Kayleigh McEnany holds press briefing at White House | 7/31/20

Kayleigh McEnany holds press briefing at White House | 7/31/20

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And he'll be giving you all an update on phase four negotiations. Uh good morning as you know over the last uh several days we've been having conversations. On capitol hill secretary, mnuchin, and myself, with. Democrat. And republican, leaders. Both in the house, and the senate. Last night. We concluded. A meeting with senator schumer, and. Speaker, pelosi. A little bit before 10 o'clock. And. At the president's, direction. We have made. No less than four different offers, to. Democrats. On capitol hill, on how we can, make sure that the enhanced, unemployment. That is set to expire, today. Along, with. Eviction, protection. That is set to expire. As well. Is protected, and those four different offers. Have been. Actually. Rejected. But more importantly, than that. They've not even been countered with a proposal, so the democrats. Are certainly. Willing today. To allow. Some of the uh. American, citizens, who are struggling, the most. Under this. Uh pandemic. Uh to go unprotected. And and the president has been very clear for us to be, uh. Aggressive. And forward-leaning. To make sure that they get protected, and yet what we're seeing, is. Politics, as usual. From democrats, up on, capitol hill. Uh. It surprises. Me. That. When we talk about compassion, and caring about those that, that truly. Are, in need. That. A temporary. Solution. To make sure that. Unemployment. Enhanced, unemployment. Continues. Has been rejected, not once but multiple, times. The democrats. Believe that they have. All the cards, on their side. And they're willing to play those cards. At the expense, of those that are hurting, and. We'll continue, on with additional, discussions, today, with, senator, schumer. And senator. In speaker pelosi. Perhaps, an in-person, meeting tomorrow, on capitol, hill, as we we stay engaged. But i'm. I'm disappointed. In uh. What we've, what we've experienced, over the last three days and i want to stress. That the democrats, have made. Zero, offers. Over the last three days. Zero. And so in a spirit of compromise. The president has, sent us back not once not twice but three different times. To try to find some common ground, and what we found from, our democrat, negotiators. Is that they are bumping the price, higher. Than the very, bill. That they passed. Out of the house. Several weeks ago. And to give you a particular, example, of that, is, in their heroes, bill they have a hundred billion dollars. For schools. We. Match that offer and actually. Put, forth, a proposal, for 105. Billion. Dollars. For schools for k-12. And higher, uh institutions. And yet what did they say to that, oh no that was two months ago. We want to increase, the, the the amount of money that we send to schools, to 400, billion dollars. We're going in the wrong direction. They're going in the wrong direction. Because of partisan, politics. It is very disappointing. And uh so we call on, capitol hill. To uh, get serious about their negotiations. The president, is serious, about the negotiations. We're willing to engage. As you know, uh. Leader mcconnell. Yesterday. Put forth, a one-week, extension. At the current levels for enhanced, unemployment. And what did we see, senator, schumer, objected, to that, so there's no clear message. That the american people should receive, other than the fact that the democrats. Are willing to pay play politics. At a critical time, in our nation's. Um. Very dire circumstances. As we deal with this pandemic, so i wanted to give you that brief update so that you could have it, straight from.

