Jeff Bezos Talks Amazon, Blue Origin, Family, And Wealth

Jeff Bezos Talks Amazon, Blue Origin, Family, And Wealth

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If. Welcome, to Berlin thanks it's great to be here I have, to tell you when we were sitting in the first row just a couple of minutes ago when the heartbeat. Was. There Jeff looked at me and I was breathing in and out and he looked at me and asked what years are you nervous he said yes I'm always nervous on occasions, like that then, he said so. Am I really. The, richest man the world is nervous because he received the Oxford Springer award. So. Be, a, bit forgiving. We. Are both nervous. Jeff, we are so glad to, really celebrate you tonight, most. Importantly, apart from all the reasons, that. We heard, because. You are role model for other young. Founders. For, entrepreneurs, who really have great. Ideas crazy, ideas, unconventional. Ideas and need. Encouragement to simply do it and go, for it and you have shown it to the world so that is, really for. Me the. Most important, thing and in. That context, the first question you. Used to work in New York as an investment banker so in an investment banker is actually the exact opposite, of an entrepreneur, he's delegating, risks to other people and basically. How. Did you find out how, did you think. That you should move from Investment. Banking to really launch a company I. Think. I'd always wanted, to do it even since I was a kid I had the idea of, the people who every time I look at something it, looks like, it could be improved, you know there's something wrong with it so I go through it like how, could, this restaurant. Be better how could you, know and so, I've always had that kind of idea by, the way before we really, get into this the, how about this amazing, production. The, you and your team have put together this is truly incredible it for, its originality, like, these boxes. That you were filming live that's just crazy, cool, so thank, you like it. It's. Incredible, but, I think, the. Great thing about humans. In general is, we're, always improving things and so entrepreneurs. And. Inventors. And. You know if they follow their curiosity. And they, follow. Their passions, and they figure something out and then they figure how to make it better and they're never satisfied. And. And, you need to harness that in my view you, need to harness that energy. Primarily. On your, customers. Instead. Of on your competitors. And so where I see I sometimes see, companies. And even young small. Startup companies entrepreneurs go, awry is they start to pay more attention to their competition than, they do to their customers, and I, think that that I, think.

That In big mature industries. That. Can be that might be a, winning. Approach, in some cases kind, of close following, let other people be the pioneers, and you. Know and, go, down the blind alleys there's many things that a, new inventive, company, tries won't work, and. So those mistakes, and errors and failures do cost real, money and. And and so maybe in a mature industry that we're growth rates are slow and changes, very slow but, as you see in the world more and more there. Aren't very many mature. Industries, change is happening everywhere, you know we see it in the automobile industry with. Self-driving, cars and but, you could go right down the line of every industry and you would see it but, wait do you have any idea where where your ambition, really comes. From what was, driving you I really. Don't know, you. Know my I've been passionate about certain, things, forever. And I fell, in love with computers, in fourth grade I got very lucky my. Elementary, school had. A teletype. That got connected to a mainframe computer that, some business, and, downtown. Houston, donated, a little bit of computer, time to this is you know you can picture these teletypes. They had the punch tape and they. Had 300. Baud modem you, would dial up the phone and put it in the cradle and so, we had some time sharing on that mainframe computer, none, of the teachers knew how to use it so me and two other kids date after school and sort of figured out how to do it and figure it out and kind of taught ourselves programming. From, books I think, one thing that is I. Got. Very, lucky early, in my childhood look we all get, gifts. And. We, get certain. Things our life that our that. We're very lucky about and one, of the most powerful one is who your early role models are you know you could think it was your grandfather. It was in a big sense maybe my mom and dad but my grandfather too, and. You. Know I had my mom had me when she was. 17. Years, old and she, was still in high school in, Albuquerque New Mexico and, this, is in 1964. I can assure you that being. A pregnant, teenager. In high school was not cool in Albuquerque, New Mexico at, that time and. So. It's. In, so. It was a very it, was difficult for her my, grandfather, went to bat for her they, tried to kick her out of school and you know he, they're. Incredible, I had so, the gift I had is I had this incredible, family could, you describe a little bit the role of your grandfather, because sure let's mentioned it I think it was it. Was super, important, for me and and I spent, an unusual, amount of time with. My. Grandparents. And especially with my grandfather, on the ranch so he had a ranch in South Texas and, I. Would spend my summers there from age 4 to 16, and, they when I was four they were taking, me for, the summer to kind of give my parents a break you. Know it's sort of because they were so young. And. It, was useful and I was a handful, I'm sure and. And. Anyway, hee, hee hee, hee created. The illusion for me when I was 4 years old that I was helping, him on the. Ranch which. Of course could, not have been true but. I believed, it and, and. Then it's by the time I was 16 of course I was actually helping on the ranch I you know I could I can fix prolapsed, cattle, I can you, know we did all of our veterinary. Work some. Of the cattle even survived. And we. Fixed windmills, and laid you, know water pipelines, and built fences, and barns, and fix, that fixed the bulldozer that you guys talked about and so, one, of the things that's so interesting about, that, lifestyle. And about my grandfather, is he. Did everything himself. You, know he didn't call of that if one of the animals was sick he figured out what to do himself and.

So. What does it mean no delegation being resourceful, I think is the you know that you can always you can't if there's a problem there's. A solution and of. Course as you as you mature, and, and get into the business world and anything you do on a team you very quickly realize that it's, not about just your own resourcefulness. It's about team, resourcefulness, and how does that work and, but. That attitude, of my grandfathers was. Very but he was full of wisdom you know John, mentioned the story about the, words, my grandfather gave to me at one point of it's. It's harder to be kind than clever that, story, the the slightly longer version of that story because this was really powerful wisdom. Is that, I made my grandmother, burst into tears and the. Way I did it was we were driving. On a long road trip and she. Was a chain-smoker. And this, was I was probably I, don't, know ten years old so this was around. 1974. And, it. Was in a period of time where there were heavy, radio, advertisements. Sort of anti-smoking. Radio. Advertisements. Trying to convince people to stop smoking and, one, of the advertisements, had. This figure. In it it said something like, every. Puff of a cigarette takes, so. Many minutes off of your life I think it was two minutes but I can't remember every, puff of a cigarette so I sat there in the backseat on this. Long, car. Ride and calculated. How many years, she. Had, taken off of her life and, in. My ten-year-old. Mind, I had been extremely clever to do this and so when, I was finished with my arithmetic, I. Proudly. Announced to her how, many years she had taken, off of her life, and I. Got a reaction, I did not expect. With, her bursting into tears and so, my grandfather stopped, the car, and he. Took. Me out of the car and I had no idea what's about to happen because he, had never said a cross word to me and I thought his he might actually be angry with me but he wasn't he took me out just cuz so she we had some privacy from her and he, said this these incredible. Words that you're gonna he said you're gonna figure out one day that. It's harder to be kind than clever. Actually. Your brother also plays an important role you have a very good religiously. Try that he's still a firefighter, he is he's a volunteer firefighter, in Scarsdale New York he's also the funniest person I know when. I'm with him I'm just laughing continuously. First of all I'm a good audience, I you know I I. Laugh, easily. But, but, he he, is really. Very very. Funny and my sister too we're all very close and I, have my mother to, thank for that because, she worked hard to make sure as we grew up that we stayed close together and she. Takes all the grandkids for one week every summer so that me and my sister and our spouses can go on a trip together so, we end up spending a lot of time together, for. Me the most moving image that we saw tonight is the one that John showed. Where, you and Mackenzie are preparing. The, table the famous table, which, is very. Moving because it shows how he really starts from the very scratch, I mean and, also. It illustrates, symbolically, that it was the the launch of Amazon was really something that you did together. Oh yeah but you tried a little bit what, Mackenzie's, role was. Mackenzie. You know she had married this stable, guy working, on Wall Street and a. Year after we got married I, went to her and said I want to quit my job, move. Across the country and, start this. Internet. Bookstore, and Mackenzie. Of course like everybody that I explained this to her. First question was what's the internet because, nobody knew this is, 1994. And, but. But, she even, before she could say what's the internet she said great let's go, because, she, wanted to support. It and she knew that I had always had this passion for invention. And and. And and starting a company and so. Again. I think you, know McKenzie. Is an example of this but. It's. Talking about with my my mom and my, dad who's a Cuban immigrant and you have he, came to the, US when he was 16. And refugee. Camp in the Everglades, they. Are, they're. So loving, and supportive, that when you have loving and supportive people in your life like McKenzie my parents my grandfather, my grandmother you.

End Up. Being. Able to take risk because. I think it's one of those things you know it, doesn't. You. Kind of know somebody's, got your back and, so it's just as you're. Thinking about it logically it's an emotional, thing so, for, me you, think that unconditional laughs if you feel and experience unconditional laughs it's I think. By. The way I think it's probably true of all kinds of risks in life not just starting, a business I mean life is full different risks and I think that when. You think about the things that you will regret when, you're 80 they, are almost always, the things that you did not do they are acts of omission they're. Not you're not very, rarely are you gonna regret. Something that you did and it failed and didn't work or whatever but the acts of omission the, thing you know it's, not and I got I'm not just about business things it's like you. Know I, loved. That person and I never told. Them and then you know 50. Years later like why didn't I tell her you know why didn't I go after it so, that's the kind of that's, the kind of life regret, that is very hard to. Be. Happy about when. You're telling, yourself in, a private moment that. Story, of your life, so. I think it's it's anyway, I have been I've. Been won that lottery I won that lottery of having so, many people in my life. Who. Gave, have given me that unconditional. Love and and I do think you know Mackenzie's definitely one of those and so we moved and then, Mackenzie, who. Has officially no. Skill. In this area at all really. I mean you're the least suited person for this she, did our accounting. For. Like the first year was, it the first year something, like that and, she. Did it well I mean that's really that's, what's amazing my, wife is a is a novelist, she's won the American Book Award. You, know Toni. Morrison, and the Nobel Prize winning author who, is Mackenzie's, teacher at Princeton, so, did she, said. On Charlie, on the Charlie Rose show that, Mackenzie, Toni Morrison, the no oppressor said about Mackenzie the Mackenzie, was. Her best student ever and. So anyway, she's Mackenzie, there's a very talented novelist, but she is not an accountant. But. She pulled it off and then you know again you know just we all get done what we need to get done did she then suggests that you focus on book business at the beginning the author no I there was you already I picked, books it is true you know she's a big reader I'm a big reader but the but, that's not why I picked books I picked books because. There. Were more items, in the book category, than any other category and, so you could build, Universal. Selection, there were three million in 1994. When I was, pulling. This idea, together the. The, the three million different books active, and in print at any given time in the largest physical bookstore has only had about a hundred and fifty thousand, different titles and so, I could see how you could make a bookstore, online with Universal, selection, every, book ever printed even, out of print ones was the original vision for the, company and so that's why books and when did you know that Amazon, is going to.

Be Something way bigger than just a bookstore well, I knew that the books strangely. Because I was very prepared for this to take a really long time I knew that the books. Business, was gonna be successful in the first thirty days I was shocked, at. How many books we sold we were ill-prepared. You. Know I had we, had all the we, had only ten people in the company at that time and most of them are software engineers and so everybody including, me and the suckers were all like packing boxes, we, didn't even have packing, tables, and down, we were on our hands and knees on a concrete floor packing, the boxes, and about. You know 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning I said to one of my software. Engineering colleagues, I said. You. Know Paul, we. This is killing my knees we, need to get knee pads and Paul. Looked at me and he's like Jeff we, need to get packing, tables. And. I was, like oh my, god that is such a good idea the, next day I bought packing, tables and it doubled our productivity, and probably, saved our backs and our knees to. Amazon. Had serious, crisis is in 2000, oh you went almost. Bankrupt. So what, went wrong and what did you learn we, had, so many there's been so many we. Haven't had any existential, crisis. Knock on wood if, I don't, want to jinx anything. But. We've had a lot of, kind. Of dramatic. Events I remember. There. Early, on we. Only had 125. Employees. When. Barnes and Noble who the big you at united states bookseller. Opened. Their online, website. To compete against us Barnes and we'd had about a two year window we opened in 95, they. Opened in 97, and at, that time all of the headlines and the funniest were about how we were about to be destroyed. By this much larger company we had 125. Employees and. 60. Million dollars, a year in, annual sales, 60 million with an M and, that. And. Barnes, and Noble at the time had, 30,000. Employees and. About. Three, billion dollars, in sales, so, they, were giant, we were tiny and we. Had limited resources and, the, the headlines, were very. Negative about Amazon, and the. One that's most minimal our memorable, was just, Amazon, toast. And. And. So. I called, it All Hands meeting which. Was not hard to do with just 125, people and, we got in a room and because it was so scary. For all of us this. Idea that now we finally had a big competitor, that, literally. Everybody's. Parents were calling and saying you know are you ok is the figure it's, usually the moms, calling. And asking their, children are you gonna be ok so and, I said look you know it, it's okay to be afraid but. Don't be afraid of our competitors, because they're, never going to send us any money, be afraid of our customers, and if we just stay focused on them and. Instead. Of obsessing. Over, this big competitor, that we just got that. Will be fine, and. I really do believe that I think that if you stay focused then the more. Drama. There is and, everything else no matter what the drama is whatever the external, distraction, is the. The what your response, to it should be to double, down on the, customer. Satisfying. Them not just satisfying their delighting, them yeah today. Amazon, is. Employing, five, hundred sixty, six thousand people you're probably the biggest. Job creator of recent. Times at. The same time you aggressively. Criticized, by unions, and by media. For, paying. Low. Wages for. Inappropriate. Working, conditions, how, do you deal with these, accusations, well. First. Of all when any criticism.

Aren't, My approach to criticism, and what I teach. And preach inside, Amazon is when. You're criticized, first. Look, in a mirror and decide. Are your critics right if. They're right, change. Don't. List no, but. Not in this case but we've had critics be right before and we've changed we have we have made mistakes and. You know I can go I can go through a long list though probably the one, of the early most painful, ones it's. It's so stupid, it's hard to believe how. We, ever did it but, I'm in, the early. On with the Kindle maybe the first year of the Kindle or the second year of the Kindle we. Had, accidentally. Illegally. Sold. For. Given, away I guess copies, of the. Famous. Novel 1984. Because. It had a complicated, copyright, history it was in. Copyright, in the US and not in the UK or something strange like this so it was in the public domain but only in certain geographies. And we, had screwed that up and. The. Somehow. And this, is this is a kind of mistake that only a corporation, can make an individual, can't make this mistake because. Somehow it's like it happens at the at. The intersections. Of the different teams so you've got the legal department saying. Oh crap we've made this mistake and, and, you've got the books team anyway. The. Answer that the, the, company. Came up with was. - without. Any notice or warning just. Electronically. Go, into, everybody's, kindle who had downloaded that book and just disappear. It. So. It would be as if we walked into your bedroom in. The middle of the night found. Your bookshelf, and just. Took. That book away and. And. So it was a hit so we were rightly criticized, for that it, was and, and and we we, responded, to that on the condition, and the issue of of, working, conditions I'm, very proud of our working conditions and I'm very proud of the wages that we pay you know in Germany we employ. 16,000. People we, pay at the high end of the range for any. Comparable, work so, is it a union right because, the union want to make sure that you are unionized, or what, is the real substance of the code it's a good question I you know and this is in my longer.

Version, Of how to deal with critics, because there are two kinds of critics. There. Are well-meaning, critics. Who. You. Know they, they're. Worried, it's not gonna work but, they do want it to work and so, it could be I can give you example customer reviews and be one of those when. We first did customer, reviews, 20. Years ago publishers. Were some book publishers, we're not happy about it because some of them are negative and, so it was very controversial, practice, at that time but we thought was right and so we stuck to our guns and, and and. And had a DP on that and didn't didn't didn't change. But. There's. A second kind of critic, which, is the self-interested. Critic and they come in all shapes and sizes you know they're so. They can be any kind of institution. Competitors. Of, course, and so, when you are doing some in a new way and if, customers, embrace, the new way, what's. Gonna happen is, incumbents. Who are practicing the older way are, not, going to like you and they're. Gonna be self-interested, critics, and so you do need if you're looking yourself in the mirror to try and tease those two things apart you. Know in our view you, know we have Verret, we have we, have workers councils, of course and we have very good communications. With our employees so we don't. Believe that we need a union to be, an intermediary, between us, or our employees but. Of course at the end of the day it's always the employees choice and, and. That's how it should be so we're but. But for sure we would be very naive to, believe, that, we're not going to be criticized, I mean that's just part of the terrain. You have to accept that when I tell people is if you're gonna be if you're gonna do anything new or innovative, you. Have to be willing to be misunderstood. If, you, cannot, if, you can't afford to be misunderstood. Then for goodness sake don't do anything new or innovative Maggie. Thatcher said leadership is not to be pleased by the moment, perfect. But. Your. Most prominent, critic at the moment is the President of the United States people. Are even saying that he may be willing, to prepare. Initiatives. To break up Amazon because it's too big it's too successful. It's too dominant in too many sectors, or for very other reasons, first, of all is this scenario. Of a brake of something that you take, seriously or. You. Think it's just a fantasy for. Me again, this is one of the things where you.

