Le Good Morning Trading du 23 mars 2021 par Benoist Rousseau - Andlil.com

Le Good Morning Trading du 23 mars 2021 par Benoist Rousseau - Andlil.com

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hello everyone and welcome in good morning I am very happy to see you again we are on March 23, 2021 a trader by the trader and we will take stock of the news of the financial markets a news which is quite complex at the at the moment since as you can see what really affects the especially european markets is their confinement in europe we talk about it a lot during the night from monday to tuesday angela merkel extended the confinement in germany is going rather badly in germany until April 18 with extremely severe measures especially for the Easter holidays which are extremely followed in Germany we will kill trying to limit contamination and other Marseille carnivals in Germany so note that they have extremely strict measures and that they have rates contamination which are two to three times lower than that of France so it is really an action going to say strong of the same year that it upsets the indicat a little bit eurs in particular indices the dax this morning down 1 2 - 0 33% why because we are starting to ask questions about the dynamism of the European economy we have the deutsche bank for example which has halved its forecasts growth for Germany for the second quarter of which for April May June they halved the growth rate they had forecast for Germany and 2 4% they fell to 2% especially because of the containment measures but it is a transitional period because the vaccines are arriving faster and faster and we will see a mass effect from at least around May 2 June 2 and so it will certainly make us the current system of the Americans oussad and entrusts us like almost everyone to be vaccinated if they wish it is not any more on the agenda in the minds of Americans often a gap with the Americans at the economic level from 5 to 6 myself in terms of vaccination a die stalling with the Americans from 5 to 6 months so it's interesting because the Americans are a leading indicator of what is going to happen to us so here we are in March we add six months 5 6 months August September we should be quiet vis- vis-à-vis the vaccine and therefore the fears that we currently have for European growth have perhaps already finally been betrayed, it is because we are declining very little and we are still quite high enough in terms of the stock market calendar we have an important at 5 pm we at the hearing of the president of the fed of jérôme powell before the financial services commission of the house of representatives so we felt droppings you dared the commission for french level it would be the equivalent of of the finance committee of the national assembly which would condition the president of the home de france 1 so here it is except that powell can make the markets move enormously depending on the questions and answers we will ask about inflation e tc to all the problems the american recovery is according to its answer it can move from 5 p.m. generally it lasts an hour an hour between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. or even 6.30 p.m. if there are really questions and answers quite marked it can that can move a little unexpectedly so will make him pay attention to this niche assault and not be for example extremely heavy to position myself because if if they could tell me something and its part in the other direction it is necessary take losses very quickly or we are rather badly so here you know that the 5h 18h time slot in addition to 5.30pm is the closing of the

European markets it may not be the best time to intervene in force on the markets so here we have a psychological market climate which is positive in the united states hesitant in europe and then in asia it's the same it's mixed 1600 they are slightly in the red especially tam in china and then other indices are a p etit a little a little bit flat so there we feel that we are in an area of ​​uncertainty is what we continue to increase but we do not really have a very positive sinnoh and is what we decrease but at the same time if we start selling if prices fall we will not take advantage of the rebound which is almost certain and certain unless a new variant appears ultra-fast hours but we know that the economy will have a big boom when all that will be almost over in the large economic zones so from September 12, October we would really see a big end so difficult for investors sometimes it is very clear the trend there a little less if we are in a trend wait so we will have to have a nice little race i am fast enough do not hesitate to subscribe to the halak channel and its videos so that i get up every morning it is my only source of motivation i will you reminds that the free channel and without advertising so I run on certain ins to the shit month to the inch here everyone does what they can in life we ​​are going to do that we will see in more detail analyze the technical analysis therefore on the nasdaq so that's interesting we have a very clear acceleration and we continue on the opening of the American markets and have been typed you see the monthly pivot point and boom we did not manage to cross it and there we are even largely below so it was a little annoying for me since I returned to 2009 in the morning so roughly about 7 in this area and then on this candle age and I left flat after I waited for the opening of the