La hausse des actions continue malgré l'inflation Good Morning Trading en direct - Benoist Rousseau

La hausse des actions continue malgré l'inflation Good Morning Trading en direct - Benoist Rousseau

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hello everyone and welcome to the good morning trading live every morning between 8 am and 8 am 5 it's random it depends on youtube happy to see you in great shape this first night that I have been doing for 6 or 7 me a correct one without being awakened by the pain every 15 minutes so suddenly a big patience it feels good we have a lot of things to say to each other but in any case what is certain is that the market is again also become again since it will break highs it is in contact with the highs of ten 10 to 15 days so despite the inflationary fears which are more and more keen you just have to turn on your television you hear the media which does not speak that the stock market continues to rise inexorably yesterday we had the minutes from the fed who were a little worried as we saw that the officials of the American central bank last month signaled that they were going to continue to reduce their purchases assets on the markets more and more quickly either from mid-November or mid-December therefore the ring mat will be officially launched in mid-November, that is to say that there is hardly any, it is in a month or mid December of which class but somewhere it is no longer a subject so next week the fed announces that the perrine heap starts in November it should not cause a lot of reactions on the markets because we have been warned it is there 'story of a month of beating so it's starting to have entered into the east in the brains but that we must still recognize that it is the fed has made enormous progress at the psychological level to prepare the markets I have not checked but it must have been at least 18 months that the fed prepares slowly because it is in us the investors the time it arrives to the brain that it will have the perrine heap which will intervene here and at the end of 18 months maybe 12 months it's been over a year since they talk about it here it happens i They warned us and finally the markets do not react brutally we did not have the opposite we had the brutal method or the fed by increasing it is all without warning in a brutal and unilateral way it was an alan greenspan ah So here is really I find that they have acquired progressed in their communication it is also a new generation a little more a little younger in quotes between ben bernanke then now jérôme powell good these are people who are a little more young people who have known who have had the beginnings of the internet I am not saying that spain did not know the beginning of the internet but given its advanced age it is not necessarily interested or very, very strong mastery of two of the newcomers means of communication any case very skilful the pill passes well warned us it is interesting on the markets there we have the confirmation that the carpet which arrives which binds to our doors and the markets continues to rise so there we can say that they are great n do theirs their job and what is important is therefore there are several members of the fed who fear that the rise in inflation will persist longer than expected I think we are also starting to get used to this idea then all the more that we have a big statistics last night in china which show that the inflationary risk is indeed really far from having disappeared because there was the increase there was the publication pardon the prices consumption in China an increase of 5.4 percent over one year, then the 5 04% we are in full full of inflation for China and it is the all-time all-time record since this indicator was created in china it was 25 years ago has never been so high so inflation in china confirmed on is approved labeled if I dare say we are on more than 5% it is therefore enormous enormous enormous that wants say that for us on our savings with a delay effect we can we can also see 3-4-3 4 5% annually so it's really really big inflation is there so the consequence on the other hand is that the markets a Chinese market fell it ended up red whereas the Japanese market for example ended up with a nice increase of more than 1 % it was all the same to point out the nikkei had more between them against +13 1 and +19 5% in particular carried by the values of the semiconductors of a company called tokyo elektron which progresses of +2 5% and all the major Japanese technological stocks are progressing in the wake of wall street so we really have a fairly strong buying push, almost reassured to have the date of the tap the ring and then almost reassured that sounds% inflation in China while this everyone will be panicked a few years ago a few years ago we get used to it and this state of affairs we maybe close our eyes closed maybe our eyes if I take the oil in the in the goodwill trading 'on Saturday at 10 o'clock and I invite you to come Saturday at 10 am live we take a lot more time to analyze other other crypto oil assets especially in summer a fortnight ago when I make them at around 78 78 dollars and I told you I thought that we were going to certainly lighter the 80 dollars and that it can be interesting there we are at 80 dollars so we have already taken almost 5% since I tasted goodwill trading water so we can really see that commodities are blazing in quotes and that the consequences we have we have more than 5% annualized inflation in china it will fall on us here is what happens we will see all this in detail at the level of technical analysis that what can happen in the meantime do not hesitate to subscribe to the youtube channel to talk about it, it is very important and to put thumbs up everywhere thank you very much we are going so see you on Saturday at 10am don't forget a perspective analyst what those who came ago fortnight do not regret it I am giving you the subject of Saturday at 12 o'clock on the economy will be we will increase the minimum wage as poor as the title here it is a little trick like that I will come back to the increases in minimum wages in the world especially in France has grown smic ap / does not speak badly at the moment in