Know I focus. On a NASCAR. Teams to focus on what we can control, and I. Expect. Whether, it's you know the current US administration or. Any, other government. Agency anywhere in the world Amazon. Is now a large. Corporation. And I, expect, us to be scrutinized we. Should be scrutinized I think all large institutions. Should be. Scrutinized. And, examine, it's it's, reasonable. And, what's. You know one thing to note about us is that we. Have. We. Have we, have gotten, big, in absolute, terms only very recently so we've always been growing fast and percentage, terms but. In, in. 2010. Just eight years ago we. Had 30,000. Employees so. In the last eight years we've, gone from 30,000. Employees to, 560. Thousand employees so. For us it's. Kind of you know in my mind I'm still delivering, the packages, to the post office myself, you see what I'm saying I still it. I still have all the memories of, you. Know hoping that one day we could afford a forklift, and, so. Obviously, that's my my, intellectual, brain knows that's just not the case anymore, we have 560,000. Plays all over the world and, and. I. Know we. Should be scrutinized, and I think it's true of big government institutions. Should be scrutinized big, nonprofit, institutions, should be scrutinized big, universities. Should be screwed it just makes sense is it's a and that's by the way why. The work that the Washington Post and the other great newspapers, around the world do is so important, because they're, often the ones doing. That initial, scrutiny, even before the government agencies, do but in a way the general sentiment, towards the, big innovative. Tech companies. Has. Changed I mean Facebook. Google, Apple. Amazon. They used to be seen, as the nice guys in t-shirts that, are saving the world and now they're sometimes portrayed, as, the kind of evil, of the world, and. The, debate about the. Big four or the big five The. Economist, is, suggesting. Split, up. Of. Other, powerful. People, like, George Soros are giving speeches in Davos. The. EU, Commission is taking. Pretty tough positions, here do, you think that there is a change. In mindset in the society, and what should the. Big tech companies, what should Amazon, learn. From that or do with that I I think, I do sense I mean I think again I think it's a natural instinct, I think we humans, especially in, the Western world and, especially inside. Democracies. Are, wired. To, be. Skeptical. And, mindful. Of large, institutions of, any kind, skeptical I'm sure we're, skeptical of our government, always in the United States state, governments, local governments. I assume, it's similar in Germany it's. Healthy, because. They're big powerful institutions. You know the the police the military whatever, it is it doesn't mean that you don't trust them or that they're bad or evil. Or anything like that they're, just they have they. Have a lot of power and control and so you want to inspect them maybe that's a better word you kind of want to always be inspecting, them and I think if you look at the big tech companies, they. Have gotten, large enough that. That they, need they're going to be inspected, and and by the way it's not personal I think where some of the you can go astray on, this if you're the founder, of a company, one. Of these big tech companies or any other big institution, if, you, if you go astray on this you might start to take it personally, like, why are, you inspecting, me you. Know and and and I think that you, know I. Wish. That that. People would just say yes it's. Fine the whole attitude towards. Data. Protection, and privacy yeah, has always been different between Europe, and the United States but it's also at the moment, in. The context, of Cambridge and alayka changing, in the United States. What. Are the consequences for a company like Amazon and. I. Don't. You know my, view on on this, for, Amazon, is it is hysterical. Or is it I. Think. This is one of the great questions of our age you know we have I. Think. Of the internet so the Internet is this big new. Powerful. Technology. It's horizontal it affects every industry, and then if you think of even more broadly tech, and machine, learning and Big Data and all these these, kinds of things these, are big horizontal. Powerful. Technologies. And, in my view so, we've been at scale, the Internet is quite old at this point it's been around a long time but. At scale it's really only been around you know 10. Or 15 years it's so it's because, you know go back in time 20 years it was tiny and, so. At scale, units are only 10 or 15 years and, we. Have learn as a civilization, as, a human, species we, haven't learned how to operate it yet, so.

We're Still we're, we as a civilization, are, still figuring that out and so, it. Has, fantastic, it, gives us fantastic. Capabilities. I mean you know the fact that I can look up almost anything on Wikipedia. In five, seconds, is an unbelievable. Capability. That just simply didn't exist 20 years ago and. And. So, on and so on and so on there's so many good things but we're also finding, out that. That these powerful, tools enable. Some very bad things - like you. Know letting, authoritarian. Governments, interfere, and free. Democratic, elections around the world this is fall that's an incredibly, scary, thing. Advocating. A balance of let's say entrepreneurs, who are really, moving. Their businesses forward politicians. And regulators who, are defining a certain framework, society. Journalists. Who are asking. Role. In this which is what you asked, me is I think first, of all we have a duty, on behalf, of. Society. To try and help educate. Any. Regulators, you know give them our point of view on this sincerely. Without any cynicism, or skepticism this is what we believe and then. But. It's not altima our decisions, so we, will will. Work with any set of regulations that we're given ultimately, that society, decides, that we, will follow those rules regardless. Of the impact they have on our business, and we, will find a new way if need be to, delight customers so we will always, be, again. Some of these things which have to worry about is the. Problem, what. I would not want to see happen is. That. Is. You don't want to block invention. And innovation so, that's always the, the one. Of the things one of the unintended consequences. Often of. Regulation. Is that. It. Really, favors, the incumbents, now. Amazon, at this point is an incumbent so maybe I should be happy about that but but I wouldn't be because, I think for a society, you. Really want to see continued, progress you really want to see so to, the degree that we have regulation, you, want to be sure, that, it is. Incenting. Innovation, and not blocking it while at the same time protecting but data security, privacy. Encryption. You, know how do you. How. Do you safeguard. People's. Physical. Safety, against. Terrorists. And bad actors, all over the world and how, do you balance that, against. Privacy. These. Are very challenging questions, and, we. Are running out of time but we're going to answer them in a no in even a few years I mean I think it's going to be an ongoing thing for but data, security. And. Privacy, is, going to be a competitive, advantage for companies or disadvantage, is very respectful, with it I hundred. Percent agree with this and I think you know with, customers. One. Of the reasons we have been able to extend into new business areas, and first, of new product category is that going way back we just saw books and then we sort of soy music and DVDs, and electronics. And toys and so on and that we've extended in into. Electronic. Reading with Kindle the, reason customers, have been receptive in large part to our new initiatives, is because.

We Have worked hard, to earn trust with them earning. Trust with customers is is. A valuable, business asset and if, you. Mistreat. Their data they. Will know, they will figure it out customers. Are very smart, you should never underestimate customers. People. Are getting hungry but I have some brief, questions left, you. Aren't, preparing, a second headquarter it's going to be in the US why didn't you consider to do it in Europe I wanted. It in a time. Zone either in. We looked at Canada u.s. and Mexico, and. We. Still Toronto. It's. Not. When. You buy when you bought the post there. Were people saying well that's just a personal, toy he wants to have some political influence other people thought, that is a new strategic element, of Jeff's strategy, yeah, I. Yeah. Of course you can explain things to people but you can't understand, things to people and so I can I can, you. Know. All. I can do is is say, what really my thought process, was and, I, was not looking to buy a newspaper. I had, it, had never even crossed my mind. And. So. When the opportunity, came up because. I only came up because I had known Don Graham at that point for more than 15 years any. Of you who are lucky enough to know Don knows that he is the most, honorable, gentleman. That, she will ever meet you, know Don very well. He's. A remarkable guy and he, so loved the post that. He. Believed. Even though this was a huge personal, sacrifice, for him because I've been in his family for so long that he needed to find a new home for it, I think, he was I think, he didn't there were certain, purchasers, he was hoping would not end up buying the post. Because. He wanted it to remain independent. He. Went, so when he approached me with. This I said. You know I'm the wrong guy because, I don't know anything about the newspaper business and he, said that's okay because we have a lot of people at the post who know a lot about the newspaper, business and, what, we really need is somebody. Who knows something more about the Internet, and. The. Post was in, very difficult, financial, position, at that time and. So for. Me I had to decide.

What. It wasn't, hopeless and I didn't believe it was hopeless I thought I was optimistic that the post could be turned around and. Then, second. I had to decide did. I want to put my own time and energy into this and. And. And that for me I just had to ask the simple question is it an important, institution and. The answer is that question is yeah it was very obvious to me as soon as I thought about that way it's, like okay I think I actually can, help I can help in two ways I can provide the. Financial resources while, this turnaround occurs, and I, can also help with my internet knowledge and then, is it worth is it an institution, worth saving, you bet it's the it's the most, important, newspaper in, the most important. Capital, city in the, Western world crazy. Not to not. To save, that newspapers you're gonna be very happy when I'm 80 that I made that decision. I. Assume, that you have seen Steven Spielberg's film the post yeah yeah. I've seen it a couple of times so what is the lesson that you learned from that and could you imagine also to buy and save other newspapers, no, I I get that I get that request. Monthly. Yeah I get I get I really, do and I yes. And I told, them I know, I'm the post, is it for me I'm not in I'm, not interested, in buying other newspapers. But. I do I, do I watch that movie and. You. Know it's it's, helpful I love. That. Movie and also reading Catherine Graham's memoir. Which won a Pulitzer, Prize is an amazing, book. Because. It, it. Gets, me ready you know I as. The owner of the post I know that at, times the post is going to write stories they're gonna. Make. Very, powerful, people very unhappy, and you upset if they have writing critical stories about Amazon we do know I know when. I first bought the book. And. I never I would be humiliated. To interfere I would be so embarrassed, I would I would. Turn bright red and there's. Nothing to do with, I. Don't, even get so far I just don't want to for, me it would feel icky, it would feel gross. It would feel it would be one of those things when I'm 80 years old I would, be so unhappy, with myself if. I interfere why, would I, I want, that paper to be independent. So it's, in well we, have a fantastic editor, and Marty Baron we, have a fantastic publisher. And Fred Ryan the head of our technology, team a guy named Charlie she's fantastic. They. Don't need my help in the newsroom for sure, first, of all that's also an expert's job it would be like me getting on the airplane and going up to the front of the plane and saying the pilot should move aside let me do this you know. Could. You share with us briefly the vision of Blue. Origin and the idea of kind of space tourism with, renewable rockets super, important. To me in if I. Believe. On the longest, time frame and I really here I'm thinking of a time frame of a, couple hundred years. So. Over many decades I believe. And I get increasing, conviction, with this with every passing year the Blue, Origin the. Space company, is the most important, work I'm doing, and, so there is a whole plan. For. Blue rages so you'd say. Retail. Online. E-commerce. Publishing. And that's. All less relevant, yes and I'll. Tell you why and so first, of all of course I'm interested in space because I'm passionate about it and I've been studying. It and thinking about it since I'm a 5 year old boy but. That is not why I'm pursuing, this work I'm pursuing, this work because. I, believe. If we don't we will eventually, end up with a civilization. Of stasis, which. I find very.

Demoralizing. I don't want my great. Grandchildren's. Great-grandchildren. To live in a civilization, of stasis we, all enjoy us a dynamic, civilization. Of growth, and change and, and, let's, think about what powers, that we. Are not, really. Energy, constrained, and so let. Me give you just a couple of numbers, if. You take. Your. Body your, metabolic, rate, as a human, as just an animal, you eat food that's, your metabolism. You. Burn about a hundred, watts your power your. Your your body is about a hundred bits the same as a 100 watt light bulb, we're incredibly efficient, your, brain is about 60 watts of that amazing. And so. We. But. You know but if you extrapolate. In, developed, countries, where we use a lot of energy on average. In developed countries our. Civilizational. Metabolic, rate is 11, thousand, watts so. Our. If. In a natural, state you know where we're animals, we're. Only using a hundred watts in our. Actual developed, world state we're using eleven thousand, watts and it's, growing for, a century or. More it's been compounding. At a few percent a year our, energy usage as a civilization now. If you take baseline. Energy. Usage, globally. Across, the whole world and. Compound. It at just, a few percent a year for just a few hundred years you. Have to cover the entire surface, of the earth, in solar cells. So. That's the real, energy crisis, and it's. Happening, soon. And by soon I mean within just a few hundred years and so, we don't actually have that much time so what can you do well. You can have a life of stasis where you cap how much energy we get, to use if to work only on efficiency, by, the way we've, always been working on energy efficiency and, still. We grow our energy. Usage it's, not like we have been squandering, energy, we have been getting, better at using it with every passing decade and still, we've got so. Stasis. Would be very, bad I think now, take, the alternative, scenario where. You move out into. The. Solar system the solar system can easily support a trillion, humans and if. We had a trillion, humans, we, would have a thousand, Einsteins, and a thousand, Mozart's and, unlimited. For all practical purposes. Resources. From, solar power and so on why. Not that's that's. The world I want my, great grandchildren's. Great grandchildren, to live in and by. The way I believe that we will move all heavy, in that timeframe we. Will move all heavy, industry. Off, of, Earth and, earth. Will be zoned, residential. And light industry and it, will basically be, a very, beautiful planet we have robotic. Probes to. Every, planet in this, solar system now and believe. Me this is the best one, it. Is not even close but Jeff when can it buy the first ticket to do a little space we're gonna beat so that the first tourism, vehicle, will, we. May fly we won't be selling tickets yet but we may put humans in it at the end of this year or at the beginning of next year, we're. Getting very close you can work out from our engineers we're building a very large orbital, vehicle we've been working on that for more than five years it'll. Fly for the first time in 2020. And the, key is reusability, so, you mentioned, it the the, we cannot, this, civilization. I'm talking, about of you know getting. Comfortable living and working in space and having millions of people and then billions of people and then finally a trillion people in space. You, can't do that with space vehicles that you use once and then throw away it's. A ridiculous. Costly. Way to, get into space the most recent thing. That Amazon is planning is home Roberts assume. It's more than Alexa, walking, so, what's the vision behind it which I saw that rumor, in the press and I can't comment on that okay I see so it seems to be very serious. One. Of the most long-term, thinking. Entrepreneurs. If. It is about companies, and products, and services if, it is about, philanthropy you, recently. Said that you are very short-term think are you really want to deal with them now and here can, you explain that approach I think that's yeah, and. I'm gonna end up doing a mixture of things. We. Started, doing in Seattle. There's. A homeless, shelter called.

Mary's. Place run, by a woman named Marty and. And. That has really impacted my. Thinking. On this issue. Because. What I'm seeing, is that, when you of. Course I'm in, favor of all the I mean long-term, oriented. Philanthropy. Also is a good idea so, I'm not against, that it's. Just I'm finding I'm very motivated, by, the, here-and-now there so seeing, you know a lot of the homelessness that Mary's place works on is Tran and homelessness so when, you go study homelessness. They're, a bunch of causes, of homelessness. Mental. Incapacity. Issues, are very hard, to cure problem. You. Know serious. Drug addiction a very hard to cure problem. But. There's a the, other kind another bucket of homelessness which is transient, homelessness, which. Is you know a woman, with kids. The. Father runs away and he was the only person providing, any income and, they. Have no support. System they have no family, that's transient, homelessness you can really help that person and, you by the way only need to help them for like six to nine months you get, him trained think, you get him a job they're. Perfectly, productive. Members of society. Last. Week we have Bill Gates for dinner here and he said that he has a ridiculous, amount of money and it's so hard to find, appropriate, ways, to do good with the money so, what does money mean for you being the first person in, history that, has a net, worth of three. Digit amount of billion the only way that I can see to. Deploy. This much, financial. Resource, is by. Converting, my Amazon, winnings, into. Space. Travel, so, that's basically, Blue. Origin is expensive, enough to. Be able to use that fortune. And. I'm, currently. Liquidating. About a billion dollars a year of, Amazon, stock, to fund Blue. Origin and I. Plan, to continue to do that, for. A long time so. And you, know so because, you're in you're right you're not gonna you're, not gonna spend it on like a second, you know dinner out you know there's no. It's. You're not you know that's not what we're talking about so so, for me I'm very lucky because I feel like I, have. A. Mission, driven purpose, with Blue Origin that. Is I, think incredibly important. For civilization. Long-term and. I am gonna, use my, financial. Lottery, winnings from Amazon, to fund that with, regard to your personal lifestyle there are no guilty pleasures that you are doing doing unreasonable things with that, guilty, I mean I I. Have lots of pleasures, and you know we. Just came back from an amazing, trip. With. The kids McKenzie, and I did she. Planned the whole thing it was her birthday trip but she planned it all we went to Norway. For three days and we stated an ice hotel, we. Went dog sledding, we. We. Went. To a wolf preserve, and actually. Got to interact with you, know these. Timberwolves. I mean it was really an incredible. Vacation. Of, an incredible, holiday and all we got it all done in three and a half days so, it, was really it was amazing, wonderful Jeff Jon mentioned that's the last question John, mentioned that, you are an ideal, family, man. Kids. Are extremely important for you just mention that when we spoke earlier if. We would talk to your kids. Would. They criticize, their dead they would make. Fun of my singing oh okay. No. God okay, no they. Would. Make. Fun of my inability to remember exact. Words. I'm always quoting, like Churchill, or something and getting it wrong you know he he's, in there like that's not even close, to what, Churchill, said. They. Would. They. Would probably. Depending. On the moment they, might. Criticize. My, laughs. Their. Kids you know. But. But I I'm, lucky I have a very good relationship with him this work life harmony thing, is what I try. To teach young. Employees, actually in senior executives, at Amazon too but especially the, people come in I get we're asked about work-life balance all, the time and.

My View is that's a debilitating. Phrase. Because. It. It. Implies. There's a strict trade-off, and the reality is if I'm happy at home I come, into the office with tremendous energy and if I'm happy at work I come home with tremendous energy and so, it, actually is a circle, it's not a balance, and, and. I think that that is. It's. Worth everybody, paying. Attention to you want happier you never want to be that guy and we all know we, all have a co-worker, who. Is that person who, as soon as they come into the meeting they drain all of the energy out of the room you. Can just feel the energy level go that. You don't want to be that guy so, you want to come into the office and, give, everybody a kick in their step. Jeff. We thank, you very much we congratulate. You for you, have achieved thank you matt has a very. Nice.