The, Negotiations. As they've happened. Uh, over the last three days and uh, as we work i'm gonna i'm gonna turn it over to uh. To the the press, uh secretary. And i think she's prepared to answer all the questions. Liability, insurance is that a red line for you guys mcconnell, said it was, thank you guys, i think she'll address that. The um i'll take your questions in just a moment the chief has to run to a meeting. Um but earlier this week i just wanted to start off with an overview. Of what we've been doing on kovid, the president. Rather, president trump visited the great state of north carolina, to highlight the important work being done as part of operation, warp speed, and thanks to president trump's, leadership, the trump administration. Has made substantial. Investments. Including, investing, in multiple, vaccine, candidates, with several, entering phase 3 clinical trials, including. Astrazeneca. Moderna. And pfizer, providing, financial, infrastructure. For mass manufacturing. Of potential, vaccines. Guaranteeing, doses, of a vaccine, will be available, for distribution. Shortly, after, approval. The race for a coronavirus. Vaccine, is truly, moving. At warp speed, under president, trump, in addition, president trump is leading on therapeutics. Over 140. Clinical, trials are now underway. Rem deciver, dexamethasone. Convalescent. Plasma. And, monoclonal, antibody, treatments. Yesterday. President, trump visited the american, red cross headquarters. To hold a round table on donating, plasma. This initiative, will empower, americans, to help their fellow americans. In battling, the virus. These critical investments, in a coronavirus. Vaccine, are due to the fact that we have a businessman. In the white house. And according to the wall street journal, quote democrats, blame the us case surge on inadequate, testing and contact, tracing but the u.s has averaged two to three, times. More tests per capita than most european. And asian, countries, indeed we've done more than 59. Million, tests, with india, at number two. With just about 14, million tests so quite a difference, there. Arizona, california, florida and texas, all were doing more tests per capita when they lifted their lockdowns, more per capita than germany, spain france and south korea. Have averaged. The us is the undisputed. World, leader, in testing. And on top of the more than, 59, million tests that we've done the fda, has authorized, more than, 193. Tests under emergency, use authorizations. Including molecular, and antibody, tests. Under the leadership of president trump the us is leading the world and safe and effective therapeutics. And the rapid development. Of a potential, vaccine. Together, as one american, people, we will defeat, the invisible, enemy and with that i will take questions. Paula. Thank you on mark's, mark's comments, about how it's democrats, who won't compromise, democrats, came up with a plan two months ago the republican, plan was just presented, on monday and in that time the president has contradicted.

The Republican, plan on the amount of stimulus, checks on student loans. Mitch mcconnell threw you guys under the bus on funding for the fbi, building what do you say to the tens of millions of people who are going to lose their benefits when it appears that the real issue, is that republicans, cannot, agree among themselves, even though they've had months, that's not it at all in fact um democrats, offered a three trillion, dollar plan, uh we have a very specific. Focus right now, um and it's not this comprehensive. Plan whether it be the heroes, act the democrats, propose that was on sirius or the heels act, that narrow focus is this. That americans. Are about to lose their unemployment. Insurance. And this white house, this chief of staff this president, this secretary, of the treasury. Have offered, several iterations, to make sure, that americans, who through no fault of their own lost their jobs during this pandemic, do not also. Lose these checks we've made several proposals. As, mark meadows, just said to you, and how many proposals, have the democrats, made, zero, and if if you want to know where the democrats. True intentions, lie look no further than the martha mcsally, bill, that was presented that would have extended. The 600. Unemployment, insurance, it was rejected. By chuck schumer and that was a plan that the president was willing to endorse white house. What do you say to those that are going to lose 600. A week in unemployment. Uh payments, that need that money, and also, uh, why didn't you start negotiating. Earlier, and why only the offer, of an extension of one week, what i what i would say to them is that this is unacceptable. That the democrats. Have been fundamentally, unserious. And uh the, you just heard the chief of staff say a great example of that is they had this massive three trillion dollar bill that called for, 100 billion in school funding, we then gave 105. Billion which then was deemed insufficient. So, if democrats, were interested. In extending unemployment, insurance and helping the american people, they would have endorsed. The martha, mcsally, bill and extended. This by a week to give us time. As we try to extend this in perpetuity. While we also focus on evictions. What do you say to those americans that are about to lose 600. A week that they need to be calling the offices of chuck schumer, and nancy pelosi, and say get to work. And stop engaging, in politics, on the backs of hard-working, americans, who deserve, these checks who lost their jobs through no fault of their own are you willing to pass on the liability, protection. That's a that's a question for mitch mcconnell, he said that that's going to be a part of any bill, but that's mitch mcconnell's, uh that's his priority. This president, is very, keenly focused on unemployment, insurance and the martha mcsally, bill is a great example of what democrats, are focused, on yes kaylee if the president, is so worried about how long it'll take to count ballots in the election then why isn't the president and this white house doing everything it can to secure, more, funding. For, staffing. And other resources, to make sure that we can have a safe and proper election, look what this white house is focused, on. Is making sure that our election, is not riddled. With voting fraud and that the timetable, is not, hung up here um we are there are several, lawsuits, that the campaign is engaged on and i would point you to the campaign for specifics. Answer my question though my question is what is the white house doing to get more resources. For funding and staff to make sure as the president says that it will be a secure and safe election well as you know peter states, run their elections. Um and it is up to states to make sure that they have the capacity. But what this white house is focused, on is ensuring, that, um what jeffrey toobin has said over at the new yorker, cnn contributor.

