Interviewing for Story With Business Owner Mr. G

Interviewing for Story With Business Owner Mr. G

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Hello my name is Vanessa Williams  and I'm here with Gafield Williams   and he will be sharing with us how the  pandemic has affected him and his business   Hello my name is Gafield Williams otherwise  known as Mr g from a lot of people around me, umh   okay so what type of business do you  own I own a child care center called   Lil Explorers Saint Cloud is located in Saint  Cloud. [ Vanessa Williams] Okay so, how has the   coronavirus impacted your business? [ Mr. G] Um  the coronavirus really impact your business um   right now we're running at about 30 -35% capacity  from where we used to run close to between 90   and 100 percent so that's a big difference at this  time moment um we also have to do a lot of things   differently from what we normally do. We  got to put a lot of things in place and   overall the overhead cost and that can  be pretty expensive. [ Vanessa] Okay so   from a logistic point of view, how  has your business operation changed?  [ Mr. G ]Our hours of operation  we have to change and cut back   the kids have to wear masks teachers have to  wear a mask as well and the parents they don't   come inside the building but upon approaching  the building they still have to wear their mask   um we don't do tours um during the week  anymore we gotta do that on a weekend where   there's nobody in the building and also  everybody got to get a temperature check   hand sanitized a lot of hands wash which can  be very costly to the business [ Vanessa}   What kind of support or help have you guys  gotten from either the government or the   customers themselves? [ Mr. G]well the customers  themselves um is doing the best they can because  

most of them don't have a job right now but we get  a lot of help from the state where they try to um   give us a loan PPA, the state, and the government  and all seal from our government kids they still   try to pay us even though most  of the kids are at home right now   so those are the three things that try to they're  trying to help us out to keep us and keep us open   right now they also help to provide um gloves hand  sanitizer and mass as well so with this pandemic   going around I know it can be a bit of a burden  because we can't business isn't running as usual. [ Vanessa ] So how do you and  your team or the staff at the   daycare how do you guys stay motivated? [ Mr. G ]Uh it's tough to stay motivated but um   from a management point of view I try to keep I  stay motivated and by doing so the staff would   be motivated they feed off management, so  if we try to do things for them with them   together then it gives them a little bit of hope   to keep going knowing that we put all these  things in place and try to help them on a   personal level as well to give them confidence  in order to still come out to work every day. [ Vanessa Willams ] Okay, Okay so  when do you predict things will get   back or things will be running as usual?  [ Mr. G ]Uh it's very hard for me to say   because we got to follow um CDC guidelines and  you know once we follow those guys lines right now   we just gathered us play it by air  and wait for them to give us the okay   say well things can go back to normal well we  know From the CDC point of view, kids don't really   contract the disease that easy as too older  people so we should be able to get back   to normal business a lot quicker than  the general public itself hopefully   by then that we have more than enough people  vaccinated and so we can get back to normal.

[Vanessa] I know you said that you  had some help with the government   but what resources have helped you or  has been the most helpful towards you   and your business? [ Mr.G ] Um community  support the communities still support us   without the community then we wouldn't be able  to um stay open the trust that they put in us   and the staff to still bring their kids so they  can you know still get a break from them um get   a break and also so they can continue to  work so that how the the community itself   I say the community really really support  us right now in order for us to keep going. [ Vanessa ]Okay so, what advice   do you have for other small business  owners going through this pandemic? [ Mr.G ] Um it's hard every business is  different um I don't know much about um other business because I've never been this is the  the only business I've ever been into but just to   hear what they're saying is can't able to function  as usual can't keep the staff that they want to   not getting the supplies that they really need to  stay open and if they do stay open they have to uh   open on certain hours so that cannot be hard  on them especially the restaurant industry you   only can't have a certain amount of capacity  in order to feed so the waitress not getting   the tip that they normally would get um they're  not selling the food like they normally would   so it takes a toll on those people you know so  it's got to be hard on the rest of business out   there [ Vanessa]so what would you say to them  in order for them to stay motivated if they were   listening now [ Mr.G ] um just be strong be wise  you know I know you have certain things got to be  

