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and i came back like i did it i  handed my notice in and he was like so fran um just want you to start with talking  to us about where your business journey began um   post university because you started you you went  and got a degree didn't you i did indeed yeah i   went to cardiff university to do business business  management and marketing yeah so there was like   the business management course and then you could  kind of specialize down like marketing hr finance   whatever like a hybrid sort of course yeah modules  to like make it whatever you wanted yeah so i did   business management marketing um in cardiff which  is what brought me to wales so i'm i'm kind of   welsh now i think are you originally from england  yeah i'm from uh i was from wiltshire and then   came over to cardiff and sort of i left i went  to bristol to live for a few months after uni um   but then i came back to wales because it's  quite hard to leave i think once you get here   yeah yeah yeah i'll get you yeah but so i always  knew i wanted to have my own business but i   thought it was something you do in the future like  something that's like you know in my 40s or 50s   when i've got enough money or i'll do it when  i've got enough time yeah yeah it's always like   oh one day that's the plan but everyone was like  no you go to uni you get a job that's what you do   and i was quite academic at school as well  so it was very like you do a proper subject   and you go to uni and then you just get a job  and that's it and then you work your way get   your professional job yeah and in my head i  was always like that's not what i want to do   like i've had like many businesses i had like a  cake business when i was 18. i was like the kid   planting hair in the playground charging like  two quid for little french braids and stuff   i'd make i started early doors you had that from a  youngster there yeah i was in um primary school in   not even juniors in like the infants  i got like a get set chocolate factory   melt the chocolate and set it again and i i  mean my profit margins were probably awful six oh yeah i was like trying to work out  do my accounts late at night or whatever   yeah so i was selling like chocolate for like  20p and then we had all the like um heaven bar   and chewie bar and we made up all this stuff and  i just love the creativity of like coming up with   something selling it and thinking i've made money  even though my dad's paid for the ingredients   but um so like all my life i was like i  wanna this is what i wanna do yeah yeah   um and then i was really serious actually about  my cake business when i was eighteen i was like   making anniversary cakes and i was like this  is what i wanna do but it was like no you go   to uni you get a job that's what you do even at  uni i in between um like year one and year two   i did cardiff school of beauty so i trained to  be a beautician over summer and then i set up my   own mobile beauty business so in second year and  third year i was doing like spray tans and eyelash   extensions and all that type of stuff what was um  what were you actually studying at uni business   business okay yeah so you but you were still  doing those courses when you could yeah like   in some holidays i want to be a beautician as well  so um i was doing like little mini businesses to   just because i wanted to um and then got my job  after uni in an advertising agency which was just   my absolute dream job i loved it to bits and i  was like okay this is what i want to do um so i   was doing like running campaigns for bristol nhs  trusts welsh government campaigns we worked on   um all sorts of things i absolutely loved it it  was like making tv adverts and radio adverts and   it was so creative and fun but also strategic but  i was always like i still want my own business so   i try and set up like a subscription box or like  a yoga one we tried or just other little things   but um it wasn't till i had uh my daughter  luna so i accidentally got pregnant at 23.   okay and i was like uh oh what am i gonna  do now and then was like right just just   make it work somehow yeah so i went after  i had her i went back to work after about   five months off so i didn't have long maternity  leave because i was like get back to work career   woman this is what i want to do and i imagined  myself as you know in like a film sometimes you   see this like career woman and she's got like a  baby and she's running around and she's like power   still managing to do it all yeah i was like that's  what i want to be i want to be the mum who's like   in the office loads of paper everywhere but like  she's managing and like she's got a baby and she's   everyone sees her as superman i  was like that's me get back to work   and i was like i can't do this it's really hard  at that point did you have a lot of support   yes and no like yes um so i had like my mum would  come down from wheelchair um my luna's dad was   around like his family were around but i was  so overly independent i'd push everyone away   i was like don't help me i don't want your  help i'm doing this myself um it was just i   needed wanted to do it my way so i did have the  support and the help but i would push it away um   because i just thought that i had to do it myself  so then when i i think it was about six months in   no maybe four or five months after i went back  to work i was like i can't do this and i had