Is Freelancing the Right Way to Start Business and Become an Entrepreneur?

Is Freelancing the Right Way to Start Business and Become an Entrepreneur?

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You might be thinking hey shall, I become a freelancer, this is the first step, for me to start a business in the future or is it just another type of job because, you don't want to have another job right you don't want to have another. Nine-to-five. It's just that it's, front of your computer but, you're, still doing the same thing so obviously you don't want that you. Want to run a business you want to be free. You want to be the, boss you, want to decide when you work how you work maybe, where, you work if you want to be location independent, maybe you want to work in Thailand, or maybe you want to want to work. And. Snowboard. Everyday in Denver, whatever, it is the. Question that might be popping. Up in, your head is hey it's. Freelancing. The right way to store it and I, have something interesting for, you today because I. Have. Few, awesome. Reasons, for you awesome. Mind shifts, for you on, how you can actually utilize. Freelancing. To start a business so to, answer the question in a simple, way is. Freelancing. The right path. For me to, get to the business level the, answer is well it depends, it, depends, on if. You. Are going to do this right it depends, on how. You are going to freelance, so there, are freelancers, who get into a very, dangerous, trap. And watch, out bear, with me because you really don't want to get into this trap and this, is the trap of, staying. In the vicious circle of being, freelancer. Forever, and. Selling. Your time for money this is very dangerous because. It's really, hard, to, find the way out, once. You are in it is, really, hard to, find the ways way out so, you have to watch, out but don't worry I'll show you how. Not, to get in this trap. Of being a freelancer. Forever. So, we, are going to solve it right now so, my. Shift number. One mind, shift number one for you how. To utilize. Freelancing. And your. Business, in the future so the first thing that I've. Realized. Is, that a lot of people are messaging, me who are freelancers, a lot of guys for freelancers, are messaging, me on Facebook, because, I usually usually. Put the link to my facebook in the description, of every video so they can just message me and, they just say hey Matt I'm a freelancer, and I. Want to turn this into a business and I'm asking, them well. Why. Are, you a freelancer. Why you're not running a business and they usually say well I sell. My, time for, money so we are first working, on creating. An offer of.

How. They can offer their. Services. Not. Per. Amount, of time that they are working on these but. Per amount of work or by the service. That they are delivering. So let me explain, you what I mean with this if you're. A freelancer you. Can work let's. Say one. Hour and let's. Say you get customers, through. Freelancing. Platform, and you get $30, for this okay so that's an example you get $30, an hour maybe you get 20 maybe you get 10 whatever you, get 30 this, means that if you work 10, hours a day or I know, what's your limit today what's your daily limit of how much you can work 8 hours 10, hours 12, hours let's. Say you work 10 hours a day you. Get 300. Dollars per day and then. Let's say that you, work five times a week you would get a certain amount of money but now let's say you, work all, the time let's, say you work every. Day 10, hours today let's say you're really intense so. Well. You. And you, end up working 30, days a month let's say so. You, are, you. Know making $9,000. Well. Sounds. Okay right like $9,000. Sounds good like no. It doesn't, sound good and the, reason for this is because working, 10 hours a day every. Single day is. Not. Realistic. It's, not, realistic and also. You are, basically. Enslaved, within. Certain. Time frames of when. You have to worry and how, you have to work this. Is a vicious circle and there is no way out and you know why there is no way out the answer is simple because you, can't. Work more, than. Ten, hours a day 30 hours a week you can maybe work 12 hours a day 30. Hours so 30 days a week you maybe can work 16, hours. A day but you know you can't, work 24 hours a, day. 30. Days. A week it's impossible. It's, physically. Impossible for. Human beings so this means that you're. Gonna reach a ceiling. Of. How. Much money you can be making with freelancing. And this, is the first difference between freelancing. And business. Freelancers. Can, make certain, amount of money and there is always the limit I don't. Know what is the limit in your niche but, there is always the limit of how much you can make and then. Something. Lancers say well and this. Is why I used to think but I can always increase my hourly, wage I can you, know start charging. $100. An hour if I'm. Better, if I'm. Way. Better, freelancer. If I'm amazing, if I'm like top-notch. High, ticket freelancer, maybe you know even more there guys were charging, $500. An hour it's possible, but, then you're, also gonna, have a ceiling let's say you're gonna make more you're. Gonna make I know $20,000. A month whatever 30, 40, there, is always, a limit. Of. How. Much you, are actually, capable of making because. Because there is always a limit of how. Much people are willing to pay for your services based, on market demand and supply, so. If someone can deliver the same services, for less and usually market, would decrease. The value, of your certain limit of how much people, are actually willing to pay you for, your work, so. What, does this mean this means that there is always ceiling. Whether it's your time or whether. This is market, supply, and demand of how much people are willing to pay for one hour of your time so what can you do what is the mind ship how are we working with people who are joining our tribe, of entrepreneurs, to get, this freelancing. And turn, this into a business so the first thing that we, do is. Well. If you're, well paid freelancers, and you have a lot of clients is great but the first thing we do is we. Take, their time their working, hours and what. We do is we convert. Their. Working. Hours into. Packages. And to. Packages, that. They start offering their clients. So what is happening is that instead. Of charging, per hour they, start charging for service so I'm gonna go with easy, example. Let's, say you're, a freelancer, you build websites for $30, an hour now you, decide that from.

