Kelsey Has 2 Kens Fight For Barbies Love In The Sims 4

Kelsey Has 2 Kens Fight For Barbies Love In The Sims 4

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So I'll probably try to get our work done really fast before we go on our date number one. Hey. Everybody I'm Kelsey. I single. An adult, and childless. And we thought it would be funny if I played Barbies, in The Sims 4 I am making it a challenge where, I'm gonna try to make Barbie the ultimate, ship she's going to be the best at every career and she's gonna be the best at every, skill last episode, Barbie, game which this episode, barbie is making, two men fight over her love it's time for the ultimate battle, between brunette. Ken and blonde, Kay who, will win we'll all find out today I have, a bias, I like, brunette, Ken maybe you know Barbie will have two boyfriends just kidding I'm kidding yeah, my Barbie. Gets a makeover because she needs a Dale ugh wait. Oh my god it's break day that's funny maybe Barbie should throw down some pranks, if we see a Bratz doll it's going, down I feel like we could add a TV. And, have her like do the, little work outfits, let's do that she goes through a dance video get. Her fun up there she goes that's. A girl that's. A girl that's a girl she's, learned a skill and she's dancing her butt up why is everyone, in bed at 5:00 p.m., oh it's me isn't it I'm the reason why everyone's, in bed at 5:00 p.m. I don't take care of my sims according, to a schedule we can give her her makeover and take her on some date I mean this already is a pretty cute date outfit, but we're gonna pick a new outfit. I'm freaking, dead actually all her outfits are already, so cute I can't handle all right let's pick out a party off I kind of want to look to look like the most like a Barbie, doll you can make her laugh wait this one why wouldn't we do this one this is like a classic Barbie, silhouette, Barbie wore a dress like this what, was I thinking. All right we're gonna do it without these, but, maybe do like a big I don't know what event Barbie's going to with this look am I getting too deep in here yes are we even gonna be using this in a moment no anyway, I just added that outfit I don't even know if we're gonna wear it B just, gonna go straight to the Ken's home, knock on their door and go hi I'm Barbie. Would you like to go on a date with me we just met it'll be like you know a different, version of, call. Me baby it'll be like hi I just met you and this is crazy but let's, go on a date, right. Now, also we've never had a conversation oh my god ohmy brunette, ken is home, coincidence. I think not I think this game is on my, side timber. And I already with a win we didn't even have to do anything you know they're, all here Oh Barbies, talking to blonde ken first he's like hi Barbie, I'm good. And she's like Stu hi I'm. Barb, what's up Kim, he's, like well I just saw, you there and I thought maybe, we were made for each other literally cuz we're toys wow they're getting along they're. Having a casual discussion come. On brunette, kid I was rooting, for you. We were all rooting. For you okay. Brunette kid get your butt in there Ken's last name is Carson okay, the Carson boys and, I'm Ken neither what you're talking about Barbie stop being on your phone talk to the boys she's. Looking at him this is awkward and I love it look at this look at this Robbie get off your phone talk to the boys the friendly introduction I don't want to be too much to introduce herself they say hey oh she just square it off to Brett at Kent I'm just letting them go and just narrating. Like here we go I feel like an announcer. They. Bonded. Already. She's, higher with Ken than blonde Ken and I have done nothing. This. Is gold. Blood Ken's just so boring he's trying to talk about music. Barbie, just had a slapping, spree with brunette Ken they both found it absolutely rias, now she's talking about pens he's having a very funny conversation, I'm just gonna want to scroll through this and see what Oh.

I Mean wow, I'm, gonna let this go for like another oh my god she just pranked, him again this is so interesting. It's like midnight it's probably too late to ask one of them on a date this is our first initial, meeting and then we'll ask our kids oh one, can just freakin went to bed blonde can was like I'm out of a complicate. Just took himself out of the running of the first guy to get Barbies, heart meanwhile we're. In the Frick is it tawny the toddler, took, himself on a watch to the beach no parental supervision for. Tommy nobody, care look at this poor lad alone. In the wilderness his, tube older, brothers, just, freakin ignoring, him he was outside, in a thunderstorm. Across, the street as a toddler, I wish I was as independent, as this toddler I literally. Had no interaction. Except, for having her talk to them Ken to introduce herself and I didn't do a charming one cuz I thought that might be unfair and already, brunette, Ken Carson versus, blonde Ken Carson is doing, better I think it's time for Barbie to go home I think this was very interesting best, of luck to. Tommy who, clearly, is his own caretaker hope you get home little buddy Barbie also has work today so I'll probably try to get her work done really fast before we go on our date number one. Oh my. God I was in fast forward but, Barbie just got electrocuted, Barbie, go inside, go, inside with, bliss aah oh my, god well. Barbie and Blissett just became friends but Barbie has also been electrocuted, he's still kind of sparking, honey are you okay, I don't think she's okay look at that face, Barbie, Barbie, are. You okay look there's like a horror movie playing, in the background she's, like do, you know a dog or dogs like what you do it she's like I'm gay. Come. On Megan coffee I don't think you need another jokes Barbie let's take care of your needs alone my Barbie. You, know what that means you get to repair. Skill-building. Time with, Barbie, she's building up another skills, yeah it's Barbie, our, handy, Queen she's, good at everything or. At least she is working on it Barbie. This is why they don't hire, me to make the Barbie songs the Barbie songs are a real pop so that's, true Barbie, let's. Work, from home yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah, oh she reached a level up of the handiness skill, good job Barbie. Excuse. You Barbie feet magic yeah, clean. It up with your magic, ready, oh. My. Gosh I can just have her clean with magic now it made it more did she mess up the magic, you just used magic to fix her problems.

