LE BUSINESS DE LA VANLIFE (et mon mode de vie)

LE BUSINESS DE LA VANLIFE  (et mon mode de vie)

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van life camp I'm invited but I don't really understand we don't really know a secret anymore since I say it hello I'm going to cut my hair at Léonie 's that's me one day I noticed that long live free in this world it's is a job suddenly I decided to work every day welcome to my channel ah it's shaking a little bit I decided to take a road that goes a little bit into the mountains here we organize ourselves to reach a small chapel find like that on Google Map the goal was to land there for a few days in fact a few days in any case one day a little bit high you see and with not much around and I think that given the landscapes in my opinion I chose well there is a spot but I 'm going to go all the same down to see this little chapel oh yeah frankly it's slap you don't come that it snows during these days because that's enough I don't go up right in front of the little chapel well so I don't know if I've already said it but hello and welcome to this new video so as you could hear at the beginning of the video I'm good in Slovenia I drove a lot I'm really slammed but that's not the subject of the video that's the subject of the next one video in this one I'm going to explain to you my feedback after 5 days spent in the largest caravanning fair in Switzerland of Suisse caravane salon so I must admit that it's quite an experience for me because if we hadn't invited me I would simply never have been there because if you go to one of these event people and well it's because you're a little bit interested in this way of life because we combine this show with a lot of 4x4s with the live VAN and especially with the motorhome and you will see that my way of life so living in a vehicle all year round has nothing to do with things sometimes offered in these shows there I admit that I will not make many friends but at the same time if I make this video it is precisely to give you er a few explanations and the feedback I got on this event but before going to the show since I'm leaving for a long trip with nag I had two or three things to settle here I'm going to take the Volvo to the garages at Antoine's where I had already raised the nag it's for a service in fact I cleaned it all she is ready to welcome me when I return from a trip or from another place because the goal as I said it's that the Volvo stays in Switzerland and nag with him I'm going to travel so there with the Volvo towards a service I leave it there then I leave with nag that's the advantage when you you have two vehicles you see like that the mechanic he has time to do on your vehicle and you have another vehicle next to you good just for info it's tuesday october 25 I have an appointment tomorrow for precisely the show the show start after main so tomorrow you prepare you discuss with people you install your vehicle I have a c conference Thursday so after tomorrow and I still haven't done anything at the same time it talks about my life if I don't know them my life it's a bit of a problem they said that you had to put pictures of stuff like that because 'there are technicians you have to plug in your computer which I don't have because I have a tablet that's nice we can see that we're arriving in Bern because the show is in Berlin and Bern is the capital of Switzerland I have 3 km left and I have 12 minutes according to the GPS I don't like the city oh the lights there it's the city when you're not comfortable you sweat and when you open the windows it stinks of gas but what can I complain about ok so for information I was invited by the team that melts the live van when so it's a camp that is in the living room because basically the living room in Bern it's a show for motorhomes 9 it's exhibitors I've never done so I don't know but they made a camp for people who live year-round or who travel with their v vehicle so they come with their own vehicles and I'll be there with nag so already that I don't like the city on top of that I have the sun in my face you can't see the lights it's shit but what I I'm complaining but it's going to do me good I'm going to see people it's the next right then van life camp ok well I'm an invitation ah but it's there I think thank you for nothing good evening I missed it entrance that had people in front and that 's it, guys, that's the secret, we don't really know a secret anymore since I'm saying it, but you know it's for all the people who say your vehicle is all rusty below you give a lick of paint like that he has such a clean cat and yeah you took that in Africa yeah I admit that I was not too comfortable to find myself at the largest motorhome show in Switzerland but during the first evening when I understood the atmosphere that reigned in the VAN life camp I immediately felt at home because at the end well we all know how to find ourselves there among nomads to be able to share our way of life with people who are interested in it it is there that you see that when you are nomad you adapt perfectly to any place it is enough just to feel good there and I admit that the fires to cook and the shavings to hide the bitumen did the job perfectly for these few days I learned there was someone who came to the salon and who did their hair people so nomadic hairdresser in a vehicle and I swear to you it's good on the other hand when I told her that I was going to come and have my hair done at her house and that it had been six months since I had been there with my hair with shampoo she looked at me a bit strangely so since I'm going to have my hair cut this morning and well I'm looking for some shampoo because for the little precision I always wash my hair but without shampoo and so on it's true that you see but here I have to wash myself with it shampoo cuts my hair I take two because with the mop of hair from Cher almost Renaud I'm going to cut my hair at Léonie 's so she doesn't speak French so you'll understand that if I speak my pretty English because she speaks German so we will try to understand each other like that too funny because she has an apartment but she is not nomadic like me I live nomadic on the other hand she has made her job as a nomadic hairdresser and people's hair everywhere so don't hesitate to go and see her Instagram you'll see it's pretty cool it can be on a bench it can be near a river it can be in her vehicle because she also uses it to travel and to cut my hair and suddenly I'm going to have my hair cut there if I ever knew in fact she offers me she offers me a coffee or a beer you see then like it's 9am like still not drink a beer I have had a beer and more, it looks artisanal, I don't know where does it come from in fact I've been getting this haircut for years except that since I cut my hair three times a year or twice and well they are more often long than the Iroquois haircut you see you can go get a haircut hair everywhere you see it's great that she sings you drink a beer it shows but in fact she does her job out of passion you see it look look and I have nothing but [ __ ] of my hair when you do something out of passion you share it and that's what's beautiful so she offered to put some gel on me but I said no thank you Léonie don't hesitate go see her Instagram account I'll put it in the right link here and I'll also put everything in the description of the video if you want more info because it's not just hairdressing for the guys there I closed the vehicle a little bit this time because I have nothing yet done and I still want to go visit and give you my opinion on a little bit what I'm going to see on these campervans rs because I've been