10 will necessarily be interested you can   come anyone can come even darling of strategy technical analysis moors   various gers landes finally in short all the people you can come you are welcome and elsewhere   you don't have to come you can simply call us 1 09 81 08 20 11 09   81 08 well express banks if you have a 404 before you can do it also is there them   there is a very good question in the chat that people keep asking me what is the   difference between trading and not in fact the problem of sports betting and trading is   that we often assimilate them because we press on levers very well known in the end which is   that they are simply the levers of the game, it is necessary to know that when we talk about money it wakes up in   you a lot of elements a greed envied the rich spenders side but mostly for the most part   of you it is the casino is in fact many assimilate the casino to trading we think betting   sportsmen we first hear the word paris and when we invest in the stock market we obviously have this   idea of ​​betting what is not entirely wrong behind what is concrete except that in the bet   sportsman we can actually a basket on football teams or basketball teams or even   why not in england it is done a lot there are what are called sion d1 bookmakers goes on   elections I can you want so we are in a spirit of winning when we are in the markets   financial that it is p'tet bien your job and that it is that they draw a salary that   I don't do that at all in fact when you make it a salary to be able to be productive is the basis   from the word speculate speculated these holdings at the base a little money which becomes exponentially   a lot of money because you work cumulatively there are only apple sales pyramid   anpaa co-founded with the ponzi scheme it's not entirely wrong but at the same time it goes   have to observe certain rules that have nothing to do with sports betting which has very good   suburban meters video I call suburban guys city guys because I love them   well a wink in any case that I know who currently on the internet are broadcasting messages   saying you'll never earn your living with the kind of master who sold swimsuits before and who   now you promise the bill we talked about it will make you smile because   come video the species of lopez who came to see me not very long ago that a month when   even not the kind of lopez the provocative came to piss me off years ago cuche in front of my house now we   sends messages to ten years millionaire in truck bangs and there we will talk about it before the thing   as you don't know your knocking thing it's just after the toilet doors on the right you'll see   stuff like it's very good ah yes it smells very good surely talking about it you are going to get married   see what I mean is that clearly you will have to pay attention to everything when you go   get into this activity you will first be greedy you will want to earn money   and it is quite natural whereas in the end it is not earned money which is important to aa au   departure to want to achieve but rather to take clearly what are the workings of the markets   and slats have 2 ways you have the siding and the voice actually of progression the way of   garage in fact it is a permanent search for the miracle method the famous martingale this   is not just one word like its in vain since everyone promises you billions   of dollars the only thing is that there is not one who pays that in front of you or when you   bottom in front of you in the end he wins but you you never win you don't manage to win   just steak is clearly what i mean is they gonna have to check it out   first that the guy than the road but in addition him in money and saves some because if   you do not have all of its components because ultimately you will run after a martingale that will exist   absolutely never know that in any case some brokers save their influence hours of   clear way to make the grassroots believe that he can gain as much as his influence   once you lose money from influencers tell you don't worry about trading it's not done   for you ah but me other clients we will actually win them and you, you will see   as many clients as you bring me and it's actually called pyramid marketing   at the pala bite me cabbage and institutes of break you finish in pnl and you say to yourself somewhere   I'm done I save you all this time what you do you come here has happened   indeed in a way we tell you bah you can try everything and first, why not words in   simulate it may also be possible to do a bit of simulating the simulation it's not real   okay don't have fun believing you idiots who tell you seven months to go   simu it's funny because the seven months of simu correspond to the seven months of satisfaction guarantee   or refunded you know what I mean so after seven months techno in reality more guaranteed   you make yourself [__] ultimately died is to deny what I also mean is that it is necessary   to try it is also necessary to invest has no choice so either you go on markets not very speculative and in   this