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hello everyone we have a problem or maybe i have a problem you don't really have a problem uh the problem is i record the direct gameplay for my youtube channel because i decided xa is a fun champ that i didn't play in a long time and it got bad and everything but the problem of the problem is that i didn't record it with audio [Music] because for some reason my microphone was turned off right now i know my microphone is turned on so what i decided to do is instead of you know completely throwing the game to the trash i would just voice over the rexa gameplay with a new camera so that you can see what happened in the game and i do think the game was nice to watch so i do think it's worth watching especially if you are a early game jungler that is looking for new ways of ganking or maybe new ways of doing things in early game i think the game was just worth watching and again please if you like the video subscribe to the channel leave a thumbs up and of course a comment below the video what would you like to see next so now i will show you how how it looks like and as you can see um well i i was in champ select right and then i just picked rek'sai i'm gonna mute the video um actually do i mute the video that's a good question you know what i will do one second i think i should play not mute the video and i should just yeah i should definitely mute the video because you cannot hear me as you can see so yeah i picked drek's eye and then well i'm just commenting i guess i can go over runes so these are the runes i really like for xy i like having conquer triumph electricity last stand nimbus cloak water walking attack speed ad armor i think this is probably like the best uh rek'sai uh rune page you can go for i feel like hello blaze is just straight up worse because hello blades is a rune page that requires you to one-shot someone and conquer also makes you one-shot people you just have to be cleaner with your mechanics and electricity helps you with jungle clear so this is why i think this is better and i like to play this page now we are just gonna go straight in game and i will try to wait can i fullscreen it somehow i'll try to move my camera right here and i guess i will remove this camera i don't know what happened here yeah so um i guess this is how i would comment on this we are going to watch my own gameplay now i'm going let's go let's let's let's see so as you can see right now i'm just you know camping the brush i'm not really doing that much i'm kind of waiting for the path to spawn i'm talking about the item builds i guess i can kind of talk about the item builds right now as well so i think for rek'sai you can do two ways you can first of all build a brawler's claw or you can go stride breaker and i think both item paths are correct i think going stride breaker makes sense and going protest claw also makes sense i think proles glow is most likely better more often though because it allows you to assassinate people and it has a dash right stride breaker makes you more tanky i think the item builds uh the big difference between these two item pills is that if you go rollers you will go for lethality if you go stride breaker you will most likely end up going black cleaver static ga deathstands even stuff like that right as you can see this game started a little bit flippy i actually now remember this game better because i recorded a couple of days ago my boatly died uh two people died level one uh or or like instantly so there was already a banker from level one right and the game was actually pretty difficult but they have a volleyball support so as you can see i'm skipping raptors uh sorry skipping craps why my ski is keeping cracks is because i want to be bot lane as fast as possible i think doing cracks is fine if i do raptors after and then still go bot lane so doing three comes top side would be fine here assuming that i would go bot lane instantly instead of uh you know doing more camps i think because i want to go both i want to go there before the wave crashes so basically before the next wave hits the tower not the one that they are killing now but the next wave and i made a slight misplay here because well as you can see i'm doing wolves ride and i'm not level 3 yet and i would preferably be level 3 now but i also have to wait for my bottle to be level 3 so this is this is okay you don't need to force a gank with rek'sai if you don't really feel like it's a good idea i think it's fine to take it slow and just farm it's completely fine right in this case i'm level 3 now i skip blue and i hover for a boat gank i will go in here from what i remember when we are level two so karthus even though he you know died before he still had flash i get the kill this is very important i get a kill because i'm playing rek'sai and rek'sai like i mentioned early game jungle you want kills you want to be ahead in the early game this is why i think the skill is very very important for me i'm gonna do crap here and then bloop up after i will be level four as well i smite it right that's made up i think me chasing here is completely useless oh this is good though i place a word uh and from what i remember is that uh i mean what i ca okay not from what i remember what i can see on the map right now is that uh currently evelyn is both side and she didn't take top crap so i ignored my blue buff even though i wanted to do the blue i ignore my blue up and i actually go top side grab because and i also pop his bone plating mid lane and that is because i can go top now and i have time to go top and there's no no reason not to go top because i know even spot right so we can do the crap here and i think doing the club makes a lot a lot of sense so let's just kill that i see if now she places award i also play award i can just run i don't think we have to take the fight and now i have 1.1 k gold and this is very important as well on the right side the more long shots you can get the better or boots and double long swords this is what the base i get i can