2018-05-07 03:04

Show Video


All you loosers hating on billionares, i recommend you start thinking about your success road, you will value other's roads too

I don’t feel so good Mr. Stark....

Total don, got lots of respect for this guy.

I like Jeff, he's real, answers directly 90% of the time, is honest and seems to be a nice person who isn't all about the money.

God Bless Jeff Bezos and Amazon.

Answer the question please

Trump is just jealous that he’ll never be as successful as Bezos. Sad:(

his net worth is higher than most countries's gdp.

More videos like *this* , Business Insider.

DAT chromatic aberration though!

Plug for WaPo was shameless and undermined the rest of his argument for scrutiny. It is a completely political, dishonest publication. For him to call the Post “independent” under his ownership is laughable.

Jeff bezos seems like a smart guy, he might become very rich some day

TenthYoung he is the richest in the world lol

I just figured it out Jeff Bezos is Lex Luthor I know what you reminded me of somebody

I love that guy and want to kiss his head.

Ismail Gündogan wtf

Pay your employees fairly or pay more in taxes

Jeffs trying to sound wise but he dont know shit

100% lizard

Jeff Bezos instructs his journalists at the Washington Post to push his alt-left narrative. Bezos is a globalist.

That guy can buy a masnion with his pocket change

Wakanda isnt forever sadly

He's a lizard, he's struggling to maintain his human form at 10:03. Don't be fooled folks.

Jeremiah Lawrence stop watching Alex jones


Lucas M. Indeed.


It's Karl Marx's B-day, what an interesting time to upload a video about the richest guy !

Knyq Barbosa Europe is practically more socialist than those so-called commies.

I just made a damn reference to Mark's birthday, not like I'm supporting communism.

they all depend capitalism still to even exist in a global economy unless theyre really self-productive

Valiok 98 then explain China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam. (They are socialist but they call themselves Commies)

Knyq Barbosa communism is dead deal with it

I don't like this guy.... Bill Gates is so much more humble

Bill Gates is not humble. I don't remove the merit of his last activity, that is great, but in his entire life he has been a ruthless businessman. If you mean the "looks" more humble when talking, yes. But behind doors he is not. I don't think you can survive in business to that level otherwise.

Both are monsters beneath the mask

Jeff and his round table need to be put in timeout.

He’s a lizard creature, he tries to harness energy from smaller people he is not from this planet.

Felix Walton he's trying to go back where he comes from thru his space entreprise blue origine.

I like how he pretends to be human

Worst workplace: amazon warehouse

Jay Tee guess someone has never worked there.

Yomas A* they can quit and find jobs somewhere else

He looks so charismatic

The wealthiest individual on Earth, with that maniac cackling laughter? Hell yeah, he's charismatic.

Why is Gamora?


Fck Jeff Bezos

Im here to count the tumbleweed.

Liquidating a billion a year is nothing for him.

Great interview. Thank you for uploading! :)

Great interview! I am really happy that Jeff is on the media more than ever before. I love seeing him talk. I think I have watch pretty much all of his interview on YouTube last couple years..

He looks like an evil.

Jeff is missing the fact of the experience curve. Meaning the efficiency of solar cells will improve with time.

Trillion people and million Mozart.... who need trillion people and million Mozart? Mozart is Mozart because he's only one. If the world as he envisions it'll be total chaos of massive excessive . Don't want to live in kingdom.

Amazon stocks is fake stock buyback own stocks on low loans % from bank. Spending 3$ to 4$ to make's 1$.And show fake profit to stakeholders. All big companies do this.

Jeff Bezos looks like that bald robot with the "advanced" AI

The evil genius

Bezos is an amazing businessman but he's really not as inspirational as Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates.

promoting his own newspaper Washington post as a big great newspaper ...

I was not expecting such a difference in height when they got up

Jeff " I hate humanity " Bezos

Meanwhile....everyone who works for him is pissing in random pots because there too scared to take a break.

True, the worker conditions at the warehouses overseas are terrible. Comparable to sweat shops. And the average employee makes about $28,000 while he makes that in less than 9 seconds.

-Wickie - not true

I don't mind giving marketable information to Amazon or YouTube, Their products and how they use my information has always enhanced my life and experience on the web. Facebook, on the other hand, have not created any value for its users. they Instead, keep coming up with new ways to violate user privacy.

"I am liquidating a billion dollars a year, and I am planning on doing that for a long time. " Ok, let's pause and just read that sentence again. How many people in human history can say that lol

Daniel Argueta 44:57

When was that said?

what if we’re living in a simulation and jeff bezos is a AI

that dude is tall

Tesla on the verge of bankruptcy, the battery is exhausted - Ilon Mask

Amazing talk. Bezos is great.

Jeff Bezos bought Whole Foods and his tax exempt offshores and made $12 million in one day

He looks like a robot

I'm in another country and can attest that has positively changed my life significantly. You deserve every penny Mr. Bezos. Thank you and your team, sir.

how has he changed your life?

Jeff Bezos is the best

Seba Iancu facts

Trump is in real estate..not comparable with companies...Founders/CEOs will always have more fortune than those in real estate

+Imhays9285 It,s fake stock pumping by buyback. To satisfied stockholders. Sooner or later gone collapse.

Santiago Bron correction: as rich as Bezos, not successful. Successful is very subjective.



Nishchay Srivastava That was a joke

You tube in CA the same slavery working conditions.

Amazon in UK have slavery working conditions no time go to restroom.

so what?

Ian Chan Very original retort, but I think I prefer "...".

i guess u make ur own job den. lol

Don’t speak of what you don’t know of, first step of being humble haha.

? Lol the internet is very negative.

lol you clearly don't know about the early days of Microsoft and what Bill Gates was like in his 20s and 30s

Rendemq In what way?

One could say he has dragon energy

zionwarrior123 true I work from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm

Dj Reverse Lol yes but the hours could be better.

zionwarrior123 at least there is VTO

I work there too :(

I work there

A gift of vision and the obedience to persevere. America is lucky to have such a person.

Would love seeing that asshole dead.

I respect him. But these people who are rich because their stock price increase is not wealth because the money he owned is not his but investors money. Stock price multiply wealth huge 10 to 1000x. So I assume If the stock plunged, most likely his net worth would be valued at few hundreds million or couple of billion USD.

Two thumbs up for this video post! Thanks Business Insider. More please. :)

Daniel Berry thought that too lol. The one that gained citizenship in the UAE right?

Zim O.E lol

Road ? They’re living on the streets.

+LONE WOLF Both fake billionaire. Not invest enough in real economy but in own buyback stocks. By borrow from central Bank on low % rates. And spending 3$ ,4$ to make's 1$.

Trump is the billionaire President of the United States? lol?

No. They can set up their own business or work somewhere else.

So where do you stand on the political spectrum? If you think the right are anti war and never rack up huge deficits you are mistaken.

Left ideology kept us at war in the middle east and created a record federal deficit.

Left ideology is good im more than happy if he pushes it more :D you keep bitchin with trump in your head

Mr Magoo without glasses

All that money and Jeff looks like an unburnt Freddy Krueger

Why you both nervous? Is NSA watching?

He’s been so dishonest in the past it is hard to trust him now. That’s too bad because I’m sure there are awesome things to take away.

--· ·-·· ·· - ----

I hope he makes it with this whole "Amazon" thing. The idea sounds veryy promising. You'll make it one day Mr. Bezos! Subscriber Goal 26/100

Why can't he pay more taxes and pay his employees fairly?

Great video! Amazing interview!

I like his way to deal with criticism. More corporate leaders should adopt it. He doesn't sell his values to please anyone, but also doesn't take a confrontational or hurt stance when reacting to people who don't share them. He always assumes the benevolence of who he's talking to and tries to genuinely explain why he believes what he believes.

I can't even recall how many times I've stumbled upon a youtube video where either the views or likes has the number 666 in it,,, happens VERY often

LOL "crisises"

Alex K. Why?

Ruben I disagree, having a person that doesn't focus 90% of the time in "Panem et circenses" is Inspirational to me.

Jeez not only that, but it would take him a century to liquidate his wealth

about 10 people.

What? Trump is the President of the United States: an accomplishment far more impressive than just being wealthy.

That's not really a meaninful statement. His net worth is 131 billion wich means there's still 80 countries that have a higher GDP and the countries below that are generally poor or undeveloped countries. Also GDP is measured on a yearly basis meaning it doesn't represent actual long term capital, just for 1 year. It's not THAT significant if you take 2 decades and millions of investments that you have about as much worth of a country's product for only 1 year.

globalculture — not the wars we have been fighting in the Middle East for the last 30 years.

war is a nationalist penchant, not globalist

globalculture — the left and right are equally guilty getting us into nonstop war.

I like how you guys distrust literally anyone with money

I like how it pretends to be human

What a great guy, visionary but still very down to earth

Why is he saying 60 million dollars like it's nothing

i'll cry the day jeff dies, amazon will get shredded the day he dies, don't think anyone has the skill required that he has to run amazon as a CEO

Hilarious, his grandfather knew exactly what Jeff was all about. Super clever but, kind? Minute 9:00 LOL

Lady Luna Croft lol

He would easily still have billions from private label products (Alexa etc...), AWS, and third party seller fees. No way he doesn't stay a billionaire.

Even small companies do this. LOL

nah it's actually pretty much infinite, it will grow by more than a billion each year.


@Seba lancu Hear hear, always this completely unjustified bashing from jealous people.

lol, you think having more billions of dollars than 4 billions make you feel richer? that's pathetic definition of success. Bezos may never be president of the US, that's something he will probably be jealous for...

Nelter Yeah it has. In game of thrones. the iron bank (the richest organization). Has the most power. VisualPolitik made a great video about it.

The most powerful man in the world is jelly of the richer guy? Has game of thrones or house of cards taught you nothing?

Marek Kolenda Bezos is a fake billionaire? You gotta be both stupid and ignorant at the same time to think so.

Imhays9285 LOL he is successful, no matter what your definition of success is

lol amazon will be the first retailer to hit 1 trillion capital

Bruv he us the richest man in the world

na but its important that you get your animal kingdom right.

umad brah?

A lizard is an animal that doesn't read books loser.

define humble? bill gates bought his own island with his own navy, nothing humble about bill gates

my son that wants to be a computer scientist read me the book 1984 and i struggle with reading but love to read at times and love to hear new stories i realize Jeff Bezos cant help all people and i am so proud of him and the business he started amazing person

i keep wishing i had a ranch and it is so amazing that he has a family growing up that was supportive amazing person

Beezos makes billions yet the average worker at amazon makes 28k a year...that is just pathetic

This guy looks like he could morph into a lizard at any time....

But Elon still ahead in rocket company

Wtf his eye changed color at 5:17

Bezos is a money grubbing member of the exploitative 1%. Billions live in poverty and he is worth billions. His wealth should be confiscated and redistributed. This slavish worship of horrible people has to end.

*if you pay close attention Bezos has a nervous tick , he actually moves his head to the left rapidly and he has the tendency to talk over the interviewer*

That is the lizard under his skin trying to get out!!!

Surprised that someone finally surpassed Bill Gates

He earned it thanks to millions of poorly paid people. It does not impress me and it is sad.

Bezos is no role model. He is psychopathic megalomaniac. His disgusting display of wealth hoarding should be condemned NOT glorified!!

Patsy Stone nice paragraph. Did it feel good to write that? Imagine being insecure enough to virtue signal in a YouTube comments section.

Carl Marcus sorry to burst your bubble but I dont consider myself poor. I share my wealth by supporting charitable and educational organizations and spend my free time volunteering for worthy causes because being generous feels way better than being selfish.

Patsy Stone you will remain poor

God bless Jeff Bezos and Amazon.

I'm your 900th like

is the internet really considered New? I have been on it since the early 90's

The way Bezos ties his tie shows is really a smart person.

he is just rich on paper it isn't like he can cash in all his stock and get the 80 billion dollars

blakespower - 132.2 billion actually.

Everyone bashing on Bezos don't understand what sites like Amazon and eBay has done for millions of average people. So many people escaped from the average 9 to 5 job because of these sites. They have done a lot of good in the world. Don't be jelous you didn't take advantage of the opportunity.

Beezos make billions a year and most workers at Amazon make below the national average in pay...What part of that does your tiny brain not understand??? They work like slaves for below average pay. They are nothing different from the 9 to 5 jobs you talk about

Another moron....They do work people like slaves, but if you wish to be ignorant go ahead..

get lost Slaves don't have a choice what they do. Workers leave and work somewhere else if they choose. So no, they don't work people like slaves.

What has amazon or Ebay done??? They work people like slaves....

blakespower Absolutely! They are great tools, both for customers and retailers.

I like them because it used to be you would go to a store and they wouldn't have what you wanted, with ebay and amazon you can buy pretty much anything as long as it is legal

Finally an intelligent interview without political bias.

I always wonder... If we took all the money in the world and tried to spend it all at once, would there be enough things to buy, or is a portion of this money completely worhtless?

His name is Jev

He looks like the male version of the robot Sophia in the thumbnail.

ARCHER studios cus it is nothing to him

And his whole head shines like a waxed bowling ball...

he is...

wrong name lol, but then would we not be ai too

Jason Moffat - To The Top Sites like Amazon and eBay helped millions of average people escape from the average 9 to 5 job. They've changed lots of people's lives.

We're all on the same road. We started in the same place (the Earth), and we all end up going back into it. Some of us have started our journey earlier, some of us drive faster or slower, and some of us have fancier cars, but we are all on the same road ;)

Seba Iancu Best comment on this video.

Trump is president while beezo the clown is owner of amazon.....Being president is far more important than anything beezo the clown has done

It's all in 1 stock. It can taken away real easily.

Sarcasm doesn't exist in the youtube comment section cmn yall know this.

IBOSS Ali It was a sarcastic comment.

Nishchay Srivastava I think you missed the point bud.

They are busy investing in India, no time for your countries

some of those wars were started with violent opposition to globalisation from the right, others had little to do with globalisation, too little detail in your picture, did you loose your job at the coal factory?

Exactly beezos the clown is an evil globalist..Also the washington post has CIA ties

Both are very humble for being CEOs. Bezos seem like an average, but driven guy.

"He tries to harness energy from smaller people" Right. Have you just worked at a job all your life? Or have you had enough of a pair to actually run a business? If so, you'd know that he's simply organizing people's efforts together towards a goal. That's called "Business". Damn tinfoil hat people. *smh*

Really inspiring person. I would love to have conversations with him.

Reptilian + Humanoid = Reptoid.

Bezos, can you clean oceans from plastic first...just before you fly some billionaires to space to have some fun. It's what is needed most now.

I saw Jeff performing at my Circe du Soleil show last night

The elephant in the room is overpopulation.

Predatory capitalism at its finest: Amazon. A monopoly that should be broken up. This guy is the lowest form of life.

More on Blue Origin next time, please. The future is much more important than packing boxes.

Liberals: "I don't care if Bezos is greedy, treats his workers like trash and doesn't pay taxes. What's important is his liberal rhetoric and empty platitudes."

he seems an ok Guy

Amazing visionary!

Someone please get this greedy piece of dirt off my screen. The more money he makes, the more he cuts costs(at the expense of everyone else). This man is one of the lowest contributors to charity out of all billionaires.

Hahaha Trump doesnt need to hate because Trump has something worth more then amazon and that is God you can have a billion trillions all the money and with out God you are nothing bezos is a wicked soul he needs to repent and know that theres only one powerful and that everyone on earth and under the earth depends on All Mighty God. We all have a JUDGE we all to meet one day

There are some 16 other space companies too... other than SpaceX and BlueOrigin

Doesn't that happen from time to time... and Bill Gates gets back again from time to time??

Carl Marcus you must be the rich guy ah

mijachin ikr

Awwww the shitty jealous person is mad

They chose that job vs a higher paying job. And my original comment had nothing to do with workers. I'm talking about the individuals selling on the platform. And if you're complaining about the workers making belowl the national average, you clearly don't understand how business works and have no right to speak on it. The majority of workers in the country make below the national average because they are mediocre low skill jobs. They don't deserve a higher pay. If they want more pay, they should learn better skills so they can demand higher pay. Stop talking about things you don't understand because you're making yourself look dumb. I'm done with this conversation because there's no use arguing with someone that doesn't understand the topic being discussed.

+GamingTV Let's stick with space

I hate to be so cheap with insults but ... cmon guy 150 billion and he tells us about vacationing with family

So... you want to live in OrbitalPlane kingdom! You could own your space farm through us! You can also buy any kind of space real estate with OrbitalLevel too... the options are limitless!

And Jew-owned Bloomberg doesn't keep promoting Jew CEO of Starbucks all the time? What's your point?

Zim O.E yep

Jeremiah John lol true. Infinite amount of wealth huh?

OpportunisticHunter absolutely. I love PayPal. The little guy just starting out would have a hard time without them. If you're broke and just starting out like I was a few years ago, I would've never been able to afford to pay a monthly fee for a payment processor. I hope they survive after the eBay stops using them. They should as a lot of other companies use them as well.

+ Author Craig Daub PayPay also is on the middle. The world would never be as connected without these guys.

hes a consumer like everyone else that likes amazon



What he said about companies focusing more on their competitors than themselves and their customers, can also be applied to individuals. Don't focus on other's and their wealth, focus on yourself.

Fion but he is all about money even if he didn't want to

He put 7,000 jobs on hold in Seattle because he didn’t like a tax on his company that would help the homeless

Scott Koningisor and his blue dik

Nischay Srivastava Um no he's not. Bezos worked hard to get where he's at. I believe Jacob Rothschild and the Rothschild banker family are incomparably the richest, greediest, and sickest people in the world.

