Is Selling Masks A Good Business? How to Get Masks from China?

Is Selling Masks A Good Business? How to Get Masks from China?

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Because, of the coronavirus, masks, become the wall largest, demand product, currently even. Though people from Western, countries they don't like wearing masks, but according to the, world largest b2b, trading, platform, Alibaba theta the number one largest numbers. Of product, inquiries from Western, countries is still masks. Chinese, people don't like wearing masks either so, do i but. Because of this epidemic most, of us start to having this habit, to wearing, the mask when going to a public place we, have population about, 1.4. Billion but, every, year we only in consume like half billion masks, so I believe from this year the domestic, demand for masks. In our country will, be 10, times or even 20 times larger than before so do, you think that if it's a good business to import masks, from China and sell, to your countries and what, kind of masks, you should purchase from China and what kind of potential, problems that you will face when purchasing, product, from China today's. Video will be very informative because. I'm going, to review all these secrets. I'm. Jane. The founder of dream sourcing a leading, China sourcing company since 2015. And please, subscribe to my channel and I will show you all my knowledge about sourcing, trading and manufacturing, in all, my videos, the. First question, is that what kind of masks, can you import from China currently. Before, the corona virus epidemic breaking. Out in China I know nothing, about masks. But from the beginning of march when the situation, in other, countries, is getting. Worse we got a lot of clients inquire, about if, we can help them get masks, from China then, my colleague is they try to reach out as many, masks, supply as possible, and I also did some research on, internet to have a better understanding, about masks, for masks you can get from China they can be classified, in two types according, to the usage the. First type is general. Disposable, facial, mask or the surgical mask the second type is respirator. Masks and sound, then they have. And the Sun don't the, biggest difference, between mask and respirator. Is that mask they don't have a seal. On the side that, means the air can be sucked in from the both side well, for respirators. They can perfectly. Cover the, whole face mask. Is mainly useful the, wear to not. Infect people. Surround, you by, the, speed a doctor, wearing, a surgical mask is, in order to protect vulnerable. Patients. Instead, of being infected, by the patient, otherwise, the doctor need to wear a respirator, instead. Of a surgical, mask it's kind of like one-way protection. Well for, respirators, they, have all kinds of shapes but all, then, they can perfectly. Cover, your face and because, they have the seal on the side but, for respirators. That has a valve it doesn't, mean the quality is much better because. This, valve is just help you to breathe, out the air much, easier, the United, States and Europe, respirators. Is considered. As personal. Protective, equipment and. They. Have their own standard, and a rating system in. The US the, standard, is not and they. Have three rating in 95. And 99, and 100, it means how much percentage, of abram, particles, can, be filtered out 95%. 99%. And, 100% in, European, Union they, have an equivalent, rating, system which is a fifty, one two, three, and in China our rating, is K and 90k. 95, and k900 you, can just ignore the N 99, and 100, or FF, p 3 because, very less, manufacturer. In China they can produce and, almost. You cannot get in especially. In this special, time so if, you exist to buy it either. You'll be skinned or you, need to pay very incredible. High price, so the, most possible, respirators. You, can get from China is that, can protect you well is the, China standard, K and 95 which, is equivalent, to FFP, 2 and +, 95, but, the big, problem, for buying respirators. From China is that most. Respirator, supplies, that you can access they, don't have the compliance, certification for, n95. Or FFP. Too which, means it will be extremely, hard to do the custom clearance when, you want to purchase. Them in bulk in import, to your country, this possible facial, mask is the easiest that you can get from China and import, to your country, this, mask consists, of three layers two, layers nonwoven. Fabric, at outside, and one, layer melt, below fabric, in the middle even, though they cannot stop the virus as well as the n95, but, it's better than wearing nothing and when, the epidemic is breaking, out in China all the n95. Respirators. Are given. To medical. Workers, people. Who work in, the airport. Train stations, and alternating. Chinese, people they just wear the regular, disposable. Facial masks for disposable, facial, masks not for medical use in China we have a standard, but in European. Countries and United, States they don't have so, sometimes. In some countries, the custom will consider, this, kind of mask as surgical. Masks which means they will require you to provide, certification, they're, saying as medical.