Now On we're, gonna build this as a package. Of course you have to do this right you can't make, a mistakes if you don't know how to turn, time into packages, messaging, and Facebook but. Link. To my facebook in the description of this video but basically you're. Selling, one, website let's say it's a random example you're selling one website for, let's. Say, let's. Say maybe I, don't. Know let's go with something low let's say takes you 10 hours to, build a simple website so you're SEL selling a website for, $300. So, instead, of charging. For 10. Hours of your work which is $30, an hour now you're charging, for websites, so what is happening, is that you're working pretty much the same amount of time and you're. Getting pretty much amount pretty. Much the same amount of money but what's interesting here, it's, not the fact that you're getting the same amount of money but, the fact that from, now on. Nobody's. Looking behind. Your back, controlling. You how much you're working, how many hours per day how many minutes whether. You're checking facebook while you're working and. The. Most. Important, thing is you can start multiplying, yourself, wait, what. Did I say multiplying, yourself, it sounds like cloning people but you can you, can start multiplying, yourself, by. Getting. To work with your friends, or other developers. Who can also, build. This. Website. Packages. At the same time while you are working on your packages, so what does this mean this means that while, you, are working on one website you, can also get someone else to work on another one and someone. Else. To, work on another one and another, person to work on another one and you, can simply, multiply, yourself. So this means that you, can pay, two people, who are working with you but, obviously not the full amount because you're running the business so let's. Say you can pay them, $15. An hour maybe you're just starting out and you're trying to learn something you pay them per project as well ppt, pay, per, project, or, PP. T. Pay, per task so, you paying them per task or per project let's, say half of what you're making or, in. A proper, structure it would be actually less but, more on this in another video but. In, reality, you, would be able to pay them around. 20%. Of. The project price just to quickly recap, there. Is lead. Generation, sales. Project. Management. And delivery as, a basic. Business model of. Online. Business, or a digital, marketing agency so, the. Lever view would be usually around 20%, if, you don't know how the structure, of basic. Online. Business works you can read this in my book we just completed the chapter that, is explaining. Financial, spread of how much is going, to each pillar. Of the business so you can go and get the book at met Laker comm slash book so, definitely, open.

This In the new tab right now Matt. Laker that comes Sledge book and get. The book pre-order. And this. Chapter. Is gonna beat her within a day or so so you're gonna be able to read that very soon now, getting, back to, percentages. And the spread you pay them 20 percent you're, gonna make a profit you're gonna make a certain profit, obviously. You're not going to make $300, there, is other costs, in your business, about, this later and in the book but, let's, just assume for now that you're gonna profit 20%. Of this so, you're gonna profit $60. On each. Package. Because. You own the business so this is not, necessarily passive. Income because you pretty much manage, these people who are working on this but, what is happening is that in one hour of your time you're making, 60. 120. 240. Dollars. Well. Not in one hour of your time in ten hours of your time usually you would be making 300, so you're making less but. You're multiplying yourself, so this means that other people are actually doing this so you have time to build a business so this means that if you were to get more, of these because, you're multiplying these, all the time so one two three four five, six seven let's, say eight. You. Would be having already. 480, dollars. Which. Is more. Than 300. Obviously. 180, dollars more and you. Can scale this indefinitely. I'm, not going with, hyped numbers, and purpose because I don't necessarily want to excite you how much money, you're gonna be making but you can make way more you, can make way more than, 300 dollars and ten hours of your work you, can make, 480. And still. Not to work but just manage the business and still have time to figure out how to make thousands. And thousands, of dollars all the time so this is really awesome because you can keep scaling, your business I call this multipliers, you can keep. Multiplying. Your. Business, all, the, time so this is mind shift number. One and I. Talked a lot about this mind shift in this video you can check this video here I talked. More about this. Specific, mind. Shift but now let's, talk a little bit more about mind shift number two now. Let's talk about mind shift number two the, big. Might. Shift that I've realized, that people figure, out is that if they, are freelancers. In any kind of field whatever they do whether, they help. Building. Ecommerce, website, as a freelancer, or the help as a designer, freelancer. Or they. Help with lead. Generation fun with a freelancer, they, start, learning. The craft really, well so now here is something really, really interesting you have two options you can. Either. Get. Some money from your bank account and. Put. This in your facebook ads or put this to test something. Put, this to pass in your funnel and you, can, lose all this money or you. Have an option number two you. Can serve some clients. Who are more experienced, than you work, for them as a freelancer, let's say you work on their funnel you're helping them with their funnel, of course you work for them as a freelancer, but. Have. Your, ears, open, app and. Listen. To everything, those guys are saying cuz those guys, we're, paying your money and, hiring. As a freelancer, they. Are running a business and they, probably, know. More, about this is the new you and now, is the best part you, are essentially. Getting paid. For. Learning. So, don't be, one of these freelancers. Who's never getting, any results and there's always a freelancer, because he's not frickin taking. Any knowledge from this business learn. What the hell they are doing, and take. Advantage, of, this, business, knowledge and. Apply. This in, your own business, in the future learn. Everything. As much as you can become, the best freelancer. You know become really good freelancer don't be like this lazy, asshole, who's just like doing, the work think. Get. Their feedback accept. Their feedback consume. Their feedback digest. It and. Improve. The quality of your work this. Is free.

