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you are there apart from which I was just looking at where we are and vis-à-vis from the market a market which goes down well wow oh my god ah bah yes but that's jen us 21000 322000 22400 and it's gonna keep going down how I know it's all in the genius this evening it is only one is led luc monnet show a little particular which is in fact dedicated to the ap mobile jenny's new mobile app there's something for everyone there's a version light in free to a paid version also for those who want advice and so but all that I will tell you about it right away in any case what I ask you to do now is to go quickly to the app store so ios or google play for android and you download the app it will actually allow you to do the same manipulations months during the show do not hesitate in any case to download now it is available it's called jean huss stationnent trading platform you can go to ios obviously the app store or google play we will meet in a few moments with your app on your mobile you will see I will even tell you about my little acquisition yesterday evening the big samsung the one that folds I will tell you about it right away let's go it's big non it is I using the cmo of things that actually of September 28, 2021 you are too little you are too little you have to share this screen that's why i am going to show you why look you can say everywhere on all social networks absolutely everywhere that he who is doing a program and he has more than 25,000 24 1,800 euros on the counter you can go there to egypt launched the everywhere that's actually what you see in front of you you have a storyteller there you have 22000 we were at 24 i hope to be at the end of the show at more of 30,000 allegi share it so maybe most of you come home from work that you have to take the time to come home from work nicely but for all that you can tell them there are twenty-four thousand euros 24,000 euros chan the counter is rare when we made a live show and there is so much thank you mr water thank you very much on the nasdaq as well as twitter the first thing I'm going to ask you to do these years on the blinds will help to be able to use together in any case this mobile application mobile applications of the genius jenisch anyway that you know now you know that I started with traders alert with alerts anyway I taxed the outdoor air culture alert and so on and now we are after tv for money to all this application as well on the web as sure now the mobile time for me just to connect i will make you the presentation of all told me in the chat if that's it you have been looking anyway in the stores is what you were looking for in the stores in any case the application for the moment I start all this little world you know it's a little bit special here we are connected while things move a little, that's a priori it should be good I check that everything is ok I will go for a home side here is the rom and I will of course present all this to you you will see a lot of things to present to you anyway tonight including the graphics on ordering the free version the paid version all that in any case it will be this choice watch mariana go my cry on the screen how we will show you the app is what we can have the inlay with the ap in any case can we see that this inlay with the ap can we see it quickly here you have to be much more than that much more said especially the socios there are currently 21 thousand balm 2000 euros of now realize this is the phone this is the phone I will talk to him anyway you will see he has a lot of things to show you on this phone we will start at the beginning and we will will of course see to continue a little more in detail on 7 ha we start very quickly there there are not enough people we will wait a little longer for this to happen while waiting for you just go up a very very quickly we are in relation to the position on the one tu 24 1924-1925 1700 I'll let it run I'm expecting 14,700 huge position 20 have it in all case sellers huge position swing it everywhere say it everywhere on the javaux socios so is in taking a position on vallon vendors the one at bonn 4000th which turns you can go say see it anyway you can tell them they're coming to take a look here it goes up gradually it's when I start too early so once again sorry for those who have just arrived do not hesitate in any case to go and install there directly on the stores do not hesitate to actually say that you are currently on the store with me take our application we will look at it all together do not hesitate once again to do your facilities and then show you all so before you start there is first the ios good that's it easy to understand ios here you have it ios the application that will open just after this plh we call it a splash here it is you said it yeah it does not work super well I don't know if we can see it undercover on the screen in any case it works really very very very very well it works great well it's done I will use in front of see a tool that I found magic in fact it is a tool that folds and unfolds and I found that quite incredible and I bought myself yesterday so knowing a little bit of money is worth 2000 bucks but to trade on that it's absolutely incredible with the jenisch in ap it's absolutely extraordinary we are not quite a few tonight you need to be able to get people on the socios go to them say that there are things happening on the tv form only went to tell them that there are things that you are actually seeing and that if they want to trade on an app in the free version they will be able to do it there are actually two modes on this suitable for a lite version and a paid version a full version in any case you can download them and install the free version it's not complicated I will disconnect the time simply to show you it a priori once these download you have it there still some moments here I hope it will be able to show quickly otherwise I know how to do this here you are have here the screen is what we can see on the screen please marianne at the start screen this screen is what we can see my split screen it will be easier I think the people will see the split screen you have if the free action full version login and find out the free actions were not complicated as the name suggests you can register and have some information free of charge we will talk about the difference between the free version and the paid version the connection the full version is for those who want to subscribe attention apple does not currently authorize the subscription from its store you have to go to jenny ce hyphen genuis hyphen the connection is for those who are already subscribed and who want to connect it's not complicated to understand and finally you have discover who will allow you to discover the genuis as a whole I remind you that la jenny the only application in the world to have artificial intelligence to do this called financial forecast for stock exchange and trading on financial markets i will show you all the styles you have there i