Ten At ten I'm happy, about it let's get Barbie, up she's, like pretty much okay we'll feed her and then we'll take her out quick meal and then we'll have Barbie go, finish her work for today take photos, okay here we go it's a picture of fire boom. All right Barbie needs to take a lot of photos oh that, one's kind of a cool photo actually, I am not mad at that no. I like it wide oh that one's nice. Whoo look at that ooh it's, a shipwreck all right here's a palm tree a palm tree ooh ah we're cat palm tree Yas, Queen, mailbox. Just. Mailbox. Work, we, stand a mailbox, legend. Uh this is how I take photos of my friends, I just yell at them you're doing great cave looks. Great. Okay, and now we're, going to read. Some conservationists. Awareness, use a glass straw, okay, she's like trying to swim away she's like I don't want to hear all of your and she's like no wait listen. Save the Turtles okay bye-bye. Let's. Go to, bed she's gonna take a little nap Oh get their energy a big shower and then it's daytime. Wait what is in. Skipper. Shouldn't fight over classmates Scott is classmate Scott who I think it is oh my god it's skippers 80s, boyfriend, Skye, the, Scott doll in the 80s had a perm, and was skippers, boyfriend. Well. While Barbie does this I'm gonna have her try to calm down why is he mad why is he mad what's up Scott Scott's, in a mood but like she gets it cuz she's also in on there what's. Wrong sky I don't know if this relationship starting, out a good day good mom maybe he just needed to convince, and now he'll be like a good boy or maybe he's a jerk, ooh they're, already like not in a good he's, kind of mean maybe talk about video games Scott. Oh maybe change your outfit skipper do you like it. Stop. Looking at me oh she's having a mood swing and, it's awkward this, is not going well at all it's, suffer, ibly - okay all right you know what it's like they're both in a mood so she needs to go to bed and sleep this off and we'll try this interaction again well give him a second chance if it doesn't work out then he's dead to us sorry it's got I don't care if you were a Barbie first skipper in the 80s maybe you're not the right man for our skipper now and she needs to find a new guy we'll find out but she clearly needs to just get some sleep and get over her mood swing Barbie how are you doing this guy's asking her to duel but like Barbies not about that life take, a shower and then call up your, Ken, doll I've, literally, never seen, insufferably. Tedious, conversation. In The Sims before, that was a new experience for, me hey guys maybe travel, they'll just travel together.

There's. A rooftop lounge let's go to the rooftop lounge here, we go ask. About his day how. Was your day again he seems fine they're. Gonna be on quite. Well good to know wait, Laura, bjergsen. Get. Out, Laura. This, is our date. We do not need another blunt. Fighting, for his attention look at this chick ask her to leave, can we root it magic, her what, Barbie. Just walked away to, go order a drink, excuse. You no Barbie this is a date, if you're gonna order a drink you're gonna order a drink, for the group, and it's gonna be let's do something fun let's do a white, wine there you go okay, why is he talking to that woman you're losing, points again, he's, just too friendly that's what it is it's just a friendly guy you gain points back can your, Barbie son should be tingling, by now ask, about his career let's. Get a conversation going again, he's unemployed that's fine discuss world peace cuz they're both good okay they're having a pleasant conversation it. Seems like even though they're talking over this woman technically. It's not a date yet it's more just like a hang what's another blonde talking, to Ken excuse. He's, just a friendly guy look at this girl's game and honor man who is a Tracy Pina, Tracy. Pina, oh wait Barbie I don't like that outfit for you I didn't even pick that outfit for you let's change your outfit is it cold here is that why you're right let's, let's change oh it's winter oh that tracks, excuse. You hi, I, am Barbie. The girl on this date here, compliment, his outfit no it's cuz it's not a real date it's just a hanging so he's like hanging with her, I'm, like kind of getting mad at brunette alright try a little flirt you know maybe see, if. This could work she's gonna do a bit of a flirt her first flirt and see how it goes down so far though they like they have become friends really fast. Wait. They just keep adding I didn't even do anything, whoa there, are hearts going oh there's a heart boom there's our boom it's not engaging sorry don't talk to that woman we don't need that woman in our conversation, please leave, lady, oh whoa, the. First flirt bar is a lot. Maybe. I'm biased but, I think that they should sing a duet together what, why is ken not an option of, us do, it can we just have a moment here and point, out that this is Ken Carson, the bartender, is blood Ken excuse, me, is. It his hair this, is the other Ken, Carson, so, there's blonde Ken, there was the Ken Carson who, had Tommy, and, I removed. Tommy from his family, and at it it sounds, gross now, I took the, Tommy and put him into the new Ken and he was just saved, in my unplanned, Sims and he just appeared, so this is a third, camp. Where's. This Ken going. He. Left all right well that was the date I guess we're going home that's not pretty successful. And now we're gonna research some conservation, ilysm while we get Barbie fed, all the girls are going to, school, I'm gonna have them all make friends, because we always want them to make friends, and then we're gonna have a research some conservation. Wait let's let's give taffy some attention before, we do the rest of our work you know sometimes, your family comes first, wait it's happy sick and should go to the vet oh I, guess we had to take taffy, to a vet clinic, wake up taffy. Because chappy doesn't feel so good we're gonna be a responsible, dog mom Oh got, a sign, taffy in daddy hasn't been neutered have you can have puppies, I bet, we'll be with you soon to treat your pet come on taffy, come inside taffy, why is talking outside in the cold Barbie's just chatting with a new friend, there we go taffy is being brought inside by the bed and I get you right as rain Vail soon taffy, don't worry about a thing, meanwhile.