the news in the French political news more than economic one will say and to have consequences of an increase in the minimum wage and that is much more complex than what we can make us believe a lot of policies and worse we are going to massacre everything at 10am on Sunday on the channeling of domestic violence will try to calm all that a little bit two statistics us two statistics important today 2:30 p.m. in the united states the producer price and weekly unemployment it is above all the producer price which will be monitored a little bit more so things can move ahead of the american stock market and then we have the results of t3 and one gimmick the two sites were 3 2021 d American company after jpmorgan which was good and that supported the rating also the results of jpmorgan it is above the expectations of 80% of analysts we have bank of america citigroup morgan stanley and wells fargo here we are in the american banking sectors we will have had the turn of the dice tonight so big announcements on the results season there we are on the financial companies over the period we will see if they have been so successful that jeepy but it supports the odds so we clues good bah we simplify yesterday we went up almost non-stop and we continue to press we are in a sea ​​of ​​glass and especially what is interesting look here i put a graph over two weeks which I find very very meaningful and we have just broken the highest on the on the cac 40 bravo we are not yet sure at the highest on the dax 40 so we will be different immediately at a glance we see a difference in dynamism and we look of the euro stoxx50 salon gives more or less the dynamism on the main European stocks scans the biggest stock markets the biggest European companies sorry and here we are on the top of the range we have not yet run for my name n ' is not far a little more difficult with bricks and because we are on a level a hundred so we will certainly probably lighter in any case but in premarket it is a little a little bit hard so there you see we is exactly the same graph by putting them side by side good there I can not put it side by side for reasons we will say to facilitate visual sure on youtube on youtube I can show you that a small screen at the day 1 2 3 4 5 6 June 1909 under the soft eyes days show that a small but when you have your universe where in front of your eyes it is much more much more visible so there you instantly have a difference in dynamism between their stocks the cac 40 the dax 40 if we summarize the cac 40 is on Monday what goes up best to buy there comes bricks and its fortnight it still has so it not really on its historic highs yet but it is it is really good so clues earlier to buy one if you are a buyer on the three it is the cac 40 the dax 40 it is Monday what visits the most thus if you prepare in quotes to possibly in your strategies to take a putt if a European index which it would rather be necessary fart it would be the dax 40 which has trouble rising it means that it is a downward phase they risk falling faster than the others wait for cac 40 and the one that misses the fastest so in the event of a downward phase they are likely to resist a little better to a down jacket and the euro stoxx50 is also to be put rather in the vals of which in the values ​​with the purchase why I show you this today that is what is interesting and the eurostoxx 50 is the 50 biggest European stocks so that you have ez in it you have French values ​​and Italian values ​​you have German values ​​etc and so that also just gives you the euro stoxx 50 it finally gives you the feeling on the European zone we will say of the state of the market because it is really the heavyweights ah that's why we take we rather look at Dow Jones 30 and the nasdaq-100 rather than the Russell 2000 to see the heavyweights and generally we tend to invest rather on the heavyweights so if the heavyweights are doing well we are still on a phase earlier rather also the problem is what technically we are going to have a wave of decline since we arrive on higher a priori I don't really find it because it is the cac40 which shows us a little the voice it is I dare to say it had nothing to do with this zone at 6600 the highlight of the previous week we will say towards 6618 20 there are already 40 so in premarket cac 40 already has lighter and there is no two there are no weakening signals for the moment so on the day if American statistics are rather good we risk still having a green day unless a surprising statement by a member of the fed for example, but he there is none in the program a priori so maybe 4.40 shows the way and who will do it in fact the same day as yesterday since the day yesterday we were looking for a low point at 9 o'clock got closer to the d6500 we made six 1509 and then we mounted a non-stop and we have a little hesitation with the statistics with the how to say there the minutes of the fed the beige book we see here we have very clearly a little hesitation what do we do impossible to go up and finally we had the answer the answer in the night we have the same thing on the dax 40 we can see the hesitations there and then we have much less hesitation this night we continue to climb and we finally concentrated rather on the Japanese side q ue on the Chinese side cesson took the Chinese side we should have dropped a little bit I come back to these 5% of these 5 4% of consumer price increase at the hips in that means that inevitably they will have to increase wages to compensate a little they will not increase wages by 5 4% but if it starts to growl all that they will still increase wages a little even if it is China it is more slaves the Chinese they are citizens perhaps not necessarily the same rights as us as a Western society said more evolved between May 10 but they have they have the power I was going to say of the masses and if they are hungry it grumbles and the communist party that it has for the good of the people will never forget it very important the communist party which is there for the good of the people and of the apparatchiks also first perhaps will increase will make pressure to increase wages if the wages in china are increasing so it's pa s very good for them because suddenly we can