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Guys. Well. Composed of a by an investor, Canada opgj, our Passaic. Alloy, solely. Employee, I mean Pan women video, so. Don't. Be, genitally, disgust me don't the Panasonic, starts. Operating. Theatres, of Canada. Above. Universidad. Del, amico for, watching, her videos. It's. Time, excited. Cohort, share. Saying your body. SeƱor, Jung. How. How, I started. Trading throughout. The stock exchange and here, I will show you guys how I analyzed, the stuff and. More. Importantly, human mistakes. Something. So. Guys watch. The whole video, Parimal, Pena poor. Part. Open up Simula. Begin. Strategy, CO and. How, how, I, tried. To stick to my plan for, my guide. Whenever. I. Why. Marvel Vienna Canada, welcome. Poor I. Mean. Okay. Guys before. I start I just, want to make Li make it clear that in. The poem women are professional, stock traders. At. The pump in a person is a human videos. Are just, our own, knowledge. Experiences. So. Especially. For, this, video guys I will show you how, I started, trading, at Toronto, Stock Exchange, so marami. Polito home pop hit Omaha mistakes but. Some. Strategist, and dynamic Capone when. I started trading a Toronto Stock Exchange in. The Polka to load no more at Allegan professional. Opposed of the things are trading that, they make thousands. Or hundreds of thousands of dollars from, the stock exchange kupo. In a similar plan and. I. Have, only five years of experience so I'm still learning I'm, still gaining more, experience so, come. Interesado. Putalik ohio please. Watch. The whole videos, Parma hitting a pole whom anemic, a malignant, Abajo and you. Might learn. Something from, it Tim, Alana put a disclaimer. Poll before we start. So. Panic, panic Simula I try. To explore, presume, website none Toronto Stock Exchange to point in, w-w-w. Dot TMX. Money calm. Their website actually. Contain a lot of information about. About. About. About, stock exchange or about companies. Listed in the Toronto Stock Exchange, first. And foremost. Of. Course we need to look we need to know what. Time do they start trading and that's 9:30. In the morning up to 4:00 p.m.. Every. On, a weekdays, only and, this. Is Eastern, Time above. And so. If you live in Vancouver, or, in, Alberta, or in. Other, parts of Canada. Outside. Of Ontario, then. The, that the time might change. When. You do when you are doing your training. And. Of course during, legal holidays. They. There's no trading a lot, of stock exchange. So. Some website Pinilla timox money comm you'll see a, lot of information about. Trending. Stocks during that day. You. Can also enter on. The, gate code company. Symbol or the symbol of the company, stock that you want to buy and the. Recent news that's. Happening, on that, day in, the, business world so. Even. Before I started trading I I. Made sure that I, follow, some of the tips I saw or. N read in the internet and one of them is to come up with a trading, guide or trading. Plan and. I've. Decided, that before, I decided, training or before. I started trading I would. Only buy stocks, that I know that. Has history of consistent, profitability, and, also. I will only buy stock if. The price is, or, at near the. Support level and then, sell it at. The price. At. Or, near the, resistance, level, and. I. Also, tried. To come up with an. Excel, spreadsheet, where. I can monitor or, keep track of, all my trades, and, the. Trade increased. Associated. With, with it so. When I combine to put on to putting Excel. Spreadsheet, Nagina. Wakow. To. Monitor, or, keep track of all my trades, like. Eating a burrito, this is for my RSP, i Papa puddings spreadsheet. Code for my TFSA. And you. Would see here I started, November of 2016. And. Unbalanced. Porn America, and, I'm, trying to be as transparent as, I can is less than, nine. Thousand dollars per employee. Panco. Main, Invesco so. RSP paradigm. Boom acronym talks Ripon Simula. Poornima, bajo de Tejada. You. Know no coupon be dealing stock is data Rama with. A stock to stock, symbol DOL. Or dull boring. November, 21 2016. And. Then. Dunno, Pollack Simula on buy. And sell call trading, co Toronto. Stock Exchange. In. My first trading. Transaction. I only made 17 dollars someone, I'd probably have a non-oil Bank, I made. 100, dollars, and I'm. Only doing this, when. I have time because I also worked full, time so. When only only when I have time, or. Break during my work, I. Try. To check. The stock market, on my apps or, maple or, on the computer and see, what's going on.