Mask, Well it doesn't mean that cussin, in every city or in every countries, they will act like the same so, if it's, your first time to import, and you, don't have any experience, about how, to do the custom clearance but, you want to import. A mask, in large, commodity, you're a better to find a manufacturer, who has certifications. For surgical, masks, for the US the manufacturer. They should have the certification. Of ASTM. F2000. And hundred, for European Union's the manufacturer, should have the seamy certification. Which have the en. 146. A3, directive. For, respirators, customs. In most countries they will treat them more strict than the disposable. Facial, masks, for importing, to European, Union your, supplier must, provide you the CDs certifications. That, include, the. 149. Directive, for, importing, to United State your supplier must, have the knotch, certification. To improve, the respirators. Comply, with the n95, standard. And this, is not enough for United. States and the, supplier, also, need to register, as, the manufacturer, in FDA, and in, addition, you also need, to register. It on FDA, as an importer, this is a compulsory. Registration for. All importers, who want to import, any products, that are regulated. By FDA and, this, registration, will, cost around four thousand US dollars a, year this, is the most, legal way to import, respirators. To United States for large quantity, in March America. Is on shortage, of the, respirators. So the, temporary, allowed the Chinese standard, que n95, respirators. Importing. To United, States as long as the manufacturer, get the FDA, registration. However, they, just cancelled the temporary, policy in the end of March so you, never take a risk of, a temporary, policy. As long, as you want to import. The respirator, or other, products, in logic, quantity you always need to follow, the, import. Regulation. Of your country, except. For compliance. Certifications. The product information that, printed, all respirators. Is also, very important, informations. Like compliance. Standard product, brand product, models, they all need to be printed, on the product, and all, these informations. Should be the same as what, is written on the certification only. In this way it can prove, that the, product you purchased, is the same as the certification. However, for, most, of respirators. That you can get from China really and most, of them they are made by small manufacturers. Which are new. Bute this, year and, of course they cannot reach all my requirement. I have mentioned, and most, of this respirators. That you can get easily from China they, don't have brand or product, models, printed. On the product and there's. No this kind of information on the certification either. Obviously, this, kind of respirators. Is not very easy to do the custom clearance unless, you or your custom, brokers, has very good relationship. With the custom. Let me show you the most correct, way to print information on, respirators. This is the FFP, to respirators. Which is made by a very, famous, respirator. Manufacturer. Around, 20 kilometers away from, us, they, have all the detailed information printed. On the product. Recently. We got a lot of inquiries about this, kind of cotton mask which, is washable, can, be used for many, times you can also insert, a filtering, patch into the mask to, make it works as well as respirators. This kind of mask also don't need any, certifications. For importing, to us or EU because they, can declare as outdoor. Sport masks instead, of personal, protective, equipment. Question. Number two what is, the mask, manufacturing. Situation now, in China before, there's a demmick mask, is a very low frequency required. A product, in China we. Have 1.4. Billion population and, every. Year we produce six, billion masks, but only 10%. Masks. Are so, domestic. And for, the rest they are exported, to other country, in the world but. Because of this epidemic all Chinese, people are required, to wear masks. If you want to go to a public place which, means we need to consume, hundreds, of millions. Masks every, day so the numbers of previous. Masks manufacturers. Is not, enough and the. Numbers of new mask manufacturers. Is booming, seems, to February and the, mask production, capacity, has, increased to, around hundred, million, a day which, is around five to ten times larger than before according. To my research mask, manufacturers. Can be classified into, three types, the, first type are those professional. Masks or medical.

Manufacturers. They were producing, masks all the time and all their product, can comply, with the standard. In China. European, countries or United, States they, have all certification, that you needed for custom, clearance and it, would be totally no problem for, importing, their product, to European. Countries or United. States there, are some famous local companies, like fashion. And meshing however. Is not easy for ordinary. People to get their masks, because this, kind of manufacturers, their production, line is fully, booked. By the government. To give the highest priority. To supply. Hospitals. Other countries, government, will also ask. The Chinese, government for help to get connect with this, kind of manufacturer. For purchasing, and in, China there, will be some people can get masks, from this kind of manufacturers, through some special, ways and they, will resell the mask to other, middlemen, and then those middlemen will, resell, to you for very, high price for, example, n95. Standard, respirators. Can, be sold around three, to four US, dollars and this, is still, wholesale, price even, this price is around, three times more expensive than, the original, price if you can buy directly from, the manufacturer. But there, are still not many numbers. Of respirators. Is available. So, if you are ordinary, people if, you are not helping your. Government to purchase masks, it's almost not possible to, get masks. From this kind of manufacturers, the, second type is also, professional. Manufacturers. But. They didn't make any medical, products, before for, example the, best air conditioner, manufacturer, in China they built new masks. Production, line and also, automobile. Company, they built a mask production, line and even, the, best Sox manufacturers. In China which, is around. 80 kilometers, away from our company, they also start, to making. Masks, since February. So masks. From this kind of manufacturers, the quality, will be very, stable but, most, of them they only produce those. Disposable, facial. Masks and also, their, production, line is almost, fully booked the, third type is those small, manufacturers. They discovered, this visit, opportunity, in end of January. And they. Start to purchase machines, and the raw materials to, start production so. For most disposable, masks. Or KN, 95 standard, respirators. That you can, wholesale. From China currently most, of them they are getting, from this kind of small manufacturers, of course, the price and the quality will. Have very big difference, between all these, small, manufacturers. So, if you are just ordinary people and. You only want to buy, some, masks, for resale, you, need to give up the idea about, finding. The best mask, manufacturer. In China to purchase. Masks. Which can comply, with all regulations, in, your country because, for those will qualified, mask. Manufacturers. All their production, line will, be not, available, for small, orders and this kind of situation will, last for at least, two months question, number three how, to find a mask supplier, in China since. February there tons of people are getting. Involved into the mask selling, business, and everyone. Will say they, got the Terek manufacturing, resource but, of course over. 99.9%. People. They're, acting, like a middleman. The second middleman sir middleman, or even, the force look, this our contacts, on my WeChat, and they're, posting, masks, selling, information, every day and of then they're, doing quite different, jobs for example some are teachers, sound, than they are working in Bank sounding the hotel, ties and some, people they even, manufacturing. Furnitures. Even, though they are posting, masks selling, information, every day but most. Of them they don't know where, is the source, manufacturer. They just share this and earn, some commissions, by chance if, you have real orders in hand for example you're helping, your local government, or local, hospitals, to purchase, half million, or a million, medical. Masks, or n95. Respirators. You have a chance to reach, out to that real manufacturer. But if you only need few thousands, or ten, sales of masks. Then you can only buy from the middleman, and not. Only for foreign abayas, even for Chinese buyers it's very, hard to identify, if Derek, that in the mask font the real manufacturer. Directly unless you, can visit the manufacturer, so, you, need to identify who. Is the reliable. Middleman, for supplying, you masks. My suggestion, is that you have, to buy masks. From someone, you can trust in China, even though you underst.