cut back in order to stay afloat, you just got to  do that you know it's a no we have a lot of people   been working with us for years and we don't want  to let them go but in order for you to stay open   you know it's hard to make that decision but you  sometimes have to and hope when things better then   you can go back and get those employees that would  be been around with you for years that you know   you work together with and can trust. [ Vanessa ] okay what are some things that   you were able to do before the pandemic  and now you can't which is probably changed   the a part of your operation [ Mr.G ] Well would  do things a lot different now um for little   explorers um as a manager teacher we do we're  very warm with the kids need loving they need   special attention and stuff like that so now  we can we don't go and hug as we normally do   um little things that we use to do for the  kids we can't do that anymore we gotta be   mindful that's how we do it the smile on  their each other face you really don't see   that anymore when they're doing that the  rewards that we give them you can't tell   sometimes if they're really happy or  sad because their face is all covered up [ Vanessa ] okay I see so now talking about  getting into your personal life, how is it   how has the pandemic affected your life with  your family or just in general [ Mr.G ] um it   do affect our personal life because things that  we have planned like a vacation or want to go to   different places to go out and eat just to spend  time with the family is pretty tough um staying   at home a lot more than we normally do weekends  still at home you work all day and you can't you   can't get to go out and play it's it's really hard  and it takes a toll on your family just by locking   up inside the house and that can be very hard at  times you know you're doing something that you   not used to or you what you never done before and  now you're being secluded inside your home is like   it's like a little your home but it feels like  you're in prison at the same time because you're   not used to it you're used to getting up you look  out you look for the weekends to go here there to   have fun with your family you're not doing  that right now you want to make reservation   or you want to fly to some special island or  some special place you can't go because a covert   and the the restriction that is out  there you got to lookup everything   first before you do anything see who's accepted  which state or which country can you go in do   you have to get a test before you get in do you  have quarantine when you get there so even if   you do get a flight to go somewhere when they get  to that state they might have a 14-day quarantine   place and you're only there for you only go  in for maybe a week so it's hard to really   take that step right now. [ Vanessa  ]okay I see I understand so before you   um how you were able to motivate the staff  but on a personal level, how were you able to   motivate yourself through the pandemic when you  had to stay home and you, you're not able to go   out so how do you stay motivated how do you stay  motivated to keep your staff motivated [ Mr.G ]   um that was very tough for me to stay motivated  I got to do a lot of chores around the house do   more than i normally do or do one chore twice  just to keep going and to keep the staff   motivated is to in spite of this pandemic  try to see what kind of little incentive   I could um just throw in there just for  them to motivate them to make sure they'd be   able to leave their kids in order to come  to work um during the staff meeting we   bring in a little brunch for them and you  know they really appreciate that so start   meeting you know not only to discuss whatever  the plans are and where we're going with it   but at the same time encourage that to  encourage them you know to keep going [ Vanessa   ]okay so what would you say is the hardest or  what was the hardest part of the pandemic for you?  [ Mr.G ] the hardest part of the pandemic  for me is wearing a mask um I don't like  