Notably. New york's primary, vote count chaos signals, trouble, for november. And as he noted, you want to talk about the president but jeffrey tubin himself, democrats, controlled the state government of new york they are responsible. For creating the fiasco, that is unfolding now, and that is certain to get worse in november, states need to get their acts together. Um when it comes to uh elections. And as we see in new york where we're five weeks out from that election. Uh and in fact we still don't know the outcome of a congressional, race and that is certainly not what we want to see i'm asking you about the president you said you asked why i was asking about the president i'm asking about the president because you work for the president i guess the question is oh wait we're specific, thank you kaylee um, so the president's, meeting this morning, a few minutes with the national association. Of police organizations. In 2008. 2012, they supported barack obama, and joe biden, in 2016, they didn't support, either candidate, and now in 2020, they're endorsing, president, trump. To what does the white house attribute this change in support, well it's clearly a change in the democrat, party. Gen when you look at the polling. On defunding, the police, abc. News ipsis, poll, 64. Percent, opposed, defunding, the police. Huffington, post 57. Percent oppose, rasmussen. 59. Opposed but make no mistakes, democrats. Want to defund. Our law and law enforcement, it comes at a time where 64, percent of americans say they are concerned, that growing criticism. Of america's, police will lead to a shortage of police officers. And reduce public safety in the community where they live. The american people have seen, very, clearly. Where the democrat party of today stands it's at an unacceptable. Place, and i think that, this administration, has shown great respect for our law enforcement. Who every day are out there defending. And protecting. Our streets, and democrat-run. Cities, that have turned. Abundantly. Chaotic, because of their lack, of support, and respect for law enforcement. Darlene. Can you explain, why the white house did not. Counter, with a comprehensive. Plan of its own you said the white house was focused on two things, the unemployment, insurance, and evictions. Why not why not have a more comprehensive. Proposal. To counter what the democrats, have put on this so i've walked through at this podium, uh the more comprehensive, plan that this white house, uh was hoping to see in our priorities, like tax rebates. Unemployment, benefits. Um enhanced hiring and retention payroll credits workplace, tax credits, restaurant, donations, and others those are all part of the the heals act so there is a comprehensive. Plan that was put forward by republicans, on the hill with several, white house priorities, in it but, right now, at this day, at this moment, our focus is making sure that americans who have lost their jobs get their paychecks, it's why as you heard the chief of staff say we've made four proposals. Democrats, have made precisely. Zero. Nomination, of general tata, is the white house still behind that uh the president still uh supports, general tata, yeah, kaylee, so is there anything that, that you agree with on the democrats, after all these negotiations. Are there any points of, unity, so far. Well look, they've, they've presented zero plans so we've presented, four they've presented zero so do we agree with them it seems that they don't agree with us the white house, supports, unemployment. Insurance, benefits, the white house supports ensuring americans, don't get evicted. But what do the democrats, support what do they stand for so far they've offered, zero. Nothing. Except, rejecting, martha mcsally's, bill to ensure. Uh that, that those who are receiving those checks continue, receiving, them. Upper limit, for the amount that you're willing to go to is the white house decided, on some sort of a cap for how much you're willing to spend this round not that i'm aware of the president. Has said you know he wants to make sure, money gets to the american, people. The trump administration, wants, 377. Million dollars in the coronavirus. Relief bill for. The, um. The long-delayed, modernization. Of the west wing. How is that a priority, in terms of the coronavirus.