case you will have a hard time it will be as john mcgale wandering said you see you looking for the aspect   speculative and in this case you will look for markets that go quickly in volatility I think by   example to the indices that they are American or European I think why not the tripe tokyo one   cheese we talked or and next to it he has teeth that grow what I mean also it's not also   some actions if you did not know know that some actions are very interesting and   it's not the most expensive are interesting but we talk about that in the jenny everyone already knows   So obviously we want to say advertising on sports betting is similar to advertising   on trading, moreover, you must at some point declare that these advertisements are   unsuitable inappropriate content so as to tell the social networks that release all these jobs   is there and which leaves you a little quiet a hustler of a btc cross its support well   at 37000 it becomes a resistance the thirty-seven thousand has just crossed the thirty-seven thousand of   support the resistance of 37 hits me go crazy it's debatable but it's not quite silly   and I think you have a good thought either is actually how to tell this viewer   warned of a bonnet of others and now zeal is born with you you have a good basis this   which means that ultimately you know how to work r1 r2 and simple from sas a s2 which are the basics   or linux is so much it's so nice where obviously that's a second observation that   you can teach yourself ladies it's still that the thirty seven thousand a stick to the skin and   that's clear 37 37 37 37 32 34 35 37 36 36 5 36 5 36 5 36 37 or to purchase in any case and in a   global language for almost ten days now and in a global shit why   not because there was at a time when everyone said to themselves csaj to buy back bitcoin I will sell   jewelry of the year but I'm going to buy some more but I'll tell you about it either   then let's go we talk about billionaires in bits code first me I'm laughing out loud   firstly because Monday billionaires make millionaires on Tuesday and make smicards on   Thursday bah yes because bitkom is like that bitcoin is a character bitcoin is   a temperament of wild animals and fire bitcoin it goes up but the bitkom it goes down I explain to you   why the beatles and not ordinary training is not ordinary hyper short term it is   no ordinary long-term investment bitcoin is not stock, it's not the future   and it's not even football what it takes bitcoin is an ultra speculative product   run by a handful of ex-chefs who do everything they can to make the product the gold standard of crypto   currency you should know that the peak of bitcoin is still a beautiful is beautiful and beautiful   history the Iberian history of the rain but where he is being very attentive do not tell you the   face who does he is like that so interview can we the film and 1 1 jenkins in tianjin   now have a little chinese like a billionaire quine penida decrypts money so he   is a billionaire decrypts money because he created the year of love one of the biggest   exchange which has which exists which is called mainence taste besides we are partners since we   have a system of any raid on lease launches a it is clear brings him one because in the end   he created a platform that allows you to exchange crypto currency and that's the problem   go figure it is not that since he also does I take the sandwiches and kebabs at noon the etac also does everything tells me leo leo I remind you we see him a little the days he is in   the show that took a walk every day at 10 a.m. and tells us about it green and not ripe in   this world knows nothing about it with me I will explain to you and to the woman all that you will   understand how I see things listen after you have the right to agree or disagree I   can you do shows every day on Monday it's the crisis Tuesday it's the buoy   rescue on Wednesday is still something else me anyway I don't work that way   first listen to the ceni beacon of action neither forex nor future nilda commodities but   that's all already you have it soon bitcoin makes us live absolutely wonderful stories   wonderful and there are some who get rich there are some who get poor there are some who have lost   their password there are some who disappear with their bitcoin there are some who die in the con   phobias you banged by tying fortunes in bitcoin there are banks that see bitcoin in   150 miles there are other banks that drink league 1 to 0 the chair lowering the christine is not   christine christine lagarde the world knows her destined for the beach christine rides a bike and   bats christine allain pol pot of glue then n 1 1 first to match in addition to the small cap direct   a people what she said she said bitcoin needs very strong regulation   tobacco you the terms are a little more precise on my right I think I was going to bed me and   it needs a regulation to them I will not say bad words but we almost believe ourselves   indisposed you know what I mean bitcoin needs regulation is not wrong but it is   too late because the very essence of bitcoin is still the end of sovereignty.   