Kayleigh McEnany holds press briefing at White House

Kayleigh McEnany holds press briefing at White House

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Hello everyone. The first duty of government, is to protect, the safety, of our citizens, that's what attorney general barr said when he was here at the white house just a few days ago. For 55, days in portland oregon. We've seen lawlessness. Anarchy. And destruction. That threatens, peace in our streets, and the safety, of our fellow american, citizens. And the safety of our brave law enforcement, officers. Yet some democrats. And some in the media, continue, to ignore. Reality. As portland's. Portland's, democrat, mayor ted wheeler tweeted, quote what i saw last night was powerful, in many ways i listened, heard. And stood, with the protesters. And i saw what it means when the federal government unleashes, paramilitary. Forces. Against its own people that was a quote from the democrat, mayor, who quite literally, stood in the middle, of a riot. As violent, protesters. Attacked a federal building, that is appalling. And, mayor wheeler is clearly, failing at his duty to protect. His streets, and his city there in portland. The federal government has a sworn, duty to uphold, the laws of the united, states. Through field offices, and federal facilities, across the country, these agents protect, and serve the american, people. Yet the rhetoric, of the left undermines, our justice, system with nancy pelosi, calling them storm. Jim clyburn, calling them the gestapo. And wheeler, using the term. Paramilitary. Forces. Under president, trump violent crime rates in america, finally, began to fall. Rhetoric, like this cannot be allowed to set us back. Augmenting, the federal protective, service, guarding federal property, in portland. Our brave officers, have since. Augmenting, them i should say our brave officers, have faced. All of these various things like rioters, barricading. Officers, inside the hatfield, federal courthouse. Trapping, officers, inside. A commercial, grade mortar firework, was launched by rioters. A federal agent's hand was impaled by planted nails, another federal agent was shot with a pellet gun leaving a wound, deep to the bone and tragically. Three federal, officers. Were likely, left, permanently. Blinded. By the rioters, using, lasers, pointed directly, at their eyes. These are not the actions, of so-called, peaceful, protesters. And the trump administration, will not stand by, and allow anarchy, in our streets, law and order will prevail, and i have a short video for you, because i wanted to be real uh what is happening right now in portland so if we could play that video that'd be great. I hope someone burns down your whole precinct, with all y'all inside. Can't wait to see it. As you can see that is anything but a peaceful, protest. And this president will always stand on the side of law and order and with that i'll take questions. Yes. Thank you so much. And then i have another question on foreign policy. First of all has president trump determined, where he's going to or how he's going to deliver his speech he said he was working on that yesterday. So he hasn't decided that just yet but we have a number of really creative, exciting, options that he's looking at it's a question, more for the rnc, but he's i'm very excited about the prospect, of what will come with the convention, and i'm going to ask you about something that he tweeted back in april he said joe biden, wanted.

The Date for the democratic, national convention, moved to a later time period, now he wants a virtual, convention. One where he doesn't have to show up gee i wonder why, does the president regret that now, well as you know i can't respond to joe biden you'd have to ask the campaign, about that, but the president the circumstances. Changed in florida where we intended to have the convention, as the circumstances. On the ground changed. The president. Changed his viewpoint. On having the convention in jacksonville. At that particular, location, i wanted to ask you about the president's phone call with vladimir, putin did the president, raise the issue, of russian, bounties. On the lives of american troops during that phone call so as you know that intelligence, is unverified. Still to this day there are dissenting, opinions within the intel community i won't get into the president's private discussions, with a foreign leader. I was not on that call but that intelligence, is still unverified, but rest assured our president will always stand, with our military, and protect them against, any and every foreign. Adversary. Thank you, yes uh nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell, announced that john lewis will come back. We'll be lying in state at the capitol monday and tuesday. Does the president, plan to go to the capitol to visit john lewis. On one of those days, i have no announcements, about the president's upcoming, plans but john lewis, was a civil rights icon. We lowered the flag at the white house here, um to to signify, that so i had no, future announcements, of the president's, plans other than to make that one note yes. Thank you. So the senate has approved. Overwhelmingly. A bill that would. Require, the renaming, of faces. That are named after confederate, leaders. How and, how is it that senator, involved. Assured the president, he was going to be able to, remove that. From legislation. That has passed both chambers of commerce. Yeah i'll leave that to senator enhof, as to how that works legislatively. Speaking but the president, was assured by senator enhoff, that, that would be changing, and that republicans, stood with the president, on this and stood with the rest of america, 56, percent, according to an abc ipsis poll or opposed to the changing of the u.s base name, okay. Kaylee thanks uh two quick questions. I think you probably hear this often. When, can americans, expect some money in their pockets, by way of stimulus, what's the president's, plan to get that money to them as quickly as possible. And just a question about covet reporting. Is the white house at all concerned, about inaccuracies. Or inconsistencies. With respect to cova, death reporting. So um first let me note um, when it looks at when we look at numbers we want the most accurate, reporting. And i went through last week at the cdc, numbers we want to make sure hospitals are truly, reporting. All the information they're getting, one of the systems of data gathering, only 81 percent of hospitals were reporting into another hhs, system, was getting a more full picture of what we're seeing in hospitals so we want to ensure all of our information, is accurate, i mean we trust the numbers that we're getting from hhs, and cdc. I mean with regard to phase four, those negotiations. Are ongoing. These are long and extended negotiations. But we feel that it's very important from the white house to address, unemployment. Insurance, in particular. And also money for schools, and, ensuring, that, the money for schools enables, students to make school choices, like actually going to a physically, open school so right now that's where the discussions. Lie at the moment one more quick one very quickly uh drug pricing.

