Kayleigh McEnany holds a press briefing at White House | 9/22/20

Kayleigh McEnany holds a press briefing at White House | 9/22/20

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Only, it is now a high crime, and misdemeanor. Worthy, of impeachment. For a lawfully, elected. President, of the united, states, to exercise. His constitutional. Duty. Article, 2, section 2 of the constitution. Of the constitution. Clearly, states. That the president. Quote. Shall. Nominate. End quote, justices, of the supreme, court when a vacancy. Occurs. No matter the time, no matter the politics, of the day. The president. Is the president. There's nothing, in the constitution. That says the president, stops, being the president. In an election year. The president, has already appointed, two strong, conservative. Justices, to the supreme, court. Justices, who will interpret, the constitution. As written. Now, he will nominate, a third. As senator, ted cruz reminds, us, we're one vote away from seeing our religious, liberty. Votes stripped away, from our free, speech, stripped away from our second amendment, being stripped away, just one vote. Contrast, the president's, solemn constitutional. Duty, with democrats. Search and destroy, politics. Nancy pelosi, has vowed to attack the president with quote, arrows. Speaker, pelosi, will not rule out impeaching, this president for doing his job, for fulfilled, for fulfilling. His constitutional. Obligation. Aoc, said that impeachment, is an option, quote on the table. While chuck schumer, stood by. Nodding, approvingly. The plan of house democrats. Is so rapidly, radical, that even democrat, senator, tim kaine has rebuked the idea. Calling the idea of using impeachment, to delay a supreme, court, vote quote, foolish. Some democrats. Already have a back-up plan if they don't get their way on this nomination. Congressman, joe kennedy, said if he holds a vote in 2020. We pack the court in 2021. It's that simple. Senator ed markey, went further. No supreme, court vacancies, filled in an election year he said, if he violates, it when democrats, control the senate and the next congress, we must abolish the filibuster. And expand, the supreme, court. Senator. The president, is elected, to a four, year, term. You cannot, unilaterally. Reduce it to three years, the president, is the president. Democrats, cannot win their argument on the merits. They cannot win, on precedent. So they must search and destroy. Don lemon said the quiet the quiet part out loud last night he said this. We're going to have to blow up the entire. System. If the president. Does his job as outlined. In the constitution. That's the difference, between republicans. And democrats. We fight to protect the system, we fight to protect the constitution. When democrats, say outright. We are going to blow up the entire, system, because we do not get our way. This president will proceed, undaunted, by democrat, threats. President, trump will fulfill, his duty, president, trump, will appoint the next supreme court justice. President, trump will protect, religious, liberty. President, trump will protect, our freedom of speech. President trump will protect, our second amendment. Under this president, our rights will be upheld, our constitution. Safeguarded. And this, president, will fill, that, seat, and with that i'll take questions. Jim. Uh kelly as you know uh the country has hit 200, 000 deaths from the coronavirus. What do you say to americans, who are outraged, over this and blame this administration. For so many lives lost in this country. Well as you've heard several doctors in the task force, task force note, from this podium. We were looking at the prospect. Of two million, people, potentially, perishing, from, the coronavirus. In this country, uh we grieve when even one life is lost but the fact, uh that we have no. The fact that that we have come nowhere, near that number as a testament, to this president president taking, immediate, action. To shutting down travel from china, uh when the other party democrats, were saying that was xenophobic. Uh for shutting down travel for europe for, developing. Landmark, therapeutics. That are working like remdesseviere. When you look at the fact that excess, mortality. Europe has experienced, a 28. Higher excess mortality, rate than the united states, it's a testament, to the hard work done by the task force and this president if you don't mind if i could follow up last night the president, said at one of his rallies.