the emancipation of the people - he tells it to us to the james bond listen to me so it is how much he   it's still the people's money the oil it's the money of sao shine it in his head the   bitcoin is a physical thing everyone has to go on that central banks no longer have   the hand and the banks of rite aid are going to get stung the kills in the nettles   that the elements the authorities obviously that we marry them christine ap what it takes is told them   the ritual banks she was actually taking bitcoin, don't worry, we'll get it right and there   it was starting to sink obviously that it is starting to sink we are not going to give a regulated system a   deregulated currency and we will not say everyone in the same basket some marriages   consanguineous and in the end it makes children with deformities obviously so there are   Chinese who try to make believe that the roan in any case digital will replace the dollar in   there are those who know nothing about their international transactions and who try to put   moving averages to explain the evolution of bitcoin well what analyzes of bitcoin as the   wheat like oil in pariah what awaits you at the corner of the woods to take your fleet and you   leave with your dreams of course first know it I'm not happy the bit sticks   on the contrary, I am even a picot nist opportunist if it exists otherwise I am coming tomorrow know that   bitcoin of course a future, it is therefore a question of being able to work on contracts as well   in the long run that you are in chicago so taken out a serious of your weight far to we are not in   prolonged light weight it's clear there will soon be the rum and water summer which gives us that all   that's clear what I mean as well obviously I said to myself no longer call them   floors nod to the young people who are telling me luc my friend thierry keira   were with me in 5th we went to second we made bitcoin there are billions in term   stop your bullshit of course the bitcoin at an insane volatility 1.8 tons which is quoted at   40 or even 50 can drop 10,000 1 points in the space of an hour and when you lose 10,000 points   lose a lot of money big at 2 p.m. is at 42 mine at 6 p.m. theater in 2000 you're going to me   say luc i don't care what will come up so listen carefully to what i am going to explain i had   made a video in 2015 with so-called falot works in any case to the leader we did in this side   crypto currency h hour for pal cited and other and I was already explaining to me in this sense the   bitkom was not an ace is typical rather even atypical this bitcoin is why it was necessary to be   extremely careful why not because not being regulated is a bit like not having a passport   and the ability for them to want to smash bacon ah bah obviously the day you have a   bank who want French people get high especially that now can put it   absolutely everywhere as to the key to tens of billions of phone rice accounts and you can say   to your customers or even without asking them you make them buy bitcoin would camp tambor the good   understood that it was here to use obviously there when you lose money it's the other one we win when   we earn the dough to the other when I talk about his legend or bullshit not bullshit money these   books there by once powell other considers that they give to propose otherwise not see the trick so in   big one at 2 p.m. 1.42 at 6 p.m. and at 30.2 so if you have at 2 p.m. you're a billionaire a carreman 18   hours he's homeless basically that's it to understand if you bought at 2 p.m. you're dead  

because I mean the climax of the dead so obviously you are going to have the   survival reflex of two survival i.e. you will start to eat pebbles and   drink it desalinated seawater of course basically you're going to tell yourself a little jesus is god   d a doom ensures that the bitcoin can start again and me it's been a week   which are smashed 250 thousand bullets in real life and inevitably they are waiting for the bitcoin to run   immediately have 42 that does not mean that it will not go up it means that there is absolutely   none of the traders on this planet is capable of getting screwed 25% of their capital without   flinching well it obviously does not exist so if you bought well in fact hold the fall of 10,000   points because you don't give a damn that's in theory but that's where it really is   the problem is clear after gold will never hold a position that unscrews 25% look at the   mouths of traders who are all put their fingers in their mouths when the market indexes and   actually falls by 30% there are even breaker circuits with seven loss points on the sp which   can say that truly 25 points you cannot even if you take your grown-up's herbal tea   mother you can't it's not possible that's clear then a trader's max drawdown that would hold   25 points of descent 1 is really stupid it would show that he would be able to lose his   capital in two days the stories around bitcoin are true fairy tales and   moreover in general but it can