will show them to you of course it's time now to register register on the stores go to the app store or even on the play google please i think charlotte who is with us will put the links to you thanks to her ios indeed apple ios we will start in a few moments to show you how to use this app will have to please mariana go directly to the sharing screen that we can see well it is not easy to see effectively confined as its distance that you hear it is the salaries that have been spent there is one that has just been spent on the standard and poor's the s in fact when we are on the futures on the s p500 to be also a little more precise I will show you later how it works and how you can place the orders and I will even show you later how you can use the system indeed jenny this game is free it is a system that ultimately allows you to operate to train then it is indeed worth a lot more than going to spend hundreds of euros on a kind of brokers who will come to send us in the air you will see you will be able to use the version of james gunn which will allow you to do simulation and to train and in any case effectively to have results thanks to briquette breeders who download this more now you still have nicknames that make me laugh out loud we're starting very quickly, as usual with statistics, we are not really numerous enough I am counting on you to share share share I am not sure that a lot of light shows like this shows you live results live on a huge pole position in all case taken earlier huge position does what it takes so that we are much more numerous the results in any case of the day yes why not but especially of the week that's where it is becomes interesting and has had 6 in three operations in any case 603 operations to perform since a week 1h17 of operating time each time 11h58 of operations in five days we worked 11 hours in five days don't say it please we're gonna get turned on bobby fox you can adjust your volume at home there is no problem but a little louder don't worry not the milks duration of emission thirty six hours effectively resignation I will teach you to use the app i will teach you started earning with the ap i will teach you how to use two heifers and you will see you will not be able to do without them I continue you have a absolutely clear statement people at genzyme you have louisa who is with us others too are there he wins you do not think you will stay with us we will soon have a subscriber or even two genius subscribers who can testify that they are real subscribers do not bring real subscribers that this risk is of course to put ourselves under the blow of the law we are not stupid when we show you all this these are of course the actual results declared because they are subscribers jenisch you have 76% who say they achieve more than 30 points per day you have 15.38 who claim to achieve more than 20 points per day you have 7 69 who claim to achieve less than 10 points per day in any case here it is done you have the statistics on which market you have indeed the results on futures at 640 points you have results on indices at 39 points you have the crypto a little less common sense 9.8 not so good the crypt at the moment and 6.5 you also have 10% stocks in a week and you have forex you actually have 8% in one week which is absolutely huge huge huge details of winning trades with jen us auto trade 325 genus auto trail you surprise me the jenny is triggered he performs operations for you the invalids and 131 and finally the losers 270 which means that one insures this globality has worked a winning operation that works very very very very well you have any notchback anyway here which is given by type of guy lose by winning you can see everything anyway we are h absolutely nothing earnings on futures on all the markets absolutely all the markets you all had a hit for example 70 tic anyway, so on and on you can absolutely see it all here it goes up a bit thank you for all those who are with us today you saw the scores a while ago scores that continue to shoot I hope you will enjoy it if we made the jenny this mobile is also for for example, you can carry out odom operations I know that many of you want carry out these operations on the dif of market you obviously have the right to want to do them we will teach you how to use all this of course we will teach you how to look at all its operations and especially to make the most of it I have the operation that is in we are at 14 1757 if you have not seen if you have not seen the operation being carried out later look it's just incredible we'll take a little break and I'll show you everything that in any case it is quite exceptional it was how many tp of an Indian that we said tv for I expect a small 700 on to 858 without 750 and now I am expecting a small 700 riads it's not one of his geese says besides that he started this operation he is right that goes very very well you will see a lot of things the free version is not complicated to replace ben because filled it is simply your account you fill in all the information given here we will send you by email you will receive a code this code you will enter in your mobile application is automatically you will have access directly to the genius genus free version for what is actually the paid mode you fill out the same form and at the end you will choose either to be subscribed to the week either to be subscribed to the month or indeed to have a professional on the institutional side and you can use all this little thing there of course thank you for being there tonight again please share this shared link place I'm not sure they have a lot of shows in which we take live operations and enter is actually in live I am frankly patient in any case it works perfectly well you can also of course you connect you connect here is automatically you will have access to jean huss Here it is said tell me in any case the cat if it is ok we will come back to me if you pleases mariana the time that I connect in any case on my ap this is the time that I know myself on my soul here the time that I log in on the app as you take the time log in log in and you can also have access to jen us i will do it right away like that will be done and we will be able to attack this particular show more than to show each of you what we are able to do with surely the best mobile application mobile application in the world for day trading you will see in a few moments time to connect I admit I fell in love I told you earlier I am fell in love with his airlock and the foldable samsung is the new foldable samsung screen if we can to see it also in screen sharing mariana that would be not bad here look at that it is indeed the samsung foldable version in any case take a good look it's absolutely brilliant I invite you to invite your contacts you can tell them that it's free you can tell them that they can actually go and place orders without risking absolutely no whatsoever you can also tell them that they have to go for it now because we will explain everything in a few moments seconds you're going