one   freelance job that i'd taken on just doing social  media for a local company and i got i think i've   got 500 pounds for something that took me  like an evening's work yeah and i was like   oh so the plan of having my own business in the  future could actually just bring this forward   and pick up more of these jobs and work from home  with my new baby so was that the light bulb moment   yeah that's when i thought right so i spoke about  it with my partner at the time like maybe i could   bring this freelance business thing forward a  bit um and he was really supportive like yeah   that's a really good idea and we were moving house  at the time the next day i handed my notice in   and i came back like i did it i  handed my notice in and he was like   oh i thought you meant like in the next in six  months i'm expecting it tomorrow yeah she's she's   keen she's ready to go he was like what have you  done we've got like we're moving house that you   need the pay slips for the mortgage so we had to  literally just move house like the next house yeah   we saw we just we did a part exchange in the end  because then they buy your house so you don't have   to wait and it all happens really quick yeah um so  we could use my payslips from still being employed   um so then that was kind of the start of it  really just it was like a kind of freelance   i could sort of feed the baby and be around and  just do you think that from there do you think   having the baby drove you to hand in that notice  yeah definitely because you could see perhaps   a bigger future yeah than what  was an element of that like   did you know you didn't want to be an employee you  didn't you know this i believe there's a mindset   to being an entrepreneur and there's a mindset  to being an employee and how much of that do you   think played a role in you taking that choice at  that moment in life yeah definitely i think the   mindset thing of like i i felt like i was i felt  like i had so much more to give to the business   and so many ideas and stuff but when there's  already an established business and you've got   this little 23 year old like we should do it like  this how about this you should try this they're   probably like it's going to fall on deaf ears  yeah and they would take them on and they were   like the best company ever i loved working for  them but equally they're like well we've got our   own plan so i was like right i'll i'll all these  ideas i'll put into my business and start my plan   so then it went from there and that was five  years ago now um i've kind of it started very   much like picking up freelance clients and then  growing and turning into more of like an agency   and now i've got um a couple of girls the two  girls working for me and i'm looking to grow and   it's kind of it's taken a while to get to the  point where i believe in myself as much as other   people do yeah um but yeah this is the year  of like super growth hopefully um amazing yeah   we've got you at the right point yeah this is  a good point to talk about i think um one of   the things i remember my dad always saying to  me that he spent like i don't know 20 20 years   in the same company um and finally just before  he passed away he reached a point in that company   that he was really happy and he you know is  doing well but he wasn't i wouldn't say he was   rewarded for his work in terms of a financial  reward but he always said to me i don't know i   didn't follow his own advice he always said to  me you'll only ever be really financially free   if you work for yourself because if you do work  for somebody you're always given that opportunity   that they dictate your future yeah you know  there could be somebody above you who thinks   she or he's a good worker but i'm only going to  pay him so much obviously most people as humans   they care fundamentally about themselves don't  they we can be quite selfish you know it's rare   that you'll get an employer that's like i want  to dish you with this wealth completely fairly   that's that's almost like ludicrous to  suggest that that would be common practice   um well it's a natural conflict isn't  it between the employer and the employee   exactly they they want the the maximum labor  in whatever form that is right and they want   to give you the minimum payment and what do you  want you want to do the little labor yeah for the   maximum payment so if that's a natural yeah you  know on as an average yeah so i think you're a   great example like your story is a great example  and as we're going to go into it of somebody   you know getting good at something finding  they've got a passion for something   realizing that you could you could spend your  life doing that for somebody you absolutely could   i don't believe at all you will ever get the same  reward doing it for somebody as if you did it for   yourself it's organic it's natural it's unique  it's all about it's all about you and then the   people you bring into that company and like that's  where you'll really shine because you're gonna   you can't match your passion for your business  with somebody else's because fundamentally it's   their business yeah completely do you know what  i mean yeah and you're funding someone else's   dream when you're putting all your efforts  into you know a big organization or a company   that's got to be a different feeling for someone  like fran who's building it from the ground up   and doing it for yourself completely