Le Good Morning Trading, le point sur la bourse par Benoist Rousseau

Le Good Morning Trading, le point sur la bourse par Benoist Rousseau

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hello everyone and welcome to good morning trading a trader is talking to the trader I am delighted to meet you on this Monday morning to take stock of the news or stock market outlook for the day so very quickly we risk having a day maybe a little soft a little bit canes like what happened last night in asia we did not have much not much volatility the tokyo stock exchange in particular the nikkei ended up of 0 56% so if he has in the wake of wall street of 2 Friday we have a Japanese statistic on the economy which was rather negative we had a more marked contraction than expected of the Japanese economy in the third quarter and it did not affect investors at all so we always stay on this pattern the hague the bad news does not make the market go up stabilizes it is even progressing a little bit in japan so we are still in this form of positive momentum on of the highest his toricas of all time so over the next six single portion of the next six weeks we could end the year in 2021 on historic highs to celebrate with the most beautiful champagne the most beautiful rise the strongest rise of all time in the decade on the markets on the stock markets we have never gone up so much for two years ten years so we could celebrate that since in 2022 maybe have some some corrections if we have an inflation which increases then what is interesting of to see it is that we have to inflation is really taken extremely seriously since we had we have two rumors that have leaked in particular in the United States there would have been a debate in the White House on how to fight against the increase inflation and some officials we do not know more they are well informed sources it is like coluche they are well informed sources in time has not really been who knows they have heard from people whose o n does not have the names that they would have said that in a meeting of which we do not know neither him nor the date c but what is reported by elise analysts dyson in particular is curious a debate in the white house la way of fighting against the rise in inflation and certain officials so it is not who would have called for drawing on strategic reserves or stopping American oil exports and that is interesting and that is why we have a decline in oil because there will be some fears about an increase in supply so if the supply increases and demand remains stable it automatically lowers prices and possibly a weakening of demand if ever the United States draw from their strategic reserves the strategic reserves it is between quotation marks of oil which is useless that it is useful only in the event of conflict that in the event of enormous geopolitical event and each finally especially especially the United States of America léman in france we have oil reserves to then retain in quotes from a few days to a few weeks in autarkic mode so that life can continue to function when we are in anarchy, that is to say that we can have gasoline reserves to make operating the ambulances the fire engines the tanks the police cars and therefore drawing on its strategic reserves would mechanically reduce the demand here is what we will not consume twice so anyway if we put two licenses giving if hammocks one meter of license including the car that it comes directly from Saudi Arabia an American strategic reserves that changes absolutely nothing the car drives so but it's interesting this info I found very interesting because it shows that there is an anticipation of this possibility of inflation that we do not deny ourselves anything because drawing on strategic reserves that it is still normally something strategic is when there are really big geopolitical events if ever there was saudi arabia the main oil countries which made an embargo on the united states which refuses to sell oil to americans etc etc or which is a war which breaks out in the gulf countries at times I don't know me dubai and and it makes for example good there it is for economic reasons and inflation but it is interesting is it is simple cold 1 we still allow to lower the barrel of brent which loses 0 71% and the light crude American texas also lost 0 61% they are both a little above the famous barrier that I had you one summer there is already at least two months now 10 80 dollars so here we are the famous level where it pulsates for inflation is very positive for the oil producing countries and 75 80 dollars everyone in quotes it finds a balance the producing countries get richer can feed their populations can to develop and the economies we will say very consuming of oil china ocde etc it is not a level which allows to suffocate the economies so here we are really staying in touch with these 80 dollars and it is for the moment the best news of the weekend we will go into detail on the technical analysis do not hesitate to subscribe to the youtube channel to put thumbs up to watch the four binary that I did this weekend on the stock market trading l 'economy and history and we are now attacking everything on technical analysis, so here we go our stable cac 40 totally stable to send the results to futures despite the small increase in Japan or China they are between -0 10 and flatters which there really is not much has happened to taste and we are we see the germs in red on traitor lighten on the European future indices is a little green on the American indices but really we have not passed but what is interesting is q Nothing is happening despite bad news in Japan so we are still on a trend which is extremely extremely strong extremely powerful on cac 40 so it stays there we have it we can see it very well since Friday it is trying to stay above the aisne above the monthly middle r2 it's really a strong sign when it could be its next upside target to go up high enough we have contact 17100 we have seen here when we got closer to 17100 we have a small wave of decline but nothing good very bad if we then continued to rise so if we place the 7100 it is a little bit the scenario quite possible we could then stabilize this area of 7100 with point to point of attack was from the current ongoing percent more would be the strength of two monthly in contact with 7157 in 1960 can be reached this week or or next week it ' is not in quotes delirium ant unless we have heard bad news or if the American markets turn around it will push our cac 40 a little further south and therefore there is a point of decline on the cac 40 is good we are really extremely protected by the resistance of '' a monthly contact the contact of the 7000 if we have a withdrawal wait wait for the contact of the shy deaths and at 6990 and see if if we leave the biggest fear is that we will be until the end of the year including in this range the extremely narrow range low point 7000 points to the all- time record 7000 7150 and we do pine pon on it for several weeks but in any case it is extremely extremely extremely times the order book hardly moves there are not many changes so for the moment it's not the big day the big day on the dax 40 we have exactly the same story in contact with its historical highs he does not want to go down he tries to be maintain above its resistance to m as long as it stays above it's a super means really great bullish sign and then hey if comes back below the 16000 point it's been it's a blessing all last week it's been a blessing even for two weeks we try again we try again if we see if we see that the more it starts again there to kick ass the 16000 we should really be bad news is that we start to switch when a psychological change very very very different on the indices we just have a statistic today at 1:30 p.m. GMT which is at 2:30 p.m. the American Empire State activity index which is not an indicator with a particularly monitored record little linked to inflation so that should not move the president very much. was 19.81 the experts expect it to increase to 20.50 here but we do not have data today in

