Just What is AIR CANADA Missing? 787 Business Class

Just What is AIR CANADA Missing? 787 Business Class

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so welcome aboard the air canada 787 signature class just a six hour flight tonight over to dublin ireland so here's the thing well hello welcome to the air canada maple syrup maple leaf lounge in toronto canada and tonight we're taking a ride with our candidate on board a boeing 787 dreamliner in business class well we haven't even got on board the aircraft yet and already air canada are really not setting me very high expectations um our connecting flight into here from atlanta was four and a half hours late um because they hadn't got any pilots to fly the plane um which was a bit frustrating um and we got stuck down there for ages didn't we we did and um and it was just handled it was just handled really badly there was like nobody anywhere and we kind of put it down to the fact that they were stressed because there's not many people for there was actually a lot of people flying but there wasn't many staff around to help anybody um but then we got to toronto and we ended up sitting for another 30 minutes on the ramp before they even taxied onto the stand because they hadn't got any ground crew at the airport to disembark people off the planes after a four and a half hour delay we had another half an hour waiting outside didn't we before they yeah um let us park the plane or let the pilots park the plane onto the stand so yeah not doing too great so far fortunately we do have quite a hefty connection here and it's the only saving grace and it's left us with three hours here um at the maple leaf lounge to sit and chill for a bit before we take tonight's ride over to dublin um with our canada on the dreamliner let's hope it gets a little bit smoother let's hope so i've got high hopes there canada come on we can do this guys and all that cheers guys cheers guys oh hang on let me do that again hang on cheers [Music] right so we're on our way down to the gate we are an hour and five minutes delayed so it wasn't quite as smooth sailing as i was hoping but never mind we're heading down to the gate to get the air canada dreamliner across to dublin tonight it's right across the atlantic was this boeing 787-9 dreamliner delivered new to air canada in october 2017. so i'm here with a fellow passenger on air canada flight 800 tonight heading to dublin are you looking forward to the flight awesome yes another fellow passenger annalise morana you looking forward to the flight no no well there we have it 50 50 split half are looking forward to it for not actually 75 because i've got 200. there we go more live news at 6 which is yeah my attempt at a k burley impression complete it was time to get on board our ride for the six seven and evening so i'm down the left right so we are six and seven eighty g and k so and here on this side air canada's dreamliners in this comfy one two one configuration they use the same be aerospace super diamond seats found in quite a few business class products with their own subtle twists my home for the night seat 7a [Music] so welcome aboard the air canada 787 signature class they call you apparently and their business class products here on air canada and it's pretty nice indeed um quite a lot of leg room here of course flatbed and everything as a standard in business class on most airlines nice big tv there which we'll look at in a little while storage down here and we've got the standard usb port three pin plug all the rest of that ram you've seen enough of these videos now you know what it's like um in that pot there a bit of a light there all the seat controls as well which is just here which is pretty cool it feels quite spongy this seat i wonder if it's one of those where they do that weird mattressy sort of massage thing that you get on a lot of business class products i will try it out in a little while but plenty of storage anyway um we've got more storage down here more storage down here and even more just down here and it's very nice very nice indeed um just a six hour flight tonight over to dublin ireland um so looking forward to it um what else we've got around the sea let's have a look travel essentials essentials do voyage i don't know we'll look at that in a bit and loads of bedding as well like right we have half of bed bath and beyond here in the footwell ready to make a nice comfy bed for later in flight so yeah nice and comfy looking forward to the ride over to dublin [Music] all right let's have a quick look inside this travel essentials pack essentials let's have a look and i'm going to pop out my little tripod thing on there and we can have a look at what's inside this hang on hang on hang on hang on all right oh there we go we have it's a minity kit that will go through later we have set of headphones maybe try them later if i'm not sleeping and we have oh it's the rest of this stuff look loris benziconium chloride wipes of course always essential to get your benzer clomino chlorine ripes whatever they are and then we've got like a little pack from signed personally by dr jimmy chung the chief medical officer of air canada containing a face mask we got one of those