About The virus, i think he was talking about younger americans he said it affects virtually, nobody. By the way open your schools everybody, open your schools. But he said to bob woodward. It's not just old. It's not just older people it's, young people too. At 200, 000 deaths. Shouldn't the president be telling people the truth, about this virus, at his rallies. The president is telling people the truth and you're right jim that he was talking about. That it affects virtually nobody. And that it doesn't affect young people, he's not telling the truth, jim but you're again taking the president out of context, i have his full quote here and you're right that he was referring to young people he said this. I'm not taking it out of context if i said he was talking about younger people that i'm not taking out, you are taking it out of context because you're making an assertion that he's not giving critical information, when in fact he is and i will underscore, exactly, what he said and he said, this you know in some states. Thousands of people. And they've had nobody young below the age of 18, like nobody. They have a strong immune system that is factually, true you can go to the american, academy, of pediatrics. Website, uh the children's, hospital, association. And they list out, a number of states that have had zero pediatric. Deaths. And then spread it to older people. And as you've known this since the very beginning, and for the president of the united states of 200, 000 deaths, to go out to his rallies, and say something like, if, it virtually, affects nobody. And that in some states. It's not affecting, young people, that is glossing, over the fact and and really, diminishing, the fact that young people can catch this virus, and spread it to older people, younger people can also. Be sickened, and killed by this virus, do you have the quote there with you. I have the code yes yes it is exactly as i just read it to you that in several states, uh they have had zero pediatric, deaths i've have the entire list here arkansas, delaware district of columbia, iowa. Hawaii, idaho, kansas, and the list goes on, and as you may not know jim, uh this the covid, has a 0.01. Mortality, rate, uh for people. Under the age of 18., so it does it is not a disease that affects young people in the same way as older people which is the exact, point the president. Was making last night. Yes. Uh one person kaylee who does believe that the president has the constitutional. Authority, to make a nomination, for the supreme court and, that the senate has the constitutional. Obligation, to provide advice, and consent, is utah senator mitt romney. Uh the course of the last three and a half years the president, and romney have often found themselves, at odd. Odds have said, unkind, if not intemperate, things. About each other, how is the president feeling about mitt romney today, i haven't spoken to him about. Senator romney but senator romney, is recognizing. What any of us who take a clear-eyed, look at pres, of at precedent, recognize. That the president, is on our side here, uh 29. Times. Has there been an appointment. During an election, year 29. Times, and when you break down those numbers. 19, times when those nominations. Were made, the senate and the president, were of the same party, 17, of those 19, times. That nominee went on to be confirmed. Uh, the 10 times when it was a, difference in party between republicans, and democrats, in the senate and the presidency. Only two went on to be confirmed, so precedent, is on our side. But democrats. Are, trying to have it both ways here and i would cite dan mclaughlin. At national review who said this he's exactly, right choosing, not to fill a vacancy.

Would Be a historically. Unprecedented. Act of unilateral. Disarmament. So let me just follow up on that if i could, so timing now is the next issue the president will have 37, or 38 days from the time he makes the announcement. To the last time that he could have to vote before the election. Past years john paul stevens, was, nominated, and confirmed, in 19, days. Chief justice john roberts, 24. Justice, sandra day o'connor in 33. Times were different back then. Than they are now can you do it in 37, days, we certainly believe we can um you've heard. Very optimistic, words from senator, graham. How will you do it, well we will go about this um the way we always have by putting forward, a constitution. Abiding textualist. Originalist, that we believe the american people will appreciate, and we believe we'll, get through the approval, process the nomination, and confirmation, process i should say, quite quickly, yes kevin, two quick questions, um. On the two hundred thousand deaths, well the, will the president. Recognize, that publicly. Today. Um at his speech or on twitter, i mean. Is this something that, he. Would like to, express. Remorse, over or simply to people who have lost. The president, throughout this pandemic, has done, just that, he has said before, that, it keeps him up at night thinking of even one life lost, this president has taken this incredibly. Seriously. Um and what he's done is he's worked harder um each and every day, he works hard puts his head down and i think that's very evident in the administration's. Historic, response, the largest. Mobilization, of the private sector since world war ii, the fact that we got. Working therapeutics. Delivered to the american people the fact that vaccine. Frankly this will be the fastest, pace for a vaccine, for a novel pathogen, in history. As we seek to reach that goal by the end of the year, that's what the president does he takes this seriously. I'm in the fact that you've seen the fatality, rate, that has fallen 85 percent since april, and the fact that only 1.5. Of emergency, room visits, are now, people sick with covet is a real testament, to the hard work done by the task force and president trump.