Is So critical, to america's, seniors. Uh. Often you hear terrible stories frankly about people having to, ration, drugs because of the incredible, cost. What exactly, practically, can, the american, public expect the president to do, to lower the cost of prescription, drugs, that's a great question on the president, today at 3 pm we'll be talking about drug pricing. And he'll be announcing, some actions he's taking on that front so i'll leave it to him to announce, those future actions, but, you know in 2018. He released, a landmark. Blueprint, to lower. Prescription, drug prices it's an issue he's been very passionate, about which is why he signed legislation. Ending the gag clauses, that stop pharmacists, from informing, patients about lower drug prices, and, average, average basic premiums, for medicare, part d prescription, drug plans have actually fallen by 13.5. Percent, since 2017.. So he's done a lot already but more to come, uh this afternoon actually. Caitlin i have two questions for you this morning dr burke said that it is still an open question. How rapidly, children under 10 can actually spread, covet 19. But the other day the president said, they don't bring it home very easily and they don't transmit, very easily, so shouldn't we figure out which one of those it is before, kids go back to school, so let me give you two um answers to this you know first i would point you to cdc, guidelines, um that said based on current data. The rate of infection among younger school children and from students to teachers has been low especially, if proper, precautions, are followed. There have also been few reports of children being the primary, source of covin-19. Transmission. Among family members that's where the data currently, stands. But that being said, even if, there is transmission, and later studies come out let's say. We believe that students should be going back to school because the effect, on a child we know scientifically. They are not affected, in the same way as an adult. Again i'd point you to cdc. Guidelines, on this that says the best available, evidence indicates if children become infected, they are far less likely to suffer, severe, symptoms death rates among school-aged, children are much lower than among, adults, and, far lower than during the h1n1. Pandemic, for instance when schools remained, open yeah and dr brooks noted that today unless kids have an underlying condition but she said they do not know how rapidly, they can spread it still for if they're under 10 and that's one of the president's, health advisories, so on the transmission, point i point you again to the cdc, but i would also say that it is our firm belief, that. The that our schools are essential, places, of business, if you will, that our teachers are essential, personnel, you all here are considered, essential workers which is why, you were coming into the briefing room every day during the pandemic, our meat packers. Were, meat packing because they were essential workers, our doctors were out there treating because they're essential workers and we believe our teachers, are essential. Particularly. I pour over, the. Data on, schools, often and the one thing that really stuck out to me i read through the entirety of the cdc, guidelines, was that i talk about child abuse often, and one in five cases being reported in schools well the cdc, guidelines, went on to say, there has not just been a sharp decline.