Barbie Why, don't you, work. On some of your skill your people skills let's, do an expensive, treatment because Barbie will never spare, an expense, for her baby Oh taffy is good we, already paid right well we reach mischief levels two skills so that's good okay let's travel with. One. I almost, said the lesser of the two kids and that was gonna be really sad let's do a beach day okay brighten, his day let's, see how she goes with blonde kid he seems real cool he's got like a nice little chill, style there, I'm gonna just kind of see how they go kind of like last time for a little bit and then we're gonna step, it I'll try to do something friendly let's see like ask him to push you want to swing that could be pretty cute I'm trying, not to be biased but I've a really hard oh wait this is so cute okay, Oh. Barbie. And blond can, no. Guys okay, this is clearly not like update their friendship so we're gonna it'll. Upper fun but not their friendship so they need to keep talking maybe make up flirtatious, - oh okay. Double heart oh they jump just really fast, we're not Ken it feels like we jumped, up really far with friendship. Really fast but blond Ken feels like it's way more romantic faster. Now I don't know about you, but I feel, like you, know I like to start with friendship first oh shoot she's not done with work well we'll finish this up really fast, maybe compliment, his outfit she's, really charming wait what he's leaving okay, no can't he was okay, he I guess he's a legend in the bathroom I'm gonna call this date just because she needs to get stuff done I think that it's still worth going on a second date but right now it does feel like she's getting along, easier. With, brunette, Ken however, the romance, is there for blonde Ken so still anyone's game Ken. Carson is, wondering. If I want to go over to his house and, hang out, brunette. Can make. It moves but, also blood. Can will be there because they live together. Let's. Do it forget about your job Barbie. This is more important, let's just say like a nice general, friendly, thing asked about his day that's like a very like standard. Oh she, wanted to chat with him before even I said that oh it looks like blonde Ken isn't actually home oh and he's playing with Tommy now, it, seemed like they have like a friendship bump there really wasn't too many friendship, bumps every time she talked to other cat and it was so weird like a little baby Tommy it does this look like a family, or does this look like a family, don't, answer that right away but also do I can't, help my ship look at this little football I'm trying I'm trying guys. But also should, we not fight it should we not fight how we truly feel if those about guitar solos, they, are really making moves so Tommy Tommy, our independent, boy it's taking himself out for a walk he's like I'm gonna give you some alone time bro, my head out into the darkness of 7:30, barbie and ham just bumped up again look how frickin high their relationship.