Could You speak a bit. About why the president. Prefers, to have. The confirmation. Vote before the election. How does he think this is going to help cory gardner, and joni erst, and, republicans. Keep the majority, in the senate, well the president would like to. See a confirmation, process that is fair, i think one of the low points. For. This process. Whereas the kavanaugh, hearings and what democrats, did there making, baseless. Allegations. Against, justice, kavanaugh, someone respected. Um prior to president trump appointing, him, by everyone, and democrats, really dragged his name through the mud what happened there was a travesty. I mean the president wants to see a fair confirmation, process. And he wants to see one, uh that does not look um, like what what happened to kavanaugh that was a real low point for democrats, democratic, stumbles. Uh in the kavanaugh. Confirmation, process will help republicans. He thinks look democrats. Really showed. Them, themselves, at the lowest point on that confirmation. Process. I think the american people saw democrats. Uh for the partisan, games that they'd play and i think the american people are looking now and seeing, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer talking about impeachment, for executing. Your power in article two section two it's really. Inane, and outlandish, the things they're suggesting, and once again they seem to be doubling, down on their kavanaugh, approach, didn't work out too well with justice kavanaugh, won't work out too well this time in an election year, yes. One on the court first on covet if i can the president recently gave himself an a-plus for his handling of covid but a d for his. Pr, what would good pr, look like when two hundred thousand americans, are dead. Um what the president, um was saying is that, um he wants to make sure that we get good information, to the american people um that's something that i think we've done. Um and this president, he's provided information at times that was not true. He said he was he said he was downplaying it so purposefully, he was providing information at times that was not fully, that's absolutely, inaccurate, um the president, never downplayed, critical, health information. The president never downplayed, our covid. Response. And you can just see that by the historic, effort that we've put forward and i would also point you to dr. Fauci. Who said i don't recall, anything different. In our discussions, with the president. That he said things quite similarly, in public, and he was asked directly by none other than john roberts. Did you ever get the sense, that he was or wasn't playing this down no no i didn't and that's an assertion, echoed by the vice president our response.