In Reports, of suspect, suspected. Maltreatment, but tragically, a notable, increase, in evidence. Of child abuse when children, are seen for services, during the pandemic, for example. In washington, dc, child and family service, services, agency, recorded, a 62, percent decrease, in child abuse reporting calls between mid-march and april, compared to the same time period in 2019, but saw more severe, presentation, of child abuse cases. In emergency, rooms that's a tragedy, and our schools must reopen, okay my question was about transition, rates but anyway my second question is also in the president's, call with the russian president yesterday. Today the nation's top counterintelligence. Officials said that russia is one of three countries that is actively working to interfere. In our election, did the president bring up election, interference, on the call with the russian president yesterday, again i wasn't on the call, but the president. I was not on the call, the president. For the president has taken more actions for election security, than his predecessor, who gave a stand down order when he learned about election interference, susan rice gave that stand down order, um obama's, intel, chief even confirmed that stand down order was given by contrast, we've, uh given enumer, a ton of funding to election, security, we take our elections seriously, and we believe in election, integrity. Justin, i was not on the call caitlyn, stop filibustering. Justin let your colleagues, ask questions. Justin, okay justin no longer has a question anyone else kaylee, uh. Okay. Around 20 million americans. Are receiving. Expanded, on insurance, benefits, and some are going to receive the last of those checks, tomorrow. Have senate republicans, in the white house settled on a plan yet to. Extend. Ui. If so can you explain what that plan is and if not did you wait too long to try to sort this out those discussions, are still ongoing, and i'm not going to get in the middle of the negotiation. Other than to say when i answered kevin's question up here i said that our priority. Right now is we feel it's very important to address, extending, on those unemployment. Insurances. And how that looks i'll leave it to them but that is unemployment, insurance is a top priority for us right now. China ordered the closing of one of our diplomatic, facilities. There in retaliation, for what happened in texas, um. We haven't really heard. From the white house if you can spell out specifically, why you guys decided to close the houston, facility i know that there's obviously, broad. Complaints, that you've raised for weeks. With, china but why houston, specifically, and secondly if you had a reaction, to the steps china took, yes our action to direct the closure of the prc, consulate, general in houston, was taken to protect american, and to protect american intellectual, property and americans, private information. For years the ccp, has undertaken, a whole of society, effort to steal, american, technology. And intellectual, property for commercial, gain and many of those activities, are directed. From prc. Diplomatic, facilities, and we urge the ccp. To see these malign, actions, rather than engage, in tit-for-tat. Retaliation. So that's where we stand on that. Okay, the president's, tone on the virus, this week seems to have changed, he's. Advocated, a few different times for americans, to wear masks. He said that the virus would where the pandemic, would get worse before it gets better. He canceled. Most of the convention, or certainly the florida part yesterday. All of these things were. Bad, two months ago, even longer than that and the science unmasking, has been clear for. Several months. What changed, this week why did his tone change, there has been no change the president said on march 31st, before there was even a recommended, but not required.

Um. Guidance given by the cdc, on mask wearing and the president already said if you want to wear a mask wear a mask it doesn't harm anyone and that was before that was when our scientists, even were some of them were saying don't wear masks so the president. Has been consistent, on this he wore a mask back at the ford facility. He carries around in his pocket he showed it to you multiple, times, he hasn't changed, in fact and just speaking on kova generally. The way i've heard him talk privately, in the oval office is the way he's talking, out here the only thing that changed is the president, taking, dozens and dozens and dozens of your questions each and every day because he felt the best, way to get information, to the american people was for him to be out here, answering your questions and providing, this directly, the other part of the question that wasn't just about masking, although i would argue that if you look back and see when, he called it politically, correct for example, that that wasn't exactly, agreeing with the science of wearing masks, but setting that aside. No but let's not set that aside because in that incident when he used the words politically correct, it was in reference i believe you were asking him a question was it, and right and you were standing outside and you'd been tested and you were wearing a mask and he couldn't hear your question so he asked for you momentarily. To pull down the mask so that was the specific context, and context, does matter here, okay well i didn't need to engage on that but i was standing around other reporters, and using the same mic that other people were using that's why i left my mask on right well he could not hear your question he asked for you temporarily, to pull it down everyone in the press pulls tested, so, scientifically, you are not in a compromising, position, but he's he hasn't changed his tone. But this president. The reason he wants to bring back these briefings is to get information, out there like we've done 52.9. Million tests, nationwide. 187. Emergency use operations. Use, use authorizations, excuse me for test manufacturing. 20 million swabs per month use the dpa, over 20 times, all of these great successes, of this administration. Like distributing. 31. 000 cases. Of rem de severe enough to treat, nearly 200, 000 patients, none of this is getting covered, and you've got the best messenger, the dually elected president of the united states, talking directly to the american people and getting extraordinary. Ratings, as they tune in to get information, from their question wasn't it what question wasn't about, john that last piece i just want to clarify, one thing caleb okay john no longer has a question anyone else i do i just want to clarify. I don't want to talk over it. Let me if you don't mind jeff maybe we can come back to you, i would like to finish my question yeah yeah but, when everyone in the front rows get five questions, people in the back row don't even get the opportunity, to ask questions. I want to ask about the senate, defense, authorization, bill which passed by a veto proof majority, yesterday, and the house, earlier this week also passed their. Version of the defense, bill also by a veto proof majority. And both of those bills, contain, mandates, that the pentagon. Renamed, these military, bases which are named in honor of confederate, generals. I want to ask you does the president believe that his position which we're all familiar, with. It's helpful, in terms of, recruitment. Specifically, for african americans, explain, how, that position. Will help recruit, african americans, in an all-volunteer. Military, force, the president, stands with the american people 56, percent don't want to see the bases. Names change, where he stands, is in a place where. Many, soldiers who have lost their lives overseas, the last ground that they saw were these bases. And by changing their names he believes. That that it. Is not appropriate, that. Those soldiers who lost their lives, to be told that the ground. With this position, i, and you just restated, it very well. But i'm asking you specifically. How is this helpful. For an african-american. Which who wants to volunteer. For our all-volunteer. Military, forces. To go to a base that's named for a confederate, general. That worked. To. Still put and keep in place, slavery. Which, impacted, their ancestors, because the bases are not known for the generals they're named after the bases are known for the heroes within it, the great americans. Black white hispanic, of every race who have died on behalf, of this great country, and 56, percent of the nation, agrees with the president's, position it won't impact, it won't impact then it won't impact, in any way, recruitment, is what your position, is.