So. My, titania burrito, on November. December January February. My. My. Profits, from, the passport month, it's. Not that big. Actually. It's too small. To. Upset you my trading, feast and being apparently. One. Of the reason poll because I'm buying. Stocks. That are quite, expensive. Relative. To, my starting, capital Casa Malayalam film capital code Ebola so. I need, to change some. Of my strategy, put that in posit reading. So. I. Was. Fortunate enough because. Team company capo I have a company RSP, a group, plan so. Imposed, on wanting money. That. I decided to, transfer to my Direct Investing account, because I need to increase my fun, so. I can scale up in my, investing. So. I, transferred. All. Of them all, of my company, RSP, to, my directly investing account I also. Decided to, still. Keep buying stock that are solid and stable but. That, are priced at around $40, or lower and. I. Also. Tried to maintain a safety, net, before. I buy, a stock. And. This, is by trading in, the, range or buying in range. Turnagain. Hammock Piniella Ito is cost averaging. And. I also. Tried to focus only in one to two stocks. That. Generate, an uptrend. As. You all know TSX, there's. Lots. Of companies hundreds. Of companies listed, in, TSX. So you, really have to decide, which one you want to follow. Parable. Mahaprabhu's. Closest at nail so. As I, continue. Doing, my trading from, February to August. My. Penny puddin, I started. Transferring. Some. Funds to. Increase. My. Capital. And then. I also. Began, buying. Cheaper. Stocks like Manuel Eric financials. And. Stantec. Sank. And then. As. A. Beginner you you, start to commit mistakes and sometimes well I I, buy stock. A. Higher price so, what I do I. Try, to have. A safety net I don't use all my capital. Usually, I just use a portion of it and then if. It goes down. The, following day or. Days. I can. Buy that again -. To. Bring the my, total. The. Total price. Of my stock lower. My. Attorney Polito like. The Stantec, I bought, it, 33. 82 on. May 8 and then, it, dropped. Down new, May 10 to, 30 359. So. Instead of selling the stock I decided to, buy. It again - to, bring the my. Losses. Lower. And. While. I'm doing all this training, bulletin. On PO I have, dividend, from. A particular. Company, that I bought in this case Stantec, I, received.