to have a blast, we never enter the 62 seller side if you want make a good operation like mine we will try to wait for the 38 38 35 35 30 30 28 28 18 18 and 8 and we will let go around 700 if really at 700 we type we will type and in this in this case I will close an operation at roughly $ 30,000 ahead of you 30 miles away or so close in front of you for the moment we are there it is clear here you saw it this portable which is absolutely beautiful to say that there are those who break their heads with screens from the 60s it is quite funny besides there is one who continues to sell the same screens of me but me I them in 2005 sold him the winds 2021 there is no shame frankly sincerely must be abused wister strong trader s four traders it was the first store in France for traders so we sold screens at the time of screens that were put on supports today your teeth here you are on the train that on the plane you have this and i will show you how you can be helped with her thank you for inviting all your contacts so as to reach us then In any case, we start with the home screen first, this home screen allows you to share it quincy mariana want you to them is actually here i'm trying to look for it I think I will find it very quickly I must have early here is all the foot there talk and justice here julien is with us julien anyway is at the end so i don't understand too tall which is at the end look where nathan looks amateurs first know in all case that when you are on the home page can we share my screen marianne is it done that's great thank you very much mariana us when you are actually like that you will have quickly to the right look well when you go down you have the first ones thicker therefore the Celtic teacher duo general hours to give you the general trend is really red to it smells red that's clear below we had what is called the player is the only 24/7 TV that broadcasts live content on financial markets that is clear we can go on this TV watch vote like elsewhere i will do it i like the globe missions i click and it's settled at the top you have our famous green barre we have here we are the only ones to show a net result we start every day said even he is really we have where a bar the tv is here when you are free you have replays when you are paying you have live tv we will see later why not change this offer and that everyone has live mail TV well we don't know but for the moment these are c and programs reserved for subscribers of course the content is absolutely magical exclusive or would have nowhere else it's clear here below you have the notion live of course watch this player you can pause you can turn on full you can also ask that the screen is turned off and in this case you are in radio mode which means that you can close the phone or even put it in a pocket and keep talking you will hear what they say anyway through your pillows that's just incredible radio mode appeals to a lot of people at the moment the nasdaq we leave it we will touch it afterwards when it will have the will to kindly come back down do not especially want to buy it for the moment below you have it is jenny 7 genus is our search engine for example if you are looking for the euro dollar usd you are going to have below all the attacks that are currently underway on the euro / dollar there just click on it it opens the chart and you can trade is automatically good sure the euro / dollar I hope you can see what is here no problem but like I am someone who does not have too much time I asked that they put a microphone a microphone here you click on it and you say genus euro dollar you know what i mean euro dollar you luigi euro dollar and when you luigi euro dollar well it works and you find the euro dollar euro dollar that's all to marc ayrault dollars it gives you the same the same indeed the same eurusd result his sister the euro dollar is little to get out what you want and little to get out bitcoin there can take out what you want usd yen it can take out absolutely what you want you click just on the button here it is and you have fun cac yes except that he has he said everything there he noted what I told him and I said everything it's not my we start again cac here is the cac for him it's the crash it's okay so you have to be careful to pronounce me correctly with my voice broken then we are going to redo a little dax here we found the dax is automatically her give it a go, that's it, it's absolutely incredible, it's great because you're coming to my kid dax tape tape very soon janus she will tell you if you want to enter the dax better sell and buy this it's just huge and it's personal there are only the genius who have it quite simply here four acts it is obvious below you therefore have the alerts according to the instruments you can of course click on it and you can see the chart you can also place an order and so on all that works perfectly well and you have immediately below the player the chat is this party cat allows a lot of things first when we are free you can activate the talk the tall storm it's the ball it's the room of the people who are free you can be in talk and you can write for example the tall you can write what creates quickly here it is if I am in talk here hop I will m hi les jen us here and you go see automatically I was trying to genius are with me they will be able to answer me every evening world that is julien who come the master room jenny it is me I send my message and it is settled we will also have the system in voice also I want to pay for a voice system that allows you to speak and to actually see the messages appear, it is very interesting, it is a place where everyone world to help each other is a place where we are constantly discussing it is a place where you can even speak in private i.e. you can have fun clicking on the first name and name of someone and say for example to stephan who is here I want to talk to you I click on it then of course it works for the paid version by the free version the free version you are in full I was going to say from all sides you want up charlotte I click on it automatically I I'm going to be able to talk to him in private there it doesn't work of course it's a demo you understood it that's how it's the demos it's settled see the TV the chat you can talk in the cat even in the free version I think it's our friend 1 it's they asked me if we could have free access absolutely we can have it free let's get down to business next to register mariana it was register we will not it must now go to the configuration system we will go to the parameter setting system are located at the top the information which concerns you you enter your profile and so on you will have here and immediately after the function which interests a lot of people since I remind you that jen us is the first trading platform found thanks to its strategies algorithm 24/7 credit on absolutely all assets is clearly you you will see just behind that you can also configure everything to make money risk management management select the assets you choose