Interview with Nanar Yacoubian - Founder of Nanaglow Skincare

Interview with Nanar Yacoubian - Founder of Nanaglow Skincare

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we love picking people's brains so much that this  week's armenian business lady is Nanar Yacoubian   from Nanaglow founder she's young she's successful  and she's here to take over the skincare industry   all right what's up everybody welcome back I'm  Alice and you're watching on LeLifestyle this   week we got Nanar Yacoubian hey guys how are you  hi Alice thanks for having me today I'm so excited   um because Nanar is the founder of nana glow skin  care and she's basically taking the industry by   storm and we're gonna be able to pick her brain  and get more insight on who she is and what   she does so grab your coffee tea water where we  have ours now and ready to go stay hydrated guys   first and foremost Nanar yes who is Nanar hi guys  my name is Nanar I am the founder and CEO of nana   glow skin care also esthetician so I just started  my own skin care brand it's called nana glow skin   care for those who don't know it's a cruelty  free free vegan and naturally derived products   uh so basically I started this a couple months ago  so you got started last year in 2020 when exactly   how did it happen why did you come up with just a  skincare line and why okay so I started mid 2020   around June and I did a lot of research uh before  on the ingredients the products so that took a lot   of time too but I launched around uh summer 2020  and uh so now we have a team and everyone has   their role in Nanaglow skin care and someone takes  care of the website I do the content creation   the ingredient parts how to choose what product  with what ingredient and someone takes care of   putting this all together and showing it to  you guys um also we started cleansers because   honestly cleansers are the number one thing  that you have to start with when you come to   your skincare routine so we started  with two cleansers and one exfoliant   I have it over here if you want to see so we  have the two cleansers one is the sunflower   cleansing oil which is for normal to dry skin it's  an oil-based cleanser so it dissolves your makeup   and sunscreen as well the other one is the citrus  cleanser also good for a combination and oily skin   and this one you can do it every day both  you can do it every day once or twice   daily and the other one is the volcanic exfoliant  like this we also have it in the um tube   format and this is for all skin types and it's  an enzymatic exfoliant that you leave it on for   10 minutes and it goes and and it does like a  pacman effect to eliminate your dead skin cells   so these were the three products that  we started with and now we have five   products there is the moisturizers right  moisturizers uh so these two moisturizers one   for normal to dry skin and this one is for the  combination and oil oily skin so you can like pair   the cleansers and exfoliate you can mix and match  whichever you really prefer uh for your skincare   routine so why come up with the products one  by one why launch them one by one what was like   the business strategy behind that instead of  launching the whole line so we wanted to start   um with the three products we actually did these  three all together so we wanted to start with   um the base of skin care um I find that cleansers  are very very important to your skin care routine   and the exfoliant is important as well but the  reason why we didn't launch the moisturizers as   like the whole combination at the same time is  because we wanted to try out and test out what   our customers are looking for and we  really wanted to test the brand out and   see how it works and what people are liking  and start from there I'm super excited for   you because I've known you for a very long time  now and like I kind of wanted to go into that and   um which is going to lead me to a different side  of you um that not many people get to see through   Nanaglow per se because every business has their  tone of voice like Sisian was saying last time   so I want to get to show people like the side I  know which is this bubbly amazing person so we've   known each other a long time and we met through  scouting has your journey as a scout and then into   becoming a scout leader um shaped you in a  certain way that brought you towards a business um   that brought you towards this business mindset  this entrepreneurial mindset or did you always   think you had that in you I don't know if  scouts had um direct impact into the business   mindset but I always knew that I wanted to be  my own boss and be have my own product line and   just work for myself that being said  so I was never like the really smart   girl in school um I always knew  that I wanted something more and so   I knew that I wanted to start my own brand my own  company and just like figure out what I want to do   so my boyfriend had a really big impact to all of  this because he's the one always telling me like   go for it you can do it like his he's my  like um I don't know how to say it but my   guardian angel yeah but the good angel on your  shoulder yeah he pushes me to work hard every day   I've started reading books because of him and  changing my mindset and really focusing on   uh myself and my business and how I can make my uh  overall life better that's so cute I didn't know   it was um with his help I honestly thought that  one day something clicked in your mind and you're   like I'm gonna go after this yeah because he used  to tell me like I see so much potential in you   and that you can achieve like anything you want  you have so many great talents that I didn't   necessarily believed in myself that  I did and he always pushed me to like   go for it and achieve my goals  and to start this business   so I did just to go back to the scouting part um  I know you said it didn't necessarily impact the   business mindset that you have now and of course  there are so many other things that could have   but is there something you learned through  scouting or as a leader um that you take with   you every single day something that you know has  shaped you um to become this person you are today   in scouting I really learned and throughout  the years I'm I've been in scouts for like   I don't know how many years since I'm like a  little kid and I've always had that discipline   in my mind to always be disciplined in  whatever you do in your life in your   everyday relationships in school I know I didn't  have the the best results in school but