change my trinket to red drinker you cannot see it because of camera but i don't think it right now and yeah boost up long shot it's it's a perfect buy again i see what this oh exactly evelyn graham resets here she messed up and she messed up big time and since i'm very smart i'm going to punish it how do i punish it how do you punish the fighter her grand priest you know that she started top side and you know she's parting to both that means her raptors are up even r is checking them for me her raptors are up that means i can go literally there to her raptors and i can just take them and there's not much you can do about it i think if i'm smarter than i am which i'm not i sharp also pinked the entra like here i think pink here is good in the in the small brush right there next to red buff i think pinking that brush would make a lot of sense uh because then i would see if she also invades my jungle later and right now we still see her so i think it's fine but uh you know she wants to heart rate sides of the map now because she knows that her raptors are stolen so she wants to stay tops oh this is a bike i'm just saying i'm just saying this is actually a bike i don't know what happened there but it's actually a bike here i think i shoot the wolves because there's no reason to skip them very smart i'm actually playing well i'm watching my own gameplay and i think i'm playing fine so uh volleyball is both side and the boat wave is stacked very very big wave and what we can do with this wave is well we see evelyn right so the best play would be to dive their bot lane because we are 3v2 right we see everyone on the map we are 3v2 iona is in base yonay stop the thing is i think diving cartoons is way too difficult especially with pike and when enemy botlane already got kills that's why i don't make the decision to dive because i feel it's too risky the best play the best play here would be to dive but specifically against cartos i think it's too hard but enemy team as you can see is kind of intake and trying to fight us on drake so i smite it i get a lot of hp uh i miss the cube but it doesn't matter we get a no cab up we kill cartoons karma tp's which is also a little bit useless oh no i remember oh no i might end the flight okay so that's a bit of a misplay that's a bit of a misplay i don't think i should die like that i think there's like no reason to die like that my bad silly me evelyn took my camp response and she just left and i actually didn't see her i'm gonna try to catch her but i will not catch her in the end that is like a pretty big swing in the game as well because i lost a lot of time now and i didn't get any camps so evelyn played it well and that is because i died right if i don't die and i just base after drake i will be able to defend my top side camps the counter play to that is invade her blue buff or evade her red buff i will choose to invade her relva in this game because i can see her top side and i just want to keep trading the size of the map i want to make sure that my bottling gets ahead i want to get strong i see her top side i know i can safely invade here i have a pink one i can place it the only thing i'm unhappy with is the fact that well first of all the bottle has priority as you can see so i respect it i don't actually instantly start the red bar because i know that botlane can be here first of all second of all um karma will always die because evelyn is invisible here i then press the e in time so that's a misplay and i'm actually yeah i will end up dying so this is another misplay i didn't see volleyball so i think that i shouldn't have um i shouldn't have face-checked it without seeing volleyball and if i actually have slightly better mechanics i would e and time to run but i didn't really in time and this is like a good advice for all of you that feel like uh they are getting behind because they they le their lanes have no priority right in this case i know evelyn stop side i know she can do her out and this is another bike i'm just saying and i know she can do her out but i got really impatient and that's why i died in that situation you just wait for ali to push or if you are scared that ari will not push you go mid and you push with adi you can literally push with ari make sure she can get the wave and ping assistance to the red bar and she will go with you if she has like more than five brain cells right okay i don't i don't know what's going with my tunnels i was choking a little bit this game like i was throwing a little bit with my tunnels because i was i didn't play lex in a while okay so yeah my bottle needs to be too fighting and they it seems like they kick cartoons volleyball is won't be able to get out of here uh because i'm a strong boy and pie gets the reset this is a nice play uh finally the fact that we are like bustling the whole time pays off and we get a kill i will push this wave as well because you know i wanted the wave to reset fully i don't remember if i do or not but i could get a plate here as well i guess yeah well ever in is here so that makes sense oh she ends here she dies i think she didn't expect the amount of damage i did i don't actually know what she but this was a big throw okay if you are evelyn here you don't go for an outplay because you have to be one you just catch the wave and you get ahead by catching the wave and getting xp there was a big misplay and as you can see i get my brother's glow and the next item i think in this game edge of the knight is good uh serpent's funk is overall good if they have shields but they are serpent funk edge of the knight ga is fine steroid is sometimes fine but not often your ghostblade is fine collector is fine everything basically even emerald glaive that gives vitality is fine i really like lethality and the only games i like rek'sai to be played in is or like the player xi is when they are squishy i think when any team is tanky i really don't like rek'sai whenever team squishy i think playing rexxar makes a lot of sense another pink here in river going top side from behind fishing