absolutely everything what you want to do for the moment the nasdaq goes back up we let it do as long as it goes up you look, you don't touch it, it's that we are going to click on auto trade you have here auto trade with the current brokers you have good future balance genus that is this trade anyway to have alpaca before the end of October will be roughly between 5 and 10 brokers who will be implemented in genius before the end of december we only before the end of this year we will even be able to ask your broker to enter the genius in the long term, you will be able to tell him here I am I want to be helped but through heifers so many tell me the udc but jen us why the holy son please make me happy there we are a girl see it chatting up there you can even actually ask to deal since jennifer with your broker why because in fact the idea is to be completely independent from your broker that this is the first idea if auto trade is there, it is to be completely independent from its broker that the broker does not see your operations that they cannot the figures and that they cannot to counter them and that they cannot play the counterpart like that at least it has been settled second thing we are going to become a live broker comparator that means that the genus system before December in any case will be able to instantly compare the best collateral that you can have I explain when you are on the forex are the cfd or even on some futures you can actually ask jenny what she finds you the best broker the best broker is the one with the most liquidity case the least spread - of slip is and even you can ask him which is the broker who really abuses the least of rawdon let's talk about this dom I was going to drink earlier it's absolutely brilliant and then especially so genus today there is the system of james who love so why jenning m janice game because it becomes simulation you can here I do not know if we can see on the screen you can apply for free in the free version to open a free djendjen account without depositing money with nothing you can say for example activate jenny games and you put the small cursor on the right you can tell him I want to start with for example 5000 euros of capital here I am going to 5000 euros 5000 euros of capital here is quite simply I can tell him you can activate autotrader jenniss come they activate the autotrader up to him and jamie guen and I automatically validate the orders passed before you with you will receive you well of course notifications you will of course receive a whole bunch of alerts explaining to you we must go back there we have to go out there and if you want others she will do it all alone directly at your broker all that happens on auto trade and brokers you have it here you are you will have a whole list of brokers you can open accounts directly from jenisch you can do all that remember we are taking back our autonomy we are effectively becoming a strategist again hiding the broker must not drink who we are and how we work it's important we must go very quickly at home, that is to say that auto trade to a system that is he arms and shoots it goes out very quickly to make extremely fast operations on auto trade since it makes who comes out he spits and so on it's absolutely brilliant there is everything you need you will see we will help you choose the broker how to work with the broker on Thursday paca arrives very quickly test 'steep before mid October all this happens extremely quickly and you will be compatible of course with auto trade we will talk there quickly behind charts here you can of course choose to subscribe there I am unlimited you can change subscription from your genie can change subscription and so on you have access to all the TV programs so as not to forget that jen us is above all a 24/24 7/7 live TV market that means that we take operations in front of you we do the operations with you we explains what we do how we do it the educational role of jen us is just amazing i repeats the educational role of jean huss is just incredible if we have inside the deduction of people who are subscribers should not hesitate to get them there is what we already have someone mariana that we can have a lead and who could testify to the pedagogy of genius who knows that we have and ben listen we start with stéphane stéphane if you are there me i say nothing we will remove me from the image and it's up to you so people can justify it is not prepared it was not but there he will give his testimony and I will take you back immediately afterwards it's good here is today that Do you hear me ok but here I am my name is stéphane i am a genious subscriber since the month of June I have been quite a beginner at trading level but here I am, I am very satisfied with the services of the community really great we learn every day and in addition here is high level at the level novelty it's really great because the app has just been released and it's true that at the beginning with the application we had the possibility of listening to the tv which was already very very very good and now we can we can deal directly on the application and follow the strategies which is what is really awesome I don't know if you hear because I have like a return so in terms of earnings today we made a nice day on the nasdaq was 2008 145 euros and I say that good but it's pretty good it's pretty satisfying etc and the guys are pretty regular too I am looking at the castle at the same time to see if you have any questions so I actually ask myself the question in relation to the order book the dom is true that me the order book I have the games discovered with the genuis is good but that it really allows you to be able to place your orders very quickly and well heard the broadcasts with with the udc elvis or if we allow us to fully understand these games these things and I must say that if there are still a few months I will not be too well what it was an order book now I could not do without it while we come from capital listen to me personally I have a capital of 10 thousand euros I think that's a starting capital that was more than enough to know that the udc still advises to make 1% of its capital per day often often exceeds 1% of capital with ten thousand euros it is still 100 euros per day over the month it's 2000 euros me it suits me very well and I mean I'm super hyper satisfied yes obviously today I still largely exceeded the capital but So outside of the canton, there is a way to make good profits, we don't deprive ourselves of it either there I look I'm in jeans huge games / so who is the auto trading that had there at the moment i have an open pel in heifers game 2063 euro namely the baby jeans and was released by the ddt genious very little time ago time also it is a kind of brokers that allows us to train during market phases where I say it's quieter and it also allows you to constantly learn in the form the training it is constant in the training the training is all the days there are obviously shows that focus on the most popular style trainings.