thank you and hand sanitizer and other bits and pieces inside um yeah as is standard in a lot of airlines these days they give you this little sort of covered pack thing so um yeah all good we'll go through that minty kit in a little while because it's looking pretty good actually can't wait to go through that all right so i'm gonna go direct to my roving reporter in seat 7d rach what do you think to the air panel the dreamliner yes it's it's better than the virgin that you sent me on before i didn't quite always say something it's better than the virgin laid splat out on the floor or something i don't know but anyway um yeah there we go from the peanut gallery we have our answer pretty soon the crew came around with the dinner menu which seemed very well presented service tonight would be a dinner served after takeoff and breakfast before landing into dublin there was quite a decent selection of wines as well which i made sure to note for later in the flight [Music] sam's found the games caveman it's like a parkour game oh an arcade game okay i don't want arcade games my hearing's shocking tonight isn't it incomplete [Music] so join canada has to us happen place your feet right on the floor and top of head against the seat in front of you or rest your head and chest into your butt grasp your ankles or wrap your arms onto your legs there are four exits located on each side of the aircraft [Music] [Music] [Music] our route tonight then took us east out of toronto to cross quebec new brunswick and newfoundland out into the atlantic before coasting in over western ireland and landing in dublin flight time tonight was 5 hours and 42 minutes cruising at 37 and 38 000 feet so an airborne from toronto on board the air canada 787 dreamliner and i have to say i really do love a good dreamliner takeoff it's one of the smoothest aircraft out there on that take-off it's just incredible and at night when you're flying out of a city like toronto seeing all of those lights spread out underneath you it's just absolutely incredible um so we're now airborne heading towards europe now just come round with a glass of wine which is very nice time to have a quick look at this amenity kit if i can figure out how to get into the thing oh there we go right okay cool we got what we got let's have a look let's have a look let's have a look um collection of skin care essentials with a refreshing oil complex designed to elevate your travel experience one of them we got i don't know what that is a little cloth for wiping yourself or your things not for wiping yourself that's just wrong um what we got in here oh like a dental kit and a toothpick and all that sort of rubble that's quite good and of course we get a pair of socks you always get a pair of socks i've never once worn a pair of socks on a plane they're quite stylish actually air canada black and red very cool and of course ear woods and an eye mask which i shall take full advantage of later on in the flight so far so good the crew have been really friendly they've been really good with the kids as well um which is always nice when the crew are just so like child friendly effectively um looking after the kids making sure they've got everything they need um it's all really good really impressed so far we are an hour and a half late um but it just seems to be a standard thing unfortunately with their calendar that you just have to pad your time in a little bit to make sure that you aren't disappointed when you are inevitably late um which is fine so that's exactly what we've done five hours and something back to dublin now waiting for me dinner and then i'm gonna try and get some rest [Music] all right so dinner is served we've got a nice starter here tuna salad [Music] bread let's see what this tastes like everything comes with plastic lids these days which is alright i tried to think how much plastic is being used since the whole coved thing like plastic usage was always such a big issue wasn't it um about cutting everything down being sustainable and everything else and since kobe's happened like it's like that's all gone out the window and there's just plastic plastic and more plastic anyway run over nice little dish of tuna trying to do this while holding my mic at the same time great that's all right i've got to be quick i was too busy filling in these passenger located forms for the entire party um which i've just finished and by the time i've finished them they've finished their stars and we're handing out the main courses so yeah more awesome things about traveling during kobe it's quite nice quite nice actually this is very well presented it's actually really difficult taking a nice arty farty video of the food when you're going through turbulence and being bounced around but anyway main course is here and we've got beef tenderloin and mashed mashed potato oh let's give this a go is lovely those are so nice really really good food i'm enjoying this so far the food's amazing the crew are great the seats are fantastic the delay is an issue but hey it's not too bad so yeah having a really good time so far on there [Music] right so bedtime um and put the bed down it's in the flatbed position it doesn't seem to be particularly flat