Is $999 Enough to Start a Business? Absolutely! Here's How...

Is $999 Enough to Start a Business? Absolutely! Here's How...

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is 999 enough to start a business it absolutely is and i'm going to show you how and this video is kind of just unexpected as i totally made uh on my social media a post which you see here on the screen just i like how this guy throws it out there and it was my first ever social media post that went viral as of the time right now and it's still going this thing has over 31 000 likes and hearts which is very very encouraging i should say that's awesome i can't believe that there's that many out there and then it's also has 21 000 shares crazy crazy crazy stuff but it's also got the 1500 comments and maybe you've already started reading some of them on the screen here but it's a situation where i'm not calling any of these people idiots i don't think they're morons nothing like that i understand where they're coming from i under understand why they're saying what they are why they are thinking what they are but my goal to this video is you know i i don't want to just be one of these people that makes you know throws out social media posts you know throws out memes but doesn't really have any sort of actual uh you know proof evidence anything behind them to actually offer up but well no no the the concept here is totally applicable now the concept here is still not 999 you're not supposed to take these figures literally right you're supposed to take them as life is filled with choices and how you're making those choices is the ultimate thing but i'm going to set that aside and let's actually look at the number of 9.99 because as you see like i said looking around all sorts of people saying you can't start a business for a thousand dollars you can't start a business for a thousand dollars which i disagree with and i'm gonna show you what i would do one uh actually i'll do it a couple ways but to offer these people i understand what they're coming up they think as of a business as like okay i need a building i need inventory i need a staff like that's a business and all i'm saying is i understand why you're saying that but perhaps consider that no that's that's not a business a business can be just you a business does not have to be all these other things a business does not have to be and this person you know uh wanted to point out one um where is it yeah uh right there never heard of one lately started with a thousand dollars usually a half million dollar loan now again i will i understand what will's saying will is thinking well if you want to start a business then you got to you got to get a building you got to get staff you got to get equipment you got to get etc etc and yeah that's true for some businesses but that's not a business does not mean that that's what it's got to be a business is a very broad term and a business is something where at the core it's are you making money for yourself are you going out there and doing something and that something you're doing is causing people to want to pay you that's what a business is and do you need a staff do you need a building do you need inventory in order to do that no absolutely not i mean at the most primitive core right the stereotypical answer is hey get a lawn mower knock on somebody's door can i mow your lawn that is a business now very primitive and i'm not going to say that you have to go that primitive but i'm going to walk you through some you know things that you can do that totally possible to start a business for less than a thousand dollars and i also want to let you know that there's several ways that you could go about this so i've already done a video on this i think it was over a year ago um about if i was back to being broke and had nothing what would be my plan of action in this day and age and i go through that step by step by step in the video here and i will say that i've had a couple people actually do it and it's they're kind of surprised at oh wow like if anything they're being overwhelmed because there's so much actual demand for what i talk about in this video um and spoiler it requires some sweat it requires some blisters it requires some dare i say hard work but it is 100 needed and a great way to start from zero and like i said i'll put the link down to that below but i'm not going to use that i just want to throw that out there just so you know that this is not me like cherry picking one little avenue to start a business with less than a thousand dollars here is one that again i go through step by step in that video i'll put the link like i said down below now this part hey here may seem trivial but i just want to make sure that we're all on the same page in terms of the the literally the english language here that we're using in terms of what i'm talking about so we have somebody that wants to start a business right and everybody's thinking we'll start a business as a lot not everybody but a lot of people when you look at the comments and look at how many people are liking each comment think that starting a business as you saw in in will's case well you need a half a million dollar loan but here's the thing and here's what i'm saying is really there's two ways of looking at business and i would say that at this point which represents a business at that point that is the have meaning you have a business there is no starting it now of course you've just started it so now you have it but the point is you have a business that's one part of the process but the part of the process that i'm gonna focus on and that i'm literally talking about here is this part right here the arrow the the process to having a business which is what well in order to have one you have to actually start a business and a lot of people are looking at it more of okay well what does it cost to have a business well yeah you do need a bunch of stuff i'm not saying that where you can just have a business all of a sudden with 9.99 but to start to get to the point of having a business that is the angle that i'm coming from and that is the