words or meeting elvis very every day at 2 o'clock which has great good with the genius is that we have the possibility to ask our questions at any time via the chat or via a private message and a program is organized for precisely review the basics to review things that people do not always well understood or that frankly me this service there I stick them I never found anywhere if not for the ap trading application, I have the games the discoveries a few days ago I install them and so it works very well I did a little test this afternoon because I was wondering if the courses me there are on the application there was a little thing that bothers me and it is we have on the right of the graphs we have the bay buttons and that and therefore its hiding a little bit I'm going to tell them the short but they just thought to put in å from the application the live course and it is really displayed immediately we really have the same short on the mobile application as on a normal trading station and besides good me I do not have I not yet the small samsung of the udc but I have my tablet I have my large format tablet and it helped or if in addition I have a sim card in it so here it is but what is soft to me the most what goes the most I'm going to say what I liked the most on this application are mainly the quality of the graphics the seeds and the graphics are really beautiful well that's also the oled screens of tablets and pc and I have mobile phones which give us a really excellent view of this kind of material here I don't know if you have any questions I'm looking at the cat a little bit capital is it on one big that yes yes absolutely so me I have for the moment I have only one big heart I intend to open soon a second account at the new prosecutor who proposed by the dgi news and also at sherpa case a little later then the training to achieve these results the training to achieve these results it is constant as I said earlier, we are going to say that there are at g in the sky there are traders who are very specialized in others who are beginners what is very attractive and if at jean used it is that in fact mainly relate to the open they are Europeans or Americans and I personally have been a winner since the start since in does just by listening to the advice of him what tells you to do if you follow all this you have no problem your earnings your earnings are there and we are doing very well if it's still online yes of course all the guys who are made at ge and news are verifiable share them I can watch them and that's not a problem let's go anyway see us more thank you stefan stefan it is brand new it is brand new he dates from this summer he is a new subscriber who dates from this summer thank you in any case to him for his testimony it's not at all prepared they managed with mariana who is there responsible for broadcasting at home and I wanted to have something natural from laura a second who will intervene who is a client that I have known for much longer and who completely masters the subject so you talk a lot about training, know that we have a rather atypical training system since we absolutely do not practice trading traditional forex cfd with cabbage costs or moving average I train people on products with market compensation scope without having the collateral but the counterpart of the broca and I also train them of course without technical indicators only with price systems action on order books and doms using clear mathematical principles simple statistics that work and with logic with money management and risk management so that's where I wanted to come in fact on this risk management and monetized in any case management since when you are one on the famous a detail in any case for example on live earnings here I do not know if I am here I am on the live here I will show it to you on gala they will do this there you have the capital loss limit it is at say that you can decide rather than place dsl to the nut and which will put you to the reverse you can decide to lose only 1% of your capital 5% of your capital 10% your capital you can decide what you want you can also limit with genius the water size the operation size you can tell jean huss we only see a lot by operation that is fundamentally important and then there are a lot of things that happen like once again the selector of the broker with the best spread is the best slip edge you will also have another type of selection with circuit breaker conditions such as for example 3 losing operation we stop there will also be an option that arrives very quickly which will be 1% of the capital earn you stop falls then it is an optional option there are people who will smile because at home we hear people stop winning it's crazy when you think about it but we know very well how we pass under the radars and we know very well when we also pass visible and we are destroyed by brokers or by stop hunter or by market maker the genius customers that we say it to each other gals so much money they will say it in the chat that we are obliged to brake them if you do not believe you will question elvis you will see what you will say is that the vice is there then i finish with my explanation and i leave you with elvis de three minutes so that he can also testify I repeat that will take you off your hinges but maybe this is something you are not used to hearing customers are being forced to slow down their earnings because when we exceed a certain level of earnings we are overturned by brokers by market makers by all these people and it is true that it is prudent there for example we have people like i don't know if there is claude alain even stéphane who is there even others clearly we are very specific about gangs or getting that is part of what we call the trading style this style of trading that brings me a lot so I will talk to you before you leave lots of other things with elvis and you will see the time that i get started to be able to treat, i.e. operated on with you and show you how it works, we are going to call levis here we are going to call on him it is say it is more than a customer it is become a partner, it is someone who is very involved, moreover like stephan who is also very involved in genius he will tell you what he thinks of jen us and he goes hi everyone, well me but concretely it's been a little while it's been a little more than a little more than a year that i am a client at jean huss i had good phases bad phases like everyone else at the moment it's also his own experience what is your own way of working that will play that parties do not necessarily know so much that does not tend to be stupid at the time we did not have all the tools we have today today we have a lot of tools with banal artificial intelligence which is really there to be able to help us enormously so it's true that things will change quickly for me I did a training at his place which is not compulsory but in the end my I was in trouble I decided to go for training at his place and doing the training at his place and I arrived much better so you should know that speaking of training you have both training that is continuous every day and you have face-to-face training if you need to go see him who will tell him here I am I need a little more a little better be trained so here and me concretely from my course here is as I said gt gt gt roughly good at the beginning then after I was much less good I was even bad to a very bad and inevitably