Investment Banking: 5 Year Senior Investment Banker Tells All [SHOCKING TRUTH]

Investment Banking: 5 Year Senior Investment Banker Tells All [SHOCKING TRUTH]

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Investment-banking. This, video is going to detail my first, year as an, investment banker and also, what I went through in order to get, the Investment Banking job you, can go to best stocks strategy, calm and entering your email address, to receive $400. Worth of free options. Trading. Education, which. Will allow you to become a more successful trader, in the future it's possible that I'm going to put out a course. On how to get an investment banking job but right now I'm just testing the waters so if you have any specific questions you can leave a comment below and I'd be happy to make a video, about it or at a minimum I will answer that question so. I am, I graduated. From Cornell University and, actually. Graduated, at 20 years old but around my junior, year I, started. Experiencing. A substantial, amount of depression so even though I had a really, high GPA, I had, around 3.8. GPA. It, was pretty difficult for me to get Investment, Banking internships, because I wouldn't, interview, well I was suffering from depression and, OCD and, it. Was difficult for me to retain information to, learn new, information and. Also, my verbal communication, ability was substantially. Compromised, which, was a little bit weird for me because my sophomore, year at Cornell I made nationals, and public speaking so, just a year later while. I was taking medication I. Think I was taking like depakote, wellbutrin. Paxil. And a nephron oh that, medication. Regimen, slowed, down my brain to an extent where it was difficult for me to communicate so, I didn't perform well in interviews but, I got very, fortunate, in my junior year where, I was able to secure an internship at, Morgan, Stanley so, I did that in New, York City the, sophomore, rather, my junior, year and I, received an offer full, time however. I wanted to leave Cornell, because I wasn't happy there and I. Was able to graduate well, not technically, graduate I was able to finish my entire, course, load in three. And a half years as a result I didn't want to just waste an incremental, five or six months I wanted, to start, working, in January. Or February. Of. 2004. So I started interviewing because, the offer that I had at Morgan Stanley was, only good for, that, specific, summer for the incoming analyst, class so, I asked, them if they were able to move up the offer they said that there weren't that. I would have to go through analyst, training in the in those in August. And they. Couldn't guarantee me, a position in. January/february, so I started, interviewing I had interviews, at goldman sachs had interviews at Blackstone, I remember. At Blackstone, and I interviewed so poorly that, they actually stopped, the interview, and just told. Me that I wasn't a good fit there at Goldman, I actually made it to final rounds and, eventually. I was not given an offer then. I interviewed, at CIBC, World Markets for, their industrials, group I interviewed. With, Jeff, person also with Carl Trillo, and I think I also potentially, interview with Paul haar haar I interviewed, well there they, they, needed, immediate, help so even though I had no prior.

Analyst. Training experience. I was. Provided, with an offer and also, a pretty large signing, bonus so I started, Investment. Banking I started my full-time job in February. Of, 2004. I think it was February 23rd. Of 2004. That was like a Monday, and that, was in the industrial, growth and services group at CIBC World Markets that. Group was headed by Mark Henkels who was a really good banker and at the time it was only myself rich. Pastila, and Carl. Trillo as the analysts, and there were about four or five managing, directors, at the time including. Like Tim Wilding, I think. John would be came over from Goldman Sachs around. Four months later so, he came. Over around June. Or July of 2004. But there were a bunch of managing. Directors we, were definitely way, understaffed. Now. The funny thing was, all. These people they tell you to take courses and to, learn, financial modelling, and all of these things in order to get an investment banking job but all that stuff doesn't mean if you really want to be a good investment maker I found that some of the best things that I actually did in order to improve my skill was. To learn shortcuts. In Excel now, if you go out and you learn all the shortcuts by yourself butts how we really, gonna do you much good because each, specific, investment, bank has macros. That are built into Excel so. You need to know what the specific macros. For that specific, Bank are that, way you can learn them and you can become faster, a building. Financial models, without using them without using a mouse also, I would ask a lot of questions and, I would go over things like the, existing, financial models and just go through them cell by cell to, learn how to actually construct a financial, model now, the funny thing is when, I was coming out of Cornell I thought that I knew a lot of finance but, I didn't know on a relative. Basis, when, you compare that to the knowledge that an investment banker has so, you're taught in your classes, to use like DCF, analysis, and things like that I can count the number of times on one hand that we did, DCF, analysis, and it was never a primary.