Uh When you look that 100 million tests that we've exceeded the vaccine on record pace the therapeutics. The fact that we brought fatality, down by 85, percent this was a novel pathogen, that came in for which there were no tests and there were no identified, therapeutics. But they were identified, very quickly. And also with regard to the vaccine, when you look at the notion that we are manufacturing. This at commercial, levels. Which i was told by, uh by dr salawi, that that normally takes years to do, um and we're already producing. Um the goal is 100 million doses by the end of the year that's a testament to this president and his response, none of these vaccines, are effective what is plan b for the white house. Look you're asking a hypothetical, we have six, vaccines. We have six american vaccines, that we've identified. Um three of them in phase three clinical, trial there's also. Um one there's. Well we're getting there and by the end of the year is the goal and when you say, what. We all hope for good news but what if they're not approved over the white house we have we have six candidates, we are a strong belief, uh that we will identify, one hopefully more than one working, vaccine. Uh by the end of the year, producing them in advance we already have a distribution. Plan, and when you compare this i think context, matters ebola, taking 14, months, to get to phase three clinical trial, we already have two candidates, in phase three clinical trial ebola took, three years to get to completion. Uh we will have done this in under a year the fastest, rate for a novel pathogen, in history. Justin. The president did retweet today a segment from rush limbaugh where limbaugh suggested. It would be great if republicans. Skipped committee hearings, on this pick all together does the president, want, republicans. To skip committee hearings they're a co-equal, branch of government why is he, directing them to do anything, the president. Is a fan of rush limbaugh appreciates, his commentary. And therefore, retweeted, it but we're working with the senate right now on, that confirmation. Process, and senator graham has said it looks like it will be on a three-day timeline, justin, he wants the committee to go forward justin. Um one on scotus and then one on the stimulus. Um, can you confirm that the president planning to meet with judge lagoa, and. Florida. Well, he's down there this week, and, he said yesterday that he had spoken to some candidates, beforehand, i know. Uh judge barrett was in here yesterday but i was wondering if he could talk about any of the others that he may have already had contact, with, yeah i won't get into his private meetings you will find out which constitution, abiding, textualists, and originalists, he uh is appointing on saturday. And then. On the stimulus it's been kind of a rocky couple days on wall street i think there's concern that the supreme court fight. May. Sort of kill the the last gasps, of getting a stimulus. Bill done before the election. So the white house agree that that's probably not going to happen until. After the election, if at all or. If you are still hopeful, you know the president, said. When the time is right uh he'd be willing to reach out to speaker pelosi. It seems like. We're getting down into the last legislative, days before the election. Is, the time now right yeah we've, wanted to see a phase four. Relief bill get to the american people it's why the chief of staff and secretary, mnuchin. Have been in negotiations. Unfortunately, though they've been in negotiations. With a fundamentally. Unserious. Partisan, name speaker pelosi. Who when we would exceed what she asked for with school funding let's say, she then would reject, the money that was in excess of what she had previously, asked for. Democrats, i think showed what they were about. When they filibustered. A bill that would have provided, 300, a week to the american people through december 27th, they filibustered, that i believe, last week so at this point, um the onus is really on speaker pelosi. Um, we encourage her to send one-off bills, perhaps, airline, funding. Or other elements, that we could work through the process to get to the american people it's always been this president's, priority, to do that so you don't see a.

Kind Of big stimulus, bill but you might see one-off bills before elections yeah the onus is on nancy pelosi, you know we've come up in our number. Um to 1.5. Trillion, so it's possible, should she. Become serious, in, these negotiations. But. At this point if she doesn't want to deliver. Relief to the american, people to that degree then she can one off some bills, that we would look at and be happy to move forward with because the priority, has always been getting money to, the american people which is why, the president, has had those eos on evictions, and unemployment, insurance. And student, loans, and evictions, yes. The first presidential, debates a week from today, how do you expect the supreme court issue to impact, that debate. Yeah so um you know a lot of that is for the campaign, with regards. Uh to the debate so i'd have to refer you there. But i think the american, people are going to get a very clear-eyed. Look. As they have with the, previous, two nominees, we've made of what this president, stands for that he wants a judge, who will protect our fundamental, rights our essential, liberties, who looks at the constitution. As written. Not trying to fancifully. Interpret, that document, who looks at the plain meaning of statutes. And. Implements, that and rules in a way that a true textualist. Would, this is the president who will protect the second amendment who will protect, the first amendment and these fundamental, rights are at stake. Should a, another. Should another party. Have their way. With the judiciary, but this president, some will continue to appoint justices, in the mold. Of gorsuch. And of justice kavanaugh. Separately, the democrats. Are threatening, to add justices. To the supreme court as you mentioned. Does that concern, you at all as you go about this process. Yeah that's uh it's unfortunately. A. Another example, of trying to blow up the system if you don't get your way. Democrats, will blow up the system, they will change the system they will trample on the constitution. And you know i would point them to the words of justice, ginsburg, who called court packing a bad idea, she called it partisan, she said, nine seems to be a good number i think packing the court was a bad idea when president, franklin delano roosevelt, tried it and i'm not in favor, of all of that, yes. Anita. Um. I had a question on the virus but i wanted to follow up on justin, he um, asked about, the speaker, has the president called the speaker, about the recovery, bill and why not if he wants to get this done, is he is he, calling other lawmakers, as well, i'm not aware, of, any conversation, that they've had. There have been communications. Through the chief of staff, through the secretary. Of treasury, but until, speaker pelosi becomes serious in her negotiating. Instead of. She's engaging in political, drama. We're really at a stalemate so it's really the ball is in her court to. Become serious in these negotiations. The president called than, mark meadows correct they've they've been negotiating. And uh when we believe this the speaker is in a serious spot we can, move forward, with other conversations, but at this point um when you ask for a certain amount of school funding we exceed that and then you reject the excess, for, school funding and it just really shows where her mindset's, at my question on the virus, was.