angle where i would encourage uh who maybe some of those people will watch that i've also learned that some people out there refuse to consider anybody's a point of view and they will come up with excuses for anything but even if just one of those people is watching this and saying okay i can see where starting a business is different than having a business then i i think we will find some common ground here so that is what i'm talking about is i'm not about the arrow right yeah not having the business already because yeah you can't just with a thousand bucks and you have a factory all of a sudden but let's talk about okay well let's say you want a factory let's say you want a business well that is how you start a business if you want something if you want to have something you got to start the process of getting to the having something and that's what i'm talking about the process of getting to the point where you can have what you want now with any sort of business development you need to have a plan right you need to have a course of action that you're going to take you need to know where you want to go and as much as i would love to sit here and say well because i would love to have a you know a business where i sell rainbows and unicorns and lollipops and to be fair maybe that would be a great business to start but point being you want to make sure that there's actually demand you want to make sure that there's actually going to be a marketplace for that business because you don't want to go into business and then have no customers and well that's just going to be a failure that's going to be a waste of your time it's going to be a waste of your resources so let's make sure that and again i'm not trying to sit here and say like any of this is rocket science but like i said i want to back up and i want to go step by step in terms of offering up a solution to what a lot of people apparently think is a problem meaning you can't start with a thousand dollars so again i'm not gonna just sit in and say yeah you can okay that's weak sauce right that there's no there's no there's no backbone into that so like i said just want to show you that step one would be well let's make sure that there's actually going to be people out there that want to pay you for whatever business you you want to start and you want to have right so the business that you want to have you want to make sure that people are actually going to want to uh you know pay you or else you're not going to have that business very long but that's all part of the starting process right let's do a little bit of market research and here you can see just found an article and there's so much stuff out there but this is just one that says especially in this day and age but the idea here is that trade school not a four-year degree is a better bet to solve the u.s income gap and i'm not gonna read the full article i'll put all these links down below there but right here is basically the uh big let's start bullet point there we go there are too many four-year degree or four-year colleges serving too many students and too few institutions with greater focus on vocational education and training so trade schools and if you're if that will clay that that's outdated that's not real i understand that i respect that but it's very easy to verify this call an electrician call a plumber call a carpenter call any sort of in the trades right get your hands dirty type thing and see what their backlog looks like say hey can you get out here today like what what's your schedule look like they're pushed so far back the trades are crazy crazy how many like i said or i should really say how long it'll take for you to get something done in terms of a trade like i said i mean it's it's unbelievable and don't have to take my word for it just call up any of these companies and say hey can can you get out here soon and no we got quite a bit of a backlog it's wild so point here being that the trades right go out there and learn a skill in the trades is going to be putting yourself it's going to be giving you a skill that you can then take to well build a business around but let's not go and have for example a plumbing business until you first know how to be a plumber right so part of having a plumbing business would be you got to learn plumbing skills and then you can have the company right so hopefully we can all agree on that premise that's kind of common sense so with the next phase okay well yes clay that's common sense if i want to have a plumbing business i need to get the skills i need to learn how to become a plumber but clay you can't go to trade school for a thousand dollars and you know what you're absolutely right you can't you can go for much less than that and this is awesome this is fantastic but and again this is just one site so run a google search it's there's all sorts of resources out there but here you can see 33 companies that will pay for your college and it doesn't mean the four-year college it could mean a trade school and i'm not gonna insult your intelligence again i'll put a link down below but you can see and i to to be fully honest i was not aware of all this until i did a little bit of research i mean i had broad ideas uh but then to know that there's this many companies i mean check out home depot 5 000 years per year in tuition assistance and again from a trade school perspective and here's the other good thing about the trade school is most of those are like two years a two-year degree can reap you some very very good benefits and a lot of the trade schools you know up and this is up to five thousand now all of them amazon will pay uh 95 percent of tuition and fees for high demand degrees which is good right if you're going get a degree in the history of you know roman bobsledding amazon's probably not going to pay for that because there's not really any sort of value in that degree now if you like the history of roman bobsledding that's cool keep it as a hobby but you don't want to go and get a degree in it right i mean amazon's not going to pay for that uh but right there 99 cents for and chipotle ups 