Kindle Publishing Business Course (2019) – Step By Step Guide

Kindle Publishing Business Course (2019) – Step By Step Guide

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In this video we'll, go through how to do Amazon, Kindle publishing for beginners, in seven. Actionable, steps this. Is the business model that initially, allowed me to escape the 9 to 5 and was bringing in around. $4,500. A month when I was doing it full time while. I'm barely involved, with it nowadays it's, still providing, me with over two thousand, dollars every, month most. Different books are made almost two years ago so. If, you're willing to put in the work, self-publishing. Can potentially, become, a nice extra, income stream for you to, follow along with this guide keep, an eye on the number in the upper left corner of the video which, indicates, which, step we're on as well. As the panel down here which, shows you which part of that step we're currently covering, if you, have any questions, feel, free to leave them in the comment section and I'll, do my best to answer them to, check out various, resources, mentioned in this video go, to the written article, found, here there. Are links drought a post plus, an organized, list a tend for your convenience all, right with, that out of the way let's, get started. Step. 1 create. Your KDP, account, first. Off you'll need to set up a Kindle direct publishing account. This. Will enable you to publish, books on the Amazon stores the. Process, is pretty straightforward, go. To KDP. Click. Sign up click. Create, your KDP account enter your, name email address, and password once. The account has been created. Make sure to enter your author slash publisher. Payment, and tax, information they'll, guide you through this okay. You're, now theoretically, speaking at, least ready, to publish books on Amazon. Step. 2 keyword. Research. It's only the second step but it's, also the, most important, one by far what. You do with this will, determine whether you earn fifty, or five, thousand, dollars from a book no. That's, not an exaggeration, if. You don't take your keyword, research seriously. Your publishing, business, will never, take, off however, do, it right on a consistent basis, and you will have no problem, scaling, things up, to. Do effective keyword. Research for Kindle, you'll want to get a tubular called KD spy also. Known as Kindle spy, thankfully. You only have to pay for it once and you will get all the updates for life no. Subscriptions. KD. Spy is a useful browser, add-on. That lets you get, an overview of a category, or keyword. Within seconds, three, traffic lights show you the popularity earning. Potential and competitions. See, the estimated, sales and revenue, of all the books listed, under a specific, keyword generate. A world cloud of the most commonly, used words, that, the best-selling, books use, in their titles and the, lies author pages, to, see how well the books are doing track. Your competitors, books performance. Over 30 days, all. Of the features are potentially, useful however. The key thing you'll want to focus on is data found, in the main window. How. To use KD spy after. Searching, for, a specific keyword, in the Amazon, Kindle Store click, the KT spy icon, look. At the data and scan, for DS criteria. The. Top five to six books listed, for a keyword should, ideally, have, an Amazon sales, rank below. 100,000. The, lower the number the more copies are being sold these. Five, to six books should, have the keyword itself somewhere, in the title competing. Books should not have more than 50, reviews on average if they do they'll, be very hard to compete with, okay. Seems, simple, enough right, keep. In mind though that these are general, guidelines you. May be able to make money, a keyword which doesn't, fit these criteria. However, it'll be a riskier investment to make now. With, the general, guidelines, in place let's. Go through an example of, how to do keyword research with. KT spy, once. You've downloaded and, installed, a plug-in click, on the KT spy icon, found, on your browser's, toolbar this, will take you to the Amazon Kindle Store. Think. Of a keyword you want to research, let's. Try something popular, or searching, for keto cookbook. Whatever. You feel about this diet it's no secret that it's quite trendy at the moment with, that in mind this keyword, is most likely profitable. Type. It into the Amazon, search bar and search away, once. The page has loaded click, de cádiz by icon once again and you'll be presented with the data Wow. Look, at those numbers all but, one of the books listed, on the first page of, selling, like hotcakes, sales. Ranks, well below 100k. If. You manage to rank a book here you would surely make some great money, don't.