That Some polls are showing that a majority, of americans, don't trust what the president, is saying on the virus. Vaccine. And i wondered. You keep you all keep talking about the vaccine, possibly, coming out, how are you going to, get people to believe that the vaccine, is safe and that people should go get it when it does come out what do you what is the process, going to be looking like, yeah so i think um, first i want to point, out that several. Of the doctors have been on the record. And have said that this vaccine, is going through the same rigorous, process, it should. As dr honest said i've repeatedly, said that all fda decisions, have been and will continue, to be based. Solely on good science, and data. As dr fauci, said certainly there are no corners. Being cut here. Uh and, several others like secretary, azar have been on the record on this so, um the members of the task force have all said this is going through the rigorous, fda, process, and it will be a good safe and effective vaccine. Yes. Question on the vaccine, how soon would the president, feel comfortable taking a vaccine, himself. And would he support a non-american. Vaccine, perhaps even, from china or russia. So, um first i would say this that the president has been on the record, saying i'm happy to be. The first person to take the vaccine or the last person whatever is best for the american, people. He believes it will be a safe and effective vaccine, and one he would certainly, be open to taking. Um and he said this. I'm going to really say something. That is not like me i don't care i just want to get a vaccine that works i really don't care if it's another country, i'll take my hat off to them but currently i think the other vaccine, and phase 3 clinical, trial. Is the. One in oxford. Yes. Just to. Clarify. On the mitt romney, development. With. Senator romney's announcement. Does the president. Think he actually has. A, bulletproof. Group of republicans, who will vote no matter what even before the nominee, is named, or does he fear some defections. After that nominee is named, and the confirmation, hearings, begin. No he thinks um his nominee, is going to be someone with a stellar, track record. Someone who as i've mentioned several of the qualities, will be a textualist. Who will be an originalist. And someone who we believe republicans, will will really rally around. And senator graham, said that he believes that he'll have the votes and you know leave it to the senators, at this point. But, this will be a nominee that will really i think unify, republicans. Does he think he has 51., he was i've missed the first part of what you said president has been a pretty good nose counter. Does he think he has 51.. Yeah i think at this point he's just trying to, select, the nominee, i haven't spoken to him about the vote count. But we believe that republicans, will remain unified, and we believe that this nominee. Will get across the finish line, yes. The president is giving a health care speech, on thursday, is this finally going to be his long-awaited. Comprehensive, healthcare policy because there are doubts that such a thing actually, exists. No it certainly does exist uh the president. Um, in the next week or so will, be laying out his vision for health care some of that has already. Been put out there like telemedicine. And, lowering, the cost of drugs, but the president. And protecting, pre-existing, conditions, but the president will be laying out some additional. Health care steps in the coming i would say two weeks, yeah. Yes yamiche, hi thanks so much, bailey. Um. I have two questions the first is the president, has said, roe v raid would be overturned, if he got, a chance to change the balance on the court he said in 2016. Quote, if we put another, two or perhaps three justices, on, that will happen. Is that the ultimate, goal here to overturn. Roe v raid, the president. And the administration, would not ask, a judge to prejudge. A case. Um and i would point you to, um the rules set by, none other than senator, joe biden. At the confirmation. Hearing of ruth bader ginsburg. When he instructed, no questions, on how ginsberg, will decide any specific, case that would come before, her i mean as justice ginberg. Ginsburg, said in her, uh confirmation, no hints no forecast, no previews. Um in canon 5 of the model code of judicial, conduct, also, uh reflects, that a judge should refrain, from giving, specific, viewpoints, on cases, controversies, or issues, whether or not the president's.