Here's A middleman, but at, least you won't be skinned, at least, you can ensure the product you got is good, quality. Question. For how, to ship and import, masks, from China to your country, if, you really decide to purchase masks. From China and you had a reliable, suppliers and the, supplier is pal to ship you the mask but now you will face a biggest. Problem, is how. To ship the masks, from China to your country, for the whole February, March, and even. April, the air shipping, situation. From China, to other countries, is very serious. A shipping, price is almost, one, or two times more expensive than, before, and a, lot of countries they, start to lock, down which. Means even, for courier, service companies, they are not able to deliver, your product, to this countries, and I also mentioned, in my last video that courier. Companies like FedEx, or, UPS they. Have less than 100, kilograms, limiting, for each company, in China for, shipping out products, insured, shipping, masks from China to other countries, by air is very. Hard, but, if you really want to import masks from China and shipped by air you're. Better to find foreign company or freight forwarders, in your country that who can help you ship masks from China the, chance will be much, bigger than asking. Your Chinese, supplier to find a shipping, solution, in China, except. For shipping by air shipping, by sea or real way didn't, get much impact, by this, epidemic if. You want to import masks, in very large quantity, this, to shipping method will be much, more reliable and, the, sea shipping cost is so cheap which is only cost, like less, than 10% of shipping, by air except. For the shipping problem, another, thing you need to pay attention is, if your supplier, can provide, you valid, certifications. Especially. When you want to import, n95. Respirators. To United States manufacturers. FDA, registration. Is not, enough and you also need to register, as, the FDA, importer. And your, suppliers also need to prove, - not certifications. To prove the respirators. Comply, with the n95. Standard. Even, though the United States government, temporary, allowed the Chinese standard KN 95 going, to United, State but the policy, changed, always very quick before. You're importing masks, from China you must need to confirm, with the cousin, or ask, your freight forwarders, or ask your custom, brokers who help you handle the custom, clearance confirm, within what kind of certification or. Qualification. You need to prepare otherwise. Your, products, will have very high chance to, be blocked, by the custom, question, number five is importing. And selling masks, a good business, to you most. Ecommerce, platform didn't, allow new sellers, to sell masks. And even though you have your own e-commerce website. Facebook. Ads or Google Ads, is also, have very strict, regulation. On running. Mask campaign, because, this big companies, they don't want so many people, to fill out into their platform to sell. Masks, which make their platform, in a mess if, you just want to buy some masks, to give it away to your, friends or family or donate. To local school. Or hospitals, it's, great if you want to buy some masks and resell. To your community, or neighborhood. If, there's, no place in your city that you can buy, masks it's also fine that you can import, something from China and resell, to local. People who need them but, the most suitable people for the mask, selling, business, are those who, already have very, strong, distribution, network. Because, they, can sold out very quick and in large quantity, if you don't have any distribution, network. At all but, you just think it's a good opportunity to, earn some quick money and you, just thought about, buy. Some masks first and then, figure, out a way to how. To sell, them this, kind of ideas is not recommended, there. Are also a lot of people that want to be a middleman, and they just heard from a friend that want, to purchase very, logical, entity masks from China and they, just want to get involved, to sher piece of cake they don't know if it's a real purchasing, inquiry, they, spent a lot of time searching, suppliers, in China and. Negotiating. Price but, in the end they, didn't get the other place, through them and of, course there is a lot of time even, though it looks like a very, good opportunity, to make, money but, this, kind opportunity, is always, left, to those people, who have the resource for example have, a very good distribution, network, very good resource, for the, custom, clearance or you, were doing medical, trading, business even, before this, academic only. This type of people deserve, to make this money but, for most people who, don't have related. Resource, or experiences. I still, strongly recommend, try, to focus, on your original work business or your original, industry, this is always a juice no matter what kind of other Black, Swan event happened, thank you for watching this video and I, guess you probably have, your own answer, about you, are able, to catch, this business opportunity if, you like this video please, give a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and I, will see you in my next video.

2020-05-02 20:57

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