Is Get Found on Google Right for My Business?

Is Get Found on Google Right for My Business?

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Hi. There, barb here from above the both Canada I. Wanted to come. Online and chat for a few minutes about the, upcoming, get found on Google live session that we have coming up. I've, had a few, questions from people thinking about taking the program and, so it seemed like a good opportunity to come. On chat. With a whole bunch of people and, just tell you a little bit more about the program and why I think it would be a great, fit for your business, so. We're. Gonna wait and see if we get a few people online if. You do have comments, throughout the webinar, please. Throw, your questions, into the comments, and I will be able to see, I. Will. Be able to see. The. Questions that are coming in so. I'm, going to go ahead and get started I'll, introduce myself because I suspect that many people who are watching. Haven't. Met me before so. My name is barb McGrath and I'm the owner of a company called above-the-fold, Canada. Above-the-fold. Canada, is a. Local. Business, marketing, company, and what I mean by that is we, support the business that. Is locally, owned or needs, to succeed at, the, local level hi, Randy thanks for joining. So. When, we developed get found on Google. We. Developed, it specifically. For, local. Businesses, that needed, any sort, of assistance getting. Found on Google and, for. Lots of people they've, come back and they've said well why, do we need to get found on Google who cares I do social, media I'm fine. And in fact I'm. Not going to you, know tell you that you don't need to do, social media in fact social media is a great awareness. Tool but. When we focus on get found on Google we're looking at those core, elements that help a business find, a customer in the moment that they're ready to make a purchase so, I'll. Go ahead and get started and talk a little bit about the program I, talked. About the types of things that you can learn from the program and. Talk. About some of the outcomes that you can have for your business, so, get found Google is Saskatchewan, only in person. Live. Hands-on. Training session, and when. I talk about it being hands-on. In. Lots of cases you can take an online training program or, go to a presentation and hear, all, these great, ideas that. You'd love to be able to implement in your business and what. We do and get found on Google that's really, different from a lot of these programs is, we. Actually, log. In and work. Right on your business so, this, is a workshop on your. Business, we're, not just, talking. About the things that you can do we're. Actually showing, you how to do it and, we're helping you, actually. Do, the things that we're talking about so, that you can see immediate. Impact, for, your business. When. We look at the. The. Background so to speak, for. Get found on Google, get. Found on Google would be that. Foundational. Local. Business. Marketing, class, without. A solid foundation just. Like building a house anything. Else that you do is going to be less effective, and so, get, found on Google becomes that solid, foundation upon which, you can grow your business, that's. Why we encourage anyone who relies on local. Customers. To, join, the program or. Join the class and I guess the workshop. Some. Of the different businesses that we might see, at get found on Google are your. Nonprofit. Your. Charitable organizations. A. Shoe. Store a restaurant, the, types of businesses, that reply, rely. On foot, traffic to come, through the door to, help them be successful I Tracy thanks for joining. So. Who, will benefit, from get, found on Google and. I've.

Actually Yet to find anyone who doesn't benefit, but. That's not that's not a good answer so when, we look primarily at who, has taken the class before and. Who has most, benefited. From the class. They've been local, business owners entrepreneurs. Or. A, marketer. Responsible. For. That local business, a. Little. Bit later in the presentation I'm, going to give you a couple of examples. Of, some of the businesses that have participated in the program, and. Then. You'll you'll hear a little bit more and. For those of you that do tune in to the end Traci and brandy. If, you do tuned in to the end I've got a couple of extra bonuses, for you there's two of them how, but you do have to stick around till the end so I, hope, you'll stay with me so, um, so. Who's, gonna benefit so we talked about that local business marketer. Responsible. For a local business Google. Provides a huge. Number. Of free, tools to, a local, business and we're not going to cover them all in this workshop because to be honest it would be overwhelming, but, we're gonna cover a significant. Number, of the. Tools, that Google provides, for, free, to. Local business, just. To give you a quick history. Probably. 10 years ago a decade ago as. Businesses. Were competing for landscape, on Google local. Businesses, were really, getting left behind and that. Was never Google's intent, and. In fact they recognized, what was happening, and changed. The tools that they made available to, businesses, to try and support the local business, more, so. What. We're going to learn in this class is a result, of that change from Google we're, going to look specifically. At the. At. The tools that Google provides, to a business, you're. Going to have access you're, going to know exactly, what you need to do with, each of the tools how. To use it how often, to use it and, how to take best advantage of, each of those tools so we're. Going to talk about everything, from, listings. To. Websites. And something called SEO, or search engine. Optimization and, in. Some cases I you, know you may not feel comfortable in making changes. While. We're in the class, but you're still gonna have a great chance to to, learn and understand, the language and feel, comfortable, with it. One. Of the questions that I often, get from, people thinking about taking not. Taking. A. I. Haven't had enough coffee today. One. Of the questions that I often get from people is you know they're really nervous, they're. Unsure, they're, not they're. Not comfortable, that they're going to be able to keep up and in, fact the. Whole program. Was, built around. The. Business owner who in many cases is.