Source Evaluation it was always secondary, because the primary source of value evaluation. Was always comes, using, comparable, analysis, but, in the beginning I was. A really horrible banker, because I was on medication I was suffering from depression in OCD, and I. Remember that rich facility, used to call me retarded, now he never said this to my face but I remember when he, actually called me he was out of the office Carl, was out of the office and I, was still in the office and then he rich called, me asked me to check, his email he gave me his password, and I, saw that, he was emailing Carl back and forth and the. Nickname for me in the office was the retard, and I, thought that was really funny because at the time I really was I really, did feel like I was retarded my brain was incredibly, slow and I, couldn't remember anything I was a horrible, analyst, in the beginning I'm shocked that I wasn't fired and the, only reason that I wasn't fired is just because they had invested so much time and effort into me and also they were already, understaffed. Where, I guess they thought that they. Would give me like six to eight months to see if I would become a good analyst, but I was just really really sick I, was just my. Brain wasn't processing, information I, was, doing things very poorly the, documents, that I produced had errors in them where the font size the formatting. It wasn't correct I remember, I was, doing work, were an, associate Brian Cotter and I. Had a small, error in the. Font size between. You know the different pages everything in investment banking has to be perfect, they're like completely neurotic and Brian. Cotter circled, it and wrote WTF. Like, what you know what the and. It's. Just a very unforgiving, environment, and it was incredibly stressful especially for, someone who's dealing with mental illness with depression OCD, so. What. Happened was. Just. To be clear like Carl, Trillo, is probably. The most, I. Would say he's the most gifted, and intelligent. Analyst that I ever came across and I've worked with a lot of analysts, because I worked in the rest of the banking for about four or five years and even. Though Carl Trillo was one of the first analysts, that I he, was actually the first time was to ever interviewed, me and gave me an opportunity I, can, definitely say that he was incredibly, intelligent I remember that, when he would order dinner he, would always say first, name Carl last name carrillo T, o RR i. Ll. Oh and, I think he's still doing Investment, Banking he's a very very smart guy and. You. Know it's just how it is so, rich, facility was he was okay who's he. Was like average intelligence for a banker maybe even slightly below average but, Carlos Varela was like incredibly. He's, very brilliant so, my, daily activity. Would be my. Daily routine movie I would come in at like 9:30 and, then. I would usually walk, home so, I would usually like I would come in at 9:30 I live seven minutes from work and I would walk home I'd only lived around seven minutes from home and then, I would actually take a nap until 11, a.m. and then I would come back in the office and the reason for this is that we usually work until 12:00 or 1:00 o'clock in the morning so I would always be tired so I would go into the office at 9:30 act, like I was grabbing lunch. And then I would sleep until 11 o'clock and, then I would come back in the reason for this is the medication, that I was taking at the time was incredibly, potent, and actually. Might one of my doctors switched me to a medication called geodon, which is like a anti I think, geodon is like an anti-psychotic, and that always made me so tired so. I couldn't even function or think clearly at all and I was always so.

Until, About 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon when, the medication, would, actually, rut would would, when. The. Ramifications. And the negative consequences, of a medication would allow me to be able to think clearly and not be tired so I would always come in around 9:30 then I would leave around, 2 or 3 times a week and then, go home and sleep for a few hours and then I would come back in never got in trouble for doing this and. We're. Coming and then generally. From around 9:30, until 6:00 6:00. P.m. you would be satisfying. The demands of your, directors, and your managing directors, we had this one, really. Really horrible. Director. And his name was Jeff O'Malley and I, think he's still working in investment banking he, was bipolar. He, was abusive, he, never got along well with any, of the analyst, except he did have a decent relationship with Carl Trillo but. He was incredibly abusive. And that's probably one of the reasons when why, I actually. Searched, for him on occasion and he hasn't been promoted, and Investment Banking in around ten years he's, a decently, intelligent. Person but, mentally. And emotionally he's, just completely, broken he's probably the worst person in investment, banking that I've ever come, across and, I've dealt with a lot of bankers he's just incredibly abusive. Very. Psychologically. Unstable very. Mentally, unstable and that's one of the reasons why he hasn't been promoted, but he used to ask for things and they never look at them and anytime, you were stopped on and deal with him it was very very stressful and very difficult so. On, average Investment. Banking was alright so I finished this video and then it, unfortunately. Didn't record everything so now I have to start over so, I was talking about Jeff family and how he was probably the worst person like very mentally unstable and he. Was very bad to me and no. One got along with him but then there were other people like Paul Parker who. For some reason I didn't. Didn't, like me but at the same time I had tremendous respect for him because he, had such, a great work ethic and he was a very hard worker and, I think he was a good person even though he didn't show that side to me but, investment banking is extremely.