Like $90, because, I owe their stock. In. April, so. Unni. Mukundan telegin. And beginning the stock market you need dividend, which, the, x-plane could impose any on someone, a pseudonym, in video. So. This. Is the most important, thing when you're trading, stock, market, discipline. Discipline. Discipline, discipline. Upon attempt you, really have to. To. Discipline. Yourself when. To sell when to buy and and. Be. Patient. About. About. About. The stocks that you are following and. Of. Course one, of them is trying not to be too greedy. I hope, o-hisa poor son again Geico. I, should. Be contented, with at. Least 5% return, or less, whenever. I do my night, trading, and. Also I tried, not to get not. To be carried away, or. Not to get carried away by my emotion, especially poor but. Getting excited. When. When. You see your stock going, up. You. Decide. To sell it right away to, get the get. The profit, is, always there. Naina. Poor if the price of the stock goes up significantly. On. The. Other hand kappahd, big LuPone and drop in stock I. Tried. Not to panic because that's. When you make huge. Losses so. Cilantro. Stock exchanges the stock trading. When you start, to panic about. About. Your about, the stock that you bought that suddenly. Plummeted. And. As. I've said from the beginning I, have to try following my trading guide. Which. Is really hard to say. Which. Is really hard to do easier. Said than done again. As I, as. I've said from the beginning I. Try. To follow my trading, guide. That's. Why I discipline, is very important. When. You're doing trading. In. Stock market. I don't, know poor young the rest of my trading in. 2017. From August to December and, you would. See here. Now. When two people the, English nonprofit, ginko. Because. Of the changes I made in my, strategy. And. You. Would see that, throughout. The whole year of 2017. My, profits, have, improved I, have, an accumulated. Profit. Gain of five thousand three hundred eighty seven and, I, paid five hundred twenty, seven trading, tips Deep. Ecology and the before. Unlike. Samana professional structure traders. That, they really make hundreds. Of thousand a capo, because, I'm just beginning. I'm. Just starting. And malignant twin capital code so, to, learn poor young, gains. I. Made. But. Relative. To my starting, capital that's. Already, equivalent, to at. Least 20 percent port so, it can go compare insurance a bank on a beanie be sat in this what. Three. To five percent lung maximum. Say it was. Mallory Pugh potala gun potential. Commissioner, Malecha, in. Trading stock. Market so, just over lonely boy highlight, human. Young. There's. Two particular trades, I did in the. Last, quarter of 2017. That. I want, to. Show. You. Especially. How. How, why. Did I buy that stock in, and. Why. Did I sell, it at this price. When. Operating in China ECA, I bought it November 7. 2017. At. 1640. And. Then I bought it again on. That same day at. 16 16 because. Call. Upon your pie banana video, um priced on some stock it changes, every, minute every second, in. A duration of a day, so. Gonna. Poke. Unpredictable. On some stop. When. You're doing your training so, so, guys the. Reason why I buy in in range is to, minimize loss to, reduce my losses because. When. You buy a stock no. One really knows if it's gonna go up or. Down after. You bought it. That's. Why but. I made in Pomona traders. Lose. A lot of money the, stock market because, it's really unpredictable, but. If. You follow, some, of the trends some, of the technical analysis, in. A gamete analyst. It, will help you make an educated guess, when you buy a stock so at. The podium and Canada banila co I bought. It twice at two different price in that, same day and. Actually. On. That day on closing price, tempo is 1631. To. Pouillon. So. You, will see as the day goes by Mumbai. Pune Mumbai impression. And stock. It. Even reach as. Low as. $15. And. At, opening some vodka caramel a I bought. The price near, at its resistance, price. Which. Go against my trading guy deep over but. Based. On my analysis, I saw an uptrend, on the price, so. I hold. My like I, kept calling and the, stock for a couple of days. But, again you'll see here the stock failed to as low as pork in 27, so. I did to put a leg on mention of papinek now because, my, loss is getting bigger so I've decided to set a limit sell, price to rim to contain.

My Losses but, I ended up on the Mahina lumahai you know Cisco. But. But. Because I believe that this stock will still go up based on the trend an uptrend. Which. Is this one. Now. If. I will project that it. Could still, reach, 1750. I still. Hold I still. Kept. Holding the, stock and you. Bob my patience, did paid off the stock price, did went up, and. In. December 29, of, 2017. I decided. To sell the stuff at 1683, after. Holding it for 8 weeks, so. I, made. A profit of 969. So. When you pawn stock market guys. You. Have to be really patient and in, this case I waited. For. 8 weeks to. Make, some profits from stock market. Because. Based on the trend that, heat generated. It. Still, went up. But. Again even. Though I made four of it I still. Made a mistake guys because, I sold it too, early because. If. I will, stick with the trend. The. Stock could still reach up to. 1750. D Papa and indeed. It reached around 1780. But. I sold it too early, I, should have waited, for. The stock to reach at. That resistance, level. So. I should have made more money so. You saw someone report a harmonica. I should. Have been plated more. For. The stock to reach the resistance, level before I sold, the stock another, one PO this. Is a say. No boost energy or CVE. And. Then I. Bought. It. Back. In. September. Guys, and. First. At 1275. I. Bought. It in September 25 and then it went down to 12 46 and I. Bought it again, after. 2 days but, again, you will see here. I. Bought. The price at. At. Its resistance, level, because. I got carried away by my by the pricing. Price. Machado. Honey excited because, the price of the stock keep rising I decided. To buy but. Which. Is go against my guide which is only buy the stock when it is at its support level nonetheless. I, saw. An uptrend on this top you. As you could see here. That. This, top could still go high up to this resistance. Level. But. Make. It on your Pole as, the day goes by boom bah and then imagine play shouldn't stop. For. A couple of days and, it's. Settled there for. More. Than a week or two or even months but. I tried, not to panic, especially. In this kind of situation, when the price drops, I. Kept. The stock because. Based. On the trend it's going, up. As, I project the line there but the stock drop, as low as 11 9 t 1 on October, 12 so. I just kept holding into it. For. Support it's a stock market, you. Will only lose, money if you sell your stock they're open if you will keep holding into it knowing. Or hoping that it will still go up in the coming weeks or months then, you will not have a loss so. Can you - Quinn you know ma petite oh I just kept holding into it hoping now it will go up for. The next coming days and, again. My patience, paid off it. Did when up on. November, 2nd, it. Went up at 13 36 and, I sold them at, 1323, on that day so. I made a profit of around. 1400. On. That day because. Again, I followed, my, analysis, that this has, an uptrend, that, if. I'll be patient to, wait for that. UPS. Uptrend, then I'll. Make a profit, however. Guys, again. Another mistake, I got. Carried away I sold it too early I should, have waited for, the. Price, to reach at its resistance, level. Which. Is around. Around. Here which is 15, or 14. 75, but. I sold it too early I should have it I should have made more money if. I waited for the price to which the, resistance level but because I trusted my analysis, I still made money. After. A couple of weeks so. You can see here this is the resistance, level sporting kitty and. So. Because I know it's still gonna go up I bought it again the following day and, sold. It at the same day and, still made 2010, because. Of that uptrend. That. It. Is showing, it. Closed at 1448, on November 8th so again. Actually. I sold. It too early again, because. I want to make profit. Right away I sold, it too early if I waited until November, 8th I should. Have. Made. More profit. So, the opponent octopus, are nothing equal, among video sign. Up on me attitude on KO and. It. Women are mistaken and I go up all while I'm trading I sign. Up oh I'm a too long so you know fungus in your Telugu mug in the stock market because. You will not always win in in in in stock market you. Will, lose money but. If you know how to manage, your losses contain, your losses. At. The end you will still win, so. Maraming, salamat PO maha boowa am poor supporting, our videos please, watch, keep watching, them and subscribe.