Quote In 2016, whether he still stands by that that he would like to see it overturned. The president's. Philosophy, as he's moving forward with this nomination, process is he's looking at a judge that has certain qualities. And that is someone who looks at the constitution. And interprets, it as written, interprets, the plain meaning of statutes, as written, and then we'll be a textualist, and an originalist. Second question about the virus, um again we've, marked the fact that 200, 000 americans have died from the coronavirus. Could you again try to reconcile, the president, telling, bob woodward that plenty, of young people quote his words plenty of young people, are affected, by the coronavirus. With him saying last night in front of, a crowd, that virtually, nobody, young. Dies or anything it's affected by this virus i'm wondering if you could just reconcile those two why did he tell bob woodward that plenty, of young people, are impacted by this virus but not say that in front of a crowd, well as you know this was a novel pathogen, we now know a lot more, about covid today. And the president actually said that in a speech last night right before on the comments he made he said we now know a lot more about the virus, and we know that elderly, people particularly, those with comorbidities. Are affected, by it and we know that young people. Are by and large. And in some states. There's been no young people, that have succumbed, to this disease, and i've listed off a few of the states for you i mean we know that a very very, um small percentage, of those under 18. Have actually perished, parish because of covid, i mean it was a novel pathogen, now we know a lot more about it who it affects who our most vulnerable, are which is why we've, surged testing to communities, that are vulnerable, and we'll continue. To make sure that our elderly those with comorbidities. Are protected. Yes. Not continuing to try to like not have panic, he told bob woodward that he wanted to downplay it and play it down to not cause panic he's you don't think he's doing that still president has never downplayed, critical health information. Um dr. Fauci, as i noted to you um said point blank, no he uh he didn't, and that's an assertion of vice pres the vice president pence who led the task force, made as well yes, thanks kaylee um the administration, has filed an appeal to the supreme court. On, apportionment. Um trying to make sure that people in the country, illegally. Are not counted, when, congressional, seats are handed out, sorry a little muffled. Um texas, is one of the states that would. Lose a seat. If those people are not counted. Um. The constitution, says that the people, in a state, are. The number that are used for apportionment. Are those are people in the country legally not people. And why does the president, not want texas to have. More seats rather than fewer in the u.s house yeah i haven't done a particular, a deep dive into that legal case um i can look into it and get back to you yes i ask a separate question, at the top of this. You mentioned the democrats, have talked about impeachment. And you also said the president doesn't stop being president, in the last year, is there any not not that they're actually going through the impeachment at the moment but is there anything. To prevent, an impeachment, in the final months of a presidency. Um, well first i mean to pursue, impeachment. Based on someone executing. Their lawful. Duty their constitutional. Duty is just preposterous. And, it told us a whole lot about, what democrats. Use impeachment, for it shows that. They've always, viewed impeachment, at least in the nancy pelosi. Era, as a partisan, tool to take down a sitting president, to disempower. The american, people. Who voted to empower president trump, they've used impeachment, as a political, tool. And that is that will be the the, history and the record of nancy pelosi now she's on the record, saying that she would even use impeachment. Uh to try to undo, the constitution. Particularly, article two, section two uh that is shameful but unsurprising, from the speaker.