Status Is I'm doing some of it but I'm not doing all of it also she's gaining a good reputation good for you party they're like making each other laugh. I. Did not do this. Oh, man. Look. How cute, Barbie, so, flirty. Barbie. Oh. My. Gosh. Discuss. Interests, with him, Oh Tommy's, back, I'm. Home we, showed you another little flirt just for four gigs yeah, I'm gonna go it's not a big change oh my god I love when couples are first getting together and. It's like will be one day and. Like, they're flirting, with their dinner oh my god did Tommy just fart, Tommy's. Super just farted. Tommy's. Just going, ham whatever, I guess he's not her oh my gosh, blonde. Cat has come home he is reprimanding, Tommy but then also, Barbies. Flirting. With, brunette, Ken I did not tell her to do that in front of blonde camp they jumped up a bit oh my god I'm just speeding through seeing. What goes down she's. Like making jokes with him this, is Barbies, world we're all just living in it I'm just I'm trying to not touch it too much to just really see what's going down here is she even gonna talk, to Blanca, wait. Why is it awkward now I don't know maybe it's awkward because you freaking flirted, with him in front of the guy who just hung out with and flirted, with maybe. Barbie, okay she's sitting at the table now she's now finally, maybe addressing, blonde Ken no, he's. Still not in the conversation up, here she, still just has, eyes from Drew net Ken but is sitting, across for. A blonde Ken. Is true. Television. Drama there have suggestive, conversation. Right now brunette, CEM came over oh my gosh now she's just in the conversation, tommy's dropped out of the conversation, it's just her in brunette Ken he's, talking about the Sun is he saying she's hot maybe who's, to say she's talking about money little weird Barbie but like okay he's talking about cleaning love. That for us I love a man that talks about cleaning he's also talking about that he's pretty tired I mean it is almost midnight Barbie's, been here a while Barbie's, gonna get up and clean up Tommy's. Mess cuz, she's such a good girl, oh my god that's, so nice of your Barbie I was interesting. That was drama the tease that I think Barbies got the hots for brunette Ken right now oh. Ken. Carson, brunette. Ken would, like to come over and hang out is that, okay yes, okay I do. Any of this I just want to point out that if it was blond Ken I would have said it was okay too but it's not it's constantly, been brunette Ken I can't try to get blood kind of chance he's, not coming, in he's not going. After Barbie, with, the Kendu, attitude, that, I need to see it in this man head has to be a Barbie, Stan from, the get-go and this boy is like exaggerated. We're gonna put aside work for now because. We got Kenny. Boy. Came. Over. To. See, her, he's sitting in the pool. Oh my. Well. Why don't you uh swim. With him go. Swim again it's a beach day oh my god it's such a beautiful view, free wow I want this house alright, she and she and Ken are swimming together she's. Gaining a skill and swimming, with Bay like goals, this, is goals right, now what she levelled up she's level three of oh, my god Jackie came into the water -, jazzy. Swimming, - Kathy. Oh, she's. Talking with they're, feeling both very playful. Oh just, Ken's feeling very playful this is so, cute. Look at this if, this was the hundred baby challenge, they'd be having a baby by now I'm just, saying it may be exchanged. Numbers although. He clearly already has her number cuz he's been calling her up he's been blowing up or Foe he is also very. It's this, kit very defined, body. Here, maybe, they should have breathe give, a bit of a hug, oh my god first hug your first time first time first. Time. Oh. My. Gosh. Guys. We. Have a first hug which, in Barbie language. Is pretty much like they've got married so far. Brunette, Ken he's, turning. Up the heat one Ken is a little, bit staying back with me tomorrow a standoffish, kind of guy the early Ken catches, the Barbie as you, say it's an old old, proper, thank you guys so much for tuning in bye everyone.

2019-10-08 13:10

Show Video


Maybe skipper is just meant to have a girlfriend

3:02 That Tyra Banks reference tho'


I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU! (America’s next top model much Kelsey)

going great..

Did anyone else think she was like Oprah saying there’s a heart there’s a heart EVERYONE GETS A HEEEAAARRRTTT!!

At this point, I don't believe she's single anymore.

I like blonde Ken more

Kelsey, if you get the wood working table in the indoor activities section of buy in build and buy mode, Barbie can work on her hardiness skill that way as well as repairing broken things.

No makeup Kelsey ?!

please name Barbie's white cat Serafina!

“Insufferable tedious conversation” - I know how that feels

creeper aw man, og barbie edition (if you know continue it): its so rare to find a friend like you.

Had an incredibly hard day today and this was exactly what I needed to feel better.

Kelsey narrating everyone as if she’s David Attenborough and spotting three adults in their natural habitat

Me still supporting blonde ken watching barbie getting along better with brunet ken, Me: *sweats*

“I’m kidding... am I?” LMAO mmeeeeee such a mood (as if I had enough guys to be picky... let’s pretend I do)

Yesss brunette Ken!!!

If Ken and Barbie get married, can you make them have a baby....skipper would be such a good auntie....

Technically couldn’t you just turn blond Ken brunette


"ooohhh let's do something fun" "maybe some white wine"

I like blonde Ken more...

Finally :)

Kelsey ... my kids are watching Netflix and who do I see in (All hallows eve) xxxxxx

Just have barbie date both kens. We stan a poly queen.

tbh i prefer the bartender ken

Kelsey: this is like the song call me maybe... Me singing in my head: hey I just met you, and this is crazy, let’s go on a date, my name’s Barbie.

What about the vet making snow angels in the background in his vet outfit


10 points to Gryffindor!