It's. Very, very stressful. And when, you go into situations where. All, you're trying to do is, make the necessary sacrifice. And sacrifice everything that you have in order to be an investor maker because the bank does not care about you at all all, they care about is squeezing out as much work out of you so that you can generate revenue I remember, a situation with Brian Cotter who was an associate when I was doing a deal with, metals, USA and Apollo Management was. The private equity firm and they would work you from until, two three o'clock in the morning this specific, deal this private equity firm I would work around four to five straight days until, three o'clock in the morning and I, felt like my body was gonna collapse and I, asked, Brian Kotter. If, I could go home because I wasn't feeling well and this is around three o'clock in the morning he said yes he then sent an email to Paul Parker requesting, that I'd be taken off the deal team and I thought that I was going to potentially be fired and at this point I didn't really care because. I was so stressed out and I hated in my life and I also hated, working in investment banking at this at CIBC. For the industrial broken Services Group but. For some reason the next day when I went in it acted the everyone, acted like nothing, happened, so remember, keeping the morale of the entire investment. Bankers is incredibly. Important, and even though I potentially, or potentially. Deserted. And left, everyone because Brian, Cotter and rich Vassili had to take. Up the work that I did not do when I left to because, I was not feeling well they left around five o'clock in the morning they, still treated me with respect and. Don't. Whenever discuss. That with any of the other analysts who was almost like everything that happened when I asked to leave was, swept. Under the was. Swept under the rug so. There. Were some really incredible bankers. I worked with people like Mark ankles, tim Wilding, Peter Williams I had a very good relationship with Peter Williams and Tim Wilding I enjoyed, working with them because they were appreciative and they did great work there. Was a lot of drugs involved in about some baking I never partook, in the drugs simply. Because I was already on drugs. From, the psychiatrist. So I was taking like geodon, zyprexa and, not for no paxil. Depakote. Try, left all all those things because I had gone to three or four separate. Doctors in 2004. In order to get, myself stabilized. So that I can become good at my job but. From February, until. June. 2004, I was really a horrible banker I was very surprised that I wasn't fired but, there were a lot of drugs in the bus from banging particularly. Cocaine. And adderall, alcohol. Was not necessarily, that popular, the reason is that if analysts. Came in or associates or anyone came in and they smelled like alcohol and you. Were doing alcohol then you would immediately be fired but things like adderall, was, very popular and people liked it because it improved. Your efficiency, and allowed you to get your work done faster. Cocaine, was also incredibly popular. While. A while, at CIBC, I would, actually go in at like 9:30 in the morning and then I would leave at around, 11:00, and then. I would because I only lived 7 minutes from work and I would go in and I would I would go home and I would sleep for like an hour and a half so, I would go in at 9:30 and then I would leave and then, I would sleep for an hour and a half and come back in at around 11:00 11:15 the, reason I did this was I was taking some very powerful, psychotropic.

Medications. Like geodon, and this. Was something that I would not be able to think clearly and I would always be incredibly tired until the effects wore off at around 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon. One. Thing that I did and this, was more. This. Was more because I worked, with more cankles, who for some reason never, checked the receipts, but. I would send black car service out to, girls that live 40, or 50 or 60 miles away whether it's in Suffolk County Long Island, New Jersey, Westchester. County I would always send black cars out for girls and at this time we didn't have facebook, so we would use websites I face the jury and fly guy crew calm and, these were great websites, and I, would also go. And expense very expensive, dinner so I would take these girls out to expensive, dinners then I would pick. Them up and I would drop them off from black car service and that, probably allowed me to sleep, with like 40 or 50 more girls and I would have ordinarily, done now, I'm not saying this in a. Way to brag I know that what I did was wrong but, at the same time remember that when you hate your life when you have psychological, issues when you're dealing with depression OCD and you're also thrown into a very, negative, and toxic, environment, like I was in industrial. Services, at, CIBC, World Markets and, it was incredibly stressful, then. You. Just use, coping mechanism, some people would use cocaine, and adderall, other people like myself would, use a company you know we would use like the medications, that were prescribed to us by the doctors, and then we would also take advantage and use. The black car service to try to meet girls and you, know some people would do all of that stuff but I'm not saying that because I'm not making an excuse I'm just telling you that this is what I did and if you want to judge me negatively forth and that's completely cool because I'm. Not perfect and I don't try to be I remember, when I first started investment banking and this, is probably like a week in rich, person was sitting right next to me and he told me Jaffe, you don't know what. You're getting yourself into run while you still can and that was very prescient and and, he. Was really it, was funny but it's so true because all, of the analysts, and associates, that are working as investment, bankers if you're working in a very difficult, group or you're working at a bank that has a notorious, reputation for, working their staff very difficulty, like a lizard, or a black stone or some of the groups in goldman.