Get Too excited though look. At the image again and observe. The number of reviews the books have in the column to the left of the sales ranks, to. Say that this keyword, is competitive. Would be an understatement. Unless. You plan on running a long and expensive, marketing. Campaign you'll have little to no chance, of getting a book on the first page here still. Do you see how smooth the research, process is with, Cadiz by just. Type a keyword into, the Amazon search bar click the KDS buy a con and analyze, the findings. Coming. Up with a title once. You've found a keyword that meets the criteria listed. Earlier you should think of a title, the. Keyword, needs to be in it and the, earlier, it appears the, better the, subtitle. Is not that important. But it can certainly score, you a few extra points over your competitors, here's. An example of a book title, based on the targeted, keyword, vegan, keynote cookbook. Note. The, dist Idol includes, the keywords. In vegan. Kido vegan. Kido cookbook, and Kido, cookbook, all-in-one as a bonus, the subtitle. Includes, the related, words recipes. Plant-based. Ketogenic. And diet, this. Means that the book could potentially. Rank for every one of these combinations, when. Possible remember, to use this trick when you create a book titles. If you can't though don't worry too much about it focus. Most of your efforts on the main targeted, keyword. The. Value, of good, keywords. Now. I know what you might be thinking pretty. Much everything. About a keto, diet is way too saturated. So, why, am I not using another, keyword as an example well. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I won't be showing you a low competition, profitable. Keyword, in this video even if I did sacrifice. One of my good ones you'd be competing, with all the rest of the people who watch this, important. Tip if you're, in the self-publishing, business. Feel, free to help people out but, never ever give.

Away Your keywords. Finding. Profitable ones can take hours, upon, hours of, searching and analyzing and. When. You finally do find one there's usually a fair bit of money involved, so. Keep, them close to your chest or you'll soon see a flood of new competitors, attempting, to outrank your book. Finding. New niches and keywords, if you're, struggling to come up with niche and keyword, ideas for yourself the, best way to get inspiration, is by looking around on Amazon to. Begin open up a new browser tab, and click the KDS by icon, which will take you straight at a Kindle bestsellers, page then. Take, your time to dive into each of the categories, and the sub categories listed. In the left side menu, go. Through the top 100, paid for each of them and look for books that, use a keyword in the title such. As backyard. Foraging, or social. Media marketing, for example, write. These down in a document, while, you continue to browse through the different categories, bestseller, sections, when. You found 20, or so check each of them with Katie spy to, judge their viability, like. We went over earlier. Step. 3, creating, a cover, you've. Probably heard the old adage don't, judge a book by it's cover it's, a wise saying, that can be applied to many parts of our lives however. When, it comes to producing and selling actual. Books, you're better off ignoring. Its I've, been. Involved with online publishing, over three years and I, can tell you without a shadow of, a doubt people. Do, judge books by their covers, and it shows in your sales, if. You want your book to be at the top of the rankings you'll, need a relevant, and eye catching, cover okay. So, how do we go about achieving, that. Where. To get your covers made, to. Keep the profit margins, high we'll avoid hiring from, expensive. Graphic, design companies, instead. We go to Fiverr and search for ebook covers, don't. Worry there's, plenty of talented, independent. Graphic, designers there you just have to sort through the less, than great ones to find them I have, actually had every, single one of my covers, created, through fibre it, may take some time to, find a freelancer. With the style you like however. Once, you've done so doing. Repeat business with them is usually, quick and easy after. You've found a freelancer, to work with it's time to order your book cover. How. To get high-quality covers. To. Avoid getting a mediocre, cover, for your book you'll have to put in a bit more work than just giving, the freelancer, a title, and topic to. Assure I receive, an eye-catching, cover from my designer, I do two important, things before, placing. My order. Firstly. I come, up with a general idea for the design myself. Sometimes. I get specific, and, may even give the freelancer. A rough sketch of what, an after easily. Made in Photoshop or, even, mspaint, if I struggle, to come up with something I can browse through the, Kindle Store and look for the signs I like I then. Think about what, elements can be changed, and improved on from my book. Secondly. I hand-picked. Images, I want to be used cover. The signers and fiber usually. Lists what image sites they use in their gig description, if they, don't you can always ask them the, most common, one is shutterstock, with. A design, in mind I look through the image sites myself, and pick the most relevant, and eye catching ones I can find by. Supplying the freelancer, with images, and an idea for the design I'm rarely, if ever surprised. By the end result if. I need any modifications. It's usually something, minor like the font of the title yes.