I'm Sure, in. That technology, environment. I'm, talking with my hands but they're way over here there we go. So. The business owner who yeah. They are a little bit uncomfortable they're, a little bit unsure. That's. Who this program is geared toward if. You are slick, and savvy with, technology and, you know how to zip around all of the different tools that are out there then. To, be honest thanks for tuning, in and this, probably isn't the class that you need to take this. Class is geared towards, those who, want to increase, their. Comfort level, with, technology and. With the tools to get their business found online. So. If you are. Just. Starting, to feel confident, or want, to feel more confident, then, this is a fantastic class for you to think about. So. We'll, get found on Google help me be on the first page of Google and. Again. Lots of you who are listening to this webinar in. The rate replay, haven't had a chance to meet me before but, my approach is always, to look at conversion. So, how, can you acquire, or find a new customer, and work. Your way back into the some nice things to do and. So, we. Always start with what. Are the activities you need to do to. Find more customers now, and, then we'll work our way back into the nice to do stuff so there's, only three, ways three. There's. Only three, ways that you can get your business found on Google and. First is paid advertising, those. Are the websites that appear at the top of a search result you, can also have a listing, and the. Third way is simply to have your website appear. On that, first page and. I always talk about the importance, of the first page this. Is an old joke but it's still a good joke and in fact, so. I'll just throw it out there and anybody who's listening you're welcome to throw your answers into that into. The comments but where, do you hide a dead body, on. The second. Page of Google because, no, one goes, there anymore, if. You want to get your business found you. Need to, be on the first page okay. So that's what we focus on so, what we're going to teach you and get found on Google is what. You need to do and how. You need, to do it to, get your business on that first page, we. Can't guarantee, nor. Can any business, out there guarantee. That, they can get you on the first page of Google and I. Won't. I. Won't. Promise that, you know your business is going to be on the first page after a single session we, have had clients that that's happened to but. That's. Not my approach my approach is to give you the. Knowledge and the power to know what to do, so, that if the first page of Google is something that you'd like to achieve as a business, these, are the steps that you're going to need to take to get there. Depending. On the industry that you work in some, industries, are more competitive and so. It's going to take longer to, get onto that first page in. Other cases an, industry isn't as competitive, and you can get onto the first page a little bit easier okay. Um. Why. Does being on the first page matter I'm just trying to look through some of the questions that came in. And. There's there's some really good questions here but why, does being on the first page of Google matter so. Let's talk about that just for a second. If. You're looking for a restaurant you're in downtown Regina, and you're looking for a restaurant, chances, are you Google restaurant. Near me or. You. Want to buy a new pair of running shoes so, you look for shoe, stores near, me it's. One, of the most popular. Searches on Google and in the course I'm actually going to show you how we find, out what's. Popular, in. Terms of topics that people are searching for but. If someone has searched for restaurants. Near me shoe, stores near me or coffee shops near me if you. Are one of those businesses, you, need, to, come up you need, to be listed, and that's. What we're gonna talk about how, do I get my business to appear I'm a coffee shop I never show up when people google how, do I get my business to appear. It's. Not very often that someone will go, to their favorite social media platform, and search for a shoe store they just don't but, what happens, instead is if. You're a shoe store and you're posting regularly, to social media you. Will hopefully get, your content, in front of potential customers so, that when they do that Google, search because they always do then. They're gonna recognize oh. There's. Frank shoe store I've seen that okay I know, I'm comfortable with his content, so now I'll go on visit, so, there's there's, a bit of a a melding.