morning markets which I almost a shock from the bottom of the day and then we had this acceleration and I'm waiting for the rally I didn't really believe I waited I waited and then it bleeds to go up to go up then you know each other when you don't are not in the right timing we knew agitated not seller relieves would have been beheaded but since you are not in the mountains but I was expecting breathlessness at a turnaround and then yawning just no turnaround went up in a straight line and every 50 points you say is thin if I was back and hand if I was back and hand if I had come home and hand if I had come home and now if jean taking a chance to have me beheaded and it is often this is what often happens but here it is not it does not matter the important thing is d 'be still there the next day alas what interests me about the nasdaq is this little connell rebound right on the daily pivot point and which at the level of 13,000 of the 13,000 future so here it is an interesting info the ideal for me it would be that we go back down here here is 2950 symbolic level 12 points below approximately one smiles there 12 1937 is the difference between the case with the futures is about 12 points so that would correspond on the cash to 12 1950 therefore a contact on this area here I am interested in quarters in the event of a downward wave there we have a nice possibility of having a bounce is perhaps an attempt to return at least twelve 1975 so history of scratching anyway 30 44 maybe 13 speaks to me by extension the pivot point of the week there is really the interesting area besides this is the area we started to open 2:30 p.m. a little hesitated then our lungs and we left so there may be people there if we go down it is very simple later in the day previous put ul gasoline and if we go up we can go look for 13150 and this is where it will be difficult to maneuver it is supervised if we start with a lighter then if we really like the brick and the point monthly pivot the ideal would be that we are stupid the station wagon so the series we sign from France by returning a little touched the monthly pivot point and that we start again and there in these cases there is a great technical signal and I will try to get on the water on this return on this confirmation that this resistance has become a support and there it can go work in these cases around the 13 1213 1240 13th 250 it is quite possible or even to look for them the highlight of the previous week here we are but we see everything and red anyway so earlier this morning a little a priori a little a priori bearish is hesitant 6.6 crossed the 13 1150 it will necessarily be anyway on normally one year you should never say never in beauce but normally also breaks the monthly pivot point it will not be this morning this exceptional fact that falls it will be while 'we during the opening session of the American markets so 2 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 9 p.m. at the moment and then it is for her who will in

fact in my opinion ideas decided therefore the decision will be made rather around 5:30 p.m. 6 p.m. on the markets for to really have the direction on the American indices I make you the dow jones because it is interesting he had spoken about the friend of the monthly air yesterday before there we are we were looking for it we have here to stabilize his not held tonight but when did he have even a profile a rather nice profile to try to stabilize above thirty two thousand five hundred is really the goal for them for dow jones stayed above c2c 32500 to really have an uptrend we can see it here if we could stay above the 32500 and hang up they friends of the art of monthly it would be a very good sign for for pau for the dow jones to then try to go nab broken his pivot point of the week were really there his great difficulty we see here there were some by two attempts with failure so there it would take good news to have a momentum and then to go the point has gone above the 30 of 1750 and maybe go for it the thirty two thousand eight hundred which would not be stupid because here we see this there we have put ourselves strongly and generally the networks we have started to strongly lower these skis that of going to seek the markets as if wanted to fill algorithm my gori with the algorithms a kind of a kind of sheet so here is a high point here it could it should work well and then well if we lower repeat exactly the same move trying to have a good Russian father or the lowest of the previous week so hop here is which is on the 32 1417 lower the previous week lower of the previous day are to bounce on the thirty two thousand three hundred and there it could be interesting to repeat almost the same movement 30 2003 32400 la y would have 80 75 81 point to take if we drop it is quite interesting on the other hand if we have a small rebound but was quickly a tp at +10 for example finally not a tp a stop benefits at +10 that they will normally have a rebound less of 20 30 points so by putting a +10 you leave the possibility of doing more without and then if it ever goes down you cash in the list because the risk the extra premium passage I do not believe too much but it is a rupture of this channel is there it there is no eno rmly two things to be able to retain the market and the area 30 2002 32 1250 with mid-week support for pretty much worked but we could have an acceleration to get the 32 8 points recency a monthly highest of the month previous it's a