Next Question. I already answered that one twice just for yes or no okay kelly i want to circle back to school, choice, which you mentioned, a few minutes ago. Um so that that means. Shifting, the potential for shifting federal funds away from schools. That don't open so that parents can use it, use those funds for homeschooling. Or private schooling. The president, vehemently, opposes, defunding. Police. Why. Why is defunding, public schools, okay, so the president, has never wanted to take, money away from schools take money away from education, it is about keeping it with the child the purpose, of school funding, is to educate, a child. The child, if a school is closed, loses the opportunity, to receive education, and needed social services. I put up the chart a few weeks ago from mckenzie, and co. That showed that the the student, most impacted. Is the low-income. Student, who's in a low-income, community and doesn't have the resources. Of, as some other students so that student, should not be deprived, of an educational, opportunity, and forever, never be able to recover. Um the deficit. That that child has, had by being out of school for an entire year or more schools, in those, in those, underserved. Communities. Also are the ones that generally. Have, terrible, ventilation. Uh, they need the most money for upgrading. If this money is shifted away from those schools. How will they ever get, into, a situation. Where they could, in the case of a pandemic. Properly, serve their population. Well your question's a bit befuddling, because if the problem is ventilation, in schools and the schools close and you're fixing the ventilation. The student isn't even in the facility because the school isn't even open the whole point is the student deserves, an educational, opportunity, and a good educational, opportunity. Which is why the money must follow the student and i would also note, in the cdc, guidelines, that they said. With regards to food in particular, that there are 15 million children, participating, in the school breakfast, program, 30 million in the school lunch program and they said quote, it is difficult, to maintain. This type of school nutrition, program, over the long term, and they were talking about how we've managed to get meal service. Meal services, throughout the periods. Of school closures. Uh but they went on to say it's difficult to, maintain, this type of program over the long term there are severe consequences, i've mentioned the child abuse the loss in education. And also when it comes to nutrition services, as well, yes. Um katelyn with the. Payroll, tax cut uh now off the table is there anything that the white house considers, a red line in. Negotiations. With democrats, and then also have another question. Yeah there i'm not going to get into red lines these. Negotiations, are ongoing, and i'm not in the middle of them so i'll wait to. Find out what the conclusions, of those negotiations. Are but i would just signal what i said at the top of this briefing about unemployment, insurance being very important, and then um president trump called off the convention in florida citing, safety. Does that give him pause, for any of his future upcoming, travel like to texas, next week which is a hot spot, we take all necessary, precautions.