Sachs Whether it's a product or an industry group then, you are going to hate your life and you're going to validate. Your feelings that. You're making a lot of money that you're making one hundred and thirty thousand dollars a year when you're 20 21 years old but the reality is that you're essentially, trading time for money but, much, worse than that is you're, going to. Endure. An, experience. Substantial. Psychological. And physical. Negative. Aspects. Or negative implications, because of your choice. Of work, because, the stress that you're going to endure while working as an investment banker is definitely. Going to have a very, large negative psychological, impact, on you because you're in a stressful environment and everyone. Has, a breaking point and. Everyone. Whether. They're, on like psychological, medication, or they're just very unhappy or they get depressed they are not going to enjoy having, to work until two o'clock in the morning sometimes, four o'clock in. The morning, and being treated like, by some, of your directors, like Geoff O'Malley who. Is very psychologically. Abusive and who doesn't care about you because they know that within. About a year or two years you're gonna quit and they're gonna replace you with someone else who, they can then use for another one or two years to maximize. The amount of work that you get done that they get done in order to valid, or rather in order to maximize, their profits until they discard, that person, so. I definitely abused, it the, black car service and that, was a coping mechanism for me in summer. Of 2014, so starting around June or July, I switched, up the medications, that I was using and at, that time I started actually becoming a very good banker, when I went to human resources, and I requested, to switch because at this time I wasn't getting along with Paul Parker and Geoff, O'Malley they, told. Me that my group didn't want me to leave that I was too valuable and, what. Happened in December, of 2004. Was. Geoff O'Malley asked, for steel, processing, comps. So he wanted to see what the precedent, transactions, were from an M&A perspective, he wanted to know what, weather was trading in like 7 or 8 times last, 12 months I beta and I just simply didn't feel like doing it so I didn't, do it and then, Geoff viewed, this as insubordination. He, then kicked it up to mark ankles and then, they actually let me go well, they actually transferred, me to the, restructuring. Group in 2005. In, CIBC. World Markets which, was headed by Joe Rudi key so, in restructuring, group and I mean I'll talk about this in another video but, in industrials. I was. Able to get my work done incredibly, quickly in all the analysts were because we were always under such tight, deadlines, if you didn't get your work done you were never going home and if, you didn't go home and you didn't get sleep you wouldn't be a productive analyst, so, in, financial, restructuring was a completely, different environment it, was still the same Bank you were still getting paid the, same amount you were still working as an investment banker but there was just simply no deal flow so, instead of working from 9:30 in the morning until 1:00 two o'clock in the morning I was working from 9:00 until 5:00, and the work that I was being given in the financial, restructuring group I was able to complete, in about, half at the time of the other analysts. So, working, as an, investment banker in a really difficult group like industrial growth and services, or working, at Lazard or Blackstone, it gives, you the necessary ability. Where you can learn how be incredibly, productive and I do recommend, that if, you want to become an investment banker you should only do it for six months don't stay in it like I did for five years stay, in it for six months and then. Leave and then go to the buy side either go to a hedge fund and go to a private equity firm there are a ton of private equity firms out there and they, usually hire, bankers, that they worked with on specific, deals so if you satisfy the request of an investment of a private, equity firm and you're very cordial, and they, enjoy, working with you and you get you, respond, to the requests and produce, a high-quality work, product, in a very expeditious.

Manner And then you reach out to that person later on then there's a decent probability that they're gonna hire you. So. Like. I said I had an issue in December, with Jeff O'Malley sometimes, I look on linkedin. And jeff o'malley hasn't, been promoted. In about ten years he was incredibly, psychologically, abusive he. Was bipolar he, probably is still bipolar, I mean I haven't spoken to him in a while but, um he's just a really, really bad person while Carl Trillo was, probably, the most intelligent. And he. Had the most potential, of any banker that I ever worked with by far I've never worked with in an investment banker that was as toxic. And, as, mentally. Unstable as Jeff O'Malley just the way that he treated other people it was just so, horrendous, nobody, enjoyed, working with him he was horrible, and. Right. I do think, that I'm, going, to discuss, how, to get an investment banking job so I want you to comment below and actually give me topics, because, when. You give me topics, I can respond to the to the questions via comments, and I can also create new videos on how to on anything, that you're interested in so I do think that going, taking. Classes from like mergers and acquisitions, is complete. Because you're going to spend a few thousand dollars and no. One who's interviewing, you cares, whether, you know how, to build a financial model and the reason is that each, specific, group whether it's a product group like, leveraged, finance or mergers and acquisitions, or as an industry group like healthcare casinos. And gaming or industrial, growth and services all of them have specific, templates, and they also have macros, that, you can use and, for it's unique, to each specific group, so when, I graduated, from Cornell I didn't I thought that I knew a lot of finance but I really didn't know and, if, you try to teach yourself by spending, thousands of dollars and mergers and acquisitions, or a similar, type, of similar. Type of course they are just going to laugh at you because you, are not going to get this job based upon knowledge we. Hire people who had. Art degrees, and who, had who. Took know economics. And know finance, classes in college the only thing that matters is getting the interview, and interviewing, well and the only thing that we care about in, the interview is our. Perception. Of whether you have the ability to. Withstand the, investment banking lifestyle, and whether, you are capable of delivering a, high-quality work, product that's the only thing that matters to us so if you show us that, you took classes and. You. Learn how to become how to model, and become, a finance and and how to put together like an LBO model, or an M&A model that, is not going to matter to us at all in fact if you appear too arrogant, in the interview we're gonna ask you questions about that and if, you get them wrong you are going to be dinged so it's much better off if you focus on getting, the interviews, and interviewing well and expressing. The right psychological. Makeup that we're looking for rather than you spend thousands, of dollars to, try, to get a you. Know you're, pretty much wasting, thousands, of dollars on a. Class and how to put together a financial model which every, single major bank has, a, financial. Analyst, training, program and every, single specific group has their own way of doing things and they have templates where you're just going to plug and play and you're just gonna plug in the numbers and then it's gonna create a unique. Result based upon the companies that you're analyzing. What. Else oh one good thing about Paul Parker which I really, respect, is I remember in May of 2004. I told Paul that I was willing to not. Go back to Ithaca New York in order to walk for my graduation, but, Paul even though I had work to do that weekend he specifically, told me that I was. Going to go to my graduation and he made me go so even, though I had work to do he assigned that work to someone else and he allowed me to go to my college graduation, which at that time I was willing to sacrifice and, I respect him tremendously, for doing this because looking.