Taking, These two extra, steps may, add some hours to the process however, I highly, recommend, that you take your time with a book cover you need to get it right. Step. 4 getting. Your book written, okay. Now, it's time to get to the meat of the matter the, book itself, just. So we're absolutely clear. On this ideally. You should not be writing every book yourself, sure. If you nail the previous, steps there's no harm in doing it a few times if you're skilled enough I've, certainly done it still, you'll soon realize that scaling. Things up will be close to impossible at. Least in a reasonable, timeframe, the. Mindset, needed for success if. You are intent, on actually, earning a decent income from, selling books online, remember, this be. A publisher. Not, just a writer, ideally. You're mostly buying to rights the books written by others and then publishing, them to earn royalties on, Amazon, by. Hiring freelancers. You can have multiple books, in the pipeline at any one time even, if you're writing one yourself this. Will allow you to scale up your business much. Much, quicker and if you did everything yourself, that's. How most people make serious, money with self-publishing. On Amazon, now. If you don't have the funds to hire anyone at the moment that's fine you can certainly write the books yourself, be. Warned however that, a grind will be pretty rough and you'll take much longer increasing, your income if you can stomach it though you can always begin writing, the books yourself, and then, start outsourcing. Some of them later when, you've begun making, some decent money, we. Have to find ghost writers, okay. Say, we do have the money for it where, do we find ghost writers, to create our books for us well. Opinions. Are a bit varied, on this some. Swear by companies, like the writing summit, or ear, itthere, solutions, I have indeed, tried these services, before and I have received some decent, quality work from them however. I strongly, prefer, to hand pick my own writers, to make sure their writing, style tone, and knowledge, of the topic fit my specific projects. I do this by crafting, detailed, job posts, and up work and then I carefully, examine, each candidate, with my requirements. In mind yes. This, takes some added effort for, sure but, for me it's paid off in the long term this. Is what I recommend you do as well unless, you're really short on time or you're struggling to find suitable freelancers. If, that's the case go, with the ghost writing company, if, you're willing to put in the extra time though I have some advice for you based on my own experience. How. To get good writings from up work, here. Are the steps are go through to get high-quality yet. Affordable, books written through up work, research. And create, a table of contents for. The book before, I post a new job offered up work I make sure the books table of contents, is ready to go I do this by researching, the topic online, blog, news guides magazines. Videos, academic. Sites you name it sometimes. I even spy on some of my competitors, books on, Amazon, click on ebooks cover to see inside it where, you can usually find the table of contents. Then I make sure the one up there TOC, by adding additional chapters. To mine I also. Look at their negative, customer reviews, to, see if there are legitimate shortcomings. I can take care of with my upcoming book, when. The table of contents, is ready I simply, attach it as a word file along, with a job post on up work this. Makes the research, much easier, for the freelancer, and allows them to focus more on the, writing, process it, also gives, the applicants, a better idea of what to expect furthermore. Similar. To the cover creation, process, doing, this removes, a lot of uncertainty. From the equation, now, as the writer progresses. I have something tangible, I can check their work against. Write. A detailed, job. Description, in, order to attract the right candidates. Writing, your books you, need to supply them with enough details, to, avoid any confusion and, make sure on the same page I always write, a thorough precise. Job, description, for the freelancers, from. Years of hiring writers, and up work I've come up with a job post templates, and works really well for this feel. Free to copy it from the article, which. Again can be found here. Some. Notes about the job post templates, to clarify some points, payment. Rate per 100, words are, usually, set this to anywhere between two, to three dollars, depending, on my budget and the, lower than $2, per hundred, words and you'll mostly, get low quality writing, there are always exceptions though.