I C   student right here yeah a C student if you were  to look at a face of a nine-year-old right now   in scouting who's struggling um to keep up with  it you know because it's on zoom right now it's   not that much fun anymore how would you um talk  to them motivate them to keep it up because it's   it's gonna help them later on I would tell them  to honestly just have fun like just go on there   do your thing like make relationships  have fun with your leaders if you have   a new speech to learn that week like  just listen take notes have fun and um   learn just learn because you wouldn't learn this  at school probably you know at scouts we always uh   kind of teach other like the kids to um like other  things that we didn't learn at school you know   and like extraordinary things that we don't  necessarily know about or talk about at school   some of them I think watch these YouTube videos  if they're not um a nine-year-old they're probably   in there like 15 16 um and uh some of them  do watch these videos hoping to see someone   to relate with them and like I appreciate you  coming on here and talking about this because   they they'll see other women and they'll feel like  oh my gosh she's Armenian she's successful she   runs a business but I don't think she went through  what I'm going through yeah no totally some people   see only the result we're not yet at the result  we're just like at the steps over there you know   like when you're young too it's like a step like  your your whole life is like a ladder and you just   have to follow it and just um like have fun you  know be happy um if you have a friend that you   want to talk to and you didn't talk for a long  time just go for it you know there's no shame just go for it don't hold grudges be kind to one  another you have uh everything is going to be   fine like life is beautiful yeah  just take the small lessons and uh   apply them to your life because anything that  happens whether you fail you succeed it doesn't   matter they're all there to teach you something  and eventually you're gonna reach the purpose   that you're trying to work for yeah okay  cool like um I'm loving where this is going   it's like jumping around yeah it's okay  it's just the whole point of this is to   have a conversation and we go from one side to  the other we'll laugh we'll cry together it's   totally normal um okay so you kind of mentioned  like uh reading books and whatnot so what was   the first book you've ever read regarding personal  growth um and what book would you actually advise   other people so I want to talk about it's not my  first book that I read on personal growth but it   was a book that really stuck to me and I use it  every day in my day day-to-day life so the name   is the compound effect for those who don't know  um it's a book that talks about a lot of your   consistent daily habits that you do  day to day and will reflect on your   final result alice is just  trying to reach the book so it really gives you that mindset to do small  little things daily to um have an impact on your   life in the future so let's say you would  um wake up every morning do your exercise 30   to 1 hour um a day every day and that  will result a good healthy lifestyle   for uh your life and that would be like a  routine for you you don't even have to think   about it you just do it every day and it just  becomes a routine to you because you've like   come into the this new habit a healthy  habit versus if you were to do the contrary   not do anything or eat certain foods that  you know are harmful for your body every   single day consistently compound effect is the  opposite where you're probably looking into   health issues or whatnot right yeah so it's like  it's exactly that the compound effect is like   showing you what new habits good habits can do  for you I love that book too like as I was showing   it's over there guys so is that the book that  you'd also recommend everyone to read so the   two books that I would recommend that are kind  of in the same category and the same mindset   are the uh the compound effect and the slight  edge these two books are very uh have the very   same mindset and uh same concept information and  I think it's a great book to uh to start off with   I think like the number one thing that separates  books even if they're in talking about the same   concept is like the tone of voice of the author so  where Darren Hardy is like this business focused   disciplined person slight age I have never heard  of that one before what's the tone of voice is it   more fun more in your face the slight edge  is more like interactive uh gives you like there's also um testimonials like I do this every day the slight edge effect  the slight edge is also the compound effect so   like actually it results in good habits into my  everyday life that's so cool so now I have to   go out and buy it too like I used to hate books  like I hate because I used like at school they   used to give us like these French books or English  books that I couldn't relate like that had only   this person that was doing something and  it was so boring but now it's like books   that are are helping you throughout your life  your mindset your everyday life challenging you   making you a better person so that's what I like  about these books of uh like mindset kind of so   to keep on talking about this personal growth  journey of yours um what are you doing besides   reading that helps you every day I try to exercise  every day if not I do it four times a week I write everything in my agenda so everything that  I have to do is right over there I just go and   check it out you know when I'm done with something  I just check it and I'm like oh I did it or I   keep um a to-do list on my on my notes and  I go just check on it when I'm done so that   really helps me to uh accomplish what I have to  accomplish and uh I just set goals I have like a   vision board over here that I did beginning of  2021 just some things that I want to accomplish   in this year and they're just like general things  that I want to be done and I see a couple of   things that are already being uh accomplished  and I'm I feel really proud of it and I think   everyone should should set goals and just try to  achieve it because when you once you write it down   you can achieve it yeah 100 % like I always show  you guys like my visual board in the background   um just to say that like I'm not ashamed to show  it because it's exactly something that I want   to achieve this year and the more I think about  that this is a reality