Yes In his u.n speech, president, trump, mentioned the reduction of carbon emission, in the u.s. Of what sorry. Travel emission. In the u.s. Okay i can't really hear you. Oh carbon emission okay saying it was a good thing. Because it's connected with the reduction, of use of coal, is it to say that decline, of coal is a good thing. Um i would just note that on greenhouse, gas emissions. We have decreased, them as the us has become number one, in the oil in the oil and natural gas production but we've simultaneously. Reduced, greenhouse, embitions, yes. I also wanted to follow up on the. Speech, the president. Prepared for the un general assembly, he hit china really hard and the chinese. Ambassador, and introducing, president xi responded, accusing, the president. Of bullying, protectionism. And unilateralism. I'm wondering what the white house response, is to that and then. How concerned. Is this white house that this growing, rift between the world's two largest, economies, is going to. Hurt the efforts to combat coronavirus. Um let me just say nothing has, hurt the efforts to combat the coronavirus. More than, more than china. Concealing. Information. About kovid 19, from the very beginning. What china did was inexcusable. In partnership, with the who. Hid critical, information, about transmission, of kovid, from us about the severity, of kovitt, not just from us but from the world, uh there's no bigger bully, uh than than china, when it comes to covid, um and that's pretty clear and just look at what happened at the w.h.o. Yeah that's one quick follow-up. With regard, to the, intelligence, around the poisoning. Of the russian opposition, leader. The president said we'll talk about that another time just trying to get a sense, of. Has the president, reviewed, the german assessment. Is he rejecting. That assessment. That he was indeed. Poisoned. The no the united states, as president, of the g7. Um and joined by our g7, partners, has condemned, in the strongest, possible, terms, the confirmed, poisoning. And germany, briefed the g7, on clinical, and toxic. Logical. Findings by medical experts, in a specialized, germ, german. Armed forces laboratory, determined. That mr navalny, was the victim of an attack with a chemical nerve agent. A substance, developed, by, russia and any use of chemical weapons anywhere, anytime, by anyone, under any circumstance. Is unacceptable. So now let the u.s response, be done, i again i've told you so far that the united states um has condemned it along with g7, and rest assured.

Um There's been no one tougher on russia. Than this country you've seen what we've done with sanctions. And expelling. Diplomats, among other actions, yes, chanel haley expanding, on the last couple of questions about the un speech. The president does hit china pretty hard specifically. On, china's, slave labor practices, and ethnic cleansing. But then, interestingly, he dives into their environmental, record. China dumps millions and millions of tons of plastic and trash into the oceans, overfishes, other countries waters, destroys, vast swaths of coral reefs and emits more toxic, mercury, into the atmosphere. Than any country anywhere in the world. How responsive. Have the united states has allies, been, to this message from the president. And, on confronting, china on these fronts in particular, i would say the the world is unified, on and condemning, some of the human rights. Violations. Um, by. China, um and also i would know just on the issue of co2, emissions. There's no bigger emitter, than china, itself. Charlotte. Thank you kaylee um, a heritage, foundation, report has discovered, a financial, link between. An organization. Linked to black lives matter, and a pro-chinese. Regime, group. Is that something that the white house. Would investigate, and is that something you're concerned, about. So i haven't, seen uh that particular, reporting. Um but just on the note of some of the. Violence, that we've been seeing. I would just point out this new york times article that came out. Terence, moses. Was watching protesters, against police brutality, march down, on his quiet residential, street one recent evening when some in the group, of a few hundred, suddenly, stopped and started yelling. Mr moses was initially, not sure what the protesters, were upset about but as he got closer. He saw it, it was his neighbor, who had an american, flag, on display. It went from a peaceful, march calling out the names to all of a sudden bang how dare you fly the american, flag said mr moses. Who is black and runs a non-profit, group in the portland oregon, area, they said take it down, they wouldn't leave, they said they're going to come back and burn, down, the house. Mr moses and others blocked the demonstrators, and told them to leave. Mr moses said we don't go around terrorizing. Folks to try and force them to do something. They don't want to do. Who runs a non-profit. Group that provide support for local homelessness. People, he said i'm a veteran, i'm for these liberties, i'm going to shameful the violence we've seen in our cities that is now, us filling into suburbs, across, the country. And good work and good reporting. By the new york times, on that. Now i'd like to invite lieutenant, general keith kellogg, to the podium. To discuss. A disgruntled. Former, detailee. General kellogg, is a three-star, general a veteran of the vietnam, war in operation.