and i think  like it's definitely worth saying like it's not   for everybody and there's of course there's value  in people being caused such a massive thing at   the moment about like i don't know if it's just  because of like algorithms and the content that i   get served on social media but it's all about like  be an entrepreneur like work for yourself and it's   like that's not for everyone like there is value  in of course you want to be employed like the um   some jobs like you i don't know you can't you more  like public service jobs or like kind of like fire   fighters roles in the nhs like you can't  just be like oh i'm going to be like a   start my own something business which is  firefighters yeah like the sun rolls you can't   so if that's what you want to do and you get the  stability you get like pensions this and the other   there's like such a need for that type of thing  of course there is of course there is the other   side of the coin like not everybody fits into  that and i don't think i'm a very good employee   because even though i was like really good at my  job i did i was always thinking how can i turn   this into like even though at the time it was more  of a future plan i was like how can i take bits of   this and work on it for me rather than for this  like i'd always be like but wondering how i can   turn it into my business it's a different it's  just a different mindset i think it's like with   your story there's evidence that your mindset was  different because there's not many kids going to   school and start trying to set up a business  yeah i know i know you were selling chocolate   there was there was always that odd person there  like an odd person sorry but there was always   that person who's like selling the cans of coke  that they've just gone and bought from the shop   yeah like to the average kid they just think oh  that that kid's crazy and also they're thinking   buzzing i can get a 50 p kind of coke you just pay  20p for it so i don't know why you're buzzing but   you charge your 30b extra you can go to the  shop and get it yourself he's hustling yeah   yeah but it shows us a different mindset  and i think like the average person probably   is we're influenced by a lot of things aren't  we and you look at like we go through school   and what the school teaches us it teaches  us when to have a break when to work hard   and authority figures hierarchies and then so  we're almost pre-programmed then to go out into   the world and then sit in one of those boxes which  are called companies right so you have the person   who's comfortable doing that but not comfortable  doing what you're doing right and vice versa so   like you said it's not for everyone but i think  there's there's great benefit in doing something   that you really enjoy well with great risk  comes great reward yeah but you touched on a   nice point there man it's like even when you're  in school you learn to ask can i go to toilet   and i found myself in companies where people want  to let their manager know they're going to toilet   but but it's like that's quite that's  quite a bizarre thing yeah it is when   you think like if if you've got a natural  urge to go to toilet get up go to toilet   yeah but because it's been programmed into  you that you have to ask an authority figure   like a human body yeah yeah yeah like all right  i mean it's unnatural that's what it is it's   unnatural but again we're we conform to it because  we've gone through a school system that mirrors   that um companies mirror that even prison mirrors  that you need or you could work for amazon where   they literally time you yeah breaks yeah when i  have like interns in or new starters or whatever   i'm like literally do what you want if you need  to go down come down and get a drink come and   get a drink if you need the toilet like go to the  toilet if you want to go get lunch because you're   hungry like whatever like as long as the work's  getting done like i don't care like i'm not like   so there's no strikers between initially  yeah there's no strict toilet breaks then   toilet breaks are only between like 10 and 10  10 past 10. absolutely the dictatorship yeah   you plan when you eat and drink by my toilet this  is my house that's nice i just wanted to create a   business which the reason i created the business  or started was because of my like needs for   flexibility and needs to be able to work around my  new baby and needs to be able to sort of do things   how i wanted and if i then create a culture in my  business which doesn't mirror that then i've like   failed in my business ultimately like this is not  what i wanted to create so you know if you need to   drop the kids off and you're going to be half an  hour late unless there's like the world's biggest   meeting and you can't be late in which case  you would have planned for that in advance like   so what if you come in five minutes late like and  i think sometimes that might some people might   think that sending the wrong message about like  you know punctuality and this kind of thing but   yeah there's other things important in life and  things get in the way like there's so much more   important things in life other than just work yeah  and if you can build your work as part of your day   rather than work is your day then like thus you  get the best work out of people as well that way   i i really agree with that like i think um culture  is really important yeah