Our, YouTube. Channel, Cabaye an investor, Canada and you, can email us or contact us at kabayan investor. At gmail.com or, follow, us at Facebook page combined, investor, Canada holy. CR and next, videos Papa, heat also enjoy human at reading Kuna man in 2018. And at. The pole Daytona's, major not being risky, aho I took more risk and, my. Akito-kun. A new poll Yuma, getting a result of taking. Too. Much risk stop again the stock market Rama. Salaamed p'malee and awaken.

2019-04-07 16:34

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Ginamit mo ung rrsp n funds mo for investing?

+jhet baltazar Hello Jhet only the contribution on RRSP you get tax refund like if you continue putting fund sa RRSP mo and not from the gains you get from stock trading so i still continue adding to my RRSP because CRA knows how much money is added to your RRSP but they dont care how much you earn from trading

+jhet baltazar Usually if you will put money on your RRSP every year, you will get a refund depending on you annual income and contribution. And once the money is already inside an RRSP account, you can use that to invest in stock market.

+Kabayan Investor Canada ohhh i see... that's what I thought... pero mganda din xa kc additional investment un so pede k mag refund s tax tama b ko?

+jhet baltazar Any gain you make in RRSP stays in RRSP. If you want to withdraw it, then you have to pay tax.

+Kabayan Investor Canada really galing ahhh pede pla un... So ung kita b eh pede mung makuha or s rrsp din xa mapupunta?

Yes Jhet, I'm investing my RRSP and TFSA in stock market for 3 years now :-)

Taga san po kayo sa Canada?

Hello Keith taga Edmonton Alberta kami sa Canada

@jhet baltazar Hello Jhet only the contribution on RRSP you get tax refund like if you continue putting fund sa RRSP mo and not from the gains you get from stock trading so i still continue adding to my RRSP because CRA knows how much money is added to your RRSP but they dont care how much you earn from trading

@jhet baltazar Usually if you will put money on your RRSP every year, you will get a refund depending on you annual income and contribution. And once the money is already inside an RRSP account, you can use that to invest in stock market.

@Kabayan Investor Canada ohhh i see... that's what I thought... pero mganda din xa kc additional investment un so pede k mag refund s tax tama b ko?

@jhet baltazar Any gain you make in RRSP stays in RRSP. If you want to withdraw it, then you have to pay tax.

@Kabayan Investor Canada really galing ahhh pede pla un... So ung kita b eh pede mung makuha or s rrsp din xa mapupunta?

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