any case extremely extremely important it will especially be tomorrow with retail sales in the United States which is a important statistic are on retail sale for the month of October and it could assess the possible impact of the drop in households since I remind you that the Michigan index gave us that the US consumer sentiment fell to the lowest of 10 years in we need a little depression for buck gives us a little depression ken and barbie also so well it's sad then we know that the Americans when they have a depression it is not necessarily serious for consumption since the French tend to trend more than that is first in the world to consume anxiolytics and company so you do not we take the moral cachetons to what is supported besides the French biopharmaceutical industry and Americans when they are not doing well you have to heat up the credit card so it is not necessarily a bad sign that they are using it and not the morale of the Americans they will perhaps be still a little more in debt and I remind you all the same the base c 'are t that Americans going into debt is good for the rest of the world because it makes factories run in China it also makes us sell our products our services and so on so here is what to watch out for it is so ken and barbie have no morale but that he lets go for black friday it will be good for it will be good for everyone that's also why household morale is ultimately much less followed than before because we realize that when the Americans have the morale they spend they buy when they are not the morale it compensates they do not buy drugs they also spend so here it is rather it is almost good news that no it is not the case it is not the morale which also explains that the markets have absolutely not reacted negatively to you makes the American consumer a little more depressed is at the lowest of these last ten of these last ten years we only attack the other indices of the blow a lot in rostock even he thing is the resistance one monthly then it is right on top we see that it is slightly more in the red than the other European indices but everything calmed down all ages the low point me which would interest me knows that we has a return on 4000 4300 and especially 4250 the highest of the previous month the friend monthly dollars the level farts 1250 its flight there there is something to feast on but quite honestly it is a hope but I do not believe it at all They should fall by more than 2% and a half and there really should be very, very bad statistics the market remains remains remains remains for ten years bullish and the historic highs do not scare him, it is really the something that I find very interesting to note especially since our friend the eurostoxx 50 allowed himself while we slept on noise manta one hour between 1 and 2 a.m. to make us an all-time high so it's fine it's fine when we do the highest historical on the s european night time futures markets it's all going well at dow jones our friend dow jones so he on the other hand on the american indices we have rather a wave a wave of decline last week we fell we had an attempt to rebound quite clear enough frank of the collar Friday for the moment and seems not to be confirmed then what are the next interesting points of contact if we continue the decrease in particular on dow jones good ben me I the 35 1750 which give me the eye very precisely 35 1740 why because in this area we have the 750 area we have the cost of the previous month we have a nice monthly middleware and that could really be a point of support to try to have a rebound of 50 its quite interesting point therefore the gemmi alarms on it and I await that with both impatience and hope because we can also commit yesterday as the day of Thursday Friday between quotation marks and taunt by staying a little above the 35,000 of the 35 thousand eight hundred in n ' ayan t not the last suicide bombers to try to bring down to 35,750 here I think I am not the only analysis and that in this place there will be a lot of buyers and that the scouts the scouts the seller does not necessarily volunteer to go and break the 35,000 the 35 thousand eight hundred to watch in any case here very nice potential areas early for our friend the nasdaq the nasdaq is not doing well I'm fine I'm not well I'm always going to watch the big fat HGV lorries on 5-6 on the nasdaq day Wednesday had fallen apple was slightly in the red was a bit microsoft tuna and red and Friday were all taken because that apple was in the green and microsoft is in the green so a round trip for nothing at all so interesting is that we are not ten years old yet below the low point and we are rather extremely comfortable on the on the nasdaq since we have further progressed, progressing this night by +0 14 we are at above the 15,000 of the fifteen thousand two hundred I recall that this area of ​​the fifteen thousand two hundred and thirty forty we went to look for it last Wednesday and it is from where we put ourselves a little bit lower and there it kept in contact with this area near this area all night long without weakening so 8:27 in a row so it lacks who are perhaps ready to seek them a new record on the on the nasdaq we can see it here if we take candles in one day if it is confirmed a set this candle of the day in haiti nachi it is rather beautiful we have by endowing more Friday a candle of indecision finally not a candle of a goal and a lion