25 000. and you get you the point here being is that there are things out there that will allow you to go to school for free especially when you look at what it costs to go to these trade schools to get a skill and then you combine that with these other companies but clay you have to go and work for these companies yeah you do that's part of the process right part of the process to having a business is to well learning the skill part of learning the skill is well you got to pay for this skill and if you want the skill to be free to learn well yeah you're going to have to spend some time working for somebody else but that's well that's part of it that's called having a plan that's called taking it step by step by step now i understand in this day and age a lot of the the self-entitled atmos or atmosphere and mentality is no no i want it now like i i want a profitable business now well i'm sorry that's that's just the whole get rich quick mindset that's not how business building works that's not how anything in life works which is why you know the supplement industry hey lose 50 pounds take my pill lose 50 pounds in 30 days now now now now now now if you want the reality that matters it's 100 possible to start a business for under a thousand dollars but if you put on the stipulation well no it's not possible to start a thousand dollars or start a business a thousand dollars and have it instantly profitable like in a week well you're right if you put that stipulation on it you're correct but that's just not how the world works and if you feel as though that's how the world should work then that's just you have a a very self-entitled thing that you can think you can just start a profitable business without any sort of plan of action that takes time and put everything you cannot poke holes in anything well i'm sure some people will try to poke a hole in something well this that what about this for the vast majority of cases you are capable of picking up a job that is going to pay for you to get a skill that you know but notice how we've reverse engineered the process what's the first thing we've done here we figured out what would be a good business to have what is going to have customers for you so that you don't have a business for two seconds because then you go out of business so that's where we started okay well we now know what that business is in our example a plumbing business well in order to have a plumbing business you're gonna need to be a plumber at first obviously before you start to go out and maybe maybe you stay as a as a one-person show the whole time i'm not saying you have to go and build like a massive operation maybe you just decide no i'm gonna be a one-person show that's totally fine that is a business right because you are going out there offering a service that people are willing to pay you for but i don't know maybe you're like no no i want to have plumbers work underneath me okay well cool but in either of those situations you still need the skill of plumber which is why well you got to get this skill well in order to get the skill you got to pay for the skill to go to school or you can figure out to have somebody else pay for it which again we haven't even spent 9.99 yet haven't spent that thousand dollars but the cost of that is being and it's not even a cost because technically well you have to go and work for them but you're not working for them for free these are just added benefits right these are and i shouldn't also note that in fact let's just go to this so no clay that's all outdated all right as of recording this video right here april 29 2021 now i realize this will go uh you know go public in may but can we all agree this is within the last month that check out what lowe's is doing here get on the spot offer during lowe's national hiring day how cool is that lowe's is looking to hire more than 600 new employees at its st louis stores well clay i don't live in st louis can we just the general idea here right the general idea is go through that list find an employer that is that offers tuition assistance that that's what that's the core point i'm getting at here so don't well i don't live in saint louis clay therefore this doesn't apply to me come on get be honest with yourself don't don't pigeonhole yourself and it's such narrow-minded thinking okay but here now if you are in st louis you got zero excuses at all but it's gonna high 600 new employees at its st louis stores on hardware stores national hiring day on tuesday may 4th the open positions include cashiers retail associates stockers and receivers merchandising service associates uh driver come on now i'm struck there we go driver supervisors and pro sales roles uh where does it go oh this is fantastic lowe's also offers a program that pays for full tuition full tuition now some of those other companies that was will pay a part but no full tuition to a trade school boom after an employee has worked at lowe's for six months which makes sense right you got to show them some loyalty they're not just gonna start to pay for you because you work for them for an hour but all right at least now you know within your plan of action phase one is gonna be i got six months of lows that they're gonna be paying me right six months at lowe's however or but they're also going to pay for the track to the trades program which is awesome in fact let's actually click on that i don't know what redirect let's get rid of that real quick there we go so here you have the entire program no strings attached i mean so it just it goes through it all right there made for working adults so you can do all this stuff while you have jobs education oh all right this is cool let me bring that over some more uh 100 tuition covered including hvac repair appliance repair construction and pump and plumbing all right yes my example and i i don't really click it uh up to 2500 uh per year tuition covered for a wider selection of programs uh and and so that's fantastic that's fantastic and why do you think why do you think people are willing to pay for 100 tuition covered is it logical for me to say well maybe