here for 4 days now and I still haven't visited at all so I don't know how to start at all and yes then I close my key because even though it's in the living room to tell you I I still managed to have a small lamp stolen during the night so like what and in Switzerland well the outside is already more 4 4 ​​but well we are at the living room of the caravan so rather go see the caravans of the small trailers there it really does that that that's funny that that that's fun you see for someone who wants to live outside I find that quite funny hello if that's what I think you find on the Internet I find that cool and c it's cozy above all and there's a choice you can see a bit there's everything in it after that it's 17000 the starting price it's true that it's a little bit expensive you see the thing that between a caravan a big caravan and then and then the trailer so it loses practicality because you can still go to several places then I even think in the parking lots and that's interesting so there I don't know how you how you maneuver such shit the size of the caravan what and the door the door in fact it's an office there that's where I gave my lecture the other day I put a video on tipee if you're ever going to go see and it's on three floors so there it's a vehicle I understand yeah in fact the concept apparently it's to leave which is but in fact as soon as you open the door to more electricity already you see but I think it's more a concept with some not really understanding it's more it's electric me it's a concept I think I think it is so big that I try to find it to go up and I don't find it, you see that it shocks me less because it's really studied for campsites and then I find that to give you an example inside so who is really luxurious it's super big you go from camping to camping so it's worth it for people who want to go camping pa nce you have a very small sink but in the end in all the campsites you can go and do your dishes elsewhere and you have all the connections for outside, such as if you want to upload your name because in the campsites you have places studied to load your water but those who make vehicles by selling them so as to sell them for people who go around the world you don't have everything everywhere to load your name so you need a jerry can that you can go out and then move around without having to pull a pipe for 800 meters you see and there it's also cool because you have a big trunk to put your bikes in so there are things that are very good but you just have to not mix up nomadic life and life 100% on the roads traveling in all the countries of the world with life in motorhomes and vacations you see and that's often what bothers me because we 're going to sell you products that are perhaps not necessarily suitable for a nomadic life and a minimalist life and above all a life where you don't want to ruin yourself you see a vv4 look at the interior so really like they wear for long trips so already you see like that and what's interesting above all is the price today today it's Monday and then in fact I asked the organizers there of the live van like why it's open on Monday because finally it's already open Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday then in fact he told me that they open on Monday and in more of that because there is an entrance fee so there needs to be a price on the entrance because that leaves people who came over the weekend to be able to come back on Monday to buy so you see what then I say that it's because that they put so much technology in so many things that I think it's already going too far afterwards it's good it's good to look at technology it's good to look at certain new things but in fact it creates problems for you precisely to be able after fixing this problem instead of directly remove the problem you see when I talk about that it is for example there are some who told me that they had solar panels on the bonnet of the vehicle but it was not for the auxiliary battery of the vehicle but for the vehicle engine battery because there are so many electronics in the residential vehicle that they don't have two days of autonomy if they open the doors or close them during the day you see so they say c it's good because what they did they installed solar panels on the hood why not remove the electronics directly you see there I came across a stand where they make boxes a bit like I did in the Volvo so for small vehicles and I'm interested it 's going to see because you see it can be cool it can give ideas and by looking in fact well at the time it's cool you can put them in the trunk of the car looks great but when I saw the prices so 6730 Swiss francs it f is around 6500 euros I don't know sometimes I find the ideas super good but then you have to justify why the prices are so high because it's still a little bit exaggerated well there it's the accessory corner so it can be a a little more interesting we're going to see a bit what there is but there it can be nice there I find the concept too good because you are all magnetized and I find the idea really cool on the other hand 48 euros no no the small cover a little less cool good guys I just finished taking a little tour of the living room I haven't done everything either in a few words I'm I'm super sad it's it's it's too weird which has me the less shocked it's motorhomes really motorhomes because ultimately it's studied for camping so rather low vehicles with all the connections you need for when you arrive at a campsite also comfort and that and that didn't even shock me what shocked me was the fact that we sell dreams to people s by selling vehicles supposedly adapted to go around the world and which is not at all the case you see that it's my opinion it's an experience okay so I got a little not very full in this video but not during the show moreover I thank the organizers of the van life camp very much I put all the people of the van life camp in the description of the video so that you can also follow them I also want to thank the Swiss caravan salon because they allowed me to give a conference there in the middle of the largest salon in Switzerland and if I complain or I give my opinion on it it's because you follow me you know me you know my way of life there are a lot of people who send me messages asking me for advice on how you manage to live this way of life how you manage to be more independent how you manage to be able to continue living like that and then clearly when I visited this salon it was not that at all you see so I didn't I have nothing against all this technology as I say in the video I also find it beautiful to see the evolution of human beings how far they can go that's clear but what I would like to say in there is is that what I saw at the show and my way of life and well that has nothing to do but I still wanted to be unclear because during the event I met a lot of subscribers of people who didn't know who came to the live van like who saw us with our ass on the ground making fires to eat to finally live our nomadic life to be put there and clearly well that's not what we're selling you in the living room come on on this don't forget subscribe like comment and above all subscribe because I started my future project and I want to tell you about it in the next video come on hi guys it's the end of the show then in fact what they do is that we all have to honk so sorry I don't have any pancakes in the stuffing I'm going to turn on nag because we all have to honk so t you will have understood that it is the end of the show and it is precisely the last hours of nag in Switzerland

2022-11-07 22:10

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