Jeff bezos seems like a rich guy, he might become very smart some day

What wars?

OpportunisticHunter show me conclusive proof and I’ll believe you.......

Nishchay Srivastava His real name is probably Hass Halamabad... or something like this الحمار محمد

The plastic man. Disgusting

Jeff Bezos was very fortunate to make the most of a series of gifts, i.e., very nurturing family environment, growing up with a resourceful grandpa, etc. and the courage and subconscious wisdom to take risks!

what about paying taxes , just your fair share... to house Seattle homeless - with that fake laugh.

blue origins transcends anything... right on point. more important than words can describe

Real Rocket men Elon and Jeff make Trumpy and Kimmy Jong seem like a couple of lil’ rocket boys playing with their toys in the sandpit.

I like how the occasional tumbleweed rolls by in the background.

thank you for this interview! Jeff Bezos is a huge inspiration

nothing new

1%? bezos is in the 0.000000001%

That's the case with most wealthy people. And actually, yes he can. If he wanted to, he could sell his shares and receive cash. Why not?

George Ibrahim because you are Jewish and your god is greed?

Scott Koningisor braindead? Or just a neoliberal pseudodemocrat?

Angel Antayhua those 7000 jobs are nothing if they were not centralized they could have been around 70000 Jeff has successfully reduced labour

Bezos wishes he was president of the USA and banged a long line of playboy playmates and porn stars and models. But of course a dumb ancap thinks it's all about money.

I’m in awe of him. True success! He’s brilliant and so logical practical sensical. Got set of morals. He’s got good healthy self esteem without being stuck up. Comes across as very balanced. From what he said about his childhood he’s from a warm hearted close family. That’s so important and he’s so cheerful, always and generally optimistic like all good entrepreneurs. Also physically fit appearing. It seems he takes good care of himself. He’s contributing so much to the world. He’s the opposite of Trump. Thank you for being you Jeff Bezos, love you!

Try researching what his employees actually have do when working and also what he did just a while ago

He probably made more than my bank account just from sitting there

22:35 - 22:55 Great Advice

bill gates would still be the richest man alive if he did not donate soooooooo much moneyyy lol.. but great job jeff

This German Bar Tender can not even offer a Drink – he is used to be asked for that. And he is afraid of Google!

Good stuff another real human being.

Jeff Bezos is not the richest man in the world. With over 200 Billion Dollars, Putin is #1 even if it's questionable tactics. Wealth is wealth no matter how you attained it.

strip him of "his"money.

this is a truly exceptional human mind

It can be uplifting in a more long term sense to listen to the richest persons in the world, if they have earned their wealth, faced with free market competition, I think I though think that if he uses $1 billion each year to sponsor space travel in the physical realm then why not use just a little of that to sponsor travel into or information gathering from other realms or dimensions? Maybe Jeff Bezos could oversee the building of a machine, using neural networks to do signal processing on quantum events, like the human brain is maybe doing and maybe why our intelligence is not limited to close ended intelligence tasks, because we know unlike current AI, when the questions we asks in open ended scenarios, enter into a domain of diminishing returns. Maybe we could get information from other realms, maybe videos too? Though maybe there still will be a role for the physical realm for beings that have free will, but why be limited to the physical realm strictly? Also something do not add up with the model where a civilization always uses maybe only 1% more energy each year. If that model were true then starting from 1 watt, a civilization that would use 1% more power each year would in 12000 years use 1,01^12000 = 7,185969867E+051watts which is, according to some sources more than the energy output of all stars in the visible universe. Then is it not more likely that the rapture of the end times will come, by faster and faster evolution and that many beings will be taken to another "better" realm before there will be a new Earth? Furthermore maybe Douglas Axe has shown that blind chance can't be an explanation of, and argument for, the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. So maybe it would be a good idea to try to read information in random quantum events that may really be, very non blind indeed?

long live Jeff Bazzo

Slippery answers. He's good at sounding warm and fuzzy about criticism while not really responding to it.

This man is a genius

that's a robot tho

Jeff is an amazing guy. He is a real deep thinker and has a heart. I know this by having met him and enjoyed a meal and wine with him. It is very unfortunate that people are jealous of his success, especially in the U. S. Instead of being critical, work toward your own success.

Jeff who?

this guy is creepy.

Most of these billonaires are psychopaths

all of them. And we adore them!

Amazon has truly changed my life for the better. Thank you, good sir. You have my permission to own this planet.

I see a bright future for this guy and his crazy internet business

Very wonderful, thank you.

OpportunisticHunter mm y

Lee Chaemin

I can, for one.

They say the starting wage in an Amazon warehouse is $12.00 an hour and that the average wage is $13.50 an hour. That doesn't seem to be as high as Bozos implied. I'd also think that The Post could let people access their articles online for free or with advertising. The way it is, the newspaper cuts you off after so many articles. What good is a newspaper than people don't have easy access to? Populating space with trillions of people won't happen or be needed with zero population growth. Where are these raw materials for space coming from - Earth?

I dont know why i thought this guy would have a heavy accent of some kind... Seeing that he just has an american accent is a bit weird to me. It's really just me assuming for no reason though lol.

He said WaPo does a good job of scrutinizing but isn't Amazon an investor?


I went to school with Jeff, he is actually pretty stupid individual. He always copied off of me during test, he had me do his homework, and he had me write his papers. In college I always told him about the company I wanted to start called "Jungle" and my space company called "Green Beginning" Its a good thing I'm not a salty or jealous person.

They are ruining Whole Foods Market!

Jeff, stop with the wealth guilt ("Amazon lottery winnings"). You earned it. Every penny. Words have meaning. "Lottery" is not the appropriate choice. Stop buying into the latest Marxist group-think.

Alexander Luthor Jr

His dialect are like californian surfer dude from a highschool film! haha!

Was banker and still is.

now if only he can pay his warehouse workers a decent wage or even just let them go to the bathroom

Let's hope *he will build a decent space ship company,* so that humanity can move forward into the affordable space exploration. Also, the true wealth is in his spirit and self-motivated personality.

It's a shame Amazon wasn't awarded a drone license. JB is one of the few people that can hurry up the future.

Besides unconditional love what makes most businesses is money ._. I hate this talking about passion and love albeit the fact that being rich is almost only reachable for kids of rich parents which is more true nowadays than in the 90s. And examples like him don't change anything about this fact (except our perception of it, "You can make it if you try"-blabla)

Jeff who ?

His net worth is 118 billion. The average employees at amazon make 20 000 $ a year. If the employee wants to have 118 billion, he would have to work (118 Billion/20 000) 5 900 000 years. This is insanity, don't give me that shit of ''don't be jealous, work on your success'' , this is nearly slavery.

Right! Must be!

That is literally a falsehood

not for them - the sheep who follow...who get slaughtered as heroes

and that's a bad thing?

Jay Grey it's being done by one student with big idea. In order to clean oceans it requires million times more resources than what is being done and I'm not betting on Bezos enlightenment on that to happen.

Tadas a.k.a. indi That's already being done.

Horseshit. I'm as liberal (real liberal, not a Clinton liberal) as one can be, and I think his wealth hoarding and poor treatment of employees is disgusting.

Because Gates has spent his money.

Patsy Stone He pays taxes, no one is entitled to his personal money.

I like to bring Jeff and Amazon to help revive our postal system

my government IS evil.

24:30 - I don't know why, but as a business owner myself, that made me tear up. I understand it so well.

Love you!

"how can you be seating there tell us that you care, when i look around the people suffering in every way" BOB MARLEY.

11:46 this is one of the most important messages you can learn

Also 22:35

An inspiration. Thanks Jeff.

"You will figure out one day that it's harder to be kind than clever" - Powerful

Being resourceful. YES!

Man, this german guy doing the interview starts off like an intelligent agreeable dude, but halfway he comes across like a psychopath tightening his fists and grinding his teeth and interrupting Jeff, like he ran out energy trying to hide his arrogance and superiority and starting to feel pissed off at Jeff. He's not even very interested in the rocketry of Blue Origin, just in the mundane business aspects. What a jerk.

Bezos the money grubbing left wing loon who donated heavily to Hillary Clinton and even...yuck hugged her.

Great comment. Yep, that is true wealth! Motivation and determination to reach his goal makes him great!


Tadas a.k.a. indi Why should he fund the that project and not the millions of other (cancer, AIDS, teen homelessness, starving kids) projects. Many people could donate 5 or 10 dollars but they don't, they are no better or worse than John Bezos.

get lost why is it pathetic

you don't understand capitalism.

J FC little people are quick to point out the flaws in successful people. It makes themselves feel better about their own mediocrity

Jimmy Dore was first to call Bezos what he truly is..."psychopathic megalomaniac" This is the disgusting truth of end stage capitalism, all you pigmen glorifying the uber wealthy like they are your dear uncle instead of recognizing that he is your ENEMY! "Re-humanize yourself" pig people! Greed is evil and is destroying this planet!

@jeffbezos if u only know what this is the AXEL SPRINGER AWARD u would give it back to the german i promise it!!! shame on u ......!

Axel Springer Verlag makes also in WW2 the Jew PROPAGANDA, just think about it!!!!!

interviewer-- that giant body though

1 is enough anywhere and may destroy all of us. We had one in germany, an Austrian failed painter Architect

I find the "psychopath-to-normal" ratio is much higher in politics than in business.

It’s sociopaths

flexural stoopidity Amazon is not a monopoly.

Muntom He earned it thanks to the millions of customers that benefit from his business and all the employees who voluntarily work for him.

Even the richest person in the world cant get a full set of hair, hes bald. Not that its bad but that money can't buy everything. A transplant or a fake hair Yes but a cure to baldness No not yet. Jeff should find the cure for baldness and many other things and lead the world as the best example of A Legacy.

37:18 Talks about Blue Origin.

Fascinating interview

Richest man in the world you say. But can't buy a haircut

Can you imagine how much time we might save if Elon and Jeff partnered up?

Seattle's homelessness tax on major employers in Seattle goes to show how the Democrats became far to liberal to recognize. I'd like Seattle turn the homeless problem over to the major corporations & I bet they'd solve it under budget & on time. We need less government & more privatized solutions whether it's for vets or those who can't afford an apartment.

Lex Luthor.

The fact that he's bald, states that everything he says, is correct.

Believe everything everyone says. Especially if its from the internet!

Blue origins only 10+ years behind spacex lol Grow up 'space ship company' it's all fake this space travel, you've been watching too much Star Trek. Do some research and you'll find that you've been lied to about the whole concept of space. This Besos guy is a total bullshitter pure and simple.

Coming from someone who isn't one or has no reason for saying it of course :)

Who is the guy mentioned as "Don"?

My god, Herr Döpfner, compose yourself! You can't get impatient with a man like Bezos!

Mathias comes off as incredibly impatient and fastidious. The bad tone took away from some of Jeff's answers. Impersonal, awkward

No regrets watching this inspiring video. I recommend it for others.

Jeffs the man. Amazon allowed me to quit my job. Thank you Jeff

Note to journalist: Amazon.gone would have had a better ring to it. lol.

Good thing too no

Muntom get your stats checked bud

This guy has a bright future ahead of him

When you actually look like 'Sir Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks' from the original Annie, I think it's safe to say you made it. haha Edit: Also.. this could have been anyone. Right place, right time. The dawn of the internet. He's a genius, though. Everything about Amazon is epic in service and design.

About 40 minutes in he talks about how solar power won't work because if our energy usage grows by just a few percent per year in a few hundred years we'll run out of energy. Therefore we must leave the planet. Given that thought we'll have to leave the solar system in a few hundred years because we will use all the solar power from our sun. I suppose it is all about kicking the can down the future and we'll eventually have answers.

One HELL of a inception

pretty boring interview. Jeff is the most invisible rich guy i knew on the internet.

@Sagnik Mukherjee Do I? What makes you say that?

highwayvagrant, you sound like a flat-earther... tell me, how far away is the Sun from the Earth?

Try working at Amazon, you’ll see the other side of your prime membership. There’s so much pressure to go fast because everyone wants their packages yesterday that workers pass out from exhaustion, pee their pants because their terrified of not making their numbers, injuries are through the roof because speed is the focus, not safety. During Christmas it’s 12-13 hour shifts, 6 days a week starting on Black Friday. So anyone with a family won’t see their families during the holidays. He might be obsessed with his customers but the employees are not even on his radar

That Trillionaire Laugh at 44:22 he knows hes a rich bastard but aye good for him im next.

Excellent interview.

this interviewer...............

I think the interviewer does not know what he is doing. He is just making Jeff very uncomfortable by the energy and vibes this guy is giving him. First off your learning from the man that built the fastest and largest growing company on the planet. You are sitting in front of a king i would say. Is ok if the interviewer is the CEO of Business Insiders parent company and i completely understand why he wants to interview him, i would do the same but if you know that your interview skills suck why would you risk that with Jeff Bezos? Shouldn't he have better self awareness?

Not trying to be mean, but he acts and moves like a robot that is trying to pass as human lol

The Deutschman was right. There’s some level of discomfort in the room. Looks like the interviewer is careful about his questions but Jeff isn’t at ease at all.

You look like cable

I was just thinking of that, if those two teamed up & tackled earth's major issues. Like create taskforces around the world for homelessness, poverty, deforestation, education. We could actually start getting some things accomplished!

Bald devil

Inspired to achieve more than what I think I'm capable of at this moment!

Richest man in the world. Thanks for the chardonnay. And get out my bedroom and stop buying out politician with the poorest girl in the world tears.

100 billion but looks like having a stroke, there are a lot of things all money in the world can´t buy !

wow God has give him

Notice when he speaks how he keeps moving his head to left in sequence like a typewriter. OCD? Physical disorder?

LegendofVII You must be one of those sad guys that blame other people for your failures!

Karen Califano That’s an extremely naive thing to say. You support billionaires everyday and don’t even know it. Most billionaires have diverse portfolios. Study up, you’re the sheep.

I certainly don't "adore" them. Why should we? Sheeple, that's why they're so rich, because idiots like you support them.

Stop listening to donnie.

Yes, but they sure are trying to be, and soon enough, they will be.

Jeff looks like a cyborg and sounds like a guru. weird dude

100B would be eaten by space ventures, lol. So true. God bless, Proverbs 31

Bezos the Bozo.

Make Amazon pay taxes.

At the rate he's going, I think he's gonna start mining asteroids before Elon and become the first trillionaire in history.

I didn't know Jerry Springer's family owned Business Insider. I have not read about a single fight between two girls, for cheating on their first cousin on that site.

I love Jeff! He isn't a trihard like other billionaires, he's legit!

I have got several of them and been suspended more than once but it still pays the wages.

one fake complain as inauthentic product from a customer and you would quit Amazon without any explanations from your side)

Competition breeds innovation so nah

@TradeAlong99 That's interesting. So Musk joined the freemasons before Bozo; I didn't know that, thanks.

Musk is years ahead of Bozo.

Yep Ive done lots of research on psychopaths & stuff & this guy diffidently has the mannerisms. He's got similar mannerisms as Ted Bundy & Dr James Fallon

I'm aware of that. We all have to shop and buy food, clothing, supplies, etc. from major retail corporations whose CEO's are billionaires, as well as purchase cell phones, electronics, etc. from Apple, Samsung, etc. However, some can choose NOT to use Amazon to shop, and I do NOT shop on Amazon. Plus, there's a difference between "supporting" billionaires out of necessity, and "adoration" or "worship" by the masses of billionaires like Bezos.

Amazon will go down

I'm sure he's just trying to make ends meet

Dude the host is fkn annoying. let the boss finish sentences

If not,,,, you are invited to the campfire ,,,, you and who you like,,, bill Gates has a plan give up your money, and come aboard ,,, ask warren,,, I don't think money is needed,,,congrats,,,, you should learn to get along with elon,,, he is like a little,,, south African, broseafuss

Mr. Bezos,, what is your favourite way to give back to ,,, the world

Sorry, but.... with all his gazillions of $$.... u tthink any bodies ‘ got the guts to tell him to get that evil eye of his fixed by an eye doctor..... it’s kareepn me out, mannnn..

Doesn't besos look like Kevin spacey playing lex luthor in superman returns..

No point regretting what you've done. Shouldn't have done it. You can only regret what you haven't done. Should have done it!

He should have walked out wearing a Dr. Evil suit and holding a cat! LMFAO!

I like Elon more Duh (of course) but bezos is likable as well. But imagine if Elon had his money omg how the world would change for the better or they actuslly teamed up and got along well .

Jim Moss he’s ganna get there just needs some more time Jeff’s also older and got most of his wealth the last 3-4 years

@Anonymous Person Well said.

Space doesn't exist!

prove it

Why the interviewer is not letting him conitinue and keeps asking questions in between

Jeff, you are not just richest person by money, you are likely so by attitude too!

He believes in focusing on customers instead of competitors. That's because Amazon has become a hard-ass competitor against other sellers and merchants who sell their products on Amazon. As a merchant selling on Amazon, I'm finding it's a race. A race to the Bottom. Amazon never loses because all Bezos makes sure, is that the customer is served. That the customer never is wrong and never is responsible for breaking the things they buy then returning it to the merchant who gets stuck with it. Thinking of becoming a seller on Bezos Universe online? Good luck Buck-0 because Bezos aint watching your back .. At all.

Damn this guy is so evil look at the way he dodges questions and straight up says the opposite of the truth. Professional hypocrisy

he looks like a turtle out of its shell. however, one's got to admire the absolute kind of ruthlessness which has gotten him where he is!