be without people knowing what works it is   when we tell a beautiful story you take for example and that if around tesla there was   not a good story tesla did not show well no it's not going up it's normal nicolas   it's still a good example nicholas and electric trucks I'm going to launch something   electric scooter and skateboard and I'll tell you your skateboard is levitating   6 story but bitcoins annick a beautiful story if one day we really stop   tell stories about the big town bitcoin will be more popular and what is a popular place   war and stadium da still a limited offer so I love I love I love embarrassment when we   Doesn't explain well the well of caen to me a hundred seriously, but I didn't say I didn't   said it wasn't serious go to the left bank indicates the big town needs some buzz on   buy beef and bitcoin it's a buzz that opens the press there isn't a day when there isn't   not a thing on bitcoin we agree with the one who digs in his chimney and finds a   bag actually filled beaton loti la halle and already he found on the ground and in addition he had the   password the host he is dead he is not dead comes he resuscitated the april bitcoin but all the   world the bones there was no real in me i'm sorry udc honestly when i was in   buying like crazy at 5 6000 7000 8000 10000 even the person talking about it   not even the media so five six thousand nobody talked about it the media are starting to take an interest   above 10 above 20 students when everything fell apart, there were more   nobody forget that what we forget ah bah here it is and here it is therefore that it is necessary to know it is   what is simply called negotiation must not forget that bitcoin like all the others   competing shale it is negotiable obviously it can not be bought it's cheap and it's only   when it's dear parent it's as stupid as that we talk about it and stay with me I'll give you   full of nerve you go on this thing there I will not give you the beacon is a decentralized currency   which can be guessed at a minor of minors and and we come home from work, stop eyeing me   Institutional you inflate me had we in a program relax knb yes the leo is not the trader   bitcoin is in fact you have to understand first if you doubt what I'm going to prove to you by   25 thousandths of a second listen to bitcoin well it's not bitcoin luc you become football stumbled   at 4 g not at all the beacon it's not the bacon the bitcoin it's the btc the future contract btc the   bch the weight the btc usd / t the bdc usd the beak is what I was released again I was released something   today the btc what do we have others like vtc then poured then here then it is   something else crypto against crypto we are sure of the môquet guy's butt but on the other hand it does exist   obviously a basic rule of listening via the water because that you do not think destroy it in big   basically, the stories around bitcoin are real fairy tales but what it takes   not to forget is that in addition to the volatility and in addition to the risk of being eaten if you   like operations that turn around more to be volatility and more obviously these risks and   especially if you are in fashion i believe in everything i have a horseshoe a hand from fatma rams to the star of   david and all that obviously goes with the stories all make believe that we must stay in   position you still noticed his own life you actually hit is at the highest it is   at that moment when the stories come out to make you see that you can be a billionaire and serve   of course there are counterparts to institutional investors who understand that when the big town was there   very high the first responded present what is the city the beacon at 140 miles - lucas 46 in   selling when others buy exactly you have to be able to prove sellers when you want   buy and buyers when you want to sell so we continue on that even the bosses damage   face buys bitcoin 50 million dollars the boss twitter an incredible match if the boss   twitter but 50 million dollars in the gut like me I will put 16 dollars 50 and I   think I can do it right so it costs stay with me you'll understand a little   little history them when they lose they have nothing to they feel they are losing 25% of 50 million   the costs of sherritt will have no career but this day when you have them tomorrow is not very long but   you anyway it's common hot obviously when you start to make some money you   you try step by step and history makes you believe in any case a whole lot of things so you in all   if you are going to stop believing that you have to sell your hut to buy bitcoin already your first   game we have never seen putting all its heritage and wealth on just one at its edges and know you   in the suburbs in a city where my means you will stop in any case not take yourself for tony montana   because bitcoin is at 36 nil and you bought it a vanins but when we lead 23 in gold was   the thrifty ok you have already bought what already excuse me you bought what to buy bitcoin is not   I bought a 15.1 bing com disc I bought people the