and reversal of the downward trend so we could perhaps go closer to the resistance on a monthly basis so there if there is a ball on a view on US stocks it is always the biggest and the biggest and always technological, especially since they are very sensitive to inflation and if we start to see rumors that the White House is planning to tap into strategic oil reserves to lower the barrel of oil is quite interesting then I think that this announcement was made precisely to lower the barrel of oil in contact with 80 dollars in contact with 80 dollars is not inflationary so all is well as soon as we move away a little more than 80 commented on maybe 85 we will get closer to 80 90 there they will talk much more to try to lower and if it does not fall they will dip and then we will have a fall because investors said to themselves there is a lot of talk about drawing down they have not done so the prices can continue to rise and then s 'they do it for we come back to 82 there we do not respect the gentleman agreement and then everyone everyone is happy so here I think there is political manipulation in all the political pressure to keep it at 80 dollars and so that also means that at the next opep summit we will see what will be said but hey of the united states europe have their say that they are still the main consumers so even if we do not have the choice is a little bit that has it is as if we want to put pressure on clean water on food as a consumer we do not have much leverage because a girl or even if the prices increase very significantly we have to eat so we will always end up buying the product from our supplier and for a barrel of oil we do not have 5000 different brands either to feed us continuously with our black gasoline which our blood black in fact she her ca our system collapses completely here but there are always means of political pressure is always if if if this is what is going on I think here we have a little spent a little too much above 80 the white house we see signals by saying attention attent ion could draw on the water stock in our strategic reserves and everyone is happy so the nasdaq earlier rather a positive orientation ideally I would like to wait for a pullback so now the pullback which I had feasted on last week on the mine seizure zone 16 1947 1150 and the 7040 zone and 7050 edicts, well, here it is if we could come back are a little bit on these zones that would suit me it would be much easier much easier to take orders the russell then him she makes us our island makes us our order there is a sacred return which is rather rare for the russell contact of the monthly license it remains this coaching on since thursday we see the day of friday it absolutely did not move at all in contact with the monthly resistance that means there also like a kind of gentleman decorate the prices are about correct we have no gasoline for we have no gasoline news to raise again m anière above the 2750 contact of the historical records the russell we also have no bad news which could justify a decrease what is interesting here is that we see the monthly friend of the air at 2375 a super well worked so if we had a role flow it could also work then still not be the same amplitude but as the level worked well memory in memory the market forgiveness in memory of its low points or and its high points much more the memory inevitably of the low points since we are in a situation of uptrend that is why I go to the purchase to the purchase to the purchase to the purchase the purchase and I make no sales and that 'we will have a very marked bearish trend I would like I would like I will sell my hair and I will not make any purchases so here we are still on a rather positive upward period of bad news we liked it we liked it two sides we n' do not think about it there is not too much good news but that does not prevent the market to maintain its historical highs so here I am my technique is to buy on a downturn when things start to pick up again to always always stay in the underlying trend so ultra long term long term medium term middle empty the long middle medium term short term etc whatever happens if you take your candle count whatever your unit of time in one hour in five minutes even in one minute and many more green candles more red candles so here you go. also draw conclusions from it I remind you that I showed you in the goodwood trading for example on the nasdaq that for the last ten years we have had 91% of me too so here is that if you buy the nasdaq you wait a month for 10 years old you have a success rate of 80% and then you have well well well very well earning a living for the moment we have no signal that you have to sing microsoft you have to google safety you have to sing the ap ple everything is going very well for them thank you madam the marquise here is on what I can not tell you more I encourage you to put small thumbs do not be stingy at the 350 at the moment to simultaneously look at gas that 167 small inches this anti project when not even 168 thank you governed and I will provide you with a kit and on 1.3 for the stock market week has started very smoothly and with pleasure, be well and if you have the ear you will notice one thing it is very zen maybe the most beautiful thing in these three movements that I have just done is the moments of silence between each one

2021-11-17 04:41

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