because there's like high demand for that sort of stuff like we need more hvac specialists we need more people in construction we need more plumbers electricity yes that's why people are willing to just flat out pay for it because society there is demand and if you're looking to have a business having a business in a field where there's demand for your product or service that's a good thing that is a good thing and that's what we have here so that's what you got to do you've got to go and you've gotta work six months while you're getting six months you're making money after six months you're going to keep working there you're going to keep getting paid but you're also going to have well payments for your skill that you're learning well clay but still to start a business you need licenses you need you know you need insurances and you're right so figure out those like how much do you need because i'm not going to refute that point at all you're absolutely right you need a license you need insurance you need stuff like that but how much is that amount okay now now you have that amount now you know how much well you need to keep on saving to get to that amount so you can well have a business because you can't start it unless you have the license and you're all absolutely right but do you notice that when you have a plan and you actually start to assign numbers to things now you can start to do basic macros okay if it's a thousand dollars let's just say to get a license well then i now know that if i set aside x amount then it'll take me y amount of time or if i if i up that amount then it'll take me less amount of time but the point here being is when you start to actually assign values to things you can put time scales to things now maybe you're like nah you know that's not gonna that's that takes too long but because i i i have these numbers what happens if i picked up another part-time job for example and i don't know delivering pizzas at night all of a sudden okay well i'm going to make that amount and it's going to allow me to have the plumbing business that much sooner now you can't get it too soon because obviously right you got to get through the schools you got to you know know what you're doing you got to get this skill but eventually you're going to have something now maybe and you know maybe you want to go work for a plumber first right learn the business of plumbing learn the skill and you know have somebody else pay you but in the back your mind in the back of your mind you know that this is a means to an end yes i know i had to work for lowe's for i don't know let's just call it six months a year something like that yes i know um now i gotta go to work for another plumber but you know what it's much easier to do all that stuff when you know that each is just a step of starting your business of having a business you gotta do all these other things to actually start it and it becomes so much more easy to do that stuff when you know that each part is just you're just using each thing to accomplish your ultimate goal and none of this is requiring a thousand dollars now it does require a plan it does require working for other people it does require maybe picking up another part-time job it does require hard work i'm not refuting any of that but it that goes back to the the you know philosophy of kind of the 30-day pill right oh if i take a pill for 30 days i'll lose 50 pounds listen you're just living in la la land there's no such thing as a business you don't get to just start a business and then have it be wildly profitable right off the get-go but it's totally possible so for the people that are wondering wait what how is that possible what can i do well like i said just rearrange your definition of what starting the business means doesn't mean massive staff massive inventory no starting a business means well let's have a plan to start a business and as you see if you're wanting to do what you got to do you can get the total you can get the entire thing financed for you the skills all that you need and again am i saying you have to start a plumbing business no start a business where you know that there's going to be a high demand for your product or service to be fair maybe it is selling rainbows and unicorns and lollipops maybe that is a great business that i'm totally missing out on right now because i haven't done enough market research in it that's i'll be fair that is possible however all i'm saying is work backwards and then as you as i saw as you know i demonstrated it it is totally possible and i know everybody's got different time schedules everybody's got but you know what instead of saying can't if you say how it's amazing how things will open up and i understand that people can have families i understand that people can have kids but i will tell you this right now that look look at charities around you look at faith-based faith-based organizations and i don't say this to pat myself on the back i'm not trying to virtue signal i'm just saying is a very fact of a matter uh that the church that i'm a part of if we knew that there is a member that was struggling that was you know they just they had they're in a tough spot but they're trying to implement a situation like this what they're trying to go to lowe's at their you know so they can work so that they can get eventually qualify for this and they have a plan of action and they're like hey here's my plan of action can you help i i can speak for not only myself but for many other people that are part of the church can you watch my kids a couple nights a week or can you absolutely hey you're trying to do something let us know i and that is not me being special that is not my church being special that is just human beings at the core are willing to help out other human beings that aren't trying to just you know totally mooch off the system free of charge right it's i'm like well yeah but we'll babysit your kids for no no i would love to help you out i would love to help you get out of your rough spot so before you go and start throwing examples of oh the single mom with a bunch that single mom