after having done this training I became rather not bad sooner we will say rather really not bad at the present time I find myself hosting shows at luc's house where I especially details a lot in fact everything that will be technical such as reading dom etc etc so it's true that in general these shows are very popular because necessarily we work in this kind of thing of which we will try details and we will try to help people in fact people who can be in trouble louisa has been spent a moment a little a little bit in a hassle but we don't necessarily let people down when there is a person who is having a hard time we are all there to help him so suddenly I like this role low to the ground there because I find that the udc a wonderful job cancan simply the case and his job is to help people so frankly I think it's a great job I congratulate him hugely for everything he has put together and there now so how do I I'm a host at Jean Huss's it's been a little longer than the subscribers we will say traditional that I actually use the mobile application to give you a little bit a little idea of ​​the animation of this mobile application this mobile application it is ultra practical it is ultra practical because if you have a pc which is a bit of a little old-fashioned anything there is no tender auntie because there you directly on the mobile it's much faster we all had phases where we returned internet cuts the big galley here are couple being excited because they are doing work we had not been warned America will not you dream naked been power cuts are short notice damage looks like this happens to everyone it's horrible it's hyper painful there you have all on the phone you have your phone could cut cut your help you can put them if you want or this multi broker so if you want to do some crypto could do crypto if you want to do US stocks for US stocks if you want to make futures contracts make futures contracts if you want to do soon we are going to do the forex directly so obviously it's super hyper hyper practical this mobile application in addition we can directly control intelligence artificial i.e. artificial intelligence just for a bit of writing for people who are low who are not in the middle who are not necessarily who come who come and meet us for the first time necessarily just to describe you a little bit this blow of artificial intelligence is as if you have a teacher next to you who you say there that you have to get back there in time that's what I'm going to do it myself and her come home she leaves position she spits out the orders and doesn't leave you in the galley there are all their features in genius in fact if you look at airplay airé to inherit a little while ago the udc made a lot of free courses more or less secure on the internet an explain things he explained what it was for him a stop loss how to spit a order etc etc we have already spoken about it on youtube so obviously if you are a little curious you have already watched old videos you already have all that jean huss artificial intelligence the fact is there it does it directly on your mobile phone directly on your mobile directly you have access to be able to choose you can choose the assets on which you want work you can choose the broker on which you want you can really it's very practical iter hyper hyper practical at even frankly we will ask a question a question that we really put these ladies asked a question telling me in three words what are you commenting on he would describe from one us in three months I don't even have us I could write a book of so many I have things to say about a us channel there are a lot of things frankly 1 it's really hyper hyper hyper interesting hyper strong you really need not when and beginners when you are beginner you have a crutch that is there and it's not even a crutch it's a wheelchair that she proceeded when you are experts it is by the cleats even even being an expert you can having moments of doubt moments of galley is necessarily later, aren't you really here tooth in the back the movement what you were really all it takes to help you every day still today good here we count even more the number of people who have earned 20% of their capital or multi% of their capital each time what is funny is that the udc systematically yells at us when we overtake when we overtake that we have overwhelmed and that necessarily but it is a little difficult to stop 1% with jean huss it's true that it's so it's so easy to be able to get this regular earnings I'm not saying it's that it's a cash machine but frankly we are not far from it and it is true that necessarily when you play you are a guy like him who is there who give 100% possible and try to advance such a tulle listen to me and those who necessarily know me who have already seen me in show and you can see that we try to do everything we can in fact also help people who are in trouble and it's really that kind of thing we are always trying to help people as much as possible, we don't leave them to pick it up behind and it is true that this is what kind of community there this kind of functioning me personally I see that nowhere else is right now having all this on your cell phone is phew in fact we are doing I think most of you don't yet realize what genius is and even people who are already subscribers do not have the vision that I have of jean huss in the sense that I already have talked a lot with in fact i talk a lot with thing is he who gave me little details little things that wants to do later I will not tell you because otherwise I will break the element of surprise but frankly he lucas has a lot of ambitions for all that and I really think you have to come you have to come you have to see in fact because if you do not come you will not see what is happening but inevitably we will say that you are going to miss again you will miss a coach and at some point it will be too late and it's a shame therefore you really should not hesitate to all that and you have to participate even there you can go download the application for free you have something that is a little simplified because it is the free version you do not have access to everything that we have access as when we are subscribed well sure you are not the full version but even for free you can take a look you go see there is a small special road so that to be able to see a little discussed with just us and you will inevitably see all the subscribers from the moment you speak in this famous room but people subscribers well no you speak will give you their own experience their own view of things so just just to have that and it's not him who not force us to say two things he is not there to push us to say things must do things and we do what we want in May the shows he told me it's all the same relatively freedom of movement I can say what I want in the rooms if you want to discuss frankly luc lets us say what we want and it's not because someone is in trouble that he will inevitably be put aside or erased or whatever it is not if he is in trouble is that there is a problem and there necessarily it may be bad math problems understandings or whatever and we are there to help him there is no one left behind and this stuff like that i think it's just great it's really really really great so suddenly I even wade if I had any questions or anything from you a so it might be nice to be able to take a quick look it would be really not bad not sowing frankly