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hey my dudes it's another episode of a pretty good camera if i may say so myself i'm thinking about uh buying one i was trying to use a fancy word but i can't well i was thinking about buying one for my home hopefully well the shot is not as good anyway and i don't have as many good lights behind me so i don't think that even a good quality camera at home will make such a good difference such a huge difference rather but still i want to buy a better camera for my home as well so maybe when i start recording things from my home again the quality will definitely go up i'm hoping you will enjoy this other ride and it will be definitely for my streams too anyway uh this episode will play mumu and i think amumu got changed a long time ago now with double qtos being available he is currently used in competitive he is still used in solo queue as a support i still believe he is a jungler or he can be played in the jungle i think it's no problem to play him excuse me i have to take care of the chat and he's one of the easiest junglers to play and i still think he's one of the strongest giants to play special no elo just because of how strong he can become when not punished and alright people in the hilo would i would say would not punish a momo as you can see i bent olaf i don't know how many olives there are running around low elo if you are one of the players that actually you know wants to climb up a little bit or just have one wants to play a tank that deals quite a lot of damage i don't think a mum would be the champion for you so uh yeah well looking forward personally playing this on you nor they get is still high yellow but yeah indeed i'm not playing on high low i'm playing on high level nordic not you west my runes for a moment conquer triumph tenacity last stand ultimate hunter chip shot attack speed for clear you could take um double adaptive but i think it does make a big difference and the clear is better with black speed so you choose you choose let's go ahead and get into the game my friends okay so we are in game with the choice of red span you can go blue and the red excuse me with the choice of smile you can go oh blue and red uh why i'm picking uh that's my theory is because i'm playing the elise and i think it will be quite helpful not to die to her uh stacking armor and overall being strong against um i mean i think a moment can be strong as both ad and ap junglers it's just i feel like it's it will be slightly easier to you know do what i just did they also have a support orianna i wonder how that one will go i would start w level one i think it's the safest then taking key right after i also feel like popping to both lane makes sense even though we have a thumb top i feel like tom top should be rather relatively safe besides that i think it will is slightly weaker than it used to be but it doesn't scale as well um but the syria still goes down and the damage is still there right for my build i'm not going to go tank i will go for some fire edges into other tanky items i just don't think that tank build uh that sort ap built on a mumbo is necessarily correct i feel like doing tank build is just much better and it's always relevant right always good always strong like you cannot go wrong with it i believe using smite on cracks is better than using a red buff if you are doing blue buff i think you can use smite but here i think it should be quite easy also a small tiny tip for all our momo players it is much easier to start on blue buff but keep in mind i don't have use you waste man on e here and why is it easier to start blue buff is just because uh it's it's much easier with you know mana i have to be slightly careful for mana i don't want to run out of it so yeah i see that my legs are rather struggling so i don't even know when i contest the crap though because you know at least it's much stronger at the crab okay well i don't account for the crab she did full kill which is quite interesting i wonder if she bought the pink level one you know what's weird that she doesn't have an item i mean at least doesn't really need an item but so i got the crab i'm gonna die um that's not great as you can assume i will buy shoes and arabica normally i think best buy is if you can afford instantly buying bummy cinder it's way way better i can't i died as well so i can't okay the game is not going that great so far oh that was nice shine nice strider the game is going a little bit rough i think we can gank soon i mean the thing is much stronger after level six right so we can maybe wait for level six and then we can do things if he can slap him with his tongue i think we can get a kill oh he missed i'm gonna use my smite here to maximalize my hp and mana oh that's not very good he died before i was there okay i am dead to the jacks i did miss a q so it's definitely not going as we wanted it to go i'm currently this idiot too that kind of early game can happen so we are not going to give up and even though with 7-0 for enemy team we are going to keep playing i think my champion scales well and overall our champion scale well and i think team fights are definitely uh you know combatable i could try to kill them yeah i wish i'd be six if i if i would be six i'm pretty sure i'll be able to kill level five only i might just not be strong enough okay they see me okay so this is the first comeback play that's annoying but okay