Back I think I would have regretted if I hadn't gone to my college graduation and, Paul, allowed me to experience, that and that's one of the reasons why I have tremendous respect for him even though he didn't necessarily like, me and he, didn't show me his best side but at the end of the day I still think that he's a good person and. You. Know and that he treated me even, though he was hard on me towards. The latter part of my time at CIBC, I think, that he's incredibly, capable he's a good person and he's, incredibly intelligent. So. Another, bad thing about Investment, Banking is I, would never know what specific, time I could. Tell what specific time I would get out of work I remember sometimes when, I would send the black horse to the girls and I would tell them to meet me at 9:00 because I thought I was getting out at 9:00 p.m. but. Then. I wouldn't, actually meet. Them until 11:30 so, sometimes, the girls will come in from Jersey they would be waiting for me for two and a half hours it's just incredibly. Difficult to, maintain and, to establish relationships, with people when you're working as an investment banker because they, demand. That you sacrifice, everything you. Have to have, 100%. Allegiance, to your job but there's no reciprocity, in. The allegiance that the bank shows you and additionally. The BlackBerry is really like a digital leash it is so, incredibly, stressful I remember some times where. I would. Walk in where I would think that I would have an entire weekend to recoup to, de-stress, and, to. Try. To get my mental health better because. You know even though I changed up the medication so I was no longer taking geodon I was taking less. Toxic, medication, like, wellbutrin, and, I decreased, my dosage, of paxil, so I was actually becoming, a very good investment banker, towards the latter part of 2004. But, what happened was I would, still need time in order to like decompress and I would look forward to the weekends but Paul Parker would call you into the office and then you would say how's your weekend looking and you, knew instantly, that when he would ask you how your weekend is looking that, he was going to staff you on a deal so.

Frequently. One. Email. Like Jeff O'Malley which. Would ask for something could, completely. - all your hopes you would think that you would have for. Saturday, and Sunday off, Jeff, well Molly was send you an email at 11, a.m. on, Saturday. Or he would call you in and then you would suddenly have to be in the office from 11:00, a.m. to 10:00, p.m. on, Saturday, and then again from 11:00 a.m. until 10:00, p.m. on Sundays you would work around. 11, hours or you would work on 22, hours in the weekend and the. I can tell you that the BlackBerry, it was so stressful, the worst part of Investment, Banking is the, stress because. There are so many ways to make money why would you ever do that about yourself and I remember telling you was sorry about rich miss Tilly telling me that I should get out before I before. I know what's good from if I know what's good for me and get out before I go. Deeper. Into the rabbit hole but. Um yeah. I mean the, stress, that goes along with Investment, Banking the lack of appreciation is, just it's just horrible I would get stress headaches and it. Was just for. Someone who was dealing with mental illness with OCD and depression on, that, you know even for healthy, people and I stayed in the investment banking for five years, and yes I started working I know that as you progress and you get more senior, as a second third year analyst and as an associate, your hours get better and then also when I switched over to being to the, financial, restructuring group at CIBC, and then also when I worked at an M&A boutique on Wall Street my lifestyle, was much better but at the same time so many people do not stay in Investment, Banking for more than a year or two because they just simply can't deal with the stress so. Let me go through and make, sure that I covered, everything, so. So. For. For me I believe that I'm the only person who. Has Wall Street experience, in, that. Teaches you how to trade stock options, and that teaches you how to trade stocks because all the other people they. Are selling, you fraud so like the Tim sites the warrior trading, etc, what they're doing none of them they, make money by selling their courses none of them have actually been successful either. Trading, penny stocks for day trading Tim, Sykes is a complete liar and scam artist and none, of these people would. Actually be able and be accepted, on, Wall Street because they don't have, pedigree they are, not willing to put in the hard work they probably have poor grades in schools they would never even get, interviews, and they. Would never make the necessary sacrifice. That it requires to actually be hired by an investment bank so all these guys are like fake Wall, Street traders, but they have never worked, for, an investment bank Tim, Sykes has never worked for an investment bank and he's a complete scam artist he's a criminal, warrior, trading, has never worked for you know Ross, Cameron has never worked at a Wall Street investment bank and the reason is that the only way that they make their money is by selling, you courses, I was. Rich way, before I started, best stock strategy, comm and that's one of the reasons why I can be completely honest with you because it's, my job to be of service to you and to add as much value as possible and I want you to get the investment banking job so that's that way I'm going to create more videos to, help you answer the questions, so that you can project the best image forward, so that the person who's hiring you on the other end is going to hire you. What, else so, I spoke about how. I, was leaving school early and I, had an offer from Morgan Stanley but when I interviewed at Goldman Sachs and Blackstone Blackstone, actually stopped the interview and they kicked me out that, was actually very stressful. But I was rejected from Goldman Sachs Blackstone. I was not, CIBC I received an offer in, I think February 23rd, which was a Monday in 2004. I was. Horribly depressed and OCD and pretty much from like January until June of, 2004. I was, on a very difficult medication. Regimen and I'm shocked that I wasn't fired rich, pastila used to call me a retard and, you. Know I remember when really I don't know if I told the story in the previous video but rich bacilli he he, told, me that, he, used to call me a retard and at that time actually was, retarded. But. Then when I was able to change up my medication. Regimen, then, I was finally, able to become a good analyst, in June, of 2004. Until I've left the industrial growth and services group in, December. Of 2004. Rich. Vasily called cirillo who I have tremendous respect for I did horrible, work from. Around February, until June of 2004. I had, one. Of the worst directors, that I've ever experienced, in investment banking Jeff O'Malley who has not been promoted, in over, ten years I think.