little bit it's a little bit the risk there the market will not stay between we say the ass between two chairs will not stay very long between the manager years alone or the middle r2 monthly he will go get one of these areas to type for to type on so here it is, it is really I was going to say in defensive mode if you wait there for the r1m slightly under the 32 mines there there is surely a good possibility of launching a dice trading I will tell you do reading 10 then the russell quickly then you can see it well the russell is not there superforming that it is like an indicator because being more or less caricature the russell 2000 these two thousand small american companies then in these small American companies that represent almost huge French SMEs on the world market 1 these small companies on an American scale but it is a really due sign of dynamism and there we see that the Russian is called we really have candles in continuity the friend monthly dollars we have been typing it once two three times and then four times the ja have just cracked we stabilize on the 2250 we really have a sign of happy weakness and a half and that's interesting c 'that is to say that when you have roussel 2010 but has gone up extremely fast it is a sign that you can pretty much buy all the indices because they are loaded by all they buy from microsoft it is that of tesla the failure apple and then in addition they are going to buy they have so much money that they are going to buy other small very small businesses on the other hand when they lighten their portfolios the first things first companies that will lighten their small businesses so it's more the Russell 2000 so Corsica has been flexing the A22 for several days they can't come back to its highest we try to paca it's the friend of their monthly art but hey c ' is not it is not won it is still a little negative sign also for the big indices because when they will have finished getting rid of their bad apples in quotes, it is not at all bad apples the companies of russell half but it's for you it's to make people understand that we will not be getting rid of the bad apples a little bit they will they will ask themselves the question about their nugget in their donations in their basket so often we have waves of decline marked the first impact and it is the Russell 2000 and then it is somewhere it spreads other indices and it seems that we have a wave of increase and a little irrational is when the Russell 2000 explodes that means that they have so much money that it even more too what ach eter he buys a little a little bit everything that is happening under us under their eyes if if I tell you the salt 2000 which drops like that it is a sign all the same that it is necessary to do a little bit a little attention if it spreads to the big big capis that a scene which 500 no pivot point of the week which acted as a rebound in the night well that's it it's a classic it is doing pretty well when even the sweat the cem powerful attempt attempt to rebound to block it on the 3950 zone y difficult to cross so where it would indeed take powell to really succeed in inhabiting the 3950 island and come back in contact with the amundsen resistance here it is what we see there he hears us playing a game of ping pong on the leap of their lover's friend alone and davie attempts hit at least the resistance really alone is what he has here yesterday there is maybe a six of 2.2 do again and if it is a failure we come back to the friend of the 'air at monthly below 3000 9 it is a very very high probability if he does not succeed in this income in contact with resistance to monthly and to maintain himself we will have in his wounds the bearish wave that can be here the end of the rebound the cac 40 then the cac 40 he broke he was more clearly done why because he farted the 6000 points and he did not manage to catch them had a fairly classic rebound on the area of ​​5 1950 including I often say tried to buy 10 points below it's not bad so 5950 man 10 points it was 5 1940 we were roughly here it was about the lowest of the day reinstatement of 5950 attempt to come back fairly precise until 12:30 on the 6000 points but there we really see the lack of strength in fact the lack of appetite to increase the cac40 above the 6000 points so that's what there is a small sign two weaknesses and then after a totally tidy up a ranch of 20 points all there all the rest of the day there a totally useless but this morning we were hit so exactly the lowest of the previous day of Monday and we can not bounce there it is still 8:20 am so rather a bearish signal is possibly optional we go up we can go get the support of the week and that's where we have to look at the reaction on the cac 40 if we go up and if the support of the week we get closer we do that 1949 5955 1951 husband we take a slap you no longer know very clearly the trend is downward and that the sellers after 7 me on the six thousand islands and having made go down to put on the support 1 of the week slightly above to stick slaps so there if we alarm we have who is very interesting is to see what happens at 5950 is what the salesmen are going to be there to bring it down to 5935 1925 and it is that the cac 40 start to stagnate la la that means that we really have a beginning of significant sales pressure on the other hand if we reintegrate the ci nq 1950 and who start fiddling with the support of the week that means that the salespeople are not yet