another kill okay this is probably much further okay this was not perfect because no one would follow me and at least lived with really slippers i was trying to auto help to make sure she dies she didn't so again it's one and three right so uh you know a lot of scriptures are not going out away the good thing is i've already three ultimate hunter proc so my cooldown on wood is only two minutes i was quite um disappointed here in my lulu that she did not follow me i believe that this would happen that there i fail every single cube if i start hitting them i believe we should be able to secure a kill but because i'm not hitting them we cannot secure kills yeah we got one oh my brother i did not think about his heat for some reason one and four okay one and four but it's perfect guys it's perfect the game uh jax will be strong and will be obnoxious but we got a lot of shutdowns here we got a lot of kills we even got five plates of the bot towers i think this is a definitely comeback worthy game or a rather compactable game i think i will go look at next item and after sorry max and after max i think i might buy anatima's chain for jacks or torment something for sharks anyway stormy will give me the more damage but i believe if i get the anatima's chains the jack should be this power should be quite heavily reduced in team fights so i will be able to see sit on him for longer i'd like to wait for my ultimate before we do much okay so far it's fine they jumped in we got the shot down we also ended up getting the dragon that's perfect i was trying to bait them to make sure they go on me jax got left alone lulu got two shutdowns i think she's not a bad champion to get honesty shutdowns on uh of course i would prefer them on jinx but i honestly like hopefully she matches w out and she can see the jacks he does have marks and this is why i'm thinking wait there are even few issues maybe i don't even finish shoes maybe i said straight up that must change the early game went really really poorly but now we are coming back right i mean this is like one of the things with that moment early game can't go bad i think it's uh again i think you know when you play a momo and stuff it is much easier to okay i i can't i mean i missed but i can't i think it's just uh this guy's too strong enough he has so much damage could be in trouble though hmm one hp yes that was until that's indeed planned here she would jump that was obvious and lulu got another kill that was not service so this in this situation this is like the the place where you don't w someone for man speed you would update the jacks to reduce his man speed sorry to silence him and to make sure he doesn't you know go crazy so i think elise making a big mistake with her item he's playing that cup and i feel like that's just too bad it doesn't give her much yeah so as you can see nothing really interesting is going up here on the wood it's still um they couldn't go down and the damage goes up which is great but everything else is still the same so the cooldown will not go up i just realized that the in-game music wasn't there i'm very very sorry for that i hope that it was washable without it maybe there's some music in the background where they got the hair i have the hair trying to run might be in trouble though oh very much in trouble i did stun her please close okay that was a little bit oh that was very much much very much much better okay another shield maybe that was a bit deep though oh we'll see we'll see how the game goes okay i have this item i'm going to put in jackson we'll play there but we'll be there but now i have no target to put my natal machines on and the only reason i bought it is that jax i'm hoping i uh you know i will see him at some point so i can put it on him i could also put him on this chair and just well abuse the fighter that he doesn't have any tenacity oh yeah that's not the better off here against this ability to do that it's better better this should just do that i think that's because she's relatively a new champion so so my opponent just messed up but yeah this is the kind of play game you want with the mum right you want team fights you want to make sure you are the frontline of the team and keep in mind that this champion is quite strong if the early game is not so bad and the other game was really really bad in the game in the game i'm playing right now so definitely uh you know one of the other ones next item i believe tony doesn't give me uh ability haste but it gives me the ability to reduce healing and also for still extra damage so i believe that they are doing that right now i like to see that how i'm not perfect i just got it over the wall for some reason well i will finish it and she can do her thing you know what i mean yeah don't worry i'm gonna secure it i suppose i can't really kill the tristan unless i go this way maybe like she should be running around i can maybe keep flash but i don't even know it's worth it okay that didn't work out i did not work i was intended but we still get one okay i was trying to be very smart okay i was thinking that maybe she will work out i was thinking that like i'm gonna outsmart her but she outside of me i was like i was supposed to be at 500 q play but instead he said everyone's laughing at me uh in this situation i believe i will buy torment instantly i don't think the tenacity is that important and i think torment will increase my damage by quite a lot