for riven i think in this situation there's not much counter play for riven because i have brothers close so i can just dash on her i'm just gonna ian and she's just dead right okay so a combo drexel okay when you play xl with conquer what you wanna do is you wanna queue barrot w auto unborrowed q another auto with q on and then e this is your combo and the null okay this is x i combo this was pretty clean by the way because somehow the pike lived and also stole the drake i couldn't believe it in game but yeah crazy clean pike i gave you an excite combo i gave your ex i built with uh if you want to build the other item build which is the slide breaker i think you just go static and you know that stands anything that gives you ad and hp is good i think if you want to go strike breaking i do play a problem most of time though i don't really upgrade my shoes because i really don't think it's useful we are higher in cs i think rex i need skills because currently rek'sai as a champion is a champion that either one should you or gets one shot i don't think there's in between the direct side i think you literally one shoulder you get one shot that is like yeah one should or get one shot it's just that simple and because i mostly like the one-shot people i prefer to go prolonged because with stripe breakers take a bunch of so here we take a 2v2 fight and vayne is actually running it down a lot so like i don't know what she did last time right but she's like really messed up uh i don't have wool so you know i i didn't really stay i mean i played this fight very carefully and right now ari is coming so i still play carefully i think that the pie got a bit tilted there because well he didn't realize i don't would and here i will flash away as well um i don't think i have to necessarily but if i get stunned i may die and ari will never die because of her right so i think i was played relatively well and we got a double kill on ari i end up not using my brother's claw but yeah double kill minion wave uh all message of the night ready i have time to do stuff i can go you know mid i can check her red buff this makes sense i see her i don't would so i think fighting her wouldn't make sense but i'm just scouting for her right my bot lane is stopped now so i think the proper play would be to go top and also of course we have all the camps up top side right what we really want to do is get um get edge of the night right this is like what we really want to do my body is kind of smelling now they did kill it even and they might kill volleyball as well actually yep volleyball is dead pretty good pretty good evelyn wasn't on the way to top side but she never actually arrived top side seems like and carter is flashing in with stopwatch so he's gonna lie to me i have you know brawlers vayne is dead bye but i'm alive that's good i feel like ga is good on the champion yeah evelyn at this point is actually two levels behind so she's not really having that much fun in the game um pika wants to kill her she has wool so it's not that easy to kill that's why i'm not instantly holding in because she can actually one shot me but she flashes and kills pike now and i know that i win so what i'm gonna do is that well i'm just gonna ian right and uh she dies with my cube boom i'm playing very patient as you can see i'm not going in too deep i'm not doing stupid things i'm just trying to play patient and not make mistakes like a stupid mistake that would cost me a death because again rexa is a chairman that has to snowball and here as you can see i'm spamming drake because i really want this rake and i really really want to get it if i can uh because we already have two drags thanks to pack stealing the previous one and i think we have the position on them on the drake which we will have because carter is top lane we should be able to secure the drake at this point i buy merrick's for man speed to be honest with you completely honest i think merrick spy is a bit bad i think i should have honestly bought stop patch i think stoppage is gonna do way way more in a team fight than merrick's will right now i bought merrick's for evelyn because i'm stronger than her so medics will help me to be even stronger and kill her always one-on-one and then i also buy them because kartos is you know fed so i have magic resist not even looking at the fight i don't remember the fight so well i think yeah riven is face checking me she gets called she dies one shot boom free drake right so but if if this is a teamfight scenario i just think it's so much better and i mean so much better to buy uh stopwatch what i was really unhappy with in this game right is that evil like my vein is trolling so the game is kind of lost because vayne is trolling and when he is going for so many solo plays so keep in mind guys when you are uh you know getting carried right because in this game i mean let's be honest vayne is just getting carried that's what she's doing she's getting carried so you don't have to do things when you are getting killed like that you just have to play league of legends to a point yeah if i get that e out maybe i can live right if you are the bane your jungler gets three drakes your junglers has eight kills all you have to do is listen to him and not end because rekza is a champion that is good at making peaks and if i keep you know playing well and i keep getting kills i think i can for sure carry this game and the problem is that yeah vayne is making so many mistakes this game she's gonna die to me like vayne is actually just strolling wayne is actually legit just trolling and now she will other fall so as you can see the game is kind of lost but but their vein is like really hard trolling and yeah again it's for all of you who tilting game maybe and feel like the game is lost it's really not lost until the next explodes you can try to stay positive and you know do your thing i think it's good to like keep playing the game and play the game well enough and you might end up winning because someone may carry this game right i think ellie for example