Is the Way You Were Raised Affecting Your Business?

Is the Way You Were Raised Affecting Your Business?

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You're listening to the Booker Jim clients podcast, episode, 76. You're. Listening to the book your dream clients, podcast, where, we believe business can be simple and you can use your intuition to run towards, your goal self-made. Business, and success coach Lindsey Moloney helps, you start and scale your dream coaching, business with her step-by-step. Intuitive, and creative guidance, you'll leave ready to put her tips into action push, your business forward, and work, with your dream clients, Lindsey, is here to help you get unstuck and structure, your brilliance, into a coaching, business that's, sustainable, and financially, exhilarating, here's, your host Lindsey. Moloney. Thank. You so much for tuning in to today's. Episode, I am really excited to, talk about an. Issue. That's very near. And dear to my, heart because, I've been really diving deep into the inner work in the past year, and a half and I, really want to talk about this. With you guys because I, feel. Like no, one is really touching on this subject because it is a sensitive, subject and, I, just. Felt called to speak, about it and if you feel connected with it let me know, but. I think it's important for you to listen to it with an open mind and an open heart, so of course sit back relax and, enjoy I. Think. The most important, aspect. Of our business is really tapping into. What. Makes us what, makes our wheels turn, and what makes our heart just, shine, and. Sometimes. We get to a point where like we, feel like we're hitting a wall and, we feel, like okay, I've done, everything, I've, invested. I've, done. All the programs, I've wrote, the copy I have an amazing website like. I have everything. What. The. Heck is going on why isn't anything working, I. See, all of these other people that started. When I started or after, before, whatever and, they're they, have these amazing businesses, but I'm just stuck and, a. Lot of entrepreneurs will. Use the phrase I just, hit a wall or, I hit I have a block. And I. Think. It's okay it's, okay to recognize, that you have a block and then you hit a wall but. Then then what do we do we. Start reading all the spiritual, books and we, listen to all of the the people online who, are. Inspiring. Us and we're quoting them and, we're, reposting. Things we're doing all of us F and we feel like if we just keep doing all that then. It'll work and then maybe we start meditating and, we start journaling. And. Doing, all these things that we see everyone else doing. But. It's something, still off right, and. Our. Business is still, stagnant. Or, it's. Not it's, not even slow growth it's just dead. In the water right we're just we're. Just doing things to stay afloat we're just treading water and. It's. Starting to feel like this is getting exhausting. You're not feeling inspired anymore. You're. Wondering what is going on and. Feeling. This way is totally normal, and totally, fine and. It doesn't mean that you started, your business and you were wrong to start it it. Doesn't mean that you should quit and try something else and it, doesn't mean that you're. Not cut out for this because. You. Are cut out for this because you, decided. That for, some reason you. Wanted to start a business online and, not everybody, is wired to. Even think that and, not, everyone, is a wire to do all the things that we do every single day to. Make this happen and, not, everyone, is wired to feel, called to help others. So. Just, wipe all of that those negative thoughts a way that you're.

Not Kind of over this because you are, if. You drive, you dreamed that this was a possibility, for you it's because it is. So. What. Do you do when you're doing all the things. Everything. Your, shelves, aren't aligned, with all the books and, you're. Just like. Feel. Like you've missed an important ingredient in your recipe, and, that. Is, when we have to, go. Back into. How. We were raised, and it, doesn't mean that you if you had a really crappy childhood that. Your business is gonna suck that's not what it that's not what I mean, but. What I do mean is that how, we were raised will. Absolutely affect, our, life and, our, business and this is not an episode where we're. Gonna bash, our parents, and think of all the things that they didn't do for us or whatever that cuz that's not true because. Our. Parents always, did, the did the best for us always, and. They're. Human, and, it's. So interesting when, you start to. Stop. When, you stop blaming. And. You. Accept. Things. Start to shift. But. How do, you get to that point. How. Do you get to the point where you can see why things are the way they are, why. Does it feel like your business isn't, making any money. Let's. Use that example, your. Business isn't making any money. You. Feel like all the, money is going out nothing's, coming in you've. Done, the, you. Know if you invest in yourself everything, will come back to you you've done all that you believe it but. Okay. When, is that other part gonna come for you, so. What I want you to do is think of how you how, you were raised when you were little and you can get out of a notebook and a pen and start to think of some things and I'm gonna give you some examples, and we're just gonna use money for the sake of this episode, cuz I mean we could go on for days we're. Gonna use money so. Your business isn't making any money now. I want you to just go, back into maybe, when you were five or ten or however, old you were whatever comes to you and, think. About the conversations. That were happening around, your home about money. Maybe. Your, parent. Or parents were. Always. Discussing bills and feeling, stressed out, maybe. Your parents were working all of the time and you never saw them. Maybe. Your parents had, a really bad attitude towards, people who were. Wealthy. Or. Maybe they didn't really have any you, know anything, to say either or they. Just have the attitude while you. Work and then you die, I hope, ember hearing that do that's. Okay look we don't have to be like oh my gosh my parents anything, that's, not what we're doing we're. Just like flipping, way back into the photo album and kind. Of remembering. Okay. This is starting to make sense so let's let's let's, talk, about some examples so. Some. Examples, that I've heard from from. Clients, or just. People, around me in my surroundings. Rich. People are born rich, there, are trust-fund babies, or they, were they're famous and the only way to be rich is to be famous or know somebody famous you have to win money to. Have money. Rich. People are miserable they're, not happy, you, have to work hard you have to work hard every single day to get to just make it I want.