maybe go and get our act together in vietnam and it will be worth more than that is the eternal problem china is currently in competition with other asian countries lower down wages in malaysia vietnam so that is a negative point for them and for us it is negative because if wages increase in china will all our products also increase this blow i must be passed on when we go to buy our products made in china that can be found almost everywhere here is if if it is plastic there is a good chance that it is produced in china today then the only thing that can be positive sexy their price increases it can become interesting in certain micro niches to produce locally the more the products go the more the wages will increase in china the more the prices of the products will increase in china and the more the relocation dear arnaud montebourg for example can be interesting here is good at the same time we v not to start producing screwdriver factories has always either finally if it is necessary to keep reason but here is yes there is a balance and this is what I try to show you a little on a daily basis any political decision or any statistics economic has consequences for good and for bad we are in a globalized world so Chinese wages increase low it's better it's good for them it's not good porn because if you are a buyer because they bought more expensive products and at the same time it can be good for us that it can also create jobs in France in Europe so that's all to be qualified there is no white there are no blacks in the economy should not to have white or black in politics normally if they wanted not two readers but hey the reader also asks for the ultimate simplification so that's why I was talking to you about speed because it pissed me off all week the nonsense that we hear on the minimum wage we will talk about it will speak at 10 am sure I come back so sure sure what the technical analysis that I can say except that buyer is better to be a seller that is clear and it really seems really good start then we will wait as d 'hab a little a little ebb to get on a rebound should not miss it should not be missed because if yesterday we had missed the example on the dax the passage under sobered under fifteen thousand hundred and the strong rebound normally you have it not to miss because I spoke about it for the purpose of mardin training but here it is good you could look at you wonder between late nimes you have just discovered it but normally this one you did not miss passage under 15 I feel rebounds mido lessard monthly here you have your ideal trading the question after this is what you have maintained all day that is something else normally trading system yes if it is if it is not one and reading no and I would not hide from you that I have i not maintained all day for me but hey it was already very strong very strong very plush as a trade I do not know if it is said but it is said I just made it up to say it is strong skin if we go to the clues Americans we are going to scan them again com com as I wanted I show you me I have a large screen 5 not the one on which I do a little video where I look here there me it is a screen 5 case it is an apple is an imac six first 27 or 28 inches there the jackpot big imac like that on 55 kg all wagered american harris in one hour they are simultaneously so what i am going to show you i see a diaper no need to click that it was much more practical but since we cannot broadcast in five acts don't think that they really have screens which are necessarily 5 cases if you are in hd if I broadcast my screen 5 to you but knew very little very small link really will be that I was trying to say it is totally invisible so we will scan dow j ones paf he returns to his pivot point of the day we look at the nasdaq be careful we go to the nasdaq we immediately see the much more dynamic difference you come back dow jones here it is okay but it's not i try imaginative death there we see that they go up and that starts to accelerate and that we had a hell of an acceleration of the nasdaq in the night excuse me a hundred points it's still huge we are we are we have gained more than 100 points on the nasdaq in the night carried by parra by the indices by the Japanese companies in particular those that of the semiconductors which took a little more than 5% and which is called is what you retained of the three men 3 2 1 0 in fact that to me give me time to remind me what it was like a business it's tokyo electron that's it it's layman's techniques tell yourself that when a teacher ask you a question as a trainer asks you a question there is a one in 4 chance more or less it's for you to give it time to find the right ponse here it was so it was tokyo tokyo electron so they have they really followed this rise in a fairly obvious way we will pass attention we scan russell 2000 year where he same thing see russell 2000 nasdaq these are really the carrier values ​​and the snpi 500 a little better so if you have this in front of you and you are a buyer and you have signals on the markets if you have these four graphs there in front of you you immediately see what to put put a ball and therefore we will rather put a bile on the rupt on the nasdaq earlier a ball on the russell the snpi 500 possibly to follow good he had problems are more or less alone which blocks it clearly sees you that two energizes by Against the dodo this name then we see that it's not really Monday night between Americans we go back to the purchase on dow jones is not really the priority nor the dynamism of the day on the other hand if we have a bearish wave in your opinion we are going to type who will have typed the weakest currently of the four friends here we are going to type on port this boom we have and we will avoid attacking d'Artagnan so good that is not it is not really a taste of very technical tangerine but sometimes I am told I can deal with my iphone yeah it's good me too I treat being the iphone I trade with the iphone because I finally put in I do it more a lot if I go out more outside but but but but when I did I could place an order on the iphone but because I had memorized all this before I was able to tell you the graph of the dow jones the graph of the nasdaq