as much as i don't like ari as a champion even though she's cute she oh when come back came back that's nice she is hard to kill because of her mobility with old and she can maybe one shot to cartoons when she's fed right she he's a child maybe she can watch someone so there's potential there's always potential to do things and we have three drakes one more and we get ocean soul and the game is perfectly winnable so there's really no reason to stress out now as you can see pike is already going back to killer even but you know she's not gonna die i think in this game maybe i could go top and actually push out top lane i think i made loki a mistake because the top top lane as you can see if you look at the meme up it's pushing towards enemy team anyway so we are losing farm and enemy team is all met and we are all met too and the drag is not up for now so i think all of us being mid is just a waste and i think i should have just been top and pushed out the wave if my team or if your team is not good enough and they don't actually understand how wave works i think it's not bad if you just go there and push you know for them you don't have to stress out the next item building is ga just because of how bad they are and vain there is always so diva i'm always so scared i just like she's always always so deep right now we just make sure that karma can catch top wave and you know drake is spawning later so we can just chill so this is the point where after karma pushes top wave i think we should group for drake so right now because ben is making a solo play she will die but we are kind of gonna kill leona um and i get a shot down so because vayne died we could still get this drag right because it's 20 seconds so i think the pain doesn't die we get this drake uh because we have numbers but because she dies a bit more tricky let's see what happens okay okay cartes but even one spike i just i just look up um the pain got a double dog and this fight actually looked pretty good but the problem is that like there's kind of strong and i will go in on cartoons and i will get absolutely one shot here so yeah the vein is like not weak damage wise right but carter is also not big damage wise i was really low spike please yeah but he doesn't get the reason though so can he win actually maybe maybe no pike died so we can't really contest drake i mean raven can just get it right next item is static and normally i don't always do static right on the right side when i go for lethality but in this game specifically because enemy team is so bad i think it makes sense to go static because i mean they're just too fed right so it just makes sense to buy some kind of hp i think that's a nice try if we get a drake this game is probably won so it makes sense at a vein of spawn then just then that's got them if this who climbs we could play kill him or maybe we could change him at least i still go on him the stopwatch is so annoying actually look at my e i guess it wasn't even that much damage i had to stop watching evelyn ult here otherwise i die and as you can see with low kill play them and i can still flash out so that's not a bad play unfortunately castlezone is there so wayne is dead i didn't lose my ga i lost my stopwatch i would prefer to probably have the stopwatch for the next drake fight because if i have stoppers for next drake fight maybe i can carry it when rexella is number 16 your damage is so high with old that you pro on in your combo like if you do the combine i mentioned before i think you will one shot everyone but uh the problem with this is you i mean normally when you're level 16 the game ends right this game is still super even so we will see who will win in the end right maybe we can still play next drake when you have that many drakes i think the correct play is to just keep playing for them and maybe at some point your opponents will make a mistake the problem is in this game that again kartos is so goddamn that it's so impossible to win as you can see we are making peaks right i mean any team is making mistakes so we are still killing them from time to time i guess that is that and i guess van is that too so maybe from time to time we are killing them from time to time we also die and uh yeah this fight is a bit of a disaster because we literally just lost everyone and i lost my ga it's so so bad so yeah let's just like fast forward a little bit pike tries to steal this time didn't pay off i still don't wanna fail because i feel like maybe we win the draft we can do something right maybe is that i just the wolves i mean it's not like i can actually defend top right so doing well if my rules make sense look at this damage one thousand damage from this kind of crazy so i killed two people and they are trying to end the game but alexa is here but the exact cannot really do anything and this is how we lose the game and van is trying to flame people and you see this is what i mean i think this game was perfectly winnable if they would not end and we would actually get one more drag i think this game is perfectly winnable so if you are behind just try to get carried you don't have to make plays your own you don't have to do stupid stuff you just play for yourself like i did and i got very strong in this game and i'm gonna report vayne because she was really toxic and she was annoying and damage wise i'm pretty sure i did a lot as well so but that was for this game that was for this game i thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed it even though it was commentary but thanks to commentary i could like maybe see more on the map so it wasn't even that bad i think again if you enjoyed the video please leave a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and also leave a comment down below which game you'd like to see next for now say goodbye and i hope i'll i i hope this video has sound and i hope i uh i have sound in the next video as well and yeah have a nice day everyone see you next time bye bye [Music] them

2021-07-19 14:25

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