There is a big difference between how Jeff Bezos speaks and how Bill Gates speaks in an interview. In this interview, I notice that Jeff doesn't answer the questions directly at all. He just wants to tell what he knows/wants to share. He doesn't really get to the root of the questions. I feel sad that we as a World have given this man enough money for him to be the richest man in the World.

The only person on earth that could laugh at the amount of money Bill Gates has. 44:17

The Lab I

My only regret wasn’t joining the Amazon wagon 9 years ago when I had the chance. At least I could wait another 20 years for the next big thing. Could have been a multi millionaire. To think I actually laughed at bitcoin too. Lmao!!! If I say 21 42 64 98 And 103 aren’t the winning numbers trust me and bet on it. Smh.. high school teacher told me to invest in gold and lithium a while back.... He also said I sucked at Chemistry. Well I’m about to graduate with my bachelors in Forensic Science, after taking 3 years off and working a dead end job. I’m pretty sure He was talking about another Chemistry... Life’s Chemistry because I sure know how to go against the grain. Did I tell you he now just after 6 years gained $80,000 in investments? He said some other things to invest in but you know me, never freaking listen!!!! Smh... I better be rich when I get older or else, I’m gonna be the laughing stock of heaven when I die.

It is a shame that the work ethic at Amazon is so cut-throat...

Jeff nobody has ever liked you period. And you never did anything to help anyone but yourself. Do?

I don't know who owns what company, don't know who is rich because quite frankly, I just don't care. But Jeff Bezos just #SaveTheExpanse. I like him already and he gained my respect.

Jesus looked like Daniel day Lewis and talked like Creech narin

You just don't want to say how the world took out an agreement that you all don't want the united states citizens to know about

I want to see the living valet ignite after death

When my grandfather told me I did more for him then all his other grandkids combined he wasn't LYING. Its because I did.

Hey dudes

Can I ask how exactly?

Bezos kinda looks like an android, glitching and twitching with a California dude accent.

Amazing insightful interview

Jeff is an evil person who wants America destroyed. This is proven by his endless bashing of Trump through his various fake news outlets & donation$. The reason is he is both a nihilist & rich enough 2 live wherever ~ the 'rose bowl in a toilet bowl' philosophy like those $pani$h creeps who run Mexi-Hell & other turd world poop piles. He wants a world full of idiot mongrel slaves 2 drag things down 2 make it easier 4 him 2 corrupt the $y$tem & feed him $$$, same way (((Bank$ter$))) try 2 wreck civilizations so they can $teal the wreckage cheaper.

strange liberal ideas such as locating to Seattle is bad for shareholders

i thing being positively influenced by grandparents, spending more time with them and working productively together on ranches is a platform for wealth and health.... I bet there was little or no t.v. on that ranch too......this is way better than a child being at mercy of distracted or stressed parents

Actually, it is. Because luck is as important as work ethic. Anybody who is honest and smart recognizes that. Success equals luck plus preparation

He is 2 busy trying 2 flood America with raw sewage from Mexi-$hit by bashing Trump & others who try 2 help America. He's like a terrorist that way.

But can he afford robux?

GARY CHILDRESS from selling on it in the US UK AND Europe

InternetBizUni how

Amazon : Une horreur pour clôturer le compte, au moins trois fois par eux et par moi, ils essaient simplement de voler de l'argent encore et encore, ils doivent rembourser et ils le savent. Ils sont des escrocs, c'est pourquoi une plainte est posée contre eux, par le biais même de la banque et de l'assurance bancaire. De plus, ils ne font que téléphoner pour se faire payer des frais téléphoniques. C'est INACCEPTABLE de se comporter comme ça, tout le monde écrit des commentaires disant que vous êtes des voleurs et des menteurs qui font du cinéma en disant qu'il manque telle ou telle pièce.  Un seul mot les décrivant : VOLEUR  Il est hors de question de renoncer à la somme qu'ils vous doivent ainsi que les frais téléphoniques (rien n'est dit au début de l'appel, ni le montant de l'appel, ni que les frais nous sont imputés, ce qui est illégal) dont ils promettent le remboursement.  Eviter AMAZON


Jeff Bezos will kill literature!

He is not very eloquent. Jobs was more cool in my opinion

I don't agree with the grandfather. We need to inform people about their bad habits and what it does to them even if it makes grandmothers cry and friends reject you. Truth weighs more than popularity and Ego appeasement. The truth is garlic on wounds it sizzles a bit but heals it.

Those live screens are awesome.

Congratulations to the interviewer, he was able to get key messages from Jeff Bezos. Regards from Chile! :-) On a personal note, Bezos is extraordinary. On the early time of Amazon, about 1997, I got his personal note on my complaint solution. He really cares about the customer!

¡He is so wealthy indeed!

Mathias Döpfner should take over the Charlie Rose show.

I just can't get over all these Jeff Bezo and Elon Musk people who want to to go have little space colonies or terraform Mars or whatever when we have the most beautiful blue SAFE God-Given planet for us to all live on here. And instead of using those minds to maybe correct and save and keep this planet for us to use aa was intended, nope, people want to go get pelted by micrometeorites and be irradiated on a dear lifeless planet!? Makes total sense to me .. NOT!!!

Wish he'd talk about why the richest man in the world can't pay his employees a living wage.

Jeff needs to go to Turkey for hair transplant, its so cheap in Turkey

instant gratification is not always a good thing. We want what we want when we want it. Not all companies can fulfill this new demand, they can't compete with Amazon and so they fail. I appreciate the fact that Amazon raised the bar and upped the game et al But are they the only game in town? Where is the competition? How can only a handful of tech companies control everything?

Jeff Bezos I admire you high level of consciousness.

How about disrupting the educational industry so that you could drive the Space Industry?

I don't think the Interviewer understands what Smart Jeff saying. lol

You guys only hate on Bezos because he is not pure european or else you would worship him. He is Cuban American thats why people are jealous especially the so-called people of color. (Black)

spacex and blue origin, the more the merrier, just please start using metric units in your measurements

"this is just crazy cool." Beff Jezos.

Sadly Mr. Jeff Bezos has very shallow pool of stories. At first they are great but he literally has the same speech/discussion several times.... I find that weird.

I wish Blue Origin didn't consist of deeper plagiaristic claims _whether from ignorance, delusion, or sociopathic intent._

Can i have $1.2 million please? I could give it to my family and charity

Lex Luther

Also, the true wealth is in his greedy spirit (like Bill Gates who spoke of "Dschihad" when it came to destroy competitors) and self-centered personality (exploitation around the world). First he wanted to name Amazon "Revenge" - but friends told him that would show to much his true motiviation... The Rich and the Ugly. Who cares.

so boring

"I can explain things to people, but I can't understand things to people."

we need more pioneers like Jeff Bezos to lead the industries of tomorrow...

Terrible person

The guy just copied EBAY! Just like Mark copied MySpace! Nothing genius about this.


I was in the same city Berlin at the same area where Jeff Bezos was lol not that it really matters

Deception... always. Another takeover, a person 'installed', funded by ***them***.... when are people going to see through this.?

god bless this guy

He is pure evil

the face of evil.

Jeff Bezos .... a total sociopath scum bag who treats his employees with starvation wages. Pure evil with no soul.

Blue Origin is most important becuase asteroid mining will make him the first trillionaire (1000billion if I am right) the world has ever seen. Nothing wrong with that. Just saying it. :)

I wish he'd treat his workers better.

I'd say so !

Thank you.

I am glad I found out he owns my publisher, CreateSpace and in the future I have a product that can be sold in Whole Foods..

The love of money is the root of all evil....outrageous globalist. Not a role model to anyone.

Not impressed at all, hes not a visionary, amazon may be doing well but its not that innovative.And Bezos has no talent when it comes to innovative ideas to solve problems. He smart can this Bezos be when he builds a huge clock for 4 million instead of doing other stuff that we all can benefit from some day

Legend. I could listen to him tell stories and talk about his life experience all day long. He had absolute balls, perseverance and sheer intelligence to create Amazon for what it is today. He knew how big the internet could become before people even knew what the hell it was or how to spell it. In another 1,000 years when we are all dead and buried, he will go down in the history books as a business titan, joining the ranks of Vanderbilt, Rockerfeller, Carnegie, Ford, Gates and Jobs.

This guy is an immoral criminal, don't like him, wtf

looks like a james bond vilian

Matthew Matthews oh Matt! You must be a dumb young kid! Have you worked for him before? I'm guessing not! He copied Ebay trying to copy Elon. Please let people have free speech. Quit being so closed to others options and grow up!

Julie Thomas businesses isn’t about reinventing the wheel. Rather it’s about doing things better at times. So please, save your time by not responding back to me and continue to live your life by living on your cushion of yours in which case makes you feel better about yourself.

Juniper S we can only choose one path to expend ur energy and efforts. It’s inevitable Benefiting one would usually mean failing other in ur terms.


I’d rather be poor with hair

Trump would kick him out..because he is refugee from Cuba

looks like the villain from a bond movie

Those chairs look uncomfortable.

The internet is enslaving everyone and destroying livelihoods. Bezoar is a monopolist slave master.

Well I must say I am impressed with Jeff Bezos. I grew up in El Paso Texas not far from Albuquerque. He seems like a rather simple man and having a resourceful father as a role model and he seems to have a sense of balance. Very few billionaires appear and have that. I don't know anything about blue origin. It's very ambitious and whether or not humanity needs to be exploring out there we have barely discovered what's in our oceans and there's so much untapped here on planet Earth. I Would enjoy getting to spend some time and meet Jeff Bezos. I have been an entrepreneur my entire life. It's all I've known and I love it. Keep rockin on Jeff and don't lose your sense of balance. I love that you're a good family man and an inspiration to the people you work with. I hope I meet you someday.


"Jeff.. who?" - Musk

Amazing ❤This information is From PCH! ❤

I don’t understand why Elon musk and Jeff don’t work together even though they have a common vision - space travel and energy issues

I love this guy!

Elon Musk......"Jeff who?"....

the great trait of appreciation is with Jeff

Terrific interview! I truly enjoyed hearing Jeff and learning from him, he has a wonderful mind. But what I noticed is both are dressed the same except the shoes are different.

He even invested in Business Insider

btw jeff owns $5,000,000 worth of business insider

jesus christ man, way to much coughing in the background!

They should have used Bezos laugh in the SAW movies.


This guy looks like a devil.

I love Mr. Jeff Bezos. A man of integrity and hard work.

greedy creature

Ladies and Gentlemen ,, It is best to have ideas for the participation of the announcer because he feels tired talking here I respect everyone & only 68%

A great work done by it, it is exhausting and enjoyable .. I was in the help of God success is achieved by honesty, honesty and loyalty to him as long as they exist


epic and down-to-earth...

good interview

Bezos was an anchor baby?

One day I will beat this guy $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Worst interviewer, he constantly keeps interrupting Jeff.

He's smart, he got rich in the shadows he didn't try it in public view like a celeb, people would have judged him severely.

Glad this happened

Superman is coming Jeff Bezos

wealth couldn't buy back hair growth

Tell Bezos to roll out the 5g if he wants to be the first trillionaire.

Amazing guy, an absolute inspiration.

you can tell Jeff is being genuine but he's careful of what he says.. interesting!

Strangeness Note: At 19 minutes into the video, when Bezos explains the deleting of the book 1984 from each individual U.S. citizen's own personal Kindle (if they had already downloaded the free copy), remotely, as if Amazon agents had "snuck into customers' bedrooms and removed the book from their bookshelf". He doesn't mention that 1984 is arguably THE most acknowledged work symbolizing and warning against our own surveillance state. Suppose that was a good idea, from a PR standpoint. Anyway, pretty amazing book. Check it out! And here's a link to the Google description of the classic 1984 film: Also, this is the 666th comment, so there's that. Ha!

Something terribly wrong with this world when one man/person can accumalate so much wealth.

there is an axel springer reward? oh boy :D this world really is upside down

In just getting an itching feeling to like this guy... maybe coz he looks like lex Luther

He really looks like an alien

Capitalism needs a nerf.

Jeff Bezos reminds me of my self quite a bit.

Wut, Bill Gates saying it is HARD to find good things to use his money on that will change the world? What a silly statement. Bill Gates can just write me and I can easy make him a list of 10 things that could change the world a lot.

Please mr. Money save the world .If you only know how to make so you could change the world to paradise . Do you need guidance?

6:28 flash ran behind.

I got an Amazon ad on this video.

Dude, that host is so annoying and interruptive. He also says 31 minutes in that they are running out of time while Jeff is still speaking then continues the conversation for another 17 minutes.

He is a modern Gordon Gekko consumed with greed

44:19 Jeff Bezos is thinking “90 Billion? Is that it?”

“60 million. With an M!”

This is my idol, I'm striving to be like him


Jeff is one of the most intelligent people very kind man probably smarter than Elon

Jeff Bezos is the real DR Evil. He screwed Seattle homeless people out of a bill that would help them, just so he could have another of his robot warehouses not employ people to be built there.. when he starts to run his warehouses off robot trucks that Tesla is making just watch how many more jobs will be taken away.. it's all about getting more money out of not paying any one.. no employment tax, no insurance, no holiday pay.. and as all include tax.. no tax to the government from having no workers paid to then spend that to create more taxes.. wake up everyone.. he's the source of how evil America is (more) becoming with the progressive front as to be non inclusive of creating jobs. More jobs in China from his warehouses.

Best anime crossover battle:Mark zucc vs Elon musty boi vs Jeff pesos

That guy enslave Million of people and nobody cares!!


Wise words from a tremendously flourishing entrepeuneur

What happened to Jeff's psycho laugh from his younger days?

Is this interviewer even listening?

Dude if you like wikapedia so much how about donating a few of your millions to them so they don't have to keep begging everyone else so much for money ???

Jeff Bezos handled this interview really well, considering the fact that the interviewer is a clear hater.

the interviewer seems like a hater

It would cost $20 billion to end homelessness. He could end homelessness and still be the richest man in the world, but he doesn't. He's an absolute psychopath.

I'm surprised they didn't ask him what the future of Amazon would be like after he dies. Most of the time when the founder dies so does the drive and vision. People just want to do their jobs and go home. The company stops growing and eventually stays flat until a new one takes over. His vision of 100 - 300 years into the future will never come to fruition. You can only control what's within your lifetime. 2ndly, I wish they asked him about his future with the USPS. Why won't they deliver all of their own packages? They make promises to their customers but it's the USPS that has to own up to those promises since they are the ones that deliver almost half of all of their packages. Nobody wants to be the footman to run all of these packages. That's why people don't even go to the stores anymore. The USPS employees have been shouldering Amazon's burden. Amazon pats themselves on the back but all they're doing is dumping the hard work on the post office. And the USPS and their employees get nothing for it. If amazon is making billions why isn't the post office and their carriers enjoying any of this success in the form of fat pay checks? Isn't the real reason that Amazon doesn't have their own fleet of delivery trucks and people because they're getting away with highway robbery making the postal service as their work mule.

"He is an inspiration to other young entrepreneurs"?? LOL! Are their still people who believe the silicon valley narrative of if you make something great, you can start a company and become big? If you are not in the ((club)), you are not going anywhere. There are millions of examples. One right off the top of my head are the CISCO founders.

Partly the interviewers fault

Mathias Döpfner is late for a tee time: 30:27.

Can he cure something? Can he stop overcompensating for a tough childhood? I understand that money is a god , but is his megalomania worth it? I guess never. So here is my question! Why does't he salvage some poor place by using his brains and teach them! Then buy private islands e.t.c ! Where is the wisdom and humility?

Which bottomless pit of horror did this non-human rat-turd crawl out of I wonder!? NO human with a soul would ever treats others as he does his work force. NEEDS to be boycotted...shut down permanently!


Thank you Jeff, AWS allow me to build my own business and help others in the way.

He's clever and that has made him richest man on earth...his workers exist with help from foodstamps.It truly must be harder to be kind than clever.

He's actually a fascinating person.. I had no idea.

Vatsal Mavani because both of them are megalomaniac want to be on the driver seat

Product of Elon = Tesla + SpaceX + Boring + Solar city + Skynet + Open AI + Hyperloop + A Great Number Of Critics !!!

Reneesh T R says the guy who’s struggling to make Tesla successful, goes full Trump on Twitter and has hair plugs older than his girlfriends. It is surprising how can anyone still take him seriously

Herr Döpfner gives the most bland, boring and predictable questions/comments. Totally german

His tick is so robotic its scary

this is disgusting.

I think he might be on Ambien

Elon Musk is better than this terrible guy.

tax evading pos

hats off to the interviewer, its not an easy job to interview the world's wealthiest person.

Literally one day of jeff’s profit could make all the warehouse worker’s family’s happy. He’s too big and too greedy.

Space exploration is a hoax.

Pay your taxes buddy

Jeff don't wast your money on space that does not exist! i am sure you are too rich it would Not feel like a wast, just help the poor, build hospitals and schools, don't do stupid stuff like space, Coz as i said it does not Exist, believe me coz if you don't you regret when you reach 80!

We are learning & leading with Resource management & Leadership DR NINA , DR Debasish !! Master in Strategy Transformation & International Marketing !!!

please add indonesian subtitle

This guy is a monster!! Please investigate for yourself.. made his fortune off the back of the poor and vulnerable.. He's killing countries with his attitude... If you wont work for $5 an hour, I will take your jobs and find someone who will.

Isnt he a little weird or is it just me?

His original office used to be by Pike Place in seattle in shit hole Hole in the wall that was a dump.

He speaks like Christian Bale in The Big Short.