Project. Lengths I set, this to anywhere between, 15,000. To, 25,000. Depending, on the niche and the length of my competitors, books with, the right formatting. More or not later a 15,000. World manuscripts, will give you a printed, book of, about. 120. Pages which, is the absolute minimum I'd go for deadlines, I normally, set it to 21 days or 3 weeks for, 15,000. Words which, equals 5,000. Words per week add. More days if you're shooting for a higher world count. Interested. Involved, with topic this, part is optional and highly, dependent, on the topic of your book you may want to word it differently, but it's a nice inclusion, to have most. Of my best-selling books have, been written by people who had an interest in the topic beforehand when, you submit your job post you can also add, some questions, that the applicants, must answer, in a cover letters are usually. Go with these two do. You have an interest in or experience. With the topic, have, you read the table of contents, if so what, are your thoughts, the, first question, gives the freelancer, a chance to share their knowledge about, the topic the, second, question more or less forces, them to look through your TOC, before, applying for the job there. Are a few other options you get when posting a new job but I won't bother with them here they are pretty much self-explanatory. Once, you've included the aforementioned information. Along, with the rest of the details go, ahead and post your job to up work. Choose. A suitable candidate. Okay. So, your job post has been submitted, along, with the table of contents, you attached now, it's, time to soar through the writers it, usually, takes between two, to four days for. A job post to gain a considerable amount. Of applications. Once, you have a decent, number of people lined up bust, out your magnifying. Glass and get, to work here. Are some tips on how to separate, the wheat from the chaff when, it comes to writers, carefully. Check the body of their cover letter look, for obvious spelling, errors and we on sentences, if there, are a lot of them that's a huge red flag just. Think about it if they couldn't even write a simple cover letter correctly, how, are they going to handle a twenty, thousand, word book read. Through their writing samples if, you use my job post Amplatz you would have requested, that the freelancers, attach one or more samples of the writing make, sure that you take the time to read through every, single one of these attachments, and all links the, more you read the more info, you'll give to your minds pattern, recognition, system a small, info, is gathered any writing, floors will, come apparent flaws that may go unnoticed if you're just skimmed, through a single page. Read. The freelancers, reviews this. May seem like, a no-brainer but a lot of people just look at the ratings, while not actually, reading the content, of the reviews of course. There's, plenty of skilled writers, who haven't received many reviews yet, furthermore. A lot of clients simply don't write anything, they, just pay, rate, and move on, still, if the, freelancer, has a bunch of written reviews by, previous, clients, look for these four, qualities in, particular, high. Quality, writing, communicative. Ability. To take feedback in do revisions, and good, at keeping deadlines. Sealing. The deal once. You've carefully, examined, all of the candidates, go ahead and hire your favorite one be. Sure to remind them of sending you a draft halfway, through the writing, process other. Than that there's, not much more to it than, to wait, remember. Though if your budget allows for, it you should always have multiple, books in the pipeline at any one time to, maximize, the growth of your business in, other words there, should always be something else for you to do.

Plagiarism. Check when. You've received, a completed, text from one of your writers, you should make sure that it's free from plagiarism if. There's, one thing Amazon, doesn't tolerate it's, trying to publish, copyrighted. Material, via their platform, this, is one of the things that, can get your KDP account banned so. You need to make sure the book you received, is original, the. Best way to make sure of this is to use Graham Ally's plagiarism. Scanner in my mind this and Katie's bi are the only two programs you really need to run a Kindle, publishing business, besides, a word processor, of course grama. Lee's plagiarism. Detector will quickly search through billions. Of web pages and, academic. Databases, to check for duplicate, contents, even if, you write the books yourself, you, should still use this to check if you have been to copy/paste, e during the research phase to. Use the plagiarism scanner, just log into your grandmother account and copy/paste, about half the book at a time into a new document file. Wait. For the analysis, to complete and then click on the plagiarism, tab. If. You find that only quotations. Or small phrases from, various, unrelated. Pages, come up you're good to go however. If there are whole sentences. That have been ripped from different websites related. To your book that's, a no-go in, that case you, need to either ask your freelancer, for changes, or rewrite, the plagiarized, portions, yourself. Finishing. Touches in addition. To plagiarism checks, you also have, to make sure that the text is sufficiently. Proof read and edited. Before, you move on you, can of course outsource. This if you want personally. Though I've always proofread. The books myself it's, the only way I can be 100%, sure about the quality if. You keep your focus you can usually finish, the job in a couple of days make. Sure that you don't slack on these final, touches since. Poor grammar and typos, contained. An otherwise great book also. I recommend, that you add in some images this, will increase the perceived, value of, your book and the, average person will be more likely to find it enjoyable. You. Can use images for free stock photo sites like, the ones mentioned in this video if you, have the budget for it though a subscription, to a premium, site like shutterstock, will serve you well in the long run.