it I know it's it's it's protocol right now um  going to church going to church wearing a mask   going to the stores wearing a mask i do have mine  i don't wear it in my car like a lot of people do   um i just put on my mask when necessary you know  so i don't offend anybody and try to look out for   other people but the worst part of it is the mass  because i don't believe i should be breathing out   and taking it back in at the same time  i think that's have can have a long-term   effect not on me but can be affecting a lot  of people especially for what I think is   the people who have maybe asthma and um and  stuff like that I think later on it's gonna be   a big bigger problem. [ Vanessa] okay yeah, I can see and I understand how like breathing   in and out from that same mass you're  not really getting enough oxygen or um   in or out of your system and you're just kind  of breathing in the same area you're breathing   out which isn't really healthy for you okay so  how has your family reacted to the pandemic? [ Mr.G ] um for my family it's pretty hard  especially for my mom, it's a lot harder   she's way up there in age and also what makes  it hard we lost um three members of our family   one aunt and two uncle which was on my mom's  side which is her two two brother one sister   so it makes it hard for her um even though  they didn't really died from covert due to um   do didn't really die from covert but it also make  us where we couldn't say our goodbyes to them my   mom couldn't say goodbye to her sister and her  brothers so at that period of time it really   take a toll on the family itself to pull together  to understand what is going on at the same time   and trying to get closure hopefully someday  we can get you to know the necessary paperwork   and autopsy and stuff like that do you know so  we can get a better medical report as to what is   their true cost of debt right now and hopefully  we can um able to have a little service for them   and you know really send them home in a  decent way to be with the lord [ Vanessa ]   Yeah I know losing a loved one to the  epidemic or not even knowing what they um,   how they pass is really hard and on top of  that not being able to go to a future or have   a funeral for a loved one it's even harder to  go through because you can't really let them go   properly. Well talking let's getting  out of the sad part of our interview   what is it that you're hoping for in the  future, when do you, see this pandemic   coming to a closer or do you even see the pandemic  coming to an end [ Mr.G ] uh for sure it's coming   it will come to an end is a matter of um when  and I know that when is closer than we think   um I'm a spiritual person and  I believe um that would happen   that would happen in due time we trust in the lord  and we know why we don't know why the pandemic is   here he knows why it's here we could say a lot  of different reasons it was man-made or not and   stuff like that but if you believe if you believe  in the bible if you believe in the lord jesus   christ himself then you will know that all these  things already he already know what is going to   happen before it's even happened and he already  know the date and all that when it's going to   come to an end if he if he's he so chooses so  all we got to do is um be strong be faithful   be uh be uplifting help each other understand  what is going on most of these things that   is happening in today's world is being written  it's in the bible so from a biblical perspective   um I do believe that the bible will fulfill  fulfill his words his true meaning on right now   okay so how can you say before when the pandemic  started how was your life before to now oh the   before the pandemic um we didn't worry about  anything I don't know where you go how close   to getting to people um what to do your vacation  was planned and everything was good to go now the   pandemic is here everything got to be looked  at in a different way before you do anything   you got to think about it and you got to really  really plan it out because you don't want to go   somewhere and when you get there they tell you  i'm sorry it's closed here we're not we're not   sure when we're going to be opening or  if you try to take a vacation you spend   a lot of money on playing fear and stuff like  that you get there you won't be to do much   so before it's just like you wake up tomorrow  morning you want to go to Paris it was good   to go now you for you to go to paris or any other  destination you know that you so chooses you gotta   um really really think about it and you really  really have to calls makes all it connects all the   dots so when you get there you're having a problem  and that also if you do get there when you also   were able to come back the date and the time  that you so wish to come back because sometimes   right now you might be in a certain country or  a certain place but then they won't let you go at the time that you choose. [ Vanessa]okay so how  would you say the beginning of the pandemic to now  

what is the difference between the two? [ Mr.G ] the big difference you didn't see any mask   before now everywhere you go see mass signs  put up all over the place everybody got to   take temperature check before they  get in and wherever you go right now   hence everybody washing their hands more than  normal wouldn't normally do um before that   everybody was just freelancing with everybody just  going here and there didn't really care about each   other and stuff like that bump it into each other  and stuff like that now if you're walking down the   street and you see somebody coughing everybody  like turn around looking at you and stuff like   that and try to distance themselves from you even  if they have a mass or you have a mask they still   try to look at you and distance themselves from  you because nobody wants to get what is called   corona and everybody is looking at life a little  bit different everybody is much more cautious now   as to pretty much everything they do from going  into the store what they pick up what they touch   and make sure the minute they get out of the store  get to their cars and everybody hand sanitizes   and stuff like that before you know they get in  their car or when as soon as they get to the car   as soon as they get home most people I  know take their clothes off in the laundry   and then move into the house get a shower more  than usual and stuff like that where gloves pretty   much to the store to get all their stuff come home  still wearing gloves and trying to educate each   other right now.[ Vanessa] Okay well I'm glad that  we were able to sit down and talk and have this   interview I really appreciate you spent taking the  time out to give us some more information on how   coven 19 affected your business and as well  as yourself and your family and how it just   affected your life entirely and I just want  to say thank you and I really appreciate you   giving us your time. [ Mr.G ]Ah not a problem  I really appreciate it's nice talking to you  

and I hope to talk to you again  soon [ Vanessa ]okay thank you.

2021-02-22 16:07

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