Education. Free hands-on. Education. Plus, if it's. Something like Facebook as our funnels people are essentially paying you their, money to. Use the air their budget, for you, to. Test Facebook, ads for you to test what, works in e-commerce for you to test which freaking Instagram. Campaign, works and which, Instagram, campaign doesn't work how, awesome, is that to get paid for testing, things you know how much money my, business partner, is blown on the Facebook, ads they, blown so, much money to test what work and what doesn't work and you. Know how, much. Money. Was. Budgeted, to, some of the members of our group by, their clients. To, test different Facebook, ads it's millions of dollars but, they. Got results they figured what works but you don't have a million dollars right now well. I'm assuming you don't well if you do then, definitely. Don't. Watch this. Video any further because you wouldn't get the value but if you happen not to have million. Dollars on your bank account right now then, you, probably want to use somebody else million, dollars to be able to test, what ads work what ads don't work what works what doesn't work so, take, advantage of their. Money and not in a bad way nothing like take advantage, and get something, from them in a sleazy way no. They. Have budgets, to test different things and they hire you so you can test different things so, they learn and they use you as a guinea pig to. Learn things but they put, the budget for this so this is amazing, synergy between. Freelancers. And, people. Who have money business, owners and investors, this. Is how you can take advantage of this so this is my shift number two nothing, like a freelancer, because you're always gonna be a freelancer, thing, like a business, owner who's already getting, knowledge digesting. It and use, it in your business in the future once. They invest all the money to. Build funnels you can just do the same funnel in the future for your business, that is obviously not competing, with them because you don't want to be an asshole but, you. Can copy/paste what you've learned in, your own business, so, that's mine ship number to.

Think. Like. Enterpreneur. Mind. Ship number three, and. This. One is really really interesting. Now. My chief number three and this one is really interesting, is that if, you. Have, one, lead generation source aka, you, only get leads from upward or you only at least from fiver or you only get leads from LinkedIn or you only get leads from cold calling or, you only get leads from referrals, or, whatever it is if, this. Is only one, of these pillars. Then. These pillars they can't. Have. A strong foundation of, your building, of your business then, if, they. Block your app work account or they block your fiber account or they downgrade. Your. Status. On Fiverr or. Maybe. They block your LinkedIn whatever if it doesn't work then, you're screwed imagine. You don't have any of these fundaments, and this. One blows you're. Screwed, your business is screwed as a. Business, owner you need multiple fundaments. Of lead, generation so one two three four five so let's say five let's say - let's say three don't have one and that's, the same for, delivery. We. Can't have one developer, if you sell websites you have to have multiple developers, so. That if one of them drops out you still have another one so you always have a strong foundation you're. Never in the risk of navigating, leads and you're, never in the risk of not getting. Work. Done now. This. Is a little bit tricky, to build new funnels especially, if you don't know anything about new files but. Yeah, I'm happy to share with you how. You, can make other, panels. Work so. Here. Is a link to. A LinkedIn, funnel on how. To build a LinkedIn funnel and here. Is a link to a upward. Funnel on how to get. Upward work and maybe. Let's add another one here is the link to buy. Your funnel so there's already few links for you now the most important, thing if this sounds complicated and, you're, a seller. A freelancer, and you're successful, already somehow, you. Make a couple of thousand dollars but you, want to take this to the next level. Definitely. Message me the link to my facebook ends in the description of this video because, I have loads of value, to share with you so you can really. Start. Working, on converting your, freelancing. Into. A real business so message, me. Because. As, I. Gonna release, this video this. Week I will. Have something special for the first. Two. People who are gonna message me about, this so. Link. To my facebook is in the description, of this video I'm sure, that I have something for you that will change your, freelancing. Slavery. Into, awesome. Freedom. Business see you in tomorrow's video and see you on Facebook.

2018-10-12 19:42

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Hey Matt, thank you for sharing this valuable information. I couldn't find the Facebook link though.

Helpful information thankz bro

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