Step. 5 publish. Your ebook. Once. You have the complete a text, and cover in your hands it's time to finally put them together as an e-book via, the KDP, platform. To. Begin login, to your KDP account go. To your bookshelf and click, on the plus Kindle, eBook button to start putting it together it's. A pretty straightforward. Process but, there are still a few things at, a worth pointing, out. Use. The main keyword, in the. Title field. Make sure to type in the keyword optimized, title of your book for example, the vegan keto cookbook, input, your subtitle, in the optional field below, write. An attractive, product description. It's, recommended, that you use the description field to its full potential, on Amazon. You can use HTML to. Create headings, make, text bold and, italic, and insert. Bullet points if, your writer has created, an introduction. For your book you can use parts, of it for the description, I also. Like to include an h3, heading in at the end it says in this, book you. Will learn about or, something, similar then, I insert a bulleted, list underneath, it which contains, about 70%. Of individual. Topics included, in the book chapters. And subchapters. Beneath. The list I write and more, exclamation. Mark since, I only reveal, about 70%. Of the topics help to, end the description, I give a call to action something. Along the lines of download. Now and get started with topic, today if. You don't know how to write HTML check, out this neat little free tool which, I've linked to in the resources section of the article. Publishing. Rights make. Sure you select I owned a copyright and hold the necessary publishing. Rights. Keywords. This. Is another important, part of publishing a new book find, 7 keywords that are related to your main keyword, / title don't, do it lazily by just typing in guesses, instead. As in step 2 do proper research with. Katie's by, categories. Choose the, two that are the closest, matches for your book if you, target the right categories.

People, That browsed them might get your book in Amazon's, recommended, feed or promotional. Emails these. Are the people who are most likely to buy so make sure you maximize your, chances, by putting your book in the right sections. Kindle. EBook, contents, once, you're done with ebook you details click, Save and continue to, proceed to the content, page here. You simply upload your finished Word file and cover image and KDP, will convert them for you make, sure to look through the online previewer. To check if everything, looks good if it, does click, Save and continue once, more to move on to the pricing, options. KDP. Select enrollment. On the, pricing, page take. The first box to enroll your ebook in the KDP select program. This, is highly recommended, for new books since. It will enable you to market, it for free for five days while getting a nice algorithm, boost, from Amazon it will also make getting reviews, much, easier, more on that soon. Territories. Select. All territories worldwide. Rights. This. Will make your ebook available on, all Amazon marketplaces. US, UK, Japan etc. Royalty. And pricing, select. The 70, percent royalty plans and set a price to. $2.99. For, most, nonfiction, images, this, price point were typically resolved, in the most money made overall, if your book starts selling really well though you can always experiment. A bit. When. You're done with all of the aforementioned options. Click, publish, your Kindle book -, well, publish. Your Kindle book. Step. 6, promote. Your ebook now it's. Time to promote your newly released ebook, note. That this step is not about spending hours, and hours funneling. People outside, of Amazon, to your book instead, this step is all about getting reviews so, that it ranks higher in Amazon's, own search, engines, this. Were resolved, in more organic, on site traffic to your books product, page and thus more. Sailes it will, also maximize, the conversion, rates by providing, sorely, needed social, proof in other. Words don't, waste your time doing fancy Funland, tactics with Adwords, or Facebook in, order to get sales it's just not necessary. Amazon's. Search, traffic is what we want okay, so with that in mind here, are the methods you can use to, promote your ebook. Promo. Method a free, ebook submission. Sites, submit. Your book to free ebook directories. Like content. Mo free, ebooks and awesome, gang for the 5 days your title is available for free these. Free promo, days can be scheduled, on the KDP select info. Page of your book note, that this can only be repeated, every third month so, you'll have to make good use of these, 5 days you can. Submit your book to the directories, yourself, but it's quite a chore, alternatively. You can buy a cheap Fiverr gig to have this handled by someone else if, you have a bigger budget there, are also some useful ones, don't forget your book promoted, to huge email lists full of readers, should. You get a good number of downloads during, the free promo, period, this may net you a handful, of reviews, to. Maximize, the chances of this happening you should put a short message in, the middle and at the end of ebook, something. Like they, are reader if you enjoyed the book please consider leaving a short review I would really appreciate it thank, you your name or pending. Promo. Method B email. Lists the. Best long-term strategy. For book promotion, but also the, most time-consuming is, to grow an email list of loyal, readers, if, you cultivate a, good relationship, with, your subscriber, base you, can promote your new releases, and remark, it older ones to. Begin build, a simple landing, page where, you'll give away some free ebooks, or other, cool stuff in exchange for people's, email, addresses for. Details, on how to do this check, out this. In. Order, to grow your list quickly, promote.