Pandemic. You guys talk about priorities, you, have the fbi, bill which. Doesn't seem to have much support from capitol hill as well, so uh two things and i'm glad you asked that because i i do want to. Give you some details, about those two items in particular. When it comes to the fbi building this has been a long discussed. Issue. I would note that the three previous, covid bills that have been passed had plenty of other things in them that were not related to covid one of those examples, is the, harbor maintenance, trust fund. This is not a red line for us it was a part of the initial bill but it is certainly not a red line the priority, as i've said, several times so far is unemployment. Insurance. Making sure americans, do not get evicted. And then as it pertains to white house renovations. Um, many of those, pertain, to safety protocols, filtration, systems. Enhance community, communication. Ability. And needs that we saw that were highlighted. During the pandemic, but make no mistake you know a 377. Million dollar proposal. Will not stand in the way, of ensuring, that the american, people. Get their checks that is the priority. I'm ensuring, that americans, do not get evicted. That is our. Number one number two goals. Thank you kaylee i just wanted to confirm reports, that mark meadows actually made an offer to extend, unemployment, insurance by four months. I have not i've haven't spoken him on that precise, uh proposal, but as he's mentioned there were four that were made, maybe a follow-up question then i want to change gears and talk to you about twitter. We reported, yesterday, that the israeli, government. Wrote to twitter's ceo, asking him to remove tweets from iran's supreme, leader, ayatollah, khamenei, calling for the genocide, of the israeli, people. The company refused, to do that because they said that the tweets were quote, comments, on current affairs. I'm wondering. If the white house has a response. Given that twitter has recently begun restricting. The president's, own tweets, for glorifying. Violence. Quote glorifying, violence and spreading misinformation. And if you have spoken to the president about, any further action perhaps he's taking on social media companies. Yeah it's a great question ebony i did see that new york post story. And i thought it was very eye-opening, and it tells you where the social media company stands where they're not. Willing, to. Uh, to to assess the ayatollah, khomeini's, tweets, but they are willing to assess president trump's, tweets it's really appalling, and it just speaks to their overwhelming. Blinding. Bias. Against conservatives. And against this president. And we are taking. Action, the administration. Is submitting a petition to the fcc. For proposed, regulatory. Changes to hold social media companies accountable, for their censorship.

And This petition, that was previously, reported, on. Earlier in the week asked the fcc, to end the loophole that allows social media companies to escape, civil. Lawsuits, for their, own speech. Fact checks and d platforming. And the petition seeks to expose. Social media companies. To liability. As a speaker, or a publisher, if they act as editors of content, on their platforms, or remove lawful, speech, based on politics. And very good work by the new york post, and highlighting, that issue. Yes thanks can i follow up on darlene's, question on, tada for a minute, you said that the administration, is still behind him but, is you guys considering, putting him in an acting role, i have no personnel announcements, other to say than the president still supports him. Thank you. It's been a month since the. Reports, of russian bounties, on american, military, forces and yet the white house has done nothing. To push back on putin. What is the what is the delay. So as i've, answered. Probably a dozen times from this podium that intelligence. Um is unverified. There are dissenting, opinions, on the, media, is, uh i would point to the department of defense, saying there's no corroborating. Evidence to validate recent allegations, and i see allegations, in recent press articles have not been verified. Or substantiated. By the intelligence, community and odni, is a similar, statement. But look, this president. Acts, he is not afraid. To stand up to russia he's done so repeatedly, when our adversaries. Have directly, targeted, u.s or coalition. Coalition, partners, the president did not hesitate, to act look at syria, in 2018. When dozens, of russian mercenaries, were killed in a retaliat. Retaliatory. Defensive, strike. He has continually, stood up to russia will continue, to do so and, this president. Will always protect, our troops and our men and women overseas. Um and he will act on verified. Intelligence. So. Thank you ma'am um. So, colorado. Hawaii. Oregon, utah. And washington, all have automatic, mail-in, ballot systems, the white house has made its position clear on absentee, ballots and, also the concern, over. These, universal, systems. Does the white house think that those, elections. Are, fraudulent, or more at risk, abroad. Always a mail and ballot system, mass mail out ballots. Are going to be more at risk of fraud look at la county where. 112. Of la county is registered. That means you have 12 percent of excess ballots. Floating around. Uh that are we know at least 12 percent. Uh that that are that are not accurate ballots that were mailed out. This is a very, basic, concept.