I Told you the story about Brian Kotter and the experience with medals USA and when. With, the private, equity from Apollo Management, when. I asked to leave the group but then they didn't mention anything, there. Were some great bankers at CIBC like Mark Henckels Tim Wilding, Peter Williams it, was a lot of drugs like cocaine and, adderall, I was taking, the, the. Psychologic. The psyche a psychiatrist. Approved, drugs like, geo Danza practice' depakote, etc. So I didn't take any of the other stuff, while. At CIBC I would go go, in at 9:30 and then I would go home and sleep and that would come back with the office at 11:00 that was mostly because of the medication, that geodon, the suppressor that I was taking was, making, me very tired I would. Send black cars for girls, summer. 2014. I switched, up the medications, and became a very good analyst, I would also take the girls out it's a very expensive dinners. December. I wanted, out so I didn't do the steel processor, comps that Geoff O'Malley had asked for and then I went to, the, or rather HR, called me and then they told me that they were going to transfer my my groups they, were gonna transfer, me to the financial, restructuring group, which at the time was headed, by Joe radec II I. Want. You guys to give me topics, you can comment below I'll respond to all the topics and then also if it's good then I'm going to make, a video about it I would, make girls. Wait hours, and. You. Know with investment banking you're always stressed out even when, you're off work you're always scared, you're scared that an email. From the BlackBerry can keep you in the office for an entire weekend, and remember you're going to use the weekends in order to decompress, to de-stress so, that you can get your mental health back, to, where it needs to be but, when you're working seven, days a week and you're working 12, hours a day on a weekday but 15, hours a day on the on the week rather, when you're working 12 hours a day on the weekends, but 15 hours a day on the on the, weekdays, it's incredibly, difficult for you to get your mental health and your physical health back to where it needs to be so you can be a productive member Society and also a good analyst, and, that's, pretty much it if you have any questions let me know you can go to Best stop strategy comm and enter in your email address and receive over four hundred dollars worth of free training materials, and I.

Teach People how to trade options I'm here to be a value, and be of service to you and if you have any questions let me know thank you.

2018-12-30 06:58

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Learn about my experiences as an investment banker. If you have any questions about getting an investment banking job, leave a comment. Please like, comment, share and subscribe to this channel. I will likely create more videos about investment banking.

BestStockStrategy —— Thanks for all the great information regarding your professional life on Wall Street David! I’m on the verge of signing up for your course but have been super busy during this Christmas holiday break.

thanks for the background bro. you pefoming a great service

Jeez depakote how the hell did you function?

Your resilience is impressive. They say "You are not a real person unless you've been fired at least once (twice) in Wall Street." I worked in banking, specifically within FX department and felt like a total dumbass during my first year there. Ended up quitting since the culture in banking sucks ass. When you calculate salary against time spent working, you begin to realize what you are sacrificing on a per hour bases (time away from friends/family, mental and physical health). The real key to success is generating enough income to maximize time spent on doing things you enjoy.

I agree. Money is overrated by those who don't have it. Wealthy people try to buy back time and health that they oftentimes sacrificed to acquire wealth. While this isn't always true, in banking, you will not become an MD without sacrificing A LOT of your youth.

How old are you ? Why did you go to the finance field?

+BestStockStrategy what would you have done as a living instead then?

I wouldn't have bothered going to college. Complete waste of time (in my opinion). And I went to an Ivy, but i still think it was a complete waste.

+BestStockStrategy looking back now what would you have done differently if you were barely getting out of high school?

I'm 35. I went into finance because I wanted to make money and I went to Cornell University and wanted to prove to myself that I could be more financially successful than others. I'm very competitive. Yet... going into investment banking was dumb. It was a waste of time and i'd have been MUCH better off (both financially and health-wise) had I skipped it.

Sounds good. Happy holidays

I enjoyed your refreshingly honest and educational video regarding your investment banking experience and your mental health issues. I've always thought Wall Street, and investment banking as an industry and as a career as pretty f*cked up. Kind of ironic that you are making videos for those who are interested in entering that industry - but I guess you're at least bringing some transparency to the role and the industry. I interviewed with a few Wall Street firms while I was in business school, but mostly for analyst type roles. Never got any 2nd round interviews - but then again, I wasn't that interested in the roles - more like curious. Funny your comments on DCF - that's basically what all one did in business school in the finance courses Wouldn't a role as an analyst or in sales & trading be more useful for trading stocks & options than a role in investment banking?