and with bigger companies   i've worked for bigger companies where absolutely  if you're late and you're not in like the contact   center it's kind of like you're letting  everyone down like like as if like the truth   didn't turn out no did you know they use i mean i  had this in my my um my retail job i spent quite   a few years in the thing they'd use every time  in the meetings do you understand the needs of   the business the needs the needs of the business  no i don't i was a minute late i mean what's that   done to the business get a ceo on the phone if  he's got a problem like i mean yeah like there   is i think that's that's one of my problems with  with uh larger organizations large organizations   and and being an employee so i i totally  gravitate towards your the reason reasons why   you've done what you've done yeah yeah now your  business what what does your business actually do   so we're full service marketing agency so  that's anything from market research strategy   and planning branding design print work website  creation and hosting digital marketing is kind of   like the core so social media management facebook  ads seo search engine optimization pay-per-click   so everything to do with google email marketing  influencer marketing um and kind of like marrying   it all together so you can't just really have like  one thing happening on its own you need to have   your like all your strategies aligned into  like an integrated strategy so we'll pull   all that together for businesses and run  it um i also do a lot of training as well   so during lockdown businesses would be like i  haven't got any money but i need to market so   there's a bit of a situation going on and um we  would do that training to help them be able to   do it themselves as best they can so we've got  like a training element to the business as well   how are you that's really positive  the business is up and running   you said so this is this is the year for the  big growth how much success have you had so far   oh it's a really hard question because  i'm definitely the person who's like oh   i'm so rubbish i can't do anything like i've not  succeeded in anything but then other people are   like wow you're amazing and like it's really hard  sometimes to like listen to what other people say   um but when i did a i do like this big ideas  wales role model they call it so you go into   schools and colleges and you're like this is me  this is what you can achieve if you do this which   i'm actually a massive fan of because it goes  back to what you're saying about your you're   you're in a school or a college and you're taught  this is the route to go down right and then i'll   come in and be like look it's not for everyone  but if you want your own it's an alternative this   is yeah this is the alternative this is how you  do it um so i do a lot of that and then part of   that your your first slide on your presentation  is like a bit about you what you've achieved   um so when i started putting those together it's a  bit hard at first because you're like oh i've done   that and i've done that and you end up with this  list and you read it and you're like all right   i have done okay actually like i'm not i've done  okay so yeah how many how many employees have you   got there's like two at the moment but i'm looking  for a couple more but it's so hard to recruit   there's probably space for like two more um so  yeah two employees now she's looking for a new job   this is an is this a job interview tell me what  you can bring to the company i haven't brought   my blue suit for a start so he's a great  dell boy impersonator with that jazz guy yeah more drake just like him  actually thank you yeah sorry sorry   can we get back to the topic  yeah it's going way off   oh yeah we were talking about all of my things  hold on fran have you just compared him to drake   you said it bro there's only so much no i said he  said it i said down boy he's just gone from double   boy to drake he hates compliments you know you go  into universities and do lecturing as well yeah   and are you giving them the alternative route in  those uh discussions or is that just with like   the scores and stuff are you are you selling that  to like the university as well a little bit not   so much with the with the lecturing so if i go  into colleges or schools as like the role model   right they call it then it is all about like the  alternative route of entrepreneurship how is that   received by students yeah it depends how old they  are there's a lot of them who are like oh that's   so cool you must be so rich and have like big  cars and stuff and i'm like where's the lambo   yeah i have like less money than anyone would  you say that's the younger audience buy into that   yeah i prefer it like the younger they are because  you can get to them before someone else has   a remodel yeah of course and how much of that do  you think is because like the the era that we're   in now we're in this technology era and obviously  like in you know instagrams are big influences in   it do you think they gravitate to you because  of the era that we're in uh yeah yeah probably   actually but there is this element as well of  like you see the success and the benefits you   don't see like the hard work or whatever that's  gone into it um so i do try and say like look   this is all great but there's a lot that goes  into it and it's not for everyone like what you   see like the shiny