Jeff Bezos is a robot I swear

Capricorn legend

Join new social media htto://

263 people are most likely sellouts who probably own a microsoft pc. Jeff is the chosen one!!!!

Isn't Jeff an investor in Business Insider?

"educate regulators" lol! he started with the 1984 story.. he sure knows his doublespeak.

Union buster tax dodge monopolist. Look at him squirm at the union question.. then blame the critics. oh it's just the employee's choice.. after the threaten them to fire them all and move states.

It is the company with the largest selection of products in the world. It is the company that takes care of customers in the world. This company has the world's first employee education system.

Isn't reading minds without consent, theft of personal intellectual property, searching without a warrant? Violation of human rights? How does he get away with it?

If Amazon doesn't work out he could paint himself blue and join the blue man group

Creative people think about how to make things better, how to improve products and experiences.

is this Howie Mandel?

1 million people worldwide will LOSE everything when amazon and its holdings all fold..soon

amazin is still bankrupt after 10 years.. when it fails its going to take 100 great companies with it.. buzos has been buying the cash flow of 100 great companies and bankrupting them.. yes i know exactly how its done.. doc johnny and now you do too

15 dollars an hour! No less!

he is a his eyes

Crony capitalism and isms

This man is the reason The lying leftist Washington Post did not go down in flames as it should have and rightly deserved. This action puts him on the same level as Soros, who by the way, is also an investment banker. It now has unlimited resources to continue its lies and propaganda. This one act negates any good he may produce in any other area.

The MSM is a festering malignant pustule of corruption infected by the DNC, EU, Obama, Clinton, BBC, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, WAPO, Failing NYT, and other Socialists like Reid, Acosta, Cooper, Zuckerberg, Colbert, Kimmel, Maher, and Colier as an extension of leftist communist ideology, financed by Soros.

Jeff Bezos is in the top ten list.

The more I have learnt and the more I grow, I now see people who complain has pitiful. Stop making excuses, and be better yourselves.

I have never heard a more Californian voice

Braun said Billioner Cutting

Kerja Sendiri Makan Sendiri

Makanya jangan Makan Sendiri

MAFIA IT indonesia

WINDOW tm Computer Device Name ; SIP847F6188E8E

I honestly don't mind him as a bald back up Elon...

Awful interviewer.

Just wanted to note, he is so bad, omaigosh.

44:56 "I am currently spending one billion dollars a year and I am planing to continue this for a while" Omg

This man is the reason The lying leftist Washington Post did not go down in flames, as it rightly deserved. This action puts him on the same level as Soros, who by the way, is also a delusional leftist investment banker. This world is run by idiots with money and they are prime examples. This act negates any good he may produce in any other area.

I respect this guy for growing a HUGE business.. HOWEVER, He is so RICH there is no reason his workers should suffer from heat exhaustion and pay his workers so poorly they have to be on food stamps and he don't pay a living wage.....

Bezos the clown takes without putting back, a couple of database programmers now rule the world; we need to tax the rich ok?

Holy shit blue origin is an expensive hobby.

This guy is pure unfiltered inspiration.

Did I hear right ? _"I can fix prolapse in cattle."_

Hairlix :Solid Sweat Trimmer

This guy's a dicklet

Online Tagged and HI5 ID Tim Cook Celebes

Yeah that is true.

It was very awkward, interviewer trying to speak over interviewee, and they could have done a better job, as to prevent that from happening.

He probably wanted to go trough all the interesting things jeff does in that small timeframe and did not have time to follow up on those answers.

He's more worried about asking his questions then getting the answers. The best interviewer listens, maybe even asking questions based on those given answers, rather than following their uninformed, stupid, un-informing, written eight weeks ago questions. Subject me to the subject, not the subjecter thank you.

Why is he bad lol, he only interrupts him to steer him into few issues. Pretty chill interviewer tbh.

Bezos,congratulation on your success,but don't settle,I know you can be a trillionaire like king Solomon..

Investment bankers are parasites; Bezos is a parasite living off the avaricious exploitation of the workers and their communities. He is a role model for how to destroy a civilization.


Yes this is a great man, Yes he is very inspiring but in the end all what he is showing is a facade or an image of what he wants us to see. Go see "BBC Panorama - Amazon The Truth Behind the Click BBC documentary behind amazon shopping 2013" and discover by yourself how this man is really making his fortune ! Crazy pressure on his employees ...

BEzo looks like Sophie the robot

lmao he owns tha Washington Post how thebfuck is it gunna scruitinize him--cmon sheep u can break this 1984 doublespeak down

Why don't you pay your employees properly?

Wow the screens are so cool, I actually thought they are sitting out in the fields lol

Jeffrey P. Bezos if you see this... Can you please donate me: 1 penny....

And during this conversation he probably earned more than same people earn in their life.

He bought the press for influence, and he speaks like a genius regarding the future, but he is not Elon Musk. He should pour his billions into Elon Musk projects to get them going, rather than pretending he is the visionary.

What do you do with $120 billion?


It is so sad that all this multimillionaires like Elon Musk throw the money to the space with their vision on life on an other planet while their neighbor humans 10 miles away from their mansions live on the streets. I understands they want to be remembered as a visionaries but our planet will burn down in several millions of years !

Sounds like working at Amazon is like being in Scientology - scary!

Amazon is the devil's own. I used a prepaid Vanilla credit card to purchase an item on Amazon and was unable to rescind the order during a 60 day waiting period, all the while being given a 'green line' tracking update, at the end of which Amazon got my money and I never received what I paid for. Again, all the while, I was denied the possibility of any reply whatsoever. There simply was no one to call and raise this issue with: no reply possibility, no phone number to call, and no money left on the prepaid credit card. Amazon suckered me without a trace!

139 Billion and no cure for baldness? Jeff, c’mon!

When they stood at the end I couldn't tell if Bezos was short or if the other guy was extremely tall and slender, haha.

Reminds me of a James Bond villain.

"And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24) "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; "That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life" (1 Timothy 6:17-19) "Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Luke 12:33-34) "He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity" (Ecclesiastes 5:10) "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (1 Timothy 6:10) "No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (Luke 16:13) "And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead" (Luke 16:20-31 KJV). The Lord Jesus Christ loves you unconditionally!!! "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6 KJV). Thank you for reading. "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26) Have a good day! Amen in Jesus Christ precious name. "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV).

"What if an impatient dad did interviews"

Great video. Learned a lot

Sycophants, please! This isn't an interview, it's a tightly scripted self-promotional propaganda advertisement. This is a psychopathic rationalization of why we should encourage gentle criticism of autocratic monopolies yet should fail to force our representative government to regulate the consumption/marketing industrial complex for the benefit of society and culture. For Bezos, philanthropy is crushing your competition so that their wage-slave labor can become Amazon's consumer-slave population. Playing capitalism to win is now the shared American Dream: mutual economic suicide.

Jeff can i borrow 10 dollars?


Jeff Bezos is going down

RaKuu by far the best comment. That's a nice haircut, did you do it yourself?

Through Jeff's lips emerge the most motivational keynotes the "80 year self" looking back is priceless ,such an enthusiastic senior he doesn't look tired at all like hes tycoon counterparts...but am super afraid what his reaction will be when he realizes "blue origin" cant happen ........

That interviewer needs to quit interrupting him. Jesus dude. Let him finish talking before asking another question.

RazW1n *most people

Jeff Bezos is shit compared to Elon Musk my videos on my channel compare the two men

If Alexa was an AI, she could sell tickets and seat people at theaters and concerts. You could probably trust her with the money.

One thing all these large scale employers have in common is they have a darn good reason to spend or give away the extreme excesses in capital they have accumulated from paying low wages and charging too much for their wares. They almost never have a good reason why the workers making them all the money get so little if it. And they always want to radically change the world. Gates wants to make the developing world the way he sees fit. Bezos wants to make great great grandpa live on pluto. While back home the earth becomes a "residential" zone for the wealthy. Typical democrats.

Elon musk and his Space x , who agree me ?

I could listen to Jeff Bezos talk forever. It's like listening to a wise uncle talking about life and business.


Work / home balance is a debilitating statement, it's a circle, stating more or less come home happy from work, get to work happy from a fulfilling home life, another short statement conveying a profoundly important concept. The thing about you don't want to be the guy that just sucks the energy and enthusiasm out of a meeting, I know exactly what that means and I've seen too much of that. People might have parents who are absolute opposites in that department. They're the ones who know the importance of being uplifting instead of being a drain the most.

Such a SIMPLE and HUMBLE person he is..

It's harder to be kind than to be clever. Throughout my life I have observed how most of the world lack the wisdom of that incredible lesson. The lesson is one I too learned early in life. When I was a child of four years old, and I remember the exact age because of what happened, a girl who was my neighbor had the horrible experience of her father dying unexpectedly and suddenly. I was mean spirited and yelled something incredibly cruel and inappropriate. I was taken immediately inside and I was spanked with a belt. It was the one of two times I remember crying from physical pain in my life. I never regretted that lesson as it explained how kindness was not what we were taught by Great example. Through the years I have seen the wisdom of the teaching when older people at times who had my admiration and praise when they weren't present would wind up ridiculing me and being so blind to how I really was that I'd have a lump in my throat as I hoped nobody could notice I was almost to cry. I've seen again and again people losing my respect and admiration because of how they've treated other people. It's harder to be kind that to be clever is a short statement conveying a profound truth. I've listened to this because Bezos is speaking. For years now anything I buy I get at Amazon. I had to see it working before I tried that way of buying things, but I've been so satisfied it's been one of those things I keep hoping doesn't change. I'd never heard him say anything about kindness, which is exactly what the world needs more of. I just want to edit in this last thought. Years later that girl came to visit us at our new house we had moved to in the next city for a bigger house. She heard I played the drums and asked me to play for her. Kindly, she was on of the few people who so profusely praised me, and I'll always remember admire Bev for that, she caused me to learn a great deal.

Jeff is my Dad

Richest man in the world but cant even afford a hair transplant

jeff bezos trash man waste is not catch as catch can recycling today

Does Trump understand if he was playing a football game with Jeff Bezos Trump would be losing by 20 plus touchdowns. Current score Bezos. 150 Trump. 5 Hmm...I’d say you’re not as smart as you think Trump.


He babbles a lot and continually changes directions in his conversation. His mind seems to be akin to that of a butterfly. He flutters here, there, and everywhere.

Jeff can speak about 1 hour on each question asked but you know time is limited ....

"It's harder to be kind than clever". I bet that 99% of his 560,000+ employees would argue that he still doesn't comprehend the lesson his grandfather was trying to teach!

That head would look nice in a basket.

This guy is a total badass.

This due is sick

TOTAL manipulator.

What is this? "Why the work of the so important." So, you buy it. This dude is evil. Psycho.

100 billion.... man he is filthy rich.


hopefulyl he explores the ocean

He might aswell retire right ? Live another 40 or so years in pure paradise


$150 Billion...unreal man. Fucken insane!! I think he makes more in a second than I do in a year LOL :(

What's the end game Jeff?

great guy

I got richer just listening to him talk

I Just pushed my top of my brain out to orbit,with a big head ake your truily Deborah with orion space craft need feed back of what just happen that i not shere what i acomplished please tell me.thanks Debbie Duggan.for feed back expâin to me so i might do better in fetrure .

The interviewer is annoying and rude af

congratulation Jeff and these things he achieved with Amazon !

Perhaps Elon Musk and Bezos will join forces to see their space dreams turn reality!

Elon Musk if less greedy and more for the people, and at the same time can do better than this balloon

Lets be lucid for a second. Amazon is a carbon copy of the 100y old Sears Roebuck catalog. Bezos is far from the richest in history. The key is a monopoly and acts accordingly. At 150B, the whole Walton family who also act accordingly, as an individual, now, is worth allmost double that. Commerce. Remote and direct. Sears was both. In AJUSTED dollars, third is JP Getty, oil, complete nut case, the second richest in History is JD Rockerfeller at 330B. Oil. Nut case. The champ, documented, is Mansa Musa, commercial Malian Empire of his own making that spread threw central Africa. 1300. Gold. 600B ajusted but could have reached 1T depending on the price at the time. Had a 22k castle of solid gold heavier then the Burj Dubai. / Losing track of reality is normal. Id be mad as Moses myself. Musk rocketing a tesla in space with a perpetual Bowie loop seems lucid to anyone? Jeff's robot pet dog? Cmon. Ok Im done. I just seriously laughed myself silly. Better laugh at it then be mad. Because. Planet Earth is blue and theres nothing I can do. Just shop!

we need a maximun wage

he has sweatshops around the world he owns hundreds of thousands of acres of land in texas. we dont live in a meritocracy hard work will not pay off

Matthew 16:26 (KJV) For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Jeff Bezos deserves a Nobel Prize. I don't know which category. Maybe they can create one for him. I'm 65 years old and can well remember the old "6-8 weeks delivery"." I also remember lousy customer service. Well, yes. That's still around. but Amazon? If a refund is in order, even though the customer service rep tells you 3-5 days, I've had it where the refund appears in my checking account 5 hours later. I've been an Amazon customer for 11 years -- both Prime and non-Prime. I'm also a senior citizen. Take my word for it, senior citizens LOVE Amazon!


i don't give a shit son

Actually, Bezos is far from a trillion. At 150B, he is far from being the richest in history. The whole Walton family now, is worth double that. In ajusted dollars, the second richest in History is JD Rockerfellar at 330B. The first, documented, is Mansa Musa, commercial Malian Empire of his own making. Gold. 600B ajusted.

Went from working at a bank to becoming the bank lol

I wonder how many people he screwed over and dead bodies no one makes 150 billion with a clean Hand

This is the best Scarface remake so far



I love this man bcz he is so generous enough to share some of his business tricks than how so many other successful entrepreneurs does , I learned so much from him . Thanks Bezzos

I like to fit in a nice suit good to have $$$$$$$ and go to a gym and eat right

the neighbors eating steak....the cows and bulls are so beatiful and handsome and even if they werent

Wait isn't the stat he gave to his grandmother a good thing because it was to convince her to stop smoking which is bad for health

Lol people complaining about underpaid workers.. Have you seen how most "poor" people in the US actually live? iPhones, new cars, T.V.s, plenty of food from food stamps, a home, etc.. Yeah but they complain because they have to do work that was assigned to them because they can't figure out how to contribute on their own.. Just stop complaining, work your crappy job that actually provides for you and start investing in yourself. No need to worry about buying all the fancy toys until you figure out how you can contribute to society on your OWN not by working jobs with minimal skill requirements.

So people do your research about DIGIBYTE and BITCOIN its the future of money and wealth storage and DOY and make up your own mind but do not ignore the future not a financial advisor but a financial visionary .Adoption is all around us .you can be part of the new 1% i invested 100usd in Bitcoin and 100usd in Digibyte and thats al i need to have a nice future bye 2020 .Like the vids though

Universal selection idea at 14:00 is very forward thinking (internet platform offers selection advantage than brick/mortar0. he even had his estimates of what selection brick/mortar on hand offered.

scott williams trump could destroy bezos rn if he really wanted to lol

Bezos is a turd.........

I have absolutely 0 idea why people give Jeff such a hard time, think he does things the right way, and is an inspiration of any entrepreneur! Very thoughtful individual!

"Our Customers"

Anyone else sees a little bit resembles in appearance and mannerisms with Stuart from the big bang theory? Or is it just me?

I predict he is the richest

americans are not hard to figure out at all, put in God we trust on the item they truly worship and no one will know the difference, its like a drunk pouring his poison of choice into his coca a cola cup then going into the stadium to watch the game , shit, no one will ever figure that out

Do your slaves address you as your majesty or God. You have no value, and all you have will be taken from you. “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

What’s his $cash app tag?? Asking for myself

Heroes, dreamers, explorers, scientists and inventors to the stars!

3 digit billionaire. Staggering.

This man can spend 10 million dollars a day on bullshit and still die one of the richest men on earth...just think about that.

Good interview.


*Jeff bezos is a pharaoh I treat amazon employees as slaves! this man does nothing good for the world! (II ADOLF HITLER)*

11:00 If you want to know wether a trend lasts or not, try to find out how long and regularly current useres use this product //Research//.

It’s Tim Cook not Jeff Bezos

his passion for space seems more shallow than elon's, almost like its fabricated

Jeff Bezos only gives interview to the news channels he owns. Does he get to prepare for these questions in advance? Does he use this interview to spread his own propaganda? (P.S He owns Business insider.)

This guy is worth like 143 billion that's ridiculous looooooool

My grandma set aside just $1000 of her retirement fund for her grandchildren's inheritance in 1998. She bet it all on Amazon. . She is my favorite grandma.

Bullshiters everywhere....

Bullions by dropshipping.

Richest man in the world but still pays minimum wage

He could make every single person in the world a billionaire.. But honestly, I’m not that greedy!! I’m a simple man and I would be happy with 100 million!!

His gandpop should have told him "You will find out one day it's harder to pay a fair wage than make a profit"

Are you profane

If we can ever get them to refund us for the package their driver stole and marked delivered we plan to stop using them. My wife calls them Scamazon.

"The great thing about human in general..." He's an ALIEN!!!

His ownership of the Washington Post smacks of yellow journalism

The background is so distracting

Man ain't buying that ticket ,I was born on this planet I'll die on this planet , is our job now to make a better place for our future to live on ,so you tell me that all those Amazon plantions are not bring gas or pulotions

28:57 says the guy who runs the washington compost that spews propaganda 24/7 undermining America; f--k this fool. Wake up people.