Maybe blond Ken is gonna wait till it’s the right time to swoop in and take Barbie

Doesn't notice the strange sim in the house because brunette ken is the main focus

Blond Hair ken is better ken doesnt have brown hair

i'm loving the 90's look lol


Roses are red hearts are too Mary brunette ken it’s what u want to do

I want it to be longer! Can't get enough..or is it just me?

Omgggg yayyy I was waiting for this for sooo long


This series started WAY slow for me but this episode was fun and it’s really starting to gain traction :)

YAS, MAILBOX, WORK! Kelsey, 2019

I just finished this video and then went to Facebook and saw this Article... and I COULDN'T BE MORE EXCITED!! But also appreciate the timing though its probably caused by those internet spies...

I ship Barbie and brunette Ken (sorry if it’s biased )

Can u give a rundown of the gaming pc and gadgets you use??

Isnt ken her brother

What will happen when Kelsey gets a boyfriend?

Oh yay! I thought you canceled the series because of last week! I love this series!!!

I grew up with a blond ken so brunette ken is so weird to me

Makes me want to down load sims and play. But it's not as fun as watching you.


I wasn't rooting for brunette ken the only sort of brunette ken that I know is ryan

I think you're loosing a piece of your soul with each video. Go solo, might actually watch the videos.

brunette Ken is the man

Go blond ken!!!!!

"You don't need another jolt."

Yay!! Barbie!!

Is it bad that i'm actually rooting for blonde ken?

"had a perm" isnt that sim like.. half black or something lol

There are enough Kens for a Ken con.

Am I the only one who is ready for Barbie to mainly focus on her career/skills again? I enjoy the idea of her having a Ken and whatnot, but the actual challenge is being strayed from...

Just here, casually analyzing the "Level 2 Mischief skill... that´s good" comment from Kelsey...

Seriously though, it´s 1:00 AM here in Mexico and I am already writing a storyline from hate to love in my head for Skipper and Scott while Kelsey is all about brunette Ken... anyone with me?

Did anyone else worry Tommy was going to die from neglect?

The actual brunette Ken in the universe is Ben , Ken’s Cousins

I like how she talks like they are actually toys

You know Kelsey ships some of the people in the office - I kind of wonder what conversations she makes up for them. Like the whole Aria/Merle thing.

Kelsey saying: "I don´t think you need another jolt" Me serving myself another cup of coffee after late nights full of homework the whole week: "It is never enough"

I can't wait for baby #50!

Legit want Kelsey's shirt!

I have just discovered the way into a perfect guy´s heart! Slapping or hitting (Tested by Barbie and Anne Shirley for starters)

Kelsey looks so tired :(

Save the turtles Kelsy 2019

3:17 Barbie thinks: "I ship this" lol

I kinda ship Skipper with her magic teacher.... (the blonde one from the trailers)

Save the turtles

Blonde Ken hasn't been given an equal chance! #BlondeKenFTW

Not gonna lie. I'm totally shipping Brunette Ken and Barbie. Brunette Ken was the Ken I grew up with too. Haha.

Hey I just met you And this is crazy But my name is Barbie So let's go out maybe? Lmfaoo I love these videos

Lol Kelsey is totally bias but I ship brunette Ken and Barbie too. You go for it!!!

Do a singing/music skill for Barbie!! I like it when the sims sing

I want to be ur friend like you're so sweet and and spiteful towards the Sims who have wronged us I just think your generally really good

“She’s learning a skill and dancing her butt off” ~Kelsey Impicciche 2019 (btw sorry if I spelt her name/past name wrong)

Yaasss. I grew up with brunette ken so I ship them too!

tommy sees ken and barbie flirting...... aight imma head out

Stop being biest

“save the turtles” IS BARBIE A VSCO GIRL!?

why does blonde Ken look like Ryan Gossling?

we need Kelsey memes, of her gaming and quotes and pictures

scrolling through the comments and realizing I'm getting old because I didn't realize that wanting to save the turtles makes you a VSCO girl

“yaaaaaaaaaaaas mailbox!!” ~Kelsey Impicchiche, 2019

“Work it palm tree, yass queen!”


Add a ginger Ken

Blonde Ken is Barbie’s brother! Don’t do it, Barbie!!!

“BOOM i’m home” with tommy had my cackling i’m not gonna lie

'We stand a mail box lengend'

Blonde Ken : I need to do my work Brunette Ken appeared : Who cares about work Isn’t that love

i think if you see lightening bolts i think you can use that special power to volt people or the sky. not sure. read it never got hit by it.

Make Barbie create a club w/ her Barbie friends and then create a club for the Brats sims. Make the two clubs rivals so they can be enemies.

"NO WAIT SAVE THE TURTLES!!" Barbie is not allowed to be a vsco girl

I really love what kelsey says and do without thiinking

I think this story needs absolute dreamhouse kind of love story between brunette ken and barbie and then at the dream wedding she runs away with blonde ken!


i really needed this after the recent bday/funeral 100 baby challenge episode, mood instantly improved !