of course things online on  instagram wherever the successes are shown off   there's so much that goes into it even to like  win an award like doing the award applications and   like going for like interviews and like people  grilling you on like this that and the other   yeah having to like prove you're worthy of that  award because there's so many awards out there   which you can literally just buy you basically  like buy an award and they're like oh you like   like south wales best elbow in person yeah  that's the one yeah 150 quid you know he's trying   to south wales best drinking person ever she's  trying to kill me here yeah yeah sorry it's cool yeah so there's there's so much you can  just buy your way into like looking good   but if you want like the real success or or  whatever then there's so much that goes into it   and that's what people don't see you know  those like those rainy nights that are hard   you know you're sweating on your bills um  you're trying to maintain like your relationship   like quitting your job and then you've got um  you're buying a house the next day or whatever   your house and you're like what am i gonna do and  your child on top i mean that's a lot of things   exactly people don't see all those struggles  people just see the finished article like   you right now your business you've got your nice  offices and yeah you're starting to employ people   and you're building something really positive and  no one can actually physically see the hard graph   that you've put in to get here yeah and it's not  even like oh god everything's so hard my life's   so hard because like i love it and i wouldn't have  it any other way but equally like when you've got   a kid who's five turning six soon so it's all like  we're talking earlier about like kids party after   kids party like gotta go and buy a present gotta  do this gotta make sure this oh she's growing   out of her clothes again she's put her leggings  on and they're up here and you've gotta go and   then she comes back from school and she's ripped  her tights and you've to pop to tesco and get new   tights and it's like got so much other stuff to  do and like that on its own like when people say   like full-time mum it is a full-time job and then  you've got to fit in your own business and then   you've got to fit in keeping the house tidy and  then you've got to fit in i'm just having your own   social life for me like sometimes i just  want to sit on my own for five minutes   so like it is it is hard and then people  are like oh we're up to this weekend   working probably because we've got proposal  to put together and like i really do try   and switch off and separate that time off and the  more i try and take that time out the better my   business grows because and not just my business  grows but i'm a better person because i've   taken time to switch off so it's there's no i've  learned the hard way that there's no value in   having 24 hours a day packed full of stuff and  taking no time out it's so much more productive   to stop for two days and restart you will  just be so much more ahead i've had two   probably more but like serious burnouts like  hospitalizations really really really bad which   are probably down to like other things as well  but like it was it was built up and triggered   by the fact that i like was just completely going  and going and going and like physically couldn't   go anymore and just like collapsed mentally fit  like it was horrendous how do you manage that now   um i have to be really really strict on  bedtimes so it doesn't matter if there's   something due in the next day like what's more  important your health my house yeah because   if my health isn't the most important then  everything else is going to collapse as well   and then nobody gets the benefit of me so like  if i don't prioritize bedtime um i drink less   alcohol not that i drank loads to be honest but  like i have to just drink less drink less coffee   manage my diet better fit um in exercise  uh make sure i'm really strict on taking   my medication so that is something that i need to  work on but just being like stricter on that um   yeah just just like prioritizing the basics so  like my psychiatrists i go to every two months   um and he always says like we can't assess you  properly unless you're doing the basics because   if you're not taking care of yourself we can't  assess if you're actually okay or not because it   could just be one of those things affecting you so  i have to prioritize like the basics in order to   of course make sure that everything else is  going to go okay that's interesting i've never   really thought of that yeah because if you're  not actually doing the basics because sometimes   like mental health conditions and things like  that if you're it could just be that you're not   sleeping properly and it's triggering these things  whereas if if you're doing all the basics right   and there's still something off they're making  it's like a control yeah they're like right   totally yeah everything's fine but you're still  not fine so now we can assess the problem properly   if it's just that you're drinking you're  this you're like not sleeping properly your   diet's awful you don't exercise they're like  well of course you're going to have issues   yeah so unless i get those basics right then  you can't you can't measure it from there um   so i got maybe even coming up two years ago  i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder which i   sort of knew probably from the age of like 20  but the diagnosis process took like 10 years   yeah so i was diagnosed with like just clinical  depression and treated with antidepressants and if   you give somebody antidepressants and they've got  bipolar disorder it just completely makes it worse   so everything was just getting worse and worse the  more i was taking medication that was meant to be   helping it was just doing the complete opposite  and then it wasn't until i had like horrendous   manic episodes and breakdowns and was just all  over the place that i got like hospitalized and   properly assessed and they were like oh right  try this and then i was like oh my god this is   so much better and it has been life-changing for  me because i can like get on with my life properly   now rather than being like not knowing what's  going on so when all that stuff was going on   and they've sort of implemented a structure  did you find that was excelling yourself in   business as well yeah you're able to like  operate so much better yeah more efficiently   if the only way i can describe it is like i don't  know imagine you're like drunk or something or   there's like something i don't know something  else your whole life and you're like you just   can't focus yeah you've got like fuzzy glasses on  or something and then you just finally you're like   oh right this is right i can get on now it's  like something just like lifts and you're like   oh my god imagine no i just think imagine if  that was like treated ten years ago exactly   i'd have been like up there by now but you  can't look back probably fran you you've been   quite successful in business and this is your  big year of growth um as a woman have you felt   you've been perceived differently to male  counterparts in a similar role to yourself   do you know what probably and i used to have a  big like thing where i'd feel a bit i guess feel   a bit sorry for myself like oh i'm only 25 at the  time right oh i've got a child i'm a single mom   everything's harder for me because i'm a woman in  business like no one's taking me seriously because   i'm a 25 year old little girl trying to trying  to make it in this like man's business world   and i'd go to like these like business clubs and  business meetings and there'd be like men in suits   and stuff and i'd be like and then i sort of just  realized one day like there are a lot of barriers   and i'm not going to say there's not there are  like people don't take you as seriously people   you know all the statistics point towards men are  more successful but that doesn't mean i can't be   successful because i'll be i'll be the one percent  that is successful exactly so i'm just gonna say   yeah there's all these barriers in my way and  i'm just not gonna let them be in my way i'll   just push through them and it it i think the only  way to like get through it was to just accept that   they are there and unfortunately unless i change  the entire like world's view on things or like get   into every single man's head and change things  like that might be something i can like start   a campaign tours or something but like it's not  going to happen now and if i want to get ahead now   i've just got to push through now everybody's  perspective it's like a it's a macro level   problem isn't it yeah because you as a woman you  enter a world that's been engineered by men yeah   right so everything's dictated like the top people  in power are male um that goes from politics to   literally everything even like you know things  like hollywood traditionally it's males behind the   director's box so like although there could be  female actors who've got big names and they're   on big you know they're making a lot look at all  the the me too movement as well it's just another   really significant example it's lucrative but  behind the scenes there's even more lucrative   do you know what i mean so everyone's a  puppet on strings for someone but it's   it's very clear that is a there's an imbalance  yeah and i'm just like well there is yeah but   i live my life in a little bit of a bubble  in that i can see there's stuff going on   like stuff on the news politics covered this that  the other and i'm a little bit like i'm not going   to take part i'm just going to do what i want to  do and like i've always been a little bit like   that a bit like stubborn and just like people will  be like oh you can't do that and i'm like yeah   i wanna so i'm gonna do it anyway like people are  like oh you've gotta go to just get a normal job   well i wanna do this so i'm gonna find a way to  do it you're a bit more of an optimist than a   pessimist as well yeah yeah yeah and that's really  good if i wanna do something i'll find rather than   looking at the problems in the way i'll find a  way around the problem and maybe yeah we should   go back and fix those problems but initially right  now i haven't got time to fix the problem so i'm   just going to find a way through it and then once  i'm in a position maybe to go back and fix those   problems to help the next generation of people  or whatever then i will but if i want something   i love that it's like yeah i am a woman but so  what like i'm gonna do it anyway yeah it probably   is easier for a man but i'll just crack on and  work twice as hard and get through anyway i think   gone sorry i try to ask you this question do you  think there is a quality of