This guy is a giant con. Why do you even give him a plattform? .For that nonsense space ship BS?

jeff, i want to sell you my soy sauce

It is okay to fail. You have to put ego aside and being willing to take risks. Without taking calculated risks it is hard to achieve anything. Well done, Jeff.

His achievement is monumental, but it definitely has taken a toll on his body and mind. The whole interview, you can see spastic heading cocking to the right. This is an obsessive compulsive tick associated with deep anxiety and stress. Building a 500B dollar company can suck the life out of you. His right eye also may squint into oblivion in a few more years. Rich AF, but he does not look healthy from a neurological point of view.

World's richest person, huh! Can't even grow his own hair. I am just jealous.

Is this clown serous about customer service July 27th 2018 I bought and Amazon card for 479.01 to get a laptop ( The card didn't work ) four days later i bought the laptop A whole weekend of people from India I wanted to shoot myself in the head No more Amazon cards for me

I don't know why, but Bezos look selfish and greedy. Look like the type of person he really don't give a shit about his employees

Parallel universe Lex Luther.

keep presing 8

To amount that much money ?? Truly out of this world ??

That "thing' in the back group looks like a penis... It's funny to think that believe still believe we can go to "outer space" EVEN though they have been caught FAKING their videos over and over and over again.

"It's harder to be kind than clever"

WOW, Jeff is ol country boy

I would love to believe he is a great person with great intentions, but that $600 million dollar contract with cia, the fact that he sits on a board in pentagon, and provides government and left wing propaganda on his Washington post tells me otherwise.

He is worth usd 150 billiion .more than the gdp of 125 countries of the wishes for him and!!!

does he have some sort of tick? watch his head movements. he sharply turns his head to his left like every 20-30 seconds more or less. anybody got any explanation for this? some sort of medical condition?

What's wrong with most of these rich and famous people's eyes

Jeff Bezos would hide in some underground bunker in a Walking Dead apocalypse like a coward till he couldn't hide anymore and he ran out of rations and then he'd come out and he died not long after that because he's weak unless he found somebody like Rick Grimes to follow

Jeff Bezos has 142 billion dollars and counting. I have 142 cents. or 1.42 dollars. The difference between Jeff Bezos and I . He worked while i watched TV and then now I watch Youtube videos all day long. You want to make money don't watch tv nor videos but instead WORK. simple.

Amazing how reluctant and evasive he was to answer the union question

Jeff Bezos wants you to stay a pig

You were all wrong. Interview process was aweful. Abnormal you made all people like minions. Actually you are not successful.


50 BILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Amazon is a Monolithic organization. With no soul. They are trying to dominate the word

"Humans are always improving things" Then improve the way you treat your employees!

What did they use to real time stream the background?

Freedom is the freedom to make mistakes.

Amazing man! Amazing Interview of the $150b man. Glad, well worth my 50mins!! More successes, Jeff!.

"Give everybody a kick in their step". Ending the interview with a phrase that not even Urban Dictionary includes. What a boi

44:27 What did that slime-ball say? How much billion? It's incomprehensible to me. Maybe that's what he meant, that Bezos's wealth is incomprehensible.

"If we had a trillion humans, we would have a thousand Einsteins". Are you sure that's how it's going to be during the date when we reach that number? Highly debatable, and the number 1,000 is probably going to be very wrong.

Had no idea he was of Cuban decent. Awesome

This dude is such an alpha.

Good interview until he started with the energy "crisis." At that point, see ya later!

I love this guy!! I love my customer service job at Amazon!!

"if there is a problem, there is a solution" what about cancer?

Rod Stewart in da haus

lex luthor!

Great questions

Jeff Bezos's life in a nutshell - "From banker to bank"

hmm axel springer...reactionary BS at its finest...

How is a person so smart?

jeff bezos is not the richest person in the world. his company is only valued at billions but you know they always overvalued a company. cash is king.

worst interviewer I've ever seen. he love to interrupt when jeff is trying to elaborate his story and interviewer love to stop him and change his story direction. what a noob.

Hatchword is a platform to breed and greed for words and more words. is a multi-lingual blogging site for users to read, write and express their individual thoughts in their own native language.

Read Jeff Bezos Success Story Here:

So how come that Amazon and Jeff Bezos did block the city of Seattle to impose a tax on all businesses to help the homeless crisis? I dont believe him what he says about really helping the homeless and disadvantaged... the working conditions at amazon are really bad most of the times...

Can we relax on the Chromatic Aberration a bit?

He is genius!

How humble and wise he is. Started from the bottom now he is the richest man in the world. Jeff, please run for president. We need more people like you in office.

Amazon had gotten worse in so far as it's IT dept.......this verification code that DOES NOT WORK as it never gets sent out at all....locking you out. And the idiots that are nothing more than call center ppl reading from a script, do not know what the heck they're doing.......bye bye. Used to be a good place, but the hiked Prime membership, along with all the code crap now and idiot workers....too much to deal with. Bezos NEEDS TO FIX IT. The bigger it's grown, the worse it's become.

Why couldn't I behead Jihadi John?

Why do they think Jihadi John has no money to be publicly beheaded? But since your rich they think you can be publicly beheaded?

What a great example for humanity it would be if that liquidation of a billion each year would also be done to funnel back benefits to the employees. He says he feels they pay well but that isn't the reality for people on the ground. Why not make it a better work environment with more paid leave and better incentives for healthy growth together rather than the cut throat competition widely reported. I don't understand why all companies don't do that. The state of society with stress and depression and crisis of home life stability (drug use) etc can all be addresses with happier individuals and individuals that feel a sense of security and belonging at their jobs. Too many have no sense of job security and stripped of benefits more and more. Why? We are only stripping ourselves of a healthy society in which to live an thrive together. That he is the richest man in the world doesn't mean he's rich at all. He only has the most money. The richest man in the world is the one in service to society as a whole.

Good interview, thanks. Jeff seems like a cool guy.

Jeff, during this interview you mentioned how fair and equitably you treat your employees and to a certain extent I agree with you. However, if you read some of the reviews from said employees on online job sites, such as you might find a different view of the jobs at Amazon. It might also be an idea if you take part in an 'Undercover Boss' experiment/experience and get some first hand experience of the shop floor from an ordinary workers perspective. Just an idea......

Eventually he'll be so rich that all the people on earth will become his slaves. XD jk

Great interview

Jeff couldn't have said it better himself. Workers having representation, getting decent wages and benefits isn't "the new way". The new way of life in the West is defined by a diminishment of collective support, which Bezos himself admits is incredibly important to a person's success and ability to take risks. Bezos fails to acknowledge that the vast majority of people do not get the "loving family support" or resources such as a fancy computer at their school. Today's working class family is stressed out and torn apart because they have to work longer hours to make up for low wages at their now insecure jobs. This problem is largely caused by and perpetuated by anti-union, tax evading employers like his.

the anecdote at the introduction was gold

jeff bezos has been fighting the courts for days now, he is arguing that walmart is damaging food throughout the store by leaving thier lights on at a night, jeff says the produce section is suffering the most, wtf pee pole, what kind of lawyers guns does jeff have in his arsenal and what are his devious plans, how many judges does jeff own and is jeff the real pied piper, the shit in only getting deeper, is jeff using the courts to disrupt poor walmarts strategy to distribute food and clothing to the poorest amongst us, surely the bald headed queer is plotting to make a cruel and business like bid to topple the food and clothing giant, if jeff were a reptile, surely is the lowest low down reptile of them all, calling him names though wont do any good it only strengthens his reputation amonst the other reptiles, the old nursery rhythm holds so true even today, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, they only make me stronger and grow hair on my head, in other news jeff is spending most of his time these days looking on amazon for hair growing solutions, no wonder amazon is tanking, my God jeff wear a wig, spend the money they are not that expensive, and jeff denies being jeff bozo, jeff says he does look like a clown and never has and stays away from circus's for that reason, how ever if i do decide do buy a circus i will immediately fire each and every clown personably no severance check for youse, one than i hate and thats competition

Work with Musk Jeff! Help him with electric vehicles NOW! @JeffBezos

Jeff just come to my house and give me 10 million my goodness that will be like giving away a penny for him lol but all in all such a smart guy and humble

There is a special place in Hell waiting for bezos.

9:25 what is this spectral entity

It’s kinda hard to actually comprehend how much money this man has he could literally buy the company thats interviewing him and he would be almost unscathed


He will only get richer. Probably only halfway to his actual riches

Keep buying make him richer fools

Jeff Bezos you are a champion god bless you

Jeff Bezos amazon

Why quote Maggie Thatcher when you could just as well quote the 'Strawberry Snatcher'? . . . Scrutiny? More like . . . mutiny . . . on the . . . Incidentally, where is the shetland pony I ordered? oh yes and I never want my cyclops done any other way . . . oy vey

Who else hears a little Owen Wilson coming outta this guy

really little wisdom that he spoked were really important, thanks jeff , love from a teen from India, continue doing the great work that you are doing :)

You know what I would like to. Ask can I work. For Amazon in in diffetlrent county?

Can I ask what is 1984?

47:27 - Worklife Balance by Jeff Bezos

37:16 - The most important thing for Jeff Bezos

27:47 - So basically he says that governments should define the sandbox for Amazon and other businesses to play in and they will focus on their mission, which is customer delight. So laws should say no to pollution and anything that's not sustainable... Or like selling FUR or other products that exploited anyone or anything. It's the market decides. I'm doing research at the moment on a video about Amazon and Jeff Bezos and this was very helpful! Thanks, Business Insider!

20:54 - There are two kinds of critics... - Loved that part!

Now i see why he is hated by (removed by Pres Donald J. Trump), he's a normal guy.

I agree 100%, his vision for Space and Blue Origin will be the most important impact on the world in the future.

Blue organ I would like to see how you made it to a the first trillionaire?

Korea even .

I meant to say you at amazon ? Could itbe somewhere like in Germany or Italy?

I dont trust him

40:50 “If we had a trillion humans, we’d have a thousand Einstein’s a thousand Mozart’s” & a thousand Jeff Bezos.

Thank you for this great interview!

his father abandoned him when he was a child, he surely regretted his act.

you want another answer? this nice gentleman is monopolizing the entire sales market by the net, once his competitors are ruined and all shops closed, he will impose his price and his law,

Salwa melancolic your smart good answer

go say it to poors, not to me

Salwa melancolic nope im not materialistic

Jeff Pesos

professor X became rich!

Run The Atlas complete contrast of castro

Mitch Howe hes a multi billionaire ok ! He put food on your plate

I can tell he is very horny. I wonder how he spends his millions.

low-key evil

Absolute trash audio.

Dude everything you said you want to do about space in the near future is literally already done by Elon Musk

40:03 or you could continue to speak for another 20 minutes after it was clearly said that time is running out.

"work life balance": 47:23

Capitalism is one of the biggest 21st century evil, it does not make people's life any easier, it just makes everyone gather more trash than knowledge. Buy more and you pollute more and then you go out looking for other planets to colonize. It's like dreaming for heaven while living in hell. Make your living like heaven and the Lord will live within you. Om.

he attributes so much to being lucky....and having an incredible family etc. instead of taking for himself all the credit for his mind blowing success.

Seems like a nice guy.


0:26 Rich man laugh.


So glad he kicked Bill Gates's ass

does he just go around telling that packing table story

I believe I would pay my employees more then he does .....

All those who shit on Mr. Bezos never spend their time learning economics and the truths of societal problems like minimum wage and inequality. All they understand is the very surface of what's happening, which is someone is rich and someone isn't. The American dream is about climbing the ladder. And if you are not able to, but you want to, you can foster your children to climb it for you and your family. It means that it doesn't necessarily take only one generation to become rich. Some families take generations, as a matter of fact, a lot of them take generations to get their families up the ladder. But a lot of the liberal thinkers want everything to be fixed immediately. How? By ripping off of the middle class with tax and tax and tax. And who's trying hard to climb the ladder? The MIDDLE CLASS! And the tax money goes to all forms of financial aid for a bunch of lazy asses who always want a better pair of Nike and a bigger truck that friggin block the road like crazy. Governmental help works very badly, if not useless at all. It's businesses that help the society all along. One of the few jobs that the government should be doing is the Anti-trust action that can stop the true evils, not someone like Jeff Bezos. Not imposing taxes that stop our great businesses from doing their job. It's a lot more complex than that. But really, learn what the greats did before negging about their net worth. And their net worth isn't some solid cash like they can or will buy a house every day if they want. It's not easy to keep this much money either if you think about it. One last thing, the hardship of low skilled workers in Amazon is exaggerated. Don't let the media scope limit your understanding. I'm sure some are harder to work in than others but don't make it sound like every single one low skilled labor experiences the hardest of all.

I prefer to be poor

Jeff Bezos is the first and the only man to have a net worth of 100 billion $

Bezos and Musk should merge and work together.

I know 5 people who worked at Amazon in Dunfermline. None of them had a nice thing to say about the place and it’s diabolical working conditions. Needless to say they all couldn’t leave quick enough. Hang your head in shame, Bezos.

Pays no he really that he a better person than me and u...parasite!

Suck my d***, Bill Gates.

He has given a lot of people jobs and has saved consumers billions of dollars.

Buy Local

Why Buy from Amazon ?

I think what Bezos has achieved is truly incredible. I am a customer and an employee. There is much that he is not aware of in terms of working conditions, including that 3x as many are fired (as are hired) through no fault of their own: we work like robots (and most of us have overuse syndromes to prove it). The standards defy mathematical logic: stow/put away 1700 forks and make only one error (recently, this has been made worse increasing it to stow 2000+ make only one error)

thank you!

yes, he's incredible, now he must reconsider those working conditions: the truth is he doesn't know what is happening in his warehouses

try working in the warehouse - not so great- prob the highest firing rate occurs there and not because people are lazy- we work like robots at impossible standards of productivity and quality


How many of you like Jeff Bezos.,?

Bezos is not innovative. He copied E-Bay, then made it better, but it was not original.

Pay your taxes, parasite.

He seems like a very balanced guy!

Really like Bezos. Amazing person, and his wealth has nothing to do with his greatness. Get over it people.

Jeff...I would like my 17 dollars back..Many years ago, I ordered an ant farm on Amazon and was charged twice and called and called and they would NOT fix it or refund one of the 17 dollar charges..I ended up paying 34 dollars on a 17 dollar ant farm.. Was never going to use Amazon again, but of course have used it a lot..I still want my 17 dollars back..I wonder how many people this happened to in the early days of Amazon

fun fact, the owner of a luxury brand selling bags and belts are worth 70% as much as this guy. (Bernand Arnault, LV) Just to show, just because we entered the age of technology and internet, traditional industries will still be there for a very long time and upstanding as well.

The interviewer is actually one of the most powerful media CEOs in case you have missed it.

His money is not the reason for his greatness. His views are.

I don’t care what anyone tells me this guy is not human just take a look at his head

A Genius!

I hope he doesn’t inspire others to adopt his work ethic for employees. In northern England Amazon have been investigated for their inhumane work ethic. Amazon monitor every move their employees make, employees get 3 strikes then they’re out. They monitor the speed that they move, toilet breaks, if they fall unwell etc. They get one strike if they take too many toilet breaks, another strike if warehouse staff move too slow (walking instead of running down the isles), a strike if they chat with a colleague. They are called in and fired on the spot. The depot itself has warehouse staff walking 27 miles per day... they get half hour for lunch and by the time they walk the whole length to the canteen and are searched to make sure they’ve not stolen anything, they have five mins before they must return. This man found a loophole in the law to avoid giving staff perks... they just fire them before 13 weeks (even if they’ve done nothing wrong), then re-employing them to avoid giving them a contact. I can see how this man has vision and enterprise etc and why people look to him... but actions speak for themselves his conduct and his lack of morality is the work of a psychopath. In an age of corporations becoming more conscious of co-creating and empowering their workforce... this man’s operating a power hungry globalised monopoly that defies human rights.

Unfortunately, Jeff Bezos supports white genocide in South Africa - this is clear by how the Washington Post & Businessinsider, his mouthpieces, are fighting against Trump's recognition of it. All Jeff cares about, is getting into South Africa to fight Alibaba: if this means keeping quiet about the mass murder of white farmers - or even LYING about it in the press, the he is totally cool with it. As much as he is prepared to stand up for Israel - so should he do for a small European minority who are trapped in Africa. WHAT democracy is there if people like Jeff fight against the facts with all his might and power?


Your Amazon employees are really really happy for you Mr. Zebos, thank you for taking care of them.

24:03 that's because Steve Jobs died and Amazon no longer has to compete against the greatest CEO in Silicon Valley history, that's why Amazon grew so fast since 2011

Mathias Döpfner is a great interviewer and Jeff Bezos is a great person to ask questions and expect to receive clear responses. From all they said, I will emphasize the energy consumption in our planet. We are using more devices and we will need more energy to sustain them. Thus, I think that exploring new forms of energy, and manage the existing ones, is an amazing task that Jeff Bezos has taken. I wish him all the luck of the world!

Amazon should be boycotted. Consumerism must be inhibited.

+Billy R I can only agree with you! Though his ego might care if an investment is seen to fail in the face of an infallible reputation. I guess from my perspective it comes down to inner wealth. He has the capacity to change this world and leave it a better place. He can keep taking more than he could possibly spend or contribute to the betterment of mankind. His true worth is what he gives and the lives he can change, not what he acumulates for himself.

even if the workers did quit and walk out - the man is worth 164 billion dollars; which is more than some countries GDP alone, in a sense, his money is endless. In 1 month alone, his net worth has drastically increased from 149B to 164B... It's a ridiculous amount of money, and someone with that kind of money doesn't have any care in the world for anyone around them apart from their own family. This man couldn't care less about the downfall of his business, he has money which is able to last millenniums.