I really love what kelsey says and do without thinking ❤

I think that Barbie should have both brunette and blonde Ken be her boyfriends hehe

I can't blame Kelsey for being biased. I mean, who doesn't want Barbie to find her perfect brunette Ken?

Create a club to earn skills faster

Chelsey´s and Kasey´s favorite outfit - white clinic dress Barbie´s favorite outfit - pink winter coat

I love this series way too much! :D

I ship Barbie with the blonde Ken

Long overdue

U should move in tommy and ken

Who is the random person that stomped into the barbie house at 19:06 that Kelsey was unfazed by??

Wow blonde Ken is SO CUTE

girl skipper is gay dont u see the signs

Was it just me or was the Black party dress annoying because it was Black NOT pink

Kelsey might as well just make this channel her own personal Sims gaming channel. Like literally no one but her posts on here. Lol

Blonde Ken looks like Captain America



Bren vs. Blen (I like how Barbie and Bren became friends and then started flirting on their own.)

Kelsey clearly has a bias for her brown-haired Ken ship! Not that there's anything wrong with that! But, I think brown-haired Ken and Barbie just have a great friendship and blond-haired Ken just needs time to develop that initial spark.

Personally I like blond ken more than the other ken

Like Kelsey, I may be totally biased because of my personal preferences, but I am definitely rooting for brunette Ken.

I love Tommy. He and Tater r the real stars of this show

I hope you remembered to turn EVERYONES aging off because I don’t need another emotional roller coaster. And I also need it to go down with the bratz

Kelsey i hope youre okay, you dont look that good... If you don't feel good, well feel better soon!

So I think just from seeing her go "WHAT " and hearing an explosion in the very begining tater has maneged to blow something up

You should make Barbie a mermaid

Do part two!!

"no wait! save the turtles!" - kelsey is actually turning barbie into a vsco girl

you should make the girls parents i think that would me cool

ok watch barbie get with the bartender ken

I totally agree, and ship brunette Ken and Barbie! They would be such a cute couple and family!!!!!

Yassss! Brunette Ken!

So much happier with the editing

Okay but, what if, hypothetically, you made the two kens fall in love with each other

There was no need for a competition

doesn’t Barbie have dolphins


skipper is showing big bisexual vibes

I need a pink mermaid barbie in my life


Can u make barbie a mermaid

Team Blonde Ken

Barbie is a vsco queen

She turned into Janet from the Good Place for a little bit there “Bing” “Hi, it’s me Barbie”

i kinda am bias about blonde ken srry

Kelsey: Let's choose a fun drink for the group! Also Kelsey: *chooses white wine*

The dazed barbie voice then "I dont think you need another jolt" when she was making coffee. I'M DEAD

I think Taffy ships Barbie and brunette Ken too

#BrunetteKen4theWIN yeah boy!!!

@3:20 Kelsey sounds like a mom

I like Scott, but if he and Skipper don't work out you could always bring in a Kevin. Or maybe an awesome girlfriend?

I'm on team Brunette Ken too lol

Blonde Ken isn't home cause she ditched him at the beach while he was in the bathroom lol Plus she cancelled the date w blonde Ken for work and ditched work for brunette Ken. She's right biased lol

Tommy, the best character

can you please make barbie and skipper have a duel i need to see that

There are no Toddler stuff for Tommy! I want justice for my little man!

Do blonde bc it’s original

I prefer bartender Ken

Skipper dated Kevin, Scott and was friends with a dude name Ricky ...... Skipper getting all the men

Barbie going to the vet clinic reminded me of Willow. I'm not okay

*Barbie's Take some time-off from wasting your youth, ruining your eyesight and spinal cord and take some lessons in your mother-tongue's grammar.


Whatever happened to that bachelorette sim house thing she was doing?? Did i miss the last one or did she just stop doing it...?

@Izzy B. yes no i know it was a different spin off but i dont remember how it ended...

That was Chantel not Kelsey I think

If you’ve just tuned in this is not the 100 baby challenge!!!!!!

mixologist ken is so much cuter than og blonde ken~~

Wait so there is brunette ken, blonde ken and bartender ken?

They look like a couple

"Maybe Barbie will have 2 boyfriends. I'M KIDDING JUST KIDDING. Unless..."

Kelsey: I love a man who talks about cleaning Me: LEVI

*Barbie meets cute man at the vet* Me: why are you not flirting with him?! He’d be a good baby daddy!!! Also me: Oh wait.....wrong challenge.

I was thinking the same thing, but about the bartender that apparently is also...a ken!

This is why when I have tods in a household I put up a gate so they can't leave the patio or backyard. lol Never seen them wander that far though! Wow!

Question. Barbie is now a witch. What would happen if she ate that mermaid thing Kelsey bought and also became a mermaid? Does the sims merge the needs for both things or does one override the other?