and i also think that jax will really dislike me so i think that was slightly too deep for sure i slightly too deep for my liking uh definitely okay we had nash and we went to three or like i do okay that was my bad that's completely my bad this time is also strong by the way i thought that they cannot kill me for some reason i i was i was looking at my attention and i was thinking like okay i'm pretty okay right they cannot kill me now but i think just give up it doesn't matter how he kills himself he's dead i was wearing that they cannot end and i also put that on to sana for the future teammates okay they are kind of split we could look for a fight no reason to play with him my world is very low cooldown i also believe that at this point tabby's may be better because of how strong is i don't think tavis will give me that much anyway now but it's still better than buying any other shoes okay so we got a random peek on backstage and trying to get my camps i think that's good i'm hoping that compared to last fight i will really dive slower than tristana considering after this and other items oh wait i should be dead you know oh where did that i think oh well that was also heavily misplayed but tyler must play that one oh i don't think jax wins this dusky maybe he does at least my bandage tosses are much much better than they used to be right oh might be dead though i think she should die too though oh the slow is quite powerful i wonder how this is gonna go i think they should wait for me that would be very helpful um my anti-machines didn't do anything this game yet and this what whatever lulu is doing is super useless the only thing she can do is die or by doriano but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter just because ariana is a support so oh wow that's not good and that's not the smell of him actually and now we really maybe we have to i mean if we fight here we might like they might end the game you know okay so we got the kill over the wall and now we should really run easy for seconds of old cooldown and i feel like it's forever even though the wood cooldown is relatively short i still always always always always feel like it's always forever and at least we killed this this is the pi this is you know the thing plank oh no why is this little throwing so hard i got three men also hopefully we can do something i also could just oh wow i could speed up rather quickly here i think the last guy is out i don't think we can chase him well i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do can we end the game maybe we can end the game actually oh my god this is so stupid this item didn't do anything yet yeah we should back up 10 seconds could be now but i think it's pointless it's risky you know we can't get on the dragon still in fights so okay if they kill me now or they kill my team that's not good but if we can group again and be together wait that's so crazy now that was so crazy she killed either that was like even the enemy team is good that the game is lost like right there as she was hanging into the jungle the game was lost there was no one around her and she's but she has jay but doesn't i think i hold it makes sense that's pretty poorly played though yeah i almost killed chistana i think that may be able to do something here but if he is not able okay okay jinx may be able to do something here okay so to summarize that so we should win besides that so we should win jinx got feared so maybe not but you know but adriana is quite fast and she jukes it she doesn't drink this one and jinx heals you know i feel like the xander in omen has a lot of value or maybe i'm just i'm blind or something these kids also have quite a lot of value i would say i don't know if i know if my team can end i actually stopped it it'll just sound as i've been like very soon so anyway uh do everyone stop i you know what i think i might just buy some top watch because you know what else is there that is cheap and can actually make a difference this time may jump in here um well she did i think i have to flash i don't have a choice hey belize our son gets hit then i have to i can't believe i had to press on a stopwatch but that could be not the best fight because jax is dodging a lot about us here okay so that will be the end of the game and they will win they'll be able to end the game here that happens though uh there are some scenarios where you know enemy cannot play you or maybe you make many mistakes like we did this game and you lose yeah if i was also five before i believe the pie would be even i think we could still win we didn't really wait for you know ah by the way last item could be i saw the stopwatch right but last item could be done yeah even though you go for time is actually about the idea also i think the five was like miss played anyway i didn't get my old one to sound like so yeah that was a good game though i think i really enjoyed it and i think i kind of showed case why one can be good we also go to six items i don't have to talk about the build but you know keep in mind with tanks always when you play uh you know think about what items are the best in which scenario right you don't always follow blindly the build so yeah thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed it i definitely did and i will see you next time in the next video have a great great day and see oh

2021-10-19 00:59

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