+Billy R It matters to the workers who bring him his fortune. I'm guessing their wellbeing would matter to him if they all quit and walked out!

does it even matter when you're worth 160 billion dollars though - you really think he cares about the wellbeing of his workers?

i somehow feel he looks less human

What if we got to Space and we found out the military has been secretly traveling throughout space with secret anti-gravity technology for the last 50 years. It would be a good thing commercial space travel is putting the pressure on them

“Jeff Bezos is worth about $168 billion. Since the beginning of this year his wealth has increased by about $216 million every single day. Meanwhile Mr. Bezos continues to pay thousands of his Amazon employees wages that are so low that they must rely on food stamps, Medicaid or subsidized housing in order to survive. [These are] programs that are financed by the middle class of this country. According to a recent report from New Food Economy, one out of three Amazon workers in Arizona and 2400 in Pennsylvania and Ohio need food stamps in order to feed their families. According to a November 2016 study by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, warehouse workers at Amazon are paid 9% less than the industry average for comparable work nationally, 18% less than average in Seattle, 19% less than average in Atlanta and 22% less than average in Kenosha Wisconsin.” — Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, Wed., September 5, 2018, “The man who has millions will want everything he can lay his hands on and then raise his voice against the poor devil who wants ten cents more a day.” — Samuel Gompers, "The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor." — Victor Hugo,

11mil per


Hmm were they engineers ?

He became the richest person in the world from seller's fees, not much on prime memberships. So matter what, sellers are protected by Amazon. For instance, I've placed negative feedback to seller due to horrible service, then the seller reached out to Amazon requesting feedback removal and they did just like that. Same thing with product reviews. I've posted honest review based on my opinion of the products. Again, seller reached out Amazon and deleted. It was Nald H. from feedback dept. and Jess O from same dept.

These 2 supposed men are NOT real biological males BUT secret Masonic FTM transgender "TRANSman Lady" CEOs originally born girls with female DNAs in their generational transgender families and turned to be FAKE men by Testosterone and other freemasonic transgendering techs & stuffs just like other global secret tranny elites. M. Dopfner and J. Bezos have definitely typical female skulls, feminine oval faces, short necks, scarce Adam's apples, and other ftm's traits. All realms of human world are secret trannies' battle ground for their earthly delights, desires, i.e. money, power, fame, etc. Cheers, Secret Tranny World !

The successful Kim Jong-un.

Bernie 2020. Stop Bezos act.

The people complaining about Amazon working conditions and typing up mad comments on their Iphones. Ever consider the poor chinese people building the phone/laptop your currently using, get off your high horse.

His net worth is 160 billion usd doesn't mean he has 160 billion in his bank account, most of that number is based on his value of Amazon ownership. If he sells all his shares yea perhaps he will actually have that much in cash, but the tricky thing is that basically means he will be leaving Amazon, which likely will plummet company value. The good thing being the CEO of Amazon he rarely pays out of his pocket as his company pays for many of his expense.

At least I am rich in hair

All amazon gotta do is pay the government some $$

what happens when you become the richest man in the world?? does Bill and Warren text you with, "well done, lets us buy you a smoothie" ...??



do they get paid....? yes they do.... is it voluntary....? yes it is. Is it an amount they're happy with? if not why r u working there lmao.. stop critisizing people n think for your self, giving employees a job is not inhumane lol if they dont like it they can quit. If your gonna say they cant quit cause they need the money then hes really helping them out by paying them.. idiot.

+Zlipster Royals they brought a whole sector of the markets wages down warehouse workers now make 18% less but they produce more because they are monitered every 3 mins

You shouldn’t be cheating with a co worker I mean chatting. See what I did there. Half of these things aren’t as bad for, one you should be working not taking a break for what your getting paid for. Get to work don’t socialize unless your getting paid too. I want my package within the hour. Lol

I think jeff knows hes not the richest. He knows enough wealthy people that we havent heard of that live in the middle east. Dot dot dot

I understand Musk's methods, and principles. I have the ideas. I just need the funds, and time is always waning not waxing. He is not the only one who read the books and took the finals without taking the classes. In the 90"s I was the first to manufacture and sell over 1 million gallons of purified water to the public in a position of public trust. I just need the funds. My contact is my first name and my last name at gmail.

is this the guy from whiplashed?

This vainglorious braggart is the unwitting epitome of ill-gained wealth.

How can anyone down thumb a self made millionaire, that started selling books in his garage #TeamBezos

Jeff Bezos: CEO Amazon


He should be the president of the USA

Bao Trinh Look up the channel 4 investigation... he setup in an ex-mining town with high unemployment, and the employees DID quit. He had to source from outside locations which didn’t work so well. So Amazon tried to coax the locals to return. And no need to be rude calling people idiot!!!

1 milyon dolar versene bize Jeff Amcaaaa

Take Blue Origin to orbit and please, please never come back.

Bao Trinh it’s not what they do, it’s how they do it that people take issue with. Wealth aside, people deserve to be treated with respect and treated ethically, especially when they are keeping your business afloat.

Its understandable and common sense that big corporations like amazon is scrutinize because it is so large and people are suspicious of power and control. I just cant stand it when people paint billionaires as evil and psychopath but doesn't realize they actually create value for this world rather than the rest of y'all critiquing online and calling people out for things they try to do. Dumb people get on my nerves when they assume that just because someone is rich that they have obligations to have to help everybody in the world . People feel like they're owed because someone has so much value even though its not like they take it away, they just create it. I instead feel like the world owes these people.

Bao, do you have the remotest idea how workers' pay and conditions has increased over the decades? It isn't through the "market". It's through workers organising and representing their interests. Amazon don't allow unions. They chase union organisers out of their warehouses. People are working there because they need to, idiot. A large % are immigrant workers from Eastern Europe and elsewhere.

Bao Trinh Look up the channel 4 investigation... he set up business in an ex-mining town with high unemployment, and the employees DID quit. He had to source from outside locations which didn’t work out too well. So Amazon tried to coax the locals to return. And no need to be rude calling people idiot!!!

Amazon is the big shit ever made

Jeff's unique way of laughing is accountable to most of the investors.

I've noticed he never talks tax...

There are many more ways we can improve our ability to preserve earth and make it better, I'm still in favour of space travel but still think we're better off improving life on earth right now!

Jeff Is a robot.

I hope he doesn’t inspire others to adopt his work ethic for employees. In northern England Amazon have been investigated for their inhumane work ethic. Amazon monitor every move their employees make, employees get 3 strikes then they’re out. They monitor the speed that they move, toilet breaks, if they fall unwell etc. They get one strike if they take too many toilet breaks, another strike if warehouse staff move too slow (walking instead of running down the isles), a strike if they chat with a colleague. They are called in and fired on the spot. The depot itself has warehouse staff walking 27 miles per day... they get half hour for lunch and by the time they walk the whole length to the canteen and are searched to make sure they’ve not stolen anything, they have five mins before they must return. This man found a loophole in the law to avoid giving staff perks... they just fire them before 13 weeks (even if they’ve done nothing wrong), then re-employing them to avoid giving them a contact. I can see how this man has vision and enterprise etc and why people look to him... but actions speak for themselves; everywhere else people are accountable for any lack of morality. In an age of corporations becoming more conscious of empowering their workforce... this man’s operating a power hungry globalised monopoly that defies human rights.

Bao Trinh Yes I’m all woman

Oh you're a girl... ok sorry for the harsh words.. nurturing and caring for people is a good thing but i can tell from your comments that you think billionaires take and take thats why they are so rich. business don't take. People simply don't understand. They trade something of value that you agreed you would pay a price for that exact ideal goes towards the work it self.. workers should compare their pay to the work/benefits/conditions if not then they can easily work somewhere else that pays less or go back to not having a job before amazon got there. And nobody deserves anything, working conditions / pay acceptance differ from region to region. Theres communities with people that work all day in the sun just to feed their families and don't complain.. now imagine if amazon moved businesses to these areas how much do you think amazon needs to pay for them to agree to work.. close to nothing to them, but to the people, they were given an opportunity to make more than they had previously and they dont complain. People who dont use their brains jump on band wagons to attack amazon complain for them bc big corporations ArE sO sCaRy

Ron 3rd I’m not a bro... and I don’t work there!!! So you stfu!

Bro stfu no one is forcing u to work there

I really like this bald AI humanoid model.

This man is a psychopath and treats his workers like shit. Boycott this business!

And thus you have Amazon's seller-fulled performance metrics that keep getting harder on sellers everyday. Love ya Jeff.

+Bao Trinh Are you really this stupid?

Bezos.."Popeye" as I like to call him is a tyrant, plain and simple.

Jeff Bozo

Now I know money can't buy good looks

Amazon Germany (aswell as Google, Apple, Facebook etc.) has a tax rate of merely 0.005%. - That means of every million of profit Bezos pays just lousy 50 Euro to the treasury. What an honourable Sir.

Bao Trinh Yes I’m all woman

Bao Trinh it’s not what they do, it’s ‘how’ they do it that people take issue with. Wealth aside, people deserve to be treated with respect and treated ethically, especially when they are keeping your business afloat.

He pays employees shit

"It fills me with gratitude and optimism to be part of a species so bent on self-improvement." "It fills me with gratitude and optimism to be part of a species so bent on Greed." There ya go Jeff, fixed that ststment you made .. ;)


Here's an individual who cannot even run a good company (Amazon). I had a lot of packages sent to me and I spent a lot of time on the internet trying to sort out messes within that company. I have now begun to pay a little more and get better service. Why ? Because when you spend a lot of your time on the phone trying to fix his problems, it is not only costly financially. It becomes a big cost and a complete waste of time doing business there. Who is he to even to criticize anyone when he cannot even get his own act together. He cannot even run a company smoothly and yet he wants to offer the world advice. Jeff spend more time focussing on your own internal problems before you criticize others. Remember Al Capone looked successful to some others as well. What a hypocrite ! Jeff never forget the other large retailers who neglected the most important part, the customer who eventually had to close down their doors because they thought they were smarter as well. The customer is the one who keeps your doors open. They can also shut them down very fast.

The richest man in the world... I sometimes drive for amazon flex and it's as if I'm working for free because these scumbags don't compensate drivers properly.

Jeff is such a cool guy ! Love his attitude and humor !

Okay, Bezos, so early on your grandfather taught you that, 'It is harder to be kind than to be clever'. Sounds great! And so what happened to that lesson? Is it still as hard, with all your success and wealth?

He got into producing his own original content porn. I closed my account

Break this piece of shit company up now! the owner is a piece of human excrement, he is an enemy of the people!

Jeff Bezos please contact me if you read this. I will change Amazon to be a giant. This is not a joke.

when i drop start a fond in my honnor can by a good idea an who know can go over a its a win/win ha...ha...

$$$$$ its not what come in first for my,better value then that i go let a fortune on table if i dont repair who can!!

i dont ave intention to drain all your bucket to this big error im not a bad man but they just comming me i ave something to tell like a ordinary person they are on the first floor i listen Mrs Bezos an i thing we ave a lot to talk couple similitude beetween her idea an mine if i i ave to wait take this level ,i know, you know,an every know its not my respo nsability wath happen i dont push this bad thing ,for you ,but if im to your side i need some answer to why my economie are a promess i give your very lucky dont take a bad guy !...........Benoit

i go stop this gived to me the time for see wath are good ore not windows i go closed i go put other place to

Beff Jezos wants to donate to charity

These multi- billionaires are helping humanity progress into outer space. Maybe this is part of our evolution, allowing individuals to get super rich which then leads to funding technological advance!

i now understand why amazon is so successful. Mr. Bazos is very humble and grounded. he is always striving to serve his customers better.

Peeing in bottles to make production time or be fired. Modern day slavery.

1:46 How nicely he switched the context. A true Aristotlian

I don’t like this guy

He just took a shit on bill gates 95 billion vs 165 billion, I think he could be the first sole trillionare person in 20 years or so

Bald crazy eye Bezos needs corrective surgery on that crazy spy eye of his and he should put all those billions towards stitching hair into that crystal ball head of his. He's the ultimate example of a greedy scumbag. Before all you Bezos ballhuggers say that Amazon is entry level and they deserve entry level pay think of this, Costco and Chick-fil a are entry level positions and they pay their employees a living wage and compensate them far better, they don't penalize employees for walking or wanting to go to the bathroom and sure as hell don't frisk their employees. They make far less than Amazon but damn sure have a happier workforce. If they can pay a living wage so can Bald Bezos

Why is he a parasite?

Good luck competing on the market

He gets haters in droves

Haha, so Jeff Bezos in his mind is all about improving things. You schmuck, at least give you employees a proper bathroom break before you bu llshit about improving things. Such a sociopath.

I love your ideas regarding space Jeff. Keep it up.

his father is not cuban, his mother left his real father when he was little

Too much love from Nepal ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

@Bao Trinh Bao Trinh It is NOT voluntary. They forced to work like this because they need money. They have no choice. "Voluntary" What a joke ! The conditions are totally inhumane they treat their workers like robots. "If they don't like it they can quit" It is not that easy, life is rough so money is very hard to get and their financial situation is unstable. If they quit, it will have a negative effect on their lives so no. He is not "Helping them out" What a joke. It is not "Helping" It is the system that is built like that They pay them because they have to it is clearly not "Helping" lol, plus they aren't even well paid. The corporation even cheat to not pay their workers, they despise them...Talk about "Helping" lol.

I will be the NEXT JEFF BEZOS !

buffett is a much nicer and modest person and role model

The way he handles the criticism only works in gentlemen circles.

This guy is a reptile

Bezos' wealth is impressive, but who he is as a person, no...

Yul Brynner + Telly Savalas = Jeff Bezos!

It was a hot summer day three years ago. It would have been painful to go from store to store looking for a fan. I found 2 on Amazon $13.00 each. I emailed my friend. Gave him the numbers of the fan. He ordered 3 for himself, without ever having to step into the heat. Thank God for shopping online by Amazon. Shopping from store to store is a painful process

I greatly appreciate the fact that he acknowledges "being lucky" and having moments in life which had nothing to do with him, it just happened and he saw the opportunity. I see some of these founders act as if they deserved everything and act like they are superior because of that "luck." Cheers, Jeff.

Bezos created the flowchart for his idea called Amazon on a Dell laptop in his wife’s truck while she was draining him across the United States to the California coast. She is. Very smart. He ‘wrote’ these grand ideas called Amazon without the aid of the internet, stopping every few hours, so that he could recharge the laptop battery. He created his idea for this bookstore on PowerPoint . This is fact.

another extraordinary successful child of a single mother. funny that...

No intelligent person respects you, Jeff. You acknowledge that luck put you in your position, and yet you give only a small fraction of your wealth to charity. How dare you speak about the world's problems as though you care? Just be honest and say: "I care more about the excessive security that my wealth brings me than I do about people living in poverty. I am a disgusting human being."

LOL now amazon is worth 2000 times barnes and noble.

likely british management. cornwall lidl bears no relation to german lidl - products shite, management shite so employees always in more diff position ....

you say that but i live in cornwall and wealthy business owners/ residents pay worse, job conditions are worse and their sense of entitlement is never-ending. explain that

Obviously a reptilian...

Share the wealth - pay your staff a decent living wage - it’s so off putting!


Theres an arab prince somewhere laughing at this

This guy has more money than Bill Gates!

Rich Jeff bezos..!!! Amazon leader.

To put his money visual Imagine bags of 1 Million Dollars in a room He has 147.000 bags of Million Dollars in his room


Impressive interview

Jeff bezoz look like villain with one eye smaller than other .

He is paying all the taxes he is supposed to. How about you paying more tax than you have to ? Do you do that ?.......... Thought not.

I often dream of going back to the days before Walmart and Amazon, when specialty stores were plentiful. The character of so many small towns has been gradually stripped away. Book and record stores were a great place to hang out and meet people. The price of progress often seems too high. Whether this "progress" is a net good is highly debatable.

Why did they sit the presenter in a child's chair?

Is Jeff bezos a nice billionaire or evil billionaire?

Why do I import my products from China, to sell on Amazon? because here in the United States the companies do not sell to small companies, they ask you first the name of the company to give you some information about their products, then tell you that you can not buy their products, you have to buy them 1 million annually, in China they do not ask you if you are big or small company, they do not give to F *** and they fit your budget, I tried to buy my products here in the United States and it was impossible for me, that is why I buy in China!!!!!!!!!!!!! in CHINA they sell quality products if you want to sell "QUALITY" that they tell me about the big brands of electronic products like APPLE? Do not keep saying we do not want to buy the products made here in the USA !!! they do not sell them to us (I'm not Target or Walmart) trump speaks BS, all its products are made in CHINA !!!

Oh yeah Bezos, he's the guy that after he became the richest man in the world finally decided he could pay his people $15 bucks an hour. No bathroom breaks or stock options anymore though.

32:50 You can explain things to people, but you can't understand things to people

11:43-12:30 Remember that Barbara. Somewhere in History

Is your ever looking for a sugar baby, jeff......jk! (???)......

The interviewer seems really imtimidated by Jeff

Jeff has a mind of an industrial engineer... makes things easier to do

I cannot stand this accent though!

sure it takes iam still 13

Global news for future children ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Can't wait til Bezos is thrown out on his butt. Its to late for explanations now.

Amazon's role in the military needs to be exposed. Investment banker? Talk about a parasite.

he coul run, pay staff and even spend more money on amazon for 150 years without anyone buying a thing from amazon lol ^^

watch sadhguru seem too serious

didnt understand that thing with metabolism

watched it all.

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