Team brunette Ken!!!! ❤

I'm sorry but Ken is blond period.

Does this look like a family or does this look like a family OMG Kelsey both Barbie and Tommy has blond hair

Will Barbie have babies in the future or is her sisters the main children?

blonde ken! please!

That electrocuted Barbie voice gave me L I F E

Paola V.,

I got a barbie ad for this

okay, now I ship the Kens

7:32 "YAS mail box, work!"

Polyamorous Barbie would be goals. Just saying

#Teambrunetteken becausd I saw a four story house and on the box blond ken was in a car with another girl!

Spinoff with Tommy where he takes on the role of Tommy Pickles and goes on fun adventures with his other baby friends

Tbh it's kinda weird to see Ken as a Brunette it only me who likes the blonde Ken with the curly-ish hair? The bartender one? Cuz tbh I would have kept him and thrown away the other blonde Ken

No I was actually rooting for blonde Ken

Am I the only one shipping Barbie and blond Ken, especially if it's hot Bartender Ken?

You need to add a toddler bed, potty, and some toys for poor tommy

you should do hallowen costumes for them all becouse its almost hallowen

kelsey: im ending this because work kelsey 1 minute later: screw work im going to brunette kens house

I am Kelsey to

I guess with the three ken's is a ken-a-dox?...yea I am gonna leave now

Blonde Ken all the way!!! Stop the bias! We want a fair fight

"Work it, palm tree! Yas queen!!" I don't know why i laughed so much

Especially with every career, this challenge will take forever!!

Team Blond

*barbie could have two boyfriends! I’m kidding! just kidding* haha unless......

Blonde Ken looks like Chris Evans.

Team blond Ken

Of course brunette Ken asks her out more, she didn't leave him in the middle of the date to go "work" then immediately hang out and flirt with his roommate.

Follow your dreams

Barbie should date all three Kens. Plus build the Carson boys’ house and personalities.

you should download all Ken carsons in 100 baby challenge

Who is that walking around her house???

Are you feeling okay Kelsey?

I mean, I'm personally team Brunette Ken. Blonde Ken looks too much like he could be his sister, and this is NOT allowed to be Game Of Thrones

Kelsey is very bias team blond ken

You should load blonde Ken into the hundred baby save game as a baby daddy.

Omg I love you

Watched this right after ep. 40 of the 100 baby challenge... and it got me real nervous when they were swimming

I want blond ken

I think skipper should be secretly closeted and secretly sneak out with girls and stuff idk I think it would make this more exiting

Please give tommy a bed

You need to give Tommy a bed!!!!


make barbie thinner! she has the widest hips.

Barbie is a vsco girl confirmed

Misread as 2 Kens Fight Barbie for Their Love. Not gonna lie, I'm a bit disappointed.

U should make Barbie into a vsco girl

I'm on #TeamBrunetteKen . Also, I want them to get married and have a baby Chrissy (yes, I know Chrissy and Barbie are sisters in canon but I've always played that Chrissy was their baby.)

“Use a glass straw.”

Yessss, Ken romance! I like that she works on her skills while hunting for Ken. I love the Barbie Super Sim Challenge

"I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you!!" Oh Kelsey, Tyra would be proud

I love the Barbie series!

I feel like I missed something! When did they get a dog and cat?! Was it on twitch?!

Can you put a bed out for tommy please?

As a Taffy, I have thoughts: 1) I didn't know Barbie's dog was named Taffy until watching this series, and I'm shook. 2) I've never known anyone else named Taffy, so hearing Kelsey say my name so much is weird. 3) it's doubly weird when she says thing like "Taffy can have puppies!" and "Guess we need to take Taffy to the vet."

7:19 “no I like it wide” -Kelsey 2019

Is barbie a vsco girl?

Did anyone else die at Kelsey doing Barbie’s “just been electrocuted” voice?

Hey I just me you and this crazy but come on a date with me and call me baby

I bet she was terrified of being judged so she pretended to like brunette Ken. Lol

I literally laughed so hard out when you edited yourself into a commentator hahahahahahaha

What packs is she using? The heart dress, the pink robe with a bow, and the entirety of Barbie's bedroom have me dead. Does she just have every pack?

Youse a glass straw! Don’t you mean metal? Lol

Give blonde ken a chance i love them

I am team blond

I think you should make barbie VSCO


13:26, who noticed the cats glowing looking nose?

Ken-Do attitude lol

Blond Ken looks like zach from save by the bell

Kelsey, if you become a superstar, you can get a certain perk that gets you promoted in any job quickly. :D

Kelsey Bring Harry back with the potion to bring him to life again.

Title of the video bothers me... *Barbie’s

Who else saw the vet making snow angles

Use magic for all household repairs . Well once you get handiness to ten (for the Barbie Challenge). It really helps level up the magic skills. Clean the kids and make food in a jam.