overwhelmingly on this level and that it becomes a kind of level of balance and that nobody knows how to do on the ground 40 are we going to go back down 5009 to what we are going to go back to 6000 but that's what will be very interesting to see on the cac40 to watch in my opinion and if we therefore come back to the five 1950s on support to the week and what happens but we still have by a winner profile of two big winners and there you see we have exactly the soul there same thing falling down and then we will try to bounce back and the first support important this is the lowest of the previous week failure failure failure so there we really see that each time a rebound attempt for the moment the sellers are on all the important resistances so there it could be on the support at of the week or on the monthly air friend these two days to survive Watch to see if they do not circulate a slap to go down the cac40 on the dax 30 then it is quite clear on the time on the dax 30 is that they start to enter a range we see it here at the size the size of the candles Friday day Monday day there at the moment not much has happened and then your anti kit tries to stay in contact with resistance 2 my wish we have a small drop on the three European indices it is he who is decreasing the least for the moment despite the announcements of angela merkel the 2nd bank which halves the growth forecasts for the second quarter of 2000 21 in germany they are rather resisting quite a bit what I find interesting c ' is here at 9h the candle that we have better yesterday we started to drop sharply and all that started to rise again and again the aca came that means that in the area of as if by chance 1 , 50 in the zone of fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty here there were people and especially I l 'invited on which we started to bounce back they did not hesitate very long so for me it is really a strong indication is that in this range which is formed we have this zone the d14 1550 which is strong rebound potential we still picked up in a straight line almost almost 1% at 114 thousand six hundred 90 so that a town without any amplitude teeth at the opening after having touched this low point is that it is really a point super interesting low so if we come back to it I don't think that it necessarily goes very quickly 1% of amplitude mission also we say go we are we take no risks we are simply 25% of the power of the rebound so 0.25 there is something to heat up if we go back over twenty or thirty points so the fourteen 1556 we can buy a small breath plan about twenty thirty points that gives us the support a daily maximum like a little goal so that it can be a great movement especially since we see that holds it gives us the fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty which was very very very very worked last week there we are on the day of last Wednesday and it really served as a caumont saying of trampoline to have an acceleration so there myself I even have an alert on this level there a little above for then the alerts if you want to buy for example one there it would not be bad fourteen 1540 because you have the first passage breaking on fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty it is necessary put your alert there at 14 8 560 the time it takes for the alert to be triggered so that you can analyze what is happening if you were not on your feed backs here it is if you put your alert if you do not buy at 14 8 540 I put your alert at fourteen thousand five hundred and forty nine times out of 10 you missed having time to get to look at where it is he may have already left he has already bounced back 10 15 points and you missed what you wanted So the alerts are very practical to disconnect a little rest do something else etc you have to know how to place them high enough there is my self generally everything depends on the volatility so to a lot of volatility I am more and more exposed 50 points above the level that interests me but there is not really volatility to be sure I pass 20 points above and that way I have all the time to watch my tea to concentrate to see what is happening go to the area that interests me here I wanted to talk to you this morning so we meet tomorrow morning for the good morning of trading and then another video that I will have time to give you tomorrow normally except for very very events strong on the stock market and therefore the time is that the joust raid until I have time to make a video but I want I want to make a nice bomb because otherwise I -c not to make videos not nice otherwise I do not v where do you wear yourself well do not hesitate to like this video there you were more than 408 live for 259 like thank you very much we can go up to 300 no worries about this i kiss you and then see you tomorrow morning be careful and attention attention attention from 5 p.m. until about 6 p.m. powell responds to the chamber of the finance committee of the chamber of representatives according to say in any case that can move at that time this only important event that the We have of which during the day here is therefore power normally a speech to reassure the markets but he can forked he can use a clumsy word and it can start again in the other direction here in any case everyone will be focused on him it does not put him at all of pressure that to the sermons ambitions on this wear you well you see all

2021-03-26 01:56

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