Hi John! I think that many people's banking experience was better than mine. It really depends upon what group you're in. The problem for many incoming analysts is that they have virtually no control over what specific group they're placed in. When I was in industrials, it was a complete nightmare, but when I transfered to Financial Restructuring, I was making the same money yet there was virtually no stress. Yes, DCF analysis is not valuable in the real world. I remember having to look up "how to build a DCF model" on Google and then I built the model in Excel and pasted it into a pitch book. Investment banking has very little to do with trading. At the same time, even a role in sales and trading would have very little to do with options trading because many of the traders are simply market makers and are filling orders, therefore profiting from the bid-ask spread differential.

As a newbie what do you think is a good starting account size? Do you think 2000 is too little?

You're not always going to have $2,000. So I think that with $2,000 you can learn the skill, which will pay larger dividends when you have a larger account. You won't make a lot of money with $2,000 but.. it's way better than trying to turn $2,000 into $1 million by following fake gurus and losing your money.

Good comeback from what you were going through!! I would like to see a video about you during your first year of trading by selling options. Things like how you came up with the strategy, starting balance, how much you lost or gained etc.

Thank you

+BestStockStrategy haha, looking forward to those videos :)

I have so many video topics to make. I'll add that one. I was hoping to batch record about 15 videos this weekend. We'll see how many I get done :-)

wow great video! this was what I was digging for, to get to know who we're investing our time and money into, sorry to hear about your past depression, glad to see you have excelled, keep up the great work on youtube! :) will be watching all your videos, they make allot of sense

Thank you. I appreciate you

Stress wears away everything and everyone. But, in general, people tend to make bad decisions, then they blame someone else. Last night I met with a friend who I hadn't seen in a few years and he gained 40 pounds and was so stressed about his NYC restaurants that he became addicted to drugs. It's unfortunate.

+BestStockStrategy not for nothing but people in the investment industry sure do make a lot of poor choices all around maybe that's why most fail at something as simple as buying a stock or etf that has decreased in value with no distinguished reason (not missed earnings or decrease market share) and selling the asset when the value appreciates.again. And God all the stupid shit you said the had you do in analysis most of which I'm sure is in necessary in the big picture, piss poor management and over education.

Not sure. Those were the times when I just trusted doctors blindly

I'm not sure, but I know that I'd have found a way to make good use of the time

Curious, why didn’t you go to the Buyside if you hated banking?

Can you please make a video going into more detail on what they care about in the interviews?

Yes, I'm actually going to create a course on this to go over exactly how to get an investment banking / corporate finance job. Since a lot of the existing information out there is crap.

Bankers work with PE firms all the time. As a banker in an M&A transaction, the buyer is either a financial or strategic buyer. A financial buyer is a PE firm or hedge fund, so.... You're talking to and working with multiple funds quite often and you build a working relationship. If you want to make the switch, you would just text or call them privately and see if there's an opening.

+BestStockStrategy Thanks! Also, how do people interview with the buyside? It seems near impossible. I'm starting in Private Credit, so "buyside" but might want to go IB full-time.

That's a great question! Around 2008 / 2009, I started to get very sick again and left banking / corporate finance to focus on my health. Also, once I left Industrial Growth and Services at CIBC my subsequent banking jobs were a lot less stressful.

Hi, I provided my email on your website but don’t receive the free trading material . Please email me if possible

Glad to help


Hi. it says that it was sent. Please check your spam folder. Hotmail is sometimes not good at delivering messages to the inbox.

Ok, let me check now.

Can we connect with you on any other platforms? Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn?

I worked as an investment banker. Bankers and traders do different things. None of the things we did were glamorous

BestStockStrategy And I suspect you’re a trading android designed on Wall St by Goldman Sachs lmao and androids don’t use really social media

That's correct. I don't.

+BestStockStrategy You don't seem like someone to use social media that doesn't have much of an ROI and is more for entertainment

Why would you have guessed that?

I know nothing about politics

I’d be interest to hear your political standpoint

BestStockStrategy Honestly at this point I could’ve guessed that. Can we get a link to your LinkedIn?

I only use LinkedIn and YouTube. I'm not active on any of the others you mentioned.

This guy is not a fraud or a scam CME (the Chicago Merc) data showed that 60% of calls expired worthless while 94% of puts expired worthless. This data shows that selling puts has a high probability of success.

Although, unfortunately, those stats haven't been actualized over the past 3 months

Thank you for this video. I've tried to find something like this for a while. I have a a couple questions if you dont mind. 1. I've looked at Cornell as a potential school, what are your overall opinion of the SC Johnson school of business? Also, hasn't Ross Cameron released his brokerage statements showing that he is a profitable trader?

I think all college and universities are a waste of time and money (unless you are pursuing a career that necessities a degree). The Johnson School is okay. I used to like taking classes there because i could tell the interviewer that I took Graduate-level classes. But the truth was that those classes were WAY easier than the undergrad classes. The undergrad students are a lot smarter. Regarding Ross Cameron, his statements are fake. Everything about that guy's business is fake.

Moving honesty. well done.

Thank you. I appreciate you.

Does experience in the investment banks allow for most employees to acquire the skill sets necessary to be financially independent i.e. trade for themselves? If so what percentage of employees can pull it off in your estimation and does it make for a high turnover in the industry?