You To really think about all the things that you heard growing up when it came to money and. Just start writing them down things. Or it's gonna start pouring out of you once you get a couple what's. It hard for your family to, spend money, was. It hard for your family to, make ends meet and I know that so many of, so. Many of us grew up that way and that's totally. Great. But. What isn't great is for you to. Have that idea towards, your business, that's. Scarcity. Mindset that, idea. That you know this could just end anything at any moment, and I I'm scared of what could happen to my business if I if, I, spend any money because, I could lose everything you, know that's just a fear and fear is just kind of really really. Hold us back, so. When we think of all of the phrases that we heard endure a little, about. Money not, enough, it's. Hard to get. It's. Not, possible. Those. Ideas. Were. Imprinted. In the back of your subconscious, and. Your. Subconscious is like, it, has a steering, wheel that's. How you're operating your business and you don't even know it it's like you're. Driving in. In a limousine and that. Window you're sitting in the back of the limousine and the windows up and you have no idea who's driving it and you're just like this is not how, where I wanted to go this is taking forever and you finally roll down the window and you're like oh that's. Why because, I have all these negative, ideas. Taking. Me nowhere. And. Then, you have, to you. Have to accept, that that was in the back of your mind you, have to think it and then send it off on their own way and then you take control of the. Vehicle so, you can go where you want to go. Now. There's another there's. Another side, to this. It's. Not about the lack of money but. A lot of entrepreneurs are. Afraid, to have money. Because. They're. Scared that they'll lose it that's. Another huge one so. They. Might be totally okay, with having. The money and it coming in and all of that like they're they have these big money goals but. They're in in the back of their mind they're, afraid. That. Once they get it they're. Gonna do something stupid with it they're, gonna spend it all they're, gonna lose it on something they're gonna make a bad investment, because. Either. Something, happened in their past where. You. Know this might have been an experience, or several, experiences, or. Their. Family. Experienced. Something like this and as, a child they saw the stress that it was that brought upon you know their surroundings, so. That could also be in, the back of your mind if you have money you're. Going to be irresponsible with, it so it's really important, to write, all of these things down and. Realize. That everything, you're writing down is okay there's.

No Blame here it's just getting out getting it, out of your head and onto, paper. Because. That's the first step and then. Just seeing like wow this really is. How. My business is. Turning. Out this. Is the answer because, I have all this crap. In my mind. That's. The first step getting it out on paper and then. I want you to just take that paper and. Crumple. It up throw, it, away because. It doesn't apply to you and I want you to say that out loud - this doesn't apply to me none, of this applies to me it, will, never apply, to me. Because. My business is successful my, business is abundant, and, my. Business is open to, wealth, and success. That's. The, mindset I want you to have so. You, know that there are things in the back of your mind, whether. You really, know about them or not once, you start it's, going to start coming out and, I. Really want you to do this exercise, and. Listen. To this episode a couple, of times because. I think it's going to be really therapeutic for, you to. Get this all onto. Paper and then. Repeating those positive. Affirmations. As. You. Crumble them up and throw them away. So. What if you're like well I don't know. What. I have no idea I can't remember anything I don't remember my family talking about this or like I don't. Really know if that applies to me Lindsey but I know that I have some kind of block. Well. That would be a great time to reach out to someone to help you tap, into that and I have a really amazing tool that, can. Tap. Into it really, really, quickly, it's called rapid transformational. Therapy, I became, a practitioner this. Fall and I, use, it to help my, clients. Tap, into. Their. Past so, they can remove, the. Unwanted, thoughts. Scenes. Feelings. That, are not serving, them anymore and then we replace them with something positive and, extremely. Effective for their life so. If you want to learn how to do more of this with yourself, and reach. Out to a professional, absolutely. Find. Me online you can go to Lindsey Moloney comm /, RTT. I would. Love, to work with you and help you do this this is my passion I want to, help entrepreneurs. Just. Be, as big. As they can be. And successful, as they can be but. They. Also need to do the inner work and this is a really, powerful tool, to do that so, if. You feel called to get, some help with this.