for me sometime soon that   it actually starts coming to me you know  like I especially start working towards it   yeah so if you haven't started your 2021 goals  and whatnot check this video out because it   definitely will help you um kick-start your  year yeah okay but you've told me that you also   um listen to uh Sonia Zarbatany, Tony Robbins  like when you're looking into those webinars um   how do you choose whose message is right for you  and why did you choose these two people per se so   Sonia Zarbatany has a very big impact in my life  because I look up to her every single day I follow   her on Instagram I see all of her posts and it's  just I can relate to her because she's a woman   and um she's she has that successful uh impact  and I want to like look up to her you know um I   know some people can look up to me but I look up  to other people too I actually started to take her   one of her courses that it's um online pivot  your business uh course so I follow that   it's on a 14 day course and um I also got  the chance to meet her a couple of days ago   and it was such a like it was as if like a little  girl meeting like Justin Bieber for the first time   yeah it was such a good feeling I got to bring her  my products and um so I got another course on that   that I'm gonna take on my brand and how  to make my brand better and so I really   look up to her because she gives you very good  valuable uh information about um how to make   your life just better and not care about what  other people think and uh just grow yourself   from within and just be happy and have that energy  of uh being capable to achieve anything you want   you know so Tony Robbins is a great mentor too I  don't personally know him but I know he's helped a   lot of successful people like actors athletes and  uh celebrities in general um he has this five-day   uh course that's going on right  now it's a new world challenge   and I got to know about him from  the Jim Rohn videos that I used to   listen to Jim Rohn is a great mentor too  yeah the 100% agree I follow them all too   and love the way they teach and um just to show  that because you started a business doesn't mean   like your personal growth has ended there and like  we keep growing every single day and every single   person even the most successful person on this  planet needs a mentor yeah for sure totally great   so you kind of touched upon your daily routine and  what has helped you um with your personal growth   but what exactly do you do in a day what I do in  a day okay um it's not usually the same thing that   I do every day but I try to have it organized a  day before or the week before and just stick to   it as I said my routine is not a 100 percent like  the best routine but I honestly started this book   the 5 a.m club for those who don't know so  I started I just started reading this book   um which was one of Alice's book review videos and  uh I honestly love it I love the fact that it's   telling you a story and um it's basically about  creating your routine your daily routine starting   at 5am I know it's it's crazy some people are like  oh my god 5am but it's doable I'm just not there   yet but I want to achieve that and it's just  giving you um all the information you need and   telling you as a story on how you can make  yourself uh better if you wake up early and have   your time to take care of yourself and start your  day by there 100 % agree and it's also um again   it comes back to discipline and and creating new  habits which is everything we've talked about   so far but it just makes your day-to-day uh  life better just having peace with yourself   and knowing understanding who you are and what  are you becoming what are your values and what   you want to show to the world and be as a person  so what is the best advice you've ever been given   either through books or someone has said it best  advice that follows me around every day um like is just be yourself be authentic and everything  that you do whenever you meet someone um   whenever you create content just be authentic  be yourself and people will like you for who you   are and people are looking for other people like  you like like them so they they can relate to you   whenever they they see uh oh she's creating that  kind of content oh I like that I like how she um   uh I don't know I like how funny she is oh  I'm like that too oh to kind of be yourself   not kind of be yourself be yourself  and show people that you're relatable   yeah you're not this like unattainable unreachable  person yeah you're there you communicate and   you're just there to like show people this  is me and I accept you for who you are   yeah if you like it you like it if you don't  like it then ciao bye ciao bye la visite   okay just to like wrap this up what's  next for you what's next for nana glow   what should we all be looking out for what's next  for nana glow um we're starting slowly to get into   uh stores uh into some subscription  boxes uh we're trying to make nana glow   uh recognizable by people and uh not just for the  people that we know but other people that don't   know us and uh really want to connect with them if  you guys don't know I share tips on my Instagram   I give valuable information on your  skin skin care routine your skin type so we just want to grow um locally  right now and start from there   just a word of mouth telling people about nana  glow and bringing the brand awareness to life yeah   that's awesome let's tell everyone where we could  find you uh the website's I'll link it below in the description  where can they follow you You can follow  

us on instagram nanaglowskincare on facebook  nanaglowskincare on TikTok and um on pinterest   okay we'll link them all below in the description  so everyone can go follow you better follow okay is there anything else you'd like to add  so I just want to thank you Alice for having   me today on LeLifestyle um I see your hard work  every day uh keep it up girl you you're truly   amazing and I'm really glad to have you um to  know you like and so many good things to come   a hundred percent thank you for joining us  today this was an amazing interview I hope   everyone got awesome golden nuggets takeaways  because uh hey this is what you're here for   so thank you Nanar for joining us  guys make sure you go check out their   products on and if you got  any value out of this please like share   and subscribe because we post videos every  Wednesday Thanks again Nanar love you okay bye

2021-02-07 09:38

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