Another good question. As an investment banker, I learned zero trading skills. But... I was exposed to the inner workings of how investment banks make money. The reason there's high turnover in banking is the stress. The reason I became a successful trader is simply because I always had a lot of interest in it and I am fanatical about optimizing my craft

Mostly trial and error

+BestStockStrategy Fascinating ! so you picked up your trading skills outside of investment banking career. Will check to see if you already posted a video on it, but if not, would be very interested to hear about your journey to learning how to trade.

I think all college and universities are a waste of time and money (unless you are pursuing a career that necessities a degree). The Johnson School is okay. I used to like taking classes there because i could tell the interviewer that I took Graduate-level classes. But the truth was that those classes were WAY easier than the undergrad classes. The undergrad students are a lot smarter. Regarding Ross Cameron, his statements are probably fake. Everything about that guy's business is fake in my opinion.

How good do you have to be at math for IB ?

No, I don't

BestStockStrategy oh wow you replied so fast, thankyou. I’m soon to start a degree in business management with Arabic. My maths score was not that great when I took the exams a few years ago. Do you think it’s worth while for me to take math night classes to get a higher grade and a better understanding in math?

No, you don't. It helps though because the interviewer might ask you questions to ascertain your math ability. But... Banking is monotonous. It's quite easy and repetitive after a while.

Is it a bad idea starting a finance major at 24 and start as an analyst at 25 ?

If you can get an analyst job at 25, then it's possibly ok. I wouldn't do it. But, I think much more likely, is that it'll be extremely difficult to get a job at 25 as a 1st year analyst. They simply won't hire you. I knew of only 1 first year analyst who was that old. And he lasted only 3 months.

I want to apply for that job and do you have to get securities licenses too?

+Amanda Cherra & Co I hope she gets a job with GS!

+BestStockStrategy at least you got their strategies and the inside how they work with our money. Today, no way. I don't even want to work. I want to retire. My husband has a friend right now and she's trying to see if she can work for Goldman Sachs and trade for them.

For Investment banking you do not need licenses to get hired.

+Amanda Cherra & Co you do not need licenses for Investment banking. And yes, banking is very stressful. I didn't like it.

+BestStockStrategy as an investment banker

Can't believe they would say that. Hey now you are so successful. I wish I knew when I was much younger in the financial industries.

Which job?

Learn how to get an investment banking, private equity or hedge fund job at

@Amanda Cherra & Co I hope she gets a job with GS!

@BestStockStrategy at least you got their strategies and the inside how they work with our money. Today, no way. I don't even want to work. I want to retire. My husband has a friend right now and she's trying to see if she can work for Goldman Sachs and trade for them.

@Amanda Cherra & Co you do not need licenses for Investment banking. And yes, banking is very stressful. I didn't like it.

@BestStockStrategy as an investment banker

@BestStockStrategy Fascinating ! so you picked up your trading skills outside of investment banking career. Will check to see if you already posted a video on it, but if not, would be very interested to hear about your journey to learning how to trade.

@BestStockStrategy You don't seem like someone to use social media that doesn't have much of an ROI and is more for entertainment

@BestStockStrategy Thanks! Also, how do people interview with the buyside? It seems near impossible. I'm starting in Private Credit, so "buyside" but might want to go IB full-time.

@BestStockStrategy haha, looking forward to those videos :)

@BestStockStrategy not for nothing but people in the investment industry sure do make a lot of poor choices all around maybe that's why most fail at something as simple as buying a stock or etf that has decreased in value with no distinguished reason (not missed earnings or decrease market share) and selling the asset when the value appreciates.again. And God all the stupid shit you said the had you do in analysis most of which I'm sure is in necessary in the big picture, piss poor management and over education.

@BestStockStrategy what would you have done as a living instead then?

@BestStockStrategy looking back now what would you have done differently if you were barely getting out of high school?

BestStockStrategy what’s wrong with being an analyst at 25? I just finished a Hedgefund internship and now waiting to hear back from MS. Genuinely curious

What positions within finance would you recommend for undergraduates If not banking? In terms of exit opportunity, compensation, etc. Would you still recommend doing everything you can to break in?

Yeah, banking is best for exit opportunities because you learn so much in a short time. I'd only do banking for 6 months though, then leave.

There is nothing wrong. I am just saying that I have only met one first year analyst who was 25 or older.


@BestStockStrategy I see. Do you mean that first-year analysts are typically younger than that?

What kinds of products did you price?

I don't understand what's being asked.

Best video ever on Investment Banking which I've seen. I'm a 22 year old aspiring to break into the industry. You sir, are a gem! I was going to do the M&I course within 2 months. I was completing the ASimpleModel modules. Thanks a lot for your guidance. May God bless you and your children. Also, when I succeed in getting a BB Investment Banking internship, I'll ping you on LinkedIn to ask for your mentorship. Lots of love and gratitude.

Thank you for the kind message! I appreciate you

Yes, you can book a call here:

Any chance you do personal calls? I’d love to chat and get some advice if you have some time

looks like a bunch of morons work in investment banking if they do drugs lol, i'd rather be a doctor

Thanks for the comment

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