opportunity for women   as entrepreneurs and in business as an employee do  you think this there is a quality of opportunity i think probably there's not  i think it's probably like it's harder for women and it's there's not there's  not a balance it's it's harder even things like   and i think it is just the way women are so for  example there's like stats on men will ask for a   pay rise and get it and a woman will be grateful  for what she's got kind of thing and that's so   true like i was really underpaid when i was in a  job but i was like i'm so grateful i've got this   job and then you find out like someone else has  like asked for the five grand 10 grand pay rise   and got it and i'm like i just would never do  that yeah and it's it's a female demand thing   and that's where things like your pay gap comes in  because men are just asking for it and getting it   because they feel like they deserve it and women  are like don't feel that way yeah i did some   research a few years ago with um business whales  about barriers and like inequality and like women   in the workplace and women in entrepreneurship  and we did loads of focus groups and stuff and   it is just the way women are they're they're less  likely to ask for things and they're less likely   to do things that men are likely to do and even  like the way the the world and businesses and um   organizations are shaped are towards the  way men would think so it's not even about   like it's it's more just like sometimes  there's not that much that needs to change   to make it equal it's just that things are like  designed for the way men think and the way men are   um rather than for like women so yeah it's just  yeah it's interesting you've said that it's not   very equal yes that's actually like really  interesting because i was doing some research   behind this and behind like the pay gap and um  why there is a significant well i don't believe   is an equality of opportunity for women either  and there's that really famous interview with um   jordan peterson and kathy newman um if you haven't  watched it you need to watch it uh and in that he   says that one of the reasons he thinks there's a  significant pay gap and there's not an opportunity   is because women are um more agreeable than men  and you've kind of like highlighted that yourself   yeah you said that's what i was thinking yeah  you've kind of shown that you you felt like you   had gratitude for the fact you even though did  you know you would be paid less or you weren't   being paid or whatever you did but there was this  element you what you just didn't you you almost   had gratitude for the fact you had that job you  had that opportunity but you didn't have maybe   you wouldn't go and ask for a pay rise whereas  a man a man might yeah and like my like partner   at the time was like go and do this and i was  like i can't do that oh my god i probably would   now because i've kind of like had to train myself  to take on more like male or masculine traits to   succeed because that's just the way the world  is so instead of being like oh but it feels   uncomfortable i'm like it feels uncomfortable  but that's where growth happens when you're on   big time yeah yeah i'm gonna have to get used to  being uncomfortable so let's just go for it and   like take on these uncomfortable masculine traits  and ask for stuff and do things and be a bit more   [ __ ] and like push my way in where i want to be  which generally like generally women wouldn't do   but that's what i've noticed i'm just i'm just  copying the most successful people basically   in the masculine traits and interestingly  as well he said again in that interview um   jordan peterson that um when women one another one  of the reasons that women don't tend to to excel   as much as men would you know like in ftse 100  companies and in positions of power and politics   is is pregnancy and childbirth yeah in that when  when a woman has a baby they tend to be more   vulnerable post having that having a baby whereas  my my feeling i get from listening to you is there   was that element of vulnerability at the start  but it's actually excelled did you become more   successful yeah definitely like when i first had  luna and when i kind of started my business a few   months later i was so like it was so vulnerable  in every way like in terms of financially like it   wasn't that long after it was only a couple years  later that i then left her dad and became like   this single mum and i'd view myself as like poor  single mom like i need every penny i can get so in   terms of like the way i'd price things it would  be very like low because i'd be like you know i   just need 20 quid to pay the like bill or whatever  so if i can charge 20 quid and get it that's fine   long term i knew that wasn't a great strategy  like i'm not i don't really do the whole low price   thing like yeah i am the best my services is the  best and you pay that money like that's that's our   strategy um but at the time i was so vulnerable  i needed like every penny i could get i needed   like any i was just grateful for like anything  in any way whether it was financially or or not   so i was very vulnerable but then yeah i think i  just realized like you can't be like that because   you can't just feel sorry for yourself because  no one else no one else cares about you like we   said people are selfish whether they whether they  realize that or not humans are selfish naturally   it's