Think you should leave blond Ken as a single parent for Tommy. Then do a spin-off with them

if barbie became a vsco girl.... I Would STAND for it

Fun fact Ken and Barbie was actually made to be siblings...

Brunette ken has a thing for blondes!

Please give Skipper a girlfriend :D

Still want bartender Ken, since he has the best hair, and facial features.

# ship Brunette and barbie

ᗪOᗴᔕ ᗩᑎYᗷOᗪY ᗴᒪᔕᗴ ᑎOT ᖇᗴᗩᒪIᘔᗴ TᕼᗩT TOᗰᗰY ᕼᗩᔕ ᑎO ᑭᒪᗩᑕᗴ TO ᔕᒪᗴᗴᑭ!!!!

That bartender Ken was kinda cute

7:45 I’m dying HAHHHAAHAHA “save the turtles”

alternative name for this episode.. Kelsey roots for brunette Ken!!! sidenote.. so was I!!!!

NO WE NEED BLONDE KEN! You are not as good of friends with blonde Ken, that’s why he isn’t invited you over yet. Plus brunette ken constantly was talking with other girls!! Why do I want blind Ken so much?!!!

Watching these videos and how they are living in a Malibu dream house. I got triggered and remembered that I had a Barbie that was scented to smelled tanning oil like she was a beach bum a true Cali girl

When you do the mixology skill, can you get intoxicated whilst doing it? That would be hilarious! :)

i like blonde ken

Can we talk about Ken's speedo though????

Who is the guy in the green outfit at 19:06?

Blonde Ken just comes out of the bathroom and Barbie's gone

Getting past Kelsey's "millenial" speak is the hardest part of these videos.

Anyone else notice Ken kissing his phone after saving Barbie's number?


Are these videos still coming out weekly or are they fortnightly now?

It just funny when kelsey take an interesting photos

I just met you, and this is crazy, my name is Barbie, you should probably date me

blond ken and brunette ken would be like gay couple goals with Tommy...

Love your outfit Kelsey

Save the turtles!! -Kelsey 2019

blond ken is playing

Hey Buzzfeed Multiplayer Team: I think that it would be helpful to have the title say part 8 just to keep it consistent. The variety of names for these episodes is kind of confusing. I get that the titles are all fun and could maybe draw in a new viewer, but they can also be kind of distracting and perplexing for a fan of the series. Any chance you could have "The Perfect Sim Challenge" and "part 8" written in the title? Maybe even just in the video description? Also, part 6 of this series accidentally got placed into the 100 baby spinoff playlist which makes things even more confusing. Love the series, and I appreciate all the work that goes into Kelsey's Sims 4 let's plays. You guys are doing a great job. Just trying to offer helpful feedback. Thanks all.

Is this content ever other week now?

ad the way his head

But who was the guy walking through the house right before they hugged?

loving the barbie series!!

Kelsey's "dazed" Barbie voice killleedddd me.

am i the only one who wishes we got more of these vids

Why are the videos for this challenge not named the same - they are difficult to navigate

I forgot this was not the 100 baby challenge and wondered why Kelsey didn't jump on the Woohoo already when Barbie and Ken reached flirty status.

when's the next video?

brunet Ken is the best

Can you put these all in one playlist? It's pretty difficult to find all of the videos. Thank you!

Where can I get the sims 4

More of these videos PLEASE.

What, Barbie just become a VSCO girl

Tommy doesn't have a bed..

Barbie the ORIGINAL vsco girl add you can’t even fight me on that

Did anyone see else see the dude walk in?

Make Barbie VSCO plz

Omfg the announcement part. I’m scrEAMING

Barbie should be a Youtuber

It is honestly kind of scary how good Kelsey is at sounding like barbie

K what shoe size are you?

I wish the Sims had a polygamy option. I love how Barbie acts with both of the Kens. Maybe they just both need to date her? Also I love how Kelsey is making Barbie two-time the Kens

I don't usually laugh at "fart jokes" but when Tommy farted while Kelsey was ranting about relationships made me laugh cry

3:02 Tyra banks reference or a coincidence?

Also biased towards brunette ken lol brunette ken or bust!

Do you like kpop?

Literally this challenge is me


blonde ken: rIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD ???¿

kelsey you are annying,just kidding

Wait Tommy he doesn’t have any Toddlers stuff

19:05 random angry dude just walking in, who cares, brunette Ken is here

I feel like I'm lost cause I'm watching these videos in order but when was these makeovers and ken dolls, when did they get a cat??

Can you make the two Kens gay and then be a couple together please #lifegoals

Brunette Ken is a F*** boy where blond Ken is husband material

You look like a family is so cute

'Ken-do attitude'

Can you add a toddler bed in the Carson house because I feel like Tommy ain’t getting any sleep since he’s so unhappy a lot

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