That Happens, but, if, Frank, doesn't show up in, the search result then. Forget, it the. Customers not coming in so why. Does that first page matter because. Customers. Google, what, they want to purchase about 80 percent of the time before they go and make a purchase nowadays. Digital. Is almost, always part, of a purchase decision so. If your, customers. Are googling, the restaurant, or the coffee shop they have to be able to find you okay. So. Who else can you expect to be there and, who else has participated in the program so, I'm going to give you a couple of quick examples of businesses. That have participated in, get. Found on Google and then. We'll talk a little bit about who else you might expect to be there so. Brandy and Tracy who are watching live, they. Will be there. But. Some of the other businesses, that you might recognize you're in Regina that have been through the program include. Dimension, 11 do. Eleven has been in business for 38, years here in Regina and, they're. A human resource consulting. Firm. Evolution. Coaching, laying. And Health and Safety which, competes, with a number, of national firms, in terms of providing health, and safety where they've. Been through the class cleaning. With class. They. Saw, remarkable. Results. After they had a chance to participate in the program and, just. In talking with Christy last week in fact some of her. Testimonials. Are in our video library if you'd like to take a look but, Christy, has some. Great stories to tell about having been through the class, prayer. Center for mindfulness they, are a mindfulness. Practice as. Well Joanna's a psychologist. So she's, been through the program and again, she's. Got a really unique business, niche and. So. It was a great chance for her to participate. Some, of the others that you might recognize the chiropractors Association, of Saskatchewan, they've, been through the program as well as advanced leadership so, there's, a fairly extensive list, of businesses there's a number of others and. I won't list them all but there's. A number of businesses that have had a chance to. Participate. In the program and every. One of them has good, results, to talk about when they're done in the program because, they have the confidence and the knowledge they needed to be able to move through the program. So, one of the questions they go on and it, was a question that I hadn't had before but, someone, asked me whether, or not there was a guarantee, for the program and you. Know at first I sort of said well what kind of guarantee, are you are you thinking well are you going to guarantee that. I may be able to understand, and. As I mentioned earlier I can't guarantee that you're gonna be on the first page of Google but what I can guarantee is, that if, after, participating in, the class if you, still, get. Stuck then, we're, going to work with you one on one to, help, you get, through whatever. The sticking point is so, if you have problems with your listing, if. You're struggling with something in your social media or your website we're, going to work with you one on one to help you understand, where. It is that you're getting stuck. If. That still doesn't work for you. Then absolutely. We would refund your money, but, we've never had that situation happen in fact we've never even had a situation where someone comes back after the class and says, hey I, didn't. Get anything out of his class and you. Know I want to cash in on the guarantee so, I put, that out there if. You do find that you don't get anything from the Fossey or more than welcome to follow, up with us and let us know so. That kind of leads me into the next question that we had and somebody said are you gonna be available later for questions so, get, found on Google again it's really unique because we, live here we. Work. Directly with businesses in Saskatchewan. And what. We do have clients outside of the borders our primary, clients, are here in Saskatchewan so, we're not going anywhere we're. Not taking off you. Know back to a warm destination, or back to Toronto or Calgary. Or Vancouver we, live here and so, yeah, absolutely you, have questions you are more than welcome to send, us an email give us a call and say hey we, talked about all this listing, stuff I'm trying to log in and I just can't get there um and, we're gonna help you we're gonna make sure that you can get logged in and that you have the. The tools and the knowledge that you need because. That's, something that's really important, to me personally when. I start up a business my. Goal was to help as many local business owners as I could, and help. Them understand, what they needed to do online to be successful, so.

Absolutely, We're still here um so. The next question I had is what I'm gonna learn um. And I kind of touched on on a number of those pieces through so there, is four more modules, in the program we. Talked about listings. Reputation. Keywords. And website, and I did reference. SEO. Or search, engine, optimization, earlier. And SEO. Is, what, determines whether or, not Google lists, your website, when, a search happens, we're. Going to talk about social media and in, fact when we talk about social, media, social. Media uh. One. Of our sponsors is, vlg, Business Solutions and Brandi's with, us right now in the live session. But, they, are a sponsor, and a co-presenter, of. This session and so in. That session we're going to talk about social, media and how a, local business can, can, leverage, social, media to, increase. Awareness amongst, customers, and, branding, spends tons. Of time in that social media space and she's recently, made some changes to her business but her knowledge just as far as social media goes it's just as deep. As a well she, knows, the ins and outs so. She's, a great resource that we will have on hand that date to, ask, your, social, questions -, and, what I'm most looking forward to about this presentation is her. And I have a little bit different, sort of point of view when it comes to social and. It's not a rate wrong but, it'll make for a great discussion because. Social, is a fantastic. Opportunity for some businesses, but, it doesn't work for everyone, and we're. Going to have that conversation about, you, know maybe what, are the right types of businesses, or what is the right time. To use social media to. Raise awareness for your business. And. Then one of the times that it's not going to work or you, know she wouldn't recommend it so we'll absolutely spend some time there and then, our fourth module is online. Advertising. Now. Lots. Of our participants, are familiar, with traditional media. Where they've purchased newspaper, or TV or radio. Sponsored. Events put, out portable. Signs so, we're, gonna we're, gonna talk specifically, about online. Advertising and. Again we've got a partner from in the community, s. Media, is a local, online advertising company. They, too are a sponsor, of the event and. They're. Going to come in and they're, going to talk a little bit about when. Is a good time to, advertise. Your business online and. When, it's not. Again. And the unique thing about this session is it's not going to just be high, level. Theoretical. We're actually going to log in we're, going to show you how to create a add word account or social, media, ad. Manager, account so we're going to give you a lot of that, how to. It'll. Totally be up to you if you decide that you want to pursue any type of online advertising, but. We're going to give you the tools that you need to. Be. Able to do. Your online advertising, and. Having s media there with us that date they've, got, oodles. And, oodles of experience, so they'll be a great, time, a great. Resource. To be able to tap into your table I tried this and this work and how come this didn't work for me and things, like that. Okay. What. Else we got here. So. I'm not going to spend too much time on, what. You've what you've already seen online. But. Of course the things that we're going to focus on is, finding. Those ready to buy customers. The, fastest. Way to get your website found, how. You manage, the online information about your business the, tools and strategies with, the greatest. Impact on your internet search result and, we're going to talk about how you can do a really, quick speed. Search when. You want to tune-up whether your website or your social media. We'll. Also talk about the importance, of using. Your customers search terms and how to find, out what, your customer is searching for. And. Then we'll talk about using your website as I say for conversion. Or a lead, generation, tool, okay. When. We talked about social media we're going to have a conversation around, where, do your customers spend. Their, discretionary time. Okay. So knowing, where a customer is spending discretionary time, has, a lot to do with how you can get in front of them um. And. Let's. See here what else we got oh when, and we're of course use our next session Thursday. September 27th. 8:30, to 4:30 at, the, Fairfield, Inn & Suites here in Regina. And. Someone, else is the course available, online and, no it's not available, online this is that in-person. Hands-on. Course you, need to be able to attend in person to. Get the level of support from the staff that we'll have in, attendance, whether. You already know that your company's, interests, and challenges, online. Or. In. Case you do bump into any kind of sort. Of hurdle, that day you'll be able to get some answers. What, else can I tell you I don't think there's anything else and I think we've answered all of the questions that.