again do you if you're just out there all alone but there are plenty of things and this is not unique to my church this is not unique to me i'm not the only person that would be willing to do that there are so many people so many it doesn't even have to be a church does not have to be a faith-based based organizations there are going to be if they're not how's that that should be that's that's a really good idea like a charity that offers child assistance just the people trying to you know get themselves out ahead none of this requires the government right the number the government isn't exactly known for being efficient with money right so just i'm throwing that out there because i know there's gonna be some extreme example when let's face it those are always outliers those are pretty extreme examples yes there's single mothers yes they're already out there hustling and grinding but i'm just saying is if they put together a plan i i think that combined with all sorts of other dynamics in terms of again i'll just and i keep using the church just because that's something that i have personal experience with and i know how my church other churches operate that's totally something that would be valid so just keep that in mind how long are we on this 24 minutes so if you're still here thank you i assume that you're at least being open-minded do i have to say i would assume people that are like no clay nope i'm filled with excuses they're probably gone by now so i suppose i can speak a little bit more freely right now and i will i've also learned through that social media post that some people it's it's it's discouraging because i like to look at people and be like no no everybody i truly believe that everybody can improve their situation no i don't think that everybody is going to be out there having a garage filled with lamborghinis myself included i don't think i'm ever gonna make hundreds of millions of dollars or anything like that but that doesn't mean that i can't do stuff that i can't put together a plan that's gonna better my situation and i believe everybody is totally capable of that it's just in many situations people don't really know how to structure a plan like what are the pieces to it and hopefully if i've done my job right i've laid that out here but i also just realized that some people will make excuses no matter what no matter what there's always an excuse about why something can't happen and right here it can happen lowe's shout out to lowe's shout out to home depot and amazon and chipotle and ups and starbucks fedex target publix there's lowe's right there uh yeah we just saw that right they they offer up to 2500 for any bachelor's degree but they will go full go if you do some of those certain ones including plumbing so there you go uh wells fargo and the list goes on and on and on um and so there's ways but you got a plan you got to be able to make some sacrifices and you got to know what to expect going in and then you just look at each step as one step towards ultimately having that business and really it doesn't cost a thousand dollars so hope this helps if you enjoyed this video if you would like to make more like this hit that like button leave a comment down below and if you have any sort of inspiring stories like have you gone through something similar to this please leave those in the comment section just so we can build up because i know i know there's going to be people that are you know probably throwing up excuses and i will say this i final note i don't have the time to get in some sort of philosophical economical argument with you i presented my case and if you disagree with it i respect that but for my own sake from a time perspective i don't i don't have the time to like get into some sort of massive debate so all comments on this video because i do reply to all comments on my youtube videos i'm gonna say thanks for watching thanks for listening thanks for the thoughts something of that nature but like i said even if you say hi i'm gonna say and there will be some people that just say hi which always laughs i'm still gonna just say thanks for watching thanks for listening some sort of variation of that because i just don't have the time to try to get into some debate with you about why this is or is not possible i presented my case i presented sources i presented uh you know reasoning for everything i presented quite literally companies that are saying they are advertising come work for us and we'll help you learn a skill so that you can better your situation i don't know what else more i can do but it is what it is so thanks for watching um and get out there and make it happen first off thanks so much for watching the entire video real quick before you go i want to invite you to a live webinar web class training workshop online event whatever you want to call it but it will be me live revealing to you what i discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee to being my own boss including how i had only one losing day out of 73 days in total i'm going to cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets the first key is super weird but in a productive type of way the second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our dna as humans making it very easy to use but in a cruel way this becomes a pitfall for many traders i'll explain it all though including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some and yeah the third key when you hear it sounds way too good way too good to be true but it's not and i'll show you how it all works then at the end i open it up for a question and answer session that is again totally live even if you can't make the live session please still sign up as it will be recorded and you can go back and watch the replay that i will send you click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box so you can get the date and time and claim your spot which i should note is limited due to the fact that this truly is a live event if you have any questions let me know if not i'll be seeing you soon

2021-05-08 14:14

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