after yeah I see that there are still a lot of things that are said I will perhaps go into the details of everything but frankly everything is verifiable if you ask questions ten years inevitably that people earn too much is what it is true that they earn as much come take a look it doesn't eat bread frankly come take a look eye you will see that inevitably most subscribers earn money necessarily there are times they crash but they don't feel for a long time it doesn't crash for a long time because we are there to help them and inevitably we will help them win and they will win and therefore win frankly it's really a great community a great thing and now with intelligence artificial that works really well it's the same there in fact almost no need to hang out so much that it works well so it's really it's really cool all that me these are really things i enjoy and i'm really glad i walked in there ago almost a year a little over a year since I could see on progression because at the time but jen us the artificial intelligence was not yet developed me I was in the first to test artificial intelligence because I was in the famous beta testers so it's people who were there to test in fact at the start of at the start of jeane uxo at the start of artificial intelligence so frankly I saw all the progression all the evolution of jean huss and all its evolution frankly it's really uneasy it's really really really balèze and I'm not telling you that to send you that's for many it's luke or whatever that's it I don't care but but it's just so that you understand that you really have everything you need to be able to help you and that's great you really don't really have to hesitate tel its part for the demonstration of peace there we arrive in the part which suits you the most stimulate I think this is the ordering part remember anyway you can work with real money in August e trade in automatic in manual you can work with several trading possibilities can we see my screen can we see my mobile again on the screen please has nothing to remind you that I am actually planning my mobile screen on the screen and this is what you see anyway on the right i am using the samsung in made the last foldable simply which is absolutely fantastic i will demonstrate it to you in a few seconds you will see and there I simply use the screener the screener which was accessible in free version also the screener which works extremely well this thriller en fête allows you to select the ascetics that correspond to what you want so there are some several for example we like for the future of the future in fact of the back if you feel like it its freelance you have the mini serious you also have the variation compared to the day before you have the variation in 24 hours variation in seven days the average price that we use absolutely a lot there is a lot of information that will be added especially what I am telling you show there for the moment we are at the beginning so that interests me I want for example to go I don't know me buy from the back of the nasdaq since you want whatever you go on the back and you fall on what is called a bracket is pointed is it is an extremely complete ticket of operations and bracket dance in fact has several possibilities so you can buy you can sell it you can choose to be market limits or stop then it has nothing to do with being 'stop loss' we will explain to you at what is it for since we train people who are aiming to make a living from trading, that is to say to be institutional change of profession passed to life in general one being able to earn a salary very simply and very quickly pay attention to trading is a profession the present profession profession does present an obligation, it is that of being able to train oneself on a daily basis like an athlete and his presence of course risks people who will approach the trading in a way a little too playful players having bases of copying forex cfd brokers very worthy absolutely ridiculous beware you pay attention and above all it's work so the dow jones decides for example of cowardice market to make it simple that a stop I can enter my start So here I am at 34 1332 75 I can enter what I want thirty four thousand we will put 30 4328 holds 328 g my quantity I will pass two of the water to 34 1328 verifix and well to 3 yes I established a force so either of the choices of the seal of the gtc or of the bones x in any case for me it will be def, that is to say that I authorize you my broker has but executed exclusively in the day everything they say will pass the day he won't be able to do it and then indeed you have buttons it is laure bail I have lost the one we click we validate and it is executed automatically I find myself on what is called the order book as a pro and there I have all the working computers so I have my positions which are currently running here I have positions so that they turn a little there is positive there is zero there is better but a little everywhere so we can exit operations, just click on excite it is instant we are freed we say that we are flat simply we can also work with the working and get in the saddle i.e. delete the operation that is in the book

and just stay flames as they say I can also see the operations that have been carried out here so I am well aware of one thing that may disconcert some of you except 0:59:59.150,0:00:05.170 de genius is a professional product, that is to say that in there you will find the real systems of professional trading who are not oatmeal playstation games and win strong and who behind you smokes, mud walks there we are in something really professional everything I have just told you is available for free, that is to say that for free you have absolutely everything genus souk live tv and save the hotel the auto trade with artificial intelligence strategies for everything else you have access to all of you have access to urumqi is called head and so on I will introduce you to the system in the simplest fact we are on genius which is the one of the strategies you click on the quit miu strategy and there you can either search for the scene you want so that they give you strategies are applied directly in the strategies and you have absolutely everything you are ready to listen well you have the product the sense you have the start & stop the target and the distance compared to the start the trader who sent the alert to this genus figure of trading which was seen by genius to be able to effectively catch up with the rrr and the probability of success of this operation nobody I tell you nobody is able to give you same type of instrument and that's automatic and you receive it throughout the day and you can even say I want me to have other than on such talent at 7 that is to say that I can not receive euro dollar i just wanna have had to like it and ntuh and that's just amazing amazing something else a very simple part if to understand you can view graphics that is to say that you can choose from the list that you have predetermined or simply go look for graphics on products that you would type by saying I want such as is the graph and there you will see a little all the power genus since it is something thing I asked the developers I told them I want to treat like that and I please ask you to do it this way and there it is not complicated on the dow jones for example you have here a graph you can just say in quantity i will buy three you come back here on the