And It's one that the media has done a very good job reporting, on not just jeffrey toobin. At the new yorker you also had the washington, post article on this that the president held up yesterday. That says. The results, um that they that they've seen, in a study of showed that there's an unexpected. Stress test of male balloting systems, many of which were designed to handle only a small portion of the vote, and are not ready to scale up in response to a pandemic, that was washington, post, there was another great, abc, piece mail and voting delays, in primary, caused pennsylvania. To sound alarm about november. Expansion, of mail and voting will likely, delay the state's presidential, race a great cbs, report. Pennsylvania's. Mail-in votes, still weren't all tallied up after one week officials, fear election, nightmare. In november, so mass mail and voting. Certainly, subject to fraud. And good work on the part of abc, cbs, washington, post and the new yorker, for highlighting, uh the fraud, that is at play the delays that are at play, uh because those are after all the facts. Another quick one uh. The chief sounded. Quite frustrated, a second ago, is there, any situation. In which the white house will walk away, from negotiations. On phase four i won't get in the middle of the negotiations. And i'll leave that um to the chief, and to the secretary, of treasury, um but yeah there's a there's a lot of passion, because, we're passionate, about making sure americans are taken care of i've heard the president personally, talk about this. It is it is his goal to make sure, uh that those who have lost their job get these payments, um and those who through no fault of their own. Do not get evicted, from their home so those again two big priorities, for the president. Raquel. Yes thank you, so much i have two questions, one, you were, here saying that uh. How well the administration. Is doing is responding, to the epidemic, but the facts. Don't show that, and. Americans, are struggling. Scared. How do you what do you tell them the american, people. So the one thing i would say is um the president's, made clear that we're at a place um where, we want all americans, to make sure that they socially, distance. And that they make sure they engage in mitigation. Tactics. Um, and, the president's, been been clear on that, um but you know one of the things i think as when you look at the united states response, you look at the fact that we were supposed to have a ventilator, shortage. In fact we had a ventilator.