unfortunately it's not quite a lie flat bed as far as i can work out which is strange because this is the super diamond be aerospace see there usually is a completely flat bed that's kind of very slightly angled um it's still very comfortable and very nice to lay down on plenty of room oh my feet can stretch all the way forward and i can lay completely flat which is nice um it's just interesting um i'm gonna try and get some sleep now so we've got about four and a half hours or so until we arrive into dublin um but see what sleep i can get on tonight's flight um but in the meantime i'll see you in the morning good night oh good morning slept for quite a few hours actually about an hour an hour until we run down into a dublin on the air calendar 787 and um yeah quite a nice night's sleep it wasn't the most comfortable i mean the trouble is if you lay on your side you've sort of have that table there which makes it quite tight and down here shoulder room is very tight as well so that's the only thing really i don't understand why because it's the same standard seat you get on a lot of aircraft but it seems to be a little bit tighter but anyway never mind about just over an hour and after we land down in dublin it looks like an absolutely beautiful morning outside um before we start our descent down into dublin right bathroom on the air calendar 787 dreamliner and it's a dreamliner bathroom with a view like gorgeous gorgeous dreamliner engine and it's a loo that's covered in meat leaves so you can sit and look at your lovely meat beliefs while you're doing your business um yeah it's okay it's all right it's an airplane bathroom i don't know what i have to do with these reviews let me know down in the comments if you still want me to do these because they should just walk into a toilet and show you a toilet and walk out those businesses um so far so good yeah breakfast it was all pretty decent um i will be laughing in a little while down in dublin so here's the thing people have been asking me to try air canada for the absolute longest time and i've been wanting to fly on them for the absolute longest time too so to get the chance to fly on them on the strip well i was really looking forward to it and it's a decent product it's not bad i mean it's got nice seats it's got a nice service and everything but then i kind of look at it and i think it's the same seats that's on ninety percent of business class products out there it's the same seat that loads of other airlines have the service yeah it's good but this standard business class service there's no kind of wow factor necessarily about it and the food as well was again it was good but just it was business class food you know and i don't know it just this product doesn't seem to have the wow factor that a lot of other carriers have particularly on the north american market you know you've got united with their polaris you've got delta with their one suites even west yet i mean they have got us the same seat as this on their dreamliners but they offer a really cool selection of like canadian cuisine they've got like poutine and iced tea and things on there that set them apart and canada i don't really get the feeling that there is much of that i don't know it's reliable i suppose apart from the delays wise but the product itself is pretty safe it's the same that you get on 90 of other business class products but it just doesn't have that thing that sets it apart and i think it would be so cool if they did they've got so much opportunity to do that and they just don't [Music] and that's the thing air canada do have a very good business class products there's just no denying that but when it comes to marketing they have so much more potential to make it a truly canadian experience and really set themselves apart from all the other airlines operating across the atlantic now what that wow factor is i don't actually know but what i do know is that delays aside they still offer a really solid business class product that rivals the best operating across the pond [Music] my flight tonight was part of a round trip from dublin to atlanta and worked out at a cost of 622 pounds or 858 us dollars which works out to a cost of 19 pence per mile flights during kobe have been very reasonably priced if you've been able to take them but ultimately they're all starting to increase in price now as more countries open up their borders again as always i'd like to say a big thanks to my patrons you can join them at the link on the screen now for access to my whatsapp group live weekly zoom calls with me and much more [Music] [Music] [Applause] easy thank you all right well here we are then back at dublin in ireland how did you find air canada sam um very good actually very good actually three screens one that was a by a full-on portable gaming console the main monitor and then you could control your seat with like a screen you could control the seat with the touch screen it's not the best thing isn't it sound yeah um let us know what you thought to uh canada down in the comments but in the meantime we're off to the next adventure take care see you on the next one bye for now

2021-09-28 02:53

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