graph you want to buy three you have the level of price you want to buy it at the snapshots on lease is automatically it will send them to you you will actually see the notion of udder she who is neil which is displayed at the top right so time that you gain the foot but it is positive as long as you lose the foot but the summer gative that's important help you want to exit you click on excite here or click on excite us but you're ok automatically you sold you are executed and the results end up as earlier I wanted to show in their book you want to sell you put the quantity you click on the one automatically the execution is produced you have the exceed button to to be able to exit you click you validate and it's over and that I assure you that it is a happiness incredible simon otto trade was launched i could also show you strong very sending operations that I can pull out myself, i.e. all operations when will be very hard on my graph I can click he will say here you are now, end I click and I exit and this is instantaneous it is immediate it actually allows this father this we call crash order and it's magic here it's just magic and I will thank never enough the developers to have made me a toy like this one the graphics absolutely extraordinary there are free feeds there are feeds that are given to you for free there are flows that are given to you by others which are paying like the flows actually on futures or on the markets in which you have to pay in any case royalties you can zoom the graphics to you see it on the screen you can zoom out zoom out you have pre time units programmed as one second 30 seconds one minute 5 minutes and so on all that it's in do not bother look no further everything is there everything is absolutely in genius is absolutely magical you have of course the zoom you have the open hi-lo close and you even have the flight yom all that in any case it's absolutely in and it's only in g I come back to the aroma and if the home which shows us the TV of course you understood it and the chat you have a button also trade so for people who want to work rather aubrac is such that I wanted to show everything to the hour you can click you have the bracket that I showed you earlier and finally you have some who just want to manage their position directly something called order book and in this case you can have access to the order so I shouldn't tell you because it is true that the developers will roll but we will inject listen well we are going to inject into this genius you are ready you are sitting the odom trading i repeat we will inject this heifer with the odom trading, this will be the first application mobile with artificial intelligence with dom insight it means that you will be able to click it is a markets order a lease stop a single stop a lease limit a limit threshold you can move change the quantity and that is the big revolution that genius and it will be a hit you will see that by the end of the year the Americans will already have their info on this, you know that the janis team america jenniss team america is in the process of being formed we are approaching the united states with that with our genius without more than one with our genius knowing Mons my password is displayed everywhere it's brilliant no mariana a marianne has an intelligence of india in tce it is very very well thank you very much mariana so you have we can see again in and trompa mariana we can review the big news that arrive in relation to that is therefore the dom inside in the sa her voice a little care the mobile that I work out a little money but I spent the evening yesterday to train after crypto of the future of the action we also deal with natural forex cheese the commodities tomorrow if you are in the tv you will see it will have alexandre tomorrow which is a specialist in energy commodities trading and who is absolutely brilliant when you are not available you can watch the shows with the replay you say here jenny happens when the replay you can see the replay you have the whole program because you have to know that genius tv is just a life tape you have lots traders at 8:30 am for openings american and european markets you have training life elsewhere and mariana will hasten the uppercase rather than lowercase diseases on live training could actually market open with trading the hall action meeting for actions live training once again wealth management the elvis trade we talked about it the good morning mr dos and i left it small hot currencies and after the trading day that's just awesome fundamental mind blowing incredible there is no other i was going to say no other qualifier possible on this operation jen us app for mobile it's just amazing amazing amazing so for finish this demonstration on the may know that you therefore have our community of genius who can help you take control of all this of course you have a free app an apps paid you have the same on the web with jenny webb which is provided free with those who actually have where those who have sprung wish can also download the ap all that in any case it's inside the TV the artificial intelligence for the strategies the robot for auto trade if we are a company governed by European law we are not a broker we aspire to to become it certainly but for a very simple reason it is because we want to be permanently the cheapest product on the market, i.e. the idea is to give all our subscribers a guarantee on the spread is the sleeper and I assure you that if you follow my shows from a some time this spread is what this type of edge is what saves you or is what makes you lose so we will really go to all the brokers we will tell you that they accept that they refuse there will be a list on genius you can go there those who will refuse to put their api in genius they are margoulins you know that there is a gaggle of brokers who want your money but not help you to succeed we will see how it will go in any case you know that we are here to make you win it was the udc for the presentation of the jenny sap i regret that there weren't more people in any case live because that's when even a technological revolution if you haven't seen the beginning you get back to replay I In any case, you will be shown the results of an operation which was initiated by jenny with 24000 euros of pnl turning here I am passionate 2 who pass this kind of operation look it was just awesome thank you very much for staying with me tonight for the presentation of this genus download the app start with free if you want to sign up for genius subscription if you want advice on TV and strategies and even auto trade you have the possibility to start not free but also the paying one of course contact 09 81 08 20 11 if you really want to have training from the ace of very line stations but also the free ones do not hesitate to switch the link of this video everywhere will be fine but i think people will see her see her again and see her again anyway do not hesitate to use the mud understood it is not looking kreder oriented you do not have it broker-oriented it guides and traders you the world of trading the world of trading changes the the world of trading is turning around Give yourself the means to succeed Give yourself the means to win join de genius I wish you all a good evening see you tomorrow 8:30 am one phone number now 09 81 08 20 11 09 81 08 20 11 tekere all enjoy ciao bye

2021-10-01 07:47

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