nuance is interesting win you have not   buy material bought from intangible is what you bought these from his departure peaks like   very small countries know fraction of my little pikes honest said picou net in the fields   bigoudènes a lot of bikutsi bigote you know what I mean so we still have to admit   one thing is that you buy total intangible besides certain exchanges like my   buddy dao created their same counterpart him sdd no dollars well no it's lease dollars no   no it's not buy side dollars people can point the camera on the waters left the   jean is in the c koi the bitcoin ben the bitcoin c6 thuram is thrown away I'm kidding but the alcan quartet   I'm telling you usd / t it's not the dollar it's not the dollar lower the dollar of teaser company   taser comes sweet from the reward to blancois to try what with tents and heather paralyzed   people with dollars that's what counts in fact the conquest we go there you lie but on that we are there   go worry i'm hot lens we are going then a course we will talk immediately after   what will make you earn on bitcoin because we talk about it every day and that's very good   created in counterparty trials with me because it helps to put things back a little bit   in their place first you will buy bitcoin breads you should know that most of you do not buy   not a bitcoin they buy little bits of bitcoin with the effects of leverage effects of   leverage the mandatory multiplier to earn a little bah yes because most   time when you have no leverage of the world 0 the clip of crazy exchange fees nothing earned   that's the first thing, moreover, to all those who have never really set foot in   an exchange you must know that the challengers do what they want a zordi aspect not pass them   they cut disorder they do not listen ah no there that no there the sigillated pottery not even   bitch at times because tehran wasn't run when you wanted i was on   the derivative to the clearing house broker uncomfortable it tells the clearing house   broker on derivatives is not wrong, it is true that we come to translate their story to chamber of   compensation effectively markets we continue you don't know worried we explain you come in   the jenny son bac explained absolutely all that instead of earning bitcoins in fact you will cry   portray in any case sometimes with virtual bitcoin when you have father instead of typing   I want to win in the city like on google you will type scam or lose inbil bangs and you   mates perceive cases of very large which some do and even banks that have left feathers   in natural bitcoin by the only two banks later we will also leave some   feathers in bitcoin and it counts in millions I continue I count there is it is necessary to know what   it's a lever you have to know what makes it possible to win you have to know all the things   that I'm going to tell you to leave tomorrow so how do we earn on them first you you creep we are at home   us and you find the way to do a lot of transactions because of course the one   who takes money with each transaction earns more and whoever speculates on the product is   his first thing second thing you qrita crypto tocane that everyone of course wants to own   0:59:58.950,0:00:05.070 a bit like the pokemon in the playground or even in shopping centers here in the estrie you   created of course tintin trip that a honda nabila that she talks about bitcoin shampoo also has   seems that it works like never seen my turn of the youngest who operate on the big movements and   get out of excess recoveries considering that your ichange will take between 25 and   50% damage and there you can't say against because that's a real ayoubi you have a king on   big movements you don't know what will stay with me in not even ten minutes i'll explain you   can lose on the big movements and you go out with the excess recoveries considering your   exchange takes between 25 mg at 50% 2t profits point bar we call it the 's & p' reindeer on   call it and in canada pessalle script takes 25 50 permanently you win you lose   elsewhere it concerns above all you do not listen to the super fair counter where the super analysts   who make shows at 50,000 seeing that they tell you to buy and the next day everything goes wrong   Obviously a task is a bit because in any case losing will leave you with a bitter taste that is   clear you have to buy if you want to buy from my place I was a bit like mcdonald's comes   as you want because anyway good as you are if you ever want to buy we say   do not buy you will buy anyway and that's where however 2 1 never two hours knight   has never slept on the meal position on the opposition to 1 of bitcoin because of any   way if you don't know i will tell you the day they will put bitcoin upside down you will sleep   they won't be able to do it at 2:30 p.m. in front of a les ch'tis in mykonos or tns I know why but  

obviously so it's not even the Asians expectations that everyone sleeps of course and   then they will try to make you believe that an atta

2021-01-25 10:15

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