very natural survival of the fittest and  unfortunately like no one actually cares about   anyone else really like you have very few friends  in life and the not that i think i'm like the most   successful person in the world i've got a long  way to go and i've got a long way to achieve   the goals that i've got set but like the better  i do the more i realize who are my friends and   who aren't and i can count on one hand the people  that support me and like say well done to me or   whatever when something goes right and they're the  same people that i would do the same back for like   i don't sounds really bad i don't have time to be  friends with everybody because i want to be a good   friend and it takes a lot of effort so i have  friends and then i have like acquaintances it's   very time consuming to keep those relationships  alive yeah right um where is all family   you know you sound like a little bit when you said  that reminding me massively what molly may said   when she said 24 hours no no not that but she's  in that interview she said again about um stephen   barlow asked her do you do you have a lot of  friends and she said no you know like almost   in what you're saying like a lot of people do want  to ride your success they want to jump on the wave   don't they when you're doing well at something  yeah um the people like will watch you they'll   watch the watching they'll get to a point like  wow now she's successful i want a piece of that   some people will anyway do you  know what i mean yeah kind of like   it sounds like you kind of share that perspective  to some extent yeah and you know what i listened   to that interview and when she said that  i thought how genuine not sad but like how   genuinely sad like this girl doesn't have  friends like what does she do and she's sad   like i know she said she had like her manager  was her friend but it wasn't until i sort of   thought about it afterwards and like when i'm  like at my lowest points or i need help or i   want to run an idea past someone there's  there's like my boyfriend my mum and like   three or four best best friends that are gonna  actually pick up the phone at 10 p.m at night when   i need them absolutely if i just think oh that  person is fun to go out drinking with or whatever   like they're not really going to care when i  need like their support at 10 p.m they're doing   their thing and probably the same way round like  sometimes someone texts you and you're a bit like   oh i'm just busy right now whereas there's a few  people where if they text me like i have dropped   everything i've dropped one of my friends texted  me once just saying like i'm so down i need you   and i had like a big meeting to go to well like  i had something booked basically and i just   cancelled it on the spot and went to see her and i  was like that business opportunity would have been   great but that friendship is way more important  i just got in the car there's been numerous times   i'll get my daughter out of bed chuck her in the  car and like go to my friends that needs me and   like there's there's a few of those but you like  not everyone cares about you in the world and like   the the more i go on and realize that the  stronger it makes me because i'm like i   don't get upset anymore if somebody doesn't  show the same friendship back that i showed   to them i just think oh we're not friends then  okay i've got i've got friends who i know are   my friends and i'll focus there do you think  maybe that makes me sound not nice but i just i used to really care what people thought  about me who liked me who didn't like   if i do this is people gonna think about someone  gonna say something behind my back i honestly i   don't i just don't have time to care  anymore i care about the happiness of   me yeah the happiness of my boyfriend and  my family and my daughter and my friends   and like if that's if that is okay then things are  great i care about how much money is in my bank   not because of the like the figure but because  of the life that i like the freedom that provides   me and the life that i've promised to like my  daughter or my boyfriend or whatever so if i'm   building my personal wealth to a point where i  can support my family to do anything they want   to do that's what i care about and unfortunately  i've just it's only really the last few months   that i've got to the point where i'm like i don't  actually care about anything else don't have time   yeah i totally understand that yeah what i  want to say is i think you're a great example   of a woman um excelling in a world which  is predominantly i think dominated by men   you know entrepreneur entrepreneur being  an entrepreneur and going into business i   i think you know it's this is more challenging  for a woman i think the stats the stats show   that but i think you're a great story of a  woman overcoming those barriers and you're   on a really positive path i know this year could  be a really really big year for you so i wish you   yeah i wish i wish you i wish you could look  for that but thank you i want to thank you for   coming on and i hope any women or young young  girls who've been watching this uh podcast can   really take something from fran's story um again  if you give us a like and subscribe i'd really   appreciate it and we'll see you next time on the  talking reality podcast thank you thank you you

2022-02-24 09:18

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