The Landing page on established. Social media channels, if you have any and or, through paid ads on Facebook, Bing, etc you. Can also put a link to it inside, all of your ebooks between. The toc and the first page of the book include, a page with a short call to action it, should tell those who are interested, to sign up your list and they'll get one or more free reads, when. You release a new book inform. Your list of the free promo, period, and ask them to check out your book and leave honest, reviews once. The promo period, is over send, a follow-up email to politely remind, them to submit their reviews the, email list method works best if you build a separate one for each niche this. Way people, know what to expect it, and you, can grow a dedicated, audience that, is hungry for more if. You want to learn the detailed, steps on how to build an email list from scratch check. Out this video. Promo. Method, see established. Audience, reach, out to an existing, audience from, one of your or a friends, blogs or social media, accounts, encourage. Them to read and rate your new ebook if, you have an audience in a niche that's relevant to your book you, can inform them of the free download, that's available for, a limited time once. Again ask these people to leave honest, reviews an ad, that you would really appreciate, them taking the time to do so if you've given enough value and built relationships with, them beforehand, some of them will do it just to help you out. How. Many reviews does, your ebook need as you. Can probably guess the, amount of social proof needed for a book to rank and sell on Amazon varies, greatly it. Mainly, depends, on the following factors, the. Keyword competition if the front page is filled with books similar. To yours with hundred plus ratings, you won't convince many, people with a measly 5 the. Level of authority needed. In the niche people. May buy a book about growing strawberries, without, hesitating, however, they will need some reassurance. If they'll take your advice on trading, the forex markets the, price point of your book in certain, niches especially. Technical, ones you can get away with, pricing, your ebook higher than, $2.99. However, this will most likely require, a higher amount of social, proof as well the. Amount of saturation. In the categories, / niche if. You've targeted a market, that has very few relevant, books ranked, people, don't have a lot to choose from in these cases your, book can sell well with just a handful, of reviews, with. That being said I know you probably want some numbers to shoot for don't worry I got you for most niches, with moderate, to low competition, a great range to hit is between 10 to 20 reviews. In the first month however, should, you fall a bit short of that you'll probably still, get some sales here and there provided, your book is of good quality and, you pick the right keyword. Step. 7. Paperbacks. And audiobooks, many. Publishers, especially. Those educated. By outdated, online courses make. The mistake of not converting, their ebooks to paperback, and audio, formats, and it's. A big mistake over. 70%. Of my royalties, from self-publishing. Actually, come from paperback. And audio sales do. You really, want to leave that kind of money on the table also. Since, you've already paid, for the manuscript there, are very few additional, costs, involved when creating the print and audio versions. What. You need to make a paperback, book on, the, KDP, platform. Making a paperback, book out of ebook, is pretty straightforward, and most, of the details are automatically. Copied anyway so, I won't waste your time by, outlining, every, single step here however there, are certain things you need to have sorted, before starting, the process. Convert. Your eBook file to a paperback, friendly format after you've, chosen a page size in the paperback, setup, I recommend 5, by 8 for 15,000. To 25,000. Words you, need to convert your ebooks word file to match it. First step, is to download a 5x8, template, from this page link, to in the article this way you don't have to manually sati proportions. In world which can be tricky to do then. There's, the formatting, page numbering, and resizing. Of images, and headings you, could easily do this yourself, but it will take some time to get it all right if. You want to leave this to someone else you can outsource it on Fiverr or upwork. Convert. Your ebook cover to a paperback, cover, for. Everything, to fit you'll need to resize, the front cover as well as adding a back cover and spine if your, photoshop, savvy and can spare the hours you can probably do this yourself, should.