Go. To Lindsey Maloney comm, /r TT or just DM me on Instagram. Ask me any questions, that you may have I'd be happy so, very grateful, to. Help you I have. Lots of clients who have already worked with and we have so many amazing testimonials. On our page and I want to read a couple testimonials. From some clients. Lindsey. Has a way of making you feel so calm and relaxed, during our RTT session we discovered, how some past events, were affecting, me and my business 30 plus, years, later we. Were able to rewrite, the events, and move forward at this phase in my life to have all that I desire I, started. Seeing benefits of our session literally, the next day every. Day since our session, I've been receiving abundance, or opportunities. To grow my business to, a level that I never, imagined, possible I'm, so grateful to have worked if Lindsey I truly, believe all my goals and dreams manifest, into reality now. And then. I'll read you one more from, another amazing, client. My RTT session, with Lindsey, was extraordinary, she was able to get me under such deep hypnosis that I was able to access core, memories, that were blocking me from manifesting. My 10 million-dollar business, and after, the session I felt so relieved so open and so aligned, and knowing that I could achieve anything, and I've, been listening to her guided self-hypnosis. Every single day and it's just been magical. So. You heard the word hypnosis in the testimonials. And you're, like what, is this. It is. Hypnosis, and, it's, hypnosis. Has gotten such a bad rap I feel because, I remember, when I first heard about it I was like wow that's so, that's. So crazy, and, it's. Not like you're, sleeping, and you have no idea what's happening, and I'm gonna make you do silly things that's, not what it's like at all, hypnosis. Is something, that you are completely. In control of. You, just. In a deep meditative, state so, if you've ever meditated. Before and, you know that you can get into that deep meditative, state that really relaxed, State that's what hypnosis is you're. Not gonna get stuck, right it, feels different for everyone, some people kind of feel like they're floating or, they just feel really really relaxed. But. When they are done, with their session, they feel. Like. A weight has been lifted off, of their shoulders, there's. A no wrong way to do it, every. Single session is effective, and the best part about it is. You. Don't need to go to therapy for months, and months and years and years I've had clients who said they've saved months, of therapy just. By going to one session, their relationships, with their spouse are, so, much better because of their session, and that's. Incredible. And. I. Absolutely, love, the fact that we do this all online. All. Unzoom so you don't have to go anywhere you don't have to like get, a sitter for your kids or, you. Know take, time off of work I have really flexible, times, where I do my RTT sessions, and. It, allows entrepreneurs. To. Really just take time for themselves and. Get. The healing that they deserve because we all deserve healing, even. If we feel like everything's, going fine it's. Really, important, just to check in and see what your subconscious wants, to either. Talk, about or get, rid of, so. So, important, and I, remember, when I first and went into my first rapid, transformational. Therapy, session I went, into it for money blocks because I couldn't think of anything to go in and I, wanted my business to go to a whole new level and I. Wanted to make sure that there was nothing standing. In my way and it. Was so interesting the things that came up for me and, it was so healing for me to do this this, type of work and that's, when I knew that the. Direction that I was going to become a practitioner, was. Just. Spot-on this is exactly what I am, here, to do so, not only in my business, and success, coach I also am a rapid, transformational. Therapy, practitioner, and I, help women. Creating scale and do, the inner work at the same time so, we work on the intuition, and we work on strategy, because like I said in the beginning it, takes, both we have to have that balance so this. Is not some like magical, thing it's total, science it's. You, are just creating a burst of brainwaves that are the same as when you're in rem and that's. What allows you to access your, subconscious mind it's so easy anyone. Can do it and I. Would love to help you do it too so if you're interested, in it and you're still listening. Reach. Out we, can definitely talk we can have a, conversation. And, talk about what happens, and. There's a lots of information on my website again, just go to Lindsey, Maloney comm /r GT and you. Will find everything, that you're looking for there and I just want to leave you with one last thought, and. That. Is the, fastest, way to change a thought is, to reverse it and that's exactly what this does so.

If You have thoughts in your mind that are not serving, you that are not serving your business because, of what has been. Coded. In your mind. Either. From childhood, or just you know being, in this world we. Have to reverse it and the, only way to do that is through hypnosis. It's. Just science so if, you want to do that you want to reverse. Negative. Thoughts feelings. Health. You, want better health you want to feel better you want to be a better entrepreneur you, just want to be a better mom or, just a better human, you could work on you need to work on something, just. A book a session an. Expert. You can experience, all the freedom from pain and negative thoughts bad habits, because you deserve. To feel joyful and loved in, control, free, because, you are more than enough and I can absolutely help, you get there. Want. Ten ways for you to start booking your dream clients I created, this workbook for you because I wanted to share my best tips on how, I booked mine you're not going to believe how easy these are and I know you'll be able to take my tips and put them into action ASAP. So you can start working with your dream clients to, grab the workbook for free all you have to do is go to Lindsey, Moloney comm, slash podcast, hey. Coaches, are you a member of the book your dream clients community, yet because you should be just, go to dream client community, calm to request free access, we, do fun things like website, audits challenges, and we even have a book club join, the free dream client community, now and we'll see you there thank. You so much for listening to the book your dream clients podcast if you want to find out more information how you can work with me just, a head on over to my website Lindsey. Maloney calm you, will be able to see how you can work with me privately or in, a group setting I'm all about helping you start in scale your coaching business so. I'd love to hear from you, don't. Forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes and, leave a rating and review and if you want bonus points take, a screenshot of a review and take me on your Instagram story I'd love to see it and share it with my audience and plus you don't want to miss another episode.

2019-11-09 04:43

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