Surplus. Um we were we were told that there is a testing, shortage well it turns out we've done at this point almost 60. Million, tests, uh this president, led on the development of rem de sevier, we just saw this week promising signs from convalescent, plasma. Our therapeutics. Are advanced. I would argue the best in the world. And that's why when you look at in particular, at the case fatality. Rate. Which the president, often talks about. You see that that tells, that tells a big story when the us case fatality, rate, is at 3.4. Percent the worlds is at 4 percent, average, in the eu at 9.7, percent that is a testament, to our therapeutics. But we encourage, every american. To engage in mitigation, efforts, um and it's patriotic, as the president said to wear a mask, especially, when you can't, socially, distance. Us. Yes there is a movement, drawing called love is not tourism. They they are families, and couples separate, for a month. Because, of the travel ban, couples who couldn't be together, on their, child, birth or mother themselves. Or separated, during, illness. They are asking if the administration, could consider. A waiver. In their cases. I haven't spoken to the president, about those specific, cases, but this president. Will always put america first this president. Put in place the travel, bans. To protect american, lives and they've done that dr fauci acknowledging, that the travel bans have saved american lives and that that is our goal at this moment hunter, thank you kaylee i have two quick questions, for you, um herman cain passed away yesterday and obviously he had tested positive, for covid. Nine days after attending the president's rally in tulsa. Officials, there have connected, the rally to a spike in cases. Is there any concern, that herman cain may have contracted. Coronavirus. At the president's, rally, and is the task force doing any follow-up to track other potential cases from that event, well herman cain is the absolute, embodiment. Of the american, dream. We are grieved, and we are very saddened. By his passing, he was raised in atlanta georgia. On a small farm he left with just the clothes on his back, his mother was a housekeeper. I mean he rose to be an extremely, successful, businessman. And someone, who was, um who contended, for the nomination, of our party, um and, i would refer you, um, to a post on herman cain's website, um and he says i realize, uh or his website rather i realize people will speculate about the tulsa rally but herman did a lot of traveling, the past week, i don't think there's any way to trace this to one specific, contact, that caused the infection. We'll never know, um so that. And i will not politicize. Um herman cain's passing and i would just note the, great contributions, he's made to our society we'll always remember him and his legacy will stand. And then, just. Um obviously the president's, tweet um yesterday, seemed to float the idea of delaying the election. He later said, you know he supports no date change whatsoever. Given a little bit of the ambiguity, and confusion, there can you just say unequivocally. Whether or not the white house wants to see the date changed. And state 100.

That That is not something, that you support, the president, answered this three times, yesterday, he said i want the date more than anyone i don't want to delay i want to have the election, and then a local interview, he did he said no one wants the date of the election more than me, uh because he believes november, 3rd will be a moment where the american, people. Acknowledge, the great successes, of this administration. Okay thank you does the president, support the chinese-backed. Hong kong government. In delaying their elections. Yeah so i do have an answer. For you on the hong kong elections. We condemn the hong kong government's, decision to postpone, for one year its legislative, council, elections, and to, disqualify. Opposition, candidates, this action undermines, the democratic, processes, and freedoms, that have underpin, hong kong's prosperity, and this is only the most recent and a growing, list of broken. Promises, by beijing, which promised, autonomy. And freedoms to the hong kong people, until 2047. In the sino-british. Joint declaration. I think it's appropriate. As, we see this play out on the hill. Um, this, testimony, by our doctors, to just acknowledge. The real successes. Um. And, and work of this administration. I acknowledge, the ventilators. And i talked about testing, and just, great american industry coming together the american people coming together. And working to get us through on this tragic, pandemic. And we we grieve when even one life is lost. But i do want to point out just the early actions of this administration. When there were zero reported cases in the united states on january, 6, the cdc, issued wuhan, travel, notice, before any u.s confirmed cases. But what were pelosi, and chuck schumer doing they were calling on the gop, to support. Bolton testifying. Zero reported cases in the united states on january, 17th, the cdc. Implements. Public health entry screenings, at three major, u.s, airports, receiving the greatest volume of wuhan, passengers. What were democrats, doing oh house democrats, were preparing, to file their first brief in the impeachment.

Sham Impeachment, inquiry, when there was one reported, case, in the united, states on january. 21st. Cdc, activated, emergency, operations, center, what were democrats, doing oh chuck schumer was calling for witnesses, in the impeachment, trial and pelosi released a statement. Criticizing, mitch mcconnell, for his trial, rules and, finally when there were seven reported cases in the united states on january 31st, president trump issued travel restrictions, on china, and the first mandatory, quarantine. In more than 50. Years and those travel restrictions. Saved, american. Lives but what were democrats, doing, pelosi. Was introducing, the no ban act which would have imposed, undue limitations. On the president's, authority, to restrict, entry of aliens, into the united states and what are chuck schumer, and nancy pelosi, doing now, stopping, americans. From getting their unemployment, insurance, and it's despicable, and it's time for them to come to the negotiating, table. Thank you very. Much. Okay.

2020-08-02 01:21

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