You Want to save some time though I recommend ordering, from this guy on Fiverr link, in the resources section he. Only charges $5. Per book cover and usually, gets the job done in under 24, hours. Setting. The right price point, most. People are willing to pay more for a real book they can hold in their hands than a digital, one the, best price range for paperback, books of around 20 K words is between, thirteen, and fourteen dollars as, long as you don't choose a colored, interior this, price range will net you around five to six dollars in profit for every paperback. Sold if. You get an OK number of daily sales alongside, ebook. And audiobook versions. This, quickly adds up to be a nice extra, income stream even if you just have a handful, of popular, books. How. To turn your ebook, into, an audiobook. Creating. An audiobook and getting it onto the audible marketplace, can be done quite easily and, you should definitely do, it after. All audiobooks. Are more popular than ever there's, a lot of money to be made from them right now to. Create your audiobook use the Amazon owned ACX platform, at AC XCOM, which connects, publishers, and voiceover, artists, the. Signer process is simple, if. You're in the US UK, or Canada, just use the same info you gave for your KDP account if you're, outside this, area, however you, are technically, not allowed into the a sex program, at least for now even. So many, people, from all over the world have managed to create AC X accounts, by using, a mailing address, located. In one of the accepted, countries, from, mail forwarding, companies for example and, a Payoneer, accounts, info in place of the regular banking, details, just. Be warned, that even, though this has worked for some time and still works today the, ACH, staff they start closing these foreign made accounts, later down the line no, one really knows for now, though you can give it a go if you want after, you've, made an account on AC X you can post a new audiobook project, to the platform, by clicking add your book. Searching. For your title and. Selecting. This, is my book. Once. You've filled in all the details, and uploaded, a short audition script artists. Can submit their recordings, for your consideration. Royalty. Share versus upfront payment, if you. Want to create your own ebook for free you can select a royalty, share option instead. Of paying the voice talent, a flat fee for each hour of produced, audio this will split the royalties, 50/50. Between them and you. Considering. That the most royalty, you can get for retail sales is 40%, with, a CX exclusive. Distribution such. A split is pretty rough, still. It's completely, free to set up while, still giving you passive, income you otherwise wouldn't, have so. Even, if you don't have the budget for paying voice over talent there's no reason, not to create audio versions, of your books if. You do have the budget however I strongly, suggest that, you pay upfront instead. As you will get double the income from each sale I found. That between 75. To $100. Per finished, our pfh. Is sufficient, to get good narrators, in. That case a typical one and a half hour audio book about, 15, K words will cost you between 150. To 200. Dollars to make a, unless you're really unsure about, the profitability of the audiobook this will be worth it more often than not when. Starting, out I did royalty, shares on two of my most popular audiobooks, to date thinking, I was saving money at the time as a result I ended up losing out on thousands. Of dollars in the long run so. Whenever, you can choose. The pay upfront option. You, can thank me later once. Your audiobook is completed, you can promote it with the promo codes that ACX gives you thankfully. They are not so strict with reviews on audible, as they are on Amazon for, now at least so. You can give these codes to your email list Facebook. Groups and even friends and family without worrying all in all a CX, is a terrific platform. To use in order to squeeze even more money, out of your manuscripts. If, you keep at it you may even find that your audiobooks, generate, more income and both your ebooks and paperbacks. Steps. Completed, now. You've learned how to do Amazon, Kindle, publishing the right way as long, as you do proper keyword research, and put in the work you can potentially make hundreds, if not thousands. Of dollars every month from this it's. Actually one of the most passive income streams I have right now in fact, the lion's share of my royalties, come from books I published, almost two years ago I put.

In The initial effort to create and rank some high quality books, for keywords, I found with Katie's buy since. Then Amazon's, search traffic has done all the work for me so. The bottom line is this if you want to set up multiple, streams of income online. Self-publishing. Is one you don't want to miss out on as long, as you follow the steps we've gone over here, and put in the work you'll, be making some nice extra, income in no time. You.

2019-06-18 06:14

Show Video


Intro/explainer - 0:00 Step 1: Create Your KDP Account - 1:19 Step 2: Keyword Research - 2:01 Step 3: Creating A Cover - 8:52 Step 4: Getting Your Book Written - 11:53 Step 5: Publish Your Ebook - 23:21 Step 6: Promote Your Ebook – 27:20 Step 7: Paperbacks & Audiobooks - 33:00 Outro/final thoughts - 39:38

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