Are In, the comment box if, you are watching the replay you're more than welcome to leave. Another question in the comment box and we will respond to that question um, but, let's get to the bonuses let's get to the good stuff, so. You, can go ahead and register, and. You'll have to reference this webinar by, letting me know that you've gone ahead what. I'll get you to do is leave. Your email, address, in the comment section and I. Will delete, that later once, once, we've got your email address but, what. Will happen is you, leave your email address in the comment section and we're. Gonna do two things for you the, first is going to be to make sure that you're prepared for the twenty-seventh and we're. Going to set your listing up for you at no, additional cost so, usually a listing setup is one hundred and fifty dollars but, in this case if you're registering, for get found on Google there's. No, additional, cost to do that listing, setup we, just need to know in. Fact that that you need a hand doing it so as long as you've registered in advance we can go ahead and get that done free the. Big one and this is a good one, I. Referenced. Earlier that we're going to do a section on website. And search, engine optimization and, because. I know that can be pretty uncomfortable for, a number, of business owners we're. Going to go ahead and we're gonna provide you with a copy of an SEO, report. For. Free so. That's typically something that we charge for but. In this case because you're coming to the workshop and you've listened, to this webinar we're, gonna provide that report at no, cost and that. Report, literally. Tells, you here's. Exactly. What you need to do to, get your business moving up, in the search ranks so, it's everything, from your listing, your, website. There's. Something called metadata. That the report talks about and that's you learn lots about that on, the 27th. But, metadata, is how, Google reads your website if Google. Doesn't know what your business is about then. There's no opportunity, for Google to circle, to serve up your website. When the time comes, so, by registering, after, you listen to this webinar you're gonna get that report, for free as well so. There's two things that are going to be included, your. Listing, creation, at no additional cost and your SEO report, at no additional, cost and those are that.

Doubles, The value of, get found on Google right there so. That. Was all the questions that I had if anyone else has a, sense all the answers I had to the questions I already had. If. Anyone else has questions now. Would be a great time to ask I'm just quickly looking into the comments, to. See what else has come back. Thanks. Donna I really appreciate, that. Yeah. In person in person is so important, to me being. Able to see the weights of someone's eyes and build up a relationship that. Is just so so important, to me so thank, you all. Right, it, doesn't look like there's any additional questions, so I'm gonna go ahead and shut. Our session down if, you'd like to activate. Those two bonuses, I need, you to leave your email, address, in. The comment section and as. Soon as I have that email address I will send you off the information that we need and as well I will delete your email address, from comments, just. To make sure that nobody else gets their hands on that information so, thank. You very much for everyone for, tuning in today we're, really excited to see you at get found on Google online September, 27th, at the Fairfield Inn and Suites, here in Regina if. You do have questions leave, them in the comment box and we will respond, to you later thanks.

2018-09-22 19:26

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