Desert Storm. General kellogg has been supporting, president trump from the beginning, and has been by the president's side for major. Foreign policy, decisions, uh general kellogg please. Thanks kaylee, good afternoon. I'm keith kellogg. Olivia troy, worked for me, i fired her. The reason i fired her. Was her performances. Started to drop after six months. Working on the task force. As a back bencher. She was responsible, for coordinating. Meetings. Bringing people together. And when the performance, level dropped off i went to the vice president united states. And recommended, she leave. I'm the one that escorted, her off the compound. What she has said. I have never heard. That's never happened, and i've been through every single meeting. Of the task force. Been with the, president. And the vice president. Through every meeting. What bothers me about what olivia, said. Is by insinuation. The disparagement. Of the task force. The vice president. And the president of the united states. When you look at what the task force has done. We are now facing, the worst pandemic. We have seen in over a hundred years. And we're fighting through it, we are this, close. To a vaccine. That will work. We are finally fighting through it. And we're developing. Some opportunities. To make sure the american people are protected. As we go forward. When we've had the doctors that are out there with the comments she has made, when you looked at the dr faucis. Dr. Burke's. Annual redfield. Stephen, hahn. Dr drawer. All of these doctors. Who worked exceptionally, hard, for the american, people. The president, has made some critical decisions. All the way along the line. Tough decisions. He made a decision on the china travel ban. When we had less, than a dozen. Known cases here in the united, states. He was the one who set up the air bridge, working with commercial companies. So we would develop, and bring in, ppe. In 27, hours. Instead of 27. Days. He's the one who went to companies like 3m. So we could more rapidly. Manufacture. The n95. Mask, going forward. He's the one who drove all those efforts. And i heard the comments, made. About the people we have lost. Do not think for a minute. That that has not bothered us it does. Because we know on the task force. Several of those people, scores of those people. Died without relatives. Because they couldn't get in because of covet. We know that. Scores of them died on ventilators. When they're under sedition. Sedation. Because they didn't have an opportunity, to see their loved ones. That bothers us every, single day, don't think it doesn't, and it bothers the president. And the president's been very confident. That we're going to get to a solution. You want a president. You want a leader. That displays, confidence. That we have something going forward that we're going to win, and beat this virus. And that's what he's done, all the way along the line. I'm very proud. Of the president of the united states. I'm very proud. Of the vice president united states, i'm very proud. Of the task force and the work it's done. I am not proud. Olivier. Should the president be having these big rallies. Thank you lieutenant, general, um we appreciate, you doing this. That um what we have here, um with this former disgruntled, detailee. And with miles taylor as well these are not profiles, and courage, but these are profiles. In, cowardice. Less than two months ago. Now disgruntled, former detailee, olivia, troy, proudly, declared, that she was serving in the trump administration, it had been quote, the honor of her, life. Troy said quote i have witnessed. Firsthand. How dedicated, and committed.

All Of you have been to doing the right thing she wrote that. Just about a month and a half ago. Troy, failed to speak up. And she struggled to keep up because she was constantly, complaining. About how exhausted, and overwhelmed, she was coordinating, conference, calls and scheduling, meetings. Troy's detail, was cut short, and now she's cutting commercials, for a french club, of quote never trumpers, who are desperate, for relevancy. And the price of admission to this club is fabricated. Smears. And flat out lies against president trump. Troy, joins, the similarly, irrelevant, miles taylor cnn's, latest contributor. Taylor proudly, posed for a photo with the president, smiling. Ear, to ear. Taylor wrote that quote, it was the honor of his lifetime. To serve as dhs. Chief of staff. But miles couldn't go the distance, those who knew miles during his short time in the administration. Knew he could not get results. After he left dhs. Actually, got the results. And securing, the border building the border wall, and more. Desperate to please his new silicon, valley friends miles made up lies against president trump, to fit in, he can now rest easy at google having earned his anti-trump. Credentials. And the approval, of his, big, tech peers. Neither of these individuals, knew the president but they are certainly, uh try to profit, trying to profit, offer their top off of their time here, in the white house, flat out lies and thank you general kellogg for setting, the record straight, thank you can we have some follow-up questions. Also we have someone from the task. Force. So. You.

2020-09-28 13:11

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