etc etc so it is why if you really want to professionalize yourself between quotes it's not two it does not mean becoming a pro trader created a business thing in the middle but to do it seriously always be patient and always with pleasure but seriously the purchase of another screen that can really be in addition already it is a comfort c 'is visual comfort it is very clear but above all it is jédir a scan of the markets it is not a scan in my opinion the word does not exist I am showing more and more bravitude in my in my vocabulary I don't know i like ségolène royal a she's nice she's funny so here i'm thinking of her i don't know why i'm thinking of ségolène royal we're talking to you going to know why well i can't see i see i still don't see bonjean not really at my analyst it disturbs me now has the image of ségolène royal tried to move on we are facing here so to banon it's even worse good we concentrate I get more it's crazy I see that ségolène royal so here is when it is like that it is necessary to have an opposite image to cancel I thought of valérie pécresse sees the ségolène royal valérie pécresse here it is good it is not these blows where I more want to think to all that so we come back I don't really know what I was telling you so yes a screen in pl us it is not necessarily it is far from luxury it is far from luxury it allows you to have a vision a scan of the markets and breads scanning a scan of secondary markets emerge as wasted that at its help here is good a super super efficient market scan in fact and and with that you gain or really comfort clothes tired and all to have a better analysis so think if you feel a little cramped on your computers well to really add to a screen we make it very beautiful it costs almost nothing a screen 150 200 euros you have super 28 inch screen 250 maybe that's it is really that gives you the best better view of the market and especially on everything that I tell you that it is yielded if not in any case in my way to be helped in my technique is what gives major signals it is when you really see the four American indices for example dow jones nasdaq it is a p 500 russell who arrive all four like big pancake on supports and everything if they start to bounce and here it is after 27 years that I have still not found a better better tempo than that but for its part you have to be able to scan them you must be able to have them under the eyes you really have no choice even if you enter cases you must have it is at least three indicators under the eyes of the three minimum on the american markets in my opinion it is nasdaq dow jones and sp 500 if you have the russell it's still not bad because russell is a little bit the fourth of the bunch the craziest craziest artist and if he confirms what the big guys are doing it is because there really are people and that it is the majority current and the goal the goal is very democratic the stock market in fact if we want to earn money times in the majority here is therefore that the spirit of opposition is a spirit of opposition systematic you are perhaps against the systematic trend and it reflects if I have encountered people who are if they are doing very well tend to systematically they are in the opposition it is stronger the more it is stronger than them here whatever the government they are in the opposition well whatever the tendency on the stock market they are in the opposition it's been ten years that we go up they have been shorting for ten years and when we go down for several years it will be the only ones who want to buy permanently so what we are our being our our psychology our vision of the world has an absolutely enormous influence on the absolute absolute in our way of treating i was super talkative today ah bah listen and I hope I can here we are on the hunt is good we continue and then we meet wear well like that I hope you are not too disturbed with fairly violent images game I am going to put prohibited under 18s on the video I am sorry I spoke of Valérie Pécresse and Ségolène Royal I do not will do it again more it's live we are sometimes taken by his by his emotions by the return of the repressed and here I am for this direct to a little traumatic the game I recognize him on what he listened to carry on well we will meet again tomorrow morning for the good morning trading live we take stock of the markets and then we will see how far it has gone roughly speaking this morning, in any case, this morning a bit the idea pay attention to the stats at 2:30 p.m. and then watch a

little where the slips revealing j 'was going to say watch a little bit the good results of American companies that is a hell of a revealing slip because I have no idea but I have a priori for bank of america citigroup wells fargo and morgan stanley a priori because jpmorgan it was good so suddenly I have a bullish bias and I would not like to hide on these American values ​​the ramp saying that like jpmorgan it's super good good unless they were big dummies they had to do to pretty much the same thing if not maybe better for for for certain nes banks American banking stocks but it is interesting this revealing slip here is good but it is true that looking at an ocean of say greens which are between +0 60 and plus 0.75 to a Japanese wad which ends in more 1 40 no shortness of breath for 24 hours on the candles an hour we stop climbing in a straight line rather a ticket for the day in any case also here on this wear you well ah and then bah I'm sorry if you are going to think about ségolène royal all day to score there is worse I could have said other no less I can tell you if you have in mind but remember pirin anyway on this full of good things I will tell you arlette laguiller by example here bah now do what if you think with 1 with laguiller all day it will be hard because if you ciao well we meet and then sorry it's a little taste of mardin trading not very structured but we felt a week that I do not put very hard t horrible toothache every quarter of an hour I was woken up by the pain is there I was able to sleep six hours in a row I have a hell of a peach and I'm going to lift everyone today with my energy i

2021-10-17 20:39

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