And We protect the president, his staff, and we make sure that we're following the guidelines, in social distancing. And so we don't have concern about future travel, yes. The accusation. That china, is feeling intellectual. Property, are not new. But why can't he's ordered to shut down the consulate, in houston. And now, yeah i'm not going to before the election, i'm not going to give any further information, about our intelligence, from the briefing podium other than to note. What i, told justin, earlier, on that particular, matter yes thank you kelly, on the close of the real thing schools, yesterday, uh just minutes after the president announced that he was going to, cancel, the. Republican, convention, events, in jacksonville. He also made the case again for real in school, so. Why is it not safe to hold a republican, convention, but it is safe to reopen, schools. Yeah the um, schools are a different situation, when you have children, who, as the cdc, guidelines, clearly note, are not affected, in the same way as adults. We can, make, certain arrangements. Like social distancing, in schools, and follow. The cdc, guidelines, that have been laid out. And try to they're the best world guidelines, i referenced, um we can get our schools. Up to the the best place we can get them in especially if we're given additional, school funding the 105. Billion that was mentioned that we would are keen to see um in a phase four, um so it's a different scenario, when you have, packed adults in the room versus, these students, that we can, make precautions, and take measures to protect. Yes thank you kaylee, i have a question about kovalev but first i want to ask about these federal officers. Does the president believe he has the power to send dhs. Agents and officers, anywhere in the country that he wants to. The president believes, that his authority is in, with, regard, to um. Dhs. Which is distinct from doj, there's operation, legend. Uh which is primarily, led by doj, and that's just providing, extra fbi, and atf, and dea, agents to already existing. Places, it's just surging. Extra personnel, in places that are out of control, like chicago, for instance. Separate and distinct from portland which is dhs. And his power, pertains to 40, u.s code 13. I i read that statue for you in the last briefing so i won't bore you with reading it again, but that's with protecting, federal, property, so those are the two lanes that we've um acted on and look at, for those dhs, to those officers and agents does he believe he has the power to send him anywhere he wants, he believes they're there to protect federal property so i'll leave it to you to determine where's federal property, just just to follow up on that i mean has the president reminded, those federal agents and officers. That their constitutional, obligation. To not violate. Search and seizure rights and not take, people into custody without probable, cause, well chad wolf is leading this operation. Over at dhs. Um and he has made clear that, uh his officers, are acting within the bounds of the law of course we encourage everyone to act within the balance of the law and the constitution. Said he loves the constitution, we haven't heard him speak about that particular part because. His context, president trump has repeatedly, said, that he wouldn't watch sports or support sports if players continue to kneel. Um so why has he agreed to throw out the first pitch at the yankees game next month, if the considering, that baseball player is not at last tonight's games, yeah i'll leave it to him, as to address. The yankees game he's very excited to throw out the first pitch and, i was not a part of the discussions, as to. How that's going to work in terms of um the first pitch i've learned about it when you guys did and he's very excited to throw it out yes, thank you kaylee two questions we understand that the governor of florida, is on campus, today can you confirm that can you talk about that visit will he be meeting with the president. Yes governor desantis. Is here um he's here to be a part of the drug pricing event, um but he will be talking and meeting with the president. Further to discuss covet and other matters. Will they be discussing, the convention. I had two questions if you if i may ask the second one, this is why i like to save time for you guys in the back i appreciate it. Yes uh do you have any guidance, on when the president will be signing that immigration. Order that he's been talking about, on daca, yeah so um no guidance, um other than to say i've i laid out that, he would have a mayor-based, eo and he really would like a legislative, fix for daca and would like democrats, to come to the table but no guidance on timing just yet, chanel, thank you kaylee.

On Federal law enforcement, efforts. Namely, operation, legend we're talking about. Funding for a lot of these programs anytime we're talking about federal. Anything, we should be talking about the money behind, it. Um, so. With operation, legend it appears to be filling. A law and order, void. In majority, democrat, cities. So, given this, fact. In terms of the funding. Would, the citizen, say springfield, missouri, be called, to, pay for the security. And the federal protections. Of, the incompetence, of chicago, illinois, is that something that has been discussed, as far as funding, for operation, legend. I'm not aware of that being discussed, in particular, i think where the president's head is at right now is, you know you look across the country and it is democrat. Streets where you're seeing a lot of this lawlessness. And minneapolis. Murders have spiked 94. Philadelphia, murders have spiked 27, percent. Over a year ago, new york city, 277. Percent, increase. In shootings, over a year ago chicago, the most egregious, 414. People killed 50 percent increase over a year ago. We saw with under president. Obama, violent crime started to tick up started to come down under this president he restored, law and order, and then this defund the police movement has been an absolute travesty, and it's why, um you have 67. Of black americans, who worry that the criticism, of police, will cause police to pull back, so this president, is looking at this. In a saving, lives lens i want to save lives i'll put federal money in, as he did. Financial, assistance was announced with a.g, barr. And also additional, manpower, he's, very keen, on seeing the violence in our streets, and. He wants to protect the people of this country when, derelict, democrat, mayors and governors, do not, um and he's also a, appalled by cancel, culture, and cancel culture, specifically, as it pertains, to cops we saw, a few weeks ago that paw patrol, a, cartoon, show about cops was canceled the show cops was canceled, live pd was canceled. Lego halted the sales of their lego city police station, it's really unfortunate, because i stand with and the president stands with the 63, percent of americans, who think, police, officers, are one of the most important, jobs in this country that's 63, percent. Um and with that i caroline, levitt one of our great assistant. Press secretaries. Um today went to great pains to make contact, with the southhold, police department, in suffolk county. We saw a very touching video that we loved. And she got the approval of the police department, and the parent to show this video because i think this is emblematic, of where, america stands with regard to our police so if you wouldn't mind playing that video that'd be. Great. Wow. When you grow, up. Thank you to our heroic, police department, around the country america stands with. You. You.

2020-07-29 16:30

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